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Aims: To identify the presence of mouse β‐defensin 3 (Mbd3) (the human homologue of β‐defensin 2) in different tissues and to define the antimicrobial properties of recombinant MBD3 (rMBD3) against a panel of human pathogens. Methods and Results: Mbd3 gene expression in different mouse tissues before or after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection was compared by semi‐quantitative RT‐PCR. This analysis demonstrated that epithelial and mucosal tissues expressed Mbd3 independent of LPS stimulation. Evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of recombinant rMBD3 was determined by assessing the median inhibition concentration (IC50), minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC)/minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) against various human pathogens. Conclusion: Mbd3 gene expression by epithelial and mucosal tissues suggested that MBD3 likely plays an early defensive role against microbial infections. This activity was most significant against filamentous fungi. Significance and Impact of the Study: The data presented in this report suggested that formulations containing rMBD3 and related molecules could serve to treat fungal and bacterial infections.  相似文献   

马铃薯抗菌肽SN1是一种新型抗菌肽。为明确SN1是否抑制小麦重要土传真菌小麦纹枯菌(禾谷丝核菌)、小麦根腐菌(平脐蠕孢菌)的生长,本文克隆了马铃薯抗菌肽基因SN1的全长编码序列,将该基因编码序列亚克隆到原核表达载体pGEX-4T-1上,构建成GST-SN1融合蛋白表达载体。经异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导,获得了以包涵体形式表达的GST-SN1重组蛋白。经过裂解、洗涤、溶解、复性等处理,获得了纯化的GST-SN1融合蛋白。体外抑菌试验表明,SN1显著抑制禾谷丝核菌、平脐蠕孢菌菌丝生长,可作为上述植物病害抗性育种的潜在基因。  相似文献   

A gene encoding the beta-xylosidase/alpha-arabinofuranosidase (XylC) of Paenibacillus woosongensis was cloned into Escherichia coli. This xylC gene consisted of 1,425 nucleotides, encoding a polypeptide of 474 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence exhibited an 80% similarity with those of both Clostridium stercorarium beta-xylosidase/alpha-N-arabinosidase and Bacillus cellulosilyticus alpha-arabinofuranosidase, belonging to the glycosyl hydrolase family 43. The structural gene was subcloned with a Cterminal His-tag into a pET23a(+) expression vector. The His-tagged XylC, purified from a cell-free extract of a recombinant E. coli BL21(DE3) Codon Plus carrying a xylC gene by affinity chromatography, was active on paranitrophenyl- alpha-arabinofuranoside (pNPA) as well as paranitrophenyl- beta-xylopyranoside (pNPX). However, the enzymatic activities for the substrates were somewhat incongruously influenced by reaction pHs and temperatures. The enzyme was also affected by various chemicals at different levels. SDS (5 mM) inhibited the enzymatic activity for pNPX, while enhancing the enzymatic activity for pNPA. Enzyme activity was also found to be inhibited by addition of pentose or hexose. The Michaelis constant and maximum velocity of the purified enzyme were determined for hydrolysis of pNPX and pNPA, respectively.  相似文献   

A gene encoding for hirudin, a potent thrombin inhibitor, was expressed in Escherichia coli, which is the most widely used host. When the recombinant hirudin analog, CX-397, was overproduced by E. coli (600 mg l(-1)) in the absence of nutrient amino acids in the culture medium, the presence of two derivatives in the final product was observed with extremely increased retention times on reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Each derivative was due to methylation of an isoleucine residue at Ile29 or Ile59 in the CX-397. The structure was deducible as beta-methylnorleucine (beta MeNle; (2S,3S)-2-amino-3-methylhexanoic acid). The modification pathway of beta MeNle is not thought to be a post-translational modification of the protein because Ile has no functional group in its side-chain. Additionally, beta MeNle is synthesized by mutants of Serratia marcescens that belong to the same family, Enterobacteriaceae, as E. coli (J. Antibiot. 34 (1981a) 1278). These findings suggest that the lack of nutrient amino acids in the culture medium leads to the synthesis of beta MeNle in E. coli, which is then activated by E. coli isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase and incorporated into the overproduced recombinant protein.  相似文献   

Covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol, PEGylation, has been shown to prolong the half-life and enhance the pharmacodynamics of therapeutic proteins. Current methods for PEGylation, which rely on chemical conjugation through reactive groups on amino acids, often generate isoforms in which PEG is attached at sites that interfere with bioactivity. Here, we present a novel strategy for site-directed PEGylation using glycosyltransferases to attach PEG to O-glycans. The process involves enzymatic GalNAc glycosylation at specific serine and threonine residues in proteins expressed without glycosylation in Escherichia coli, followed by enzymatic transfer of sialic acid conjugated with PEG to the introduced GalNAc residues. The strategy was applied to three therapeutic polypeptides, granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), interferon-alpha2b (IFN-alpha2b), and granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), which are currently in clinical use.  相似文献   

Recombinant human interleukin-1 beta (rIL-1 beta) produced in Escherichia coli was purified to homogeneity by a combination of mass ion exchange column chromatography, ion exchange and gel filtration high performance liquid chromatography. The purified rIL-1 beta had a molecular weight of 18 kD on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and an isoelectric point of 6.9 on analytical isoelectric focusing. These values were almost same as those of natural interleukin-1 beta. The amino acid composition and amino acid sequence of the amino terminal region were consistent with those deduced from the cDNA sequence. In addition, the primary structure was confirmed by peptide mapping with lysyl-endopeptidase on reverse phase HPLC. Besides rIL-1 beta with amino terminal Ala, two molecular species, [Met0] rIL-1 beta and [desAla1] rIL-1 beta, were also obtained. Biological and physicochemical properties of the three species of rIL-1 beta were compared.  相似文献   

Active recombinant C3a of human anaphylatoxin produced in Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA sequence coding for the complete human C3a with 77 amino acids was divided into three portions, synthesized separately and constructed for expression in Escherichia coli. High expression of the recombinant C3a was achieved by an expression system using T7 polymerase. Purified recombinant C3a showed the same activities of ileum contraction and platelet aggregation of guinea pig as C3a purified from human serum.  相似文献   

Interferon-lambda1 (IFN-lambda1) is a member of the recently discovered type III IFNs (IFN-lambda), which possesses antiviral, antitumor, and immunomodulatory activities. In this study, the recombinant human IFN-lambda1 containing a hexahistidine tag was expressed in Escherichia coli. IFN-lambda1 was overexpressed under the control of T7 promoter and most of the protein existed in the form of inclusion bodies. The expressed insoluble protein was solubilized with urea, purified and refolded by one-step immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography using Ni(2+)-nitrilotriacetic acid agarose. The purified IFN-lambda1 appeared as a single band on SDS-PAGE and the purity was more than 95%. The yield was 86 mg IFN-lambda1 from 1L of bacterial culture. Western blotting and N-terminal sequencing confirmed the identity of the purified protein. The purified IFN-lambda1 exhibited specific antiviral activity as demonstrated by a cytopathic effect reduction assay. Thus, this on-column refolding method provides an efficient way to obtain an active IFN-lambda1 with high yield and high purity.  相似文献   

A stable plasmid pSYL107 containing the Alcaligenes eutrophus polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis genes and the Escherichia coli ftsZ gene was constructed. Cell filamentation previously observed during the synthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid), PHB, could be suppressed by the amplified activity of FtsZ. In a defined medium XL1-Blue (pSYL107) accumulated twice as much PHB than XL1-Blue harboring pSYL105, which does not contain the ftsZ gene.  相似文献   

Catalase is a characteristic enzyme of peroxisomes. To study the molecular mechanisms of the biogenesis of peroxisomes and catalase in a less complex system than rat liver cells, we expressed recombinant rat catalase in Escherichia coli, which has no peroxisomes. The concentration of recombinant catalase produced in E. coli transformed with the expression vector carrying the complete coding region of rat catalase cDNA was about 0.1% of the total soluble protein. The recombinant catalase was purified by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography followed by acidic ethanol precipitations. The properties of rat liver catalase and those of the recombinant were similar with respect to molecular mass, catalytic properties, profiles of absorption spectra, and iron contents. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified recombinant catalase, as determined by Edman degradation, was in complete agreement with the amino acid sequence predicted from the nucleotide sequence of rat catalase cDNA, except that the first initiator methionine was not detected. The COOH-terminal amino acid sequence was determined by carboxypeptidase A digestion and the sequence, -Ala-Asn-Leu-OH, matched the predicted COOH-terminal amino acid sequence of rat catalase. Recombinant rat catalase gave almost the same multiple protein bands on native polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing as observed with authentic rat liver catalase.  相似文献   

