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Three facultative CAM plants, Sedum spectabile, S. aizoon and Mesembryanthemum cordifolium, could take up CO2 throughout the night and daytime, and no phase Ill was observed during cloudy weather. The CO2 exchange patterns during cloudy day differed obviously from that during sunny day. But in the obligate CAM plants, Kalanchoe daigremontiana, Orostachys fimbriatus and Bryophyllum pinnatum, there were phase Ⅲ during cloudy day. These results showed that the COs exchange patterns with uptake of CO2 throughout the night and daytime were universal in facultative CAM plants during cloudy day, but not in obligate CAM plants, of which the CO2 exchange patterns were very stable. In the three facultative CAM plants, the difference of exchange patterns between cloudy and sunny days depended mainly on temperature change. The effect of the temperature on CO2 exchange patterns was mediated by the decarboxylation rate. At high temperature, the decarboxylation rate could be enhanced. It was found that the accumulation of malic acid at night in the three obligate CAM plants was much more than that in the three facultative C AM plants. So during cloudy day, the decarboxytion rate in the three obligate CAM plants was also higher. This might be an important cause that obligate CAM plants need not to take up CO2 during the daytime.  相似文献   

Gas moves through the pores of the egg shell by diffusion inthe gas phase. The gas flux is therefore determined by the productof the effective conductance of the shell and the partial pressuregradient of the gas between the ambient air and the inner sideof the shell. The partial pressure gradient of oxygen is decreasedby a reduction of the oxygen partial pressure in the ambientair. This can be achieved by reducing barometric pressure atnormal ambient oxygen concentration or by reducing ambient oxygenconcentration at standard barometric pressure. Both methodsare reported to decrease oxygen consumption of the embryo butto a different degree. At the same ambient oxygen pressure thereduction is less in eggs exposed to a reduced barometric pressure.In an attempt to explain this difference, chicken embryos aged16–19 days were exposed to various oxygen concentrationsand carbon dioxide production was measured. At subnormal oxygenconcentrations carbon dioxide output diminished as the oxygenconcentration was lowered and the duration of exposure was prolonged.At oxygen concentrations above normal a small but significantincrease in carbon dioxide production was found. Finally theresults are compared with those in the literature on the diverseeffects of a continuous reduction of barometric pressure andambient oxygen concentration. This difference is ascribed tothe fact that a reduction of barometric pressure not only decreasesoxygen partial pressure in the ambient air but also increaseseffective conductance of the egg shell, the latter being inverselyproportional to the barometric pressure.  相似文献   

Laisk A  Sumberg A 《Plant physiology》1994,106(2):689-695
Photorespiration was calculated from chlorophyll fluorescence and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) kinetics and compared with CO2 evolution rate in the light, measured by three gas-exchange methods in mature sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. The gas-exchange methods were (a) postillumination CO2 burst at unchanged CO2 concentration, (b) postillumination CO2 burst with simultaneous transfer into CO2-free air, and (c) extrapolation of the CO2 uptake to zero CO2 concentration at Rubisco active sites. The steady-state CO2 compensation point was proportional to O2 concentration, revealing the Rubisco specificity coefficient (Ksp) of 86. Electron transport rate (ETR) was calculated from fluorescence, and photorespiration rate was calculated from ETR using CO2 and O2 concentrations, Ksp, and diffusion resistances. The values of the best-fit mesophyll diffusion resistance for CO2 ranged between 0.3 and 0.8 s cm-1. Comparison of the gas-exchange and fluorescence data showed that only ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation and photorespiratory CO2 evolution were present at limiting CO2 concentrations. Carboxylation of a substrate other than RuBP, in addition to RuBP carboxylation, was detected at high CO2 concentrations. A simultaneous decarboxylation process not related to RuBP oxygenation was also detected at high CO2 concentrations in the light. We propose that these processes reflect carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate, formed from phosphoglyceric acid and the subsequent decarboxylation of malate.  相似文献   

