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To study regulatory mechanisms influencing the synthesis and release of ET-1, a potent bronchoconstrictor, epithelial cells from guinea pig tracheas were cultured to test various cytokines for the synthesis of ET-1 and its precursor, big ET-1. Cytokines tested were divided into 4 groups, based on their potential modes of action. IL-8, TNF alpha and TGF beta transiently increased the synthesis of ET-1, while EGF, PDGF and GM/CSF promoted proliferation of ET-1 synthesizing cells. IL-1 enhanced the synthesis of ET-1 precursor without mitogenesis, whereas IL-2, IL-6 and IGF-1 induced both the synthesis of big ET-1 and mitogenesis. These observations suggest that cytokines involved in damage, inflammation and repair of the airway epithelial layer regulate the synthesis and release of ET-1 by multiple mechanisms, thereby influencing airway muscle tone.  相似文献   

Antioxidant enzyme activities, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and total glutathione concentration were determined in guinea pig lung and liver over the final period of gestation (days 50-68) and at several ages post-partum. Pulmonary antioxidant capacity increased markedly over the final days of gestation, individual changes ranging from 29% (glutathione) to 198% (GSH-Px). Liver antioxidant capacity was always 4-fold to 10-fold greater than that of the lung and exhibited very similar developmental profiles to those observed in the lung. From day 60 gestation to term (68 days), activity of the liver antioxidants increased, ranging from 246% (CAT) to 610% (glutathione). A number of antioxidants in both lung and liver exhibited either immediate pre- or post-birth decreases in activity. These falls could not be attributed to the way in which the results were expressed: i.e. they were similar, expressed per unit DNA, per unit protein, or per g wet wt. Following birth, liver antioxidant capacity increased such that the highest enzyme activities or glutathione concentration were recorded at 66 days post-partum. In lung, only Mn-SOD and glutathione exhibited higher levels at 66 days postpartum than at birth. In combination, these results of pulmonary and hepatic antioxidant enzyme activity indicate that the lung is not unique in acquiring increased antioxidant protection in the final period of gestation. They also suggest that a tissue's antioxidant requirement is dictated more by metabolic rate (hence free radical production) than incident partial pressure of oxygen.  相似文献   

Guinea pig vasoactive intestinal peptide (gpVIP) differs from other mammalian VIPs in four of its 28 amino acid residues. In the present study, the gpVIP displaced 125I-labelled pig VIP (pVIP) binding by rat lung membranes with 7.7-fold lower potency than pVIP. Degradation of gpVIP by rat lung membranes, assessed by radioimmunoassay and h.p.l.c., was 1.9-fold greater than that of pVIP. This difference in degradation of the two peptides was not large enough to account for the lower receptor-binding potency of gpVIP. The amino acid residues that distinguish pVIP from gpVIP are likely to contribute to the interaction of VIP with receptors and peptide hydrolases in lung membranes.  相似文献   

The rate of lipid biosynthesis in vivo was determined in pregnant guinea pigs after maternal and foetal injections of 3H2O. Synthesis in the maternal tissues was low and in the foetal liver and adipose tissues relatively high. In the foetal liver it reached a peak at about two-thirds of gestation, whereas that in the foetal adipose tissue occurred later. These results were used to support the view that lipid synthesis in the foetal guinea-pig liver at two-thirds of gestation is largely from short-chain fatty acids, whereas in foetal adipose tissue glucose is probably the major substrate.  相似文献   

Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) play a key regulatory role in extracellular matrix remodeling. By screening a lung library with a human TIMP-2 cDNA probe, we have isolated the cDNA corresponding to guinea pig TIMP-2. The 3.5-kb cDNA presents an open reading frame that predicts a protein of 220 amino acids showing 97.2, 96.8, 97.2, and 77.3% overall identity with human, mouse, rat, and chicken TIMP-2, respectively. Guinea pig TIMP-2 cDNA was expressed in CHO-K1 cells, showing a protein with the expected molecular weight and activity. Northern blot analysis revealed TIMP-2 expression in brain, kidney, intestine, spleen, heart, and lung. Transforming growth factor-beta downregulated TIMP-2 mRNA in guinea pig lung fibroblasts, whereas a variety of other stimuli showed no effect. In normal and hyperoxia-exposed lungs, TIMP-2 mRNA was mainly localized in alveolar macrophages and epithelial cells. No quantitative differences were found by Northern blot. These results confirm that TIMP-2 is highly conserved in mammals and largely expressed in lungs.  相似文献   

