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Najia Shakoor Kharma C Foucher Markus A Wimmer Rachel A Mikolaitis-Preuss Louis F Fogg Joel A Block 《Arthritis research & therapy》2014,16(6)
High joint loading, knee muscle weakness, and poor proprioceptive acuity are important factors that have been linked to knee osteoarthritis (OA). We previously reported that those with unilateral hip OA and bilateral asymptomatic knees are more predisposed to develop progressive OA in the contralateral knee relative to the ipsilateral knee. In the present study, we evaluate asymmetries in muscle strength and proprioception between the limbs and also evaluate relationships between these factors and joint loading that may be associated with the asymmetric evolution of OA in this group.Methods
Sixty-two participants with symptomatic unilateral hip OA and asymptomatic knees were evaluated for muscle strength, joint position sense and dynamic joint loads at the knees. Muscle strength and proprioception were compared between limbs and correlations between these factors and dynamic joint loading were evaluated. Subgroup analyses were also performed in only those participants that fulfilled criteria for severe hip OA.Results
Quadriceps muscle strength was 15% greater, and in the severe subgroup, proprioceptive acuity was 25% worse at the contralateral compared to ipsilateral knee of participants with unilateral hip OA (P <0.05). In addition, at the affected limb, there was an association between decreased proprioceptive acuity and higher knee loading (Spearman’s rho = 0.377, P = 0.007) and between decreased proprioceptive acuity and decreased muscle strength (Spearman’s rho = −0.328, P = 0.016).Conclusions
This study demonstrated asymmetries in muscle strength and proprioception between the limbs in a unilateral hip OA population. Early alterations in these factors suggest their possible role in the future development of OA at the contralateral ‘OA-predisposed knee’ in this group. Furthermore, the significant association observed between proprioception, loading, and muscle strength at the affected hip limb suggests that these factors may be interrelated. 相似文献2.
R. Garcia F. Gaillard J. -C. Jacquenod 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1988,162(4):443-451
Ipsilateral retino-tecto-tectal (IRTT) units were recorded extracellularly in the rostral optic tectum of the frog (Rana esculenta). The activity of 79 superficial units (II type) was quantified in response to black disks of various sizes, moved vertically at various angular velocities and against a white background. The contrast ¦C¦ was constant during the experiments. Neuronal activity was analysed by two methods, yielding identical results:
The results show that qualitatively and quantitatively, the properties of I1 units are very similar to R1–R2 (sustained) ganglion cells. 相似文献
(1) | I1 units responded transiently to moving and movement gated stationary stimuli; these units did not seem to be directionally sensitive nor responsive to changes in background illumination. Fifty-three % of units had a low spontaneous activity. |
(2) | A power function relating mean firing frequency (¯R) and angular velocity (v) was established in the majority (78%) of units. The exponent and the constantk were 0.44–0.8 and 8.9–20, respectively. |
(3) | The relationship between¯R and stimulus diameter (D) was best expressed by a logarithmic function. The maximum response occurred forD= 2–4. The optimal stimulus diameter was found to be independent of stimulus velocity. |
(4) | When stimulated repetitively under steady conditions, I1 units showed about 10% fluctuations in mean response, which seemed to increase with stimulus diameter. |
Erik van Lunteren 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1977,122(2):289-294
Summary Stimulation of the tonic muscle receptor organs inProcambarus clarkii results in reflex activation of the superficial extensors. This pathway is inhibited by activity in the lateral giant fibers and both medial giants. A labile synapse in the same pathway works synergistically with the giant fiber-mediated inhibition to prevent maladaptive activation of the superficial extensors during escape behavior. Evidence did not support the notion of giant fiber-mediated peripheral inhibition (via the accessory nerve) of MRO activity.This work was supported by NIH grant NS 02944 (to D. Kennedy). I would like to thank Drs. Kennedy, Wine, and the members of the Kennedy laboratory for their help and support. 相似文献
