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【摘 要】 本文阐述了肠道原始固有菌群(肠菌)与天然药用植物(中草药)联合应用和用肠菌发酵中草药的可行性及应用前景。  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) in all the molecular aspects that take place both inside and outside cells. However, determining experimentally the structure and affinity of PPIs is expensive and time consuming. Therefore, the development of computational tools, as a complement to experimental methods, is fundamental. Here, we present a computational suite: MODPIN, to model and predict the changes of binding affinity of PPIs. In this approach we use homology modeling to derive the structures of PPIs and score them using state‐of‐the‐art scoring functions. We explore the conformational space of PPIs by generating not a single structural model but a collection of structural models with different conformations based on several templates. We apply the approach to predict the changes in free energy upon mutations and splicing variants of large datasets of PPIs to statistically quantify the quality and accuracy of the predictions. As an example, we use MODPIN to study the effect of mutations in the interaction between colicin endonuclease 9 and colicin endonuclease 2 immune protein from Escherichia coli. Finally, we have compared our results with other state‐of‐art methods.  相似文献   

The interactions between human serum albumin (HSA) and fluphenazine (FPZ) in the presence or absence of rutin or quercetin were studied by fluorescence, absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and molecular modeling. The results showed that the fluorescence quenching mechanism was static quenching by the formation of an HSA–FPZ complex. Entropy change (ΔS 0) and enthalpy change (ΔH 0) values were 68.42 J/(mol? K) and ?4.637 kJ/mol, respectively, which indicated that hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds played major roles in the acting forces. The interaction process was spontaneous because the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG 0) values were negative. The results of competitive experiments demonstrated that FPZ was mainly located within HSA site I (sub‐domain IIA). Molecular docking results were in agreement with the experimental conclusions of the thermodynamic parameters and competition experiments. Competitive binding to HSA between flavonoids and FPZ decreased the association constants and increased the binding distances of FPZ binding to HSA. The results of absorption, synchronous fluorescence, three‐dimensional fluorescence, and CD spectra showed that the binding of FPZ to HSA caused conformational changes in HSA and simultaneous effects of FPZ and flavonoids induced further HSA conformational changes.  相似文献   

Host–parasite coevolution is considered to be an important factor in maintaining genetic variation in resistance to pathogens. Drosophila melanogaster is naturally infected by the sigma virus, a vertically transmitted and host‐specific pathogen. In fly populations, there is a large amount of genetic variation in the transmission rate from parent to offspring, much of which is caused by major‐effect resistance polymorphisms. We have found that there are similarly high levels of genetic variation in the rate of paternal transmission among 95 different isolates of the virus as in the host. However, when we examined a transmission‐blocking gene in the host, we found that it was effective across virus isolates. Therefore, the high levels of genetic variation observed in this system do not appear to be maintained because of coevolution resulting from interactions between this host gene and parasite genes.  相似文献   

Striking differences are observed in the melanogenic response of normal human melanocytes to UVA and UVB irradiation depending on culture conditions and the presence of keratinocytes. Exposure of melanocytes co‐cultured with keratinocytes to UVB irradiation triggered, already at low doses (5 mJ/cm2), an increase in melanin synthesis whereas in melanocyte mono‐cultures, UVB doses up to 50 mJ/cm2 had no melanogenic effect. Unlike UVB, UVA exposure caused the same melanogenic response in both mono‐ and co‐cultures. Removing certain keratinocyte growth factors from the co‐culture medium abolished the melanogenic response to UVB, but not to UVA exposure. When integrated into the basal layer of a reconstructed human epidermis, human melanocytes similarly reacted to UVA and UVB irradiation as in vivo by increasing their production and transfer of melanin to the neighboring keratinocytes which resulted in a noticeable tanning of the reconstructed epidermis. The presence of a dense stratum corneum, known to scatter and absorb UV light, is responsible for higher minimal UVB and UVA doses required to trigger a melanogenic response in the reconstructed epidermis compared to keratinocyte–melanocyte co‐cultures. Furthermore, an immediate tanning response was observed in the pigmented epidermis following UVA irradiation. From these results we conclude that: (i) keratinocytes play an important role in mediating UVB‐induced pigmentation, (ii) UVA‐induced pigmentation is the result of a rather direct effect on melanocytes and (iii) reconstructed pigmented epidermis is the most appropriate model to study UV‐induced pigmentation in vitro.  相似文献   

