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Volunteers from genetically modified (GM) potatoes may pose an environmental problem if allowed to grow in the field after the annual crop is harvested. We tested whether they are more likely to produce volunteers than non-GM potatoes. Specifically, we compared the number of volunteers, number of tubers per plant, tuber size, and their vertical distribution in the soil. More volunteer plants came from non-GM potatoes than from GM potatoes, but the number and size of tubers were similar between the two. Vertical distribution of the tubers differed significantly, with most non-GM tubers being found in shallower soil (<2 cm deep). Our results suggest that spontaneous GM volunteers may emerge and produce tubers to a degree similar to that of the non-GM plants. No viable volunteers emerged from GM tubers in the next growing season, probably deterred by winter frost and a period of low soil temperatures (below −2°C) at our study site. However, in regions with warmer climates, such GM volunteers may survive Winter and produce more plants the following year.  相似文献   

From 2000 to 2003 a range of Farm Scale Evaluation (FSE) trials were established in the UK to assess the effect of the release and management of herbicide tolerant (HT) crops on arable weeds and invertebrates. The FSE trials for maize were also used to investigate crop-to-crop gene flow and to develop a statistical model for the prediction of gene flow frequency that can be used to evaluate current separation distance guidelines for GM crops. Seed samples were collected from the non-GM half of 55 trial sites and 1,055 were tested for evidence of gene flow from the GM HT halves using a quantitative PCR assay specific to the HT (pat) gene. Rates of gene flow were found to decrease rapidly with increasing distance from the GM source. Gene flow was detected in 30% of the samples (40 out of 135) at 150 m from the GM source and events of GM to non-GM gene flow were detected at distances up to and including 200 m from the GM source. The quantitative data were subjected to statistical analysis and a two-step model was found to provide the best fit for the data. A dynamic whole field model predicted that a square field (150 m x 150 m in size) of grain maize would require a separation distance of 3 m for the adjacent crop to be below a 0.9% threshold (with <2% probability of exceeding the threshold). The data and models presented here are discussed in the context of necessary separation distances to achieve various possible thresholds for adventitious presence of GM in maize.  相似文献   

【目的】对转基因作物进行生态风险评估是大面积种植前的一个必要步骤,水稻Oryza sativa访花昆虫有上百种,包括家蝇Musca domestica。本研究旨在明确访花昆虫家蝇介导转基因水稻外源基因逃逸的风险。【方法】2010年,我们使用转基因水稻B1, B6和G8-7作为父本(花粉供体),用同源非转基因水稻Jiazao 935和Wuyunjing 7作为母本(花粉受体),并用家蝇作为授粉昆虫,在浙江大学华家池和长兴试验基地开展了田间种植试验,对收割的后代水稻种子进行室内种植培养,对种苗用潮霉素B和草甘膦处理进行转基因杂交种检测,对存活植株进行潮霉素和草甘膦抗性基因PCR检测,测试家蝇介导的转基因水稻外源基因逃逸频率。【结果】对浙江两个测试基地3个转基因水稻品种共计超过216 500粒后代水稻种子进行的检测及结果表明,在毗邻区域杂交种少,家蝇授粉区和无家蝇授粉区转基因水稻外源基因向非转基因水稻逃逸频率均较低(0~0.64%)。【结论】家蝇介导的转基因水稻外源基因逃逸频率较低,家蝇没有增加转基因水稻外源基因逃逸的风险。  相似文献   

