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Apical and basolateral proteins are maintained within distinct membrane subdomains in polarized epithelial cells by biosynthetic and postendocytic sorting processes. Sorting of basolateral proteins in these processes has been well studied; however, the sorting signals and mechanisms that direct proteins to the apical surface are less well understood. We previously demonstrated that an N-glycan-dependent sorting signal directs the sialomucin endolyn to the apical surface in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Terminal processing of a subset of endolyn's N-glycans is key for polarized biosynthetic delivery to the apical membrane. Endolyn is subsequently internalized, and via a cytoplasmic tyrosine-based sorting motif is targeted to lysosomes from where it constitutively cycles to the cell surface. Here, we examine the polarized sorting of endolyn along the postendocytic pathway in polarized cells. Our results suggest that similar N-glycan sorting determinants are required for apical delivery of endolyn along both the biosynthetic and the postendocytic pathways.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which polarized epithelial cells target distinct carriers enriched in newly synthesized proteins to the apical or basolateral membrane remain largely unknown. Here we investigated the effect of phosphatidylinositol metabolism and modulation of the actin cytoskeleton, two regulatory mechanisms that have individually been suggested to function in biosynthetic traffic, on polarized traffic in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Overexpression of phosphatidylinositol 5-kinase (PI5K) increased actin comet frequency in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and concomitantly stimulated trans-Golgi network (TGN) to apical membrane delivery of the raft-associated protein influenza hemagglutinin (HA), but did not affect delivery of a non-raft-associated apical protein or a basolateral marker. Modulation of actin comet formation by pharmacologic means, by overexpression of the TGN-localized inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase Ocrl, or by blockade of Arp2/3 function had parallel effects on the rate of apical delivery of HA. Moreover, HA released from a TGN block was colocalized in transport carriers in association with PI5K and actin comets. Inhibition of Arp2/3 function in combination with microtubule depolymerization led to a virtual block in HA delivery, suggesting synergistic coordination of these cytoskeletal assemblies in membrane transport. Our results suggest a previously unidentified role for actin comet-mediated propulsion in the biosynthetic delivery of a subset of apical proteins.  相似文献   

Classically, the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor and its ligand, IgA, are thought to be sorted from basolateral early endosomes into transcytotic vesicles that directly fuse with the apical plasma membrane. In contrast, we have found that in MDCK cells IgA is delivered from basolateral endosomes to apical endosomes and only then to the apical cell surface. When internalized from the basolateral surface of MDCK cells IgA is found to accumulate under the apical plasma membrane in a compartment that is accessible to two apically added membrane markers: anti-secretory component Fab fragments, and avidin internalized from the biotinylated apical pole of the cell. This accumulation occurs in the presence of apical trypsin, which prevents internalization of the ligand from the apical cell surface. Using a modification of the diaminobenzidine density-shift assay, we estimate that approximately 80% of basolaterally internalized IgA resides in the apical endosomal compartment. In addition, approximately 50% of basolaterally internalized transferrin, a basolateral recycling protein, has access to this apical endosomal compartment and is efficiently recycled back to the basolateral surface. Microtubules are required for the organization of the apical endosomal compartment and it is dispersed in nocodazole-treated cells. Moreover, this compartment is largely inaccessible to fluid-phase markers added to either pole of the cell, and therefore seems analogous to the recycling endosome described in nonpolarized cells. We propose a model in which transcytosis is not a specialized pathway that uses unique transcytotic vesicles, but rather combines portions of pathways used by non- transcytosing molecules.  相似文献   

