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Eight monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against human red cells were produced by macaque-mouse heterohybridomas. All Mabs uniformly reacted with all human red blood cells tested, but only some agglutinated the red cells of anthropoid apes occasionally detecting intraspecies polymorphisms. None was reactive with blood of Old and New World monkeys. One of the Mabs recognized the Vc antigen of the chimpanzee V-A-B-D system, the homologue of the human M-N blood group system.  相似文献   

It was not possible to demonstrate Xga on the erythrocytes of any of 140 rhesus monkeys of both sexes tested with human antiserum rendered specific for Xga by absorption.  相似文献   

This study was performed to evaluate the application of different lectins and monoclonal antibodies against ABH antigens to detect and characterize carbohydrate structures in capillaries of skeletal muscle from humans and laboratory animals. Blood group specific lectins (Griffonia simplicifolia, Griffonia simplicifolia isolectin B4,Lotus tetragonlobus, Ulex europaeus, andDolichos biflorus) and monoclonal antibodies reacting with histo-blood group carbohydrate antigens belonging to type 1 (Lea) and type 2 (H, A and Ley) chains were used as histological markers for capillaries in sections from skeletal muscle. The material consisted of 20 human masseter muscle biopsies from individuals with known blood types: (eight blood group O, nine blood group A, two blood group B, and one blood group AB) and masseter muscles specimens from different laboratory animals (mouse, rat, rabbit, cat, dog, pig, cow, and macaca monkey). Unfixed sections and an avidin alkaline phosphatase method were used to visualize the specific reaction.Ulex lectin stained capillaries in all human biopsies either strongly or moderately. Strong muscle capillary reaction was observed in biopsies from O, B and AB individuals while capillaries from A individuals were only moderately stained.Griffonia simplicifolia marked capillaries in A, B, and AB individuals andGriffonia simplicifolia isolectin B4 stained capillaries in muscle biopsies from B and AB donors.Dolichos biflorus was a weak marker of muscle capillaries from A individuals. Only capillaries from O individuals were stained with the antibody against H type 2. Capillary reaction was not observed with the other antibodies used.Girffonia simplicifolia was an excellent marker for capillaries in mouse muscle whileGriffonia simplicifolia isolectin B4 is recommended for rat muscles. Periodic acid treatment and subsequentLotus tetragonolobus staining is suitable to visualize capillaries in mouse, rat and pig muscle. Using a sensitive histochemical technique for staining with lectins and monoclonal antibodies reacting with blood group related antigens the microvascular density in human skeletal muscle may be estimated. Further, the carbohydrate compounds in the muscle capillaries reflect the individual blood type. A selection of lectins is suitable for demonstration of capillaries in animal skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Dysfunction of T lymphocytes is well documented in HIV-1-infected individuals; however, the mechanisms responsible for the noted dysfunction are not well understood. CD40L is an important costimulatory molecule that helps initiate immune responses, and there is controversy regarding whether or not expression of CD40L is compromised in HIV-1-infected individuals. We have utilized the SIV infection of experimentally infected (disease-susceptible) and naturally infected (disease-resistant) nonhuman primates as animal models of human AIDS to address this issue. Little is known concerning the expression of CD40L in nonhuman primates. Studies were conducted to determine the frequency, density, phenotype, and kinetics of CD40L expression by in vitro activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from different species of uninfected and SIV-infected monkeys. Data obtained show marked differences in the density and phenotypic lineage that expresses CD40L in lymphoid cells from the three species examined. However, no detectable differences were noted in the frequency and density of CD40L expression by in vitro activated lymphoid cells from uninfected and SIV-infected disease-susceptible rhesus macaques and seropositive as compared to seronegative disease-resistant sooty mangabeys. These data suggest that phenotypic expression of CD40L is not compromised due to SIV infection.  相似文献   