Outcrosses from genetically modified (GM) to conventional crops by pollen-mediated gene flow (PMGF) are a concern when growing GM crops close to non-GM fields. This also applies to the experimental releases of GM plants in field trials. Therefore, biosafety measures such as isolation distances and surveying of PMGF are required by the regulatory authorities in Switzerland. For two and three years, respectively, we monitored crop-to-crop PMGF from GM wheat field trials in two locations in Switzerland. The pollen donors were two GM spring wheat lines with enhanced fungal resistance and a herbicide tolerance as a selection marker. Seeds from the experimental plots were sampled to test the detection method for outcrosses. Two outcrosses were found adjacent to a transgenic plot within the experimental area. For the survey of PMGF, pollen receptor plots of the conventional wheat variety Frisal used for transformation were planted in the border crop and around the experimental field up to a distance of 200 m. Although the environmental conditions were favorable and the donor and receptor plots flowered at the same time, only three outcrosses were found in approximately 185,000 tested seedlings from seeds collected outside the experimental area. All three hybrids were found in the border crop surrounding the experimental area, but none outside the field. We conclude that a pollen barrier (border crop) and an additional isolation distance of 5 m is a sufficient measure to reduce PMGF from a GM wheat field trial to cleistogamous varieties in commercial fields below a level that can be detected.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of pollen movement at the landscape scale is important for establishing management rules following the release of genetically modified (GM) crops. We use here a mating model adapted to cultivated species to estimate dispersal kernels from the genotypes of the progenies of male-sterile plants positioned at different sampling sites within a 10 x 10-km oilseed rape production area. Half of the pollen clouds sampled by the male-sterile plants originated from uncharacterized pollen sources that could consist of both large volunteer and feral populations, and fields within and outside the study area. The geometric dispersal kernel was the most appropriate to predict pollen movement in the study area. It predicted a much larger proportion of long-distance pollination than previously fitted dispersal kernels. This best-fitting mating model underestimated the level of differentiation among pollen clouds but could predict its spatial structure. The estimation method was validated on simulated genotypic data, and proved to provide good estimates of both the shape of the dispersal kernel and the rate and composition of pollen issued from uncharacterized pollen sources. The best dispersal kernel fitted here, the geometric kernel, should now be integrated into models that aim at predicting gene flow at the landscape level, in particular between GM and non-GM crops.  相似文献   

Testing of seed and grain lots is essential in the enforcement of GM labelling legislation and needs reliable procedures for which associated errors have been identified and minimised. In this paper we consider the testing of oilseed rape seed lots obtained from the harvest of a non-GM crop known to be contaminated by volunteer plants from a GM herbicide tolerant variety. The objective was to identify and quantify the error associated with the testing of these lots from the initial sampling to completion of the real-time PCR assay with which the level of GM contamination was quantified. The results showed that, under the controlled conditions of a single laboratory, the error associated with the real-time PCR assay to be negligible in comparison with sampling error, which was exacerbated by heterogeneity in the distribution of GM seeds, most notably at a small scale, i.e. 25 cm3. Sampling error was reduced by one to two thirds on the application of appropriate homogenisation procedures.  相似文献   

Genetically modified (GM) crops are used extensively worldwide to control diploid agricultural insect pests that reproduce sexually. However, future GM crops will likely soon target haplodiploid and parthenogenetic insects. As rapid pest adaptation could compromise these novel crops, strategies to manage resistance in haplodiploid and parthenogenetic pests are urgently needed. Here, we developed models to characterize factors that could delay or prevent the evolution of resistance to GM crops in diploid, haplodiploid, and parthenogenetic insect pests. The standard strategy for managing resistance in diploid pests relies on refuges of non-GM host plants and GM crops that produce high toxin concentrations. Although the tenets of the standard refuge strategy apply to all pests, this strategy does not greatly delay the evolution of resistance in haplodiploid or parthenogenetic pests. Two additional factors are needed to effectively delay or prevent the evolution of resistance in such pests, large recessive or smaller non-recessive fitness costs must reduce the fitness of resistance individuals in refuges (and ideally also on GM crops), and resistant individuals must have lower fitness on GM compared to non-GM crops (incomplete resistance). Recent research indicates that the magnitude and dominance of fitness costs could be increased by using specific host–plants, natural enemies, or pathogens. Furthermore, incomplete resistance could be enhanced by engineering desirable traits into novel GM crops. Thus, the sustainability of GM crops that target haplodiploid or parthenogenetic pests will require careful consideration of the effects of reproductive mode, fitness costs, and incomplete resistance.  相似文献   

