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The function of the supra-orbital salt gland was studied in the common eider duck (Somateria mollissima). The maximum salt-secreting capacity was determined in (1) wild ducks which had been living in a marine environment, (2) ducks reared in captivity on fresh water, and (3) ducks from group 2 adapted to salt water. The maximum secreting capacity was found by infusing a solution of NaCl (1000 mosmol·kg-1) at increasing rates, from 0.691 to 1.671 mosmol·min-1. Freshwater-adapted ducks secreted at a maximum rate of 0.785 mosmol·min-1 (1500 mosmol·kg-1). Adapted to salt water they increased their capacity, and the best duck secreted at a rate of 1215 mosmol·min-1 (1600 mosmol·kg-1). The best wild duck secreted at a rate of 1516 mosmol·min-1. Ducks in group 3 were used to examine the response to a hyperosmotic or an isoosmotic infusion. The amount of salt (NaCl) given per unit time was the same. Given a hyperosmotic solution their salt glands secreted at a high rate: 30 min after the infusion had stopped the ducks had excreted 94% of the sodium infused, 92.9% via the salt gland. Given an isoosmotic solution they secreted at a rate about half the infusion rate: 30 min after cessation of infusion they had excreted 73% of the sodium, 42.9% via the salt gland and the rest by the kidneys.Abbreviations A II angiotensin II - AV I arginine vasotocin - ED freshwater-adapted ducks - FW fresh water - SD saltwater-adapted ducks - SW sea water - WD wild ducks  相似文献   

Eider ducks showed clear tidal and seasonal cycles of display when involved in pair-formation behaviour. Plasma androgen (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) concentrations did not follow similar tidal cycles but there was a 4-fold increase of androgen in spring when rates of display increased 2-fold. There was no difference in androgen levels in blood samples taken from paired birds before and after coitus. Androgens therefore appear to be essential for the expression of sexual behaviour, but there is no apparent quantitative correlation between overt sexual activity and androgen concentrations.  相似文献   

The number of eider in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein was counted by aerial surveys during 1986 and 1987. The highest number occurred during migration in October 1987 with 151 000 ducks, the lowest number during the breeding time in May 1987 with 6000 ducks. About 100 000–120 000 eiders moult in July/August in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein, but only 30 000–40 000 stay over winter. The average number was 62 000 ducks. Eider have increased in number since the seventies, when the average population size was estimated to be only 23 000. The increase referred mainly to moulting and migrating eider, whereas numbers in winter remained constant. There are substantial changes in the spatial distribution over the year. In most areas sites used during moult, migration and winter can be clearly separated, although so far no obvious differences in the morphology of these areas could be found. The annual food consumption was calculated to be 3.1×106 kg AFDW or 1.3 g AFDW×m−2×year−1, which is about 5% of the average biomass of macrozoobenthos. The increase in the number of eider has led to a significant increase in total food consumption of carnivorous birds, which was estimated at 7.1×106 kg AFDW × year−1 in the seventies and now reaches 9.0×106 kg AFDW×year−1, of which the eider takes 34%. The reasons for and consequences of the increase of the eider are discussed in context with the eutrophication of the North Sea and possible competition with shellfishery. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

Locomotion accounts for a significant proportion of the energy budget in birds, and selection is likely to act on its economy, particularly where energy conservation is essential for survival. Birds are capable of different forms of locomotion, such as walking/running, swimming, diving and flying, and adaptations for these affect the energetic cost [cost of locomotion (CoL)] and kinematics of terrestrial locomotion. Furthermore, seasonal changes in climate and photoperiod elicit physiological and behavioural adaptations for survival and reproduction, which also influence energy budget. However, little is understood about how this might affect the CoL. Birds are also known to exhibit sex differences in size, behaviour and physiology; however, sex differences in terrestrial locomotion have only been studied in two cursorially adapted galliform species in which males achieved higher maximum speeds, and in one case had a lower mass-specific CoL than females. Here, using respirometry and high-speed video recordings, we sought to determine whether season and sex would affect the CoL and kinematics of a principally aquatic diving bird: the circumpolar common eider (Somateria mollissima). We demonstrate that eiders are only capable of a walking gait and exhibit no seasonal or sex differences in mass-specific CoL or maximum speed. Despite sharing identical limb morphometrics, the birds exhibited subtle sex differences in kinematic parameters linked to the greater body mass of the males. We suggest that their principally aquatic lifestyle accounts for the observed patterns in their locomotor performance. Furthermore, sex differences in the CoL may only be found in birds in which terrestrial locomotion directly influences male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Common eiders, Somateria mollissima, breed on two types of island in the Northern Baltic: open, sparsely vegetated islands and wooded islands with dense mixed forests. On open islands 79.8% of the nests were on open cliffs, exposed to wind and rain whereas on wooded islands 91.7% of the nests were sheltered inside dense spruce and pine thickets. We found that clutch size on open islands was significantly smaller than on wooded islands. Females started breeding simultaneously in the two habitats and they were similar in body size as measured by the length of the radio-ulna. During incubation females on open islands lost weight at a faster rate than females on wooded islands (34 g/day and 19 g/day, respectively). Heat loss is faster on open than wooded islands and therefore we suggest that the faster weight loss of females on open islands result from thermodynamically adverse incubation conditions. Because the eider is an extreme capital breeder, energy used for egg production cannot be used for incubation. To sustain a higher incubation cost on open islands, the optimal clutch size is therefore lower than on wooded islands. Received: 27 January 1997 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

