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Certain bacteria develop iron chelation mechanisms that allow them to scavenge dissolved iron from the environment and to make it unavailable to competitors. This is achieved by producing siderophores that bind the iron which is later liberated internally in the cell. Under conditions of iron limitation, siderophore producing bacteria have therefore an antagonistic growth advantage over other species. This has been observed in particular in agricultural and aquacultural systems, as well as in food microbiology. We investigate here the possibility of a probiotic biocontrol strategy to eradicate a well established, often pathogenic, non-chelating population by supplementing the system with generally regarded as safe siderophore producing bacteria. Set in a chemostat setup, our modeling and simulation studies suggest that this is indeed possible in a finite time treatment.  相似文献   

Rhizobia are a group of organisms that are well known for their ability to colonize root surfaces and form symbiotic associations with legume plants. They not only play a major role in biological nitrogen fixation but also improve plant growth and reduce disease incidence in various crops. Rhizobia are known to control the growth of many soilborne plant pathogenic fungi belonging to different genera like Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium, and Macrophomina. Antagonistic activity of rhizobia is mainly attributed to production of antibiotics, hydrocyanic acid (HCN), mycolytic enzymes, and siderophore under iron limiting conditions. Rhizobia are also reported to induce systemic resistance and enhance expression of plant defense-related genes, which effectively immunize the plants against pathogens. Seed bacterization with appropriate rhizobial strain leads to elicitation and accumulation of phenolic compounds, isoflavonoid phytoalexins, and activation of enzymes like L-phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), chalcone synthase (CHS), peroxidase (POX), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and others involved in phenylpropanoid and isoflavonoid pathways. Development of Rhizobium inoculants with dual attributes of nitrogen fixation and antagonism against phytopathogens can contribute to increased plant growth and productivity. This compilation aims to bring together the available information on the biocontrol facet of rhizobia and identify research gaps and effective strategies for future research in this area.  相似文献   

The use of antagonist microorganisms against fungal plant pathogens is an attractive and ecologically alternative to the use of chemical pesticides. Streptomyces are beneficial soil bacteria and potential candidates for biocontrol agents. This study reports the isolation, characterization and antagonist activity of soil streptomycetes from the Los Petenes Biosphere Reserve, a Natural protected area in Campeche, Mexico. The results showed morphological, physiological and biochemical characterization of six actinomycetes and their inhibitory activity against Curvularia sp., Aspergillus niger, Helminthosporium sp. and Fusarium sp. One isolate, identified as Streptomyces sp. CACIS-1.16CA showed the potential to inhibit additional pathogens as Alternaria sp., Phytophthora capsici, Colletotrichum sp. and Rhizoctonia sp. with percentages ranging from 47 to 90 %. This study identified a streptomycete strain with a broad antagonist activity that could be used for biocontrol of plant pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

The fungus, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler Strain 501, has been evaluated as a bioherbicide for control of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng., but the biology of the pathogen–host interaction and the optimal environmental conditions for disease development and effective weed control are unknown. Disease development of A. alternata Strain 501 mycelia on E. adenophorum was assessed under several factors including pathogen inoculum concentration, plant age, dew period duration, post-dew temperature, storage temperature and duration. The minimum inoculum concentration required to kill E. adenophorum seedlings was 3.2×106 mycelial fragment mL?1. E. adenophorum seedlings at the four-leaf-pair stage were more susceptible than the older plants, especially those at the older than seven-leaf-pair stage. With a dew period of at least 14 h, 100% mortality occurred. The optimal post-dew temperature for disease development was 18–25°C. Storage at <4°C maintained the infectivity of A. alternata strain 501 mycelia on E. adenophorum longer. Using light and scanning electron microscopy to examine the infection process of A. alternata Strain 501 mycelia, it was shown that the time from initiation to completion of infection with mycelia was much shorter (14 h) than with conidia (72 h). It was further shown that mycelial infection occurred predominately through direct penetration at intercellular junctions, while conidial infection occurred predominately through stomatal penetration. This suggests that mycelia are more suitable as infection propagules for A. alternata strain 501 in a bioherbicide for the control of E. adenophorum.  相似文献   

A nematode, Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, known to be associated with slugs but not previously thought to be parasitic, was shown to be a parasite capable of killing the pest slug Deroceras reticulatum. The parasite infects slugs in the area beneath the mantle surrounding the shell, causing a disease with characteristic symptoms, particularly swelling of the mantle. Infection leads to death of the slug, usually between seven and 21 days afterwards. The nematode then spreads and multiplies in the cadaver. In an experiment where individual D. reticulatum were exposed to different numbers of P. hermaphrodita, a significant positive relationship was found between nematode dose and slug mortality. In two experiments on host range, the nematode was found to infect and kill all pest slug species tested: Deroceras caruanae, Arion distinctus, Arion silvaticus, Arion intermedius, Arion ater, Tandonia sowerbyi and T. budapestensis, in addition to D. reticulatum.  相似文献   