Spleen and peritoneal cells from unimmunized BALB/c mice were cultured in the presence of LPS for 24 hr and fused to produce hybridomas secreting antibodies against bromelain-treated mouse erythrocytes (BrMRBC). Three clones from spleen cells and eight clones from peritoneal cells were isolated and characterized further. All the monoclonal antibodies had IgMK isotype. Their reactivities against untreated and bromelain-treated erythrocytes from various species were assessed by hemolysis and indirect radioimmunoassay; all the clones had similar antigen specificities. On the isoelectric focussing patterns of light chains, they were separated into two groups, two and nine clones, and all the light chains in each group showed identical patterns. The two groups shared no common idiotope detectable by anti-idiotype antibodies prepared by immunization of rabbits with the monoclonal antibodies, but all the antibodies in each group shared common idiotopes. In each group, one antibody had a unique idiotope different from any other antibody, but eight antibodies in a group shared another identical idiotope. These findings suggest the restricted heterogeneity of anti-BrMRBC antibodies in the mouse.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolution of the Rh blood-group system in anthropoid apes, New and Old World monkeys, and nonprimate animals, serologic typing of erythrocytes from these species with antibodies specific for the human Rh blood-group antigens was performed. In addition, genomic DNA from these animals was analyzed on Southern blots with a human Rh-specific cDNA.Consistent with earlier reports, serologic results showed that gorilla and chimpanzee erythrocytes had epitopes recognized by human Rh D and c antisera, and gibbon erythrocytes were recognized by the c antisera. Surprisingly, some Old and New World monkeys also expressed a Rh c epitope on their erythrocytes. No erythrocytes from the nonprimate animals reacted specifically with any of the human Rh antisera.Southern blot analysis with a human Rh-specific cDNA probe detected Rh-related sequences in anthropoid apes, all New and Old World monkeys, and in most nonprimate animals tested. Although some Rh-related restriction fragments were conserved across species lines in primates, the Rh locus was more polymorphic in chimpanzees and gorillas than in humans. In addition, restriction fragments segregating with the presence of the D antigen in humans were present in the primate species that expressed the D antigen.  相似文献   

Lindl T 《Cytotechnology》1996,21(3):183-193
This article describes the current status in the development of human monoclonal antibodies. Over the last ten years a lot of information about the human immune system has emerged. Combining these with the many new (bio-)technologies it is plausible that the long awaited breakthrough of this technology is close. This paper focuses on the classical cell-biological methods of achieving stable, antibody-producing human cell lines via cell fusion methods or virus derived transformations of human B-lymphocytes, as well as genetic engineering methods e.g. DNA libraries or phage display technology. The available in vitro immunization methods are critically reviewed and their impact on this topic is discussed. Therapeutic applications for cancer treatment or passive immunization against infectious diseases with antibodies derived by both ways are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Summary Five monoclonal antibodies reacting with intracellular constituents of Purkinje cells were investigated by means of indirect immunofluorescence on fresh-frozen sections of the cerebellum and retina from developing and adult normal and mutant mice. Antibodies PC1, PC2 and PC3, which recognize Purkinje cells, but no other cerebellar neuron type, label these cells from day 4 onward. PC4 antigen is expressed in addition to Purkinje cells also in granule cells and neurons of deep cerebellar nuclei and appears in Purkinje cells at day 4. M1 antigen (Lagenaur et al. 1980) is first detectable in Purkinje cell bodies by day 5; it is also detectable in deep cerebellar neurons. In the adult retina, only PC4 antigen is detectably expressed and is localized in the inner segments of photoreceptor cells.The neurological mutants weaver, reeler,jimpy and wobbler show detectable levels of these antigens in Purkinje cells. However, the mutants staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration are abnormal in expression PC1, PC2, PC3, and M1 antigens. Staggerer never starts to express the antigens during development, whereas Purkinje cell degeneration first expresses the antigens, but then loses antigen expression after day 23. PC4 antigen is detectable in the remaining Purkinje cells in staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration mice at all ages tested in this study. Deep cerebellar neurons are positive for both antigens, PC4 and M1, in all mutants and at all ages studied. In retinas of staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration mutants, PC4 antigen is normally detectable in the inner segments of photoreceptor cells, even when these have started to degenerate in the case of Purkinje cell degeneration.  相似文献   

