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Radial and ulnar ridge counts on each of the 10 fingers, total finger ridge count, bilateral summed radial and ulnar finger ridge counts, an index of asymmetry between homologous fingers and two indices of intraindividual diversity of finger ridge counts were used to identify biological relationships among Sardinian linguistic groups. Stepwise discriminant analysis of 26 digital traits of 1258 Sardinians, 647 females and 611 males, was carried out. The results indicate high intergroup heterogeneity; moreover, with p≤0.01 as F-to-enter and p≤0.05 as F-to-remove, only 5 of the 26 digital variables are in the model (URC R5, RRC L5, RRC R5, URC R4, URC L5). The pattern of interpopulation biological relationships shows a clearly distinct position of the Gallurian group (both males and females), which speaks an Italian dialect. It originated mainly from Corsican immigration to the Gallura region starting from the XVII century. While the properly Sardinian linguistic groups (Campidanian and Logudorian) and the Sassarian group, which speaks an Italian dialect that developed as a “lingua franca” during the Middle Ages (XII–XIV centuries) due to linguistic contact between Sardinians and Italians, are positioned close to one another. This pattern agrees more with the ethno-historical back-ground than with the linguistic one. 相似文献
Discriminant analysis of 23 digital and 15 palmar quantitative dermatoglyphic variables of 1364 Sardinians, 689 males and
675 females, were performed to identify biological relationships among five Sardinian linguistic groups of both sexes. By
ANOVA 17 of the 23 digital variables and 4 of the 15 palmar variables were significantly different among males and females
of the Sardinian linguistic groups. By MANOVA the results indicate high intergroup heterogeneity also within each sex. By
stepwise discriminant analysis with p≤0.01 as F-to-enter and p≤0.05 as F-to-remove, only 4 of the 38 digital and palmar variables
were in the model (URC R5, RRC L5, RRC R5, URC R4). The pattern of interpopulation biological relationships shows a clearly
distinct position of the Gallurian group (both males and females) which speaks an Italian dialect. The properly Sardinian
linguistic groups (Campidanian and Logudorian), the Sassarian group (which speaks and Italian dialect) and the Alghero group
(which speaks Catalan) were close to one another. This pattern agrees more with the ethno-historical background than with
the linguistic one. 相似文献
The author examines certain qualitative aspects of palmar dermatoglyphics in 820 individuals of both sexes from the city of Cagliari (Sardinia). The overall results obtained are discussed and the sexual and lateral differences are considered. The sample examined differs from other Mediterranean samples because of a tendency toward a vertical trend of the papillary lines, a lower frequency of patterns in the 2nd and 3rd interdigital areas and a higher frequency of patterns in the 4th interdigital area. 相似文献
With the aim of determining sex dimorphism among the Chuvashian population of Russia, digital and palmar dermatoglyphics of 547 individuals (293 males, 254 females) were analyzed. The sex differences for PII, TRC, and AFRC are similar to Indian and Jewish populations. Correlation coefficients between individual finger ridge counts are a little lower than in Jews but are almost equal to Indian populations. The Mantel test of matrix correlation between sexes for 22 traits shows a very good similarity. However, sex differences of palmar traits display different levels when compared with other human populations. In light of this, our evidence indicates the possible role of environmental (prenatal) factors in the realization of dermatoglyphic sex differences. The development of palmar dermatoglyphics has had a relatively longer growth period compared with fingers [Cummins, H., 1929. The topographic history of the volar pads (walking pads, tast ballen) in the human embryo. Embryol. 20, 103-126]. The palmar dermatoglyphic pattern of affinities therefore corresponds better than fingers to the ethno historical background of the populations, ascertained by numerous studies. 相似文献
Palmar pattern frequencies as indicators of relationships among Sardinian linguistic groups of males
Palmar pattern frequencies were used to calculate distance coefficients between Sardinian linguistic groups of males for the
purpose of verifying, by means of correlation matrix analyses, whether or not the dermatoglyphic traits considered lead to
a reliable identification of the biological relationships on the basis of the linguistic backgrounds of these groups. With
as the distance measure and by using palmar pattern frequencies in the Hy area, Th/I, II, III, and IV interdigital areas
and all traits together for palms combined or separated were calculated dermatoglyphic distance measures. Mantel tests of
matrix correspondence showed that, by using palmar pattern frequencies in the Th/I interdigital area (palms combined), in
the II, III, and IV interdigital areas, or all traits together for palms combined and separated, statistical significance
between dermatoglyphic and linguistic distances can be obtained, even when the effect of geography is removed; there is no
statistically significant correspondence between geographic and dermatoglyphic distance matrices, even when the effect of
language is removed. The results obtained in this study by means of the Mantel test procedure demonstrate that the dermatoglyphic
traits analyzed, with the exception of palmar pattern frequencies in the Hy area and in the Th/I interdigital area for plams
separated when these areas are used singly, can be considered as a good set of variables to use in finding biological relationships
between Sardinian linguistic groups of males examined on the basis of their linguistic backgrounds. 相似文献
The data used in this study are the fingerprints of 744 females from 6 Sardinian linguistic groups. We analyzed 15 dermatoglyphic variables of directional asymmetry, namely the right vs left signed differences between i-th homologous fingers for larger ridge counts, radial counts and ulnar counts. Principal components analysis of the dermatoglyphic variables in the females of Sardinian linguistic groups revealed a pattern of biological relations among the groups which is consistent with their linguistic, but especially historical and demographic, backgrounds. 相似文献
Sanna E Usai E Floris G 《Anthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht über die biologisch-anthropologische Literatur》2004,62(2):157-167
