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In the first cleavage of the egg of the newt, Cynops(Triturus) pyrrhogaster, some sort of preparation for the furrow formation in the cortical and subcortical cytoplasm precedes the advancing tip of the cleavage furrow. This is shown by the following facts: (1) Incisions made close to the tip of the cleavage furrow do not stop the progress of furrowing, allowing the furrow to cross the incisions and appear on the farther sides, while incisions made far enough from the furrow tip always prevent the further travelling of the furrow, (2) Displacement of the subcortical cytoplasm ahead of the furrow by rubbing with a hair loop makes the furrow bend corresponding to the width of the rubbed area, and (3) Transplantation of the subcortical material of the furrow tip to lateral parts in the same egg causes a depression in the overlying cortex at the transplanted position. The linear extension of the prepared area for the furrow formation is the longest in the animal hemisphere and it decreases in gradient towards the vegetal pole.  相似文献   

1.多聚赖氨酸能使经异硫氰基荧光素染色的卵表面均匀分布的荧光聚集成点状或块状的斑块,荧光聚集时膜下的色素颗粒随之同步聚集。早期的聚集有三种方式。2.聚集的迟早和出现斑块的大小在卵表面不同区域是不同的。腹方新月区最早;灰色新月区次之;动物性半球稍迟,荧光和色素颗粒最后都集中到动物性极形成顶帽,其余区域成为失去色素颗粒的区域;聚集引起收缩,最后植物性半球常常破裂。3.未受精卵亦出现与上述相同的反应,这提示腹方新月区可能是精子进入卵子的区域。4.细胞松弛素不能抑制多聚赖氨酸引起的聚集。5.多聚赖氨酸能抑制分裂沟的出现,能使已出现的分裂沟消失。6.失去色素颗粒区域的细胞膜在形态、功能等方面与分裂沟中的新膜相同。对新膜出现的位置和形成因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A fine structural study has been carried out on the various formed elements present before, during, and after the first cleavage division, not only in normally developing Arbacia eggs, but also in eggs which have been induced to cleave prematurely by high-pressure centrifugation. The aim has been to ascertain whether or not any of the morphologically identifiable components may be involved in initiating the furrowing process. Also, attention has been given to the fine structure of the cytoplasmic cortex, particulary in the walls of the furrow, in the hope of reaching a better understanding of the mechanics of cleavage. The annulate lamellae and the membranous envelope of the nucleus are the only formed elements which disappear shortly before cleavage, not only in eggs undergoing normal division, but also in eggs which have been induced to cleave ahead of schedule by high-pressure, high-force centrifugation. Therefore, it is suggested as a tentative hypothesis that materials liberated upon disintegration of the nuclear membrane and the annulate lamellae play an essential role in initiating and effecting the furrowing reaction, especially since the stratification of these elements in experimentally induced eggs corresponds to the position of the developing furrow. Another of the membranous elements in the egg, the Golgi complex, shows considerable modification as a result of high-pressure centrifugation, but these structures do not undergo disintegration. Rather, they become curled into rounded bodies. The vacuole population is not greatly affected by inducing treatments. During cleavage, both naturally occurring and experimentally induced, a considerable number of 50 A filaments appear in the denser cytoplasmic cortex, but only in the walls of the furrow. These filaments are similar to those which have been demonstrated in a number of contractile cells. Accordingly, it is suggested that this fibrillar system may be actively involved in the development of the cleavage force.  相似文献   

