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Proteinase yscD mutants of yeast. Isolation and characterization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, devoid of proteinase yscD activity, were isolated by screening for the inability of mutagenized cells to hydrolyze Ac-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-beta-naphthylamide in situ. One of the selected mutants bears a thermolabile activity pointing to the gene called PRD1 as being the structural gene for proteinase yscD. All mutants isolated fell into one complementation group. The defect segregates 2:2 in meiotic tetrads indicating a single gene mutation, which was shown to be recessive. Diploids heterozygous for PRD1 display gene dosage. The absence of proteinase yscD did not affect mitotic growth under rich or poor growth conditions, neither mating nor ascopore formation. Also growth of mutant cells after a nutritional shift-down was not altered. Inactivation of enzymes tested which are subject to carbon-catabolite inactivation, a process proposed to be of proteolytic nature, is not affected by the absence of proteinase yscD. Protein degradation rates in growing cells, in cells under conditions of differentiation or heat shock, showed no obvious alteration in the absence of proteinase yscD activity. Also inactivation of alpha-factor pheromone was not affected by proteinase yscD absence. Normal growth of mutant cells on glycerol indicates that the enzyme is not involved in any vital event in mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

Previously known cell size (wee) mutations of fission yeast suppress the mitotic block caused by a defective cdc25 allele. Some 700 revertants of cdc25-22 were obtained after ultraviolet mutagenesis and selection at the restrictive temperature. Most revertants carried the original cdc25 lesion plus a mutation in or very close to the wee1 gene. Two partial wee1 mutations of a new type were found among the revertants. Two new wee mutations mapping at the cdc2 gene (cdc2-w mutants) were also obtained. The various mutations were examined for their effects on cell division size, their efficiency as cdc25 suppressors, and their dominance relations. Full wee1 mutations were found to suppress cdc25 lesions very efficiently, whereas partial wee1 mutations were poor suppressors. The cdc25 suppression ability of cdc2-w mutations was allele specific for cdc2, suggesting bifunctionality of the gene product. The wee1 mutations were recessive for cdc25 suppression; cdc2-w mutations were dominant. A model is proposed for the genetic control of mitotic timing and cell division size, in which the cdc2+ product is needed and is rate limiting for mitosis. The cdc2+ activity is inhibited by the wee1+ product, whereas the cdc25+ product relieves this inhibition.  相似文献   

We have isolated mutants in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe that are defective in protein glycosylation. A collection of osmotically sensitive mutants was prepared and screened for glycosylation defects using lectin staining as an assay. Mutants singly defective in four glycoprotein synthesis genes (gps1-4) were isolated, all of which bind less galactose-specific lectin. Acid phosphatase and other glycoproteins from the gps mutants have increased electrophoretic mobility, suggesting that these mutants make glycans of reduced size. N-linked glycan analysis revealed that terminal oligosaccharide modification is defective in the gps1 and gps2 mutants. Both mutants synthesize the Man9GlcNAc2 core glycan but have reduced amounts of larger structures. Modified core glycans from gps1 cells have normal amounts of galactose (Gal) residues, but reduced amounts of Man, consistent with a defect in a Golgi mannosyltransferase in this mutant. In contrast, N-linked oligosaccharides from gps2 mutants have much less Gal than wild type, because of reduced levels of the Gal donor, UDP-Gal. This reduction is caused by decreased activity of UDP-glucose 4-epimerase, which synthesizes UDP-Gal. Neither the gps1 or gps2 mutations are lethal, although the cells grow at reduced rates. These findings suggest that S. pombe cells can survive with incompletely glycosylated cell wall glycoproteins. In particular, these results suggest that Gal, which comprises approximately 30% by weight of cell wall glycoprotein glycans, is not crucial for cell growth or survival.  相似文献   

