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The "short form", an ecotype of Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link from three distinct soils of varied calcium status, at Malla (calcareous), Shiwalik (moderately calcareous) and Chandigarh (non-calcareous), showed a differential response to a number of nutrients which is related to their natural availability. The decreased growth of the Malla population at high nitrogen and high potassium levels is related to the low availability of these nutrients in calcareous soil. Similarly, the better growth-yield of the Chandigarh population at high levels of these nutrients could similarly be related. The calcareous population from Malla was found to be, in general, more selective with regard to the uptake of various nutrients than the non-calcareous population from Chandigarh. On the basis of the results presented here, three subecotypes have been shown to exist within the ecotype "short form"of E. colonum and this complex pattern of differentiation was shown to be in response to a whole series of selective forces in the environment. The significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

The growth, accumulation and movement of mineral nutrients (nitrogen,phosphorus, potassium (calcium) and chlorophyll in needles ofyoung radiata pine trees (Pinus radiata D. Don) were examined,from bud break in spring through the following year. Retranslocationof nutrients from needles was measured and is discussed in relationto nutrient requirements for seasonal growth. During the first 4–5 months after bud break when mostneedle growth occurred, all nutrients and chlorophyll accumulatedprogressively, although the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorusand potassium decreased. During summer, substantial amounts of phosphorus were withdrawnfrom needles less than 6 months old, regardless of positionon the tree and silvicultural practice. In young needles andunder certain environmental conditions, this led to a markedtemporary decline in concentrations, even in fertilized treeson a fertile site. However, the phosphorus content of needleswas quickly restored following autumn rains. Similar fluctuations,including nutrient withdrawal in summer, occurred for nitrogenand potassium, but these were smaller than those observed forphosphorus. Phosphorus was also withdrawn from relatively olderneedles during summer. It was estimated that on a tree basis 86, 48 and 39 per centof the phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, respectively, insummer shoots could have come from the retranslocation of nutrientsfrom young needles formed during the preceding spring. These results highlight the importance of nutrients stored inneedles to meet the nutrient requirements for growth when environmentalfactors may not be conducive to nutrient uptake from the soil. Pinus radiata D. Don, mineral nutrition, retranslocation, phosphorus, nitrogen, seasonal effects, pine needle growth  相似文献   

PAUL  N. D.; AYRES  P. G. 《Annals of botany》1988,61(4):489-498
Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris L.), healthy or infected with therust fungus Puccinia lagenophorae was grown in sand and fedwith a complete nutrient medium diluted to give a range of concentrations.Analysis of bulked, dried tissues of the plant showed that undernutrient-rich conditions rust infection resulted in increasedconcentrations of total (Kjeldahl) nitrogen and potassium buthad little effect on phosphorus concentration. Thus, despitereduced dry weight growth, total plant nitrogen contents wereno less in rusted than control plants. Although total contentsof phosphorus and potassium were reduced by rust, effects wereprobably related to loss of these nutrients in fungal spores. Interactions between rust infection and nutrient supply weresignificant but differed between nutrients: rust caused increasednitrogen concentrations only under nutrient-rich conditionsbut increased phosphorus concentrations only when nutrient supplywas limited. Increased concentrations were not confined to infectedtissues. Mechanisms underlying rust-nutrient interactions appearto be complex and to depend inter alia on the partitioning andrecycling of the particular nutrient within the plant. Rust-inducedincreases in potassium concentration occurred under both highand low nutrient conditions but were confined to infected tissues.Potassium accumulation in nutrient deficient conditions wasprobably due to increased transpirational flux into infectedtissues, but under nutrient-rich conditions reduced potassiumexport appeared to assume greater significance. The possible implications of the changed nutrient relationsfor the wider interactions of rust-infected plants in naturalvegetation are discussed. Senecio vulgaris, Puccinia lagenophorae, rust infection, nutrient deficiency, nutrient content, nutrient concentration, nutrient distribution  相似文献   