The directive influence of the optic vesicle during lens induction of 2-day chick embryos was studied in vitro. Trunk ectoderm was chosen for the responding tissue. This uncommitted ectoderm formed distinct lentoid bodies when grown together with the optic vesicle. Crystallin synthesis was demonstrated in the lentoids with fluorescein labelled antiserum.
By interposing filters of different thicknesses and pore sizes between the interacting tissues, three questions were put forward: (1) Whether the intimate contact between the interactants was essential for induction, (2) how far the inductive influence of the optic vesicle extended, and (3) what was the smallest pore through which the inductive influence could penetrate.
The inductive influence reached across a Millipore filter with a thickness of 100 μm. It also penetrated a dialyzer membrane, allowing passage of molecules with molecular weights (MW) of less than 12,000 daltons. It was concluded that the directive, inductive signal(s) passing from the optic vesicle, diffused in the extracellular space as far as 100 μm and had a molecular weight of less than 12,000 daltons.  相似文献   

Effect of phosphorus deficiency on photosynthetic and respiratory CO2 exchanges were analysed in primary leaves of 2-week-old bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Golden Saxa) plants under non-photorespiratory (2 % O2) and photorespiratory (21 % O2) conditions. Low P decreased maximum net photosynthetic rate (PNmax) and increased the time necessary to reach it. In the leaves of P-deficient plants the relative decrease of PNmax at 2 % O2 was larger than at 21 % O2. The results suggested the influence of photorespiration in the cellular turnover of phosphates.  相似文献   


A useful property of DMSO solvent has been exploited to reveal a new catalytic route for cytidine amino proton exchange, relevant to exchange in the macromolecular state, but hidden in aqueous solution. Additional exchange mechanisms in aqueous monomeric cytidine (and adenosine) are obscured by the formation of a fast-exchanging endocyclic-protonated intermediate, which dominates the kinetics. Endocyclic nucleobase protonation could be circumvented in the presence of buffer conjugate acid by the use of DMSO/water solvent, permitting the first unequivocal observation buffer acid-catalyzed exchange from the neutral, unprotonated nucleobase, i.e., general acid catalysis. Because buffer ionization is greatly reduced in DMSO through anion desolvation, nucleobase protonation is supressed m the presence of buffer acid. Evidence is presented to describe this catalytic route as one involving hydrogen bond formation between the buffer acid and the endocyclic protonation site, C(N-3). Since this same configuration is found in Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding, experiments are presented to demonstrate faster cytidine amino proton exchange with the formation of the G-C base pair in DMSO. The importance of this mechanism in past aqueous monomer studies and in the interpretation of macromolecular (DNA) hydrogen exchange is discussed.  相似文献   

This study uses an awake unidirectionally ventilated avian preparation to examine the effects of dynamic CO2 signals on the respiratory drive. Results show that minute ventilation is affected by both 1) mean CO2 level and 2) amplitude of CO2 oscillations at the frequency of breathing. An increase in mean CO2 level increased minute ventilation. Comparisons of the effects of CO2 oscillations at the same mean CO2 level, however, showed minute ventilation to be less with the larger amplitudes of oscillations than with smaller ones. Graphs of minute ventilation (V) versus mean CO2 for families of oscillation sizes (0.5%, 1% and 2%) showed that the ventilatory sensitivity (slop) was least for the 2% oscillations and greatest for the 0.5% oscillations. Therefore, a static model for the respiratory regulator is not adequate. However, the apneic level of CO2 (V = O intercept) was independent of the size of the CO2 oscillations.  相似文献   

Oxygen requirement of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In the absence of electron acceptors and of oxygen a proton gradient was supported across thylakoid membranes of intact spinach chloroplasts by far-red illumination. It was decreased by red light. Inhibition by red light indicates effective control of cyclic electron flow by Photosystem II. Inhibition was released by oxygen which supported a large proton gradient. Oxygen appeared to act as electron acceptor simultaneously preventing over-reduction of electron carriers of the cyclic electron transport pathway. It thus has an important regulatory function in electron transport. Under anaerobic conditions, the inhibition of electron transport caused by red illumination could also be released and a large proton gradient could be established by oxaloacetate, nitrite and 3-phosphoglycerate, but not by bicarbonate. In the absence of oxygen, ATP levels remained low in chloroplasts illuminated with red light even when bicarbonate was present. They increased when electron acceptors were added which could release the over-reduction of the electron transport chain. Inhibition of electron transport in the presence of bicarbonate was relieved and CO2-fixation was initiated by oxygen concentrations as low as about 10 microM. Once CO2 fixation was initiated, very low oxygen levels were sufficient to sustain it. The results support the assumption that pseudocyclic electron transport is necessary to poise the electron transport chain so that a proper balance of linear and cyclic electron transport is established to supply ATP for CO2 reduction.  相似文献   