A comparison of commonly occurring metazoan parasites in the digestive tract was made between common eiders, Somateria mollissima, that were contaminated with oil and reference birds confiscated from illegal hunting. There was a greater number of commonly occurring parasites and their abundance in reference than in oiled eiders. Except for an acanthocephalan, Polymorphus botulus, which was embedded in the wall of the intestinal tract, most of the other taxa of parasites, including trematodes, cestodes and nematodes, were probably voided from the birds following ingestion of oil. Reference eiders harboured fewer species and a substantially lower mean abundance of parasites than those studied in Newfoundland and Labrador more than four decades ago; this may be a signal of a changing prey base or an increase in prey availability as winter ice cover continues to decline.  相似文献   

1. The development of liver and skeletal muscle oxidative capacities during hatching of the common eider (Somateria mollissima) in the Arctic has been investigated by monitoring tissue cytochrome c oxidase activity. 2. The specific activity of the liver enzyme did not change as the embryo underwent hatching, nor during subsequent growth of the duckling into adulthood. 3. Thigh muscle enzyme specific activity increased by a factor of 3.4 during the 24 h prehatching period, remained elevated for at least 48 h after hatching, and then returned to the embryonic (-24 h) level in adults. 4. Histochemically visualized NADH-tetrazolium reductase of a typical red thigh muscle, M. vastus lateralis, showed a distinct increase in activity as the hatching process progressed to completion. 5. Electron microscopy of sectioned M. vastus lateralis revealed a dramatic increase in the density of the myofibrillar structure (number of mitochondrial profiles per unit area), and in the surface area of mitochondrial crista membranes in the course of the 48 h interval from 1 day prehatching to 1 day after hatching. 6. The significance of these changes for the scaling of thermoregulatory heat generation in the newly hatched eider duckling is discussed.  相似文献   

Incubating common eiders (Somateria mollissima) insulate their nests with down to maintain desirable heat and humidity for their eggs. Eiderdown has been collected by Icelandic farmers for centuries, and down is replaced by hay during collection. This study determined whether down collecting affected the female eiders or their hatching success. We compared the following variables between down and hay nests: incubation temperature in the nest, incubation constancy, recess frequency, recess duration, egg rotation and hatching success of the clutch. Temperature data loggers recorded nest temperatures from 3 June to 9 July 2006 in nests insulated with down (n = 12) and hay (n = 12). The mean incubation temperatures, 31.5 and 30.7°C, in down and hay nests, or the maximum and minimum temperatures, did not differ between nest types where hatching succeeded. Cooling rates in down, on average 0.34°C/min and hay nests 0.44°C/min, were similar during incubation recesses. Females left their nests 0–4 times every 24 h regardless of nest type, for a mean duration of 45 and 47.5 min in down and hay nests, respectively. The mean frequency of egg rotation, 13.9 and 15.3 times every 24 h, was similar between down and hay nests, respectively. Hatching success adjusted for clutch size was similar, 0.60 and 0.67 in down and hay nests. These findings indicate that nest down is not a critical factor for the incubating eider. Because of high effect sizes for cooling rate and hatching success, we hesitate to conclude that absolutely no effects exist. However, we conclude that delaying down collection until just before eggs hatch will minimize any possible effect of down collection on females.  相似文献   

To unravel the postglacial colonization history and the current intercolony dispersal in the common eider, Somateria mollissima, we analysed genetic variation at a part of the mitochondrial control region and five unlinked autosomal microsatellite loci in 175 eiders from 11 breeding colonies, covering the entire European distribution range of this species. As a result of extreme female philopatry, mitochondrial DNA differentiation is substantial both among local colonies and among distant geographical regions. Our study further corroborates the previous hypothesis of a single Pleistocene refugium for European eiders. A nested clade analysis on mitochondrial haplotypes suggests that (i) the Baltic Sea eider population is genetically closest to a presumably ancestral population and that (ii) the postglacial recolonization progressed in a stepwise fashion via the North Sea region and the Faroe Islands to Iceland. Current long-distance dispersal is limited. Differentiation among colonies is much less pronounced at microsatellite loci. The geographical pattern of this nuclear genetic variation is to a large extent explained by isolation by distance. As female dispersal is very limited, the geographical pattern of nuclear variation is probably explained by male-mediated gene flow among breeding colonies. Our study provides genetic evidence for the assumed prominent postglacial colonization route shaping the present terrestrial fauna of the North Atlantic islands Iceland and the Faroes. It suggests that this colonization had been a stepwise process originating in continental Europe. It is the first molecular study on eider duck populations covering their entire European distribution range.  相似文献   