The pattern of needle growth and the movement of mineral nutrients(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium) in needles ofradiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) were studied from needleinitiation to 2 years of age. During this period, very prominentcyclic patterns of nutrient accumulation, retranslocation andreplenishment were observed for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium,which highlighted the potential role of needles as a nutrientreserve for growth. Significant retranslocation occurred from very young needlesabout 3 months after initiation. The phases of retranslocationcoincided with new flushes of shoot growth, and the growth ofnew shoots on a branch resulted in nutrient withdrawal frompre-existing needles, regardless of needle age and season. Suchwithdrawal occurred even in fertilized and irrigated trees onhigh quality sites and under environmental conditions conducivefor nutrient uptake. At all times, except for the short periodafter initiation when needles were actively growing, the nutrientsin the needle were readily available for retranslocation. Contraryto the general view, retranslocation of nutrients was not necessarilyrelated to senescence and ageing of needles. Because new shoots are the primary ‘sinks’ for retranslocatednutrients, an ongoing competition between different parts ofa branch for internal nutrients can be envisaged, preferencebeing for the youngest shoot in the hierarchy. The relevanceof these results to our understanding of ‘optimum nutrition’of pine trees is discussed. Pinus radiata D. Don, radiata pine, mineral nutrition, retranslocation, phosphorus, nitrogen, shoot growth  相似文献   

TURNER  J. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(2):159-170
The cycling of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium andpotassium in a series of western Washington Douglas-fir [Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.) Franco] stands ranging in age from 9 to 95years has been described. The stands were of relatively lowproductivity being limited by low nitrogen. The content of nitrogen,phosphorus, magnesium and potassium in tree foliage all tendedto stabilize at about 40 years whereas calcium continued toincrease. The content of all nutrients in the wood continuedto increase with stand age. Nitrogen in the forest floor accumulatedconstantly at about 5.7 kg ha–1 year–1 and thistogether with the above-ground tree accumulation meant about10.5 kg ha–1 year–1 nitrogen was immobilized. Calciumalso increased with time in the forest floor with age whereasthe other nutrients were fairly constant after about 30 years.Understorey nutrient content reached a peak at about 20 years,while understorey litter-fall was significant throughout theage sequence. Internal redistribution, especially of nitrogen,represented an increasingly greater proportion of stand requirementwith increasing stand maturity. Pseudotsuga menziesti (Mirb.) Franco, Douglas-fir, biomass, litter-fall, nutrient content, nutrient cycling  相似文献   

Phosphorus and nitrogen uptake capacities were assessed during36–58 d drying cycles to determine whether the abilityof sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) to absorb these nutrientschanged as the roots were subjected to increasing levels ofwater stress. Water was withheld from mature plants in large(6 I) containers and the uptake capacity of excised roots insolution was determined as soil water potentials decreased from–0.03 MPa to –5.0 MPa. Phosphorus uptake rates of excised roots at given substrateconcentrations increased as preharvest soil water potentialsdecreased to –5.0 MPa. Vmax and Km also increased as soilwater potentials declined. Declining soil water potentials depressednitrogen uptake at set substrate concentrations, but uptakecapacity, calculated as the sum Vmax for both NH+4+NO3,did not change significantly with drying. The sum Vmax correlatedwith root nitrogen concentration. Root uptake capacity for nitrogen and phosphorus was extremelystable under severe water stress in this aridland shrub. Maintenanceof uptake capacity, coupled with a previously demonstrated abilityto conduct hydraulic lift, may enable A. tridentata better tomaintain nitrogen and phosphorus uptake as soil water availabilitydeclines. These mechanisms may be important in the ability ofA. tridentata to maintain growth, complete reproduction, andgain an advantage against competitors late in the season whenthe soil layers with higher nutrient availability are dry. Key words: Kinetics, nitrogen, phosphorus, roots, water stress  相似文献   

Niklas KJ 《Annals of botany》2006,97(2):155-163
Background Life forms as diverse as unicellular algae,zooplankton, vascular plants, and mammals appear to obey quarter-powerscaling rules. Among the most famous of these rules is Kleiber's(i.e. basal metabolic rates scale as the three-quarters powerof body mass), which has a botanical analogue (i.e. annual plantgrowth rates scale as the three-quarters power of total bodymass). Numerous theories have tried to explain why these rulesexist, but each has been heavily criticized either on conceptualor empirical grounds. • N,P-Stoichiometry Recent models predicting growth rateson the basis of how total cell, tissue, or organism nitrogenand phosphorus are allocated, respectively, to protein and rRNAcontents may provide the answer, particularly in light of theobservation that annual plant growth rates scale linearly withrespect to standing leaf mass and that total leaf mass scalesisometrically with respect to nitrogen but as the three-quarterspower of leaf phosphorus. For example, when these relationshipsare juxtaposed with other allometric trends, a simple N,P-stoichiometricmodel successfully predicts the relative growth rates of 131diverse C3 and C4 species. • Conclusions The melding of allometric and N,P-stoichiometrictheoretical insights provides a robust modelling approach thatconceptually links the subcellular ‘machinery’ ofprotein/ribosomal metabolism to observed growth rates of uni-and multicellular organisms. Because the operation of this ‘machinery’is basic to the biology of all life forms, its allometry mayprovide a mechanistic explanation for the apparent ubiquityof quarter-power scaling rules.  相似文献   

