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Mycorrhizoplane-associated actinomycetes were isolated using an enrichment technique from red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) roots of seedlings recently outplanted onto cleared northern hardwood sites in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. Interactions were assessedin vitro between actinomycete isolates and three commonly occurring ectomycorrhizal fungi (Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Orton,L. laccata (Scop.: Fr.) Berk. and Br., andThelephora terrestris Fr.). Most actinomycete isolates exerted a range of effects on the growth of the three fungus isolates during the four week test period, inhibiting some while stimulating others; several inhibited growth of all three fungus isolates. Mycorrhizoplane-associated actinomycetes show potential for use as coinoculants with selected ectomycorrhizal fungi to optimize the soil microflora for developing seedlings.  相似文献   

Adventitious shoots were induced from excised embryos of Pinus resinosa Ait, on half-strength Le-Poivre (LP) medium containing 1–70 μ M N6-benzyladenine (BA). At lower concentrations of BA, only 2–3 shoot primordia (from as many as 22 formed per embryo) developed into shoots when subcultured onto medium containing 0.5% activated charcoal. Concentrations of 10 to 70 μ M of BA produced significantly higher numbers of shoot primordia and most of them developed into shoots. Ten to 17 day culture on medium containing 10–25 μ M BA proved optimal for maximum adventitious shoot production. Less than three days of incubation on the cytokinin medium did not stimulate the formation of adventitious shoots. Twenty-four day culture on the same medium produced several shoots, but most of them failed to develop normally and formed callus. Coconut milk (0.1–5% v/v) inhibited adventitious shoot formation. Using optimal conditions, seeds from 11 open-pollinated selected trees were compared to test for genetic differences in the potential to produce adventitious shoots from embryos. No significant differences were observed with regard to the shoots produced per embryo among the different seed collections. More than 200 plants produced through this technique were tested for variation in several isozymes by electrophoresis. No variations were observed.  相似文献   

Red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) is an ecologically and economically important forest tree species of northeastern North America and is considered one of the most genetically depauperate conifer species in the region. We have isolated and characterized 13 nuclear microsatellite loci by screening a partial genomic library with di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide repeat oligonucleotide probes. In an analysis of over 500 individuals representing 17 red pine populations from Manitoba through Newfoundland, five polymorphic microsatellite loci with an average of nine alleles per locus were identified. The mean expected and observed heterozygosity values were 0.508 and 0.185, respectively. Significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with excess homozygosity indicating high levels of inbreeding were evident in all populations studied. The population differentiation was high with 28-35% of genetic variation partitioned among populations. The genetic distance analysis showed that three northeastern (two Newfoundland and one New Brunswick) populations are genetically distinct from the remaining populations. The coalescence-based analysis suggests that "northeastern" and "main" populations likely became isolated during the most recent Pleistocene glacial period, and severe population bottlenecks may have led to the evolution of a highly selfing mating system in red pine.  相似文献   

The majority of genomic research in conifers has been conducted in the Pinus subgenus Pinus mostly due to the high economic importance of the species within this taxon. Genetic maps have been constructed for several of these pines and comparative mapping analyses have consistently revealed notable synteny. In contrast, little genomic research has been conducted on the Pinus subgenus Strobus, even though these pines have strong ecological relevance. We report a consensus genetic linkage map for sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl.) constructed with 399 single nucleotide polymorphisms markers derived from annotated genes. The map is 1,231 cM in length and organized into 19 linkage groups. Two of the mapping populations were derived from trees that were segregating for the major gene of resistance (Cr1) to Cronartium ribicola, the fungal pathogen responsible for white pine blister rust. The third mapping population was derived from a full-sib cross segregating for partial resistance to white pine blister rust. In addition, we report the first comparative mapping study between subgenera Strobus and Pinus. Sixty mapped markers were found in common between sugar pine and the loblolly pine reference map with 56 of them (93%) showing collinearity. All 19 linkage groups of the sugar pine consensus map coaligned to the 12 linkage groups of the loblolly pine reference map. The syntenic relationship observed between these two clades of pines provides a foundation for advancing genomic research and genetic resources in subgenus Strobus.  相似文献   

