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Previous studies have shown that lungs of adult mice exposed to >95% oxygen have increased terminal deoxyribonucleotidyltransferase dUTP nick end-label staining and accumulate p53, the expression of which increases in cells exposed to DNA-damaging agents. The present study was designed to determine whether hyperoxia also increased expression of the growth arrest and DNA damage (GADD) gene 45 and GADD153, which are induced by genotoxic stress through p53-dependent and -independent pathways. GADD proteins have been shown to inhibit proliferation and stimulate DNA repair and/or apoptosis. GADD45 and GADD153 mRNAs were not detected in lungs exposed to room air but were detected after 48 and 72 h of exposure to hyperoxia. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry revealed that hyperoxia increased GADD45 and GADD153 expression in the bronchiolar epithelium and GADD45 expression predominantly in alveolar cells that were morphologically consistent with type II cells. Hyperoxia also increased GADD expression in p53-deficient mice. Terminal deoxyribonucleotidyltransferase dUTP nick end-label staining of lung cells from p53 wild-type and p53-null mice exposed to hyperoxia for 48 h revealed that hyperoxia-induced DNA fragmentation was not modified by p53 deficiency. These studies are consistent with the hypothesis that hyperoxia-induced DNA fragmentation is associated with the expression of GADD genes that may participate in DNA repair and/or apoptosis.  相似文献   

The c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK)/c-Jun and p53 pathways form distinct death-signaling modules in neurons that culminate in Bax-dependent apoptosis. To investigate whether this signaling autonomy is due to recruitment of particular BH3-only proteins, we searched for a toxic signal that would activate both pathways in the same set of neurons. We show that arsenite activates both the JNK/c-Jun and p53 pathways in cortical neurons, which together account for >95% of apoptosis, as determined by using the mixed-lineage kinase (JNK/c-Jun) pathway inhibitor CEP11004 and p53-null mice. Despite the coexistence of both pathways in at least 30% of the population, Bim mRNA and protein expression was increased only by the JNK/c-Jun signaling pathway, whereas Noxa and Puma mRNA and Puma protein expression was entirely JNK/c-Jun independent. About 50% of Puma/Noxa expression was p53 dependent, with the remaining signal being independent of both pathways and possibly facilitated by arsenite-induced reduction in P-Akt. However, functionally, Puma was predominant in mediating Bax-dependent apoptosis, as evidenced by the fact that more than 90% of apoptosis was prevented in Puma-null neurons, although Bim was still upregulated, while Bim- and Noxa-null neurons died similarly to wild-type neurons. Thus, the p53 and JNK/c-Jun pathways can activate mutually exclusive subclasses of BH3-only proteins in the same set of neurons. However, other factors besides expression may determine which BH3-only proteins mediate apoptosis.  相似文献   

Activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are the main producers of extracellular matrix in the fibrotic liver and contribute to hepatic inflammation through the secretion of chemokines and the recruitment of leukocytes. This study assesses the function of CD40 on human HSCS: Activated human HSCs express CD40 in culture and in fibrotic liver, as determined by flow cytometry, RT-PCR, and immunohistochemistry. CD40 expression is strongly enhanced by IFN-gamma. Stimulation of CD40 with CD40 ligand (CD40L)-transfected baby hamster kidney cells induces NF-kappaB, as demonstrated by the activation of I-kappaB kinase (IKK), increased NF-kappaB DNA binding, and p65 nuclear translocation. CD40-activated IKK also phosphorylates a GST-p65 substrate at serine 536 in the transactivation domain 1. Concomitant with the activation of IKK, CD40L-transfected baby hamster kidney cell treatment strongly activates c-Jun N-terminal kinase. CD40 activation increases the secretion of IL-8 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 by HSCs 10- and 2-fold, respectively. Adenovirally delivered dominant negative (dn) IKK2 and TNFR-associated factor 2dn inhibit IKK-mediated GST-I-kappaB and GST-p65 phosphorylation, NF-kappaB binding, and IL-8 secretion, whereas IKK1dn and NF-kappaB-inducing kinase dominant negative do not have inhibitory effects. We conclude that the CD40-CD40L receptor-ligand pair is involved in a cross-talk between HSCs and immune effector cells that contributes to the perpetuation of HSC activation in liver fibrosis through TNFR-associated factor 2- and IKK2-dependent pathways.  相似文献   