Established lymphoblastoid cell lines and normal peripheral blood lymphocytes were examined for their ability to induce fibrinolysis, a property associated with oncogenic transformation, using a 3H-fibrin plate technique. Fibrinolytic activity showed serum preferences with dog serum being most active. Most cell lines (14/18) induced greater than 40% release, while normal lymphocytes were generally less active. Only one cell line tested released plasminogen activator into the medium. No correlation was shown between fibrinolytic activity and growth in soft agar. Normal rhesus lymphocytes showed fibrinolytic activity in B cell-enriched populations with no evidence of interaction between B cells and T cells.  相似文献   

Melanomas and other cancers of neuroectodermal origin express multiple cell-surface gangliosides in patterns that vary significantly even within the same tumor type. Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against four of these gangliosides (GM2, GD2, 9-O-acetyl-GD3 and GD3) were tested alone and in combination on 14 tumor cell lines (7 melanomas, 3 neuroblastomas, 3 sarcomas and 1 astrocytoma) using flow cytometry and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) assays. Increased tumor cell recognition and CDC resulting from the combination of three or four mAb were found in 14/14 tested cell lines, and this was most striking when each mAb was used at suboptimal concentration. At these concentrations, the average mean fluorescence intensity of the 14 cell lines with individual mAb was between 3.0 and 6.8 and increased to 10.8 and 18.8 with the three- and four-mAb mixtures. The average percentage CDC-specific release with individual mAb was 2.0%–8.3%, and 12.3% and 16.6% with the three- and four-mAb combinations. The number of cell lines showing significant mean fluorescence intensity and CDC increased from 2–8/14 with single mAb to 13–14/14 with the mixtures of three or four mAb. Our experimental results support the rationale for active immunization with a polyvalent ganglioside vaccine or passive therapy with a combination of mAb to different gangliosides in patients with tumors of neuroectodermal origin. In addition, our studies have demonstrated that 9-O-acetyl-GD3 is a surprisingly effective target for immune attack, although it is a minor constituent of these cells.  相似文献   

Three human differentiation antigens (MU78, MT334, and MQ49) have been defined by mouse monoclonal antibodies developed from mice immunized with ovarian carcinoma cell lines. Their distribution was determined on 148 cultured cell lines of various histologic types and on frozen sections of 16 normal tissues. MU78 was found in fibrillar structures in soft connective tissue with a distribution resembling that of elastin fibers; however, elastin fibers in elastic cartilage and in the aorta were nonreactive. MU78 was detected in cultured carcinoma cells of various histologic types, where it had a nonfibrillar, cytoplasmic distribution, but was not detected in normal epithelial cells in frozen sections. Cultured fibroblasts, astrocytomas, melanomas, and lymphomas did not contain MU78. In cell lines, MU78 appears to be a protein of 2000-5000 daltons. The other two antigens, MT334 and MQ49, are both mucin-like molecules, and the determinants are probably carbohydrate in nature. Of the normal tissues examined, MT334 was detected only in goblet cells of the colon, though it was present in a variety of carcinomas in culture. It was detected as both a cytoplasmic and secreted component. MQ49 was detected in various secretory epithelial cells, in Hassall's corpuscles in the thymus, and in cultured carcinomas of various histologic types. It was found on the cell surface as well as in the cytoplasm and is present on a glycolipid as well as on a sulfated mucin. These results, and results of other recent studies, demonstrate the importance of mucin-like molecules as antigens in epithelial cells and secretions.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that canine erythrocytes express the P2X7 receptor, and that the function and expression of this receptor is greatly increased compared with human erythrocytes. Using 86Rb+ (K+) and organic cation flux measurements, we further compared P2X7 in erythrocytes and mononuclear leukocytes from these species. Concentration response curves of BzATP- and ATP-induced 86Rb+ efflux demonstrated that canine P2X7 was less sensitive to inhibition by extracellular Na+ ions compared to human P2X7. In contrast, canine and human P2X7 showed a similar sensitivity to the P2X7 antagonists KN-62 and Mg2+. KN-62 and Mg2+ also inhibited ATP-induced choline+ uptake into canine and human erythrocytes. BzATP and ATP but not ADP or NAD induced ethidium+ uptake into canine monocytes, T- and B-cells. ATP-induced ethidium+ uptake was twofold greater in canine T-cells compared to canine B-cells and monocytes. KN-62 inhibited the ATP-induced ethidium+ uptake in each cell type. P2X7-mediated uptake of organic cations was 40- and fivefold greater in canine erythrocytes and lymphocytes (T- and B-cells), respectively, compared to equivalent human cell types. In contrast, P2X7 function was threefold lower in canine monocytes compared to human monocytes. Thus, P2X7 activation can induce the uptake of organic cations into canine erythrocytes and mononuclear leukocytes, but the relative levels of P2X7 function differ to that of equivalent human cell types.  相似文献   

