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We review recent works on different life history variables of cladoceran taxa in tropical and temperate freshwater bodies, comparing the strategies that cladocerans have evolved to adapt to contrasting environmental conditions in the two geographical regions. These life-history parameters relate to age and size at maturity, survival, fecundity, life-expectancy at birth, lifespan, gross, and net reproductive rates, generation time, the rate of population increase, peak population density and day of peak abundance. We also discuss the role of photoperiod and temperature on some of these life history parameters. We found a general paucity of experimental work and field data in tropics on cladocerans. There is very limited information on the few Daphnia species found in the tropics. The misconception of low species diversity of cladocerans in the tropics arose due to several reasons including lack of extensive and intensive field collections. Higher water temperatures apparently promote permanent infestation of tropical waters with toxic cyanobacteria, which reduce the zooplankton diversity. In addition to higher temperatures in the tropics, the year-round high predation pressure of planktivorous fish probably causes the tropical species, particularly in pelagic habitats, to reach maturity earlier (< 3 days) than in temperate regions. Species of Daphnia in temperate regions are particularly adapted to living at food concentrations that are much lower and seasonably more variable than those for tropical genera such as Diaphanosoma. This is further corroborated by the more than an order of magnitude higher threshold food concentration (TFC) for tropical Cladocera than for their temperate counterparts. Fecundity patterns differ between tropical and temperate cladoceran taxa: cultured under optimal temperature regimes, tropical taxa have fewer eggs than temperate species of a comparable body size. Predation pressure may act differently depending on the size of the cladoceran neonates and thus on their population size structure. Global warming and climate changes seem to affect the behaviour (migration), distribution, and abundance of cladocerans. Apparently, in direct response to these changes, the possibility of encountering the tropical cladocerans in the northern, temperate hemisphere (bioinvasions) is on the rise.  相似文献   

Sponges have evolved a variety of chemical and structural defense mechanisms to avoid predation. While chemical defense is well established in sponges, studies on structural defense are rare and with ambiguous results. We used field and laboratory experiments to investigate predation patterns and the anti-predatory defense mechanisms of the sponge Melophlus sarasinorum, a common inhabitant of Indo-pacific coral reefs. Specifically, we aimed to investigate whether M. sarasinorum is chemically or structurally defended against predation and if the defenses are expressed differently in the ectosomal and choanosomal tissue of the sponge. Chemical defense was measured as feeding deterrence, structural defense as feeding deterrence and toughness. Our results demonstrated that chemical defense is evenly distributed throughout the sponge and works in conjunction with a structurally defended ectosome to further reduce predation levels. The choanosome of the sponge contained higher protein levels, but revealed no structural defense. We conclude that the equal distribution of chemical defenses throughout M. sarasinorum is in accordance with Optimal Defense Theory (ODT) in regards to fish predation, while structural defense supports ODT by being restricted to the surface layer which experiences the highest predation risks from mesograzers.  相似文献   

Ruzicka R  Gleason DF 《Oecologia》2008,154(4):785-794
It has been proposed that predation pressure declines with increasing latitude and a positive correlation exists between predation intensity and the investment into chemical defenses. However, little direct evidence supports the idea that tropical species are better defended chemically than their temperate counterparts. Temperate reefs of the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) off Georgia, USA, provide a unique opportunity to study tropical sponges in a temperate environment. We documented sponge species richness and abundance, sponge predator density, and examined the ability of eight sponge species to chemically deter predation by fishes on two reefs in the SAB. We used rarefaction analysis and ANOVA to compare our results for sponge species richness and density, respectively, with similar published studies conducted on reefs of the sub-tropical Atlantic (i.e., Florida Keys). These analyses were combined with similar statistical comparisons for spongivorous fish species richness and density. Results showed that sponge species richness was lower, but sponge density was higher, on the temperate SAB reefs than on the subtropical reefs. Both spongivorous fish diversity and density were lower on the SAB reefs. The greater abundance of sponges and lower density of predators on SAB reefs suggest a lower frequency of predation on sponges on SAB reefs. Of the eight sponge species assayed from the SAB reefs, five possessed chemical extracts that were significantly less deterrent to fish predators than their tropical/subtropical conspecifics. When the results were combined across all sponge species, the chemical deterrence of fish predators was significantly lower for extracts obtained from the temperate sponge community as compared to the tropical/subtropical assemblage. These results support the more general hypothesis that a lower density and diversity of sponge predators occurs at high as compared to low latitudes in the western Atlantic and may contribute to decreased investment in chemical defenses.  相似文献   