We have examined the trafficking of the mucin-like protein endolyn in transfected, polarized MDCK cells using biochemical approaches and immunofluorescence microscopy. Although endolyn contains a lysosomal targeting motif of the type YXXPhi and was localized primarily to lysosomes at steady state, significant amounts of newly synthesized endolyn were delivered to the apical cell surface. Antibodies to endolyn, but not lamp-2, were preferentially internalized from the apical plasma membrane and efficiently transported to lysosomes. Analysis of endolyn-CD8 chimeras showed that the lumenal domain of endolyn contains apical targeting information that predominates over basolateral information in its cytoplasmic tail. Interestingly, surface polarity of endolyn was independent of O-glycosylation processing, but was reversed by disruption of N-glycosylation using tunicamycin. At all times, endolyn was soluble in cold Triton X-100, suggesting that apical sorting was independent of sphingolipid rafts. Our data indicate that a strong, N-glycan-dependent apical targeting signal in the lumenal domain directs endolyn into a novel biosynthetic pathway to lysosomes, which occurs via the apical surface of polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Recently, it was demonstrated that delivery from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the basolateral surface of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells required N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF)-alpha soluble NSF attachment protein (SNAP)-SNAP receptor (SNARE) complexes, while delivery from the TGN to the apical surface was independent of NSF-alpha SNAP-SNARE. To determine if all traffic to the apical surface of this cell line was NSF independent, we reconstituted the transcytosis of pre-internalized IgA to the apical surface and recycling to the basolateral surface. Transcytosis and the recycling of IgA required ATP and cytosol, and both were inhibited by treatment with N-ethylmaleimide. This inhibition was reversed by the addition of recombinant NSF. Botulinum neurotoxin serotype E, which is known to cleave the 25,000 Da synaptosomal associated protein, inhibited both transcytosis and recycling, although incompletely. We conclude that membrane traffic to a target membrane is not determined by utilizing a single molecular mechanism for fusion. Rather, a target membrane, e.g. the apical plasma membrane of MDCK cells, may use multiple molecular mechanisms to fuse with incoming vesicle.  相似文献   

The sialomucin endolyn is a transmembrane protein with a unique trafficking pattern in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Despite the presence of a cytoplasmic tyrosine motif that, in isolation, is sufficient to mediate basolateral sorting of a reporter protein, endolyn predominantly traverses the apical surface en route to lysosomes. Apical delivery of endolyn is disrupted in tunicamycin-treated cells, implicating a role for N-glycosylation in apical sorting. Site-directed mutagenesis of endolyn's eight N-glycosylation sites was used to identify two N-glycans that seem to be the major determinants for efficient apical sorting of the protein. In addition, apical delivery of endolyn was disrupted when terminal processing of N-glycans was blocked using glycosidase inhibitors. Missorting of endolyn occurred independently of the presence or absence of the basolateral sorting signal, because apical delivery was also inhibited by tunicamycin when the cytoplasmic tyrosine motif was mutated. However, we found that apical secretion of a soluble mutant of endolyn was N-glycan independent, as was delivery of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored endolyn. Thus, specific N-glycans are only essential for the apical sorting of transmembrane endolyn, suggesting fundamental differences in the mechanisms by which soluble, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored, and transmembrane proteins are sorted.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells provide a critical link between innate and acquired immunity. In this study, we demonstrate that the bacterial pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium can efficiently kill these professional phagocytes via a mechanism that is dependent on sipB and the Salmonella pathogenicity island 1-encoded type III protein secretion system. Rapid phosphatidylserine redistribution, caspase activation, and loss of plasma membrane integrity were characteristic of dendritic cells infected with wild-type Salmonella, but not sipB mutant bacteria. Caspase-1 was particularly important in this process because Salmonella-induced dendritic cell death was dramatically reduced in the presence of a caspase-1-specific inhibitor. Furthermore, dendritic cells obtained from caspase-1-deficient mice, but not heterozygous littermate control mice, were resistant to Salmonella-induced cytotoxicity. We hypothesize that Salmonella have evolved the ability to selectively kill professional APCs to combat, exploit, or evade immune defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the role of N-linked glycosylation in protein stability, intracellular trafficking, and bile acid transport activity of the bile salt export pump [Bsep (ATP-binding cassette B11)]. Rat Bsep was fused with yellow fluorescent protein, and the following mutants, in which Asn residues of putative glycosylation sites (Asn(109), Asn(116), Asn(122), and Asn(125)) were sequentially replaced with Gln, were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis: single N109Q, double N109Q + N116Q, triple N109Q + N116Q + N122Q, and quadruple N109Q + N116Q + N122Q + N125Q. Immunoblot and glycosidase cleavage analysis demonstrated that each site was glycosylated. Removal of glycans decreased taurocholate transport activity as determined in polarized MDCK II cells. This decrease resulted from rapid decay of the mutant Bsep protein; biochemical half-lives were 3.76, 3.65, 3.24, 1.35, and 0.52 h in wild-type, single-mutant, double-mutant, triple-mutant, and quadruple-mutant cells, respectively. Wild-type and single- and double-mutant proteins were distributed exclusively along the apical membranes, whereas triple- and quadruple-mutant proteins remained intracellular. MG-132 but not bafilomycin A(1) extended the half-life, suggesting a role for the proteasome in Bsep degradation. To determine whether a specific glycosylation site or the number of glycans was critical for protein stability, we studied the protein expression of combinations of N-glycan-deficient mutants and observed that Bsep with one glycan was considerably unstable compared with Bsep harboring two or more glycans. In conclusion, at least two N-linked glycans are required for Bsep protein stability, intracellular trafficking, and function in the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Previously it was shown that fusion proteins containing the amino terminus of an apical targeted member of the serpin family fused to the corresponding carboxyl terminus of the non-polarized secreted serpin, antithrombin, are secreted mainly to the apical side of MDCK cells. The present study shows that this is neither due to the transfer of an apical sorting signal from the apically expressed proteins, since a sequence of random amino acids acts the same, nor is it due to the deletion of a conserved signal for correct targeting from the non-polarized secreted protein. Our results suggest that the polarity of secretion is determined by conformational sensitive sorting signals.  相似文献   

