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cAMP-dependent protein kinase is targeted to discrete subcellular locations by a family of specific anchor proteins (A-kinase anchor proteins, AKAPs). Localization recruits protein kinase A (PKA) holoenzyme close to its substrate/effector proteins, directing and amplifying the biological effects of cAMP signaling.AKAPs include two conserved structural modules: (i) a targeting domain that serves as a scaffold and membrane anchor; and (ii) a tethering domain that interacts with PKA regulatory subunits. Alternative splicing can shuffle targeting and tethering domains to generate a variety of AKAPs with different targeting specificity. Although AKAPs have been identified on the basis of their interaction with PKA, they also bind other signaling molecules, mainly phosphatases and kinases, that regulate AKAP targeting and activate other signal transduction pathways.We suggest that AKAP forms a "transduceosome" by acting as an autonomous multivalent scaffold that assembles and integrates signals derived from multiple pathways. The transduceosome amplifies cAMP and other signals locally and, by stabilizing and reducing the basal activity of PKA, it also exerts long-distance effects. The AKAP transduceosome thus optimizes the amplitude and the signal/noise ratio of cAMP-PKA stimuli travelling from the membrane to the nucleus and other subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

Lin YH  Liu AH  Li XJ 《生理科学进展》2005,36(3):241-244
cAMP依赖性蛋白激酶A(PKA)通过A型激酶锚定蛋白(Akinaseanchorproteins,AKAPs)靶向亚细胞位点,PKA识别它的底物或效应蛋白,从而引导并放大cAMP信号的生物学效应。AKAPs是功能上相关的调节蛋白家族,具有结合PKA的保守区和引导AKAPPKA复合体到亚细胞位点的靶向区。AKAPs不仅与PKA相互作用,也与其它信号分子作用,主要是磷酸酶和激酶。AKAPPKA复合体可汇集和整合来自各种通路的信号,该复合体不仅可局部增强cAMP和其它信号,通过降低PKA的基础活性,还可发挥远程效应。  相似文献   

In the mammalian oocyte, the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) has critical functions in the maintenance of meiotic arrest and oocyte maturation. Because PKA is spatially regulated, its localization was examined in developing oocytes. Both regulatory subunits (RI and RII) and the catalytic subunit (C) of PKA were found in oocytes and metaphase II-arrested eggs. In the oocyte, RI and C were predominantly localized in the cortical region, while RII showed a punctate distribution within the cytoplasm. After maturation to metaphase II, RI remained in the cortex and was also localized to the meiotic spindle, while RII was found adjacent to the spindle. C was diffuse within the cytoplasm of the egg but was enriched in the cytoplasm surrounding the metaphase spindle, much like RII. The polarized localization and redistribution of RI, RII, and C suggested that PKA might be tethered by A-kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs), proteins that tether PKA close to its physiological substrates. An AKAP, AKAP140, was identified that was developmentally regulated and phosphorylated in oocytes and eggs. AKAP140 was shown to be a dual-specific AKAP, having the ability to bind both RI and RII. By compartmentalizing PKA, AKAP140 and/or other AKAPs could spatially regulate PKA activity during oocyte development.  相似文献   

A-kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs) target protein kinase A (PKA) to different subcellular locations and are thought to play important roles in the cAMP signaling pathway. The aims of this study were to determine whether T cells express AKAPs and, if so, to establish their physiological significance. CD4(+) T cells were found to express eight AKAPs. Disruption of the AKAP-PKA interaction caused high levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, and IFN-gamma production in the absence of stimulation via CD3epsilon and CD28 molecules. Disruption of the AKAP-PKA interaction acted synergistically with suboptimal doses of Ag in boosting proliferative responses of T cells. Finally, disruption of the AKAP-PKA interaction rendered T cells insensitive to cAMP-elevating agents. It was concluded that AKAPs, through their association with PKA, are involved in maintaining T cell homeostasis and in regulating the sensitivity of T cells to incoming cAMP signals.  相似文献   

