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By most accounts, the upper limb of the chimpanzee is primarily adapted to suspensory postures and locomotion. In order to determine how the derived morphology of the chimpanzee forelimb has affected the form of quadrupedal locomotion displayed by these animals, electromyographic activity patterns of 10 shoulder muscles during knuckle-walking in two chimpanzee subjects were analysed and compared to data on the opossum and cat taken from the literature. Telemetered electromyography coupled with simultaneous video recording was employed in order to study unfettered locomotion in the chimpanzee subjects.
Chimpanzees are characterized by a quadrupedal gait in which the hind limb overstrides the ipsilateral forelimb. Forelimb position in the plane of abduction/adduction is significantly affected by whether the hind limb passes inside or outside its ipsilateral forelimb. The degree of abduction adduction of the forelimb, in turn, influences many of the muscle activity patterns. That is, some muscles would be more frequently or less frequently active, depending on whether the arm was relatively abducted or adducted during a stride. Thus, there can be no single motor programme that generates the step cycle in chimpanzees.
While there are some parallels between muscle recruitment patterns for chimpanzee, opossum and cat quadrupedalism, the results of this study also indicate that many aspects of muscle use in chimpanzees have been significantly influenced by factors related to increased mobility of the upper limb. Finally, this study has revealed that moving the arm forward during swing phase of knuckle-walking is not a simple product of muscular elTort. and that other mechanisms must be involved. However, it is unclear at present exactly what these mechanisms may be.  相似文献   

Despite the extensive electromyographic research that has addressed limb muscle function during primate quadrupedalism, the role of the back muscles in this locomotor behavior has remained undocumented. We report here the results of an electromyographic (EMG) analysis of three intrinsic back muscles (multifidus, longissimus, and iliocostalis) in the baboon (Papio anubis), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) during quadrupedal walking. The recruitment patterns of these three back muscles are compared to those reported for the same muscles during nonprimate quadrupedalism. In addition, the function of the back muscles during quadrupedalism and bipedalism in the two hominoids is compared. Results indicate that the back muscles restrict trunk movements during quadrupedalism by contracting with the touchdown of one or both feet, with more consistent activity associated with touchdown of the contralateral foot. Moreover, despite reported differences in their gait preferences and forelimb muscle EMG patterns, primates and nonprimate mammals recruit their back muscles in an essentially similar fashion during quadrupedal walking. These quadrupedal EMG patterns also resemble those reported for chimpanzees, gibbons and humans (but not orangutans) walking bipedally. The fundamental similarity in back muscle function across species and locomotor behaviors is consistent with other data pointing to conservatism in the evolution of the neural control of tetrapod limb movement, but does not preclude the suggestion (based on forelimb muscle EMG and spinal lesion studies) that some aspects of primate neural circuitry are unique. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Differences in the degree of projection of the greater tubercle above the level of the humeral head in primate proximal humeri have been associated with differing leverage requirements for supraspinatus during arboreal vs. terrestrial quadrupedal locomotion. Since most workers have assumed that supraspinatus acts as a humeral protractor, interpretations of the variation in greater tubercle height have focused on the need for powerful vs. rapid humeral protraction during the swing phase of quadrupedal locomotion. However, in an EMG study on the activity patterns of supraspinatus in the vervet monkey, Larson and Stern (Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 79:369-377, 1989) reported that although supraspinatus is active during arm elevations against gravity, it is silent during the swing phase of quadrupedal locomotion, and instead acts as a joint stabilizer during support phase. They suggested that the pattern of activity for supraspinatus observed in the vervet was common for all quadrupedal primates, and that differences in greater tubercle projection could be related to the degree of mobility of the shoulder. In the current study, we present additional EMG data on a baboon and three macaques supporting the suggestions offered by Larson and Stern (1989).  相似文献   

