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Synopsis Ecologically distinct species of Hoplias were studied as to the cardio-respiratory responses to graded hypoxia. Hoplias malabaricus maintained a constant oxygen uptake down to a PiO2 of 20 mmHg. Oxygen uptake declined markedly at lower PiO2 and, concomitantly, cardiac frequency decreased. Concurrent reductions of oxygen uptake and heart rate also occurred in Hoplias lacerdae but at the considerably higher PiO2 of 35 mmHg. These species-specific differences are consistent with the respective habitats: H. malabaricus occurs in stagnant hypoxic water, whereas H. lacerdae inhabits well-oxygenated rivers.  相似文献   

Predominantly, Hoplias malabaricus inhabits stagnant O2 poor environments, whereas Hoplias lacerdae occurs in well-aerated streams. The present study evaluates the influence of mode of life on O2 uptake and gill ventilation in equally-sized (300 g) specimens of this genus at 25° C. Comparing the species, H. lacerdae was characterized by the highest O2 uptake and gill ventilation combined with a relatively higher cost of breathing and a lower O2 extraction. Both species substantially increased ventilation in response to hypoxia with the difference that H. malabaricus exclusively augmented tidal volume, whereas H. lacerdae also increased breathing frequency.  相似文献   

Growth of adult traíras Hoplias malabaricus ceased and body mass ( M ) decreased during starvation periods of 30, 60, 90, 150, 180 and 240 days. Hepatic reserves were mobilized in fish starved for 30 days, but liver mass of fish starved for longer periods was not significantly different from those starved for 30 days. Perivisceral fat bodies were consumed gradually, being completely exhausted after 240 days of food deprivation. Length of starvation was associated with a significant decrease in the oxygen uptake ( V o2). In spite of this reduction, the respiratory frequency ( f R) was kept nearly constant during the starvation periods. The haematocrit and the number of red blood cells decreased after 150 and 240 days of starvation, respectively. These parameters did not recover after refeeding (after 90 and 240 days of starvation). This hypometabolic state in response to food deprivation contributed to energy conservation during these periods. Traíras can survive food deprivation for periods of up to 180 days without reductions in metabolism and when they do become hypometabolic, normal metabolic rates are rapidly restored upon refeeding.  相似文献   

The effect of chloride cell proliferation on the respiratory function was evaluated by measuring oxygen consumption (VO2) and ventilatory parameters during normoxia and gradual hypoxia in the tropical fish Hoplias malabaricus. Chloride cell proliferation was induced by keeping fish in deionized water, and the effect on the respiratory function was measured on the 1st, 2nd, and 7th day in this water using a flow-through respirometry system. Plasma osmolarity and the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2) were measured under conditions of normoxia and severe hypoxia. Chloride cell proliferation on the lamellae significantly increased the water-blood diffusion distance on the 2nd and 7th day in deionized water. VO2 was kept constant until the critical oxygen pressure (PcO2) of 21.6+/-0.9 mmHg in both the control and deionized water fish was reached. The ventilatory parameters were higher in deionized water fish in normoxia, and increased during hypoxia, matching decreases in the water's partial O2 pressure. Impairment of the respiratory function was evidenced by the decrease of PaO2 of deionized water fish in normoxic condition. However, despite the changes in the epithelial morphology of gills in fish kept in deionized water, H. malabaricus proved be a hypoxic-tolerant tropical species.  相似文献   