A drop of ferrofluid injected into the center of a dividing sea urchin egg is deformed into the shape of an hourglass when the cleavage furrow advances. The force applied to the drop is determined from the deformation of the drop and the interfacial tension between the ferrofluid and the protoplasm. The interfacial tension is determined from the deformation of a spherical drop in the protoplasm when a magnetic field is applied, and the force applied to the drop, which is estimated from the deformation by magnetic field of a similar drop in 2 per cent aqueous solution of Triton X-100 and the interfacial tension between the ferrofluid and this solution.
The force applied to the drop in the dividing egg increases during an early stage of cleavage and decreases during a later stage. The force attained a maximum of 9 × 10−3 dyne in an egg of Temnopleurus toreumaticus which pinched the drop into two when it divided. Smaller maximum forces, 3.9 × 10−3 dyne in the eggs of Temno-pleurus toreumaticus and 2.0 × 10−3 dyne in the eggs of Clypeaster japonicus (mean values), were obtained when the furrowing was arrested by the drop. The magnitude of the maximum tension developed in the contractile element located in the furrow cortex is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The cataphoretic P.D. of suspended particles is assumed to be due to an excess in the concentration of one kind of a pair of oppositely charged ions in the film of water enveloping the particles and this excess is generally ascribed to a preferential adsorption of this kind of ions by the particle. The term adsorption fails, however, to distinguish between the two kinds of forces which can bring about such an unequal distribution of ions between the enveloping film and the opposite film of the electrical double layer, namely, forces inherent in the water itself and forces inherent in the particle (e.g. chemical attraction between particle and adsorbed ions). 2. It had been shown in a preceding paper that collodion particles suspended in an aqueous solution of an ordinary electrolyte like NaCl, Na2SO4, Na4Fe(CN)6, CaCl2, HCl, H2SO4, or NaOH are always negatively charged, and that the addition of these electrolytes increases the negative charge as long as their concentration is below M/1,000 until a certain maximal P.D. is reached. Hence no matter whether acid, alkali, or a neutral salt is added, the concentration of anions must always be greater in the film enveloping the collodion particles than in the opposite film of the electrical double layer, and the reverse is true for the concentration of cations. This might suggest that the collodion particles, on account of their chemical constitution, attract anions with a greater force than cations, but such an assumption is rendered difficult in view of the following facts. 3. Experiments with dyes show that at pH 5.8 collodion particles are stained by basic dyes (i.e. dye cations) but not by acid dyes (i.e. dye anions), and that solutions of basic dyes are at pH 5.8 more readily decolorized by particles of collodion than acid dyes. It is also shown in this paper that crystalline egg albumin, gelatin, and Witte''s peptone form durable films on collodion only when the protein exists in the form of a cation or when it is isoelectric, but not when it exists in the form of an anion (i.e. on the alkaline side of its isoelectric point). Hence if any ions of dyes or proteins are permanently bound at the surface of collodion particles through forces inherent in the collodion they are cations but not anions. The fact that isoelectric proteins form durable films on collodion particles suggests, that the forces responsible for this combination are not ionic. 4. It is shown that salts of dyes or proteins, the cations of which are capable of forming durable films on the surface of the collodion, influence the cataphoretic P.D. of the collodion particles in a way entirely different from that of any other salts inasmuch as surprisingly low concentrations of salts, the cation of which is a dye or a protein, render the negatively charged collodion particles positive. Crystalline egg albumin and gelatin have such an effect even in concentrations of 1/130,000 or 1/65,000 of 1 per cent, i.e. in a probable molar concentration of about 10–9. 5. Salts in which the dye or protein is an anion have no such effect but act like salts of the type of NaCl or Na2SO4 on the cataphoretic P.D. of collodion particles. 6. Amino-acids do not form durable films on the surface of collodion particles at any pH and the salts of amino-acids influence their cataphoretic P.D. in the same way as NaCl but not in the same way as proteins or dyes, regardless of whether the amino-acid ion is a cation or an anion. 7. Ordinary salts like LaCl3 also fail to form a durable film on the surface of collodion particles. 8. Until evidence to the contrary is furnished, these facts seem to suggest that the increase of the negative charge of the collodion particles caused by the addition of low concentrations of ordinary electrolytes is chiefly if not entirely due to forces inherent in the aqueous solution but to a less extent, if at all, due to an attraction of the anions of the electrolyte by forces inherent in the collodion particles.  相似文献   

