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A molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 2   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Interspecific backcross mice were used to create a molecular genetic linkage map of chromosome 2. Genomic DNAs from N2 progeny were subjected to Southern blot analysis using molecular probes that identified the Abl, Acra, Ass, C5, Cas-1, Fshb, Gcg, Hox-5.1, Jgf-1, Kras-3, Ltk, Pax-1, Prn-p, and Spna-2 loci; these loci were added to the 11 loci previously mapped to the distal region of chromosome 2 in the same interspecific backcross to generate a composite multilocus linkage map. Several loci mapped near, and may be the same as, known mutations. Comparisons between the mouse and the human genomes indicate that mouse chromosome 2 contains regions homologous to at least six human chromosomes. Mouse models for human diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

A molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 7   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A M Saunders  M F Seldin 《Genomics》1990,8(3):525-535
The homology between mouse chromosome 7 and human chromosomes 11, 15, and 19 was examined using interspecific backcross animals derived from mating C3H/HeJ-gld/gld and Mus spretus mice. In an earlier study, we reported on the linkage relationships of 16 loci on mouse chromosome 7 and the homologous relationship between this chromosome and the myotonic dystrophy gene region on human chromosome 19. Segregation analyses were used to extend the gene linkage relationships on mouse chromosome 7 by an additional 21 loci. Seven of these genes (Cyp2a, D19F11S1h, Myod-1, Otf-2, Rnu1p70, Rnu2pa, and Xrcc-1) were previously unmapped in the mouse. Several potential mouse chromosome 7 genes (Mel, Hkr-1, Icam-1, Pvs) did not segregate with chromosome 7 markers, and provisional chromosomal assignments were made. This study establishes a detailed molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 7 that will be useful as a framework for determining linkage relationships of additional molecular markers and for identifying homologous disease genes in mice and humans.  相似文献   

We have mapped 13 loci on mouse Chromosome 18 by Southern blot analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms among progeny from an interspecific backcross: (C57BL/6J X Mus spretus) X M. spretus. Complete haplotype analysis of 136 of these progeny was used to establish gene order and estimate genetic distances between loci. The gene order (from centromere to telomere) and recombination distances (in centimorgans) were as follows: PGK-1rs5-4.3-Tpi-10-11.8-(Egr-1, Hmg17-rs9)-2.1-Fgfa-2.2-Grl-1-10.1-(Cdx-1, Csfmr, Pdgfrb, Pdea, Rps14)-2.1-Adrb-2-22.9-Mbp. Pgk-1rs5, Tpi-10, Hmg17-rs9, and Rps14 had not been previously mapped in the mouse; Egr-1 had only been syntenically assigned to mouse Chr 18. Nine of the loci, spanning 18 cM, have homologs on the distal long arm of human Chr5--a region rich in genes encoding growth factors and receptors. An additional previously unmapped gene, Drd-1, predicted to be on mouse Chr 18 based on its human chromosomal location, was mapped to the middle region of mouse Chr 13.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 32 loci on human chromosome 10   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have constructed a genetic linkage map of human chromosome 10 based on DNA probes that detect 47 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at 32 different loci. Segregation data were collected on a set of multigenerational families provided by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain and maps were constructed using recently developed multipoint analysis techniques. The length of the sex-averaged map is 178 cM and the sex-specific map lengths are 131 cM in males and 255 cM in females. Recombination is significantly higher in female meioses. The mean distance between loci is 5.6 cM for the sex-averaged map. The genetic map spans the length of the chromosome as judged by physical localization of probes by in situ hybridization techniques and mapping of the probes on human-hamster hybrid cell lines containing all or part of chromosome 10. The informativeness of two loci near the locus responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN-2A) has been increased by isolation of cosmids that reveal additional RFLPs at these loci.  相似文献   

We have constructed a 64-cM molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 4 using interspecific backcross animals derived from mating C57BL/6J and Mus spretus mice. Several proto-oncogenes and common sites of viral integration have been assigned regional locations on chromosome 4 including Mos, Lyn, Jun, Lmyc, Lck, Fgr, and Dsi-1. Additional loci mapped in this study to chromosome 4 were Tsha, Mup-1, Rrm2-ps1, Ifa, and Anf. A comparison of our mapping data with inbred strain mapping data did not show any evidence for inversions or deletions on chromosome 4. New regions of synteny were defined between mouse chromosome 4 and human chromosomes 1 and 8; a region of homology was found between mouse chromosome 4 and human chromosome 6. This linkage map will provide a framework for identifying homologous genes in mice and humans that may be involved in various disease processes.  相似文献   