Millipedes are some of the earliest examples of terrestrial animals, and fossils from the early Carboniferous Period indicate they were also some of the earliest prey. These fossils record ozopores, the openings of chemical defense glands, occurring along the length of the body. The secretions of these glands may consist of topical irritants, repellents, antifeedants, or, in the case of the large and widespread Order Polydesmida, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) gas that can be fatal to other arthropods or even small vertebrates in a confined environment. Müllerian mimicry rings may develop in which unrelated species of millipedes that co-occur closely resemble one another, while participating in a completely differently patterned ring in another part of their geographic range. Chemistry is not the only defense of millipedes. Polyxenids carry tufts of entangling setae, many species rely on crypsis and the ability to roll into a smooth, resistant sphere or coil, and still others have spikey projections that may deter soft-mouthed predators. Nevertheless, chemical defense has been of significance in helminthomorph millipedes at least since the Lower Carboniferous. The distribution of classes of chemical defense compounds follows major phylogenetic groupings. Evidence suggests that the defensive glands of Glomerida arose independently of those of the Helminthomorpha.  相似文献   

Small marine herbivores that live on the plants they consume often selectively eat seaweeds that are chemically defended from fishes. Their feeding is unaffected or stimulated by the plant metabolites that deter fishes, and these small herbivores dramatically reduce their susceptibility to predation by associating with host plants that are noxious to fishes. Ecological similarities between these small marine herbivores and numerous terrestrial insects suggest that herbivorous insects also may have evolved a preference for toxic plants because this diminishes their losses to predators, parasites and pathogens. Although marine and terrestrial plants and herbivores evolved in strikingly different environments, the ease of experimentation in some marine systems makes them ideal for addressing certain questions of fundamental importance to both terrestrial and marine workers.  相似文献   

In order to understand the ecological adaptations of primates to survive in temperate forests, we need to know the general patterns of plant phenology in temperate and tropical forests. Comparative analyses have been employed to investigate general trends in the seasonality and abundance of fruit and young leaves in tropical and temperate forests. Previous studies have shown that (1) fruit fall biomass in temperate forest is lower than in tropical forest, (2) non-fleshy species, in particular acorns, comprise the majority of the fruit biomass in temperate forest, (3) the duration of the fruiting season is shorter in temperate forest, and (4) the fruiting peak occurs in autumn in most temperate forests. Through our comparative analyses of the fruiting and flushing phenology between Asian temperate and tropical forests, we revealed that (1) fruiting is more annually periodic (the pattern in one year is similar to that seen in the next year) in temperate forest in terms of the number of fruiting species or trees, (2) there is no consistent difference in interannual variations in fruiting between temperate and tropical forests, although some oak-dominated temperate forests exhibit extremely large interannual variations in fruiting, (3) the timing of the flushing peak is predictable (in spring and early summer), and (4) the duration of the flushing season is shorter. The flushing season in temperate forests (17–28 % of that in tropical forests) was quite limited, even compared to the fruiting season (68 %). These results imply that temperate primates need to survive a long period of scarcity of young leaves and fruits, but the timing is predictable. Therefore, a dependence on low-quality foods, such as mature leaves, buds, bark, and lichens, would be indispensable for temperate primates. Due to the high predictability of the timing of fruiting and flushing in temperate forests, fat accumulation during the fruit-abundant period and fat metabolization during the subsequent fruit-scarce period can be an effective strategy to survive the lean period (winter).  相似文献   

Traditionally, compared with the tropics, temperate systems are believed to: (i) have environments which are less favourable (i.e. harsher, more variable and less predictable); and (ii) support communities which are less diverse. Explanations for differences between temperate and tropical communities, including differences in diversity, generally rely on the former notion. The evidence for these ideas is, at best, equivocal. Organisms are subjected to physical stresses and disturbances on both temperate and tropical reefs. Communities on temperate reefs are not invariably less diverse than those in the tropics, at least at small spatial scales. Finally, there is as yet little evidence of genuine differences between the ecology of temperate and tropical communities. There is, however, much small-scale, spatial patchiness in the structure of reef communities and their physical environment. This patchiness in structure may result from patchiness in biological factors (e.g. recruitment) or in the physical environment. This small-scale variation in environmental factors may prove to be a more important determinant of community structure than the large-scale, latitudinal trends some ecologists have been obsessed with.  相似文献   

