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Titlyanov  E. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):383-387
Light adaptation and photosynthetic productivity were studied in common reef-building corals on islands of the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. When light is attenuated, both in shade and at depth, adaptations by zooxanthellae permit maximal absorption and utilization of light. Better utilization of incident light in shade-dwelling and deep-water coral forms is reflected by higher values of gross photosynthesis on the plateau and linear portion of the photosynthesis-irradiance curve. It was shown that outer branches of reef-building corals are autotrophic in a major part of their light-range distribution and have a high and stable level of primary production.  相似文献   

The relative activity of Photosystems (PS) I and II in the spectral range between 400 and 720 nm was studied by measuring photosynthetic energy storage (ES) of an intact sugar maple leaf using photoacoustic spectroscopy. ES, determined with a modulated (80 Hz) monochromatic light beam in the presence of saturating intensity of background non-modulated white light, indicated the total energy stored by both photosystems (EST). Using background far-red light, ES of PS I (ESPS I) was quantified. ESPS II was derived from EST-ESPS I. EST dependence on intensity and wavelength of modulated light was studied at 470, 560, 640 and 680 nm. EST was maximum in red light and minimum in blue light. It decreased with an increase in modulated light intensity. The ratio ESPS II/ESPS I, measured at 640 nm, remained nearly constant with an increase in modulated light intensity. The relative quantum yield of EST spectrum showed two peaks around 610 and 660 nm, and declined sharply after 680 nm, revealing a clear red drop. ESPS I spectrum presented peaks around 610 and 670 nm, and a minimum between 440 and 470 nm. ESPS I was observed beyond 700 nm up to 720 nm, indicating the energy stored by cyclic electron transport. ESPS II spectrum showed broad peaks, around 460, 490, 600 and 660 nm, and a shoulder between 530 and 560 nm. ESPS II was always higher than ESPS I between 400 and 690 nm and reached zero around 700 nm.Abbreviations ES energy storage - ESPS I energy storage of PS I - ESPS II energy storage of PS II - EST energy storage of PS I and PS II - PA photoacoustic - PS I Photosystem I - PS II Photosystem II - Qm PA signal in the absence of any background light - Qma PA signal in the presence of background white light - Qmfrl PA signal in the presence of background far-red light - S/N signal to noise  相似文献   

Physiological properties of the temperate hermatypic coral Acropora pruinosa Brook with symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) on the southern coast of the Izu Peninsula, Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan, were compared between summer and winter. Photosynthesis and respiration rates of the coral with symbiotic zooxanthellae were measured in summer and winter under controlled temperatures and irradiances with a differential gasvolumeter (Productmeter). Net photosynthetic rate under all irradiances was higher in winter than in summer at the lower range of temperature (12–20°C), while lower than in summer at the higher range of temperature (20–30°C). The optimum temperature for net photosynthesis was apt to fall with the decrease of irradiance both in summer and winter, whereas it was higher in summer than in winter under each irradiance. At 25/ 50/100 μmol photons nr2 s?1, it was nearly the sea‐water temperature in each season. Dark respiration rate was higher in winter than in summer, especially in the range from 20–30°C. In both seasons the optimum temperature for gross photosynthesis was 28°C under 400 μmol photons nr2 s?1 and lowered with decreasing irradiance up to 22°C under 25 μmol photons nr2 s?1 in summer, while 20°C under the same irradiance in winter. The optimum temperature for production/respiration (P/R) ratio was higher in summer than in winter under each irradiance. Results indicated that metabolism of coral and zooxanthellae is adapted to ambient temperature condition under nearly natural irradiance in each season.  相似文献   

Summary Depth-dependent photoadaptational responses of the Red Sea zooxanthellate coral (Leptoseris fragilis) were studied down to 160 m from the research submersible GEO. Light saturation curves for photosynthesis revealed, with I C=1-2, I K=10.9 and I sat=20 E·cm–2·sec–1, the lowest values of photokinetic parameters ever reported for a symbiotic coral. In summer, positive net production occurs only around noon at approx. 100m depth. Biomass parameters of corals at 100–135 m are negatively correlated with depth in algal cell density, protein, chlorophyll and carotenoid but not in pigment ratios or cell based pigment content. Coral size decreased with depth. Corals transplanted from 110–120 m original depth to 40, 70, 90 and 160 m showed high survival after one year. O2-production and dark O2-uptake increased with decreasing transplantation depth. After one year, transplants at 70 and 90 m but not at 40 m had higher algae density and pigment concentrations. The host light-harvesting systems described by Schlichter, Fricke and Weber (1986) are partially destroyed in 40 m but not in 70 and 90 m transplants. Different light exposures alter P-I-responses (P max, I C, I K, I sat) but not biomass parameters, indicating molecular or biochemical adaptation. The coraal's optimal light fields lie between 70 to 90 m. Its exceptional bathymetric distribution is linked with the newly discovered host light-harvesting systems which probably enhance photosynthetic performance in a dim environment.  相似文献   