A method was devised for the isolation of yeast monomorphic (LEV) mutants of Candida albicans. By this procedure, about 20 stable yeast-like mutants were isolated after mutagenesis with ethyl methane sulfonate. The growth rate of the mutants in different carbon sources, both fermentable and not, was indistinguishable from that of the parental strain, but they were unable to grow as mycelial forms after application of any of the common effective inducers, i.e., heat shock, pH alterations, proline addition, or use of GlcNAc as the carbon source. Studies performed with one selected strain demonstrated that it had severe alterations in the chemical composition of the cell wall, mainly in the levels of chitin and glucans, and in specific mannoproteins, some of them recognizable by specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. It is suggested that these structural alterations hinder the construction of a normal hyphal wall.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the control of cytokinesis is limited in comparison with our knowledge of the controls over the initiation of S phase or mitosis. Study of genetically tractable systems such as Schizosaccharomyces pombe are a useful way to address this problem, since mutants defective in regulation of cytokinesis have been identified. Cloning and analysis of the proteins they encode has begun to shed light upon how formation of the division septum is initiated and directed to the correct place in the cell. Some of these mutants may also be implicated in coordinating mitosis and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The contractile ring is essential for cytokinesis in most fungal and animal cells. In fission yeast, cytokinesis nodes are precursors of the contractile ring and mark the future cleavage site. However, their assembly and architecture have not been well described. We found that nodes are assembled stoichiometrically in a hierarchical order with two modules linked by the positional marker anillin Mid1. Mid1 first recruits Cdc4 and IQGAP Rng2 to form module I. Rng2 subsequently recruits the myosin-II subunits Myo2 and Rlc1. Mid1 then independently recruits the F-BAR protein Cdc15 to form module II. Mid1, Rng2, Cdc4, and Cdc15 are stable node components that accumulate close to the plasma membrane. Both modules recruit the formin Cdc12 to nucleate actin filaments. Myo2 heads point into the cell interior, where they efficiently capture actin filaments to condense nodes into the contractile ring. Collectively, our work characterizing the assembly and architecture of precursor nodes defines important steps and molecular players for contractile ring assembly.  相似文献   

Summary Mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae auxotrophic for deoxythymidine monophosphate (dTMP) were isolated and characterized. Two distinct classes of auxotrophs were obtained. One class had a simple requirement for dTMP and was analogous to thymine-requiring bacteria. The second class required dTMP, adenine, histidine and methionine and this complex nutritional phenotype was due to defects in folate metabolism. The dTMP-dependent growth of respiratory-competent grande auxotrophs was found to be markedly affected by media composition and carbon source. In the absence of dTMP thymineless death occurred in both mutant classes.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is a temporally and spatially regulated process through which the cellular constituents of the mother cell are partitioned into two daughter cells, permitting an increase in cell number. When cytokinesis occurs in a polarized cell it can create daughters with distinct fates. In eukaryotes, cytokinesis is carried out by the coordinated action of a cortical actomyosin contractile ring and targeted membrane deposition. Recent use of model organisms with facile genetics and improved light-microscopy methods has led to the identification and functional characterization of many proteins involved in cytokinesis. To date, this analysis indicates that some of the basic components involved in cytokinesis are conserved from yeast to humans, although their organization into functional machinery that drives cytokinesis and the associated regulatory mechanisms bear species-specific features. Here, we briefly review the current status of knowledge of cytokinesis in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and animal cells, in an attempt to highlight both the common and the unique features. Although these organisms diverged from a common ancestor about a billion years ago, there are eukaryotes that are far more divergent. To evaluate the overall evolutionary conservation of cytokinesis, it will be necessary to include representatives of these divergent branches. Nevertheless, the three species discussed here provide substantial mechanistic diversity.  相似文献   

