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Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) project their axons to second-order neurons in the olfactory bulb (OB) to form a precise glomerular map and these stereotypic connections are crucial for accurate odorant information processing by animals. To form these connections, olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) axons respond to axon guidance molecules that direct their growth and coalescence. We have previously implicated the axon guidance receptor Robo-2 in the accurate coalescence of OSN axons within the dorsal region of the OB (Cho et al., 2011). Herein, we have examined whether Robo-2 and its ligands, the Slits, contribute to the formation of an accurate glomerular map within more ventral regions of the OB. We have ablated expression of Robo-2 in OSNs and assessed the targeting accuracy of axons expressing either the P2 or MOR28 olfactory receptors, which innervate two different regions of the ventral OB. We show that P2-positive axons, which express Robo-2, coalesce into glomeruli more ventrally and form additional glomeruli in the OB of robo-2lox/lox;OMP-Cre mice. We also demonstrate that Robo-2-mediated targeting of P2 axons along the dorsoventral axis of the OB is controlled by Slit-1 and Slit-3 expression. Interestingly, although MOR28-positive OSNs only express low levels of Robo-2, a reduced number of MOR28-positive glomeruli is observed in the OB of robo-2lox/lox;OMP-Cre mice. Taken together, our results demonstrate that Slits and Robo-2 are required for the formation of an accurate glomerular map in the ventral region of the OB.  相似文献   

The olfactory system has become a popular model to study the function of neuronal circuits and the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the development of neurons and their connections. An excellent model to combine studies of function and development is the zebrafish because it not only permits sophisticated molecular and genetic analyses of development, but also functional measurements of neuronal activity patterns in the intact brain. This article reviews insights into the functional development of the olfactory system that have been obtained in zebrafish. The focus is on the specification of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), the mechanisms controlling odorant receptor expression and OSN identity, the pathfinding of OSN axons towards target glomeruli in the olfactory bulb (OB), the development of glomeruli and functional topographic maps in the OB, and the development of inhibitory interneurons in the OB.  相似文献   

In the mouse olfactory system, the anatomical locations of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) correlate with their axonal projection sites along the dorsoventral axis of the olfactory bulb (OB). We have previously reported that Neuropilin‐2 expressed by ventral‐zone OSNs contributes to the segregation of dorsal and ventral OSN axons, and that Slit is acting as a negative land mark to restrict the projection of Robo2+, early‐arriving OSN axons to the embryonic OB. Here, we report that another guidance receptor, Robo1, also plays an important role in guiding OSN axons. Knockout mice for Robo1 demonstrated defects in targeting of OSN axons to the OB. Although Robo1 is colocalized with dorsal‐zone OSN axons, it is not produced by OSNs, but instead by olfactory ensheathing cells. These findings indicate a novel strategy of axon guidance in the mouse olfactory system during development. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73:828–840, 2013  相似文献   

The neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been implicated in the generation and differentiation of new olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) and in the regulation of branching of OSN axons in their target glomeruli. However, previous reports of BDNF mRNA and protein expression in olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb (OB) have been inconsistent, raising questions on the proposed roles for BDNF. Here, we report on beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) expression in adult gene-targeted mice where the BDNF promoter drives expression of the Escherichia coli lacZ gene (BDNF(lacZneo) mice). We find that beta-gal is expressed in a small subset of OSNs with axons that reach the olfactory nerve layers throughout the OB. In the OB, we find expression of beta-gal in gamma-aminobutyric acidergic but not dopaminergic periglomerular cells and external tufted cells and in interneurons located in the mitral cell layer. Our results are inconsistent with the regulation of generation and differentiation of new OSNs elicited by the release of BDNF from horizontal basal cells. The results are consistent with a role for BDNF in competitive branching of OSN axons within the glomeruli of the OB.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing a given odorant receptor project their axons to specific glomeruli, creating a topographic odor map in the olfactory bulb (OB). The mechanisms underlying axonal pathfinding of OSNs to their precise targets are not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that Robo2/Slit signaling functions to guide nascent olfactory axons to the OB primordium in zebrafish. robo2 is transiently expressed in the olfactory placode during the initial phase of olfactory axon pathfinding. In the robo2 mutant, astray (ast), early growing olfactory axons misroute ventromedially or posteriorly, and often penetrate into the diencephalon without reaching the OB primordium. Four zebrafish Slit homologs are expressed in regions adjacent to the olfactory axon trajectory, consistent with their role as repulsive ligands for Robo2. Masking of endogenous Slit gradients by ubiquitous misexpression of Slit2 in transgenic fish causes posterior pathfinding errors that resemble the ast phenotype. We also found that the spatial arrangement of glomeruli in OB is perturbed in ast adults, suggesting an essential role for the initial olfactory axon scaffold in determining a topographic glomerular map. These data provide functional evidence for Robo2/Slit signaling in the establishment of olfactory neural circuitry in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) project their axons from the olfactory epithelium toward the olfactory bulb (OB) in a heterogeneous and unsorted arrangement. However, as the axons approach the glomerular layer of the OB, axons from OSNs expressing the same odorant receptor (OR) sort and converge to form molecularly homogeneous glomeruli. Axon guidance cues, cell adhesion molecules, and OR induced activity have been implicated in the final targeting of OSN axons to specific glomeruli. Less understood, and often controversial, are the mechanisms used by OSN axons to initially navigate from the OE toward the OB. We previously demonstrated a role for Wnt and Frizzled (Fz) molecules in OSN axon extension and organization within the olfactory nerve. Building on that we now turned our attention to the downstream signaling cascades from Wnt-Fz interactions. Dishevelled (Dvl) is a key molecule downstream of Fz receptors. Three isoforms of Dvl with specific as well as overlapping functions are found in mammals. Here, we show that Dvl-1 expression is restricted to OSNs in the dorsal recess of the nasal cavity, and labels a unique subpopulation of glomeruli. Dvl-2 and Dvl-3 have a widespread distribution in both the OE and OB. Both Dvl-1 and Dvl-2 are associated with intra-glomerular pre-synaptic OSN terminals, suggesting a role in synapse formation/stabilization. Moreover, because Dvl proteins were observed in all OSN axons, we hypothesize that they are important determinants of OSN cell differentiation and axon extension.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the nose form precise connections with neurons in the brain. However, mechanisms that account for the formation of such precise neuronal connections are incompletely understood. Recent studies implicate the function of Wnt growth factors in the formation of neuronal connections. To assess the role of Wnt signaling in the olfactory system, we examined the expression of beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) in the TOPGAL mouse, a transgenic strain in which beta-gal expression reports the activation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. In the olfactory epithelium, no beta-gal expression was observed at any developmental stages. In the olfactory bulb (OB), beta-gal expression was observed in a population of cells located at the interface of the olfactory nerve layer and the glomerular layer. The beta-gal expression was developmentally regulated with the peak expression occurring at late embryonic and early postnatal stages and a greatly reduced expression in adulthood. Further, forced OSN regeneration and subsequent reinnervation of the OB led to a reactivation of beta-gal expression in mature animals. The temporal coincidence between the peak of beta-gal expression and formation of OSN connections, together with the spatial localization of these cells, suggests a potential role of these cells and canonical Wnt signaling in the formation of OSN connections in the OB during development and regeneration.  相似文献   

Olfactory bulb (OB) projection neurons receive sensory input from olfactory receptor neurons and precisely relay it through their axons to the olfactory cortex. Thus, olfactory bulb axonal tracts play an important role in relaying information to the higher order of olfactory structures in the brain. Several classes of axon guidance molecules influence the pathfinding of the olfactory bulb axons. Draxin, a recently identified novel class of repulsive axon guidance protein, is essential for the formation of forebrain commissures and can mediate repulsion of diverse classes of neurons from chickens and mice. In this study, we have investigated the draxin expression pattern in the mouse telencephalon and its guidance functions for OB axonal projection to the telencephalon. We have found that draxin is expressed in the neocortex and septum at E13 and E17.5 when OB projection neurons form the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) rostrocaudally along the ventrolateral side of the telencephalon. Draxin inhibits axonal outgrowth from olfactory bulb explants in vitro and draxin-binding activity in the LOT axons in vivo is detected. The LOT develops normally in draxin−/− mice despite subtle defasciculation in the tract of these mutants. These results suggest that draxin functions as an inhibitory guidance cue for OB axons and indicate its contribution to the formation of the LOT.  相似文献   