Monoconidial cultures of 15 isolates of Trichoderma harzianum were characterized on the basis of 82 morphological, physiological, and biochemical features and 99 isoenzyme bands from seven enzyme systems. The results were subjected to numerical analysis which revealed four distinct groups. Representative sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS 1)-ITS 2 region in the ribosomal DNA gene cluster were compared between groups confirming this distribution. The utility of the groupings generated from the morphological, physiological, and biochemical data was assessed by including an additional environmental isolate in the electrophoretic analysis. The in vitro antibiotic activity of the T. harzianum isolates was assayed against 10 isolates of five different soilborne fungal plant pathogens: Aphanomyces cochlioides, Rhizoctonia solani, Phoma betae, Acremonium cucurbitacearum, and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis lycopersici. Similarities between levels and specificities of biological activity and the numerical characterization groupings are both discussed in relation to antagonist-specific populations in known and potential biocontrol species.  相似文献   

Oxylipins are products of oxygenase-catalyzed reactions of fatty acids. Oxylipins have been found or implied to participate in a variety of different functions in or between organisms. In this report we investigated the potential of various naturally occurring oxylipins found in plants for their effects as fungicides on a number of fungal pathogens interfering with Brassica cultivation. The fungi investigated were Alternaria brassicae, Leptosphaeria maculans, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Verticillium longisporum. An in vitro growth inhibition assay was used, where the relative growth rate of the fungi were determined in the presence of various concentrations of oxylipins. While no universal fungicidic effect was found for the 10 compounds investigated there were examples of oxylipins having inhibitory effects. In certain cases the inhibitory effects was overcome by time, however. Since several of the oxylipins tested were found to be stable in the absence of the fungus this effect could be explained by induction of the degrading capacity of the fungus or increased tolerance. Several of the oxylipins also inhibited germination of L. maculans spores but the relative potency differed compared to the effects on hyphae. The study suggests that selected oxylipins may be used for disease control on Brassica plants.  相似文献   

Aiming at discovering effective biocontrol agents (BCAs) against grey mold on tomato caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers., we selected 819 bacterial isolates from the surface as well as the interior of the roots, stems, and leaves of tomato plants grown in B. cinerea-infested fields. In a dual-culture assay, 116 isolates (14.16%) showed antagonism against B. cinerea and fewer ones against five additional tomato-associated fungal pathogens – Pythium ultimum, Phytophthora capsici, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Ralstonia solanacearum. Thirty-one isolates with antagonism to B. cinerea and at least one of the five additional pathogens were assessed for their efficacy in controlling grey mold on tomato in a greenhouse test. Thirteen of them attained the efficacy over 50% and were subjected to the second greenhouse test, in which 12 isolates consistently accomplished the biocontrol efficacy over 50%, with isolates ABc28 and ABc22 achieving the efficacy of 66.71% and 64.90%, respectively. Under greenhouse conditions, the above two as well as isolates ABc2, ABc11 and ABc17 increased tomato biomass by more than 20% in comparison with the control. The 12 antagonistic isolates accomplishing the biocontrol efficacy over 50% in both greenhouse tests were considered potential BCAs against grey mold, which were identified as Pseudomonas spp., Pantoea spp., Bacillus spp. and Chryseobacterium spp. Ten of them were found to produce at least one of the three hydrolytic enzymes (protease, cellulase and chitinase) and/or siderophore, which might be involved in their mechanisms of suppressing the disease. Based on the origin of these 12 strains, the leaf tissue, especially the leaf interior, of tomato plants grown in a B. cinerea-infested field appears to be a good source of potential BCAs against grey mold.  相似文献   

The first record of the omnivorous predator Dicyphus maroccanus Wagner (Hemiptera: Miridae) inhabiting tomato crops in the Valencia region (East Coast of Spain) was in 2009. Since then, D. maroccanus has often been found preying on the eggs of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in this area. To evaluate this predator’s potential as a biological control agent, its life-history traits in the presence and absence of prey [(eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)] on tomato plants were studied under laboratory conditions. Immature stages that preyed on eggs of E. kuehniella developed successfully. However, no nymph completed development on the plant without the addition of E. kuehniella eggs. To reach adulthood, male and female D. maroccanus nymphs consumed 267 and 312 E. kuehniella eggs, respectively. The net reproductive rate (R0) was estimated to be 34.52 female eggs per female, the generation time (T) was 40.48 days, and the estimated intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.0868 females per female per day at 25 °C. In a second experiment, the capacity to detect plants infested or not infested with T. absoluta was studied using a Y-tube olfactometer. Female D. maroccanus were strongly attracted to the odor of T. absoluta-infested plants. In a third experiment, the capacity of D. maroccanus to control T. absoluta on tomato plants was investigated under extended laboratory conditions. Dicyphus maroccanus significantly reduced the number of T. absoluta-infested leaves in over 90 % of cases relative to control conditions. These results suggest that D. maroccanus could play a significant role in T. absoluta management. The potential of this zoophytophagous predator as a biocontrol agent on tomato crops is discussed.  相似文献   

