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Four superoxide dismutase (SOD) (E.C. isozymes were present in whole tissue homogenates of Musca domestica when examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One of the isozymes contained manganese, and the other three contained copper and zinc. All were observed in each of the body tagma (head, abdomen, and thorax) and at each developmental stage (egg to adult). The copper- and zinc-containing isozymes purified from newly emerged, adult M. domestica had a relative molecular weight of 34,800 as determined by gel filtration chromatography but consisted of two equal-size subunits of 16,000 as measured by sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. An isoelectric point between 4.8 and 5.1 was measured. Approximately 2 mol each of copper and zinc were present per dimer. The three copper, zinc isozymes were identified as charge variants. The amino acid composition of the enzyme was similar to that of copper, zinc-containing superoxide dismutases from other sources. Purified housefly copper, zinc superoxide dismutase was neither deactivated nor able to protect lactic dehydrogenase against deactivation in the presence of light and rose bengal, a known generator of singlet oxygen. The role of SOD in the phototoxic reaction involving rose bengal is discussed.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(6):903-909
The in vitro formation of prostaglandins (PG) was examined in the housefly Musca domestica. PG synthetase activity was detected in homogenates of whole insects and in head and thorax, abdomen, ovary and male reproductive tissues. Studies to determine the sub-cellular localization of PG synthetase indicated that the microsomal fraction contained the highest activity. Products obtained from radiolabeled arachidonic acid (20:4) and 8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid (20:3, n-6) were PGE2 and PGE1, respectively, with lower amounts of the PGF series also present. In microsomal preparations from whole insects and reproductive tissues from both males and females, 20:3(n-6) was 2–2.5 times more efficiently converted to PG than was 20:4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) fed to houseflies did not inhibit PG production from 20:4, whereas when they were included in microsomal preparations at high levels, they inhibited PG synthesis.  相似文献   

Alves SM  Bélo M 《Genetica》2002,115(3):243-251
Morphologic analysis of geographic strains of Musca domestica carried out on natural and laboratory experiments starting with 400 and 800 eggs showed phenotypic variations related with latitude. Females of the natural populations showed clines for several morphological traits of the wing, whereas male flies showed a reduction in the dispersion measures (s 2 and CV) of wing width and length. The same reduction was obtained for males, females and total number of flies of the natural populations in dispersion of the number of bristles on the fourth abdominal sternite. A significant negative correlation was observed for the head width of females and for the total number of flies emerged in the laboratory experiments started with 400 eggs. All flies produced by the experiments starting with 800 eggs showed a reduction in variability of dispersion of the bristles on the fourth abdominal sternite in the strains obtained from locations south of the area analyzed. Evolutionary aspects of these correlation coefficients between morphometric traits and latitude are discussed.  相似文献   

Meffert LM  Regan JL 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):1-9
We compared the efficacy of artificial and natural selection processes in purging the genetic load of perpetually small populations. We subjected replicate lines of the housefly (Musca domestica L.), recently derived from the wild, to artificial selection for increased mating propensity (i.e., the proportion of male–female pairs initiating copulation within 30 min) in efforts to cull out the inbreeding depression effects of long-term small population size (as determined by a selection protocol for increased assortative mating). We also maintained parallel non-selection lines for assessing the spontaneous purge of genetic load due to inbreeding alone. We thus evaluated the fitness of artificially and ‘naturally’ purging populations held at census sizes of 40 individuals over the course of 18 generations. We found that the artificially selected lines had significant increases in mating propensity (up to 46% higher from the beginning of the protocol) followed by reversed selection responses back to the initial levels, resulting in non-significant heritabilities. Nevertheless, the ‘naturally’ selected lines had significantly lower fitness overall (a 28% reduction from the beginning of the protocol), although lower effective population sizes could have contributed to this effect. We conclude that artificial selection bolstered fitness, but only in the short-term, because the inadvertent fixation of extant genetic load later resulted in pleiotropic fitness declines. Still, the short-term advantage of the selection protocol likely contributed to the success of the speciation experiment since our recently-derived housefly populations are particularly vulnerable to inbreeding depression effects on mating behavior.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(6):895-902
Prostaglandins (PGs) of the E and F series were quantified in the housefly by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Whole insects and reproductive tissues from both sexes contained PGE(1+2) and PDG which increased in amount with age. PGF levels were higher than PGE series in extracts of whole male and female insects and in ovaries. Male reproductive tissues contained higher amounts of PGE(1+2) than PGF. Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analyses of the products formed after injection of arachidonic acid (20:4) and eicosatrienoic acid (20:3, n-6) into male and femal insects demonstrated the conversion of 20:4 to PGF and 20:3 to PGF. Radiolabeled 20:4 injected into houseflies was rapidly converted to PGE2 and PGF. The catabolism of PGE2 was more rapid than PGF in males, whereas in females, PGE2 and PGF were converted to more polar products at similar rates. Radiolabeled 20:4 injected in the hemolymph was incorporated into the reproductive tracts of male insects. About 2.1% of the total radioactivity from [3H]20:4 injected into males just prior to mating was transferred to females during mating. Thus, PG are formed from 20:4 in male and female houseflies. During mating, 20:4 is transferred from males to females where it can be metabolized to PGF.  相似文献   

