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Telomeres help maintain genome integrity by protecting natural chromosome ends from being recognized as damaged DNA. When telomeres become dysfunctional, they limit replicative lifespan and prevent outgrowth of potentially cancerous cells by activating a DNA damage response that forces cells into senescence or apoptosis. On the other hand, chromosome ends devoid of proper telomere protection are subject to DNA repair activities that cause end-to-end fusions and, when cells divide, extensive genomic instability that can promote cancer. While telomeres represent unique chromatin structures with important roles in cancer and aging, we have limited understanding of the way telomeres and the response to their malfunction are controlled at the level of chromatin. Accumulating evidence indicates that different types of posttranslational modifications act in both telomere maintenance and the response to telomere uncapping. Here, we discuss the latest insights on posttranslational control of telomeric chromatin, with emphasis on ubiquitylation and SUMOylation events.  相似文献   

Gametogenetin (GGN) binding protein 2 (GGNBP2) is a zinc finger protein expressed abundantly in spermatocytes and spermatids. We previously discovered that Ggnbp2 resection caused metamorphotic defects during spermatid differentiation and resulted in an absence of mature spermatozoa in mice. However, whether GGNBP2 affects meiotic progression of spermatocytes remains to be established. In this study, flow cytometric analyses showed a decrease in haploid, while an increase in tetraploid spermatogenic cells in both 30‐ and 60‐day‐old Ggnbp2 knockout testes. In spread spermatocyte nuclei, Ggnbp2 loss increased DNA double‐strand breaks (DSB), compromised DSB repair and reduced crossovers. Further investigations demonstrated that GGNBP2 co‐immunoprecipitated with a testis‐enriched protein GGN1. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that both GGNBP2 and GGN1 had the same subcellular localizations in spermatocyte, spermatid and spermatozoa. Ggnbp2 loss suppressed Ggn expression and nuclear accumulation. Furthermore, deletion of either Ggnbp2 or Ggn in GC‐2spd cells inhibited their differentiation into haploid cells in vitro. Overexpression of Ggnbp2 in Ggnbp2 null but not in Ggn null GC‐2spd cells partially rescued the defect coinciding with a restoration of Ggn expression. Together, these data suggest that GGNBP2, likely mediated by its interaction with GGN1, plays a role in DSB repair during meiotic progression of spermatocytes.  相似文献   

Genomic instability due to telomere dysfunction and defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is an underlying cause of ageing-related diseases. 53BP1 is a key factor in DNA DSBs repair and its deficiency is associated with genomic instability and cancer progression. Here, we uncover a novel pathway regulating the stability of 53BP1. We demonstrate an unprecedented role for the cysteine protease Cathepsin L (CTSL) in the degradation of 53BP1. Overexpression of CTSL in wild-type fibroblasts leads to decreased 53BP1 protein levels and changes in its cellular distribution, resulting in defective repair of DNA DSBs. Importantly, we show that the defects in DNA repair associated with 53BP1 deficiency upon loss of A-type lamins are due to upregulation of CTSL. Furthermore, we demonstrate that treatment with vitamin D stabilizes 53BP1 and promotes DNA DSBs repair via inhibition of CTSL, providing an as yet unsuspected link between vitamin D action and DNA repair. Given that CTSL upregulation is a hallmark of cancer and progeria, regulation of this pathway could be of great therapeutic significance for these diseases.  相似文献   

DNA damage responses are crucial for plant growth under genotoxic stress. Accumulating evidence indicates that DNA damage responses differ between plant cell types. Here, quantitative shotgun phosphoproteomics provided high‐throughput analysis of the DNA damage response network in callus cells. MS analysis revealed a wide network of highly dynamic changes in the phosphoprotein profile of genotoxin‐treated cells, largely mediated by the ATAXIA TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED (ATM) protein kinase, representing candidate factors that modulate plant growth, development and DNA repair. A C‐terminal dual serine target motif unique to H2AX in the plant lineage showed 171‐fold phosphorylation that was absent in atm mutant lines. The physiological significance of post‐translational DNA damage signalling to plant growth and survival was demonstrated using reverse genetics and complementation studies of h2ax mutants, establishing the functional role of ATM‐mediated histone modification in plant growth under genotoxic stress. Our findings demonstrate the complexity and functional significance of post‐translational DNA damage signalling responses in plants and establish the requirement of H2AX phosphorylation for plant survival under genotoxic stress.  相似文献   