The possibility for the activation of muscles in a passive arm during its cyclic movements imposed by active movements of the contralateral arm or by an experimenter and the effect that the movements of lower extremities have on the activity of the arm muscles have been studied. In addition, the activity of the leg muscles was studied as dependent on the motor task performed by the arms. Ten healthy subjects performed antiphase arm movements with and without stepping-like movements of both legs in the supine position. The experiment was performed under three conditions for the arm movements: (1) both arms performed active movements; (2) one arm performed active movements, and the contralateral arm, being entirely passive, was forced to participate in movements; (3) the movement of the passive arm was caused by an experimenter. Under condition (2), additional loadings of 30 and 60 N were applied to the active arm. Under all conditions, the arm movements were performed with and without leg movements. The possibility for the activation of muscles in the arm performing passive movements has been demonstrated. To a large extent, this is possible due to an increase in the afferent inflow from the muscles of the contralateral arm. The electrical activity was modulated during cyclic arm movements and depended on the level of loading of the active arm. During the combined active movements of the arms and legs, the reduction in the activity of the flexor muscles of the shoulder and forearm was observed. In the case of passive stepping-like movements, the concomitant arm movements increased the magnitude of electromyographic bursts in most of the examined leg muscles. During active leg movements, a similar increase in electromyographic bursts was observed only in the m. biceps femoris (BF) and the anterior tibial muscle. An increase in the loading of one arm caused a significant increase in the EMG activity in most examined muscles of the legs. The data obtained provide additional proof for the existence of a functionally significant neuronal interaction between the arms, as well as between the upper and lower extremities, which is probably due to intraspinal neuronal connections.  相似文献   

It has been shown that target-pointing arm movements without visual feedback shift downward in space microgravity and upward in centrifuge hypergravity. Under gravity changes in aircraft parabolic flight, however, arm movements have been reported shifting upward in hypergravity as well, but a downward shift under microgravity is contradicted. In order to explain this discrepancy, we reexamined the pointing movements using an experimental design which was different from prior ones. Arm-pointing movements were measured by goniometry around the shoulder joint of subjects with and without eyes closed or with a weight in the hand, during hyper- and microgravity in parabolic flight. Subjects were fastened securely to the seat with the neck fixed and the elbow maintained in an extended position, and the eyes were kept closed for a period of time before each episode of parabolic flight. Under these new conditions, the arm consistently shifted downward during microgravity and mostly upward during hypergravity, as expected. We concluded that arm-pointing deviation induced by parabolic flight could be also be valid for studying the mechanism underlying disorientation under varying gravity conditions.  相似文献   

To investigate to time course of sensory-motor adaptation to microgravity, we tested spatially-directed voluntary head movements before, during and after short spaceflight. We also tested the re-adaptation of postural responses to sensory stimulation after space flight. The cosmonaut performed in microgravity six cycles of voluntary head rotation in pitch, roll and yaw directions. During the first days of weightlessness the angular velocity of head movements increased. Over the next days of microgravity the velocity of head movements gradually decreased. On landing day a significant decrease of head rotation velocity was observed compared to the head movement velocity before spaceflight. Re-adaptation to Earth condition measured by body sway on soft support showed similar time course, but re-adaptation measured by postural responses to vestibular galvanic stimulation was prolonged. These results showed that the angular velocity of aimed head movements of cosmonauts is a good indicator of sensory-motor adaptation in altered gravity conditions.  相似文献   

The successful achievement of harmonious locomotor movement results from the integrated operation of all body segments. Here, we will review current knowledge on the functional organization of spinal networks involved in mammalian locomotion. Attention will not simply be restricted to hindlimb muscle control, but by also considering the necessarily coordinated activation of trunk and forelimb muscles, we will try to demonstrate that while there has been a progressive increase in locomotor system complexity during evolution, many basic organizational features have been preserved across the spectrum from lower vertebrates through to humans. Concerning the organization of axial neuronal networks that control trunk muscles, it has been found across the vertebrate range that during locomotor movement a motor wave travels longitudinally in the spinal cord via the coupling of rhythmic segmental networks. For hindlimb activation it has been found in all species studied that the rostral lumbar segments contain the key elements for pattern generation. We also showed that rhythmic arm movements are under the control of cervical forelimb generators in quadrupeds as well as in human. Finally, it is highlighted that the coordination of quadrupedal movements during locomotion derives principally from an asymmetrical coordinating influence occurring in the caudo-rostral direction from the lumbar hindlimb networks.  相似文献   

Among the characteristics that are thought to set primate quadrupedal locomotion apart from that of nonprimate mammals are a more protracted limb posture and larger limb angular excursion. However, kinematic aspects of primate or nonprimate quadrupedal locomotion have been documented in only a handful of species, and more widely for the hind than the forelimb. This study presents data on arm (humerus) and forelimb posture during walking for 102 species of mammals, including 53 nonhuman primates and 49 nonprimate mammals. The results demonstrate that primates uniformly display a more protracted arm and forelimb at hand touchdown of a step than nearly all other mammals. Although primates tend to end a step with a less retracted humerus, their total humeral or forelimb angular excursion exceeds that of other mammals. It is suggested that these features are components of functional adaptations to locomotion in an arboreal habitat, using clawless, grasping extremities.  相似文献   