In order to stimulate selection for plant‐associated bacteria with the potential to improve Cd phytoextraction, yellow lupine plants were grown on a metal‐contaminated field soil. It was hypothesised that growing these plants on this contaminated soil, which is a source of bacteria possessing different traits to cope with Cd, could enhance colonisation of lupine with potential plant‐associated bacteria that could then be inoculated in Cd‐exposed plants to reduce Cd phytotoxicity and enhance Cd uptake. All cultivable bacteria from rhizosphere, root and stem were isolated and genotypically and phenotypically characterised. Many of the rhizobacteria and root endophytes produce siderophores, organic acids, indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA) and aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, as well as being resistant to Cd and Zn. Most of the stem endophytes could produce organic acids (73.8%) and IAA (74.3%), however, only a minor fraction (up to 0.7%) were Cd or Zn resistant or could produce siderophores or ACC deaminase. A siderophore‐ and ACC deaminase‐producing, highly Cd‐resistant Rhizobium sp. from the rhizosphere, a siderophore‐, organic acid‐, IAA‐ and ACC deaminase‐producing highly Cd‐resistant Pseudomonas sp. colonising the roots, a highly Cd‐ and Zn‐resistant organic acid and IAA‐producing Clavibacter sp. present in the stem, and a consortium composed of these three strains were inoculated into non‐exposed and Cd‐exposed yellow lupine plants. Although all selected strains possessed promising in vitro characteristics to improve Cd phytoextraction, inoculation of none of the strains (i) reduced Cd phytotoxicity nor (ii) strongly affected plant Cd uptake. This work highlights that in vitro characterisation of bacteria is not sufficient to predict the in vivo behaviour of bacteria in interaction with their host plants.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Hosts experiencing frequent variation in density are thought to benefit from allocating more resources to parasite defence when density is high (‘density‐dependent prophylaxis’). However, high density conditions can increase intra‐specific competition and induce physiological stress, hence increasing host susceptibility to infection (‘crowding‐stress hypothesis’). 2. We studied monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and quantified the effects of larval rearing density on susceptibility to the protozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha. Larvae were inoculated with parasite spores and reared at three density treatments: low, moderate, and high. We examined the effects of larval density on parasite loads, host survival, development rates, body size, and wing melanism. 3. Results showed an increase in infection probability with greater larval density. Monarchs in the moderate and high density treatments also suffered the greatest negative effects of parasite infection on body size, development rate, and adult longevity. 4. We observed greater body sizes and shorter development times for monarchs reared at moderate densities, and this was true for both unparasitised and parasite‐treated monarchs. We hypothesise that this effect could result from greater larval feeding rates at moderate densities, combined with greater physiological stress at the highest densities. 5. Although monarch larvae are assumed to occur at very low densities in the wild, an analysis of continent‐wide monarch larval abundance data showed that larval densities can reach high levels in year‐round resident populations and during the late phase of the breeding season. Treatment levels used in our experiment captured ecologically‐relevant variation in larval density observed in the wild.  相似文献   

Phytophthora capsici causes devastating diseases on a broad range of plant species. To better understand the interaction with its host plants, knowledge obtained from a model pathosystem can be instrumental. Here, we describe the interaction between P. capsici and Arabidopsis and the exploitation of this novel pathosystem to assign metabolic pathways involved in defence against P. capsici. Inoculation assays on Arabidopsis accessions with different P. capsici isolates revealed interaction specificity among accession‐isolate combinations. In a compatible interaction, appressorium‐mediated penetration was followed by the formation of invasive hyphae, haustoria and sporangia in leaves and roots. In contrast, in an incompatible interaction, P. capsici infection elicited callose deposition, accumulation of active oxygen species and cell death, resulting in early pathogen encasement in leaves. Moreover, Arabidopsis mutants with defects in salicylic acid signalling, camalexin or indole glucosinolates biosynthesis pathways displayed severely compromised resistance to P. capsici. It is anticipated that this model pathosystem will facilitate the genetic dissection of complex traits responsible for resistance against P. capsici.  相似文献   

Subgroup analyses are important to medical research because they shed light on the heterogeneity of treatment effectts. A treatment–covariate interaction in an individual patient data (IPD) meta‐analysis is the most reliable means to estimate how a subgroup factor modifies a treatment's effectiveness. However, owing to the challenges in collecting participant data, an approach based on aggregate data might be the only option. In these circumstances, it would be useful to assess the relative efficiency and power loss of a subgroup analysis without patient‐level data. We present methods that use aggregate data to estimate the standard error of an IPD meta‐analysis’ treatment–covariate interaction for regression models of a continuous or dichotomous patient outcome. Numerical studies indicate that the estimators have good accuracy. An application to a previously published meta‐regression illustrates the practical utility of the methodology.  相似文献   