We observed that phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulates transcytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) in MDCK cells. Apical release of pre-endocytosed ligand (dimeric IgA) bound to the pIgR can be stimulated twofold within 7 min of addition of PMA while recycling of the ligand from the basal surface is not affected. In addition, apical surface delivery of pIgR and cleavage of its ectodomain to secretory component (SC) is also stimulated by PMA. The recycling of apically internalized ligand back to the apical surface is similarly stimulated. These results suggest that the stimulation of apical delivery is from an apical recycling compartment. The effect of PMA suggests that protein kinase C (PKC) is involved in the regulation of pIgR trafficking in MDCK cells. To test this we down regulated PKC activity by pre-treating cells with PMA for 16 h and observed that transcytosis could no longer be stimulated by PMA. Western blots show that the PKC isozymes alpha and to a lesser extent epsilon, are depleted from MDCK cells which have been pre-treated with PMA for 16 h and that treatment of MDCK cells with PMA for 5 min causes a dramatic translocation of the PKC alpha isozyme and a partial translocation of the epsilon isozyme from the cytosol to the membrane fraction of cell homogenates. This translocation suggests that the alpha and/or epsilon isozymes may be involved in PMA mediated stimulation of transcytosis. A mutant pIgR in which serines 664 and 726, the major sites of phosphorylation, are replaced by alanine is stimulated to transcytose by PMA, suggesting that phosphorylation of pIgR at these sites is not required for the effect of PMA. These results suggest that PMA-mediated stimulation of pIgR transcytosis may involve the activation of PKC alpha and/or epsilon, and that this stimulation occurs independently of the major phosphorylation sites on the pIgR. Finally, PMA stimulates transcytosis of basolaterally internalized transferrin, suggesting that PMA acts to generally stimulate delivery of endocytosed proteins to the apical surface.  相似文献   

Immunoisolation techniques have led to the purification of apical and basolateral transport vesicles that mediate the delivery of proteins from the trans-Golgi network to the two plasma membrane domains of MDCK cells. We showed previously that these transport vesicles can be formed and released in the presence of ATP from mechanically perforated cells (Bennett, M. K., A. Wandinger-Ness, and K. Simons, 1988. EMBO (Euro. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. 7:4075-4085). Using virally infected cells, we have monitored the purification of the trans-Golgi derived vesicles by following influenza hemagglutinin or vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G protein as apical and basolateral markers, respectively. Equilibrium density gradient centrifugation revealed that hemagglutinin containing vesicles had a slightly lower density than those containing VSV-G protein, indicating that the two fractions were distinct. Antibodies directed against the cytoplasmically exposed domains of the viral spike glycoproteins permitted the resolution of apical and basolateral vesicle fractions. The immunoisolated vesicles contained a subset of the proteins present in the starting fraction. Many of the proteins were sialylated as expected for proteins existing the trans-Golgi network. The two populations of vesicles contained a number of proteins in common, as well as components which were enriched up to 38-fold in one fraction relative to the other. Among the unique components, a number of transmembrane proteins could be identified using Triton X-114 phase partitioning. This work provides evidence that two distinct classes of vesicles are responsible for apical and basolateral protein delivery. Common protein components are suggested to be involved in vesicle budding and fusion steps, while unique components may be required for specific recognition events such as those involved in protein sorting and vesicle targeting.  相似文献   