Rhabdomeric microvilli of the housefly were freeze-fractured (FF) and thin sectioned (TS) for ultrastructural examination. Ordered files of closely packed membrane particles (82 Å wide, 250 Å long) were seen (FF) on the microvillar membrane (usually E face). The long axis of each particle was canted about 45° to that of the microvillus. Occasionally particles in this array appeared on the P face. It is hypothesized that ordered particles may represent either a photopigment precursor stock, a second photolabile pigment, or the newly discovered sensitizing, UV-absorbing, photostable visual pigment. In the underlying membrane leaflet (P face) were found spherical (85 Å diameter) unoriented particles in a concentration of about 6,000/μm2. The size, shape and density of these structures are compatible with those of rhodopsin particles. These particles also covered the basal area of each microvillus. The findings from TS material were difficult to correlate with those from FF replicas. At high magnification the former showed that the plasma membrane of the transected microvillus is composed of spherical, hollow subunits (averaging 43 Å diameter), sometimes fused to form double, 86 Å units. These substructures were closely packed and continuous around the microvillus. This beaded plasma membrane, in rare cases, was doubled around the microvillus. In other instances the plasma membranes were continuous between neighboring microvilli. The physiological implications of these ultrastructural features are discussed.  相似文献   

Taşkin V  Kence M 《Genetika》2004,40(11):1475-1482
Organophosphate insecticide (parathion/diazinon) resistance in housefly (Musca domestica L.) is associated with the change in carboxylesterase activity. The product of MdalphaE7 gene is probably playing a role in detoxification of xenebiotic esters. In our research, we have isolated, cloned and sequenced the MdalphaE7 gene from 5 different Turkish housefly strains. High doses of malathion (600 microg/fly) were applied in a laboratory environment for one year to Ceyhan1, Ceyhan2, Adana and Ankara strains while no insecticide treatment was performed in the laboratory to Kirazli strain. Trp251 --> Ser substitution was found in the product of MdalphaE7 gene in all malathion resistant and Kirazli stocks. In addition, we checked the malathion carboxylesterase (MCE), percent remaining activities in acetylcholinesterase (AChE), glutathion-S-transferase (GST), and general esterase activities in all 5 strains used in this study. In comparing with universal standard sensitive control WHO, a high level of MCE and GST activities were observed while lower level of general esterase activities was detected in the tested strains. In addition, a higher percent remaining activities in AChE than WHO susceptible strain were observed in all malathion resistant strains.  相似文献   

Meffert LM  Regan JL  Hicks SK  Mukana N  Day SB 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):419-427
When a population faces long-term inbreeding, artificial selection, in principle, can enhance natural selection processes for purging the exposed genetic load. However, strong purge pressures might actually decrease fitness through the inadvertent fixation of deleterious alleles and allelic combinations. We tested lines of the housefly (Musca domestica L.) for the effectiveness of artificial selection to promote the adaptation to small population size. Specifically, replicate populations were held at average census sizes of 54 for nine generations or 30 for 14 generations while being subjected to artificial selection pressure for increased fitness in overall mating propensity (i.e., the proportion of virgin male–female pairs initiating copulation within 30 min), while also undergoing selection to create differences among lines in multivariate components of courtship performance. In the 14-generation experiment, a subset of the lines were derived from a founder-flush population (i.e., derived from three male–female pairs). In both experiments, we also maintained parallel non-selection lines to assess the potential for natural purging through serial inbreeding alone. Sub-populations derived from a stock newly derived from the wild responded to artificial selection for increased mating propensity, but only in the short-term, with eventual rebounds back to the original levels. Serial inbreeding in these lines simply reduced mating propensity. In sub-populations derived from the same base population, but 36 generations later, both artificial selection and serial inbreeding increased mating propensity, but mainly to restore the level found upon establishment in the laboratory. Founder-flush lines responded as well as the non-bottlenecked controls, so we base our major conclusions on the comparisons between fresh-caught and long-term laboratory stocks. We suggest that the effectiveness of the alternative purge protocols depended upon the amount of genetic load already exposed, such that prolonged periods of relaxed or altered selection pressures of the laboratory rendered a population more responsive to purging protocols.  相似文献   