Shortleaf and loblolly pine trees (n = 93 and 102, respectively) from 22 seed sources of the Southwide Southern Pine Seed Source Study plantings or equivalent origin were evaluated for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) variation. These sampled trees represent shortleaf pine and loblolly pine, as they existed across their native geographic ranges before intensive forest management. Using 17 primer pairs, a total of 96 AFLPs between shortleaf pine and loblolly pine were produced and scored on the sample trees and two control-pollinated F1 interspecies hybrids and their parents. In addition, the well known isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) isozyme marker was scored for all trees. IDH detected two putative hybrids among the loblolly pine samples and two among the shortleaf pine samples, while either 13 or 12 putative hybrids were detected using all AFLP markers and IDH and either NewHybrids or Structure software, respectively. Results of this study show that later generation hybrids can be reliably identified using AFLP markers and confirmed that IDH is not a definitive marker for detecting hybrids; that is, at least in some seed sources, the alternative species’ IDH allele resides in the source species. Based on all the markers, hybridization frequency varied geographically, ranging from 30% in an Arkansas seed source to 0% in several other seed sources. The hybridization level was higher in populations west of the Mississippi River than in populations east of the river; the shortleaf pine hybridization rates were 16.3% and 2.4% and the loblolly pine rates were 4.5% and 3.3%, west and east of the river, respectively. The results suggest that hybridization between these two species is significant but varies by seed source and species, and the potential for the unintended creation of hybrids should be considered in forest management decisions regarding both natural and artificial regeneration.  相似文献   

Forest litter is a large reservoir of organic compounds that adds CO2 to the atmospheric carbon pool when it decomposes. Predicting CO2 efflux from litter decomposition is difficult because litter can undergo significant diurnal and day-to-day shifts in temperature. Moreover, the relationship between temperature and respiration may change if the decomposer microorganisms acclimate to short-term temperature changes. Therefore, we studied the relationship between temperature and respiration by litter decomposer microorganisms in a Pinus resinosa (Ait.) system and tested the hypothesis that their respiration acclimates to temperature. We found only limited evidence for acclimation following 6 °C shifts for 7 days. This suggests that increase in respiratory CO2 loss associated with increased temperature would not be greatly ameliorated by physiological acclimation for periods of up to a week.  相似文献   

Shortleaf pine (n = 93) and loblolly pine (n = 112) trees representing 22 seed sources or 16 physiographic populations were sampled from Southwide Southern Pine Seed Source Study plantings located in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi. The sampled trees were grown from shortleaf pine and loblolly pine seeds formed in 1951 and 1952, prior to the start of intensive forest management across their native ranges. Amplification fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were developed and used to study genetic diversity and its structure in these pine species. After screening 48 primer pairs, 17 and 21 pairs were selected that produced 794 and 647 AFLPs in shortleaf pine and loblolly pine, respectively. High-AFLP-based genetic diversity exists within shortleaf pine and loblolly pine, and most (84.73% in shortleaf pine; 87.69% in loblolly pine) of this diversity is maintained within physiographic populations. The high value of unbiased measures of genetic identity and low value of genetic distance for all pairwise comparisons indicates that the populations have similar genetic structures. For shortleaf pine, there was no significant correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance (r = 0.28), while for loblolly pine there was a weak but significant correlation (r = 0.51).  相似文献   

Bacterial isolates were obtained from pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tissue cultures and identified as Methylobacterium extorquens and Pseudomonas synxantha. The existence of bacteria in pine buds was investigated by 16S rRNA in situ hybridization. Bacteria inhabited the buds of every tree examined, primarily colonizing the cells of scale primordia and resin ducts.  相似文献   

The effects of enhanced UV‐B radiation on the needle anatomy of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied in the field under supplemental UV‐B radiation supplied by a modulated irradiation system. The supplemental UV‐B levels were designed to simulate either a 16 or 25% loss of stratospheric ozone over College Park, Maryland. Enhanced UV‐B radiation caused different responses in these two species. The needles of loblolly pine had larger amounts of tannin in the lumen of epidermal cells and more wall‐bound phenolics in the outer epidermal walls of UV‐B‐treated needles, whereas the most pronounced effect on Scots pine needles was increased cutinization. In both species, the outer epidermal cell walls thickened and the needle cross‐sectional and mesophyll areas decreased (statistically significantly only in Scots pine). This suggests that more carbon may have been allocated to the protection mechanisms at the expense of photosynthetic area. The difference in response between these species suggests that the response to UV‐B radiation is not mediated by a single mechanism and that no generalization with regard to the effects of UV‐B on conifers can be made.  相似文献   

T. Fagerström  U. Lohm 《Oecologia》1977,26(4):305-315
Summary A theory of mechanisms underlying growth response to nitrogen in Scots pine is developed. Nitrogen in needles is considered as distributed in two mutually exclusive pools, viz. mobile and structurally bound. The size of the former pool, relative to total needle biomass, determines the rate of production of new needle biomass; this process decreases the pool size due to immobilization of mobile nitrogen. Some implications of the theory are derived and compared with published experimental results. It predicts a one-year time delay between a pulse fertilization and commencement of growth response, the latter having a total duration of about ten years with a maximum after about three; these predictions are not contradicted by available data.  相似文献   