The discovery of the molecular targets of chemotherapeutic medicines and their chemical footprints can validate and improve the use of such medicines. In the present report, we investigated the effect of mitomycin C (MMC), a classical chemotherapeutic agent on cancer cell apoptosis induced by TRAIL. We found that MMC not only potentiated TRAIL-induced apoptosis in HCT116 (p53−/−) colon cancer cells but also sensitized TRAIL-resistant colon cancer cells HT-29 to the cytokine both in vitro and in vivo. MMC also augmented the pro-apoptotic effects of two TRAIL receptor agonist antibodies, mapatumumab and lexatumumab. At a mechanistic level, MMC downregulated cell survival proteins, including Bcl2, Mcl-1 and Bcl-XL, and upregulated pro-apoptotic proteins including Bax, Bim and the cell surface expression of TRAIL death receptors DR4 and DR5. Gene silencing of DR5 by short hairpin RNA reduced the apoptosis induced by combination treatment of MMC and TRAIL. Induction of DR4 and DR5 was independent of p53, Bax and Bim but was dependent on c-Jun N terminal kinase (JNK) as JNK pharmacological inhibition and siRNA abolished the induction of the TRAIL receptors by MMC.  相似文献   

Chelerythrine, a natural benzophenanthridine alkaloid, has been reported to mediate a variety of biological activities, including inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC). Here we report that chelerythrine induced time- and dose-dependent activation of JNK1 and p38 in HeLa cells, which was mediated the upstream kinases, MEKK1 and MKK4. However, treatment with two other potent and selective PKC inhibitors, GF-109203X and G?6983, or down-regulation of PKC activity by prolonged treatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate had no effect on JNK1 and p38 activities. Furthermore, under the conditions where JNK1 and p38 were activated, we did not observe any significant inhibitory effect of chelerythrine on the activities of PKC isozymes present in HeLa cells. Interestingly, pretreatment with the antioxidants, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, dithiothreitol, and glutathione, impaired chelerythrine-induced JNK1 and p38 activation. In addition, chelerythrine induced apoptosis that was blocked by the antioxidants and the dominant-negative mutants of MEKK1, MKK4, JNK1, and p38. Together, these results uncover a novel biochemical property of chelerythrine, i.e. activation of MEKK1- and MKK4-dependent JNK1 and p38 pathways through an oxidative stress mechanism, which mediate the induction of apoptosis, but are independent of PKC inhibition.  相似文献   

Cells respond to environmental stress with activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38. Recent studies have implicated Gadd45 and two related proteins, MyD118/Gadd45beta and CR6/Gadd45gamma, as initiators of JNK/p38 signaling via their interaction with an upstream kinase MTK1. It was proposed that stress-induced expression of the Gadd45-related proteins leads to MTK1 activation and subsequent JNK/p38 activation. Using embryo fibroblasts from gadd45-null mice, we have addressed the requirement for Gadd45 in mediating JNK/p38 activation during acute stress. Comparison of JNK/p38 activities in response to methyl methanesulfonate, hydrogen peroxide, UVC irradiation, sorbitol, and anisomycin treatment of gadd45(+/+) and gadd45(-/-) fibroblasts revealed no deficiency in JNK/p38 activation in gadd45(-/-) fibroblasts. In addition, in wild type cells, JNK and p38 activation significantly preceded gadd45 induction with all stresses. Examination of myd118/gadd45beta and cr6/gadd45gamma expression in gadd45(+/+) and gadd45(-/-) fibroblasts revealed similar induction patterns in the two cell types, which, like gadd45 expression, was delayed relative to JNK/p38 activation. We conclude that gadd45 expression is not required for activation of JNK/p38 by environmental stresses, nor are stress-induced increases in myd118/gadd45beta and cr6/gadd45gamma expression necessary for kinase activation in response to such insults.  相似文献   