Extreme environmental conditions present challenges for thermoregulation in homoeothermic organisms such as mammals. Such challenges are exacerbated when two stressors are experienced simultaneously and each stimulus evokes opposing physiological responses. This is the case of cold, which induces an increase in thermogenesis, and hypoxia, which suppresses metabolism conserving oxygen and preventing hypoxaemia. As an initial approach to understanding the thermoregulatory responses to cold and hypoxia in a small mammal, we explored the effects of acclimation to these two stressors on the body temperature (Tb) and the daily and ultradian Tb variations of Sprague-Dawley rats. As Tb is influenced by sleep-wake cycles, these Tb variations reflect underlying adjustments in set-point and thermosensitivity. The Tb of rats decreased precipitously during initial hypoxic exposure which was more pronounced in cold (Tb=33.4±0.13) than in room temperature (Tb=35.74±0.17) conditions. This decline was followed by an increase in Tb stabilising at a new level ~0.5 °C and ~1.4 °C below normoxic values at room and cold temperatures, respectively. Daily Tb variations were blunted during hypoxia with a greater effect in the cold. Ultradian Tb variations exhibited daily rhythmicity that disappeared under hypoxia, independent of ambient temperature. The adjustments in Tb during hypoxia and/or cold are in agreement with the hypothesis that an initial decrease in the Tb set-point is followed by its partial re-establishment with chronic hypoxia. This rebound of the Tb set-point might reflect cellular adjustments that would allow animals to better deal with low oxygen conditions, diminishing the drive for a lower Tb set-point. Cold and hypoxia are characteristic of high altitude environments. Understanding how mammals cope with changes in oxygen and temperature will shed light into their ability to colonize new environments along altitudinal clines and increase our understanding of how Tb is regulated under stimuli that impose contrasting physiological constraints.  相似文献   

This study quantifies the behavioral response of the widespread mouth brooding African cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae to progressive hypoxia. We exposed four gender/stage classes of P. multicolor (males, brooding females, females that had just released young, and non-brooding females) to progressive hypoxia and recorded the percent time spent using aquatic surface respiration (surface skimming, ASR) and gill ventilation rates. This was done for fish collected from three sites in Uganda (lake, swamp, and river) after long-term acclimation to normoxia. There was no effect of site of origin on response to hypoxia, but ASR thresholds did differ between gender/stage classes. The oxygen level (threshold) at which spent 10, 50, and 90% of their time at the surface using ASR was much higher for brooding females than for males, whereas ASR thresholds did not differ between non-brooding females and males. Similarly, the level at which ASR was initiated was much higher in brooding females than males, but did not differ between males and non-brooders, or between males and females than had just released young. The rate of gill ventilation dropped significantly in males and all stages of females after initiation of ASR, suggesting that surface skimming increases efficiency of oxygen acquisition. These results suggest that mouth brooding in female P. multicolor ASR improves oxygen uptake but imposes a cost in terms of time spent at the water surface, and this may affect maternal predation risk in low-oxygen habitats.  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the respiratory responses of the neotropical air-breathing fish Hoplosternum littorale to graded hypoxia and increased sulfide concentrations. The oxygen uptake (VO2), critical O2 tension (PcO2), respiratory (fR) and air-breathing (fRA) frequencies in response to graded hypoxia were determined for fish acclimated to 28 degrees C. H. littorale was able to maintain a constant VO2 down to a PcO2 of 50 mm Hg, below which fish became dependent on the environmental O2 even with significant increases in fR. The fRA was kept constant around 1 breath h(-1) above 50 mm Hg and increased significantly below 40 mm Hg, reaching maximum values (about 4.5 breaths h(-1)) at 10 mm Hg. The lethality to sulfide concentrations under normoxic and hypoxic conditions were also determined along with the fRA. For the normoxic fish the sulfide lethal limit was about 70 microM, while in the hypoxic ones this limit increased to 87 muM. The high sulfide tolerance of H. littorale may be attributed to the air-breathing capability, which is stimulated by this compound.  相似文献   

Juvenile tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, were exposed to sulfide and hypoxia for 12, 24, 48 and 96 h. Hemoglobin concentrations, red blood cell counts, and mean cell hemoglobin, were higher at 12 h in fish exposed to hypoxia. However, control fish and those exposed to sulfide and hypoxia had lower red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit at 96 h. Methemoglobin was higher than in the controls, probably due to the hypoxemia induced by these stressors. Sulfhemoglobin was not detected in significant amounts in the blood of fish exposed to sulfide (in vivo), yet hemoglobin converted into sulfhemoglobin at 1-15 mM sulfide in vitro. Anaerobic metabolism seemed to be an important mechanism for adapting to sulfide exposure and blood pH returned to control values after 24 h of sulfide, preventing acidosis. The high sulfide tolerance in tambaqui is associated with its high tolerance to hypoxia.  相似文献   