We examined 10 common eider (Somateria mollissima) males found dead in 1998 during a die-off in the northern Baltic Sea off the southwestern coast of Finland. We diagnosed impaction of the posterior small intestine with mucosal necrosis as the cause of death in all 10 and isolated adenoviruses from cloacal samples of six birds. The adenovirus isolates were not neutralized by reference antisera to group I, II, or III avian adenoviruses. Cloacal swabs from 22 apparently healthy eider females nesting at the mortality area were negative for viruses. An adenovirus isolated from one of the eiders caused clinical signs of illness and gastrointestinal pathology in experimentally infected mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) ducklings. These findings suggest that the adenovirus contributed to the mortality of common eider males in the Finnish archipelago.  相似文献   

During 1997-1999, we collected serum samples from 156 common eider (Somateria mollissima) females incubating eggs in the Finnish archipelago of the Baltic Sea. We used serum chemistry profiles to evaluate metabolic changes in eiders during incubation and to compare the health and nutritional status of birds nesting at a breeding area where the eider population has declined by over 50% during the past decade, with birds nesting at two areas with stable populations. Several changes in serum chemistries were observed during incubation, including (1) decreases in serum glucose, total protein, albumin, beta-globulin, and gamma-globulin concentrations and (2) increases in serum uric acid, creatine kinase, and beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. However, these changes were not consistent throughout the 3-yr period, suggesting differences among years in the rate of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein utilization during incubation. The mean serum concentrations of free fatty acids, glycerol, and albumin were lowest and the serum alpha- and gamma-globulin levels were highest in the area where the eider population has declined, suggesting a role for nutrition and diseases in the population dynamics of Baltic eiders.  相似文献   

Eight common eider (Somateria mollissima) ducklings were experimentally infected from 1 June through 13 June, 1995 with acanthocephalans (Polymorphus minutus) by allowing the birds to feed on Gammarus spp. (Gammarus oceanicus, G. salinus, G. zaddachi, and G. lacustris) containing acanthocephalan cystacanths. Uninfected Gammarus spp. were fed to a control group of seven ducklings. No mortality of ducklings occurred during the experiment. However, the infected ducklings gained weight more slowly than the control birds. After the 2 wk study period, the mean serum concentrations of total protein, albumin, beta-globulin, gamma-globulin, fructosamine and creatine kinase were lower in the infected group than in the controls. The mean (+/-SE) number of acanthocephalans in the intestine of the infected ducklings was 21 (+/-4). The parasites were attached to the mucosa of the posterior small intestine of the infected ducklings with a mixed inflammatory reaction consisting of heterophils and mononuclear lymphocytes surrounding the attachment sites.  相似文献   

Islands provide refuges for populations of many species where they find safety from predators, but the introduction of predators frequently results in elimination or dramatic reductions in island‐dwelling organisms. When predators are removed, re‐colonization for some species occurs naturally, and inter‐island phylogeographic relationships and current movement patterns can illuminate processes of colonization. We studied a case of re‐colonization of common eiders Somateria mollissima following removal of introduced arctic foxes Vulpes lagopus in the Aleutian Archipelago, Alaska. We expected common eiders to resume nesting on islands cleared of foxes and to re‐colonize from nearby islets, islands, and island groups. We thus expected common eiders to show limited genetic structure indicative of extensive mixing among island populations. Satellite telemetry was used to record current movement patterns of female common eiders from six islands across three island groups. We collected genetic data from these and other nesting common eiders at 14 microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA control region to examine population genetic structure, historical fluctuations in population demography, and gene flow. Our results suggest recent interchange among islands. Analysis of microsatellite data supports satellite telemetry data of increased dispersal of common eiders to nearby areas and little between island groups. Although evidence from mtDNA is suggestive of female dispersal among island groups, gene flow is insufficient to account for recolonization and rapid population growth. Instead, near‐by remnant populations of common eiders contributed substantially to population expansion, without which re‐colonization would have likely occurred at a much lower rate. Genetic and morphometric data of common eiders within one island group two and three decades after re‐colonization suggests reduced movement of eiders among islands and little movement between island groups after populations were re‐established. We predict that re‐colonization of an island group where all common eiders are extirpated could take decades.  相似文献   

