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Light trap collections on oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana from 1995 to 1997 contained young of tessellated blenny Hypsoblennius invemar , freckled blenny Hypsoblennius ionthas , featherduster blenny Hypleurochilus multifilis , molly miller Scartella cristata and seaweed blenny Parablennius marmoreus , which are described. Interspecific differences were: number of dorsal, anal, pelvic and caudal fin elements; number of mandibular pores; presence or absence of canine teeth, hypural 5 and pectoral fin pigment; width of gill openings; length of preopercular spines (in larvae). Size at settlement differed among some taxa, but all five species settled within a narrow size window of c . 1·5 mm standard length ( L S). Hypsoblennius invemar , H. ionthas , H. multifilis and S. cristata settled at mean sizes between 11·3 and 12·1 mm L S, whereas P. marmoreus settled at a mean size of 19·3 mm L S. Sexually dimorphic differences were consistently evident by 17–18 mm L S in all species but P. marmoreus . The two smallest blennies with external characters normally associated with sexual maturity were a 20 mm male and 21 mm female H. multifilis . Primary caudal fin rays began to bifurcate between 17·0 and 18·3 mm L S in H. invemar , H. ionthas , H. multifilis and S. cristata . Hypleurochilus multifilis displayed the external characteristics of being sexually mature at 20–21 mm L S. Thus, bifurcation of primary caudal fin rays was an indicator of approaching sexual maturity in H. multifilis and this may also be true in the other species studied.  相似文献   

The pectoral fin girdle was the first element of the fins to develop in Sparus aurata. By 3·1mm L N (notochord length) the cleithrum was ossified and the cartilaginous caracoid-scapula was present. The fin was fully developed at 11·6 mm L S (standard length) and by 16·0 mm L S most elements of the fin were ossified. The pelvic fins were the last pair to develop and rudiments of these were first detected at 7·9 mm L S. The pelvic fin and girdle were completely formed and ossified at 16·0 mm L S. The development of dorsal and anal fins began at c. 6·5–7·0 mm L S with the formation of 10 cartilaginous dorsal proximal radials and eight cartilaginous ventral proximal radials. The three cartilaginous predorsals (supraneurals) appeared at 7·7 mm L S and the ossification of dorsal and anal proximal and distal radials began, respectively, at 10·5 mm L S and 11·3 mm L S. Ossified structures in the fins were also classified according to their origin, as being either dermal or endochondral. Finally the chronology of appearance of fin structures in S. aurata was compared with that reported for other Sparidae, Engraulidae and Haemulidae.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the developmental stages of the hake Merluccius hubbsi is described. Fish larvae and post-transitional juveniles were collected in the Nor-Patagonian area from 1989 to 2004. The opening of the mouth and the pigmentation of the eyes are coincident with yolk resorption, finishing the yolk-sac stage. This species presents pigmentation on the head, trunk and tail typical of gadiform larvae. Pectoral fin development is completed during the transformation stage. The post-transitional juvenile stage begins when the fin-ray complements are complete and squamation begins. The fins become fully formed in the following sequence: pelvic fins, first dorsal fin, second dorsal and anal fins together, caudal fin and pectoral fins. The caudal complex is totally developed in larvae of 22·0–23·0 mm standard lengths ( L S) and all vertebral elements are first observed in larvae of 8·5 mm L S. The rate of development of M. hubbsi observed in this study could be faster than the rates reported for other species of Merluccius by different authors.  相似文献   

A new species Lepidocephalichthys manipurensis , is described, confined to the Chandel district of Manipur near the adjoining borderland areas of Manipur, India and Burma (Myanmar). It is distinguished by the following combination of characters: a sharp small black dot just above the upper base of the caudal fin; 8–9 dorsal short dark ashy brown bars from occiput to the base of the caudal fin; absence of scales on the vertex of head; caudal fin fork, pectoral, ventral and anal fins are non-immaculate; least depth of caudal peduncle 50·00–60·24% (mean 54·09) of its length and 7·69–8·11% L , S (mean 8·22); caudal fin with 4–5 W-shaped bands: a single dark black stripe from tip of snout to eye; 8–11 spots on the mid lateral line; and 30–31 vertebrae. A key to the identification of lepidocephalid loaches of Manipur is provided.  相似文献   

