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A porous composite model is developed to analyze the tensile mechanical properties of cortical bone. The effects of microporosity (volksman's canals, osteocyte lacunae) on the mechanical properties of bone tissue are taken into account. A simple shear lag theory, wherein tensile loads are transferred between overlapped mineral platelets by shearing of the organic matrix, is used to model the reinforcement provided by mineral platelets. It is assumed that the organic matrix is elastic in tension and elastic-perfectly plastic in shear until it fails. When organic matrix shear stresses at the ends of mineral platelets reach their yield values, the stress-strain curve of bone tissue starts to deviate from linear behavior. This is referred as the microscopic yield point. At the point where the stress-strain behavior of bone shows a sharp curvature, the organic phase reaches its shear yield stress value over the entire platelet. This is referred as the macroscopic yield point. It is assumed that after macroscopic yield, mineral platelets cannot contribute to the load bearing capacity of bone and that the mechanical behavior of cortical bone tissue is determined by the organic phase only. Bone fails when the principal stress of the organic matrix is reached. By assuming that mechanical properties of the organic matrix are dependent on bone mineral content below the macroscopic yield point, the model is used to predict the entire tensile mechanical behavior of cortical bone for different mineral contents. It is found that decreased shear yield stresses and organic matrix elastic moduli are required to explain the mechanical behavior of bones with lowered mineral contents. Under these conditions, the predicted values (elastic modulus, 0.002 yield stress and strain, and ultimate stress and strain) are within 15% of experimental data.  相似文献   

A transmission electron microscope (TEM) study was initiated on samples of geological ages ranging from Devonian to Jurassic to analyse the ultrastructure of the organic matrix in fossil bones that have preserved a histological structure after demineralisation. All samples show a network of variably well-preserved fibrils. Within the sampling, the best results were obtained in two specimens: the scales of the Devonian sarcopterygian tetrapodomorph Eustenopteron foordi, and the humerus of Jurassic dinosaur Lappentosaurus madagascariensis. Despite an extended time difference between both specimens, their fossil bone is composed of a plywood-like structure in which the fibrils are very closely packed. These observations support the hypothesis that dense initial packing of collagen fibrils favours the preservation of the fossil bone.  相似文献   

We have shown that collagen gel can be used as a culture matrix for the cloning of granulocyte/macrophage progenitor cells (CFU-C), the production of foci of marrow stromal cells and the maintenance of stem cell proliferation, differentiation and the production of CFU-C. Since collagen is a physiological matrix and allows the simultaneous growth of a variety of cellular elements, the system should prove useful for examining the role of cell/cell interactions and regulatory molecules involved in haemopoiesis.  相似文献   

In order to characterise the function of the novel fibrillar type XXVII collagen, a series of mice expressing mutant forms of the collagen were investigated. Mice harboring a glycine to cysteine substitution in the collagenous domain were phenotypically normal when heterozygote and displayed a mild disruption of growth plate architecture in the homozygous state. Mice expressing an 87 amino acid deletion in the collagenous domain of collagen XXVII were phenotypically normal as heterozygotes whereas homozygotes exhibited a severe chondrodysplasia and died perinatally from a lung defect. Animals expressing the 87 amino acid deletion targeted specifically to cartilage were viable but severely dwarfed. The pericellular matrix of proliferative chondrocytes was disrupted and the proliferative cells exhibited a decreased tendency to flatten and form vertical columns. Collagen XXVII plays an important structural role in the pericellular extracellular matrix of the growth plate and is required for the organisation of the proliferative zone.  相似文献   

Biosilicification: the role of the organic matrix in structure control   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Silicon (although never in the elemental form) is present in all living organisms and is required for the production of structural materials in single-celled organisms through to higher plants and animals. Hydrated amorphous silica is a mineral of infinite functionality and yet it is formed into structures with microscopic and macroscopic form. Research into the mechanisms controlling the process have highlighted proteins and proteoglycans as possible control molecules. Such molecules are suggested to play a critical role in the catalysis of silica polycondensation reactions and in structure direction. This article reviews information on silica form and function, silica condensation chemistry, the role of macromolecules in structure control and in vitro studies of silica formation using biomolecules extracted from biological silicas. An understanding of the mechanisms by which biological organisms regulate mineral formation will assist in our understanding of the essentiality of silicon to life processes and in the generation of new materials with specific form and function for industrial application in the 21st century.  相似文献   

An application of dual photon absorptiometry for measuring Bone Mineral Content (BMC) and the amount of organic matrix in bones in vitro is described. Dual photon absorptiometry was performed using a153Gd source and a Gammatec GT 50 scanner. Although the method is well known in clinical research of osteoporosis and has previously been described, the fundamental principles of the method are demonstrated graphically as this paper is directed to a new audience. Measurements on 9 sections of autopsy and 11 sections of archaeological femoral bones showed that the sum of measured mineral and measured organic matrix was consistent with the weight of the sections with an accuracy of 1.1. and 3.3. per cent respectively. As a further control of the reliability of the method, nine sections were ashed by heating to 800°C for 14 hours. A high correlation could be demonstrated between BMC and ash-weight as well as between the organic matrix and the loss of weight during heating.  相似文献   

