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A number of effects of weak combined (static and alternating) magnetic fields with an alternating component of tens and hundreds nT at a collinear static field of 42 μT, which is equivalent to the geomagnetic field, have been found: activation of fission and regeneration of planarians Dugesia tigrina, inhibition of the growth of the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice, stimulation of the production of the tumor necrosis factor by macrophages, decrease in the protection of chromatin against the action of DNase 1, and enhancement of protein hydrolysis in systems in vivo and in vitro. The frequency and amplitude ranges for the alternating component of weak combined magnetic fields have been determined at which it affects various biological systems. Thus, the optimal amplitude at a frequency of 4.4 Hz is 100 nT (effective value); at a frequency of 16.5 Hz, the range of effective amplitudes is broader, 150–300 nT; and at a frequency of 1 (0.5) Hz, it is 300 nT. The sum of close frequencies (e.g., 16 and 17 Hz) produces a similar biological effect as the product of the modulating (0.5 Hz) and carrying frequencies (16.5 Hz), which is explained by the ratio A = A 0sinω1 t + A 0sinω2 t = 2A 0sin(ω1 + ω2)t/2cos(ω1–ω2)t/2. The efficiency of magnetic signals with pulsations (the sum of close frequencies) is more pronounced than that of sinusoidal frequencies. These data may indicate the presence of several receptors of weak magnetic fields in biological systems and, as a consequence, a higher efficiency of the effect at the simultaneous adjustment to these frequencies by the field. Even with consideration of these facts, the mechanism of the biological action of weak combined magnetic fields remains still poorly understood.  相似文献   

Calcium (45Ca2+) efflux was studied from preloaded cortex in cats immobilized under local anesthesia, and exposed to a 3.0-mW/cm2 450-MHz field, sinusoidally amplitude modulated at 16 Hz modulation depth 85%). Tissue dosimetry showed a field of 33 V/m in the interhemispheric fissure (rate of energy deposition 0.29 W/kg). Field exposure lasted 60 min. By comparison with controls, efflux curves from field exposed brains were disrupted by waves of increased 45Ca2+ efflux. These waves were irregular in amplitude and duration, but many exhibited periods of 20-30 min. They continued into the postexposure period. Binomial probability analysis indicates that the field-exposed efflux curves constitute a different population from controls at a confidence level of 0.96. In about 70% of cases, initiation of field exposure was followed by increased end-tidal CO2 excretion for about 5 min. However, hypercapnea induced by hypoventilation did not elicit increased 45Ca2+ efflux. Thus this increase with exposure does not appear to arise as a secondary effect of raised cerebral CO2 levels. Radioactivity measurements in cortical samples after superfusion showed 45Ca2+ penetration at about 1.7 mm/hr, consistent with diffusion of the ion in free solution.  相似文献   

Effects of weak electromagnetic fields are considered on recently proposed covariant and generalized coupling models of global electrocortical activity. A method to calculate the ratio of components of signal velocities is given. First-order shift in frequencies is obtained in the presence of a weak, time-varying magnetic field.  相似文献   

Mechanism for action of electromagnetic fields on cells   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
A biophysical model for the action of oscillating electric fields on cells, presented by us before [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 272(3) (2000) 634-640], is extended now to include oscillating magnetic fields as well, extended to include the most active biological conditions, and also to explain why pulsed electromagnetic fields can be more active biologically than continuous ones. According to the present theory, the low frequency fields are the most bioactive ones. The basic mechanism is the forced-vibration of all the free ions on the surface of a cell's plasma membrane, caused by an external oscillating field. We have shown that this coherent vibration of electric charge is able to irregularly gate electrosensitive channels on the plasma membrane and thus cause disruption of the cell's electrochemical balance and function [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 272(3) (2000) 634-640]. It seems that this simple idea can be easily extended now and looks very likely to be able to give a realistic basis for the explanation of a wide range of electromagnetic field bioeffects.  相似文献   

The influence of modulated UHF-electromagnetic fields (low intensity) on calmodulin levels in several brain structures was studied. It was shown that UHF-electromagnetic fields influence calmodulin levels in the hypothalamus and sensorimotor cortex. Its effect depends on modulation regimes.  相似文献   

V M Sidorenko 《Biofizika》2001,46(3):500-504
By using the model conceptions of the dielectric polarization theory, a new mechanism for the effect of electromagnetic field was proposed. The model enables one to explain the experimentally observed influence of low-frequency weak electromagnetic field on biological objects. It was shown that, at the cellular and subcellular levels, an increase in the intensity of the electric component of external electromagnetic field can occur. The magnitude of this increase is determined by the ratio of the contributions of the medium polarization and the depolarizing factor (which depends on body shape) to the total effect. As a result of this increase, a potential comparable with intrinsic biological values can be generated on neuron membranes, which must elicit nervous and physiological responses of the organism.  相似文献   

Low frequency magnetic fields can influence biochemical reactions and consequently physiological rhythms and oscillations. To test this for a model reaction we used the chemical Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction, which is one of the simplest chemical oscillators. The oscillation frequency of the reaction was tracked optically by the absorption of blue light. Field treatment was carried out at room temperature in the middle of two Helmholtz coils. After starting the reaction, for 5 min the oscillations were monitored as control measurement, then during the next 10 min monitoring was with a magnetic field switched on, followed by a period of 5 min with the field switched off. A variety of exposure conditions have been tested: the frequency was varied between 5 and 1000 Hz, the field strength was varied up to 2.7 mT, different pulse shapes were used, the influence of the exposure temperature was tested, and the influence of the optimum exposure conditions (static magnetic field and the frequency of the dynamic field) as predicted by the ion parametric resonance (IPR) model has been measured. In conclusion, in no case any statistical significant influence of the magnetic treatment on the oscillation frequency of the BZ reaction could be detected (P > .05, t-test).  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief review of the physical interaction and bio-effects of exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) along with guidelines on limits of exposure to 50/60 Hz electric and magnetic fields.  相似文献   

