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We investigate the economic hubs and authorities of the world trade network (WTN) from to , an era of rapid economic globalization. Using a well-defined weighted hyperlink-induced topic search (HITS) algorithm, we can calculate the values of the weighted HITS hub and authority for each country in a conjugate way. In the context of the WTN, authority values are large for countries with significant imports from large hub countries, and hub values are large for countries with significant exports to high-authority countries. The United States was the largest economic authority in the WTN from to . The authority value of the United States has declined since , and China has now become the largest hub in the WTN. At the same time, China''s authority value has grown as China is transforming itself from the “factory of the world” to the “market of the world.” European countries show a tendency to trade mostly within the European Union, which has decreased Europe''s hub and authority values. Japan''s authority value has increased slowly, while its hub value has declined. These changes are consistent with Japan''s transition from being an export-driven economy in its high economic growth era in the latter half of the twentieth century to being a more mature, economically balanced nation.  相似文献   

In democratic theory, “legitimacy” refers to the set of conditions that must be in place in order for the claims to authority of somebody to be deemed appropriate, and for their claims to compliance to be warranted. Though criteria of legitimacy have been elaborated in the context of democratic states, there is no reason for them not to be drawn up, with appropriate amendments, for other kinds of authority structures. This paper examines the claims to authority made over researchers by international bodies governing research ethics, who exercise their authority by the research ethics guidelines they produce (including recent revisions to the Declaration of Helsinki and CIOMS Guidelines). We argue that discussions of such bodies and sets of guidelines often elide questions of justification and questions of legitimacy, and that the grounds that might allow us to mount a strong case for the latter are at present sorely underdeveloped.  相似文献   

Local knowledge is becoming increasingly important in primary health care projects. However, these projects often incorporate local knowledge in an uncritical manner. One area where this is apparent is in the lack of attention paid to the gendered nature of local knowledge. I use one example, women's knowledge and use of medicinal plants in a low-income community in the Brazilian Amazon, to illustrate the links among authority, knowledge, and gender. In this article I argue that policy makers must pay attention to the relationships among authority, gender, and local knowledge and examine how the use of local knowledge in development strategies can affect existing (gendered) power relationships. Women's roles as managers of household health (which includes medicinal plant use) are a source of authority for them. Because of that, the way in which local knowledge is incorporated into primary health care programs can have a significant impact on women's authority.  相似文献   

School leavers and young adults who are severely physically disabled pose particular problems for habilitation and rehabilitation. A local authority unit, the Fourways Assessment Centre, has been providing a comprehensive service to this group of people for the past 10 years. Rather than operating as an independent self contained unit it has been closely integrated with the local authority social services and educational services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess whether the way in which the results of a randomised controlled trial and a systematic review are presented influences health policy decisions. DESIGN--A postal questionnaire to all members of a health authority within one regional health authority. SETTING--Anglia and Oxford regional health authorities. SUBJECTS--182 executive and non-executive members of 13 health authorities, family health services authorities, or health commissions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--The average score from all health authority members in terms of their willingness to fund a mammography programme or cardiac rehabilitation programme according to four different ways of presenting the same results of research evidence--namely, as a relative risk reduction, absolute risk reduction, proportion of event free patients, or as the number of patients needed to be treated to prevent an adverse event. RESULTS--The willingness to fund either programme was significantly influenced by the way in which data were presented. Results of both programmes when expressed as relative risk reductions produced significantly higher scores when compared with other methods (P < 0.05). The difference was more extreme for mammography, for which the outcome condition is rarer. CONCLUSIONS--The method of reporting trial results has a considerable influence on the health policy decisions made by health authority members.  相似文献   