Certain plant-associated strains of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. are known to produce the antimicrobial antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG). It has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antihelminthic properties and has played a significant role in the biological control of tobacco, wheat, and sugar beet diseases. It has never been reported from India and has not been implicated in the biological suppression of a major disease of the rice crop. Here, we report that a subpopulation of 27 strains of plant-associated Pseudomonas fluorescens screened in a batch of 278 strains of fluorescent pseudomonads produced DAPG. The DAPG production was detected by a PCR-based screening method that used primers Phl2a and Phl2b and amplified a 745-bp fragment characteristic of DAPG. HPLC, 1H NMR, and IR analyses provided further evidence for its production. We report also that this compound inhibited the growth of the devastating rice bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in laboratory assays and suppressed rice bacterial blight up to 59%-64% in net-house and field experiments. Tn5 mutants defective in DAPG production (Phl-) of P. fluorescens PTB 9 were much less effective in their suppression of rice bacterial blight.  相似文献   

川硬皮肿腿蜂携带松墨天牛致病菌的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]以生物导弹为理念,应用寄生性昆虫携带病原物双重防治松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus是目前研究的新领域,更是松材线虫病Bursaphelenchus xylophilus防治的新途径.[方法]本文以川硬皮肿腿蜂Scleroderma sichuanensis为载体,通过测定4株松墨天牛致病菌的孢子粉和孢子悬浮剂对其毒力大小和川硬皮肿腿蜂对4株菌的2种剂型的初始携带量及存留量,分析不同菌种与不同剂型对川硬皮肿腿蜂的影响和川硬皮肿腿蜂体表孢子脱落趋势.[结果]川硬皮肿腿蜂雌成蜂携带粉剂孢子的死亡率高于携带悬浮剂的,但川硬皮肿腿蜂对粉剂孢子的携带量却远远高于悬浮剂孢子的携带量.当喷施孢子悬浮剂时,川硬皮肿腿蜂的累计死亡率随浓度增加而增加,同样携带量也随浓度增加而增加;白僵菌对川硬皮肿腿蜂的毒力较绿僵菌高,致死速率也较绿僵菌大,但川硬皮肿腿蜂对白僵菌的携带效果却比绿僵菌的效果好.并且不论剂型和菌种,川硬皮肿腿蜂体表的孢子在第1d后都脱落最为明显,而后均保持较缓慢脱落.[结论]本研究证明川硬皮肿腿蜂携带松墨天牛致病菌的方法是可行的,其中白僵菌孢子粉更适合携带.  相似文献   

Siderophores based on sugar backbones substituted at the 2,3,4- or 2,3,6 positions with hydroxamic or retro-hydroxamic acid chelating units were synthesized and characterized. The alkyl terminus of the iron-coordinating side chain units facilitate lipophilic interactions. Iron coordination properties and complex stability were investigated by ESI-MS and the CAS-Test. The results were correlated to structure activity relationships determined by microbial growth promotion studies under iron limited conditions using wild type strains and iron transport mutants of Mycobacterium smegmatis.  相似文献   

Studying the bacteria of hazardous insects allows the opportunity to find potentially better biological control agents. Therefore, in this study, bacteria from summer chafer (Amphimallon solstitiale L., Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) we isolated and identified the insecticidal effects of bacteria isolated from A. solstitiale and Melolontha melolontha L. (common cockchafer, Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and the mixtures of these bacterial isolates were investigated on A. solstitiale larvae. Crystals from Bacillus sp. isolated from M. melolontha were also purified, and tested against the second and third-stage larvae of A. solstitiale. The bacterial isolates of A. solstitiale were identified as Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus cereus and Micrococcus luteus, based on their morphology, spore formation, nutritional features, and physiological and biochemical characteristics. The insecticidal effects of the bacterial isolates determined on the larvae of A. solstitiale were 90% with B. cereus isolated from A. solstitiale, and 75% with B. cereus, B. sphaericus and B. thuringiensis isolated from M. melolontha within ten days. The highest insecticidal effects of the mixed infections on the larvae of A. solstitiale were 100% both with B. cereus+B. sphaericus and with B. cereus+B. thuringiensis. In the crystal protein bioassays, the highest insecticidal effect was 65% with crystals of B. thuringiensis and B. sphaericus isolated from M. melolontha within seven days. Finally, our results showed that the mixed infections could be utilized as microbial control agents, as they have a 100% insecticidal effect on the larvae of A. solstitiale.  相似文献   