轮虫休眠卵形成和萌发的生态机理研究进展   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
休眠卵的形成是单巢目轮虫生殖行为中最显着的特征之一。作为一系列有性生殖过程的产物,休眠卵具有抵抗外界不良环境、易于扩散和通过重组产生遗传多样性等特点。轮虫休眠卯是轮虫集约化培养的重要种源,通过轮虫快速的孤雌生殖在短时间内大量繁殖,使得轮虫作为鲜活饵料为水产经济动物的苗种生产起到了极其重要的作用。但是在生产实践中,利用孤雌生殖批量培养轮虫常会因难以预测的种群突然崩溃而造成水产经济动物苗种生产的重大损失。    相似文献   

Studies were made on which components of sperm were able to induce aster formation and cleavage of eggs of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. The sperm components were separated by homogenization and centrifugation into the following 3 fractions: the head-midpiece, midpiece and tail. The head-midpiece fraction was then divided into 2 sub-fractions, the centriole sub-fraction and the centriole-free sub-fractions. Each fraction was injected into unfertilized eggs and after 15–30 min the eggs were inseminated. The ability of a fraction or a sub-fraction to induce aster formation and cleavage was deduced from the frequency of multipolar cleavage. The head-midpiece fraction and the centriole sub-fraction were effective in inducing aster formation and cleavage, but the other fractions were not. It was concluded that isolated centrioles from sea urchin sperm act as division centers in the egg.  相似文献   

剥去受精膜的林蛙卵分裂时,分裂沟中的新膜会暴露出来。林蛙老膜上有大量均匀分布的麦胚和大豆凝集素受体。卵裂前,将剥去受精膜的蛙卵浸于上述的凝集素溶液中,新膜的外露就被抑制。凝集素愈浓,浸泡时间愈长,抑制愈大。在这些卵的表面可看到一层较厚的由凝集素引起的外被。碱处理过的受精卵表面,凝集素受体减少,凝集素抑制新膜外露的作用亦减弱,由凝集素引起的外被亦薄。凝集素是多价的,会在细胞表面产生交链,形成“外骨骼”,抑制新膜外露。凝集素也可通过受体,影响微丝,产生作用。  相似文献   

本文研究了蓖麻蚕卵内组织蛋白酶B和组织蛋白酶D在酸性条件下的活化机理和在卵黄蛋白水解中的作用。活性检测结果表明,酸处理用以使蛋白酶活化,但SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳实验表明酸化没有使蛋白酶分子量降低。推测酸化可能通过改变蛋白酶构象从而使蛋白酶活化。两种蛋白酶之间未表现出相互修饰导致分子量变化,也未表现出明显的相互促进活性的作用。蛋白酶水解产物分子量的不同,说明两种蛋白酶作用位点不同。组织蛋白酶B的水解产物分子量较小而组织蛋白酶D的水解产物分子量大,说明两种蛋白酶在体内可能作用于蛋白质水解的不同阶段或作用于不同的蛋白质。免疫扩散结果显示,抗蓖麻蚕卵蛋白酶血清可以识别柞蚕和棉铃虫卵内的成分,表明其它一些鳞翅目昆虫卵内可能存在相似的蛋白酶。  相似文献   

Abstract The mechanism of activation and possible roles in the yolk protein's degradation of the cathepsin B-like and cathepsin D-like proteinases in eggs of Philosamia cynthia ricini were studied. The results showed that acidification could not obviously change the molecular masses of the proteinases. The two proteinases were not likely to modify with each other. The results suggested that the two proteinases might hydrolyze different yolk proteins, or hydrolyze the yolk proteins at different stages during embryogenesis. The results of double immunodiffusion showed that the cathepsin B-like and cathepsin D-like proteinases might exist in the eggs of some different species in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