A series of rotation experiments at five sites over four years has explored the environmental and agronomic implications of growing herbicide tolerant oilseed rape and sugar beet. This paper reports on the population dynamics of volunteer rape (Brassica napus). The experiments compared four winter oilseed rape (WOSR) cultivars: a conventional cultivar (Apex) and three developmental cultivars either genetically modified (GM) to be tolerant to glyphosate or glufosinate, or conventionally bred to be tolerant to herbicides of the imidazolinone group. Seed losses at harvest averaged 3575 seeds m(-2) but ranged from less than 2000 up to more than 10000 seeds m(-2). There was a rapid decline in seed numbers during the first few months after harvest, resulting in a mean loss of seeds of 60%. In subsequent seasons, the seedbank declined much more slowly at four of the five sites (ca 20% per year) and the models predicted 95% seed loss after approximately 9 years. Seed decline was much faster at the fifth site. There were no clear differences between the four cultivars in either the numbers of seeds shed at harvest or in their subsequent persistence. The importance of the persistence of GM rape seeds, in the context of the coexistence of GM and non-GM crops and the role of good management practices that minimize seed persistence, are discussed.  相似文献   

With a continued increase in the range of transgenes, and plantspecies for which genetic modification is possible, this reviewattempts to bring together some of the factors that will influencethe eventual fate of transgenes in the environment, and theeffects that such a dispersal may have. The review is developedfrom papers presented at the SEB Swansea meeting (April, 1994). Using experiments with GM (genetically modified) plants, andmarkers in non-GM plants, as well as observations on naturaland crop populations, it is possible to predict isolation distancesrequired for limiting the unintentional release from GM crops,and the probable fate of both GM pollen and seed if it is releasedbeyond the GM plot. Knowledge of wild relatives of crop plants,and ecological mechanisms can also give insights into the possibleeffects of different transgenes on native plants, and otheragricultural crops. A large number of limited scale releasesof GM plants have now taken place from which we can gain informationon the performance of GM crops in an agricultural environment,and the stability of the GM phenotype. All this information,can help to form a sound basis for regulations on the releaseof GM plants, an assessment of the need for, and scope of monitoring,and the best way in which to use GM crops. Key words: Transgenic releases, genetically-modified plants, molecular ecology, transgene stability  相似文献   

Regulatory approvals for deliberate release of GM maize events into the environment have lead to real situations of coexistence between GM and non-GM, with some fields being cultivated with GM and conventional varieties in successive seasons. Given the common presence of volunteer plants in maize fields in temperate areas, we investigated the real impact of GM volunteers on the yield of 12 non-GM agricultural fields. Volunteer density varied from residual to around 10% of plants in the field and was largely reduced using certain cultural practices. Plant vigour was low, they rarely had cobs and produced pollen that cross-fertilized neighbour plants only at low—but variable—levels. In the worst-case scenario, the estimated content of GMO was 0.16%. The influence of GM volunteers was not enough to reach the 0.9% adventitious GM threshold but it could potentially contribute to adventitious GM levels, especially at high initial densities (i.e. above 1,000 volunteers/ha).  相似文献   

