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Twenty-four new species of the caddisfly genus Polycentropus (Insecta: Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) occurring in Brazil are diagnosed, described, and the male genitalia of each are illustrated. Eighteen of the new species are placed in the Polycentropus jorgenseni species complex of the Polycentropus gertschi group of New World Polycentropussensu lato. Furthermore, 6 new species within the Polycentropus gertschi group (Polycentropus ancistrussp. n., Polycentropus boraceiasp. n., Polycentropus cariocasp. n., Polycentropus froehlichisp. n., Polycentropus galharadasp. n., and Polycentropus graciosasp. n.) are placed in an informal diagnostic cluster of species with Polycentropus urubici Holzenthal and Almeida. Ten of the other Polycentropus gertschi group species form a second cluster of diagnostically similar species, the Polycentropus soniae cluster (Polycentropus caaetesp. n., Polycentropus carolaesp. n., Polycentropus cheliceratussp. n., Polycentropus fluminensissp. n., Polycentropus itatiaiasp. n., Polycentropus minerosp. n., Polycentropus santateresaesp. n., Polycentropus soniaesp. n., Polycentropus tripuisp. n., and Polycentropus virginiaesp. n.). Two of the remaining 8 new species are included in the Polycentropus jorgenseni species complex (Polycentropus cipoensissp. n. and Polycentropus verruculussp. n.), while the remaining 6 are unique and cannot be placed in one of the groups at this time (Polycentropus acinaciformissp. n., Polycentropus amphirhamphussp. n., Polycentropus cachoeirasp. n., Polycentropus inusitatussp. n., Polycentropus paprockiisp. n. and Polycentropus rosalysaesp. n.).  相似文献   

Rhagovelia pediformis sp. n. is described from western Colombia and placed in the R. elegans group.  相似文献   

Ten new Neotropical species of Chimarra are described in the subgenera Chimarra, Chimarrita, and Otarrha. New species in the subgenus Chimarra include, in the Chimarra ortiziana group: Chimarra calorisp. n. (southeastern Brazil) and Chimarra onchyrhinasp. n. (Venezuela); in the Chimarra picea group: Chimarra inchoatasp. n. (Venezuela), Chimarra nicehuhsp. n. (Venezuela), and Chimarra sunimasp. n. (Colombia); and in the Chimarra poolei group: Chimarra caucasp. n. (Colombia) and Chimarra desiraesp. n. (Bolivia). New species in the subgenus Chimarrita include, in the Chimarra simpliciforma group: Chimarra curvipenissp. n. (SE Brazil) and Chimarra latiforcepssp. n. (SE Brazil). A single new species in the subgenus Otarrha is also described: Chimarra soroasp. n. (Cuba). Males and females for all of the new species are illustrated, except for Chimarra desirae, for which female specimens were unavailable. Additionally, the female of Chimarra (Chimarrita) camella, which was previously unknown, is illustrated.  相似文献   

A new species of Amphoropsyche Holzenthal is described from Ecuador. It is similar to a group of species with dorsomesal processes on the preanal appendages (i.e., Amphoropsyche woodruffi Flint & Sykora, Amphoropsyche refugia Holzenthal, and Amphoropsyche aragua Holzenthal), but can be distinguished from these and other members of the genus by the short, digitate dorsomesal processes on the preanal appendages and the broad lateral processes of tergum X of the male genitalia. A key to males of the 14 species now known in the genus is presented based on characters of the genitalia.  相似文献   

Two new species Apsilochorema (Apsilochorema) shalimarensis sp. n. and Apsilochorema (Apsilochorema) sainii sp. n. are described and illustrated from India. With these new additions, the genus Apsilochorema Ulmer, 1907 is now represented by 14 species from India.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AAA8C469-850E-4778-BCF1-3FF5B429E559  相似文献   

Two new species of Chimarra (Chimarrita) are described and illustrated, Chimarra (Chimarrita) mesodonta sp. n. and Chimarra (Chimarrita) anticheira sp. n. from the Chimarra (Chimarrita) rosalesi and Chimarra (Chimarrita) simpliciforma species groups, respectively. The morphological variation of Chimarra (Curgia) morio is also illustrated. Chimarra (Otarrha) odonta and Chimarra (Chimarrita) kontilos are reported to occur in the northeast region of Brazil for the first time. An updated key is provided for males and females of the all species in the subgenus Chimarrita.  相似文献   

Three new species of Atopsyche (Trichoptera: Hydrobiosidae) from Venezuela are described, Atopsyche (Atopsyche) allani, Atopsyche (Atopsyche) rinconi, and Atopsyche (Atopsaura) segninii, bringing to 23 the number of species in the genus known from the country. New records are presented for additional species.  相似文献   

Four new species ofCayaponia are described and illustrated: three from Brazil (C. cogniauxiana, C. nitida andC. rugosa) and one from Brazil and Bolivia (C. ferruginea).  相似文献   