Houseflies reared on artificial diet supplemented with a range of concentrations of CGA 72662 suffered severe developmental disruption at the larval stage. Death was preceded by the appearance of a range of cuticular lesions and abnormalities. These cuticular abnormalities have been observed under the light and electron microscopes.  相似文献   

In the housefly, male sex is determined by a dominant factor, M, located either on the Y, on the X, or on any of the five autosomes. M factors on autosome I and on fragments of the Y chromosome show incomplete expressivity, whereas M factors on the other autosomes are fully expressive. To test whether these differences might be caused by heterochromatin-dependent position effects, we studied the distribution of heterochromatin on the mitotic chromosomes by C-banding and by fluorescence in situ hybridization of DNA fragments amplified from microdissected mitotic chromosomes. Our results show a correlation between the chromosomal position of M and the strength of its male-determining activity: weakly masculinizing M factors are exclusively located on chromosomes with extensive heterochromatic regions, i.e., on autosome I and on the Y chromosome. The Y is known to contain at least two copies of the M factor, which ensures a strong masculinizing effect despite the heterochromatic environment. The heterochromatic regions of the sex chromosomes consist of repetitive sequences that are unique to the X and the Y, whereas their euchromatic parts contain sequences that are ubiquitously found in the euchromatin of all chromosomes of the complement. Received: 20 February 1998; in revised form: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 23 May 1998  相似文献   

The phospholipids of the housefly, Musca domestica   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The lipoid content of several resistant and normal strains of houseflies was determined. A Swiss extremely DDT-resistant strain had a much higher fat content than a normal Swiss reference strain and several Italian strains. Among the Italian strains, a chlordane-resistant strain had a significantly higher fat content than a diazinon-resistant and a normal strain. This difference was no longer significant however, when the normal Swiss strain was included in the calculations. Iodine numbers, specific gravity and physical consistence showed no consistent difference between the fats of resistant and normal strains, except that the syphoned-off oils from fats of resistant flies seemed to be less viscous than those of normal flies of the same provenience.In a further series of experiments, the lipids were extracted from wheat bran, to which were added instead fats extracted from normal and from DDT-resistant housefly pupae; normal larvae were reared in a medium containing the fat from resistant pupae and vice versa. Neither this procedure nor that of offering cholesterol as sole larval lipid source, had any influence on resistance level in the adult state.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Lipoidgehalt der Puppen resistenter und sensibler Hausfliegenstämme bestimmt. Ein hoch DDT-resistenter Schweizer Stamm hatte einen bedeutend höheren Fettgehalt als ein normaler Schweizer und verschiedene italienische Stämme. Unter den italienischen Stämmen, hatte ein Chlordan-resistenter Stamm einen signifikant höheren Fettgehalt als ein Diazinon-resistenter und ein normaler Stamm. Wenn jedoch bei der statistischen Auswertung dieser Resultate die Zahlen für den Schweizer normalen Vergleichstamm mit in Betracht gezogen wurden, waren die Unterschiede für den Chlordanstamm nicht mehr signifikant.Die Feststellung Wiesmanns, dass resistente Hausfliegen einen höheren Fettgehalt aufweisen, konnte also in unseren Versuchen nur in einem von drei resistenten Stämmen bestätigt werden. Es ist daher anzunehmen, dass die Tatsache vorhandenen höheren Fettgehaltes nicht für alle resistenten Stämme zutrifft. Die Wiesmann'sche Lipoidtheorie der Insektizidresistenz, die übrigens auch von ihm selbst nur als Teilmechanismus des Resistenzgeschehens aufgefasst wird, ist vielleicht für gewisse Stämme anwendbar, so z.B. für den Schweizer Stamm K1, für den unsere Resultate mit den Ergebnissen Wiesmanns übereinstimmen. Die Theorie ist jedoch sicher nicht für jeglichen resistenten Hausfliegenstamm gültig.Wenn chemische und physikalische Eigenschaften der Fette, z.B. Jodzahl, Dichte und Konsistenz verglichen wurden, konnten keine klaren Unterschiede zwischen dem Fett resistenter und normaler Stämme gefunden werden. Vielleicht könnte man nur von einem Unterschied in der Viskosität der abgeheberten flüssigen Ölphase resistenter und normaler Fliegen gleicher Provenienz sprechen.Extrahierung der im Larvenfutter vorhandenen Fette und ihr Ersatz durch Fliegenpuppefette, oder Verabreichung von Cholesterin als einzige larvale, Fettquelle, hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Resistenz der Adulttiere.

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