The highest total activity of estrogen sulfotransferase in guinea pig is in liver and the highest specific activities are in the adrenal and the midgestational chorion. Guinea pig gonads contain scarcely detectable activities. In CD-1 mice the highest specific activity is in testis and the highest total activity is in late placenta. Adrenals from both sexes and ovaries contain minimal activities, while liver and fetal membrane activities are remarkably low. In CD-1, DBA, C57BL, and BALB mice, qualitative patterns are similar. Purified or partially purified estrogen sulfotransferase from guinea pig adrenal and chorion were used to study the effect of a number of possible steroidal inhibitors. Considerable structural specificity is evident within a range of steroids, even among some which are not substrates. Pregnenolone is the most effective 21-carbon inhibitor and, in general, more highly hydroxylated forms are less inhibitory. Within a series of 21-, 19- and 18-carbon steroids, the structure of the A ring appears to be extremely important in regard to inhibitory effects.  相似文献   

Antioxidants have been shown to be effective in attenuating acute lung injury. In this study, we determine the effects of various antioxidants by different mechanisms on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced changes. LPS was administered intravenously at a dose of 10 mg/kg to anesthetized rats. LPS induced a significant decrease in blood pressure (P < 0.01) and increased exhaled nitric oxide (NO) from 3.60+/-0.18 to 35.53+/-3.23 ppb (P < 0.01) during an observation period of 4 h. Plasma nitrate concentrations also increased from 0.61+/-0.06 to 1.54+/-0.22 micromol/l (P < 0.05). LPS-induced oxygen radical release from white blood cells isolated from rat peripheral blood also increased significantly (P < 0.001). After the experiment, the lung weight was obtained and lung tissues were taken for the determination of mRNA expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Histological examination of the lungs was also performed. In the control group injected with saline solution, mRNA expressions of iNOS, IL-1beta, TNF-alpha and MnSOD were absent. Four hours after LPS administration, mRNA expressions of iNOS, IL-1beta, and MnSOD were significantly enhanced, but TNF-alpha was not discernibly expressed. LPS also caused a twofold increase in lung weight. Pathological examination revealed endothelial cell damage and interstitial edema. Various antioxidants were given 1 h after LPS administration. These agents include SOD, catalase (CAT), SOD + CAT or vitamin C (ascorbic acid). These antioxidants effectively reversed the systemic hypotension, reduced the quantity of exhaled NO and plasma nitrate concentration, and prevented acute lung injury. Administration of various antioxidants also significantly attenuated LPS-induced oxygen radical release by rat white blood cells. LPS induced mRNA expressions of MnSOD and iNOS were significantly depressed by these antioxidants. However, only SOD + CAT and vitamin C inhibited the mRNA expression of IL-1beta. These results suggest that oxygen radicals are responsible for LPS-induced lung injury. Antioxidants can attenuate the lung injury by inhibiting mRNA expressions of iNOS and IL-1beta.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of phosphofructokinase in striated muscle and cardiac muscle of developing rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) undergo changes with development, but not in brain and liver. The cardiac muscle of the 1-day-old rabbit contains phosphofructokinase A4 together with the four hybrid forms which were tentatively called A3C, A2C2, AC3, and C4. In older animals, phosphofructokinase C4 disappears first, followed by the hybrid forms, and only phosphofructokinase A4 persists in the adult animal. Both phosphofructokinase A4 and phosphofructokinase C4, as well as their hybrid forms, are present in developing embryonic brain and also in the brains of adult animals. Developing rabbit liver contains a single form of phosphofructokinase, but two isoenzymes are consistently seen in guinea pig liver. In striated muscle from fetal and 1-day-old rabbit, two isoenzymes are found, tentatively identified as A4 and the A3C hybrid. The results suggest that fetal phosphofructokinase A4 and phosphofructokinase C4, and their hybrids, might be present in striated muscle. Guinea pig tissues show a pattern of phosphofructokinase isoenzymes different from that in rabbit tissues.  相似文献   