Summary The amounts of starch, soluble sugars, triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols and free fatty acids were studied in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during an annual cycle in current-year needles and in 1-, 2- and 3-year-old needles collected shortly after bud break. Determination of the compounds was performed using specific enzymatic assays, capillary gas chromatography and thin layer chromatography. Newly emerging needles contained relatively large amounts of starch, but only trace amounts of fat. During autumn and winter, fat content rose, while starch content decreased; amounts of both these reserve materials were very high the next spring shortly before bud break and decreased again during shoot elongation. Concentration of intermediates in triacylglycerol biosynthesis (diacylglycerols and free fatty acids), were low in summer and high in winter. The same pattern was observed for fructose and glucose (the predominant soluble sugars), galactose/arabinose and raffinose/melibiose. In contrast, sucrose concentrations were highest in spring and in autumn. Mature needles of different ages collected in May showed significant differences only in their triacylglycerol and starch content. Concentration changes of reserve materials are discussed in relation to season, mobilization and translocation processes, dormancy, frost resistance and the possibility of carbohydrate-fat interconversions.  相似文献   

Summary Starch, soluble sugars, triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols and free fatty acids were measured in 30-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees during an annual cycle in the sapwood (youngest ten xylem rings). The radial distribution of carbohydrates and lipids was studied in the trunkwood of 90 -to 150-year-old Scots pine trees collected at the end of the growing season. Determination of the compounds was performed using specific enzymatic assays, capillary gas chromatography and thin layer chromatography. The amounts of glucose, fructose, sucrose, and galactose/arabinose in the sapwood were slightly higher in winter than in summer. Raffinose/stachyose increased up to 5-fold during the cold period. At the beginning of the growing season starch amounts rose, and then decreased in summer and autumn. No concentration changes were observed in the total amounts of diacylglycerols and fatty acids throughout the year. Triacylglycerol levels were slightly higher in February than in summer and autumn. Relative frequencies of individual fatty acids were similar in all lipid fractions. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and triacylglycerols disappeared almost entirely at the transition zone from sapwood to heartwood. In contrast, free fatty acids and galactose/arabinose rose in centripetal direction, and diacylglycerols remained constant across trunk cross-sections. The relative amounts of individual fatty acids changed markedly in the free fatty acid fraction and in the triacylglycerols when crossing the sapwood-heartwood boundary. Concentration changes of reserve materials are discussed in relation to season, mobilization and translocation processes, dormancy, frost resistance, and heartwood formation. The results are compared to those found in needles.  相似文献   

An allelopathic substance in red pine needles (Pinus densiflora)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aqueous methanol extracts of red pine (Pinus densiflora) needles inhibited the growth of roots and shoots of cress (Lepidium sativum), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), timothy (Pheleum pratense), Digitaria sanguinalis and Echinochloa crus-galli. Increasing the extract concentration increased inhibition, suggesting that the pine needles may have growth inhibitory substances and possess allelopathic potential. The aqueous methanol extract of the pine needles was purified, and a main inhibitory substance was isolated and determined by spectral data as 9alpha,13beta-epidioxyabeit-8(14)en-18-oic acid. This substance inhibited root and shoot growth of cress and Echinochloa crus-galli seedlings at concentrations greater than 0.1 mM. The endogenous concentration of the substance was 0.13 mmol/kg pine needle. These results suggest that 9alpha,13beta-epidioxyabeit-8(14)en-18-oic acid may contribute to the growth inhibitory effect of the pine needles and may play an important role in the allelopathy of red pine.  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted on Stone pine (Pinus pinea) morphology, cone to kernel yield (KY) and composition. To study the species variability, a morphometric and chemical characterization of pine nuts was performed across the species distribution in Chile. Seventy-six highly productive trees were selected in three macrozones. Ten cones per tree were harvested, and cone weight, in-shell pine nut number cone?1 and size and weight of in-shell pine nuts and kernels were measured; KY was determined. Chemical and nutritional characterization of pine nuts was performed in 38 trees. Differences among macrozones were tested with mixed linear models. Partial correlation was used to test for correlation between cone and pine nut morphometric data, chemical features, and climate. Canonical correlation coefficients between groups were tested. Selected trees differed in cone and in-shell pine nut size, kernel morphometry, and KY, with lowest trait values being generally found in the coast. KY was higher than in Europe. Chemical composition was similar to values reported in producer countries, homogeneous among macrozones, with the exception of oleic acid and potassium. Detected differences would respond to the environment and to the interaction genotype?×?environment given the restricted origins of the genetic material, confirming the species adaptability.  相似文献   

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