The highly conserved small GTPase Cdc42p is a key regulator of cell polarity and cytoskeletal organization in eukaryotic cells. Multiple effectors of Cdc42p have been identified, although it is unclear how their activities are coordinated to produce particular cell behaviors. One strategy used to address the contributions made by different effector pathways downstream of small GTPases has been the use of "effector-loop" mutants of the GTPase that selectively impair only a subset of effector pathways. We now report the generation and preliminary characterization of a set of effector-loop mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC42. These mutants define genetically separable pathways influencing actin or septin organization. We have characterized the phenotypic defects of these mutants and the binding defects of the encoded proteins to known yeast Cdc42p effectors in vitro. The results suggest that these effectors cannot account for the observed phenotypes, and therefore that unknown effectors exist that affect both actin and septin organization. The availability of partial function alleles of CDC42 in a genetically tractable system serves as a useful starting point for genetic approaches to identify such novel effectors.  相似文献   

Yeast mutants defective in beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase and acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase have been isolated. Mutants impaired in acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase range into two linked complementation units, erg 10 A and erg 10 B. Mutants deficient in beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase belong to two unlinked complementation groups, erg 11 and erg 13. In strictly anaerobic growth conditions, mutants impaired in beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase require mevalonic acid in addition to sterol and oleic acid, pointing out the role of mevalonic acid in other physiological function than ergosterol precursor. Growth of mutants impaired in acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase cannot be recovered by mevalonic acid supplementation, suggesting a role of acetoacetyl-CoA or thiolase not linked to sterol pathway.  相似文献   

We have investigated the relationship between nuclear envelope fission and cytokinesis during mitotic cell division in budding yeast. By carrying out time-lapse and optical sectioning video microscopy analysis of cells that express green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged nuclear envelope and actomyosin ring components, we found that nuclear division is temporally coupled to cytokinesis. Light and electron microscopy analysis also showed that nuclear envelope fission and the division of the nucleoplasm are severely delayed in cytokinesis mutants, resulting in discoupling between the nuclear division cycle and the budding cycle. These results suggest that homotypic membrane fusion may be activated by components or the mechanical action of cytokinetic structures and presents a mechanism for the equal partitioning of the nucleus and the temporal coordination of this event with chromosome segregation during mitosis.  相似文献   

The SCF complex is a type of ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3) that consists of invariable components, including Skp1, Cdc53/Cul1, and Rbx1, as well as variable components known as F-box proteins. Using a yeast two-hybrid system, we isolated six proteins that interact with Schizosaccharomyces pombe Skp1. Among them, Pof10 is a novel F-box protein consisting of 662 amino acids, harboring the F-box domain required for the binding to Skp1 and followed by four WD40 repeats. Overexpression of Pof10 in fission yeast resulted in loss of viability with marked morphological changes that are similar to those in pop1 mutant yeast. Coexpression of Skp1 with Pof10 prevented the lethality, suggesting that the lethality from Pof10 overexpression results from the sequestration of Skp1 from other F-box proteins including Pop1. Whereas most F-box proteins show rapid turnover, Pof10 has a remarkably long half-life in vivo and has been shown to be localized predominantly in cytoplasm. These results suggest that the stable F-box protein Pof10 might target abundant cytoplasmic proteins for degradation in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Abstract Twenty salt-sensitive (ss) mutants were isolated from the salt-tolerant yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii by treatment with N -methyl- N '-nitro- N -nitrosoguanidine. The mutants were divided into five classes on the basis of their ability to grow in media containing various high concentrations of NaCl. The mutant with the greatest sensitivity to NaCl of all the mutants tested was able to grow very slowly with a longer lag phase in medium containing 2 M NaCl, in contrast to the wild strain which had the capacity to grow in medium containing 3.5 M NaCl. Most of the ss mutants exhibited, to some extent, less tolerance to high concentrations of glucose than the wild strain. It appeared from the characterization of the ss mutants that the following factors are necessary for growth of Z. rouxii in high concentrations of NaCl: (a) the ability to produce glycerol under these conditions; (b) the ability to maintain a defined concentration of glycerol within the cells; (c) the ability to take up glycerol that has leaked into the medium, and to assimilate glycerol; and (d) unknown factor(s).  相似文献   