E Lach  A Trifilieff  Y Landry  J P Gies 《Life sciences》1991,48(26):2571-2578
The binding of the radiolabelled bombesin analogue [125I-Tyr4]bombesin to guinea-pig lung membranes was investigated. Binding of [125I-Tyr4]bombesin was specific, saturable, reversible and linearly related to the protein concentration. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium binding data at 25 degrees C indicated the presence of a single class of non-interacting binding sites for bombesin (Bmax = 7.7 fmol/mg protein). The value of the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD = 90 pM) agrees with a high-affinity binding site. Bombesin and structurally related peptides such as [Tyr4]bombesin, neuromedin B and neuromedin C inhibited the binding of [125I-Tyr4]bombesin in an order of potencies as follows: [Tyr4]bombesin greater than bombesin greater than or equal to neuromedin C much greater than neuromedin B. These results indicate that guinea-pig lung membranes possess a single class of bombesin receptors with a high affinity for bombesin and a lower one for neuromedin B.  相似文献   

Slow reacting substance (SRS) injected into the pulmonary artery released prostaglandins E (PGE) and F2alpha (PGF2alpha) and the 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro PG metabolites from non-sensitized and ovalbumin sensitized, isolated, perfused guinea pig lungs. PGs were also released from lungs incubated with SRS. Sensitized lungs released more PGs in both types of preparations. Indomethacin inhibited the effect of SRS. Passively sensitized human lung fragments, in parallel to guinea pig lung, released PGE, PGF2alpha and the metabolites when incubated with SRS or antigen. In in vivo experiments, SRS and arachidonic acid given intravenously increased the airway insufflation pressure in anesthetized quinea pigs. These effects, but not the action of injected PGF2alpha and histamine, were abolished by indomethacin. The results indicate that one of the modes of SRS action is by release of PGs, and are consistent with the hypothesis that PGs are predominantly "secondary" mediators (in the temporal sense) of the antigen-antibody reaction.  相似文献   

A novel and highly specific radioimmunoassay for the tachykinin peptide neuromedin K (NMK, also known as neurokinin beta, neurokinin B) has been developed and used to determine the distribution of this peptide in extracts of guinea pig tissues. In addition to immunoreactive components coeluting with the 3 mammalian tachykinins, substance P (SP), substance K (SK) and NMK, analyses using reverse-phase HPLC revealed immunoreactive peaks coeluting with the C-terminal octapeptide of SK (SK-(3-10], an N-terminally extended form of SK (gamma-preprotachykinin-(72-92)amide), and a yet unidentified peak eluting before NMK in the extracts of guinea pig brain and spinal cord. In contrast to the other tachykinins, SP and SK, which were present in high concentrations in extracts of all peripheral and central tissues examined, NMK-like immunoreactivity was detected only in extracts of central tissues. NMK-like immunoreactivity was not detected in extracts of terminal ileum and urinary bladder.  相似文献   

目的建立荧光定量PCR方法,检测犬不同组织中SLAM受体mRNA的表达水平。方法以犬GAPDH为内参基因采用△△ct法,分析SLAM受体mRNA在犬体内不同组织中的表达。结果此方法有较高的重复性,变异系数在0.89%-2.35%。以SLAM受体在心脏的表达为1倍值,结果显示受体mRNA在脾脏中表达最高,为38.49倍;肺门淋巴结、肠系膜淋巴结、腹股沟淋巴结中表达次之,分别为9.13、8.58、6.24倍;膀胱中表达最低。结论成功建立了检测SLAM受体mRNA在不同组织中表达水平的荧光定量PCR检测方法。  相似文献   

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