Fungal entomopathogens have been used more frequently than other types of pathogens for classical biological control. Among 136 programs using different groups of arthropod pathogens, 49.3% have introduced fungal pathogens (including both the traditional fungi and microsporidia). The most commonly introduced species was Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, with 13 introductions, followed by Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu & Soper, which was released seven times. The majority of introduction programs have focused on controlling invasive species of insects or mites (70.7%) rather than on native hosts (29.4%). Almost half of the introductions of traditional fungi targeted species of Hemiptera and 75% of the microsporidia introduced have been introduced against lepidopteran species. The United States was the country where most introductions of fungi took place (n = 24). From 1993 to 2007, no arthropod pathogens were released in the US due to the rigorous regulatory structure, but in 2008 two species of microsporidia were introduced against the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.). Establishment of entomopathogenic fungi in programs introducing traditional fungi was 32.1% and establishment was 50.0% for programs introducing microsporidia. In some programs, releases have resulted in permanent successful establishment with no non-target effects. In summary, classical biological control using fungal entomopathogens can provide a successful and environmentally friendly avenue for controlling arthropod pests, including the increasing numbers of invasive non-native species.  相似文献   

蚧虫的病原真菌及其在生物防治中的潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚧虫(半翅目:蚧总科)是农林果树和花卉的一类重要害虫。作者综述了寄生蚧虫的虫生真菌及其在生物防治中的潜力。总结了昆虫病原真菌作为生物杀虫剂的研究历史,并将其划分为3个发展阶段,即开创阶段、缓慢发展阶段和快速发展阶段。讨论了该领域在中国的研究现状。列出了世界上目前已记录的蚧虫病原真菌,包括55属140种,及其寄主蚧虫的名录。对虫生真菌未来的研究和开发提出了4点建议。  相似文献   

Previous studies relating root systems and drought tolerance in oil palm focused mainly on biomass. Yet, total root length (TRL), total root surface area (TRS), and root distribution in the soil better determine water uptake. These morphological traits were studied on 3 oil palm genotypes displaying a contrasting drought tolerance. A new concept of potential root water extraction ratio (PRER) was developed using measured half-distances between roots and some assumptions about the distance of water migration from soil to root. PRER was determined in conjunction with soil moisture extraction efficiency (SMEE). The presumed tolerant genotype (T) had higher TRL, TRS and PRER than the susceptible genotype (S), whilst the performance of the control genotype (I) was intermediate. Surprisingly, during a period of moderate water deficit, T had a lower SMEE than S, which was interpreted successfully with PRER, as the result of a better access to a large volume of soil and of a slower drying out of the soil around the roots. PRER appears as a helpful indicator for comparing or ranking genotypes, and for addressing better the complexity of the genetic variability of drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Understanding what determines the host range of pathogens and the potential for host shifts is of critical importance to controlling their introductions into new environments. The phylogeny of the hosts has been shown to be important: pathogens are more likely to be infectious on hosts closely related to their host‐of‐origin because of the similar host environments that is shared by descent. The importance of pathogen phylogenies for predicting host range has never been investigated, although a pathogen should also be able to exploit a new host that its close relative can infect. We performed cross‐inoculations using a plant–fungal association and showed that both host and pathogen phylogenies were significant predictors of host range, with at least partly independent effects. Furthermore, we showed that some pathogens were better at infecting novel hosts. Our results should have implications in the context of biological invasions and emergences of new diseases due to globalization.  相似文献   

[目的]探究光肩星天牛Anoplophoraglabripennis(ALB)在吉林珲春的耐寒性,为实现在当地释放花绒寄甲Dastarcus helophoroides防治ALB提供理论基础.[方法]于吉林珲春采集被ALB危害的杨树木段,室内解剖木段后收集各虫态/龄期ALB,并测量这些天牛的过冷却点.通过设置同一时间(...  相似文献   


Boutin et al. (2006) claimed that American and Eurasian red squirrels use an unknown environmental cue to anticipate the availability of the abundant food of an autumn seed mast, and produce more young than usual in the previous spring and summer. But these small mammals need increased supplies of protein to produce and support young, therefore they must have had access to some other protein‐rich food that was available before the mast was ripe. There are other small mammalian seed‐eaters that increase their reproductive output ahead of the maturation of a seed mast. It seems likely that, in each case, females are able to produce extra young in advance because they eat the amino acid‐rich inflorescences and unripe seeds of the mast and/or larval insects that also increase their numbers in the spring of a mast year by eating the same enriched plant food.  相似文献   

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