Locomotion of mammals, including humans, is based on the rhythmic activity of spinal cord circuitries. The functioning of these circuitries depends on multimodal afferent information and on supraspinal influences from the motor cortex. Using the method of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of arm muscle areas in the motor cortex, we studied the motor evoked potentials (MEP) in the upper arm muscles in stationary conditions and during voluntary and vibration-evoked arm movements. The study included 13 healthy subjects under arm and leg unloading conditions. In the first series of experiments, with motionless limbs, the effect of vibration of left upper arm muscles on motor responses in these muscles was evaluated. In the second series of experiments, MEP were compared in the same muscles during voluntary and rhythmic movements generated by left arm m. triceps brachii vibration (the right arm was stationary). Motionless left arm vibration led to an increase in MEP values in both vibrated muscle and in most of the non-vibrated muscles. For most target muscles, MEP was greater with voluntary arm movements than with vibration-evoked movements. At the same time, a similar MEP modulation in the cycle of arm movements was observed in the same upper arm muscles during both types of arm movements. TMS of the motor cortex significantly potentiated arm movements generated by vibration, but its effect on voluntary movements was weaker. These results indicate significant differences in the degree of motor cortex involvement in voluntary and evoked arm movements. We suppose that evoked arm movements are largely due to spinal rather than central mechanisms of generation of rhythmic movements.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) activities of three tail muscles, the extensor caudae lateralis (ECL), abductor caudae externus (ACE), and flexor caudae longus (FCL), were recorded bilaterally in seven adult dogs during walking, trotting, and galloping on a treadmill. Each dog's movements were recorded with a 16 mm high-speed camera system, and angular movements of the tail were analyzed. During walking and trotting, reciprocal EMG bursts were observed between right and left tail muscles and corresponded with lateral movements of the tail. The tonic discharges that were observed in ECL and FCL seemed to maintain the position of the tail. During galloping, synchronized EMG activity of all tail muscles produced reactive torques to counter those generated by cyclic limb movements and kept the tail in a stable position. These results suggest that tail movements are important in maintaining body balance during locomotion in the dog. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Electromyograms were recorded from the soleus and medial gastrocnemius muscles and tendon force from the medial gastrocnemius muscle of 2 juvenile Rhesus monkeys before, during and after Cosmos flight 2229 and of ground control animals. Recording sessions were made while the Rhesus were performing a foot pedal motor task. Preflight testing indicated normal patterns of recruitment between the soleus and medial gastrocnemius, i.e. a higher level of recruitment of the soleus compared to the medial gastrocnemius during the task. Recording began two days into the spaceflight and showed that the media gastrocnemius was recruited preferentially over the soleus. This observation persisted throughout the flight and for the 2 week period of postflight testing. These data indicate a significant change in the relative recruitment of slow and fast extensor muscles under microgravity conditions. The appearance of clonic-like activity in one muscle of each Rhesus during flight further suggests a reorganization in the neuromotor system in a microgravity environment.  相似文献   

This study analyses the relative contribution of the triceps surae and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles to tension development with reference to voluntary plantarflexion at two articular positions of the knee joint (extended and flexed at 90°) for various inertial loads. Subjects were instructed to perform plantarflexions at various sub-maximal and maximal velocities with no intention of stopping the movement. Whereas in one series of experiments the subjects were informed of the load countering the movement, in the other they were not. The average electromyographic (EMG) activity of the different muscles was recorded. The main results were that with loading: (a) greater maximal plantarflexion velocities were recorded in flexed as compared to extended-knee positions; (b) greater durations and amplitudes of agonist and antagonist EMG bursts were recorded; (c) the co-activation of the TA and triceps surae muscles was enhanced; (d) unexpected sub-maximal loads induced greater EMG activity and speed of movement. It is concluded that increasing the load during plantarflexion in humans brings about changes in neuromuscular strategies that contribute to the efficiency of contractile activity during rapid movements. The results also indicate that unexpected sub-maximal loading induces a potentiated neuromuscular activity which increases the speed of movement.  相似文献   

Human, like any other animal systems, moves in the terrestrial gravity field and must learn gravity-related motor strategies during his ontogenetic development. Considering continuous gravity action upon body segments, movement involves particular muscle activation patterns depending on body orientation to gravity. Gravitational-altered environments provided by parabolic flight or orbital space mission offer a great opportunity to investigate how gravity is taken into account in posture and movement planning. Indeed, in a context where the mechanical constraints are modified, movement execution involves that new muscular activity have to be produced. Almost, only few studies in microgravity environment are included electromyographic analysis and this parameter is generally used only to confirm modification of the muscular activation patterns. This study is focused to analyse the adaptation capacity of the brain to a modified gravitational environment. In this aim, EMG activity have been recorded during a whole body movement execution in both normo- and microgravity environment during parabolic flight. This procedure allowed us to analyse the EMG patterns recorded during the very first moments of weightlessness. In this study are reported the results of this analyse.  相似文献   