The present work reports on some chromatic characters and their change with size in two species of Tilapia ( T. zillii and T. guineensis ) and their first generation hybrids. Successful reciprocal hybridizations between T. zillii and T. guineensis were performed in concrete tanks. The hybrids obtained were viable. The colour patterns of the hybrids and their parents were registered during a rearing cycle of 12 months. Between 2 and 13 cm standard length ( L S), the hybrids were found to be heterogeneous and three phenotypes were observed. The type (1) phenotype had a fully yellowish caudal fin without dots, the type (2) phenotype had a bicoloured caudal fin with the upper part clear yellowish and the lower part dark yellowish and without dots and the type (3) had a similar bicoloured caudal fin, but with dots. Above 13 cm L S, the hybrid population was homogenous and all specimens had a bicoloured caudal fin with dots. In T. zillii , all specimens >14 cm L S had a greyish caudal fin with dots while all T. guineensis >13 cm L S were characterized by a bicoloured caudal fin without dots. A multivariate analysis of the morphometric and meristic characters did not allow a clear separation of all groups. The study showed that the external morphology of the hybrids was intermediate to that of the parental species.  相似文献   

The first record of two trichomycterid species from the thermal waters of a small stream in Miraflores, north of Potosí, Bolivia is given. The reported species are Trichomycterus therma n. sp. and Trichomycterus tiraquae . The new species differ from all congeners in the possession of thickened transverse skin on the ventral surface of the head. They are further distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characteristics: presence of spatulate incisiform premaxillary teeth; presence of large and rounded papilla-like structures on trunk of body; continuous segment of the laterosensory canal within the frontal with the presence of a segment between pores 2 and 6; long laterosensory canal with four to six pores; maxilla with a short anterior process that is smaller than the main axis of the bone, and has an anterior orientation; mesethmoid shaft narrower than the width of the lateral cornua; prepelvic length 58·7–61·0% of standard length ( L S); head width 19·1–22·8% of L S; submaxillary barbel length 23·9–37·5% of head length ( L H). Two derived characters, namely the presence of spatulate incisiform premaxillary teeth and large and rounded papilla-like structures, define a monophyletic group within Trichomycterus , comprising T. therma , T. corduvensis and T. tiraquae .  相似文献   

A new technique using a single camera and shadows to determine 3‐D spatial positions of fishes in the laboratory is described. The apparatus consisted of a large aquarium (2·0 × 1·5 × 0·4 m), a wide‐angle camera mounted above and two light sources to cast shadows to either side of the fish. Using image analysis and vector mathematics, aquarium objects were plotted within 1·5 cm of their actual location along the x ‐, y ‐ and z ‐axis. The technique was also successful in quantifying changes in 3‐D spatial pattern of juvenile fish, Atlantic cod Gadus morhua (7·4–8·6 cm standard length, L S) and cohabitant piscivorous shorthorned sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpinus (12·0–25·8 cm L S), at these same viewing fields. The new technique should have a wide application, largely because it is potentially less expensive, laborious and invasive than alternative methods for determining 3‐D positions of fishes.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the energy density of fishes in the North Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The energy density ( E D, kJ g-1 wet mass) of saithe Pollachius virens , haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus , whiting Merlangius merlangus , Norway pout Trisopterus esmarki , herring Clupea harengus , sprat Sprattus sprattus , sandeel Ammodytes marinus and pearlsides Maurolicus Muelleri , from the North Sea, increased with total length, L T. However, there was not always a significant ( P> 0·05) linear relationship between L T and E D. Seasonal differences in E D were obvious in mature fish, while geographical differences were insignificant. For all species there was a highly significant correlation ( P< 0·0001) between the percent dry mass of the fish ( D S) and E D. A general relationship was established for gadoids and sandeel E D=–3·1492+0·3459 D S and herring E D=–4·6395+0·4170 D S. Thus seasonal and size-specific data on E D needed for bioenergetics and gastric evacuation models can be determined simply from D S, which is considerably less costly and time consuming than calorimetry or proximate analysis.  相似文献   