The implementation of co-existence in the commercialisation of GM crops requires GM and non-GM products to be segregated in production and supply. However, maintaining segregation in oilseed rape will be made difficult by the highly persistent nature of this species. An understanding of its population dynamics is needed to predict persistence and develop potential strategies for control, while to ensure segregation is being achieved, the production of GM oilseed rape must be accompanied by the monitoring of GM levels in crop or seed populations. Heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of oilseed rape has the potential to affect both control and monitoring and, although a universal phenomenon in arable weeds and harvested seed lots, spatial heterogeneity in oilseed rape populations remains to be demonstrated and quantified. Here we investigate the distribution of crop and volunteer populations in a commercial field before and during the cultivation of the first conventional oilseed rape (winter) crop since the cultivation of a GM glufosinate-tolerant oilseed rape crop (spring) three years previously. GM presence was detected by ELISA for the PAT protein in each of three morphologically distinguishable phenotypes: autumn germinating crop-type plants (3% GM), autumn-germinating 'regrowths' (72% GM) and spring germinating 'small-type' plants (17% GM). Statistical models (Poisson log-normal and binomial logit-normal) were used to describe the spatial distribution of these populations at multiple spatial scales in the field and of GM presence in the harvested seed lot. Heterogeneity was a consistent feature in the distribution of GM and conventional oilseed rape. Large trends across the field (50 x 400 m) and seed lot (4 x 1.5 x 1.5 m) were observed in addition to small-scale heterogeneity, less than 20 m in the field and 20 cm in the seed lot. The heterogeneity was greater for the 'regrowth' and 'small' phenotypes, which were likely to be volunteers and included most of the GM plants detected, than for the largely non-GM 'crop' phenotype. The implications of the volunteer heterogeneity for field management and GM-sampling are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the concerns surrounding the import (for food and feed uses or processing) of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) oilseed rape is that, through seed spillage, the herbicide tolerance (HT) trait will escape into agricultural or semi-natural habitats, causing environmental or economic problems. Based on these concerns, three EU countries have invoked national safeguard clauses to ban the marketing of specific GMHT oilseed rape events on their territory. However, the scientific basis for the environmental and economic concerns posed by feral GMHT oilseed rape resulting from seed import spills is debatable. While oilseed rape has characteristics such as secondary dormancy and small seed size that enable it to persist and be redistributed in the landscape, the presence of ferals is not in itself an environmental or economic problem. Crucially, feral oilseed rape has not become invasive outside cultivated and ruderal habitats, and HT traits are not likely to result in increased invasiveness. Feral GMHT oilseed rape has the potential to introduce HT traits to volunteer weeds in agricultural fields, but would only be amplified if the herbicides to which HT volunteers are tolerant were used routinely in the field. However, this worst-case scenario is most unlikely, as seed import spills are mostly confined to port areas. Economic concerns revolve around the potential for feral GMHT oilseed rape to contribute to GM admixtures in non-GM crops. Since feral plants derived from cultivation (as distinct from import) occur at too low a frequency to affect the coexistence threshold of 0.9% in the EU, it can be concluded that feral GMHT plants resulting from seed import spills will have little relevance as a potential source of pollen or seed for GM admixture. This paper concludes that feral oilseed rape in Europe should not be routinely managed, and certainly not in semi-natural habitats, as the benefits of such action would not outweigh the negative effects of management.  相似文献   

Gene flow in genetically modified wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding gene flow in genetically modified (GM) crops is critical to answering questions regarding risk-assessment and the coexistence of GM and non-GM crops. In two field experiments, we tested whether rates of cross-pollination differed between GM and non-GM lines of the predominantly self-pollinating wheat Triticum aestivum. In the first experiment, outcrossing was studied within the field by planting "phytometers" of one line into stands of another line. In the second experiment, outcrossing was studied over distances of 0.5-2.5 m from a central patch of pollen donors to adjacent patches of pollen recipients. Cross-pollination and outcrossing was detected when offspring of a pollen recipient without a particular transgene contained this transgene in heterozygous condition. The GM lines had been produced from the varieties Bobwhite or Frisal and contained Pm3b or chitinase/glucanase transgenes, respectively, in homozygous condition. These transgenes increase plant resistance against pathogenic fungi. Although the overall outcrossing rate in the first experiment was only 3.4%, Bobwhite GM lines containing the Pm3b transgene were six times more likely than non-GM control lines to produce outcrossed offspring. There was additional variation in outcrossing rate among the four GM-lines, presumably due to the different transgene insertion events. Among the pollen donors, the Frisal GM line expressing a chitinase transgene caused more outcrossing than the GM line expressing both a chitinase and a glucanase transgene. In the second experiment, outcrossing after cross-pollination declined from 0.7-0.03% over the test distances of 0.5-2.5 m. Our results suggest that pollen-mediated gene flow between GM and non-GM wheat might only be a concern if it occurs within fields, e.g. due to seed contamination. Methodologically our study demonstrates that outcrossing rates between transgenic and other lines within crops can be assessed using a phytometer approach and that gene-flow distances can be efficiently estimated with population-level PCR analyses.  相似文献   