Interest in manipulating gene expression in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) has led to the use of adenoviruses (AdV) as gene delivery vectors. OSNs are the first order neurons in the olfactory system and the initial site of odor detection. They are highly susceptible to adenovirus infection although the mechanism is poorly understood. The Coxsackie-Adenovirus receptor (CAR) and members of the integrin family have been implicated in the process of AdV infection in various systems. Multiple serotypes of AdV efficiently bind to the CAR, leading to entry and infection of the host cell by a mechanism that can also involve integrins. Cell lines that do not express CAR are relatively resistant, but not completely immune to AdV infection, suggesting that other mechanisms participate in mediating AdV attachment and entry. Using in situ hybridization and western blot analyses, we show that OSNs and olfactory bulbs (OB) of mice express abundant CAR mRNA at embryonic and neonatal stages, with progressive diminution during postnatal development. By contrast to the olfactory epithelium (OE), CAR mRNA is still present in the adult mouse OB. Furthermore, despite a similar postnatal decline, CAR protein expression in the OE and OB of mice continues into adulthood. Our results suggest that the robust AdV infection observed in the postnatal olfactory system is mediated by CAR and that expression of even small amounts of CAR protein as seen in the adult rodent, permits efficient AdV infection and entry. CAR is an immunoglobulin domain-containing protein that bears homology to cell-adhesion molecules suggesting the possibility that it may participate in organization of the developing olfactory system.  相似文献   

The glial cell line-derived (GDNF) family of trophic factors, GDNF, neurturin, persephin and artemin, are known to support the survival and regulate differentiation of many neuronal populations, including peripheral autonomic, enteric and sensory neurons. Members of this family of related ligands bind to specific GDNF family receptor (GFR) proteins, which complex and signal through the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase. We showed previously that GDNF protein was detectable in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the olfactory neuroepithelium (ON). In this immunohistochemical study, we localized GDNF, neurturin, GFRα1, GFRα2 and Ret in the adult rat ON and olfactory bulb. We found that GDNF and Ret were widely expressed by immature and mature OSNs, while neurturin was selectively expressed in a subpopulation of OSNs zonally restricted in the ON. The GFRs had differential expression, with mature OSNs and their axons preferentially expressing GFRα1, whereas progenitors and immature neurons more avidly expressed GFRα2. In the bulb, GDNF was highly expressed by the mitral and tufted cells, and by periglomerular cells, and its distribution generally resembled that of Ret, with the exception that Ret was far more predominant on fibers than cell bodies. Neurturin, in contrast, was present at lower levels and was more restricted in its expression to the axonal compartment. GFRα2 appeared to be the dominant accessory protein in the bulb. These data are supportive of two members of this neurotrophic family, GDNF and neurturin, playing different physiological roles in the olfactory neuronal system.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies specific for different carbohydrate antigens were used to analyze the development of the olfactory system in rats. CC2 antibodies react with a subset of main olfactory neurons, their axons, and terminals in the olfactory bulb. CC2 antigens are expressed on dorsomedial neurons in the olfactory epithelium (OE) from embryonic (E) day 15 to adults. In the olfactory bulb (OB), only dorsomedially located glomeruli express CC2 glycoconjugates from postnatal day (P) 2 to adults. Thus CC2 defines a dorsomedially organized projection that is established early in embryonic development and continues in adults. P-Path antibodies react with antigens that are expressed on the olfactory nerve in embryos, and are also detected on cell bodies in the neuroepithelium and in glomeruli of the OB at P2. At P14, P-Path staining is weaker, but remains present on many cells in the epithelium and in many glomeruli in the bulb. Postnatally, P-Path immunostaining continues to decrease in most regions of the OE and OB. At P35 and afterwards, only a few P-Path-positive neuronal cells can be detected in the OE. Furthermore, after P35 only two groups of glomeruli in the OB are P-Path immunoreactive. One is situated adjacent to the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) at the dorsocaudal surface of the OB. The other is adjacent to the AOB at the ventrocaudal surface of the OB. Thus, in adults, P-Path glycoconjugates are expressed in neurons and axons that project only to a specific subset of caudal glomeruli of the OB. Monoclonal antibody 1B2, reacts with β-galactose-terminating glycolipids and glycoproteins. At P2, 1B2 immunoreactivity is seen on a subset of cell bodies that are distributed throughout the OE and is expressed in most glomeruli in the OB at this age. By P35 and in adults, 1B2 continues to be expressed on a subset of neurons in the OE that project to only a small subset of glomeruli in the OB. Unlike CC2 and P-Path antigens that define specific groups of glomeruli, 1B2-immunoreactive glomeruli do not have a detectable spatial pattern. It is more likely that 1B2 antigens define a specific stage in the maturation of connections between the OE and OB.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies specific for different carbohydrate antigens were used to analyze the development of the olfactory system in rats. CC2 antibodies react with a subset of main olfactory neurons, their axons, and terminals in the olfactory bulb. CC2 antigens are expressed on dorsomedial neurons in the olfactory epithelium (OE) from embryonic (E) day 15 to adults. In the olfactory bulb (OB), only dorsomedially located glomeruli express CC2 glycoconjugates from postnatal day (P) 2 to adults. Thus CC2 defines a dorsomedially organized projection that is established early in embryonic development and continues in adults. P-Path antibodies react with antigens that are expressed on the olfactory nerve in embryos, and are also detected on cell bodies in the neuroepithelium and in glomeruli of the OB at P2. At P14, P-Path staining is weaker, but remains present on many cells in the epithelium and in many glomeruli in the bulb. Postnatally, P-Path immunostaining continues to decrease in most regions of the OE and OB. At P35 and afterwards, only a few P-Path-positive neuronal cells can be detected in the OE. Furthermore, after P35 only two groups of glomeruli in the OB are P-Path immunoreactive. One is situated adjacent to the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) at the dorsocaudal surface of the OB. The other is adjacent to the AOB at the ventrocaudal surface of the OB. Thus, in adults, P-Path glycoconjugates are expressed in neurons and axons that project only to a specific subset of caudal glomeruli of the OB. Monoclonal antibody 1B2, reacts with beta-galactose-terminating glycolipids and glycoproteins. At P2, 1B2 immunoreactivity is seen on a subset of cell bodies that are distributed throughout the OE and is expressed in most glomeruli in the OB at this age. By P35 and in adults, 1B2 continues to be expressed on a subset of neurons in the OE that project to only a small subset of glomeruli in the OB. Unlike CC2 and P-Path antigens that define specific groups of glomeruli, 1B2-immunoreactive glomeruli do not have a detectable spatial pattern. It is more likely that 1B2 antigens define a specific stage in the maturation of connections between the OE and OB.  相似文献   