The morphological development and allometric growth patterns in the juvenile spotted seahorse Hippocampus kuda were studied under hatchery rearing conditions. Newborn spotted seahorses [mean ± s.d . standard length ( L S) 9·33 ± 0·79 mm] were raised till the age of 124 days (119·35 ± 6·04 mm). Growth was characterized by three stages with two inflexion points occurring at day 21 and 76. The mean growth rates in the first, second and third stages were 0·68, 1·16 and 0·71 mm day−1, respectively. The growth rate was most rapid in the second stage and was probably influenced by a behavioural shift from pelagic to benthic form. The mass ( M ) and L S relationship was exponential ( M = 7·14 × 10−6 L S2·76), but the slope, b = 2·76, reflected negative allometric growth. Sexes could be distinguished at c. 110 days, and the sex ratio was unbiased. The L S in males and females did not differ significantly. Morphological stageing series is proposed, which divides H. kuda juvenile development into eight stages based on the development of coronet, cheek and eye spines, keel and pigmentation. The morphometric ratios for all the body parts, except trunk length, showed considerable changes at a transition point occurring at c. 25 mm L S. The high proportional growth in head length, head depth, pectoral fin base length, dorsal fin base length, snout length, snout depth and eye diameter at the initial stages, and the abrupt increase in tail length only after the first 2 weeks, possibly reflect development priorities during early development where important organs are being developed first for the enhancement of juvenile survival.  相似文献   

Preservation of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma, capelin Mallotus villosus and eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus by freezing decreased fork length ( L F) up to 1·8, 5·6 and 2·7% and reduced mass by up to 8·4, 3·5 and 1·1%, respectively. Shrinkage of walleye pollock standard length ( L S) was greater for fish in 95% ethanol v . 5% formalin and for fish in 10% formalin v . frozen. Equations describing the shrinkage and loss in mass for these species are presented as well as conversions between different length measurements ( L S, L F and total length, L T) for fishes that were frozen.  相似文献   

The life history, population and reproductive variables of the southern red tabira bitterling Acheilognathus tabira jordani were investigated in a lowland reach of the River Ohara in Shimane Prefecture, western Honshu, Japan. Acheilognathus t. jordani , like all other species of bitterling, lays its eggs on the gills of freshwater mussels. It was the only species of bitterling present in the study reach, and three species of bivalve mussel were available to it for spawning: Anemina arcaeformis, Anodonta lauta and Corbicula leana . Spawning by A.t. jordani was recorded between early April and early July in 2003 and began at a size of 38· 0 mm standard length ( L S) in the 1+ age class. Ovipositor length ( L OP) during oviposition was positively correlated with female L S, and showed significant seasonal variation, with a mean ± s.d. L OP of 27· 5 ± 5· 3 mm ranging from 16· 8 to 42· 0 mm during the spawning period, which was shorter than that of a previously studied A. t. tabira population. Eggs of this subspecies are relatively long and elliptic in shape, with a volume of c. 2· 4 mm3. Egg number correlated positively with female L S and both egg shape and volume changed significantly with season. The population size of adults was estimated to be 850 individuals, and comprised age 0+ to 3+ individuals with L S ranging from 12· 0 to 72· 2 mm. The population sex ratio was significantly female biased, with seven females: three males. Egg shape and size and L OP during oviposition in the present A. tabira population may be the result of local adaptations to the mussel species utilized and no competition with other bitterling species for spawning sites.  相似文献   