A variety of cellular stresses activate the stress-responsive mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases p38 and JNK. In this study, we studied the activation mechanism of a human MAP kinase kinase kinase, MTK1 (also known as MEKK4), which mediates activation of both p38 and JNK. MTK1 has an extensive N-terminal noncatalytic domain composed of approximately 1,300 amino acids. Full-length or near full-length MTK1 is catalytically inactive when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, as it is in mammalian cells. Deletion of a segment including positions 253 to 553 activates kinase, indicating that this segment contains the autoinhibitory domain. In the autoinhibited conformation, the MTK1 kinase domain cannot interact with its substrate, MKK6. By a functional complementation screening with yeast cells, GADD45 proteins (GADD45alpha, beta, and gamma) were identified as MTK1 activators. GADD45 proteins bind a site in MTK1 near the inhibitory domain and relieve autoinhibition. Mutants of full-length MTK1 were isolated that can interact with MKK6 in the absence of the activator GADD45 proteins. These MTK1 mutants are constitutively active, in both yeast and mammalian cells. A model of MTK1 autoinhibition by the N-terminal inhibitory domain and activation by GADD45 binding is presented.  相似文献   

WR1065 is an aminothiol with selective cytoprotective effects in normal cells compared with cancer cells. In a previous study (North, S., El-Ghissassi, F., Pluquet, O., Verhaegh, G., and Hainaut, P. (2000) Oncogene 19, 1206-1214), we have shown that WR1065 activates wild-type p53 in cultured cells. Here we show that WR1065 induces p53 to accumulate through escape from proteasome-dependent degradation. This accumulation is not prevented by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases and is not accompanied by phosphorylation of Ser-15, -20, or -37, which are common targets of the kinases activated in response to DNA damage. Furthermore, WR1065 activates the JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase), decreases complex formation between p53 and inactive JNK, and phosphorylates p53 at Thr-81, a known site of phosphorylation by JNK. A dominant negative form of JNK (JNK-APF) reduces by 50% the activation of p53 by WR1065. Thus, WR1065 activates p53 through a JNK-dependent signaling pathway. This pathway may prove useful for pharmacological modulation of p53 activity through non-genotoxic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Microtubule-interfering agents are widely used in cancer chemotherapy, and prognostic results vary significantly from tumor to tumor, depending on the p53 status. In preliminary experiments, we compared the expression and phosphorylation profiles of more than 100 protein kinases and protein phosphatases in human colorectal carcinoma cell line HCT116 between p53+/+ and p53-/- cells in response to short term nocodazole treatment through application of Kinetworks immunoblotting screens. Among the proteins tracked, the regulation of the phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)1/2 at Thr-183/Tyr-185 was the major difference between p53+/+ and p53-/- cells. With the loss of the p53 gene, the levels of phosphorylation of Ser-63 of c-Jun and Thr-183/Tyr-185 of JNK1/2 in p53-/- cells did not increase as markedly as in p53+/+ cells in response to a 1-h treatment with nocodazole or other microtubule-disrupting drugs such as vinblastine and colchicine. Similar observations were also made in MCF-7 and A549 tumor cells, which were rendered p53-deficient by E6 oncoprotein expression. However, arsenate-induced JNK activation in p53-/- cells was preserved. Inhibition of p53 expression by its antisense oligonucleotide also attenuated nocodazole-induced JNK activation in p53+/+ cells. Surprisingly, cotransfection of p53+/+ cells with dominant negative mutants of JNK isoforms and treatment of p53+/+ cells with the JNK inhibitor SP600125 actually further enhanced apoptosis in p53+/+ cells by up to 2-fold in response to nocodazole. These findings indicate that inhibition of p53-mediated JNK1/2 activity in certain tumor cells could serve to enhance the apoptosis-inducing actions of cancer chemotherapeutic agents that disrupt mitotic spindle function.  相似文献   