Sork  V. L. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):133-147
Mast-seeding is the synchronous production of large seed crops within a population or community of species every two or more years. This paper addresses three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses explaining the evolution of mast-seeding in temperate tree species, especially the genus Quercus: (1) mast-seeding is a consequence of mast-flowering which evolves to increased pollination efficiency in mast-flowering years; (2) mast-seeding has evolved as an anti-predator adaptation by which large seed crops during mast years satiate the seed predators and allow survival of some of the seeds; (3) selection on seed size by habitat can indirectly affect the evolution of masting if trees with large seeds require more time to accumulate reserves to mature those seeds. I find support for the pollination hypothesis in several wind-pollinated temperate tree species but not oaks. However, oaks show evidence favoring the predation and seed size hypotheses. I then develop a model to illustrate the relationships among the three hypotheses in their effects on the evolution of masting. Finally, using data from herbaria and Floras, the influence of selection via flowering, fruiting, and seed size in the evolution of masting in tropical oaks is discussed. I conclude that the need for a supra-annual cue to synchronize flowering and fruiting as well as the larger seed size found in many tropical oak species should contribute to the evolution of masting to a greater extent than seen among temperate oaks.  相似文献   

Both biogeography and ecology seek to understand the processes that determine patterns in nature, but do so at different spatial and temporal scales. The two disciplines were not always so different, and are recently converging again at regional spatial scales and broad temporal scales. In order to avoid confusion and to hasten progress at the converging margins of each discipline, the following papers were presented at a symposium in the International Biogeography Society''s 2011 meeting, and are now published in this issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. In a novel approach, groups of authors were paired to represent biogeographic and ecological perspectives on each of four topics: niche, comparative ecology and macroecology, community assembly, and diversity. Collectively, this compilation identifies points of agreement and disagreement between the two views on these central topics, and points to future research directions that may build on agreements and reconcile differences. We conclude this compilation with an overview on the integration of biogeography and ecology.  相似文献   

J. E. Duffy  V. J. Paul 《Oecologia》1992,90(3):333-339
Summary Many coral-reef seaweeds and sessile invertebrates produce both secondary chemicals and mineral or fibrous skeletal materials that can reduce their susceptibility to consumers. Although skeletal materials often have been assumed to function as physical defenses, their deterrent effectiveness may derive from their reduction of prey nutritional quality as well as from noxiousness of the skeletal material itself. To test the relative importance of prey nutritional quality and chemical defenses in susceptibility to predation, we offered reef fishes on Guam a choice of artificial foods varying in nutritional quality (4% versus 22% protein) and in secondary chemistry (spanning approximately natural concentration ranges). Field feeding assays were performed with pachydictyol A from the pantropical brown seaweed genus Dictyota, manoalide from the Micronesian sponge Luffariella variabilis, and a brominated diphenyl ether from the Micronesian sponge Dysidea sp. The results indicated that chemical defenses were less effective in high- than in low-quality foods. In paired assays with metabolite-free controls, all three compounds at natural concentrations significantly reduced feeding by reef fishes only in assays using low-quality food, and not in assays with high-quality food. When fishes were offered an array of artificial foods varying in both food quality and metabolite concentration, food quality significantly affected fish feeding in all three cases, while secondary chemistry was significant in only one. Thus differences in nutritional quality, within the natural range among reef organisms, can be comparable to or greater in importance than secondary chemistry in affecting feeding preferences of their consumers. Reduced nutritional quality may be an important selective advantage of producing indigestible structural materials, in addition to their roles as physical support and defense, in coral reef organisms.  相似文献   