A new species of scorpionfish, Scorpaena brevispina , is described on the basis of a single specimen collected from off the east coast of Izu Peninsula, Pacific coast of Japan, at a depth of 45 m. Scorpaena brevispina is distinguished from other Indo–Pacific species of Scorpaena by the following combination of characters: pectoral-fin rays 17; longitudinal scale rows 44; scales below lateral line 13; gill rakers 17; anterior surface of preocular spine with three vertical or slightly oblique ridges; lateral surface of maxilla without a distinct longitudinal ridge; lateral lacrimal spine present; extremely deep occipital pit; occipital pit rectangular in dorsal view, length distinctly less than width (length 53·3% of width); numerous small papillae on surface of occipital pit; pectoral fin relatively long (33·3% of standard length, L S), posterior tip extending beyond verticals through last dorsal-fin spine base and second anal-fin spine base; relatively short third to fifth dorsal-fin spines (third spine length 14·6% of L S, fourth spine 15·5%, and fifth spine 15·8%, respectively).  相似文献   

Osteological development of the vertebral column and caudal complex in common dentex was described under extensive larval rearing conditions. Generally, the cartilaginous bones developed prior to the membranous bones. The development of the axial skeleton began with the formation of the hypural 1, the neural arches 2 and 3, as well as the haemal arches 1–8 at 4·8, 4·9 and 5·0 mm total length ( L T, measured in vivo ), respectively. By 7·5 mm L T, all the cartilaginous elements were formed, except for the ventral ribs, which formed between the range of 8·4–18·0 mm L T. The caudal lepidotrichia were the first membranous bones to appear (5·3 mm L T) and attain their full meristic count (7·4 mm L T), followed by the vertebral centra, which formed between 6·6 and 9·7 mm L T. By 25·0 mm L T, all the elements were fully ossified except for the ventral ribs. The developmental direction and order of all the elements were studied with respect to their formation and ossification. The results were discussed in the contexts of ichthyoplankton, ecology and aquaculture. Compared with other Sparidae species, common dentex followed a pattern of relatively rapid rate of osteological development.  相似文献   

The early development, growth and morphological changes of mackerel Scomber scombrus were investigated at different incubation temperatures (8, 10, 13, 15 and 18° C). Details on the early life history are illustrated with special reference to morphological transformations. Culture techniques to rear larval mackerel stages are described using laboratory cultured foods. Artificially fertilized eggs were hatched after 80·6 h at 18·4° C and 256·8 h at 8·7° C. The standard length ( L S) of the individuals at first feeding was 4·71 ± 0·18 mm. Four mortality critical periods and cannibalistic behaviour were identified. A maximum average larval size of 37·5 ± 4·41 mm L S was attained 30 days post-hatch (dph) at 18·4° C. Development and growth were affected significantly by temperature during both endogenous and exogenous feeding periods. Larvae grew more rapidly at high, than at low temperatures. Daily specific growth rate (in mass) ranged from 2·4% at 10·6° C to 16·9% at 18·4° C. Likewise, average growth rate (in length) ranged from 0·05 mm day−1 at 8·4° C to 0·37 mm day−1 at 18·4° C. The allometric relationship of L S, with several body measurements was not affected by temperature. Comparison with larvae collected in the Bay of Biscay did not show any significant difference in the dry mass and L S relationship; conversely, the growth rate in length differed significantly between both laboratory and field conditions. The trends observed in the laboratory are described in relation to some aspects of the year-class strength regulation.  相似文献   

The effect of the timing of first feeding (3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 days post‐hatch, dph) on laboratory‐reared California halibut Paralichthys californicus larvae was evaluated by means of morphologic, morphometric and histological criteria. Larvae began to feed exogenously at 3 dph (2·7 ± 0·01 mm standard length, L S) at 18° C. Eye pigmentation, rather than mouth opening was the most distinctive trait of California halibut larvae at first feeding. Larval growth was significantly affected by the time of first exogenous feeding. At notochord flexion (21 dph), the L S of larvae fed for the first time at 3 dph was significantly larger (5·1 ± 0·1 mm) than that of those fed at 4 and 5 dph (4·9 ± 0·1 mm), although the latter fish had a more uniform size distribution. The point of no return was reached at 7 dph. Survival of larvae initially fed at 3, 4 and 5 dph was similar (58·4–60%), while no larvae were able to survive when food was offered for the first time between 6 and 8 dph. Food deprivation resulted in a progressive deterioration of the larval digestive system and atrophy of skeletal muscle fibres. Significant changes in the anterior and posterior enterocyte height were detected after 2 days of food deprivation. Similarly, tail height: L S and trunk length: L S ratios were the most sensitive morphometric indices to detect the effect of fasting on larval condition. Present results show that a combination of morphometric and histological variables can be used to evaluate the nutritional condition of California halibut larvae.  相似文献   