水稻冠层光合有效辐射的时空分布特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以2个不同株型水稻品种为材料,设置高、中、低3个施氮水平,利用SunScan冠层分析仪于灌浆期系统测定了不同施氮水平下不同株型水稻品种植株形态和冠层内光合有效辐射(PAR)的时空分布状况.结果表明:施氮量对水稻株高、穗弯曲度和茎叶夹角有明显影响;群体叶面积的垂直分布呈中部>上部>下部的分布特征,最大分层叶面积指数(LAI)出现在0.60相对高度处.冠层内平均PAR透光率从顶部向下递减,且在冠层上中部递减迅速,下部递减缓慢;平均PAR透光率随施氮量的增加而递减;平均PAR透光率日变化表现为早晚较低,中午较高;平均PAR透光率随向下累积LAI的增加呈指数递减,群体消光系数K的日变化表现为早晚较高,中午较低,灌浆期的K值介于0.35~0.50.水稻冠层内PAR的三维空间分布表现为冠层上中部水平面上PAR透光率高,光斑面积大;下部水平面上PAR透光率低,光斑少;同一冠层高度水平面上的PAR光强呈不均匀分布.株型紧凑的水稻品种,冠层透光率高,透光率日变化大,群体消光系数小.  相似文献   

以涠洲岛造礁石珊瑚群落为研究对象,分析其群落物种组成、多样性、Raunkiaer频度和种间Spearman轶相关,探讨群落组成与水环境因子的相关性,并结合近10年来涠洲岛造礁石珊瑚变化情况,找出涠洲岛造礁石珊瑚群落的主导影响因素。结果表明:(1)近10年来涠洲岛造礁石珊瑚覆盖率显著降低,珊瑚形态组成趋于块状化,尽管珊瑚群落多样性较高,但群落分布较松散,群落结构较不稳定,部分优势种种间竞争较激烈。(2)悬浮物含量是影响石珊瑚群落最显著的环境因子。石珊瑚优势种群在不同水深中分布差异显著,泥沙覆盖率、营养盐对不同石珊瑚种群影响差异较大,大型海藻覆盖率在局部区域对优势珊瑚形成较强的竞争关系。(3)营养盐和泥沙沉积物的增加与涠洲岛近海养殖业及生活排污、海岸工程及海岸侵蚀密切相关。  相似文献   

为明确行距和播种量对冬小麦冠层光合有效辐射(PAR)垂直分布、生物量和籽粒产量的影响,在不增加水肥等投入的基础上,设置等行距(R1,20 cm+20 cm)、宽窄行(R2,12 cm+12 cm+12 cm+24 cm)两种行距方式和低(D1,120 kg· hm-2)、中(D2,157.5 kg·hm-2)、高(D3...  相似文献   

A simple top-down model of canopy photosynthesis (P) was developed and tested in this study. The model (referred to as the Qe-MM model) is P = αQ e P max/(αQ e + P max), α and P max are quantum-use efficiency and potential P, respectively. Q e is given by Q d 0 + kQ b 0, where Q d 0 and Q b 0 are the diffuse and direct photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) incident on the canopy, respectively. Q e can be considered to be the effective incident PAR contributing to P and k is a measure of the contribution of Q b 0 to Q e. When k = 1, the Qe-MM model becomes the regular Michaelis-Menten type model of P (referred to as the MM model). A major objective of this study was to determine how well the Qe-MM model could estimate P of a 56-year-old coastal Douglas-fir stand. To this end, we parameterized the Qe-MM model using five and half years of eddy-covariance measurements of CO2 flux above the Douglas-fir stand. The Qe-MM model, with the incorporation of a function of air temperature, accounted for 74% of the variance in over 34,000 half-hourly P measurements. P estimated using the Qe-MM model had no systematic errors with respect to Q d 0. Although the Qe-MM model has only one more parameter than the MM model, it accounted for 30% more variance in P than the latter when total incident PAR exceeded 900 μmol m−2 s−1. On average, k was found to be 0.22. We show that this small value of k reflects the significant effect of the scattering of the solar beam and the fraction of light-limited sunlit leaves. We also show that the success of the Qe-MM model was due to the fact that a large fraction of the sunlit leaves were light-limited as a result of their orientation to the solar beam.  相似文献   