Aggregation of intramembrane particles of human erythrocytes was found to be induced by HVJ (Sendai virus) under conditions which lead to cell fusion. Degree of polyerythrocyte formation was compared under a variety of conditions with extent of cluster formation observed with the same preparations. Both structural changes of the membranes, ie, fusion and clustering of the particles, behaved very similarly under widely different virus-to-cell ratios and over the time course of cell fusion. Furthermore, by inclusion of high concentrations of antispectrin antibodies within the ghosts, inhibition of clustering of intramembrane particles and hindrance of virus-induced cell fusion were found to occur simultaneously. Antibodies by themselves did not induce aggregation of particles under isotonic conditions, whereas particle clustering could be induced under hypotonic conditions at antibody concentrations causing partial cross-linking of spectrin molecules. In conclusion, clustering of intramembrane particles seems to be required for virus-induced fusion of human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to stain snap frozen and fixed Macaca fascicularis peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) preparations and colon sections assuming that monoclonal mouse anti-human lymphocyte and class II major histocompatibility complex antigen antibodies would cross-react with the monkey counterparts to the human antigens. Most of the monoclonals used in this study did not stain the monkey frozen and fixed tissues in immunoenzymatic protocols despite adequate staining of control human tissues. The fact that snap frozen Macaca fascicularis PBMCs and tissue sections were not always stained is of practical importance for experimental design in Macaca fascicularis using anti-human reagents.  相似文献   

The patterns of cross-reaction of 30 monoclonal antibodies and three lectins were determined by ELISA with 21 ABH, Ii or Lewis related synthetic oligosaccharides coupled to bovine serum albumin. At least seven main groups of cross-reactive patterns were identified among the antibodies, plus several intermediate patterns between two of the main antibody groups. The three lectins had different cross-reaction patterns,Galactia tenuiflora was different from all the antibodies,Ulex europaeus lectin 1 andLotus tetragonolobus were similar, but not identical to groups III and V of antibodies respectively. The anti-H antibodies cross-reacting with A type 2 gave similar agglutination scores with all the normal ABO erythrocytes, while the anti-H antibodies not cross-reacting with A type 2 reacted with different scores: O>A2>A2B>B>A1>A1B>Oh, suggesting that these antibodies react better with the free H epitopes and do not recognize the H in A or B epitopes. Based on the ELISA and agglutination results and the lowest energy conformations of each oligosaccharide obtained by computer modelling, the most probable oligosaccharide surface areas recognized by each antibody main group are illustrated.  相似文献   