The contribution of sponges to marine surveys is often underestimated due to problems of identification, synonymous species and limited numbers of specialists in the field. Bell & Barnes (2001) illustrated how sponge morphological diversity (diversity of body forms) might be used as a predictor of sponge species diversity and richness. This study investigated these relationships at six tropical West Indian Ocean localities in a number of habitat types. These habitats included tropical coral reefs, soft substratum (seagrass, mangrove and sand), caves and boulders. Sampling was undertaken at three depth zones in coral reef habitats only (intertidal, 10–15 m and 20–25 m), with the other habitats sampled in less than 10m of water. Species diversity and richness were significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with morphological diversity at all localities and depths in coral reef and soft substratum habitats. However, no significant correlation was found between these variables in cave or boulder habitats. The slope of the linear regression found between morphological diversity and species diversity did not significantly differ between coral reef, soft substratum and temperate reef (data taken from Bell & Barnes 2001) habitats. Similarly coral reefs showed the same relationship between morphological diversity and species richness as temperate reefs, however the relationship between morphological diversity and species richness was significantly different at both habitats compared with soft substratum environments. Sponge morphological diversity therefore may be more useful as a predictor of sponge species diversity, rather than species richness, as the former relationship is common between more habitats than the latter.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of environments with different average temperatures and different salinities on plasma NEFA in elasmobranchs by comparing species from tropical vs. cold temperate marine waters, and tropical freshwater vs. tropical marine waters. The influence of the environment on plasma NEFA is significant, especially with regard to essential fatty acids (EFA) and the n-3/n-6 ratio. n-3/n-6 ratios in tropical marine elasmobranchs were lower by two-fold or more compared with temperate marine elasmobranchs, because of higher levels of arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6) and docosatetraenoic acid (22:4n-6), and less docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3), in the tropical species. These results are similar to those in earlier studies on lipids in teleosts. n-3/n-6 ratios and levels of EFA were similar between tropical freshwater and tropical marine elasmobranchs. This suggests that the observation in temperate waters that marine fishes have higher levels of n-3 fatty acids and n-3/n-6 ratios than freshwater fishes may not hold true in tropical waters, at least in elasmobranchs. It also suggests that plasma NEFA are little affected by freshwater vs. seawater adaptation in elasmobranchs. Likewise, we found that plasma NEFA composition and levels were not markedly affected by salinity acclimation (2 weeks) in the euryhaline stingray Himantura signifer. However, in contrast to our comparisons of freshwater-adapted vs. marine species, the level of n-3 fatty acids and the n-3/n-6 ratio were observed to significantly decrease, indicating a potential role of n-3 fatty acids in salinity acclimation in H. signifer.  相似文献   

Although ecology and biogeography had common origins in the natural history of the nineteenth century, they diverged substantially during the early twentieth century as ecology became increasingly hypothesis-driven and experimental. This mechanistic focus narrowed ecology''s purview to local scales of time and space, and mostly excluded large-scale phenomena and historical explanations. In parallel, biogeography became more analytical with the acceptance of plate tectonics and the development of phylogenetic systematics, and began to pay more attention to ecological factors that influence large-scale distributions. This trend towards unification exposed problems with terms such as ‘community’ and ‘niche,’ in part because ecologists began to view ecological communities as open systems within the contexts of history and geography. The papers in this issue represent biogeographic and ecological perspectives and address the general themes of (i) the niche, (ii) comparative ecology and macroecology, (iii) community assembly, and (iv) diversity. The integration of ecology and biogeography clearly is a natural undertaking that is based on evolutionary biology, has developed its own momentum, and which promises novel, synthetic approaches to investigating ecological systems and their variation over the surface of the Earth. We offer suggestions on future research directions at the intersection of biogeography and ecology.  相似文献   

The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Inducible defenses are responses activated through a previous encounter with a consumer or competitor that confer some degree of resistance to subsequent attacks. While the importance of inducible resistance has long been known in host-parasite interactions, it is only recently that its importance has emerged in other natural systems. Although the structural defenses produced by invertebrates to their competitors and predators are by no means the same as an immune response triggered by parasites, these responses all share the properties of (1) specificity, (2) amplification and (3) memory. This review discusses the following ecological consequences and evolutionary causes of inducible defenses: (1) Inducible defenses render historical factors important in biological interactions and can affect the probability of individual survival and growth, as well as affect population dynamics of consumers in some circumstances. (2) Although the benefits of inducible defenses are often balanced by fitness costs, including reduced growth, reproductive output and survivorship, the role of costs and benefits in the evolution of inducible defenses is by no means clear. A more integrated approach would involve a multivariate analysis of the role of natural selection on the inducible characters of interest, their norms of reaction and correlated fitness characters. (3) The disproportionate representation of inducible, morphological defenses among clonal organisms may be due to both a higher rate of origination and enhanced selection to maintain these defenses in clonal taxa. (4) Inducible defenses should be most common when reliable cues are available, attacks by biological agents are unpredictable, and the fitness gains of defenses are balanced by the costs. An integrated approach to studying inducible defenses would thus combine mechanistic estimates of costs, population-level estimates of defense effectiveness, and genetic estimates of correlations between fitness and inducible characters. This will allow us to estimate rates of evolution in these phenotypically plastic threshold characters.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of environments with different average temperatures and different salinities on plasma NEFA in elasmobranchs by comparing species from tropical vs. cold temperate marine waters, and tropical freshwater vs. tropical marine waters. The influence of the environment on plasma NEFA is significant, especially with regard to essential fatty acids (EFA) and the n-3/n-6 ratio. n-3/n-6 ratios in tropical marine elasmobranchs were lower by two-fold or more compared with temperate marine elasmobranchs, because of higher levels of arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6) and docosatetraenoic acid (22:4n-6), and less docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3), in the tropical species. These results are similar to those in earlier studies on lipids in teleosts. n-3/n-6 ratios and levels of EFA were similar between tropical freshwater and tropical marine elasmobranchs. This suggests that the observation in temperate waters that marine fishes have higher levels of n-3 fatty acids and n-3/n-6 ratios than freshwater fishes may not hold true in tropical waters, at least in elasmobranchs. It also suggests that plasma NEFA are little affected by freshwater vs. seawater adaptation in elasmobranchs. Likewise, we found that plasma NEFA composition and levels were not markedly affected by salinity acclimation (2 weeks) in the euryhaline stingray Himantura signifer. However, in contrast to our comparisons of freshwater-adapted vs. marine species, the level of n-3 fatty acids and the n-3/n-6 ratio were observed to significantly decrease, indicating a potential role of n-3 fatty acids in salinity acclimation in H. signifer.  相似文献   