Aristolochia dalyi, from western Peruvian and Brazilian Amazonia, andA. bahiensis, from Bahia, Brazil, are described and illustrated. The species belong toAristolochia ser.Thyrsicae andA. ser.Hexandrae subser.Anthocaulicae, respectively. A key to the eight western Amazonian species of the seriesThyrsicae is presented.Aristolochia dalyi closely resemblesA. silvatica Barb. Rodr. from the Río Negro basin, andA. bahiensis—the first cauliflorous species ofAristolochia known from the Mata Atlantica—is similar toA. guentheri O. C. Schmidt andA. klugii O. C. Schmidt, from the Western Amazon basin. Characters based primarily on the perianth shape, along with some vegetative features, are used to distinguish the two newly described species from their close relatives.
Resumen   Aristolochia dalyi, del occidente de la amazonía peruana y brasilera, yA. bahiensis, del estado de Acre, en Brasil, son descritas e ilustradas. Las especies pertenecen aAristolochia ser.Thyrsicae yA. ser.Hexandrae subser.Anthocaulicae respectivamente.Aristolochia dalyi es incluída en una clave para diferenciarla de las especies de la serieThyrsicae presentes en la Amazonía occidental, y resulta ser similar aA. silvatica Barb. Rodr, propia de la cuenca del río Negro; por su parte,A. bahiensis, hasta ahora la única especie deAristolochia cauliflora hallada en la Mata Atlántica, es similar aA. guentheri O. C. Schmidt yA. klugii O. C. Schmidt, propias del occidente de la cuenca amazónica. Los caracteres diagnósticos de las nuevas especies se basan principlalmente en la forma del perianto, aunque algunas diferencias vegetativas son también reconocidas.

Pedro Fiaschi 《Brittonia》2005,57(3):240-247
Three new species of BrazilianDendropanax from the rain forests of Bahia state are described and illustrated.Dendropanax amorimii, endemic to the rain forests near Boa Nova, in southern Bahia, is characterized by compound umbellate inflorescences with elongated primary branches each having a proximal whorl of bracts, and by leaves with well-developed tertiary venation.Dendropanax bahiensis, endemic to the Atlantic rain forests of southern Bahia, is distinguished by its large and membranous leaves with reddish schizogenous glands on the abaxial surface and by the reduced and branched inflorescences with short-pedicellate flowers and large fruits.Dendropanax geniculatus, an endemic species from the “matas de grotão” of Serra da Chapadinha, Chapada Diamantina, is characterized by simple and usually geniculate inflorescences bearing long-pedicellate flowers and fruits.  相似文献   

Three new species of Ripipteryx Newman (Orthoptera: Tridactyloidea: Ripipterygidae) are described from Colombia; namely Ripipteryx diegoi sp. n. (Forceps Group) and Ripipteryx guacharoensis sp. n. (Marginipennis Group) from Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de los Guacharos in Huila, and Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. (Crassicornis Group) from Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona in Cauca. Ripipteryx diegoi sp. n. is characterized by the antennae black with white spots on flagellomeres 3–7, male subgenital plate with median ridge forming a bilobed setose process, epiproct produced laterally near its base and phallic complex with virga thickened distally and not reaching beyond the membrane. Ripipteryx guacharoensis sp. n. is characterized by the antennae thick with white spots present dorsally on flagellomeres 1–4 and 8, epiproct narrow and triangular, uncus reduced and lacking a distal hook, phallic complex with a concave ventral plate and a dorsal elevation in the middle extended to the virga, and the virga itself with two small projections basally. Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. is characterized by the epiproct with a lateral notch, antennae with a white dorsal spot on flagellomere 1 and flagellomeres 4–7 entirely white. The antennal color pattern of Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. strongly resembles that of Ripipteryx atra but differs from the latter in the absence of any significant morphological modification of the flagellomeres.  相似文献   

A third species of the rare augochlorine bee genus Chlerogelloides Engel et al. (Halictinae, Augochlorini) is described and figured. Chlerogelloides nexosasp. n. is most similar to the type species, Chlerogelloides femoralis Engel et al., in that both have modified midlegs in the males. The former, however, can be distinguished on the basis of its terminalia, which in some respects more closely resembles those of Chlerogelloides simplex Engel and Brooks. Brief comments on the secondary features of males and relationships of the genus are provided. A key to the species of the genus is provided and floral records of Cordia nodosa Lam. (Boraginaceae) and Gonzalagunia dicocca Cham. & Schltdl. (Rubiaceae) are noted.  相似文献   

The bee genus Chilicola Spinola (Xeromelissinae) is recorded from the State of Bahia, Brazil for the first time, based on a new species of the megalostigma group of the subgenus Hylaeosoma Ashmead. Chilicola (Hylaeosoma) kevani sp. n. is described and figured from males collected in Wesceslau Guimarães, Bahia. The species can be distinguished on the basis of coloration, size, integumental sculpturing, and structure of the hidden metasomal sterna and genitalia. A revised key to the species of the megalostigma group is provided.  相似文献   