The possibility of muscle activation of passive arm during its cyclic movements, imposed by active movements of contralateral arm or by experimenter was studied, as well as the influence of lower extremities cyclic movements onto arm muscles activity. In addition to that the activity of legs muscles was estimated in dependence on motor task condition for arms. Ten healthy supine subjects carried out opposite movements of arms with and without stepping-like movements of both legs. The experiment included three conditions for arm movements: 1) the active movements of both arms; 2) the active movements of one arm, when other entirely passive arm participated in the movement by force; 3) passive arm movement caused by experimenter. In the condition 2) additional load on active arm was applied (30 N and 60 N). In all three conditions the experiment was carried out with arms movements only or together with legs movements. The capability of passive moving arm muscles activation depended on increasing afferent inflow from muscles of contralateral arm was demonstrated. Emerging electrical activity was modulated in the arms movements cycle and depended on the degree of active arm loading. During combined active movements of arms and legs the reduction of activity in the flexor muscles of shoulder and forearm was observed. Concomitant arms movements increased the magnitude ofelectromiographic bursts during passive stepping-like movements in the most of recorded muscles, and the same increasing was only observed in biceps femoris and tibialis anterior muscles during active legs movement. The increasing of loading of one arm caused essential augmentation of EMG-activity in the majority of recording legs muscles. The data obtained are the additional proof of existence of functionally significant neuronal interaction both between arms and between upper and lower extremities, which is evidently depend on the intraspinal neuronal connections.  相似文献   

Considerable data has been collected on the response of hindlimb muscles to unloading due to both spaceflight and hindlimb suspension. One generalized response to a reduction in load is muscle fiber atrophy, although not all muscles respond the same. For example, predominantly slow extensor muscles like the Sol exhibit a large reduction in fiber size to unloading, while fast extensors like the plantaris and fast flexors like the tibialis anterior show little, if any, atrophy. Our understanding of how muscles respond to microgravity, however, has come primarily from the examination of hindlimb muscles in the unrestrained rat in space. The non-human primate spaceflight paradigm differs considerably from the rodent paradigm in that the monkeys are restrained, usually in a sitting position, while in space. Recently, we examined the effects of microgravity on muscles of the Rhesus monkey by taking biopsies of selected hindlimb muscles prior to and following spaceflights of 14 and 12 day durations (Cosmos 2044 and 2229). Our results revealed that the monkey's response to microgravity differs from that of the rat. The apparent differences in the atrophic response of the hindlimb muscles of the monkey and rat to spaceflight may be attributed to 1) a species difference, 2) a difference in the manner in which the animals were maintained during the flight (i.e., chair restraint or "free-floating"), and/or 3) an ability of the monkeys to counteract the effects of spaceflight with resistive exercise.  相似文献   

Anatomical and empirical data suggest that deep and superficial muscles may have different functions for thoracic spine control. This study investigated thoracic paraspinal muscle activity during anticipatory postural adjustments associated with arm movement. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings were made from the right deep (multifidus/rotatores) and superficial (longissimus) muscles at T5, T8, and T11 levels using fine-wire electrodes. Ten healthy participants performed fast unilateral and bilateral flexion and extension arm movements in response to a light. EMG amplitude was measured during 25 ms epochs for 150 ms before and 400 ms after deltoid EMG onset. During arm flexion movements, multifidus and longissimus had two bursts of activity, one burst prior to deltoid and a late burst. With arm extension both muscles were active in a single burst after deltoid onset. There was differential activity with respect to direction of trunk rotation induced by arm movement. Right longissimus was most active with left arm movements and right multifidus was most active with right arm movements. All levels of the thorax responded similarly. We suggest that although thoracic multifidus and longissimus function similarly to control sagittal plane perturbations, these muscles are differentially active with rotational forces on the trunk.  相似文献   