The role of carbonic anhydrase (CA) in ion transport processesof aquatic and terrestrial arthropod species is reviewed. Inboth insects and crustaceans CA is found in a variety of iontransporting tissues. The bulk of CA activity in crustaceansis concentrated in the posterior gills, which are morphologicallyand biochemically adapted for ion transport. The enzyme canbe specifically localized to gill lamellae which contain largepopulations of salt transporting chloride cells. Enzyme activityin the posterior gills of species having the ability to regulateblood ion concentrations increases when these organisms areacclimated to environmental salinities in which they ion regulate.In stenohaline, ion conforming species branchial CA activityis uniformly low, being only 5–10% that in regulatingspecies. Studies on the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, usingthe specific CA inhibitor acetazolamide have shown that theenzyme is indeed important in blood ion regulation. Blood Na$and Cl concentrations are both severely lowered in drug-treatedanimals acclimated to low salinity, while they remain virtuallyunaffected in animals acclimated to high salinity, in whichthe animal is an ion conformer. High salinity acclimated crabstreated with acetazolamide do not survive transfer to low salinity,and mortality is related to a breakdown in the ion regulatorymechanism. Branchial CA most likely functions in the hydrationof respiratory CO2 to H$ and HCO3, which serve as counterionsfor the active uptake of Na$ and Cl, respectively. Interrestrial species the role of CA is unclear and merits furtherinvestigation.  相似文献   

EAGLES  C. F. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(1):53-62
Diurnal fluctuations in dry matter accumulation and leaf extensionof seedlings of Dactylis glomerata were followed through a 16-hlight period and a subsequent 8-h dark period at 20 °C.Themeasured increase in dry weight during the light period andthe decrease during the dark period showed a very good agreementwith calculated dry weight changes derived from the rates ofcarbon dioxide exchange of whole seedlings. Although dry weightof the leaf blades decreased during the dark period, leaf expansioncontinued throughout the 24-h period with associated changesin the ratio of fresh weight to dry weight of the leaf blades.  相似文献   

Oxygen transport to avian embryo tissues occurs by three steps,two of which are driven by diffusion. This results in a seriesof stepwise decrements in PO2 between atmosphere and tissue.The PO2 decrements for embryos of the domestic fowl incubatedat different altitudes are used here to examine potential adaptationsto hypobanc hypoxia. With exposure to moderate hypoxia embryosof the domestic fowl appear to maintain adequate tissue oxygenation.Adaptive adjustments in the shell, shell membranes and chorioallantoiscomplex were not observed. However, hemoglobin O2 affinity wasincreased and preliminary evidence suggests a redistributionof blood flow to maintain adequate oxygenation in higher priorityareas of embryonic tissue. At severe hypoxia, embryos of thedomestic fowl show decreased O2 consumption, embryo mass andlengthened incubition period. Thus at severe hypoxin the embryoof the domestic fowl does not appear to provide a realisticmodel. Evidence from avian embryos of species native to highaltitude suggest that they are able to maintain adequate tissueoxygenation even at severe hypoxia. Preliminary evidence suggeststhat some of the blood vascular system and tissue level adaptationspresent in the chicken embryo are also present in species nativeto high altitude. One of these, an increase in embryonic hemoglobin-O2affinity which is physiologically mediated in the chicken embryois genetically-based in the embryo of the native high-altitudespecies.  相似文献   