Sarah C. Goslee 《Plant Ecology》2010,206(2):279-286
Distance-based methods have been a valuable tool for ecologists for decades. Indirectly, distance-based ordination and cluster analysis, in particular, have been widely practiced as they allow the visualization of a multivariate data set in a few dimensions. The explicitly distance-based Mantel test and multiple regression on distance matrices (MRM) add hypothesis testing to the toolbox. One concern for ecologists wishing to use these methods lies in deciding whether to combine data vectors into a compound multivariate dissimilarity to analyze them individually. For Euclidean distances on scaled data, the correlation of a pair of multivariate distance matrices can be calculated from the correlations between the two sets of individual distance matrices if one set is orthogonal, demonstrating a clear link between individual and compound distances. The choice between Mantel and MRM should be driven by ecological hypotheses rather than mathematical concerns. The relationship between individual and compound distance matrices also provides a means for calculating the maximum possible value of the Mantel statistic, which can be considerably less than 1 for a given analysis. These relationships are demonstrated with simulated data. Although these mathematical relationships are only strictly true for Euclidean distances when one set of variables is orthogonal, simulations show that they are approximately true for weakly correlated variables and Bray–Curtis dissimilarities. 相似文献
A model has been developed to simulate the parallel channels of muscle spindles and their monosynaptic connections to a homonymous motoneuron in the turtle. Input to the model is muscle length and stimulation, output is motoneuronal membrane potential. Quality of transmission is greatly dependent upon dispersive properties of the system. The contributions of different dispersive features are compared and also cumulative effects are considered. Reference is made to conditions which are found in actual movements. 相似文献
Westheimer G 《Spatial Vision》2005,18(2):159-167
Vernier acuity for short horizontal, vertical and oblique target lines was measured in many locations in the periphery of the visual field in normal human observers. In the 10 deg periphery, the average alignment threshold with oblique vernier lines in eight locations for three observers was 2.29 times higher than that with vertical and horizontal target lines. This oblique effect was found everywhere in the visual field. Similar conclusions are drawn for configurations in which the lines were replaced by just their distal endpoints, but here, additionally, performance was distinctly better when the dot pair was collinear with the fixation point, i.e. oriented radially, than when it was oriented tangentially. Both for vernier lines and for dot pairs, in all observers, horizontal configurations showed somewhat better thresholds than vertical ones. These results suggest an inherent pattern of connectivity throughout the visual field favoring processing in the cardinal orientations over the obliques, the radial over the tangential and, to a limited extent, the horizontal over the vertical. 相似文献
C L Shen 《Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part B, Life sciences》1987,11(3):283-288
Expansion of ipsilateral retinal inputs into terminal regions of the primary was assessed in rats enucleated at birth or as adults. In addition, one animal with a congenital absence of one eye received an injection of the label into the remaining eye and was similarly processed. Analysis of the sections revealed an increase in retinal inputs, relative to control injections, in the lateral geniculate nucleus and the superior colliculus. The increase observed in the brains of animals receiving enucleation at birth was greater than the increase observed after eye removal in the adult, although the greatest increase was observed in the animal with the congenital loss of one eye. Differences in the sprouting response within the various terminal areas as well as the age related decrease in the ability of retinofugal axons to sprout into denervated visual areas in the brain are discussed. 相似文献