A. Tanaka 《Plant and Soil》1966,25(2):201-210
Summary The differences in fertilizer responses between rice plants grown under pot and field conditions were discussed.Under pot conditions, the rice plant responded more strongly to nitrogen applications at high phosphorus and high potassium levels than at low levels of these elements. This suggests that the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is an important factor in fertilizer application.Under field population conditions, however, mutual shading among plants limits grain yield. A big leaf area above a certain limit is associated with decreased grain yield. The response to nitrogen may be negative, and may not be changed even with the application of potassium and phosphorus.  相似文献   

Fertilization of a swale plant community with various levelsand combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium resultedin increased plant growth. Nitrogen addition produced the greatestincrease in biomass. At some high nitrogen levels, phosphoruslimited plant production. Potassium fertilization did not influenceplant growth. Phosphorus fertilization decreased the levelsof soil calcium, magnesium and manganese. A shore-perpendiculargradient in apparent saltwater inundation influenced soil pHand the concentrations of iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. Fertilizer effects, swale Scirpus americanus, Spartina patens, nitrogen limitation  相似文献   

BATTEN  G. D. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(1):49-59
Twenty genotypes of Triticum and Aegilops wheats including diploid,tetraploid and hexaploid types, were grown under contrastingphosphorus (P) regimes (control and low P) at 15 °C by dayand 10 °C at night. Dry-matter production and phosphorusand nitrogen uptake and distribution were measured on matureplants. Phosphorus efficiency (PE) was considered in terms of yieldper unit of P in the main shoot and concentration of phosphorusin grain (per cent P). In the low-P set, PE, which ranged from110 to 715 mg grain mg–1 P, increased as the yield perculm and dry-matter partitioning (harvest index) increased,with hexaploid > tetraploid > diploid. In both the controland low-P plants percentage P in grain decreased in the orderdiploids > tetraploids > hexaploid wheats. Grain phosphoruswas highly negatively correlated with the log of grain yield(r = –0.74; –0.88) and the log of harvest index(r = –0.80 and –0.88) for control and low-P plants,respectively. This suggests that future gains in plant harvestindex will cause smaller reductions in grain phosphorus concentrations.But, within either a high or low phosphorus supply, wheats witha given grain harvest index have significantly different grainphosphorus concentrations, and conscious selection for thischaracter is feasible. Low-P plants had similar grain nitrogen concentrations but lowernitrogen harvest indexes than control plants. Aegilops spp., Triticum spp., wheat, yield components, harvest index, polyploidy, evolution, phosphorus efficiency  相似文献   

The use of the photo-autotrophic nitrogen-fixing water fernAzolla as an effective source of organic nitrogen in tropicalpaddy fields has been limited by a high phosphorus requirement.Azolla species with a minimum of 1.5 to 2.0 mM phosphate (P)requirement, under controlled conditions, are known. A local Azolla species requiring at least 1.5 mM sodium phosphatefor a normal rate of multiplication and N2 fixation was exposedto N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). The resultingmutant population had a significantly lower P requirement, butwas auxotrophic for glutamine with an extremely reduced glutaminesynthetase (GS) activity. An L-methionine-DL-sulphoximine (MSX)-resistant(MSXr) Azolla population, having an approximately 1.5 timeshigher GS activity than that of the wild type (WT) parent organism,was cultured and subjected to MNNG-induced mutation for lowP requirement while putting MSX as a control in the mutant selectionmedium. The resulting population of mutant Azolla was a normalprototroph with a P requirement as low as 0.75 mM for its ‘WTparent-like’ usual growth and N2 fixation. Key words: Azolla, phosphorus requirement, mutation  相似文献   

滇西北高原纳帕海湖滨湿地退化特征、规律与过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尚文  杨永兴 《应用生态学报》2012,23(12):3257-3265
采用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和典范对应分析(CCA)方法,研究了滇西北高原纳帕海湖滨湿地退化特征、规律与过程.结果表明: 纳帕海湖滨湿地植物群落可以划分为4个群丛,群落演替规律为水生植物群落→沼泽植物群落→沼泽化草甸植物群落→草甸植物群落.随植物群落演替,群落盖度、密度、多样性指数、物种丰富度和地上生物量均增大,群落高度减小;植物水分生态型演替规律为水生植物→沼生植物→湿生植物→中生植物.随群落演替,湿地水体矿化度、硬度和碱度均降低,氨氮和总磷含量升高,总氮和硝态氮含量变化不明显;土壤pH、有机质和全氮含量逐渐降低,全磷和全钾含量逐渐升高,速效氮和速效磷含量先增大后减小.CCA分析表明,群落结构和物种组成主要受水分梯度影响,土壤pH、全磷和湿地水的总氮、氨氮对湿地植物物种分布和群落演替影响显著.  相似文献   