Changes in limb dynamics during the practice of rapid arm movements   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In our study we examined Bernstein's hypothesis that practice alters the motor coordination among the muscular and passive joint moments. In particular, we conducted dynamical analyses of a human multisegmental movement during the practice of a task involving the upper extremity. Seven male human volunteers performed maximal-speed, unrestrained vertical arm movements whose upward and downward trajectories between two target endpoints required the hand to round a barrier, resulting in complex shoulder, elbow, and wrist joint movements. These movements were recorded by high-speed ciné film, and myopotentials from selected upper-extremity muscles were recorded. The arm was modeled as interconnected rigid bodies, so that dynamical interactions among the upper arm, forearm, and hand could be calculated. With practice, subjects achieved significantly shorter movement times. As movement times decreased, all joint-moment components (except gravity) increased, and the moment-time and EMG profiles were changed significantly. Particularly during reversals in movement direction, the changes in moment-time and EMG profiles were consistent with Bernstein's hypothesis relating practice effects and intralimb coordination: with practice, motor coordination was altered so that individuals employed reactive phenomena in such a way as to use muscular moments to counterbalance passive-interactive moments created by segment movements.  相似文献   

Multinuit activity from the inferior olive was recorded in chronic cats during a learned motor task. The animals were trained to perform a succession of rapid flexion-extension arm movements alternating with two maintained postures. No significant differences were observed in the olivary activity during maintained postures. However an increase of activity occurred before the beginning of the flexion detected on the biceps EMG recordings. The first modifications of olivary activity occurred in synchrony with postural reorganization preceding the flexion. This latter involved primarily the triceps. The increase of activity took place during the execution of movement and ended after the reaching of the target.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) recordings were taken from 14 shoulder muscles (or major parts of them) in a gorilla, a chimpanzee and an orangutan as they stood quadrupedally and tripedally, descended from elevated substrates, crutch-walked, and progressed quadrupedally on inclined and level substrates. In the African apes, low potentials commonly (but not always) occurred in the sternocostal pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles during quadrupedal stance. The quadrupedal orangutan always exhibited low potentials in the pectoralis major muscle and EMG activity commonly occurred in her supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles. Quiescent tripedal stances were not accompanied by striking changes in EMG patterns from those which characterized quadrupedal stances. Per contra, eccentric loadings of the forelimb during descents from elevated substrates generally recruited notable EMG activity in the deltoid, supraspinatus and, to a lesser extent, infraspinatus muscles of the three pongid apes. The pectoralis major and caudal serratus anterior muscles were much more active in Pongo and Pan during these descents. Supportive segments of quadrupedal locomotive cycles were generally accompanied by EMG activity in the pectoralis major, intermediate and posterior deltoid and supraspinatus muscles. The intermediate and posterior deltoid muscles were characteristically active during pre-release of the hand and early swing phase. The cranial trapezius and supraspinatus muscles also may act during early swing phase. We conclude that the pectoralis major and perhaps the supraspinatus and subscapularis might serve regularly as postural muscles during static terrestrial quadrupedalism in pongid apes. The lack of dramatic differences between the EMG patterns exhibited during fist-walking versus knuckle-walking indicates that an evolutionary transformation from a shoulder complex like that of Pongo to ones like Pan or vice versa need not entail major changes in myological features.  相似文献   

In unloading condition the degree of activation of the central stepping program was investigated during passive leg movements in healthy subjects, as well as the excitability of spinal motoneurons during passive and voluntary stepping movement. Passive stepping movements with characteristics maximally approximated to those during voluntary stepping were accomplished by experimenter. The comparison of the muscle activity bursts during voluntary and imposed movements was made. In addition to that the influence of artificially created loading onto the foot to the leg movement characteristics was analyzed. Spinal motoneuron excitability was estimated by means of evaluation of amplitude modulation of the soleus H-reflex. The changes of H-reflexes under the fixation of knee or hip joints were also studied. In majority of subjects the passive movements were accompanied by bursts of EMG activity of hip muscles (and sometimes of knee muscles), which timing during step cycle was coincided with burst timing of voluntary step cycle. In many cases the bursts of EMG activity during passive movements exceeded activity in homonymous muscles during voluntary stepping. The foot loading imitation exerted essential influence on distal parts of moving extremity during voluntary as well passive movements, that was expressed in the appearance of movements in the ankle joint and accompanied by emergence and increasing of phasic EMG activity of shank muscles. The excitability of motoneurons during passive movements was greater then during voluntary ones. The changes and modulation of H-reflex throughout the step cycle without restriction of joint mobility and during exclusion of hip joint mobility were similar. The knee joint fixation exerted the greater influence. It is supposed that imposed movements activate the same mechanisms of rhythm generation as a supraspinal commands during voluntary movements. In the conditions of passive movements the presynaptic inhibition depend on afferent influences from moving leg in the most degree then on central commands. It seems that afferent inputs from pressure receptors of foot in the condition of "air-stepping" actively interact with central program of stepping and, irrespective of type of the performing movements (voluntary or passive), form the final pattern activity.  相似文献   

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