In this study we report on morphological and physiological analysis of proprioceptive sensory input to thoracic interneurons. Sensory neurons from leg proprioceptors were filled using cobalt chloride. The morphological location of these sensory neurons was compared with that of the DPG interneurons. The interneurons investigated were found to have morphological overlap with the sensory neurons of the specific proprioceptors, suggesting that they have the potential to receive direct input from these proprioceptors. Individual interneurons were recorded intracellularly and identified by intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow, and the responses of these cells to mechanical stimulation of specific proprioceptors were analyzed. All of the DPG interneurons tested as well as other interneurons receive input from one or more of these proprioceptors. In addition, DPG interneurons have ipsilateral/contralateral biases in their responses to proprioceptors. Paired stimulation of proprioceptors resulted in enhancement or decrement of the response in the interneurons, depending upon which sensory structures were stimulated together. The results of this study show that proprioceptive information is processed by DPG interneurons. 相似文献
Form perception and visual acuity in a chimpanzee 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A 6.5-year-old female chimpanzee learned to distinguish perfectly every letter of the alphabet in a matching-to-sample task with 26 letters as choice alternatives. Confusion of letters during the initial training was used to scale them in a multidimensional similarity space and to associate them in hierarchical clusters. The results resembled those obtained from similarity judgements by humans. Using letters of various sizes, a visual acuity test revealed that the chimpanzee's acuity was about 1.5, comparable to that in normal humans. The chimpanzee also readily learned to use letters as names of individual humans and chimpanzees. A species-typical feature was identified in the perceptual processes associated with complex forms, such as those involved in individual recognition. 相似文献
The definition of proprioception in the literature is equivocal, therefore it is desirable for communication and comprehension purposes that all authors who use proprioception and its related terms reach a consensus as to their meaning. This review aims to clarify these terms and to improve the understanding of the proprioceptive system. Over the years, many different views have been put forward on the origin of proprioception. The present-day view is that, in the absence of vision, we are able to determine the location of our limbs by signals of both peripheral and central origin. Nonetheless, recent research findings argue that the centrally generated sense of effort may not be well-suited to signal position sense and suggest revising the sense of effort hypothesis. This paper enlightens the latest views on the role of peripheral afferents and central signals involved in the proprioceptive system. It also describes the most common experimental protocols used to evaluate proprioception. The paper’s final section describes in detail the effect of different muscle contraction types on kinaesthetic sense—in particular, on the sense of limb position. 相似文献
Autocorrelation and spectrum analyses of amino acid residues along protein chains in a large data base has been performed. Results reveal the presence of general long range correlations. Similar analyses of simulated (random) peptides do not exhibit any such long range correlations. Based on the results of nur analysis, an attempt has been made to model the distribution of residues in protein sequences on a fractional Brownian motion and individual sequences as multi-fractals. For this purpose, the characteristics of an fractional Brownian motion namely, the scaling parameterH. the spectral exponent β and the fractal dimensionD, have been described 相似文献
目的 探讨肝受体类似物-1( liver receptor homolog-1,Lrh-1;NR5A2)基因序列差异与小鼠排卵数性状间关系.方法 根据GenBank中NM_001159769序列设计了5对引物扩增Lrh-1基因CDS区,用单链构象多态性(Single-strand conformation polymorphism,SSCP)分析小鼠Lrh-1基因序列差异,分析Lrh-1基因与小鼠排卵数间关系.结果 ①在5对引物中只有引物P2和P5扩增产物存在多态性,引物P2扩增产物存在两种基因型AA和AB型,其中AB型发生(C674A)突变,这种突变导致编码的140位氨基酸由谷氨酰胺变为赖氨酸.②引物P5扩增产物存在三种多态类型SSCP-1、SSCP-2和SSCP-3,SSCP-1和SSCP-3型核酸序列比SSCP-2型少25个碱基,SSCP-3型除缺失区段外,其他区域碱基序列与SSCP-2型有5处碱基突变,而与SSCP-1型核酸序列有34处碱基差异,经BLAST分析,SSCP-2型与NM_001159769序列相似,SSCP-1型与NM_001159769序列相差较多,而与NG_012313.1序列相似,通过氨基酸序列比对分析,SSCP-3型1652处的A→G的突变导致氨基酸由丙氨酸变为苏氨酸,1678位G→C的突变使原密码子TAC(酪氨酸Y)变为TAG(终止子).③引物P2 AA型(27.27±8.52)与AB型小鼠的平均排卵数(25.92±11.73)间差异无显著性(P>0.05);引物P5 SSCP-2型平均排卵数(35.00±14.58)显著高于SSCP-3型平均排卵数(19.50±7.94) (P <0.05),SSCP-1型(26.2±8.18)与SSCP-2型、SSCP-3型平均排卵数间差异无显著性(P>0.05).结论 明确了Lrh-1基因序列差异与小鼠排卵数性状间关系,为深入研究Lrh-1基因对动物生殖调控机理提供依据. 相似文献