FRANK GÖTMARK  MATTI AHLUND 《Ibis》1988,130(1):111-123
Hooded Crows Corvus cornix, Great Black-backed Gulls Larus marinus and Herring Gulls L. argentatus were the main nest predators in an Eider population in southwest Sweden. The clutch sizes of Eider nests within gull colonies did not differ from those outside gull colonies. The proportion of Eider nests destroyed by predators was significantly lower within than outside gull colonies, especially on islands with Lesser Black-backed Gulls L. fuscus. Although the difference was not significant, the survival time of simulated Eider nests was higher within than outside gull colonies. On Eider islands with gull colonies, foraying crows spent more time within the colony area than expected by chance. However, crows apparently avoided an area around each gull nest, and we suggest that the colonies, to some extent, protected Eider nests against predation. The density of Eider nests was higher on gull islands than on gull- free islands, and higher within than outside the gull colonies. However, the association with gulls was weak compared to that displayed by some other waterfowl.  相似文献   

In bird species, one of the trade-offs between reproduction and survival appears in the parental decision to desert the nest. Nest desertion is modulated by several factors including clutch size. However, the incubation stage at which predation occurs is also an important factor. In this study, we examined whether nest desertion was linked to initial clutch size, partial clutch predation (final clutch size) and the incubation stage at which it happened in a capital breeder: the female common eider (Somateria mollissima) nesting in the high Arctic. The study was performed in Kongsfjorden in 2002 on the western coast of the Svalbard Archipelago (78°55′N, 20°07′E). We observed that nest desertion was higher when the initial clutch size was small. Also, females deserted their nests more during the first third of incubation than later. Thus, as incubation proceeded, nest desertion was less likely to occur even after egg reduction. Our results pointed out that this parental decision in female eiders seemed to depend on initial clutch size and on the date into incubation of clutch reduction. Sophie Bourgeon and Francois Criscuolo contributed equally to the work  相似文献   

Reproductive success in many avian populations declines throughout the breeding season. Two hypotheses have gained attention to explain such a decline: the "timing" hypothesis proposes that deteriorating food availability causes the decline in reproductive success (causal effect of breeding time), whereas the "quality" hypothesis proposes that individuals of lower phenotypic quality reproduce at the end of the breeding season, causing the correlation between breeding time and breeding success. We tested both of these hypotheses in a monogamous single breeder, the magpie Pica pica , by experimentally inducing some pairs to lay a replacement clutch, after removal of the first clutch. The first clutch was left in the nest of another magpie pair (matched by laying date and clutch size), and incubated and raised by these foster parents. In this way we obtained two clutches from the same magpie pair with full siblings raised in conditions of the first and second reproductive attempts. High quality pairs (with laying dates in the first half of the breeding season) reached similar breeding success in replacement clutches as compared to first clutches of the same female. In addition, experimental pairs reared significantly more offspring of similar quality in their replacement clutches as compared to late-season first clutches, thereby suggesting that late season first clutches were produced by pairs of lower phenotypic quality. Results indicate that high quality pairs trade-off clutch size for larger eggs in replacement clutches, which could help magpie pairs to partly compensate for poorer environmental conditions associated with a delayed breeding attempt.  相似文献   

The allocation into T-cell-mediated immunocompetence was experimentally increased in 68 out of 139 nestlings by supplementary feeding methionine to half of the nestlings in 15 blue tit nests. Methionine-supplemented nestlings had an increased T-cell-mediated immunocompetence, but a reduced growth compared with control siblings. Nestlings that had low initial weights and nestlings that were supplemented with methionine had an increased mortality risk. The investment that nestling blue tits make in immunocompetence appears to be tightly controlled by survival costs paid through a trade-off between immunocompetence and growth.  相似文献   

To study whether offspring sex is related to the amount of resources invested in eggs we performed an experiment on zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. By manipulating their food supply, we forced two groups of females either to increase or to decrease investment in subsequent eggs. Since zebra finches are sexually dimorphic and the reproductive value of the sexes may vary with maternal nutritional status, we predicted that females would adjust the sex of their offspring to egg quality. Females that received poor-quality food for 7 weeks before egg laying, then food supplemented with proteins after they laid the first egg, significantly increased the mass of subsequent eggs. An increase of egg mass with laying sequence was less pronounced in females that received high-quality food before laying and experienced food deterioration after starting to lay. The proportion of sons in subsequent eggs tended to increase in the latter group (although this was marginally significant) but was not related to laying sequence in the other group: these patterns differed significantly between the groups. Offspring sex was not related to egg mass, but newly hatched male chicks were heavier than female chicks. Furthermore, the hatching success of male eggs was lower than that of female eggs. We suggest that differential hatching success of the sexes and sex differences in mass at hatching may constitute important factors shaping brood sex ratios. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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