Stands of Agropyron repens (couch grass) and single young sugar-beetplants were grown in pots, separately and in competition, withnitrogen and potassium each supplied at three rates in a factorialdesign. Both nitrogen and potassium increased relative growth-ratesof sugar-beet leaves and crowns and fresh-weight/dry-weightratios of all plant parts; the responses were usually curved,the high nutrient levels having little more effect than theintermediate levels. Competition decreased relative growth-ratesand freshweight/dry-weight ratios of all plant parts and alsoleaf-area ratio (F) and net assimilation rate (E). High ratesof nitrogen diminished the effects of competition on relativeleaf growth-rate, F, and on fresh-weight/dry-weight ratios,indicating competition for nitrogen, but high rates of potassiumdiminished only its effect on relative growth-rate of the crown,suggesting that competition for potassium had only a small effect. Competition depressed leaf nitrogen and potassium percentagesand total nitrogen and potassium uptake by the whole plant,but the depressions were small at high rates of nutrient supply,suggesting that the amounts of nitrogen and potassium availablewere nearly adequate for both sugar-beet and A. repens. When total dry weights and leaf areas of sugar-beet were comparedwith corresponding nutrient contents, variation in nitrogencontent alone could account for most of the effects of competitionon growth, but potassium depletion probably also contributeda little. E was correlated with potassium, but not nitrogen,per unit leaf area, but potassium differences could not adequatelyaccount for the effects of competition on E. Competition for potassium produced small effects compared withcompetition for nitrogen, in spite of large responses to addedpotassium, perhaps because potassium moves less readily in thesoil.  相似文献   

Data on two co-existing Daphnia species, D.cucullata (G.O.Sars)and D.hyalina (Leydig), from three neighboring and interconnectedlakes in northern Poland, revealed an extremely confined rangeof population density fluctuations throughout summer in eachof the two species in each of the three lakes, with D.cucullatabeing an order of magnitude more abundant than D.hyalina (meanof 11.5 ind. l–1 for D.cucullata and 1.1 ind. l–1for D.hyalina with 95% confidence limits of ±2.5 and±0.5 ind. l–1, respectively), in spite of markedlychanging fecundity. There was no apparent phase of decline orincrease that could be related to the distinct phases of lowor high fecundity resulting from different food levels. Analysisof the gut contents of roach (Rutilus rutilus), the dominantplanktivore in the three lakes, revealed identical selectivityfor each of the two Daphnia species, suggesting that the lowerdensity of the D.hyalina population was compensated for by thegreater conspicuousness of individuals of this species. It isconcluded that the population density of these Daphnia speciesremains far below the carrying capacity of the habitat and doesnot depend on food levels. Food availability merely sets therate of population increase, while the actual population densityin the lakes studied reflects the species' vulnerability topredation by planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of biomass and standing stock (g m−2) of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium were documented in Schoenus ferrugineus L. from an annually mowed calcareous fen in southern Germany. The peak standing crop of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium occurred in mid-July. Prior to the end of the growing season, 44% of total potassium, 34% of total phosphorus and 28% of total nitrogen were retranslocated out of the shoots, based on differential nutrient losses between covered and uncovered plots. There is no evidence that any calcium was retranslocated, but 24% of peak calcium and 13% of potassium was leached from standing dead shoots. More than half of the peak phosphorus was found in the overwintering green shootbases. In the light of the low availability of nutrients in the soil, retranslocation of phosphorus in particular is essential, if adequate internal nutrient levels are to be maintained, despite various proposed uptake mechanisms.  相似文献   