The content of proteins P19 and P15 (mol wt 19,000 and 15,000, respectively) of avian leukovirus in various types of uninfected chicken embryos has been determined by radioimmunoassay. All chicken embryos examined, including embryos which have thus far been classified as group specific (gs) antigen negative by complement fixation tests, contained these viral proteins as well as P27 as previously reported. The embryos known as “gs antigen-positive” type contained about five times as much of these viral proteins as did the “gs antigen-negative” type. The ratio of the three viral proteins was similar for all types of embryos, suggesting that the genes for these proteins are coordinately controlled. In contrast to the relatively high levels of viral internal proteins in gs antigen-negative cells, the amounts of virus-specific RNA detectable by molecular hybridization were extremely low. The levels of helper activity, which presumably reflect the level of viral envelope glycoprotein, were also generally low or undetectable in these cells. Thus, the expression of the gene for envelope glycoprotein does not appear to be controlled coordinately with the genes for viral internal proteins.  相似文献   

The photoassimilation of 14CO2 by washed cells of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata was greatly inhibited in air. The inhibition was partially reversed by either sparging with argon or by adding inhibitors, e.g. CO [50% (v/v) in air] and NaN3 (0.2 mM), which at these concentrations effectively restricted respiration. The effect of oxygen on the photoassimilation of 14CO2 may be associated with a change in the redox state of the cells resulting in less reducing equivalents being available for this process.  相似文献   

Cui M  Miller PM  Nobel PS 《Plant physiology》1993,103(2):519-524
CO2 uptake, water vapor conductance, and biomass production of Opuntia ficus-indica, a Crassulacean acid metabolism species, were studied at CO2 concentrations of 370, 520, and 720 [mu]L L-1 in open-top chambers during a 23-week period. Nine weeks after planting, daily net CO2 uptake for basal cladodes at 520 and 720 [mu]L L-1 of CO2 was 76 and 98% higher, respectively, than at 370 [mu]L L-1. Eight weeks after daughter cladodes emerged, their daily net CO2 uptake was 35 and 49% higher at 520 and 720 [mu]L L-1 of C02, respectively, than at 370 [mu]L L-1. Daily water-use efficiency was 88% higher under elevated CO2 for basal cladodes and 57% higher for daughter cladodes. The daily net CO2 uptake capacity for basal cladodes increased for 4 weeks after planting and then remained fairly constant, whereas for daughter cladodes, it increased with cladode age, became maximal at 8 to 14 weeks, and then declined. The percentage enhancement in daily net CO2 uptake caused by elevated CO2 was greatest initially for basal cladodes and at 8 to 14 weeks for daughter cladodes. The chlorophyll content per unit fresh weight of chlorenchyma for daughter cladodes at 8 weeks was 19 and 62% lower in 520 and 720 [mu]L L-1 of CO2, respectively, compared with 370 [mu]L L-1. Despite the reduced chlorophyll content, plant biomass production during 23 weeks in 520 and 720 [mu]L L-1 of CO2 was 21 and 55% higher, respectively, than at 370 [mu]L L-1. The root dry weight nearly tripled as the C02 concentration was doubled, causing the root/shoot ratio to increase with CO2 concentration. During the 23-week period, elevated CO2 significantly increased CO2 uptake and biomass production of O. ficus-indica.  相似文献   

The morphological and functional organization of the needles of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Siberian fir (Abies sibirica Ledeb.), which differ in their light requirement were studied. The characteristic properties of the high-light-requiring pine included high rates of apparent photosynthesis and dark respiration, high assimilation number, numerous folds in mesophyll cell walls, and increased partial volume of intercellular spaces and hyaloplasm in the mesophyll. In the needles of shade-enduring fir, the higher efficiency of photosynthesis at low light intensities depended on the higher number of membranes and higher pigment content in the chloroplasts. The low assimilation number in fir indicated a shortage of photosynthetic reaction centers. The relative volume of the vascular cylinder and the vascular bundles in the needles and the partial volume of chloroplasts in the hyaloplasm, are considered as indices of the rate of assimilate export from mesophyll cells and their possible damping at different levels of structural organization.  相似文献   

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