Cardiac hypertrophy in adult rabbits was induced by subcutaneous injection of isoproterenol. The rate of [3H]leucine incorporation into acid insoluble material was increased and the extent of [32P]phosphate incorporation into several ribosomal proteins was altered. Specifically, a ribosomal protein with a molecular weight of 32,000 from the 40S ribosomal subunit showed a five-fold increase in phosphate incorporation in the hypertrophic heart whereas a protein with a molecular weight of 28,000 from the 60S subunit showed a four-fold decrease. Phosphorylation of ribosome-associated proteins, which could be removed from ribosomes with 0.72 M KCl, was also changed in the hypertrophic hearts. Six major phosphoproteins (with molecular weights 62,000, 49,000, 36,000, 30,000, 20,000 and 12,000) were detected in both the normal and the hypertrophic hearts. Phosphorylation of the 62 K and the 49 K protein was increased by two- and three-fold, respectively, in the hypertrophic hearts, whereas phosphorylation of the 36 K and the 30 K protein decreased by two-fold. The level of phosphorylation of the 20 K and the 12 K protein was not significantly changed in hypertrophic hearts.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocytes stop dividing after birth and postnatal heart growth is only achieved by increase in cell volume. In some species, cardiomyocytes undergo an additional incomplete mitosis in the first postnatal week, where karyokinesis takes place in the absence of cytokinesis, leading to binucleation. Proteins that regulate the formation of the actomyosin ring are known to be important for cytokinesis. Here we demonstrate for the first time that small GTPases like RhoA along with their downstream effectors like ROCK I, ROCK II and Citron Kinase show a developmental stage specific expression in heart, with high levels being expressed in cardiomyocytes only at stages when cytokinesis still occurs (i.e. embryonic and perinatal). This suggests that downregulation of many regulatory and cytoskeletal components involved in the formation of the actomyosin ring may be responsible for the uncoupling of cytokinesis from karyokinesis in rodent cardiomyocytes after birth. Interestingly, when the myocardium tries to adapt to the increased workload during pathological hypertrophy a re-expression of proteins involved in DNA synthesis and cytokinesis can be detected. Nevertheless, the adult cardiomyocytes do not appear to divide despite this upregulation of the cytokinetic machinery. The inability to undergo complete division could be due to the presence of stable, highly ordered and functional sarcomeres in the adult myocardium or could be because of the inefficiency of degradation pathways, which facilitate the division of differentiated embryonic cardiomyocytes by disintegrating myofibrils.  相似文献   

Cardiac hypertrophy is an adaptive process that occurs in response to increased physical stress on the heart. Hypertrophy, which may be induced by hypertension among other factors, is characterized by an increase in left ventricular mass and an associated increase in force production capacity. However, as sustained cardiac hypertrophy may lead to heart failure and sudden death, an understanding of the molecular processes involved in both the onset and consequences of hypertrophy is of significant importance. Calcium is a key player in the process underlying the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Recently, several Transient Receptor Potential proteins (TRPs), including calcium-permeable and calcium-regulated ion channels, have been shown to be related to various aspects of cardiac hypertrophy. TRPs are implicated in the development of cardiac hypertrophy (TRPC1, TRPC3, TRPC6), the electrophysiological perturbations associated with hypertrophy (TRPM4) and the progression to heart failure (TRPC7). This review describes the major characteristics of cardiac hypertrophy and focuses on the roles of TRPs in the physiological processes underlying hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a serine/threonine kinase having multiple functions and consisting of two isoforms, GSK-3alpha and GSK-3beta. Pressure overload increases expression of GSK-3alpha but not GSK-3beta. Despite our wealth of knowledge about GSK-3beta, the function of GSK-3alpha in the heart is not well understood. To address this issue, we made cardiac-specific GSK-3alpha transgenic mice (Tg). Left ventricular weight and cardiac myocyte size were significantly smaller in Tg than in non-Tg (NTg) mice, indicating that GSK-3alpha inhibits cardiac growth. After 4 weeks of aortic banding (transverse aortic constriction (TAC)), increases in left ventricular weight and myocyte size were significantly smaller in Tg than in NTg, indicating that GSK-3alpha inhibits cardiac hypertrophy. More severe cardiac dysfunction developed in Tg after TAC. Increases in fibrosis and apoptosis were greater in Tg than in NTg after TAC. Among signaling molecules screened, ERK phosphorylation was decreased in Tg. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of GSK-3alpha, but not GSK-3beta, inhibited ERK in cultured cardiac myocytes. Knockdown of GSK-3alpha increased ERK phosphorylation, an effect that was inhibited by PD98059, rottlerin, and protein kinase Cepsilon (PKCepsilon) inhibitor peptide, suggesting that GSK-3alpha inhibits ERK through PKC-MEK-dependent mechanisms. Knockdown of GSK-3alpha increased protein content and reduced apoptosis, effects that were abolished by PD98059, indicating that inhibition of ERK plays a major role in the modulation of cardiac growth and apoptosis by GSK-3alpha. In conclusion, up-regulation of GSK-3alpha inhibits cardiac growth and pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy but increases fibrosis and apoptosis in the heart. The anti-hypertrophic and pro-apoptotic effect of GSK-3alpha is mediated through inhibition of ERK.  相似文献   