Temperature, food and the availability of mates may all limitrates of egg production is freshwater diaptomids. We have usedthe reproductive phases of Diaptomus paliidus to develop anindex of food limitation (f) and an index of mate limitation(M), each of which responds independently of temperature. Theresponse of the food limitation index to high and low temperaturesand high and low food concentrations was examined in a two-wayfactorial experiment in the laboratory. The index was highlyresponsive to a change in food concentration, stable duringa change in temperature alone at the high food level and responsiveto the synergistic interaction of food and temperature effectswhen both factors were limiting. Laboratory data indicate thatthe f index should not be biased by mate limitation unless maledensities are 6.7 x 10–l0 males 1–1 or less. Themate limitation index was highly responsive to mate availability,and ranged from a low of 9–19 in the presence of abundantmales to 100 in tbe absence of males. Applications of the fand M indices to a natural population of D. paliidus over 6weeks indicated that both food and mate availability were limitingthe reproductive rates of the copepods during the sampling period. 1Present address: Institute of Animal Resource Ecology, Universityof British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1W5  相似文献   

McLELLAN  A. R. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1225-1232
The mineral, carbohydrate, protein, amino acid, lipid and energycontents of the seven main pollens gathered by honey-bees insouth-east Scotland were determined. Neither dry matter (mean73 per cent) nor ash (mean 3 per cent) were very variable. Thecalcium content of all pollens was relatively similar as werethe magnesium, potassium and sodium contents but manganese whichwas relatively high in ericaceae and phosphorus which was lowin Trifolium were more variable. Acer pollen contained mostprotein and Fagus least, and of the amino acids only serine,cystine and histidine were significantly different in the differentpollens. Over 30 per cent of all pollens was a mixture of fructoseand glucose, ericaceae containing most and Acer least. Hemicellulose(mean 7 per cent) was high in Ranunculus and low in Acer, cruciferaeand Fagus. ‘Cellulose’ (mean 0•5 per cent)was high in cruciferae and low in ericacea. Ether extract (mean5 per cent) was high in cruciferae and Fagus. The mean grossenergy of pollen was 23 kJ g–1. Fresh pollen is comparable with lean meat as a source of energyand protein, and is more like dormant plant seeds than herbagein its water, ash and protein content but stores energy as sugarrather than starch or lipid.  相似文献   

缙云山森林土壤速效N、P、K时空特征研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
研究了缙云山森林生态系统内4个演替阶段群落的土壤速效N、P、K的时空特性,结果表明:①除灌草丛的速效K外,速效N、P、K含量在不同群落的土壤剖面上均具有明显的层次性,即腐殖质层(A)>沉积层(B)>母质层(C)。②A、B两层的速效N、K含量随群落演替方向升高,即灌草丛<针叶林<针阔混交林<常绿阔叶林,速效P含量则为:针叶林<针阔混交林<灌草林<常绿阔叶林。C层速效N、P、K含量似乎与群落演替规律无必然联系。③各群落内A、B层土壤速效N、P、K含量均表现出明显的季节动态,动态规律因元素类型和土壤层次而有差别。  相似文献   

选择了三株分别具有固氮、溶磷和解钾功能的芽孢杆菌生产菌肥。试验表明 ,无论是单一菌肥还是复合菌肥的保存期都能达到标准的要求 ;单一菌单独处理的土壤全氮、有效磷、速效钾分别增加 4.2 %、2 1.3%和 8.2 % ,混合菌处理则增加6 .6 %、32 .2 %和 10 .3% ,混合菌的处理效果优于单一菌 ,所选菌株具有土壤有效性  相似文献   

Diel vertical migrations of the marine dinoflagellates Gonyaulaxpolyedra Stein and Ceratium furca (Ehr.) Clap, et Lachm. werefollowed in a laboratory tube (2.02 m x 0.25 m) under a 12:12hlight:dark cycle. The effects of temperature stratification,two levels of surface irradiance and nitrogen depletion on patternsof vertical migrations were examined. At temperatures between22–26°C with small temperature gradients, both speciesmigrated at a rate of 0.7 –1.0 m h–1. Steeper thermoclines(ca. 0.8°C 0.1 m–1) with temperatures below ca. 20°Ccaused a marked decrease in swimming speed which resulted inaccumulations of cells in these thermocline regions. Under conditionsof nutrient sufficiency both algae migrated into the surfacelayers at irradiance values of over 1000 µE m–2s–1. Increasing nitrogen depletion caused the downwardmigration of both algae to commence progressively earlier inthe day and before the end of the light period. The earlierdownward migrations enabled a more complete descent throughthe thermocline. Nitrogen depleted cells of Gonyaulax continuedto undertake vertical migrations but avoided high irradiancesthus forming subsurface maxima at irradiance levels close to150 µE m–2 s–1. Ceratium cells which exhaustedboth inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus ceased to migrate accompaniedby a large change in cellular fluorescence.  相似文献   

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