Three species are described here that occur in montane and high-montane forests in Southeastern Brazil.Miconia shepherdii belongs to sectionGlossocentrum and occurs on the Serra da Mantiqueira, on the border between the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro.Miconia kollmannii belongs to sectionHypoxanthus (formerChaenanthera) and occurs in the state of Espírito Santo.Ossaea suprabasalis was also collected in the state of Espírito Santo.  相似文献   

Summary   Croton imbricatus L. R. Lima & Pirani from Bahia, C. muellerianus L. R. Lima from Paraná and C. pygmaeus L. R. Lima from Rio Grande do Sul are described and illustrated. They are included in Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax because they are much branched subshrubs or shrubs, bearing leaves with a lepidote indumentum (at least in part), inflorescences lacking bisexual cymules, and pistillate flowers with bifid styles.
Résumé   Croton imbricatus L. R. Lima & Pirani da Bahia, C. muellerianus L. R. Lima do Paraná e C. pygmaeus L. R. Lima do Rio Grande do Sul s?o descritas e ilustradas. Elas s?o representantes de Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax e tal posicionamento sistemático é devido ao hábito arbustivo ou subarbustivo bastante ramificado, com indumento da folhagem lepidoto pelo menos em parte, inflorescências sem címulas bissexuadas e flores pistiladas com estiletes uma vez bífidos.

A junior synonym of the parasitoid wasp genus Notiospathius Matthews and Marsh, Hansonorumsyn. n., with two new combinations, Notiospathius carolinae (Marsh) comb. n. and Notiospathius pauli (Marsh) comb. n., are proposed. Two species of Notiospathius from Brazil originally described in early twentieth century are redescribed, Notiospathius caudatus (Szépligeti) and Notiospathius diversus (Szépligeti). Five new species of Notiospathius from southern Brazil are also described: Notiospathius atrasp. n., Notiospathius johnlennonisp. n., Notiospathius novateutoniaesp. n., Notiospathius sulcatussp. n., and Notiospathius xanthofasciatussp. n. Most of the type specimens of the above new species were collected in the mid twentieth century in the Nova Teutonia region, which is now part of the municipality of Seara in the state of Santa Catarina.  相似文献   

Two new species, Hypancistrus phantasma and Hypancistrus margaritatus, are described based on material from the Rio Negro drainage. Both species are distinguished from congeners by unique color patterns. Hypancistrus phantasma is described from the Rio Uaupes and differs from congeners by having a tan body with small dark spots (vs. dark with light spots or with saddles or stripes). Hypancistrus margaritatus is described from the Takutu River and differs from congeners by having densely-packed light spots on a dark brown background, with spots about the size of the nasal aperture (vs. sparse light spots either smaller or larger than the nasal aperture, or brown to black spots, saddles, or stripes).  相似文献   

We describe Lonchophylla inexpectata sp. n. from the Caatinga of Brazil. This new species can be distinguished from all known species of Lonchophylla that occur in Brazil by dental traits, cranial size, and fur colour. Specimens of Lonchophylla inexpectata have been misidentified as Lonchophylla mordax; but Lonchophylla inexpectata is a pale-venter species, similar in external appearance to Lonchophylla dekeyseri. We have found Lonchophylla inexpectata in the Caatinga of North-eastern Brazil; Lonchophylla mordax along the eastern border of the Caatinga and in the Atlantic Forest–Caatinga ecotone in North-eastern Brazil; and Lonchophylla dekeyseri in the Cerrado of Mid-western Brazil, in the Brazilian Cerrado–Caatinga ecotone, and as far west as the Cerrado of Bolivia.  相似文献   

Rhagomys rufescens (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) is an endemic species of the Atlantic forest from Southern and Southeastern Brazil. Some authors consider Rhagomys as part of the tribe Thomasomyini; but its phylogenetic relationships remain unclear. Chromosomal studies on eight specimens of Rhagomys rufescens revealed a diploid number of 2n = 36 and a number of autosome arms FN = 50. GTG, CBG and Ag-NOR banding and CMA(3) /DAPI staining were performed on metaphase chromosomes. Eight biarmed and nine acrocentric pairs were found in the karyotype of this species. The X and Y chromosomes were both acrocentric. Most of the autosomes and the sex chromosomes showed positive C-bands in the pericentromeric region. The X chromosome showed an additional heterochromatic block in the proximal region of the long arm. Nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were located in the pericentromeric region of three biarmed autosomes (pairs 4, 6 and 8) and in the telomeric region of the short arm of three acrocentrics (pairs 10, 12 and 17). CMA (3) /DAPI staining produced fluorescent signals in many autosomes, especially in pairs 4, 6, and 8. This study presents cytogenetic data of Rhagomys rufescens for the first time.  相似文献   

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