The success of coral reefs is due to obligate mutualistic symbioses involving invertebrates and photosynthetic dinoflagellate symbionts belonging to the genus Symbiodinium. In the Caribbean, the vast majority of octocorals and other invertebrate hosts associate with Symbiodinium clade B, and more selectively, with a single lineage of this clade, Symbiodinium B1/B184. Although B1/B184 represents the most prevalent Symbiodinium in the Caribbean, there is little evidence supporting fine-scale diversity and host-alga specificity within this lineage. We explored simultaneously the questions of diversity and specificity in Symbiodinium B1/B184 by sequencing the flanking regions of two polymorphic microsatellites from a series of Symbiodinium clade B cultures along with Symbiodinium B1/B184 populations of the octocorals Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae, P. bipinnata and Gorgonia ventalina. Seven unique sequence variants were identified based on concatenation of the two loci. Phylogenetic analyses of these variants, which we refer to as phylotypes, recognized five as belonging to B1/B184, thus providing the first evidence of distinct taxa within this Symbiodinium lineage. Furthermore, sympatric P. elisabethae and P. bipinnata at San Salvador in the Bahamas were found to harbour distinct Symbiodinium B1/B184 phylotypes, demonstrating unequivocally the existence of fine-scale specificity between Caribbean octocorals and these algae. Taken together, this study exemplifies the complex nature of Symbiodinium biodiversity and specificity.  相似文献   

The composition of fatty acids (FAs) of symbiotic dinoflagellates isolated from the hermatypic coral Echinoporal lamellosa adapted to the irradiance of 95, 30, 8, and 2% PAR was studied. Polar lipids and triacylglycerols (TAG) differed between them in FA composition. Polar lipids were enriched in unsaturated FAs, whereas TAG, in saturated FAs. Light exerted a substantial influence on the FA composition in both polar lipids and TAG. The elevation of irradiance resulted in the accumulation of 16:0 acid in both lipid groups and 16:1(n-7) acid in TAG. It seems likely that de novo synthesis of 16:0 acid occurred actively in the cells of symbiotic dinoflagellates in high light. Since these processes are energy-consuming ones, they utilize excessive energy. When light intensity declined, 18:4(n-3) and 20:5(n-3) acids accumulated in polar lipids, which was accompanied by the increase in the content of chlorophyll a in the cells of zooxanthellae, whereas the levels of 22:6(n-3) and 20:4(n-6) acids reduced. Although the relative content of particular FAs varied substantially in dependence of irradiance, the balance between the sum of saturated and unsaturated FAs changed insignificantly. We concluded that the role of photoadaptation could not be limited only to changes in the degree of lipid unsaturation and membrane fluidity. It is supposed that light-induced changes in the FA composition reflect the interrelation between photosynthesis and FA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Photosynthetically active radiation (PhAR) is apparently the environmental factor having the greatest influence on leaf thickness for Plectranthus parviflorus Henckel (Labiatae). A four-fold increase in leaf thickness from 280 to 1170 μm occurred as the PhAR was raised from 1.3 to 32.5 mol m−2 day−1. Compared to a constant PhAR of 2.5 mol m−2 day−1, a PhAR of 32.5 mol m−2 day−1 for one week during the first week (with return to 2.5 mol m−2 day−1 during the second and third weeks) led to an increase in final leaf thickness by 323 μm (to 802 μm). When increased PhAR was applied during the second week the increase in final thickness over the control was 217 μm, and when increased PhAR was applied during the third week it was 99 μm. However, leaf thickness was not simply responding to total daily PhAR, since a leaf 450 μm thick could occur at a low instantaneous PhAR for a long daytime (total daily PhAR of 1.5 mol m−2 day−1) and at a high PhAR for a short daytime (4.5 mol m−2 day−1). Total daily CO2 uptake (net photosynthesis) was approximately the same in the two cases, suggesting that this is an important factor underlying the differences in leaf thickness. Leaf thickness is physiologically important, since thicker leaves tend to have greater mesophyll surface area per unit leaf area ( A mes/ A ) and hence higher photosynthetic rates.  相似文献   