Effect of body size on the standard metabolism of horse mackerel   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The routine metabolic rate R R and standard metabolic rate R S were measured in horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus at 13°C over weight range of 1·4–390 g. A data extraction method rather than the more commonly used method of extrapolating the swimming speed-metabolic rate curves back to zero swimming speed was developed to measure the R S. The relation between R R and R S and weight was expressed as a linear regression with the log transformed data. The mean slope of the regression was 0·752 for R S and 0·725 for R S.  相似文献   

The Atlantic blue marlin Makaira nigricans larvae were collected from Exuma Sound, Bahamas and the Straits of Florida over three summers (2000–2002). Sagittal otoliths were extracted and read under light microscopy to determine relationships between standard length ( L S) and age for larvae from each year and location. Otolith growth trajectories were significantly different between locations: after the first 5–6 days of life, larvae from Exuma Sound grew significantly faster than larvae from the Straits of Florida. Exponential regression coefficients were similar among years for Exuma Sound larvae (mean instantaneous growth rate, G L = 0·125), but differed between years for larvae from the Straits of Florida ( G L = 0·086–0·089). Differences in larval growth rates between locations resulted in a 4–6 mm difference in L S by day 15 of larval life. These differences in growth appeared to be unrelated to mean ambient water temperatures, and may have been caused by location‐specific differences in prey composition or availability. Alternatively, population‐specific differences in maternal condition may have contributed to these differences in early larval growth.  相似文献   

The mean rate of oxygen consumption (routine respiration rate, R R, mg O2 fish−1 h−1), measured for individual or small groups of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus (3–12 cm standard length, L S) maintained for 5 days within flow‐through respiratory chambers at four different temperatures, increased with increasing dry mass ( M D). The relationship between R R and M D was allometric ( R R = α  M b ) with b values of 0·631, 0·606, 0·655 and 0·650 at 5·0, 8·0, 12·0 and 15·0° C, respectively. The effect of temperature ( T ) and M D on mean R R was described by     indicating a Q 10 of 2·27 between 5 and 15° C. Juvenile haddock routine metabolic scope, calculated as the ratio of the mean of highest and lowest deciles of R R measured in each chamber, significantly decreased with temperature such that the routine scope at 15° C was half that at 5° C. The cost of feeding ( R SDA) was c . 3% of consumed food energy, a value half that found for larger gadoid juveniles and adults.  相似文献   

Growth of young-of-the-year mackerel in the Bay of Biscay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first growth season of young-of-the-year (0+ year) mackerel Scomber scombrus , sampled in the Bay of Biscay, was parameterized to determine growth patterns. Daily increments were identified on sagittae otoliths, for calculation of age and growth of 92 larvae and 54 juveniles over the range 3·6–215·0 mm standard length ( L S). A Gompertz curve was fitted to the length-at-age data. At the end of the first year of growth L S was 194·2 mm, with a maximum growth increment of c . 2 mm day−1, observed 62 days after hatching. Backcalculated growth increments for mackerel juveniles, during their larval stage, were higher than those observed for sampled larvae; only 10·9% of sampled larvae were estimated to survive. Growth for north-eastern Atlantic mackerel was slower than that published for north-western Atlantic mackerel. Backcalculated hatching dates for mackerel were consistent with the typical temporal distribution of mackerel spawning in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

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