The N-linked glycosylation of recombinant human CD59, expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with and without a membrane anchor, was compared to examine the effect of the anchor on glycan processing. N-Linked glycans were released with peptide-N-glycosidase F (PNGase F) within gel from SDS-PAGE-isolated soluble and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored human CD59 expressed in CHO cells. The anchored form contained core-fucosylated neutral and sialylated bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary glycans with up to four N-acetyllactosamine extensions. Exoglycosidase digestions and analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry were used to define the relative amounts of the bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary glycans and to investigate the distribution of N-acetyllactosamine extensions between their antennae. Biantennary structures accounted for about 60% of the glycans, 30% of the triantennary structures, and about 10% of the tetraantennary structures. For tri- and tetraantennary glycans, those with extended antennae were found to be more abundant than those without extensions. The soluble form of CD59, expressed in CHO cells without the GPI anchor signal sequence, consisted almost entirely (97%) of biantennary glycans, of which 81% were unmodified, 17% contained one N-acetyllactosamine extension, and 2% contained two extensions. No compounds with longer extensions were found. A MALDI spectrum of the intact glycoprotein showed a distribution of glycans that matched those released with PNGase F. In addition, the protein was substituted with several small glycans, such as HexNAc, HexNAc-->Fuc, and HexNAc-->HexNAc, probably as the result of degradation of the mature N-linked glycans. The results show that the presence of the anchor increases the extent of glycan processing, possibly as the result of longer exposure to the glycosyltransferases or to a closer proximity of the protein to these enzymes.  相似文献   

SGLT1, an isoform of Na+-dependent glucose transporters, is localized at the apical plasma membrane in the epithelial cells of the small intestine and the kidney. In the present study we examined its location in SGLT1 cDNA-transfected MDCK cells, which form an epithelial sheet connected by tight junctions in culture. Formation of tight junctions was monitored by staining for occludin, an integral tight junction protein. In the cells demarcated by an uninterrupted occludin meshwork, SGLT1 was specifically localized at the apical plasma membrane, showing that SGLT1 has a signal to accomplish this restricted localization. In the cells with little or no occludin accumulation in the tight junction, however, SGLT1 was present along the entire aspect of the plasma membrane. Similar distribution of SGLT1 was observed in the cells as long as the occludin meshwork remained incomplete. These observations sugget that apical localization of SGLT1 occurs upon the completion of the uninterrupted meshwork of tight junctions.  相似文献   

The formation of an epithelial tube is a fundamental process for organogenesis. During Drosophila embryonic salivary gland (SG) invagination, Folded gastrulation (Fog)-dependent Rho-associated kinase (Rok) promotes contractile apical myosin formation to drive apical constriction. Microtubules (MTs) are also crucial for this process and are required for forming and maintaining apicomedial myosin. However, the underlying mechanism that coordinates actomyosin and MT networks still remains elusive. Here, we show that MT-dependent intracellular trafficking regulates apical constriction during SG invagination. Key components involved in protein trafficking, such as Rab11 and Nuclear fallout (Nuf), are apically enriched near the SG invagination pit in a MT-dependent manner. Disruption of the MT networks or knockdown of Rab11 impairs apicomedial myosin formation and apical constriction. We show that MTs and Rab11 are required for apical enrichment of the Fog ligand and the continuous distribution of the apical determinant protein Crumbs (Crb) and the key adherens junction protein E-Cadherin (E-Cad) along junctions. Targeted knockdown of crb or E-Cad in the SG disrupts apical myosin networks and results in apical constriction defects. Our data suggest a role of MT- and Rab11-dependent intracellular trafficking in regulating actomyosin networks and cell junctions to coordinate cell behaviors during tubular organ formation.  相似文献   