Summary Many tropical brown algae have low levels of polyphenolic compounds and are readily consumed by herbivorous fish. In contrast, temperate brown algae often produce large quantities of phenolic compounds causing them to be distasteful to herbivorous gastropods and sea urchins. We hypothesized that tropical brown algae do not use phenolic compounds as antiherbivore defenses because these compounds are not effective deterrents against tropical fish. To test our hypothesis, we assessed the ability of extracts from 8 tropical and 13 temperate algae with a broad range of phenolic levels to deter feeding by herbivorous fishes on Guam. Extracts of the high-phenolic (>2% d.w.) temperate brown algae consistently deterred feeding by herbivorous fishes, whereas extracts from low phenolic (<2% d.w.) temperate and 6 of 8 low-phenolic tropical brown algae did not. Thus, phenolic compounds could be effective feeding deterrents towards herbivorous fishes on Guam, but for unknown reasons they are not used by Guamanian brown algae.  相似文献   

Biogeography and ecology of freshwater diatoms in Subantarctica: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subantarctica is situated between the Antarctic and the Subtropical Convergence and consists of the islands in the southern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Diatoms are an important component of all Subantarctic aquatic, moss and soil habitats. Taxonomic studies reveal a high diversity and species richness in both the present-day and the fossil diatom flora. Planktonic diatoms are almost completely absent. A similarity analysis of the diatom composition from different localities in the southern zone (below 40°S) resulted in a biogeographical zonation. Three regions could be formed, based on their diatom composition: Subantarctica, Maritime Antarctica and the Antarctic Continent. The diatom communities in the different regions are all characterized by a high proportion of cosmopolitan species. A second feature of the southern diatom floras is the decreasing diversity when moving southwards.  相似文献   

Halimeda spp. are among the most common seaweeds on tropical reefs where herbivory is intense. These calcified seaweeds produce diterpenoid feeding deterrents; the major metabolites are halimedatetraacetate and halimedatrial. We found that most species of Halimeda on Guam immediately convert the less-deterrent secondary metabolite halimedatetraacetate to the more potent feeding deterrent halimedatrial when plants are injured by grinding or crushing. This conversion would therefore occur when fishes bite or chew Halimeda plants. We term this process of rapid conversion “activation”. Extracts from injured plants contained higher amounts of halimedatrial and were more deterrent toward herbivorous fishes than extracts from control plants. Herbivore-activated defenses are common in many families of terrestrial plants: however, this is the first example of an activated defense in a marine plant.  相似文献   

Seasonal modulation of the adrenocortical response appears to be ubiquitous in mid- to high-latitude vertebrates but has not been investigated in tropical vertebrates. Previous studies demonstrate that temperate passerines show seasonality in corticosterone secretion and corticosteroid binding globulin capacities. We examined seasonal and sex differences in the stress response in an equatorial population of Zonotrichia capensis, the only Zonotrichia that breeds in the tropics, and compared the results with those of northern Zonotrichia. Seasonal differences in tropical Zonotrichia would presumably be independent of photoperiod and thus directly related to such activities as reproduction and feather molt. In addition, we investigated the possible role of binding globulin as a sex steroid binding globulin, as suggested for temperate passerines. Similar to northern congeners, Z. capensis show seasonal modulation in total corticosterone and binding globulin capacity with higher levels during breeding than molt. However, unlike many temperate passerines, there are no sex differences in corticosterone secretion or binding globulin capacity. Furthermore, the seasonal differences in total corticosterone diminish when the free levels are calculated. The contrast between equatorial and northern congeners indicates factors such as breeding environment and life-history strategy may play important roles in shaping stress response in these species.  相似文献   

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