The rat beige (bg) autosomal recessive gene, causing Chediak-Higashi Syndrome (CHS) in rat, was mapped on Chr 17 by using synteny of rat to mouse and humans. The linkage between the beige gene and PCR-amplified microsatellite markers in (DA-bg x BN)F1 x DA-bg backcross progeny was analysed. The recombination frequency was 9.5% between Prl and Acrm and 19.1% between Acrm and bg. The proposed order of three genes is Prl-Acrm-bg. This rat bg gene was confirmed to be homologus to the beige (bg) gene of mouse located on Chr 13 and the CHS (Lyst) gene of man located on Chr 1 (1q43).  相似文献   

An interspecific backcross between C57BL/6J and Mus spretus was used to generate a molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 18 that includes 23 molecular markers and spans approximately 86% of the estimated length of the chromosome. The Apc, Camk2a, D18Fcr1, D18Fcr2, D18Leh1, D18Leh2, Dcc, Emb-rs3, Fgfa, Fim-2/Csfmr, Gnal, Grl-1, Grp, Hk-1rs1, Ii, Kns, Lmnb, Mbp, Mcc, Mtv-38, Palb, Pdgfrb, and Tpl-2 genes were mapped relative to each other in one interspecific backcross. A second interspecific backcross and a centromere-specific DNA satellite probe were used to determine the distance of the most proximal chromosome 18 marker to the centromere. The interspecific map extends the known regions of linkage homology between mouse chromosome 18 and human chromosomes 5 and 18 and identifies a new homology segment with human chromosome 10p. It also provides molecular access to many regions of mouse chromosome 18 for the first time.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 5 with 60 RFLP loci.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A genetic map of human chromosome 5 that contains 60 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci in one linkage group has been constructed. Segregation data using these markers and 40 large multigenerational families supplied by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain have been collected. Linkage analyses were performed with the program package CRI-MAP; using odds greater than 1000:1, 30 RFLP loci could be placed on the map. This genetic map spans 289 cM sex-equal, 353 cM in females, and 244 cM in males. While the relative rate of recombination for female meioses is nearly twice that of males over much of the chromosome, several instances of statistically significant excess male recombination were observed. The order of probes on the genetic map has been confirmed by their physical order as determined by somatic cell hybrid lines containing deletions of normal chromosome 5. There is concordance between the physical positions of markers and their genetic positions. Our most distal probes on the genetic map are cytologically localized to the most distal portions of the chromosome. This suggests that our genetic map spans most of chromosome 5.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of chromosome 17   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have developed a genetic linkage map of 19 markers (including nine genes) on human chromosome 17, providing 13 reference points along virtually the entire length of this chromosome. The map covers an estimated 149 cM in length (sex-averaged), with a total length of 214 cM in females and 95 cM in males. This sex difference appears to be significant along virtually the entire length of the map. This map will be useful both for providing reference points for fine structure genetic and physical mapping and for genetic linkage studies of diseases, including von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.  相似文献   

A multilocus linkage map of mouse chromosome 8   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 8 that spans 53 cM and includes eight cloned loci. This map was derived from analysis of 100 progeny of an interspecific backcross between Mus spretus and Mus musculus domesticus. Genes that were mapped in this analysis include L7, Plat, Lpl, Ucp, Es, Mt-1, Um, and Tat. This analysis positions a new extremely proximal marker on chromosome 8, which is discussed as a potential candidate gene for the nervous locus. These linkage data will be useful for the mapping of additional loci on chromosome 8.  相似文献   

To refine the linkage map of distal mouse Chromosome 12, we have identified DNA restriction fragment variants associated with a creatine kinase gene (Ck-3), the Akt proto-oncogene, an Abelson proviral integration site (D12N1), and the immunoglobulin heavy chain VH3609 variable region family (Igh-V36). The patterns of inheritance of these markers in backcross progeny and recombinant inbred mouse strains allowed their localization with respect to previously mapped genes to yield the linkage map: Aat-15.8 cM-Ck-3-0.9 cM-(Crip, Akt, Igh-C)-0.3 cM-(D12N1, Igh-V). This map confirms genetically the localization of the Igh-V gene complex distal to Igh-C on the chromosome. It differs from previous maps in placing D12N1 distal to Igh-C, and in suggesting that the Igh-V gene complex spans less than one centiMorgan (cM).Other DNA sequence variants detected with the creatine kinase probe allowed definition of four additional genetic loci: Ck-1 near Lmyc-1 on Chromosome 4; Ck-2 between Upg-1 and Hprt-ps1 (D17Rp10) on distal Chromosome 17; Ck-4 near Mpmv-17 and Mls-3 on Chromosome 16; and Ck-5 near Hba on Chromosome 11.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 96 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We constructed a genetic map of 96 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3 (3p) in 59 families provided by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humaine (CEPH). Twenty-nine continuously linked loci were placed on the map with likelihood support of at least 1000:1; one locus, D3S213, was placed on the map with likelihood support of 871:1; D3Z1, an alpha satellite centromeric repeat probe, was placed on the map with likelihood support of 159:1; 65 loci were assigned regional locations. The average heterozygosity of the uniquely ordered markers was 49%. The map extends from 3p26, the terminal band of 3p, to the centromere (from D3S211 to D3Z1). Multipoint linkage analysis indicated that the male, female, and sex-averaged maps extend for 102, 147, and 116 cM, respectively. The mean genetic distance between uniquely ordered loci on the sex-averaged map was 4.0 cM. Probe density was greatest for the region of 3p between D3F15S2e and the telomere. The sex-averaged map contained two intervals greater than 10 cM. Seventeen probes were localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The loci described in this report will be useful in building an integrated genetic and physical map of this chromosome.  相似文献   