The effects of viral Kirsten ras oncogene expression on the polarized phenotype of MDCK cells were investigated. Stable transformed MDCK cell lines expressing the v-K-ras oncogene were generated via infection with a helper-independent retroviral vector construct. When grown on plastic substrata, transformed cells formed continuous monolayers with epithelial-like morphology. However, on permeable filter supports where normal cells form highly polarized monolayers, transformed MDCK cells detached from the substratum and developed multilayers. Morphological analysis of the multilayers revealed that oncogene expression perturbed the polarized organization of MDCK cells such that the transformed cells lacked an apical--basal axis around which the cytoplasm is normally organized. Evidence for selective disruption of apical membrane polarity was provided by immunolocalization of membrane proteins; a normally apical 114-kD protein was randomly distributed on the cell surface in the transformed cell line, whereas normally basolateral proteins remained exclusively localized to areas of cell contact and did not appear on the free cell surface. The discrete distribution of the tight junction-associated ZO-1 protein as well as transepithelial resistance and flux measurements suggested that tight junctions were also assembled. These findings indicate that v-K-ras transformation alters cell-substratum and cell-cell interactions in MDCK cells. Furthermore, v-K-ras expression perturbs apical polarization but does not interfere with the development of a basolateral domain, suggesting that apical and basolateral polarity in epithelial cells may be regulated independently.  相似文献   

We studied the cell-surface delivery pathways of newly synthesized membrane glycoproteins in MDCK cells and for this purpose we characterized an endogenous apical integral membrane glycoprotein. By combining a pulse-chase protocol with domain-selective cell-surface biotinylation, immune precipitation, and streptavidin-agarose precipitation (Le Bivic et al. 1989. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA. 86:9313-9317), we followed the appearance at the cell surface of a major apical sialoglycoprotein, gp114, a basolateral protein, uvomorulin, and a transcytosing protein, the polyimmunoglobulin receptor (pIg-R). We determined that both gp114 and uvomorulin appeared to be delivered directly to their respective surface, with mistargeting levels of 8 and 2%, respectively. Using the same technique, the pIg-R was first detected on the basolateral domain and then on the apical domain, to be finally released into the apical medium, as described (Mostov, K. E., and D. L. Deitcher. 1986. Cell. 46:613-621). To directly determine whether the gp114 pool present on the basolateral surface was a precursor of the apical gp114, we compared it with the equivalent pIg-R pool, by labeling with sulfo-NHS-SS-biotin, a cleavable, tight junction-impermeable probe, and by following the fraction of this probe that became resistant to basal glutathione and accessible to apical glutathione during incubation at 37 degrees C. We found that, contrary to pIg-R, basolateral gp114 was poorly endocytosed and was not transcytosed to the apical side. These results demonstrate that an endogenous apical integral membrane glycoprotein of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells is sorted intracellularly and is vectorially targeted to the apical surface.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most frequent solid extracranial tumor in children. Its clinical prognosis correlates with the expression of members of the Trk neurotrophin receptor family, which includes TrkA and TrkB. TrkA expression is associated with favorable prognosis, whereas TrkB expression is associated with poor prognosis. Here we show that TrkA expression induces the apoptosis of NB cells and does so by modulating the levels or activities of a number of proteins involved in regulating cell survival and apoptosis, including p53, Bcl-2, and caspase-3. TrkA increased the expression of p53 target proteins and failed to induce apoptosis in cells where p53 was inactivated by mutation or via expression of dominant inhibitory p53 or E1B55K, indicating that TrkA mediates apoptosis, at least in part, through p53. Treatment with a caspase inhibitor or overexpression of Bcl-X(L) also prevented TrkA from inducing apoptosis. In contrast, elevated expression of TrkA in non-transformed sympathetic neurons resulted in the suppression of p53 levels and enhanced survival. These results identify apoptosis as a novel biological response of TrkA in NB cells and imply that TrkA is a good prognosis marker for NB due in part to its ability to mediate apoptosis when expressed at sufficient levels.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI(4)P) is the main phosphoinositide in the Golgi complex and has been reported to play a pleiotropic role in transport of cargo from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane (PM) in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Overexpression of the chimeric fluorescent protein encoding the pleckstrin homology domain, which is specific for PI(4)P, inhibited both apical and basolateral transport pathways. The transport of apical cargo from the Golgi was shown to be specifically decreased by adenovirus-mediated RNA interference directed against PI(4)P adaptor protein (FAPP) 2. FAPP1 depletion had no effect on transport. On the other hand, FAPP2 was not involved in the Golgi-to-PM transport of cargo that was targeted to the basolateral membrane domain. Thus, we conclude that FAPP2 plays a specific role in apical transport in MDCK cells.  相似文献   

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