In mammals, odorants induce various behavioral responses that are critical to the survival of the individual and species. Binding signals of odorants to odorant receptors (ORs) expressed in the olfactory epithelia are converted to an odor map, a pattern of activated glomeruli, in the olfactory bulb (OB). This topographic map is used to identify odorants for memory-based learned decisions. In the embryo, a coarse olfactory map is generated in the OB by a combination of dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior targeting of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), using specific sets of axon-guidance molecules. During the process of OSN projection, odor signals are sorted into distinct odor qualities in separate functional domains in the OB. Odor information is then conveyed by the projection neurons, mitral/tufted cells, to various regions in the olfactory cortex, particularly to the amygdala for innate olfactory decisions. Although the basic architecture of hard-wired circuits is generated by a genetic program, innate olfactory responses are modified by neonatal odor experience in an activity-dependent manner. Stimulus-driven OR activity promotes post-synaptic events and dendrite selection in the responding glomeruli making them larger. As a result, enhanced odor inputs in neonates establish imprinted olfactory memory that induces attractive responses in adults, even when the odor quality is innately aversive. In this paper, I will provide an overview of the recent progress made in the olfactory circuit formation in mice.  相似文献   

Positioning neurons in the right places and wiring axons to the appropriate targets are essential events for establishment of neural circuits. In the zebrafish olfactory system, precursors of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) assemble into a compact cluster to form the olfactory placode. Subsequently, OSNs differentiate and extend their axons to the presumptive olfactory bulb with high precision. In this study, we aim to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying these two developmental processes. cxcr4b, encoding a chemokine receptor, is expressed in the migrating olfactory placodal precursors, and cxcl12a (SDF-1a), encoding a ligand for Cxcr4b, is expressed in the abutting anterior neural plate. The expression of cxcr4b persists in the olfactory placode at the initial phase of OSN axon pathfinding. At this time, cxcl12a is expressed along the placode-telencephalon border and at the anterior tip of the telencephalon, prefiguring the route and target of OSN axons, respectively. Interfering with Cxcl12a/Cxcr4b signaling perturbs the assembly of the olfactory placode, resulting in the appearance of ventrally displaced olfactory neurons. Moreover, OSN axons frequently fail to exit the olfactory placode and accumulate near the placode-telencephalon border in the absence of Cxcr4b-mediated signaling. These data indicate that chemokine signaling contributes to both the olfactory placode assembly and the OSN axon pathfinding in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) in mice express only 1 of a possible 1,100 odor receptors (OR) and axons from OSNs expressing the same odor receptor converge into approximately 2 of the 1,800 glomeruli in each olfactory bulb (OB) in mice; this yields a convergence ratio that approximates 2:1, 2 glomeruli/OR. Because humans express only 350 intact ORs, we examined human OBs to determine if the glomerular convergence ratio of 2:1 established in mice was applicable to humans. Unexpectedly, the average number of human OB glomeruli is >5,500 yielding a convergence ratio of approximately 16:1. The data suggest that the initial coding of odor information in the human OB may differ from the models developed for rodents and that recruitment of additional glomeruli for subpopulations of ORs may contribute to more robust odor representation.  相似文献   

Chemosensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium (OE) project axonal processes to the olfactory bulb (OB) of the brain. During embryonic stages, on their trajectory to the OB, the outgrowing axons traverse the so-called cribriform mesenchyme, which is located between the OE and the OB. The molecular cues guiding these axons through the cribriform mesenchyme are largely unknown. To identify molecules influencing the axonal trajectory in the murine cribriform mesenchyme, we performed microarray analyses focusing on extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins present in this tissue. Thereby, the ECM protein Reelin turned out to be an interesting candidate. Reelin was found to be expressed by numerous cells in the cribriform mesenchyme during the embryonic stages when the first axons navigate from the OE to the OB. These cells were closely associated with olfactory axons and apparently lack glial and neuronal markers. In the mesenchyme underlying the OE, localization of the Reelin protein was not confined to the Reelin-expressing cells, but it was also observed to be widely distributed in the ECM—most prominently in regions traversed by olfactory axons. Importantly, these axons were found to be endowed with the Reelin receptor very-low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR). Finally, Reelin expression was also detectable in neuronal cells of the OB, which are contacted by VLDLR-positive olfactory axons. In summary, the results of the present study suggest that a Reelin/VLDLR signaling pathway might contribute to the formation of olfactory projections to the OB and the establishment of initial contacts between the incoming axons and neurons in the OB. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Funding:  This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

During embryonic development, olfactory sensory neurons extend axons that form synapses with the dendrites of projection neurons in glomeruli of the olfactory bulb (OB). The glycosyltransferase beta3GnT1 regulates the expression of 1B2-reactive lactosamine glycans that are mosaically distributed among glomeruli. In newborn beta3GnT1-/- mice, lactosamine expression is lost, and many glomeruli fail to form. To determine the role of lactosamine in OB targeting, we analyzed the trajectories of specific OR axon populations and their reactivity with 1B2 in beta3GnT1-/- mice. mI7 axons and P2 axons, both of which are weakly 1B2+ in wild-type mice, fail to grow to their normal positions in the glomerular layer during early postnatal development and never recover in adult mutant mice. In contrast, many M72 axons, which are always lactosamine negative in wild-type mice, survive but are misguided to the extreme anterior OB in neonatal mutant mice and persist as heterotypic glomeruli, even in adult null mice. These results show that the loss of lactosamine differentially affects each OR population. Those that lose their normal expression of lactosamine fail to form stable connections with mitral and tufted cells in the OB, disappear during early postnatal development, and do not recover in adults. Neurons that are normally lactosamine negative, survive early postnatal degeneration in beta3GnT1-/- mice but extend axons that converge on inappropriate targets in the mutant OB.  相似文献   



In the mouse olfactory system, the role of the olfactory bulb in guiding olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) axons to their targets is poorly understood. What cell types within the bulb are necessary for targeting is unknown. What genes are important for this process is also unknown. Although projection neurons are not required, other cell-types within the external plexiform and glomerular layers also form synapses with OSNs. We hypothesized that these cells are important for targeting, and express spatially differentially expressed guidance cues that act to guide OSN axons within the bulb.  相似文献   

The olfactory system presents a practical model for investigating basic mechanisms involved in patterning connections between peripheral sensory neurons and central targets. Our understanding of olfactory map formation was advanced greatly by the discovery of cAMP signaling as an important determinant of glomerular positioning in the olfactory bulb. Additionally, several cell adhesion molecules have been identified recently that are proposed to regulate homotypic interactions among projecting axons. From these studies a model has emerged to partially explain the wiring of axons from widely dispersed neuron populations in the nasal cavity to relatively stereotyped glomerular positions. These advances have revitalized interest in axon guidance molecules in establishing olfactory topography, but also open new questions regarding how these patterns of guidance cues are established and function, and what other pathways, such as glycosylation, might be involved. This review summarizes the current state of this field and the important molecules that impact on cAMP-dependent mechanism in olfactory axon guidance.  相似文献   

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