长白山红松针阔叶混交林林下光合有效辐射的基本特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用长白山红松针阔叶混交林连续3年的光合有效辐射(PAR)观测数据,与林冠上方PAR值相对比,分析了林冠下5个不同水平位置探头的PAR时空特征.结果表明:林木冠层上方的PAR日总量年变化呈双峰甚至多峰趋势,主要受降水和云雾等天气状况的影响;林下PAR日总量年变化表现为非生长季与冠层上方变化趋势一致,在生长季数值较小且趋于稳定.典型晴天时林下5个探头的PAR值在时间和大小分布上有较大差异.在空间变化上,非生长季林下PAR变异系数较小,约为0.15;生长季的变异系数较大,在0.22以上,最高值在8月.生长季典型晴天太阳高度角为38°~48°区间(9:00—10:00和13:00—14:00)时,林下PAR空间变化较大.  相似文献   

The photochemical efficiency of symbiotic dinoflagellates within the tissues of two reef‐building corals in response to normal and excess irradiance at water temperatures < 30 °C were investigated using pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. Dark‐adapted Fv/Fm showed clear diurnal changes, decreasing to a low at solar noon and increasing in the afternoon. However, Fv/Fm also drifted downwards at night or in prolonged darkness, and increased rapidly during the early morning twilight. This parameter also increased when the oxygen concentration of the water holding the corals was increased. Such changes have not been described previously, and most probably reflect state transitions associated with PQ pool reduction via chlororespiration. These unusual characteristics may be a feature of an endosymbiotic environment, reflective of the well‐documented night‐time tissue hypoxia that occurs in corals. Fv/Fm decreased to 0·25 in response to full sunlight in shade‐acclimated (shade) colonies of Stylophora pistillata, which is considerably lower than in light‐acclimated (sun) colonies. In sun colonies, the reversible decrease in Fv/Fm was caused by a lowering of Fm and Fo suggesting photoprotection and no lasting damage. The decrease in Fv/Fm, however, was caused by a decrease in Fm and an increase in Fo in shade colonies suggesting photoinactivation and long‐term cumulative photoinhibition. Shade colonies rapidly lost their symbiotic algae (bleached) during exposure to full sunlight. This study is consistent with the hypothesis that excess light leads to chronic damage of symbiotic dinoflagellates and their eventual removal from reef‐building corals. It is significant that this can occur with high light conditions alone.  相似文献   

The respective ratio of photosynthetically active to ultraviolet radiation is of crucial importance to results obtained in ultraviolet (UV)‐research on photoautotrophic organisms. Specimens of the green macroalga Ulva lactuca L. were exposed to a constant irradiance of UV‐radiation at increasing irradiances of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The effects of experimental irradiance and spectral composition on photoinhibition of photosynthesis and its recovery were monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and the activity of the xanthophyll cycle was assessed by high performance liquid chromatography‐(HPLC) based pigment analysis. Results indicate a UV‐induced delay in recovery from PAR‐induced photoinhibition and a deceleration of violaxanthin conversion within the xanthophyll cycle due to the presence of UV‐radiation. Also the concentration of the protective pigment lutein increased considerably and could be indicative of the existence of an additional light‐protective mechanism, as, for example, the lutein‐epoxid cycle in Ulva. In total, results clearly show that the extent of UV‐induced inhibition of photosynthesis to be found in UV‐exposure experiments is highly dependent on the irradiance of background photosynthetically active radiation: with increasing irradiance of PAR the UV‐effects were diminished. Exemplified by the green algae Ulva lactuca this study demonstrates the crucial importance of the ratios of PAR:UV applied in UV‐research, particularly when conducting laboratory experiments in an ecological context.  相似文献   

Reef corals harbouring clade D Symbiodinium spp. (endosymbiotic dinoflagellates) appear more tolerant of environmental stress. As sea surface temperatures rise, symbioses involving Symbiodinium D may increase in prevalence. For this reason, eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for clade D Symbiodinium. From the analysis of 132 samples originating from cnidarian hosts in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, 4 to 35 alleles were found at each haploid locus and diversity indices ranged from 0.35 to 0.97. Population genetic analyses of these symbionts should reveal how environmental perturbations affect genetic diversity, geographical distributions, and possible host-range expansions to new coral species.  相似文献   