The mouselpr gene, which is an autosomal recessive gene causing autoimmune disease with features of human systemic lupus erythematosus and eventually death from severe immune-complex glomerulonephritis, has been mapped on chromosome 19. To determine its exact chromosomal location, a three-point backcross was carried out by mating (MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr × MOL-MIT)F1 × MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr using the genesLy-44 (lymphocyte differentiation antigen-44) andTdt (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase) as markers. The following order of genes is proposed, with the distances between genes given in parentheses: centromere-Ly-44 (19.3 cM)-lpr (6.1 cM)-Tdt-telomere. TheLy-44 a andTdt a alleles are found in all laboratory strains and in the wild Western European subspecies,domesticus andbrevirostris. In contrast, theLy-44 b andTdt b alleles are found in some Asian subspecies, Chinese mice of wild origin,yamashinai andmolossinus. Furthermore the thirdTdt allele,Tdt c , is detected incastaneus.Some of the data in this study were previously presented at the 4th Mouse Gene Mapping Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, in November 1990.  相似文献   

A 2-cM genetic linkage map of human chromosome 7p that includes 47 loci.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new high-resolution genetic linkage map for human chromosome 7p has been constructed. The map is composed of 47 loci (54 polymorphic systems), 19 of which are uniquely placed with odds of at least 1000:1. Four genes are represented, including glucokinase (GCK, ATP:D-hexose-6-phosphotransferase, EC which was mapped via a (CA)n dinucleotide repeat polymorphism. The sex-average map measures 94.4 cM and the male and female maps measure 73.2 and 116.1 cM, respectively. We believe that the genetic map extends nearly the full length of the short arm of chromosome 7 since a centromere marker has been incorporated, and the most distal marker, D7S21, has been cytogenetically localized by in situ hybridization to 7p22-pter. The average marker spacing is 2 cM, and the largest interval between uniquely placed markers is 13 cM (sex-average map). Overall, female recombination was observed to be about 1.5 times that of males, and a statistically significant sex-specific recombination frequency was found for a single interval. The map is based on genotypic data gathered from 40 CEPH reference pedigrees and was constructed using the CRI-MAP program package. The map presented here represents a combined and substantially expanded dataset compared to previously published chromosome 7 maps, and it will serve as a "baseline" genetic map that should prove useful for future efforts to develop a 1-cM map and for construction of a contiguous clone-based physical map for this chromosome.  相似文献   

Interspecific mouse backcrosses provide almost limitless genetic variation for gene mapping. We have used interspecific backcrosses to develop the first comprehensive molecular genetic linkage map of the mouse genome. More than 600 loci have been positioned on the map; the current average map resolution is less than 3 cM. Since all loci were mapped using a single backcross panel, gene order can be determined unambiguously. With this level of resolution, it is now possible to position any new locus on the linkage map with virtually 100% certainty. In this article, we review how interspecific linkage maps are constructed, the salient features of our linkage map, and some of the many applications of interspecific linkage maps, in general, for future research.  相似文献   

A fine-structure linkage map of chromosome 13q is presented. This map contains 39 continuously linked loci defined by genotypes generated from the CEPH family DNAs with 56 probe and enzyme combinations. An alpha-satellite probe for sequences on chromosome 13 was included, resulting in a complete map of 13q with 39 distinct loci. The map spans 1.715 M in males and 2.099 M in females and the mean genetic distance between adjacent loci is 5.1 cM. Although there was generally a several-fold excess of female recombination in the interstitial portion of 13q, an excess of recombination in males was observed at both ends of this chromosomal arm. This map should be useful for the localization of any additional marker, gene, or disease locus of interest on chromosome 13q.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of markers for human chromosome 20   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A continuous genetic linkage map with five polymorphic DNA markers, including one that defines a locus containing a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR), has been constructed from genotypic analysis of 59 large reference families. The map spans a genetic distance of 105 cM in males and 115 cM in females and provides initial anchor points for a high-resolution map of human chromosome 20.  相似文献   

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