The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) herbicide resistant oilseed rape (Brassica napus) has increased over the past few years. The transfer of herbicide resistance genes via pollen (gene flow) from GM crops to non-GM crops is of relevance for the realisation of co-existence of different agricultural cultivation forms as well as for weed management. Therefore the likelihood of pollen-mediated gene flow has been investigated in numerous studies. Despite the difficulty to compare different experiments with varying levels of outcrossing, we performed a literature search for world-wide studies on cross-fertilisation in fully fertile oilseed rape. The occurrence and frequency of pollen-mediated intraspecific gene flow (outcrossing rate) can vary according to cultivar, experimental design, local topography and environmental conditions. The outcrossing rate from one field to another depends also on the size and arrangement of donor and recipient populations and on the ratio between donor and recipient plot size. The outcrossing levels specified in the presented studies are derived mostly from experiments where the recipient field is either surrounding the donor field (continuous design) or is located as a patch at different distances from the donor field (discontinuous design). Reports of gene flow in Brassica napus generally show that the amount of cross-fertilisation decreases as the distance from the pollen source increases. The evidence given in various studies reveals that the bulk of GM cross-fertilisation occurs within the first 10 m of the recipient field. The removal of the first 10 m of a non-transgenic field facing a GM crop might therefore be more efficient for reducing the total level of cross-fertilisation in a recipient sink population than to recommend separation distances. Future experiments should investigate cross-fertilisation with multiple adjacent donor fields at the landscape level under different spatial distributions of rapeseed cultivars and different cropping systems. The level of cross-fertilisation occurring over the whole field is mainly important for co-existence and has not been investigated in agricultural scale experiments until now. Potential problems with herbicide resistant oilseed rape volunteers arising from intraspecific gene flow can be largely solved by the choice of suitable cultivars and herbicides as well as by soil management.  相似文献   

From 2000–2003 a range of Farm Scale Evaluation (FSE) trials were established in the UK to assess the effect of the release and management of herbicide tolerant (HT) crops on the abundance and diversity of farmland wildlife compared with their conventionally managed non-GM-equivalents. The objective of this research project was to investigate gene flow within the winter (WOSR) and spring oilseed rape (SOSR) FSE trials and to develop a statistical model for the prediction of cross-pollination frequency that can be used to evaluate current separation distance guidelines. Seed samples were collected from the non-GM half of the trial sites and were tested for evidence of cross-pollination from the GM HT halves using a quantitative PCR assay specific to the HT (bar) gene. Rates of cross-pollination were found to decrease rapidly with increasing distance from the GM source. The quantitative data were subjected to statistical analysis and a two-step model was found to provide the best fit for the data. Significant differences were found between the results for WOSR, SOSR and varietal association (VA) crops. The model predicted that the %GM content (including upper 95% confidence limits) of a sample taken at a distance of 50 m away from the GM source would be 0.04% (0.84%) for WOSR, 0.02% (0.39%) for SOSR, 0.77% (21.72%) for WOSR VA and 0.37% (5.18%) for SOSR VA. The data and models presented here are discussed in the context of necessary separation distances to meet various possible thresholds for adventitious presence of GM in OSR. The British Crown's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

European Union Commissioner for the Environment Stavros Dimas recently hailed 'upgraded' non-genetically modified (GM) crops as an alternative to GM crops. A comparative analysis of the environmental risks associated with such non-GM herbicide-resistant crops and GM herbicide-resistant crops is presented here. The analysis highlights serious weaknesses in the European Union (EU) regulatory framework, and the contradictory policy of the EU Commission on the precautionary principle is also shown. The continued political stance of ignoring these regulatory and policy inconsistencies is examined and found to be flawed. It is postulated that, even in the face of these flaws and coupled with recent statements from the UK drawing attention to inconsistencies in the EU regulatory framework, the EU will continue to ignore the real and present environmental risks associated with upgraded non-GM crops for biopolitical reasons.  相似文献   