A-Kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs) immobilize and concentrate protein kinase A (PKA) isoforms at specific subcellular compartments. Intracellular targeting of PKA holoenzyme elicits rapid and efficient phosphorylation of target proteins, thereby increasing sensitivity of downstream effectors to cAMP action. AKAP121 targets PKA to the cytoplasmic surface of mitochondria. Here we show that conditional expression of AKAP121 in PC12 cells selectively enhances cAMP.PKA signaling to mitochondria. AKAP121 induction stimulates PKA-dependent phosphorylation of the proapoptotic protein BAD at Ser(155), inhibits release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, and protects cells from apoptosis. An AKAP121 derivative mutant that localizes on mitochondria but does not bind PKA down-regulates PKA signaling to the mitochondria and promotes apoptosis. These findings indicate that PKA anchored by AKAP121 transduces cAMP signals to the mitochondria, and it may play an important role in mitochondrial physiology.  相似文献   

A-kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs) assemble multi-enzyme signaling complexes in proximity to substrate/effector proteins, thus directing and amplifying membrane-generated signals. S-AKAP84 and AKAP121 are alternative splicing products with identical NH(2) termini. These AKAPs bind and target protein kinase A (PKA) to the outer mitochondrial membrane. Tubulin was identified as a binding partner of S-AKAP84 in a yeast two-hybrid screen. Immunoprecipitation and co-sedimentation experiments in rat testis extracts confirmed the interaction between microtubules and S-AKAP84. In situ immunostaining of testicular germ cells (GC2) shows that AKAP121 concentrates on mitochondria in interphase and on mitotic spindles during M phase. Purified tubulin binds directly to S-AKAP84 but not to a deletion mutant lacking the mitochondrial targeting domain (MT) at residues 1-30. The MT is predicted to form a highly hydrophobic alpha-helical wheel that might also mediate interaction with tubulin. Disruption of the wheel by site-directed mutagenesis abolished tubulin binding and reduced mitochondrial attachment of an MT-GFP fusion protein. Some MT mutants retain tubulin binding but do not localize to mitochondria. Thus, the tubulin-binding motif lies within the mitochondrial attachment motif. Our findings indicate that S-AKAP84/AKAP121 use overlapping targeting motifs to localize signaling enzymes to mitochondrial and cytoskeletal compartments.  相似文献   

A-kinase anchoring proteins: protein kinase A and beyond   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Compartmentalization of kinases and phosphatases is a key determinant in the specificity of second messenger mediated signaling events. Localization of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and other signaling enzymes is mediated by interaction with A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). In the past year there have been many advances in our understanding of AKAPs, particularly in the field of the functional consequences of PKA anchoring.  相似文献   

Promotion and inhibition of vesicle fusion by polylysine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A E Gad  M Bental  G Elyashiv  H Weinberg  S Nir 《Biochemistry》1985,24(22):6277-6282
Polylysine induced rapid aggregation of large unilamellar vesicles composed of phosphatidylcholine-cardiolipin (1:1 molar ratio) but not their fusion. Application of the terbium-dipicolinic acid fusion assay showed that addition of polylysine at nanomolar concentrations enabled a significant lowering of the Ca2+ threshold concentration for vesicle fusion from 9 to 1 mM. Analysis of the kinetics of fusion with a mass-action kinetic model showed that polylysine enhanced significantly the rate of aggregation but affected only slightly the rate of fusion per se. Maximal enhancement of overall fusion rates occurred at a charge ratio (polylysine/cardiolipin) of about 0.5. At larger polylysine concentrations, e.g., at charge ratios greater than 3, polylysine inhibited vesicle fusion.  相似文献   

Sustained cardiac pressure overload induces hypertrophy and pathological remodeling, frequently leading to heart failure. Genetically engineered hyperstimulation of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) synthesis counters this response. Here, we show that blocking the intrinsic catabolism of cGMP with an oral phosphodiesterase-5A (PDE5A) inhibitor (sildenafil) suppresses chamber and myocyte hypertrophy, and improves in vivo heart function in mice exposed to chronic pressure overload induced by transverse aortic constriction. Sildenafil also reverses pre-established hypertrophy induced by pressure load while restoring chamber function to normal. cGMP catabolism by PDE5A increases in pressure-loaded hearts, leading to activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase with inhibition of PDE5A. PDE5A inhibition deactivates multiple hypertrophy signaling pathways triggered by pressure load (the calcineurin/NFAT, phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K)/Akt, and ERK1/2 signaling pathways). But it does not suppress hypertrophy induced by overexpression of calcineurin in vitro or Akt in vivo, suggesting upstream targeting of these pathways. PDE5A inhibition may provide a new treatment strategy for cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling.  相似文献   