Salicylates inhibit signaling by tumor necrosis factor (TNF), including TNF-induced activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). On the other hand, we recently showed that in normal human diploid fibroblasts sodium salicylate (NaSal) elicits activation of p38 MAPK but not activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Here we show that NaSal treatment of COS-1 or HT-29 cells produced a sustained c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. Activation of JNK or p38 MAPK by NaSal (or aspirin) was not due to a nonspecific hyperosmotic effect because much higher molar concentrations of sorbitol or NaCl were required to produce a similar activation. Three structurally unrelated nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and indomethacin) failed to induce significant activation of JNK or p38 MAPK, suggesting that cyclooxygenase inhibition is not the underlying mechanism whereby salicylates induce p38 MAPK and JNK activation. Activation of JNK and p38 MAPKs may be relevant for some antiinflammatory actions of salicylates.  相似文献   

Leflunomide is a pyrimidine biosynthesis inhibitor that has recently been approved for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the mechanism of leflunomide's antiarthritis activity and is not fully understood. The critical role that TNF plays in rheumatoid arthritis led us to postulate that leflunomide blocks TNF signaling. Previously, we have demonstrated that leflunomide inhibits TNF-induced NF-kappaB activation by suppressing I-kappaBalpha (inhibitory subunit of NF-kappaB) degradation. We in this study show that leflunomide also blocks NF-kappaB reporter gene expression induced by TNFR1, TNFR-associated factor 2, and NF-kappaB-inducing kinase (NIK), but not that activated by the p65 subunit of NF-kappaB, suggesting that leflunomide acts downstream of NIK. Leflunomide suppressed TNF-induced phosphorylation of I-kappaBalpha, as well as activation of I-kappaBalpha kinase-beta located downstream to NIK. Leflunomide also inhibited TNF-induced activation of AP-1 and the c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase activation. TNF-mediated cytotoxicity and caspase-induced poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage were also completely abrogated by treatment of Jurkat T cells with leflunomide. Leflunomide suppressed TNF-induced reactive oxygen intermediate generation and lipid peroxidation, which may explain most of its effects on TNF signaling. The suppressive effects of leflunomide on TNF signaling were completely reversible by uridine, indicating a critical role for pyrimidine biosynthesis in TNF-mediated cellular responses. Overall, our results suggest that suppression of TNF signaling is one of the possible mechanisms for inhibitory activity of leflunomide against rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

HIV-tat protein, like TNF, activates a wide variety of cellular responses, including NF-kappa B, AP-1, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and apoptosis. Whether HIV-tat transduces these signals through the same mechanism as TNF is not known. In the present study we investigated the role of the T cell-specific tyrosine kinase p56lck in HIV-tat and TNF-mediated cellular responses by comparing the responses of Jurkat T cells with JCaM1 cells, an isogeneic lck-deficient T cell line. Treatment with HIV-tat protein activated NF-kappa B, degraded I kappa B alpha, and induced NF-kappa B-dependent reporter gene expression in a time-dependent manner in Jurkat cells but not in JCaM1 cells, suggesting the critical role of p56lck kinase. These effects were specific to HIV-tat, as activation of NF-kappa B by PMA, LPS, H2O2, and TNF was minimally affected. p56lck was also found to be required for HIV-tat-induced but not TNF-induced AP-1 activation. Similarly, HIV-tat activated the protein kinases JNK and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase in Jurkat cells but not in JCaM1 cells. HIV-tat also induced cytotoxicity, activated caspases, and reactive oxygen intermediates in Jurkat cells, but not in JCaM1 cells. HIV-tat activated p56lck activity in Jurkat cells. Moreover, the reconstitution of JCaM1 cells with p56lck tyrosine kinase reversed the HIV-tat-induced NF-kappa B activation and cytotoxicity. Overall, our results demonstrate that p56lck plays a critical role in the activation of NF-kappa B, AP-1, JNK, and apoptosis by HIV-tat protein but has minimal or no role in activation of these responses by TNF.  相似文献   

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