A full-length human phenylalanine hydroxylase cDNA has been recombined with a prokaryotic expression vector and introduced into Escherichia coli. Transformed bacteria express phenylalanine hydroxylase immunoreactive protein and pterin-dependent conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine. Recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase produced in E. coli has been partially purified, and biochemical studies have been performed comparing the activity and kinetics of the recombinant enzyme with native phenylalanine hydroxylase from human liver. The optimal reaction conditions, kinetic constants, and sensitivity to inhibition by aromatic amino acids are the same for recombinant phenylalanine hydroxylase and native phenylalanine hydroxylase. These data indicate that the recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase is an authentic and complete phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme and that the characteristic aspects of phenylalanine hydroxylase enzymatic activity are determined by a single gene product and can be constituted in the absence of any specific accessory functions of the eukaryotic cell. The availability of recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase produced in E. coli will expedite physical and chemical characterization of human phenylalanine hydroxylase which has been hindered in the past by inavailability of the native enzyme for study.  相似文献   

Summary Culture conditions favouring the simulataneous formation of soluble protein and inclusion bodies (IBs) were chosen for producing the cytoplasmic protein -galactosidase or the periplasmic protein TEM--lactomase. Soluble and insoluble cell fractions of Escherichia coli producing either -galactosidase or TEM--lactomase were analyzed by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and subsequent silver staining or immunodection of the recombinant protein. The results show that truncated fragments of the recombinant protein were not present in the soluble cell fraction but accumulate in the IB fraction. The presense of other cellular, non-plasmid-encoded proteins in IB preparations such as the outer membrane proteins OmpF, OmpC, and OmpA or the ribosomal subunit proteins L7/L12 was attributed to co-precipitation of cell-debris-associated components. Protein-folding enzymes were not detected in IB preprations. The specificity of in-vivo protein association in the formation of IBs and its implication on protein purification is discussed. Correspondence to: J. E. Bailey  相似文献   

In this study, we developed recombinant Escherichia coli strains expressing Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Il1403 glutamate decarboxylase (GadB) for the production of GABA from glutamate monosodium salt (MSG). Syntheses of GABA from MSG were examined by employing recombinant E. coli XL1-Blue as a whole cell biocatalyst in buffer solution. By increasing the concentration of E. coli XL1-Blue expressing GadB from the OD600 of 2–10, the concentration and conversion yield of GABA produced from 10 g/L of MSG could be increased from 4.3 to 4.8 g/L and from 70 to 78 %, respectively. Furthermore, E. coli XL1-Blue expressing GadB highly concentrated to the OD600 of 100 produced 76.2 g/L of GABA from 200 g/L of MSG with 62.4 % of GABA yield. Finally, nylon 4 could be synthesized by the bulk polymerization using 2-pyrrolidone that was prepared from microbially synthesized GABA by the reaction with Al2O3 as catalyst in toluene with the yield of 96 %.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein AIV (apoAIV), a protein which is known to activate the enzyme lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase, to bind to apoAI/AII receptor sites and also to promote cholesterol efflux from adipose cells, may play an important role in reverse cholesterol transport. In this report, the high-level production of soluble recombinant mature human apoAIV (isoform 1) in Escherichia coli is described. The recombinant protein was purified by avoiding lipid extraction or denaturation. The apoAIV preparation was analysed by its reactivity with antibodies raised against human apoAIV, SDS-gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing and N-terminal sequencing. The purified recombinant protein retains an extra methionine at the N-terminus. Purified recombinant and natural apoAIV proteins were indistinguishable with regard to their denaturation properties, thermo-stability or their fluorescence emission properties in the presence of various quantities of a quenching agent. Complexes of ApoAIV with L-alpha-dimyristoyl-glycerophosphocholine (Myr2GroPCho), glycerophosphocholine (GroPCho), or L-alpha-1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylglycerophosphocholine (PamOleGroPCho) prepared from plasmatic and from recombinant apoAIV proteins have similar densities as revealed by analytical centrifugation. They also share the same cofactor properties for the lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase reaction. Recombinant apoAIV complex with Myr2GroPCho was also able to bind to the same apoAI/AII receptor sites and to promote cholesterol efflux to an equal extent from adipose cells. It is concluded that the recombinant protein is functionally identical to the plasmatic apoAIV and may therefore be very useful in helping to elucidate the physiological role of apoAIV.  相似文献   