A型激酶锚定蛋白(A-kinase anchoring proteins,AKAPs)是一类结构不同而功能相关的蛋白家族,其主要功能是将cAMP依赖性蛋白激酶A(PKA)锚定于特定的亚细胞结构.PKA是第二信使cAMP的主要效应器,而AKAPs在靶向定位和调节PKA介导的磷酸化事件方面扮演重要角色. AKAPs更为重要的功能是与多种信号分子形成信号复合物,从时间和空间上整合cAMP-PKA和其他信号途径.本文将对AKAPs及其信号复合物的结构特点和参与细胞信号转导的功能机制及其研究现状进行概述.  相似文献   

Proliferation of Schwann cells during peripheral nerve development is stimulated by the heregulin/neuregulin family of growth factors expressed by neurons. However, for neonatal rat Schwann cells growing in culture, heregulins produce only a weak mitogenic response. Supplementing heregulin with forskolin, an agent that elevates cyclic AMP levels, produces a dramatic increase in the proliferation of cultured Schwann cells. The mechanisms underlying this synergistic effect required for Schwann cell proliferation in vivo is not well established. Characterizing the A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) in Schwann cells might help identify substrates tethered to and phosphorylated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). Using an RII overlay assay that detects AKAPs that are bound to the type II regulatory subunits of PKA, we identified AKAP150 in Schwann cells. Western blot analysis revealed that additional AKAPs, specifically AKAP95, and yotiao were also present. Disruption of PKA/AKAP interaction with Ht-31 peptide resulted in an increase in luciferase-conjugated cyclin D3 promoter activity. Transfection with sequence-specific AKAP siRNAs for AKAP150 and AKAP95 produced a marked reduction in cell proliferation. Immunoblot analysis revealed that knock down of AKAP95 protein caused a significant decrease in expression of the cell cycle regulatory proteins cyclin D2, cyclin D3 and the cell survival signal Akt/Protein Kinase B (Akt/PKB). Morphological characterization of Schwann cell AKAPs indicated the presence of nuclear (AKAP95), cytoplasm-associated (AKAP150) and perinuclear (yotiao) A-kinase anchoring proteins. These results indicate a role for AKAP95 and AKAP150 in the synergistic response of Schwann cells to treatment with heregulin and forskolin.  相似文献   

R P Stepanov 《Tsitologiia》1977,19(7):756-762
Using cytophotometry, the amount of DNA, total nuclear proteins and of histones were studied in the myocardial cells during days 21--36 of experimental compensatory hypertrophy of the heart (in rats). The enlargement of myocardial nuclei during the cardial hyperfunction was accompanied by accumulation of total nuclear protein, in particular, the histone fraction, without distinct changes in DNA. Analysis of correlations between nuclear proteins and DNA in the myocardial cells allows to reveal a delayed accumulation of histones in the big and gigantic nuclei, with a superfluous increase in non-histone nuclear proteins. In middle-sized nuclei, non-histone proteins have little changes against intensive accumulation of histones.  相似文献   

Protein kinase A regulates sperm motility through the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of proteins. One mechanism to direct the activity of the kinase is to localize it near its protein substrates through the use of anchoring proteins. A-Kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) act by binding the type II regulatory subunit of protein kinase A and tethering it to a cellular organelle or cytoskeletal element. We showed previously that mAKAP82, the major protein of the fibrous sheath of the mouse sperm flagellum, is an AKAP. The available evidence indicates that protein kinase A is compartmentalized to the fibrous sheath by binding mAKAP82. To characterize AKAP82 in bovine sperm, a testicular cDNA library was constructed and used to isolate a clone encoding bAKAP82, the bovine homologue. Sequence analysis showed that the primary structure of bAKAP82 was highly conserved. In particular, the amino acid sequence corresponding to the region of mAKAP82 responsible for binding the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A was identical in the bull. Bovine AKAP82 was present in both epididymal and ejaculated sperm and was localized to the entire principal piece of the flagellum, the region in which the fibrous sheath is located. Finally, bAKAP82 bound the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A. These data support the idea that bAKAP82 functions as an anchoring protein for the subcellular localization of protein kinase A in the flagellum.  相似文献   

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