激光光漂恢复技术测定了异硫氰基荧光素标记的林蛀卵表面分子在第一次卵裂前的运动。发现固着在玻片上的剥离“细胞膜”的分子运动形式为扩散。扩散系数为(4.6±1.3)×10~(-12)cm~2/s,可动部份为15%。完整卵子上的分子运动形式为流动。细胞膜在不停地流动着。它可能起着协助细胞质运动的作用。细胞膜流动的速度随时间而异,卵裂前不久,在大多数的卵子上,出现两个流动较慢的谷,少数细胞只测到一个谷。这可能与光漂起始时间,光斑与未来分裂沟的距离,和卵子间的差异有关。也讨论了这种速度变化与表面收缩波的关系。  相似文献   

Detection and localization of dynein in cleaving sea urchin eggs were attempted using antidynein serum (prepared against a tryptic fragment of dynein, Fragment A, of sea urchin sperm flagella) and fluorescein conjugated goat antiserum to rabbit γ-globulin. In both unfertilized and newly fertilized eggs, fluorescence was distributed rather uniformly within the cells but was absent from the nuclei. At prophase, intense fluorescence was observed on both sides of nucleus, suggesting accumulation of dynein in developing asters. From metaphase to anaphase, the whole mitotic apparatus (MA) was stained with the exceptions of the chromosomes and pole areas. Fluorescence then again became dispersed within the eggs. Throughout the mitotic process and cytokinesis, the egg cortex including the cleavage furrow was stained intensely, presumably reflecting the presence of dynein in this region. Similar distributions of fluorescence were obtained with the isolated MAs. Neither non-immune serum nor the antiserum to which Fragment A was absorbed stained the eggs. Little staining was obtained with the antiserum against starfish egg myosin. The results, together with the finding that the chromosome motion in the isolated MAs was completely inhibited by anti-dynein serum, but not with the anti-myosin serum, suggest an active role played by a tubulin-dynein system in mitosis.  相似文献   

Eggs of the sea urchins, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Temnopleurus toreumaticus and Pseudocentrotus depressus were used as materials. Embryos were exposed to the surfactants such as SLS, CTAB, digitonin, Tween 80, sodium deoxycholate and Lubrol P. If embryos are kept in the solutions of SLS, CTAB and digitonin, 4 vegetal cells of the 8-cell stage divide equally at the fourth cleavage and consequently 16 equal-sized blastomeres are formed at the 16-cell stage. In this case, micromere formation is inhibited by the equal cleavage. The minimum effective concentration of the surfactants for the equal cleavage gradually increases as the time performing the treatment is postponed. The continuous exposure to the surfactant is unnecessary for the inhibition of micromere formation. In the egg temporarily exposed during the earlier stage, the equal cleavage occurs at the fourth division in natural seawater. Micromere formation is strongly affected by the surfactant (SLS) at the mid 4-cell stage.  相似文献   


Patterns of mitosis and ooplasmic movements in the plasmodial phase of insect embryogenesis and their supramolecular basis are reviewed. Evidence is provided for both the relative independence and the precise correlation of the nuclear cycle and various cycling movements of the ooplasm. I suggest that the timing of these cycles is controlled by a metabolic cycle. The latter may act via a cyclic rise and fall either of the level of free calcium or of the sensitivity of contractile cytoplasmic proteins to a constant level of free calcium. Thus mitotic patterns may reflect metabolic patterns, which in turn may reflect the distribution and activity of mitochondria and may also be related to egg size and shape by a gradient of surface-to-volume ratios. The total number of cycles may depend on a limiting cytoplasmic factor, which together with the number of nuclei in a given cycle defines the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio. I also propose that both natural and experimental activation of insect eggs trigger the metabolic cycle either directly, by supplying oxygen or water, or indirectly, via a calcium pulse. Possible molecular mechanisms of control are discussed and applied to mitosis and ooplasmic movements. A brief discussion of various cell cycle models in light of data from insect embryogenesis is included.  相似文献   

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