M E Winkler  M Blaber 《Biochemistry》1986,25(14):4041-4045
Recombinant single-chain urokinase (rUK1) has been purified from Escherichia coli. The purification utilizes a refractile body purification, followed by batch DE-52 cellulose extraction, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and S-200 chromatography. Two-chain rUK (rUK2) is separated from rUK1 on benzamidine--Sepharose. The purification eliminates proteases early in the procedure so the rUK1 will not be cleaved to rUK2. The rUK1 has been characterized by amino-terminal analysis as well as carboxy-terminal analysis after cleavage by plasmin.  相似文献   

Human recombinant EGF, secreted into the extracellular medium by E. coli cells, was purified by a combination of solid phase extraction and HPLC. Using these techniques, the peptide was purified 122-fold, with a recovery of greater than 75%. The purified hEGF manifested no contaminating protein bands on electrophoretic gels. Amino acid analysis of the purified peptide was identical to that of authentic hEGF.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli can inhibit the in vitro growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. One E. coli strain released a potent agar-diffusible gonococcal growth inhibitor which was extracted and assayed in an agar well assay system. The culture conditions necessary to produce the inhibitor were determined. The inhibitor was bacteriostatic, in most cases, for N. gonorrhoeae. Based on ultrafiltration and column chromatography, the inhibitor appeared to have a molecular weight in the range of 1200 to 2000. Evidence that the molecule contained charged sites was obtained by membrane binding and column chromatography. The inhibitor was stable to extremes of heat, cold and pH. It was not volatile or susceptible to proteolytic enzymes, lysozyme, lipase, DNAase, RNAase or certain chelating agents. Its activity was completely blocked by ferric ammonium citrate. This inhibitor is dissimilar to previously reported gonococcal inhibitors of bacterial origin.  相似文献   

Conkunitzin-S1 from the cone snail Conus striatus is the first member of a new neurotoxin family with a canonical Kunitz domain fold. Conk-S1 is 60 amino acids long and lacks one of the three conserved disulfide bonds typically found in Kunitz domain modules. It binds specifically to voltage activated potassium channels of the Shaker family. The peptide was expressed in insoluble form in fusion with an N-terminal intein. Refolding in the presence of glutathione followed by pH shift-induced cleavage of the fusion protein resulted in a functional toxin as demonstrated by voltage-clamp measurements.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli verotoxin (also known as Shiga-like toxin) has been implicated in the aetiology of the hemolytic uremic syndrome and hemorrhagic colitis. The glycolipid binding specificity of verotoxin purified from E. coli H30 and verotoxin cloned from bacteriophage H19B has been examined. Verotoxin from both sources binds specifically to globotriosyl ceramide containing the carbohydrate sequence galactose alpha 1-4galactose beta 1-4glucose-ceramide. Removal of the terminal galactose or substitution with N-acetylgalactosamine in beta 1-3 linkage deletes toxin binding activity. A ceramide trihexoside species, consistent with a globotriosyl ceramide structure was shown to be the major verotoxin-binding glycolipid of cultured vero cells which are routinely used to measure the cytotoxicity of toxin samples.  相似文献   

To prepare medium-chain-length poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) with altered physical properties, we generated recombinant Escherichia coli strains that synthesized PHAs with altered monomer compositions. Experiments with different substrates (fatty acids with different chain lengths) or different E. coli hosts failed to produce PHAs with altered physical properties. Therefore, we engineered a new potential PHA synthetic pathway, in which ketoacyl-coenzyme A (CoA) intermediates derived from the beta-oxidation cycle are accumulated and led to the PHA polymerase precursor R-3-hydroxyalkanoates in E. coli hosts. By introducing the poly-3-hydroxybutyrate acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (PhbB) from Ralstonia eutropha and blocking the ketoacyl-CoA degradation step of the beta-oxidation, the ketoacyl-CoA intermediate was accumulated and reduced to the PHA precursor. Introduction of the phbB gene not only caused significant changes in the monomer composition but also caused changes of the physical properties of the PHA, such as increase of polymer size and loss of the melting point. The present study demonstrates that pathway engineering can be a useful approach for producing PHAs with engineered physical properties.  相似文献   

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