This project investigated the sensitivity of oxygen uptake (VO(2)) dynamics to training-induced physiological changes, across a broad spectrum of endurance-training histories. Forty subjects participated: sedentary (n = 10), active healthy (n = 10), regular runners (n = 10), and competitive distance runners (n = 10). Subjects completed a cycle step-function protocol, to elicit a steady state at 60% maximal work rate. Breath-by-breath data were collected for VO(2) and cardiac frequency (f(c)), and modelled mathematically, and used to determine the average response times to attain 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the respective steady states. The between-group comparisons for both VO(2) and f(c) revealed significantly faster response times to 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the induced response, for the better trained subjects (P < 0.05). In general, this technique permitted differentiation between the VO(2) and f(c) response dynamics of non-elite subjects from a broad range of endurance-training histories, with differences becoming more pronounced as subjects approached the steady state.  相似文献   

Respiratory studies of brain mitochondria have, in general, been limited to purified preparations. Conventional procedures for mitochondrial isolation yield relatively small and potentially selected subfractions of mitochondria. Examination of respiratory responses of homogenates of rat forebrain indicated that key respiratory properties of mitochondria are fully expressed in these preparations. In a high K+ buffer, comparable to those commonly used for purified mitochondria, forebrain homogenates exhibited many of the characteristics of oxygen uptake by "free" mitochondria: requirement for both pyruvate and malate for maximal respiration, stimulation (over threefold) by ADP, stimulation by uncoupling agent [carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP)], but little effect of digitonin. In a modified Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer (a physiological buffer), respiratory responses were primarily due to mitochondria enclosed in synaptosomes: respiration with glucose was markedly stimulated by CCCP, further stimulated by pyruvate, and extensively inhibited by digitonin (which disrupts the cholesterol-rich synaptosomal membranes). Studies with purified mitochondria and synaptosomes supported the specificity of these responses. These data indicate that classical mitochondrial responses are expressed in whole brain homogenates and, under appropriate conditions, provide functional measures of the total pools of free and synaptosomal mitochondria.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic markers were used to compare the karyotypes of an isolated population of Hoplias malabaricus with others previously described. The results revealed peculiar characteristics that indicate a new independent evolutionary unit within the H. malabaricus complex.  相似文献   

Although Litopenaeus vannamei is a widely studied species, the information on how the organisms respond to natural daily variations of environmental conditions such as temperature and dissolved oxygen, and how such conditions alter the physiological responses, is scarce. In the present work, the strategies used by shrimps to cope with temperature and dissolved oxygen fluctuations during 24 days were investigated through the evaluation of oxygen consumption and heat shock proteins (HSP) gene expression. During daily fluctuations, no change in oxygen consumption in the short-term, but a significant increase in the long-term during hyperthermia conditions was registered, whereas a significant decrease during hypoxia was observed during all the bioassay. On the other hand, HSP70 and HSP90 gene expression increased in gills under thermal stress but was down-regulated under hypoxia, in both the short- and the long-term. This study highlights that to counteract environmental variations of temperature and dissolved oxygen, the shrimps use molecular compensatory mechanisms (HSP gene expression) that are different to those used under constant hypoxic conditions, suggesting that hypoxia can compromise physiological cytoprotection.  相似文献   