The real possibility of the development of remote effects in people after longterm EMF-exposure was presented in the world scientific literature. Many authors decided that there is connection between long-term EMF-exposure and development of the breast cancer, brain tumours, leukaemia and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). The analysis of up-to-date publications leads us to the conclusion that this problem is actual and further researches of conditions provoking development of last-term effects are required.  相似文献   

Based on the model of a bulk knitted structure, a possible mechanism of action of an external electromagnetic field on biological systems was proposed. The electromagnetic field affects biological processes through changes in the rates of biochemical reactions in response to changes in the conformational properties of water in the electromagnetic field.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect on rat cortical synaptosomes of a 2 h exposure to 50-Hz electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with a peak magnetic field of 2 mT. We measured modifications of synaptosomal mitochondrial respiration rate, ATP production, membrane potential, intrasynaptosomal Ca(2+) concentration and free iron release. The O(2) consumption remained unvaried in exposed synaptosomes at about 2 nM O(2)/min/mg proteins; ATP production was also unchanged. The intrasynaptosomal Ca(2+) concentration decreased slowly and there was a slight, but non-significant, depolarisation of the synaptosomal membrane. Finally, the free iron release by synaptosomal suspensions, a useful predictor of neuro-developmental outcome, remained unchanged after EMF exposure. On the whole, our results indicate that the physiological behaviour of cortical synaptosomes is not affected by weak pulsed EMFs.  相似文献   

ATP production in mitochondria depends on the nuclear spin and magnetic moment of Mg2+ ion in creatine kinase and ATPase. Consequently, the enzymatic synthesis of ATP is an ion-radical process and depends on the external magnetic field and microwave fields that control the spin states of ion-radical pairs and influence the ATP synthesis. The chemical mechanism of ATP synthesis and the origin of biological effects of electromagnetic (microwave) fields are discussed.  相似文献   

The production of ATP in mitochondria depends on the magnesium nuclear spin and magnetic moment of a Mg2+ ion in creatine kinase and ATPase. This suggests that enzymatic synthesis of ATP is an ion-radical process and thus depends on the external magnetic field (magnetobiology originates from this fact) and microwave fields, which control the spin states of ion-radical pairs and affect the ATP synthesis. The chemical mechanism of ATP synthesis and the origin of biological effects of electromagnetic (microwave) fields are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of electromagnetic fields on lichens were investigated. Field experiments of long duration (1–3 years) were combined with laboratory experiments and theoretical considerations. Samples of the lichen species Parmelia tiliacea and Hypogymnia physodes were exposed to microwaves (2.45 GHz; 0.2, 5, and 50 m W/cm2; and control). Both species showed a substantially reduced growth rate at 50 m W/cm2. A differentiation between thermal and nonthermal effects was not possible. Temperature measurements on lichens exposed to microwaves (2.45 GHz, 50 m W/cm2) showed a substantial increase in the surface temperature and an accelerated drying process. The thermal effect of microwave on lichens was verified. The exposure of lichens of both species was repeated near a short-wave broadcast transmitter (9.5 MHz, amplitude modulated; maximum field strength 235 V/m, 332 mA/m). No visible effects on the exposed lichens were detected. At this frequency, no thermal effects were expected, and the experimental results support this hypothesis. Theoretical estimates based on climatic data and literature showed that the growth reductions in the initial experiments could very likely have been caused by drying of the lichens from the heating with microwaves. The results of the other experiments support the hypothesis that the response of the lichens exposed to microwaves was mainly due to thermal effects and that there is a low probability of nonthermal effects. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields of 75 Hz were studied on different membrane-associated enzymes. Only the activities of three enzymes out of seven exposed to the field decreased approximately of about 54-61% with field amplitudes above a threshold of 73-151 microT depending on the enzyme. The same field had no effect on the activities of either integral membrane enzymes such as Ca,ATPase, Na/K,ATPase, and succinic dehydrogenase or peripheral membrane enzymes such as photoreceptor PDE. The decrease in enzymatic activity of the field-sensitive enzymes was independent of the time of permanence in the field and was completely reversible. When these enzymes were solubilized with Triton, no effect of the field was obtained on the enzymatic activity, suggesting the crucial role of the membrane in determining the conditions for enzyme inactivation. The role of the particular linkage of the field-sensitive enzymes to the membranes is also discussed.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the effects of stimulation of germination of wheat seeds by electromagnetic field depend on the degree of membrane tension during imbibition of seeds in sucrose solutions. This provides further confirmation of the influence of electromagnetic fields on the release of proteins from the bound state on the membranes. The prolonged treatment with electromagnetic fields during the imbibition of seeds leads not only to the inhibition of germination of sprouts but also to a decrease in their germinability, which can be as strong as twofold for seeds with the initial low germinability. This is related to the desynchronization of germination processes, caused by the stimulation of the release of proteins and inhibition of another stage during the cell division, the assembly of complex structures. It is noted that the activation of the release of proteins and inhibition of their binding by the action of electromagnetic fields must elevate the cell excitability. The presumably, the excitability of cells determines the effects of magnetic storms and high solar activity on the physiological state of organisms.  相似文献   

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