自1996年第1例转基因作物在美国商业化种植, 其在全球的种植面积一直处于持续、快速增长的趋势。2010年, 全球转基因作物种植总面积达1.48×108 hm2, 所种植的转基因作物主要是耐除草剂和抗虫作物, 其中耐除草剂作物占种植总面积的81%。耐除草剂作物的种植为杂草的高效控制提供了新的手段, 但其可能带来的生态环境风险也引起了全世界各国的广泛关注和争议。该文在总结归纳前人研究的基础上, 针对耐除草剂作物的基因漂移、杂草化及对生物多样性的影响等当前人们普遍关注的环境风险问题, 系统讨论了相关的风险评价程序和方法, 概括和分析了当前耐除草剂作物的环境风险研究进展和管理措施, 以期为我国转基因耐除草剂作物的开发、风险评价及管理提供依据。  相似文献   

A major concern related to the adoption of genetically modified (GM) crops in agricultural systems is the possibility of unwanted GM inputs into non-GM crop production systems. Given the increasing commercial cultivation of GM crops in the European Union (EU), there is an urgent need to define measures to prevent mixing of GM with non-GM products during crop production. Cross-fertilization is one of the various mechanisms that could lead to GM-inputs into non-GM crop systems. Isolation distances between GM and non-GM fields are widely accepted to be an effective measure to reduce these inputs. However, the question of adequate isolation distances between GM and non-GM maize is still subject of controversy both amongst scientists and regulators. As several European countries have proposed largely differing isolation distances for maize ranging from 25 to 800 m, there is a need for scientific criteria when using cross-fertilization data of maize to define isolation distances between GM and non-GM maize. We have reviewed existing cross-fertilization studies in maize, established relevant criteria for the evaluation of these studies and applied these criteria to define science-based isolation distances. To keep GM-inputs in the final product well below the 0.9% threshold defined by the EU, isolation distances of 20 m for silage and 50 m for grain maize, respectively, are proposed. An evaluation using statistical data on maize acreage and an aerial photographs assessment of a typical agricultural landscape by means of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) showed that spatial resources would allow applying the defined isolation distances for the cultivation of GM maize in the majority of the cases under actual Swiss agricultural conditions. The here developed approach, using defined criteria to consider the agricultural context of maize cultivation, may be of assistance for the analysis of cross-fertilization data in other countries.  相似文献   

Gene flow from genetically modified (GM) crops to conventional non-GM crops is a serious concern for protection of conventional and organic farming. Gene flow from GM watermelon developed for rootstock use, containing cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV)-coat protein (CP) gene, to a non-GM isogenic control variety “Clhalteok” and grafted watermelon “Keumcheon” was investigated in a small scale field trial as a pilot study. Hybrids between GM and non-GM watermelons were screened from 1304 “Chalteok” seeds and 856 “Keumcheon” seeds using the duplex PCR method targeting theCGMMV- CP gene as a marker. Hybrids were found in all pollen recipient plots. The gene flow frequencies were greater for “Chaiteok” than for “KeumcheonD; with 75% outcrossing in the “Chaiteok” plot at the closest distance (0.8 m) to the GM plot. A much larger scale field trial is necessary to identify the isolation distance between GM and non-GM watermelon, as the behaviors of insect pollinators needs to be clarified in Korea.  相似文献   

Substantial equivalence is a critical concept for biosafety assessment of genetically modified (GM) crops. To investigate substantial equivalence among carotenoid-biofortified GM rice and five conventional rice cultivars having common white (three) and red (two) grain colors, profiles of 52 polar metabolites were analyzed using gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The results were compared to evaluate the differences among GM and non-GM rice cultivars using principal components analysis. The GM rice is more comparable to its non-transgenic counterpart rice variety according to the closer co-separation than for other cultivars tested. This suggests that profiling of unintended polar metabolites could be a useful tool to reveal substantial equivalence of GM rice.  相似文献   

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