1. We surveyed eighty-five lakes located in the Adirondack Mountain Region of New York State, U.S.A., to characterize the attenuation of photosynthetically active (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in relation to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and pH. Attenuation of PAR was quantified in situ . Attenuation was also inferred by measuring the light absorption of filtered lake water samples at wavelengths (300, 340 and 440 nm) representing UV-B, UV-A and PAR.
2. Substantial variation in transparency was observed among lakes in this region. Attenuation depths ( z 1%) for PAR ranged from 0.5 to greater than 20 m, while inferred values for UV-B and UV-A ranged from a few centimetres to > 5 m. Median values of UV-A penetration (0.75 m) and UV-B penetration (0.45 m) corresponded to 11% (UV-A) and 6% (UV-B) of lake maximum depth.
3. Much of the variation in PAR and UVR attenuation was explained by differences in lake DOC. Univariate power models based solely on DOC accounted for 85% (PAR), 90% (UV-A) and 91% (UV-B) of the variation in absorption.
4. Attenuation and absorption coefficients were generally lower for recently acidified lakes compared to acidic and circumneutral lakes which have not undergone recent acidification. However, differences among these three groups of lakes were not statistically significant. Our results suggest that the effects of acidification on the optical properties of a regional population of lakes, even in an area experiencing widespread acidification, are relatively subtle in comparison with other factors contributing to inter-lake variability.
5. The presence of near-shore wetlands is probably a key factor influencing regional variability in DOC and light climate among Adirondack lakes. Temporal variability in climatic factors influencing wetland DOC production and export may mask more subtle influences on lake DOC associated with anthropogenic acidification.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A number of strawberry varieties were surveyed for their total ellagic acid concentration, and attempts were made to determine if ellagic acid and ascorbic acid concentrations of two strawberry cultivars could be increased by polythene reflective mulches. METHODS: After adjusting crop yields and cultivation using polythene mulches with two different PAR reflective capacities, field- and polytunnel-grown strawberries were analysed for ellagic acid and ascorbic acid concentrations by HPLC. Comparative measurements of yield and fruit quality were determined along with plant developmental changes. KEY RESULTS: Ellagic acid concentration varied widely with strawberry cultivar (60-341 microg g(-1) frozen weight), as did the ratio of conjugated ellagic acid : free ellagic acid. Also, there was significant year-to-year variation in total ellagic acid concentration with some cultivars. Mulches with different reflective capacities impacted on strawberry production; highly reflective mulches significantly increased growth and yield, the latter due to increases in fruit size and number. CONCLUSIONS: Highly reflective mulches significantly increased total concentrations of ellagic acid and ascorbic acid relative to control in fruit of different cultivars. The potential of agronomic practices to enhance the concentration and amounts of these important dietary bioactive compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

Whereas terrestrial animal populations might show genetic connectivity within a continent, marine species, such as hermatypic corals, may have connectivity stretching to all corners of the planet. We quantified the genetic variability within and among populations of the widespread scleractinian coral, Plesiastrea versipora along the eastern Australian seaboard (4145 km) and the Ryukyu Archipelago (Japan, 681 km) using sequences of internal transcribed spacers (ITS1-2) from ribosomal DNA. Geographic patterns in genetic variability were deduced from a nested clade analysis (NCA) performed on a parsimony network haplotype. This analysis allowed the establishment of geographical associations in the distribution of haplotypes within the network cladogram, therefore allowing us to deduce phylogeographical patterns based under models of restricted gene flow, fragmentation and range expansion. No significant structure was found among Ryukyu Archipelago populations. The lack of an association between the positions of haplotypes in the cladogram with geographical location of these populations may be accounted for by a high level of gene flow of P. versipora within this region, probably due to the strong Kuroshio Current. In contrast, strong geographical associations were apparent among populations of P. versipora along the south-east coast of Australia. This pattern of restricted genetic connectivity among populations of P. versipora on the eastern seaboard of Australia seems to be associated with the present surface ocean current (the East Australian Current) on this side of the south-western Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Here we report primers targeting 10 microsatellite loci of dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium (clade B1/B184) symbiotic with the Caribbean sea fan coral, Gorgonia ventalina. Primers were tested on 12 Symbiodinium B1/B184 cultures, as well as 40 genomic DNA extracts of G. ventalina tissue samples. All loci were polymorphic with allelic richness ranging from 4-16. Gene diversity ranged from 0.15 to 0.91. These primers provide powerful tools for examining the fine-scale population structure and dynamics of Symbiodinium within a single host species.  相似文献   

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