This article examines how the Indonesian state's efforts to style itself as an Islamic authority have influenced the behaviour of its Muslim citizens. I present cases in which Muslims in Indonesia's Riau Islands comply with Islamic state directives in order to transfer responsibility for their actions to the state, showing how such a mode of practice can support Islamic governmentality, bolster nationalism, and constrain civic activism. Interestingly, compliance may occur even when citizens harbour deep misgivings towards a directive, leading me to query whether suspicion is necessarily inimical to authority. I conclude that a pronouncement's Islamic authority hinges on how Muslims relate to their suspicions regarding it, and that, for Riau Islanders, suspicion's urgency has been tempered by cultural models of personhood, individual subjectivity, and the moral murk of post‐Suharto Indonesia.  相似文献   

Prior work has established robust diversity in the extent to which different moral values are endorsed. Some people focus on values related to caring and fairness, whereas others assign additional moral weight to ingroup loyalty, respect for authority and established hierarchies, and purity concerns. Five studies explore associations between endorsement of distinct moral values and a suite of interpersonal orientations: Machiavellianism, prosocial resource distribution, Social Dominance Orientation, and reported likelihood of helping and not helping kin and close friends versus acquaintances and neighbors. We found that Machiavellianism (Studies 1, 3, 4, 5) (e.g., amorality, controlling and status-seeking behaviors) and Social Dominance Orientation (Study 4) were negatively associated with caring values, and positively associated with valuation of authority. Those higher in caring values were more likely to choose prosocial resource distributions (Studies 2, 3, 4) and to report reduced likelihood of failing to help kin/close friends or acquaintances (Study 4). Finally, greater likelihood of helping acquaintances was positively associated with all moral values tested except authority values (Study 4). The current work offers a novel approach to characterizing moral values and reveals a striking divergence between two kinds of moral values in particular: caring values and authority values. Caring values were positively linked with prosociality and negatively associated with Machiavellianism, whereas authority values were positively associated with Machiavellianism and Social Dominance Orientation.  相似文献   

An audit was performed by this department after allegations by the regional health authority of low productivity. It was found that the health authority had underestimated the number of operations performed in 1983 by only 5%, but an inexact classification and grading of operations had led to errors in the performance indicators of 19.8% for the "weighted number of operations" and 34.5% for the "number of major operations per consultant." When the throughput of orthopaedic departments in districts was compared by the regional health authority it was found that such errors in performance indicators had been further compounded by the inconsistent use of population data and incorrect data on medical staffing. Medical practitioners and the health authorities are alerted to this amplification of inaccurate data. Other methods for assessing trauma and orthopaedic surgery are proposed, such as a simplification of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys classification of surgical operations, grading operations based on time spent in the operating theatre, and provision of computer programs to code for diagnosis and operation when writing discharge summaries.  相似文献   

Within US media reactions to March of the penguins, animal images became an arena for displaced conflicts of human interest. This paper examines an intermediary step through which the film became a medium for social disagreement: conflict over control of the cultural authority to interpret animal images. I analyze claims to the cultural honorific of science made within disputes over readings of the film as evidence for intelligent design (ID). I argue that published refutations of this reading were largely misguided in that they tended to group arguments-for-ID with a suite of social-allegorical readings of the film. By failing to address essential differences between interpretations, critics of the arguments-for-ID necessarily overlooked their problematic and unexamined claim that the film shares the cultural authority of science. Furthermore, where critics of the ID readings might have challenged this claim, they often replicated it instead. This overarching failure critically to assess the status of the film's scientific authority may have resulted from audience expectations about the genre of wildlife films, the advertising strategy of the film's US distributors, and structural ambiguities within the film concerning its status as a scientific representation.  相似文献   

Understanding of the psychology of tyranny is dominated by classic studies from the 1960s and 1970s: Milgram''s research on obedience to authority and Zimbardo''s Stanford Prison Experiment. Supporting popular notions of the banality of evil, this research has been taken to show that people conform passively and unthinkingly to both the instructions and the roles that authorities provide, however malevolent these may be. Recently, though, this consensus has been challenged by empirical work informed by social identity theorizing. This suggests that individuals'' willingness to follow authorities is conditional on identification with the authority in question and an associated belief that the authority is right.  相似文献   