Drug‐protein interaction analysis is pregnant in designing new leads during drug discovery. We prepared the stationary phase containing immobilized β2‐adrenoceptor (β 2AR) by linkage of the receptor on macroporous silica gel surface through N ,N ′‐carbonyldiimidazole method. The stationary phase was applied in identifying antiasthmatic target of protopine guided by the prediction of site‐directed molecular docking. Subsequent application of immobilized β 2AR in exploring the binding of protopine to the receptor was realized by frontal analysis and injection amount–dependent method. The association constants of protopine to β 2AR by the 2 methods were (1.00 ± 0.06) × 105M−1 and (1.52 ± 0.14) × 104M−1. The numbers of binding sites were (1.23 ± 0.07) × 10−7M and (9.09 ± 0.06) × 10−7M, respectively. These results indicated that β 2AR is the specific target for therapeutic action of protopine in vivo. The target‐drug binding occurred on Ser169 in crystal structure of the receptor. Compared with frontal analysis, injection amount–dependent method is advantageous to drug saving, improvement of sampling efficiency, and performing speed. It has grave potential in high‐throughput drug‐receptor interaction analysis.  相似文献   

Iron–sulfur (Fe–S) clusters play an essential role in plants as protein cofactors mediating diverse electron transfer reactions. Because they can react with oxygen to form reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inflict cellular damage, the biogenesis of Fe–S clusters is highly regulated. A recently discovered group of 2Fe–2S proteins, termed NEET proteins, was proposed to coordinate Fe–S, Fe and ROS homeostasis in mammalian cells. Here we report that disrupting the function of AtNEET, the sole member of the NEET protein family in Arabidopsis thaliana, triggers leaf‐associated Fe–S‐ and Fe‐deficiency responses, elevated Fe content in chloroplasts (1.2–1.5‐fold), chlorosis, structural damage to chloroplasts and a high seedling mortality rate. Our findings suggest that disrupting AtNEET function disrupts the transfer of 2Fe–2S clusters from the chloroplastic 2Fe–2S biogenesis pathway to different cytosolic and chloroplastic Fe–S proteins, as well as to the cytosolic Fe–S biogenesis system, and that uncoupling this process triggers leaf‐associated Fe–S‐ and Fe‐deficiency responses that result in Fe over‐accumulation in chloroplasts and enhanced ROS accumulation. We further show that AtNEET transfers its 2Fe–2S clusters to DRE2, a key protein of the cytosolic Fe–S biogenesis system, and propose that the availability of 2Fe–2S clusters in the chloroplast and cytosol is linked to Fe homeostasis in plants.  相似文献   

Endophytic bacteria are ubiquitous in most plant species influencing the host fitness by disease suppression, contaminant degradation, and plant growth promotion. This endophytic bacterial community may be affected by crop management such as the use of chemical compounds. For instance, application of glyphosate herbicide is common mainly due to the use of glyphosate-resistant transgenic plants. In this case, the bacterial equilibrium in plant–endophyte interaction could be shifted because some microbial groups are able to use glyphosate as a source of energy and nutrients, whereas this herbicide may be toxic to other groups. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study cultivable and noncultivable endophytic bacterial populations from soybean (Glycine max) plants cultivated in soil with and without glyphosate application (pre-planting). The cultivable endophytic bacterial community recovered from soybean leaves, stems, and roots included Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, A. junii, Burkholderiasp., B. gladioli, Enterobacter sakazaki, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, P. straminea, Ralstonia pickettii,and Sphingomonassp. The DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) analysis from soybean roots revealed some groups not observed by isolation that were exclusive for plants cultivated in soil with pre-planting glyphosate application, such as Herbaspirillum sp., and other groups in plants that were cultivated in soil without glyphosate, such as Xanthomonas sp. and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Furthermore, only two bacterial species were recovered from soybean plants by glyphosate enrichment isolation. They were Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and Burkholderia gladioliwhich showed different sensibility profiles to the glyphosate. These results suggest that the application at pre-planting of the glyphosate herbicide may interfere with the endophytic bacterial communitys equilibrium. This community is composed of different species with the capacity for plant growth promotion and biological control that may be affected. However, the evaluation of this treatment in plant production should be carried out by long-term experiments in field conditions.  相似文献   

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