In this paper we report the isolation and preliminary characterisation of nuclear mutants with increased mitochondrial mutability in fission yeast. Screening of about 2000 clones after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis led to the isolation of ten mutator mutants. For one of them (mut-1) we show that the mutation is chromosomally encoded. The activity of the mutator is restricted to the mitochondrial genome, since it increases the mutation rate to mitochondrially encoded drug resistance considerably, whereas the mutability of nuclear genes is not altered.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of unusual gin mutants.   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Site-specific inversion of the G segment in phage Mu DNA is promoted by two proteins, the DNA invertase Gin and the host factor FIS. Recombination occurs if the recombination sites (IR) are arranged as inverted repeats and a recombinational enhancer sequence is present in cis. Intermolecular reactions as well as deletions between direct repeats of the IRs rarely occur. Making use of a fis- mutant of Escherichia coli we have devised a scheme to isolate gin mutants that have a FIS independent phenotype. This mutant phenotype is caused by single amino acid changes at five different positions of gin. The mutant proteins display a whole set of new properties in vivo: they promote inversions, deletions and intermolecular recombination in an enhancer- and FIS-independent manner. The mutants differ in recombination activity. The most active mutant protein was analysed in vitro. The loss of site orientation specificity was accompanied with the ability to recombine even linear substrates. We discuss these results in connection with the role of the enhancer and FIS protein in the wild-type situation.  相似文献   

The functions of the actin-myosin–based contractile ring in cytokinesis remain to be elucidated. Recent findings show that in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cleavage furrow ingression is driven by polymerization of cell wall fibers outside the plasma membrane, not by the contractile ring. Here we show that one function of the ring is to spatially coordinate septum cell wall assembly. We develop an improved method for live-cell imaging of the division apparatus by orienting the rod-shaped cells vertically using microfabricated wells. We observe that the septum hole and ring are circular and centered in wild-type cells and that in the absence of a functional ring, the septum continues to ingress but in a disorganized and asymmetric manner. By manipulating the cleavage furrow into different shapes, we show that the ring promotes local septum growth in a curvature-dependent manner, allowing even a misshapen septum to grow into a more regular shape. This curvature-dependent growth suggests a model in which contractile forces of the ring shape the septum cell wall by stimulating the cell wall machinery in a mechanosensitive manner. Mechanical regulation of the cell wall assembly may have general relevance to the morphogenesis of walled cells.  相似文献   

Septins are filament-forming proteins with a conserved role in cytokinesis. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, septin rings appear to be involved primarily in cell-cell separation, a late stage in cytokinesis. Here, we identified a protein Mid2p on the basis of its sequence similarity to S. pombe Mid1p, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bud4p, and Candida albicans Int1p. Like septin mutants, mid2delta mutants had delays in cell-cell separation. mid2delta mutants were defective in septin organization but not contractile ring closure or septum formation. In wild-type cells, septins assembled first during mitosis in a single ring and during septation developed into double rings that did not contract. In mid2delta cells, septins initially assembled in a single ring but during septation appeared in the cleavage furrow, forming a washer or disc structure. FRAP studies showed that septins are stable in wild-type cells but exchange 30-fold more rapidly in mid2delta cells. Mid2p colocalized with septins and required septins for its localization. A COOH-terminal pleckstrin homology domain of Mid2p was required for its localization and function. No genetic interactions were found between mid2 and the related gene mid1. Thus, these studies identify a new factor responsible for the proper stability and function of septins during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The methods available for analysis of the chromatin of Schizosaccharomyces pombe are time consuming (>8 h) and/or result in some degradation of the chromatin. Here we report an optimised method for the preparation of spheroplasts and the isolation of nuclei which takes <25 min and is suitable for analysis of chromatin structure by micrococcal nuclease, restriction endonuclease or by immunoprecipitation.  相似文献   

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