A new protein has been isolated from CaCl2/urea extracts of demineralized bovine bone matrix. This protein has five to six residues of the vitamin K-dependent amino acid, gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla), and we have accordingly designated it matrix Gla protein. Matrix Gla protein is a 15,000 dalton protein whose amino acid composition includes a single disulfide bond. The absence of 4-hydroxyproline in matrix Gla protein demonstrates that it is not a precursor to bone Gla protein, 5,800 dalton protein which has a residue of 4-hydroxyproline at position 9 in its sequence. Matrix Gla protein also does not cross-react with antibodies raised against bone Gla protein.  相似文献   

Human bones sustain fatigue damage in the form of in vivo microcracks as a result of the normal everyday loading activities. These microcracks appear to preferentially accumulate in certain regions of bone and most notably in interstitial bone matrix areas. These are remnants of old bone tissue left unremodelled, which show a higher than average mineral content and consequently the occurrence of microcracks has been attributed to the possible brittleness brought about by such hypermineralisation. There is a need, therefore, for information on the in situ bone matrix properties in the vicinity of such in vivo microcracks to elucidate the possible causes of their appearance. The present study examined the elastic, strain rate (viscous) and plastic properties of bone matrix in selectively targeted areas by nanoindentation and in both quasistatic and dynamic mode. The results showed that in vivo crack areas are not as stiff as some well-known extremely mineralised and brittle bone examples (bulla, rostrum); the strain rate effects of crack regions were identical to those of other regions of human bone and agreed well with values collected for human bone in the past at the macroscale; while the plasticity index of the crack regions was also not statistically different from most bone examples (including human at random, bovine, bulla and rostrum) except antler, which showed lower plasticity and thus a greater fraction of elastic recovery in indentation energy. It is difficult, therefore, to explain the susceptibility of these interstitial regions to crack in terms of the mineral content and its after-effects on elasticity, viscosity and plasticity alone, but one need to attribute the cracks to the cumulative loading history of these areas, or raise the suggestion that these areas of bone matrix are in some measure 'aged' or material/quality defective.  相似文献   

The tensile and scaffolding properties of skin rely on the complex extracellular matrix (ECM) that surrounds cells, vasculature, nerves, and adnexus structures and supports the epidermis. In the skin, collagen I fibrils are the major structural component of the dermal ECM, decorated by proteoglycans and by fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices such as collagens XII and XIV. Here we show that the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), an abundant component of cartilage ECM, is expressed in healthy human skin. COMP expression is detected in the dermal compartment of skin and in cultured fibroblasts, whereas epidermis and HaCaT cells are negative. In addition to binding collagen I, COMP binds to collagens XII and XIV via their C-terminal collagenous domains. All three proteins codistribute in a characteristic narrow zone in the superficial papillary dermis of healthy human skin. Ultrastructural analysis by immunogold labeling confirmed colocalization and further revealed the presence of COMP along with collagens XII and XIV in anchoring plaques. On the basis of these observations, we postulate that COMP functions as an adapter protein in human skin, similar to its function in cartilage ECM, by organizing collagen I fibrils into a suprastructure, mainly in the vicinity of anchoring plaques that stabilize the cohesion between the upper dermis and the basement membrane zone.  相似文献   

Collagen synthesis by murine bone marrow cell culture   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Collagen types synthesized by murine bone marrow cells were studied and the effect of lithium chloride on collagen biosynthesis in vitro was investigated. In the liquid culture system used, an adherent, mixed cell population supports hemopoiesis. Radioactive labeling of cell cultures and subsequent fractionation with ammonium sulfate, enzyme digestion, immune precipitation, and gel electrophoresis indicated that the bone marrow cells synthesized precursors to collagen types I, III, and IV, and fibronectin. A previously undescribed molecule or fragment with an apparent molecular weight of 17,000 daltons that was susceptible to bacterial collagenase and containing no interchain disulfide bonds was also identified in the culture media of both control and lithium-treated cells. Lithium treatment did not affect the types of collagen synthesized, although the relative proportions of collagen types may differ from controls. However, lithium does have an effect on the appearance of some, as yet unidentified, non-collagenous components in the cell culture media.  相似文献   

The most widely accepted hypothesis to account for maturational changes in the X-ray diffraction characteristics of bone mineral has been the 'amorphous calcium phosphate theory', which postulates that an initial amorphous calcium phosphate solid phase is deposited that gradually converts to poorly crystalline hydroxyapatite. Our studies of bone mineral of different ages by X-ray radial distribution function analysis and 31P n.m.r. have conclusively demonstrated that a solid phase of amorphous calcium phosphate does not exist in bone in any significant amount. 31P n.m.r. studies have detected the presence of acid phosphate groups in a brushite-like configuration. Phosphoproteins containing O-phosphoserine and O-phosphothreonine have been isolated from bone matrix and characterized. Tissue and cell culture have established that they are synthesized in bone, most likely by the osteoblasts. Physiochemical and pathophysiological studies support the thesis that the mineral and organic phases of bone and other vertebrate mineralized tissues are linked by the phosphomonester bonds of O-phosphoserine and O-phosphothreonine, which are constituents of both the structural organic matrix and the inorganic calcium phosphate crystals.  相似文献   

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