The molecular integrity of monoclonal antibodies (MCAB) produced by murine hybridoma cell line TB/C3 was studied in batch and continuous-flow cultures. In batch culture, one band of MCAB was detected initially by Western blotting of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels run under unreduced conditions, but heterogenous MCAB bands appeared as the culture aged. The latter were due to the degradation of MCAB by proteases active at the neutral pH of the culture. The deleterious effect of proteases was minimized in the continuous-flow cultures which were integrated for product recovery. The MCAB of high quality was purified over 26 days from a culture grown at a dilution rate of 0.025 h(-1) (experiment 1). However, at a lower dilution rate of 0.015 h(-1) (experiment 2), the integrity of MCAB was compromised after the initial 13 days of culture. This was shown to be due to the variation in the carbohydrate content of MCAB produced, as judged by the increased sialylation of heavy chains and the varied reactivity of MCAB with lectins (Maackia amurensis agglutinin, Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, and Datura stramonium agglutinin) as the age of the culture increased. The concentration of the purified MCAB samples by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (used normally) was usually higher than that estimated by absorbance at 280 nm. Best correlation between the two methods (ELISA-280 nm ratio of 1.02-1.25) was obtained with experiment 1 samples. This ratio increased in experiment 2 and batch culture samples as the heterogeneity of MCAB produced increased, being 1.03-2.94 and 2.53-4.62, respectively. Therefore, ELISA overestimated MCAB concentration when the molecular integrity of the latter was compromised. The ELISA-A(280) nm ratio might hence provide a useful indicator for assessing the quality of MCAB produced. Comparison of SDS-polyacrylamide gels stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R and silver showed that the former correlated better with the MCAB activity stain, whereas the silver stained both the protein- and carbohydrate-rich components. Comparison of the patterns produced with these two stains might therefore offer another parameter to monitor the overall integrity of MCAB produced. Finally, the data presented have important implications on the validity of using long-term and intensive cultures for generating MCAB because such cultures would be subjected to the additive effects reported for batch and continuous modes of growth. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Zola H  Swart B 《Cell research》2005,15(9):691-694
The 8^th International Workshop on Human Leucocyte Differentiation Antigens (chaired by HZ and managed by BS) was run over a 4-year period and culminated in a conference in December 2004. Here we review the achievements of the HLDA Workshops and provide links to information on CD molecules and antibodies against them, including the 93 new CDs assigned in the 8^th Workshop. We consider what remains to be achieved (including an estimate of the number of leucocyte surface molecules still to be discovered), and how the field can best move forward.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and reproducible method of fetal hepatoblast purification was established to investigate mechanisms controlling interactions between hepatoblasts and nonparenchymal cells during liver development. Because E-cadherin is exclusively expressed on the cell membrane of hepatoblasts, magnetic beads coated with monoclonal antibodies to an extracellular epitope of its molecule were used to purify hepatoblasts from a cell suspension prepared from 12.5-day fetal mouse livers. The purity and yield in the hepatoblast fraction prepared in our protocol were more than 90% and approximately 30%, respectively. The nonparenchymal fraction rarely contained hepatoblasts; the rate of hepatoblast contamination in this fraction was less than 1%. Separate cultures of these two fractions were compared with cocultures of both fractions. In culture of the hepatoblast fraction, hepatoblasts formed aggregates similar to a bunch of grapes via their loose adhesion, floating in the medium after 24 h, and dissociated into single cells from the aggregates after 120 h of culture. By contrast, in the mixed culture, the majority of hepatoblasts formed multicellular spheroids after 24 h, and these spheroids changed into monolayer cell sheets after 120 h of culture. The cells comprising these monolayer sheets abundantly expressed albumin and carbamoylphosphate synthase I. In the mixed culture, fibroblastic cells also proliferated extensively with spreading on glass slides and surrounded the hepatoblast or hepatocyte colonies. On the other hand, fibroblastic cells spreading on glass slides decreased gradually in cultures of the nonparenchymal cell fraction alone. These findings indicated that the coexistence of hepatoblasts and nonparenchymal cells may be essential for their mutual survival, proliferation, differentiation, and morphogenesis. The conditioned medium of fetal liver cell cultures could partially replace the effects of the nonparenchymal cells on hepatoblasts in vitro. Our isolation protocol for fetal mouse hepatoblasts using immunobeads can greatly facilitate studies on mechanisms of cell-cell interactions during liver development.  相似文献   

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