Adaptations to hypoxia in hydrothermal-vent and cold-seep invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The deep sea harbors very unusual environments, such as hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, that illustrate an apparent paradox: the environmental conditions are very challenging and yet they display a high biomass when compared to the surrounding environment at similar depth. Hypoxia is one of the challenges that these species face to live there. Here, we review specific adaptations of their respiratory system that the species have developed to cope with hypoxia, at the morphological, physiological, and biochemical levels. Most studies to date deal with annelids and crustaceans, and trends can be drawn: development of ventilation and branchial surfaces to help with oxygen extraction, and an increase in finely tuned oxygen binding proteins to help with oxygen storage and transport. Beside these respiratory adaptations most animals have developed enhanced anaerobic capacities and specific ways to deal with sulfide.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of waterborne cadmium on hyper-osmoregulatory capacity of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis acclimated to freshwater. For this purpose, crabs were submitted to acute (0.5 mg Cd L(-1) for 1, 2 or 3 days), chronic (10 or 50 microg Cd L(-1) for 30 days) or chronic, immediately followed by acute, exposure. While no effect was observed after 1 or 2 days, hemolymph osmolality, Na(+) and Cl(-) concentrations were significantly reduced after 3 days of acute exposure. Under this latter condition, the respiratory anterior gill ultrastructure, Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and cytochrome c oxidase activities were significantly impaired. In contrast, the osmoregulatory posterior gill was unaffected for all treatments. As a consequence, we suggest that the observed hyper-osmoregulatory capacity impairment is the result of increased dissipative flow of ions and/or water through anterior gills. In contrast to acute exposure, chronic exposure did not induce any observable effect. However, crabs submitted to a known deleterious acute condition (0.5 mg Cd L(-1) for 3 days) directly after chronic exposure to 50 microg Cd L(-1) for 30 days showed normal hyper-osmoregulatory capacity with no change in gill Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity, and only little disturbance of anterior gill ultrastructure. These results demonstrate that a chronic cadmium exposure can induce acclimation mechanisms related to osmoregulation in this euryhaline decapod crustacean.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature and hypoxic acclimation on the haemoglobin system and intraerythrocytic organic phosphate concentrations in the South African mudfish, Labeo capensis, have been investigated. Exposure to hypoxia or increased temperature raised haemoglobin concentration and decreased NTP/Hb ratio. Temperature acclimation did not effect the oxygenation characteristics of the haemolysate or haemoglobin multiplicity, as evident from isoelectric focussing experiments that showed one cathodic (Hb I) and three anodic haemoglobins (Hb II, III and IV). Oxygen equilibria of the isolated components showed a smaller Bohr effect and lower temperature and organic phosphate sensitivities in the cathodic than in the anodic haemoglobins. Unlike the trout and eel haemoglobin systems, both the anodic and cathodic haemoglobins from L. capensis exhibited sensitivity to organic phosphates but the effect was smaller in the latter. The results indicate that oxygen transport in mudfish blood is supported by variations in the red cell organic phosphate\haemoglobin ratio and the functional differentiation between anodic and cathodic haemoglobins.  相似文献   

Oxygen conformance can be described as the ability to reduce energy demand, and hence oxygen consumption, in response to a decline in oxygen availability without a decrease in the concentration of ATP. It has been proposed that oxygen conformance may enhance cellular survival at low oxygen concentrations. We demonstrate that non-contracting C2C12 cells, a mouse skeletal muscle cell line, are capable of oxygen conformance. Typically, we found oxygen consumption to decline by 30–40% as the concentration of oxygen was reduced from 100 μM to 10 μM. Unexpectedly, the rate of protein synthesis, a major energy consumer in the cell, did not decrease significantly during oxygen conformance. Unlike oxygen conformance, severe hypoxia (<0.5 μM) caused a 36% decline in the concentration of PCr, and under these conditions of energy stress, the rate of protein synthesis declined by 43%. We conclude that there are two distinct metabolic responses to declines in oxygen concentration in non-contracting C2C12 cells.  相似文献   

Gymnotiform electric fish assemblage structure is strongly correlated to dissolved oxygen (DO) availability, which exhibits considerable heterogeneity among Amazonian aquatic systems. DO is known to influence the respiratory morphology of gymnotiform fishes, and yet species-level variation among congeners endemic to alternative DO regimes has not been examined. We describe the DO environment experienced by four congeneric species of gymnotiforms (Brachyhypopomus) and correlate this to quantitative variation in a suite of gill metrics. Whitewater floodplain lakes flanking nutrient-rich whitewater rivers are seasonally hypoxic, exhibiting oxygen concentrations close to 0 mg/l from late April until September. In contrast, DO levels in blackwater floodplain lakes and in terra firme forest stream habitats remain high throughout the year. Two common species of Brachyhypopomus restricted to periodically anoxic whitewater floodplain exhibited a substantially greater gill size than two common species restricted to the perpetually well-oxygenated waters of blackwater floodplain lakes and terra firme stream systems. Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) based on gill metrics separated the species that live in seasonally anoxic whitewater floodplain species from those that live in perpetually-well oxygenated habitats. Our observations suggest a history of adaptive divergence in the gill morphology of Brachyhypopomus associated with oxygen availability.  相似文献   

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