An age related hospital service for elderly people was set up in Waltham Forest Health Authority to provide acute medical care when needed. Despite a reduction in the allocation of funds over the years 1982-4 the health authority increased the number of district general hospital beds available for elderly patients and improved home nursing services. The outcomes of the changes made were assessed against the aims of the service by using data from the Hospital Activity Analysis, SH3 returns, government population estimates, and yearly figures collected in our department. It is concluded that introducing an age related service in our health authority has benefited people aged over 65.  相似文献   

This study examines the politico-religious structure of Igbo mini states and the diverse factors that led to the end of sacred authority and the moral codes of governance in the mini states since the pre-colonial period. The study provides some insights into the consequences of the desacralization of authority, and offers some suggestions that may be helpful in the preservation of ancient Igbo political institutions and the moral values associated with them.  相似文献   

Bergkamp L 《Bioethics》1989,3(2):122-134
The rise of research ethics committees in Western Europe has accelerated since 1975 when the World Medical Association recommended that protocols for experiments involving human subjects be submitted to independent committees for consideration, comment, and guidance. This article describes the numbers, types, composition, function, authority, and problems of institutional, regional, and national research ethics committees in the Netherlands, Great Britain, West Germany, France, Switzerland, and Sweden. Among the problems are lack of authority to require ethical review, underrepresentation of nonmedical members, inconsistencies in definitions of and standards for human experimentation, and nonconsideration of the rights of investigators as well as subjects. The author urges legislation to strengthen the self regulating mechanism of research ethics committees.  相似文献   

In Malaysia, tissue banking activities began in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Tissue Bank in early 1990s. Since then a few other bone banks have been set up in other government hospitals and institutions. However, these banks are not governed by the national authority. In addition there is no requirement set by the national regulatory authority on coding and traceability for donated human tissues for transplantation. Hence, USM Tissue Bank has taken the initiatives to adopt a system that enables the traceability of tissues between the donor, the processed tissue and the recipient based on other international standards for tissue banks. The traceability trail has been effective and the bank is certified compliance to the international standard ISO 9001:2008.  相似文献   

Studies on the terminology of expert knowledge tend toneglect the relevance of sociological data, in spiteof general acceptance that knowledge and socialpractice are interdependent. This paper exploresexpert knowledge and practice by examining `styles ofknowing' and how they differ according to the ways inwhich experts establish their authority.For assessing medical authority in microsocialsettings, the author takes recourse to Weber's threeideal types. The study shows that for a charismatichealer who seeks to reach mutual consensus with hisclientele vagueness in terminology can beuseful. When, however, medical authority depends onrecognition by superiors and peers in modernbureaucratic institutions, vague terms tend to beavoided. So, the same term that a charismatic healermay refer to in a vague sense becomes more explicitlydefined in the bureaucratic setting. Its sense ismore clearly delimited and denotationalqualities are emphasized. In institutions wheretraditional authority prevails, like those of theliterate elite in highly stratified traditionalsocieties, the technical terminology is not onlyvague, but notoriously polysemous.The article draws on ethnographic data of Chinesemedicine and qigong therapy as practised in thelate eighties in Kunming city, the capital of Yunnanprovince in the People's Republic of China, but it ismeant to contribute in a more general way to anexploration of the ways in which claims to medicalauthority interrelate with word meaning, language use,and `styles of knowing'. The term investigated,shen, refers to the spiritual, a domain of humanexperience that is widely acknowledged by traditionalmedical practitioners, but difficult to evaluate bysociological analysis.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the roles of ecological and economic information in the political and legal matrix of international fisheries. An argument is made for vesting exclusive management authority in a monopoly subject to a constraint that stocks not be depleted beyond the point of economic restitution. It is suggested that an appropriate authority be chosen by the criterion of the closest merging of ecological, economic, sociological, and political self‐interests. The reallocation of fishing effort by market dealings rather than by governmental negotiations is visualized as a means to reduce international conflicts over fishing rights. Precedents for the various elements of this model and the dangers inherent in it are discussed.  相似文献   

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