In this study, we analysed inter-sex differences within two linguistic groups from the Sardinian linguistic area and intra-sex differences between the two groups by means of 41 quantitative digital dermatoglyphic variables: 20 digital dermatoglyphic traits (radial and ulnar ridge counts on each of the 10 fingers), 15 digital dermatoglyphic directional asymmetry variables, total finger ridge count, bilateral summed radial and ulnar finger ridge counts, an index of asymmetry between homologous fingers, and two indices of intra-individual diversity of finger ridge counts. The comparisons between males and females within the same linguistic groups and between the males of the two groups and the females of the two groups were carried out with the Mann-Whitney test at a prefixed level of alpha = 0.05, using the Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. The results indicate a strong similarity of the two linguistic groups in the inter-sex differences, whereas there are no significant differences between them for either males or females. The similar pattern of sexual dimorphism and the homogeneity of the males and females of the two groups suggest a common genetic matrix of these Sardinian-speaking groups. 相似文献
A sample of 594 Easter Islander palms was analyzed according to the topological method. Some suggestions for clarification of the topological approach were made, including clearer definition of the palmar triradii and substitution of the term "profile" for "formula." The frequency of Easter Islander profiles was compared against British and Australian Aborigine samples (Loesch, 1974; 1983a,b) and found to be significantly different for two of the ten most common combinations. The individual pattern elements, pattern intensities, a-b count, A-line exit, and atd angle were described, with population comparisons made when they were available. 相似文献
D C Rife 《American journal of physical anthropology》1968,28(2):119-126
Hand prints of 146 Florida Seminoles were obtained at the Brighton, Big Cypress and Dania reservations and at the Indian Agency in Dania. Comparisons with other tribes of North American Indians (Comanche, Arapahoe, Navaho, Hopi and Pueblo) reveal similarities with respect to fingerprint indices, frequencies of patterns in all palmar areas, and transverseness of palmar ridges. Comparisons of Seminoles and other North American tribes with the Mayans of southern Mexico and Guatamala show striking differences in pattern frequencies in the thenar/first interdigital area of the palm. Among North American Indians, the frequency varies from 18.49% among Seminoles to 28.5% among Navahoes, whereas all Mayan tribes which have been studied range between 40 and 50%. Pattern frequencies are higher in the thenar/first interdigital area than in the hypothenar area among all Amerindians who have been tested. This trend is the reverse of that found in other racial groups. North, Central and South American Indians are similar with respect to relatively high finger pattern indices, low frequencies of patterns in the hypothenar area, low frequencies of accessory triradii in the interdigital areas and moderately transverse palmar ridges. 相似文献
R. K. Choudhury 《International Journal of Anthropology》2005,20(1-2):27-38
The paper reports finger dermatoglyphics of three groups of Kondhs namely Kutia, Dongoria and Kuvi, tribes of Orissa, India.
The analysis of bilateral finger prints of 663 unrelated males and females includes both qualitative and quantitative characters.
Marked bisexual and inter-group differences for several characters have been observed. But bimanual differences have not been
observed in finger patterns. All the three groups are characterized by a high frequency of loops. The whorl-loop ratio indicates
the low incidence of whorls particularly among the Kuvi males and females and that of inter-group difference have been observed
between Dongoria females and Kuvi females. The three groups show very close affinity in the present study. The three groups
of Kondhs show similar trend when compared with the available data in India and show very close affinity. 相似文献
T D Gladkova T Tóth 《Anthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht über die biologisch-anthropologische Literatur》1991,49(3):199-206
Rare dermatoglyphical patterns of fingers and palms of 26 different Hungarian population groups (males; 3207 individuals, 6414 hands) are compared with that observed in some population groups from the USSR (Buriats, Chookhchees, Kazakhs, Mansi and Komi), Khalkha-Mongolians, and Ethiopians (altogether 838 male individuals, 1676 hands). These patterns are: Radial loops on IV. and V. fingers, absence of triradius "d" on the palms, Ar,Lu and W + S on the hypothenar, Lc/Lr (Bettmann figure) and W + S on the thenar/I, and W on II., III. and IV. interdigital pads. It is pointed out that in addition to population studies these rare traits may also be used in genetic investigations (twin studies) as well as in forensic anthropology (disputed paternity). 相似文献
B M Reddy V P Chopra B Karmakar K C Malhotra 《Anthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht über die biologisch-anthropologische Literatur》1988,46(3):235-244
Variation in quantitative dermatoglyphics among three endogamous groups of marine fishermen of Puri Coast, India, is greater for the palmar variables than for the fingers. This is the case in both the sexes. The pattern of population affinities, however, differs for the males and females. In order to evaluate the importance of palmar variables in population studies, the results in males are compared with those of finger variables and anthropometrics. There is no significant heterogeneity between the groups for finger variables. Although significant intergroup variability is observed in the palmar and anthropometric traits, the two sets of results are not in the same direction. Palmar dermatoglyphic relationships reflect the caste affiliations, while the anthropometric are in line with geographic proximity. 相似文献
Examination of dermatoglyphs in people aged 50-103 living in the territory of the Ukrainian Polesie has revealed age differences in some indices of dermatoglyphics: total crest count, palmar angle, character of the cutaneous pattern of fingers. It assumed that these differences have arisen as a consequence of selection of persons characterized by high reliability of the genotype functioning. The data obtained permit supposing that it is possible to use dermatoglyphics for determining hereditary predisposition of people to longevity. 相似文献