Double strand breaks (DSBs) are the most deleterious of the DNA lesions that initiate genomic instability and promote tumorigenesis. Cells have evolved a complex protein network to detect, signal, and repair DSBs. In mammalian cells, a key component in this network is H2AX, which becomes rapidly phosphorylated at Ser(139) (γ-H2AX) at DSBs. Here we show that monoubiquitination of H2AX mediated by the RNF2-BMI1 complex is critical for the efficient formation of γ-H2AX and functions as a proximal regulator in DDR (DNA damage response). RNF2-BMI1 interacts with H2AX in a DNA damage-dependent manner and is required for monoubiquitination of H2AX at Lys(119)/Lys(120). As a functional consequence, we show that the H2AX K120R mutant abolishes H2AX monoubiquitination, impairs the recruitment of p-ATM (Ser(1981)) to DSBs, and thereby reduces the formation of γ-H2AX and the recruitment of MDC1 to DNA damage sites. These data suggest that monoubiquitination of H2AX plays a critical role in initiating DNA damage signaling. Consistent with these observations, impairment of RNF2-BMI1 function by siRNA knockdown or overexpression of the ligase-dead RNF2 mutant all leads to significant defects both in accumulation of γ-H2AX, p-ATM, and MDC1 at DSBs and in activation of NBS1 and CHK2. Additionally, the regulatory effect of RNF2-BMI1 on γ-H2AX formation is dependent on ATM. Lacking their ability to properly activate the DNA damage signaling pathway, RNF2-BMI1 complex-depleted cells exhibit impaired DNA repair and increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Together, our findings demonstrate a distinct monoubiquitination-dependent mechanism that is required for H2AX phosphorylation and the initiation of DDR.  相似文献   

DNA damage response is an important surveillance mechanism used to maintain the integrity of the human genome in response to genotoxic stress. Histone variant H2AX is a critical sensor that undergoes phosphorylation at serine 139 upon genotoxic stress, which provides a docking site to recruit the mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1 (MDC1) and DNA repair protein complex to sites of DNA breaks for DNA repair. Here, we show that monoubiquitination of H2AX is induced upon DNA double strand breaks and plays a critical role in H2AX Ser-139 phosphorylation (γ-H2AX), in turn facilitating the recruitment of MDC1 to DNA damage foci. Mechanistically, we show that monoubiquitination of H2AX induced by RING finger protein 2 (RNF2) is required for the recruitment of active ataxia telangiectasia mutated to DNA damage foci, thus affecting the formation of γ-H2AX. Importantly, a defect in monoubiquitination of H2AX profoundly enhances ionizing radiation sensitivity. Our study therefore suggests that monoubiquitination of H2AX is an important step for DNA damage response and may have important clinical implications for the treatment of cancers.  相似文献   

The DNA damage response (DDR) can restrain the ability of oncogenes to cause genomic instability and drive malignant transformation. The gene encoding the histone H2AX DDR factor maps to 11q23, a region frequently altered in human cancers. Since H2ax functions as a haploinsufficient suppressor of B lineage lymphomas with c-Myc amplification and/or translocation, we determined the impact of H2ax expression on the ability of deregulated c-Myc expression to cause genomic instability and drive transformation of B cells. Neither H2ax deficiency nor haploinsufficiency affected the rate of mortality of Eμ-c-Myc mice from B lineage lymphomas with genomic deletions and amplifications. Yet H2ax functioned in a dosage-dependent manner to prevent unbalanced translocations in Eμ-c-Myc tumors, demonstrating that H2ax functions in a haploinsufficient manner to suppress allelic imbalances and limit molecular heterogeneity within and among Eμ-c-Myc lymphomas. Regardless of H2ax copy number, all Eμ-c-Myc tumors contained identical amplification of chromosome 19 sequences spanning 20 genes. Many of these genes encode proteins with tumor-promoting activities, including Cd274, which encodes the PD-L1 programmed death ligand that induces T cell apoptosis and enables cancer cells to escape immune surveillance. This amplicon was in non-malignant B and T cells and non-lymphoid cells, linked to the Eμ-c-Myc transgene, and associated with overexpression of PD-L1 on non-malignant B cells. Our data demonstrate that, in addition to deregulated c-Myc expression, non-malignant B lineage lymphocytes of Eμ-c-Myc transgenic mice may have constitutive amplification and increased expression of other tumor-promoting genes.  相似文献   

We have examined the concept of genomic instability in relation to the metastatic progression of low (F1) and high metastasis (BL6, ML8) clones of the B16 mouse melanoma, by using a mutation assay, and DNA strand break repair and repair fidelity assays. The frequency of induced ouabain resistant colonies between the variant cell lines was consistent with the difference between their metastatic properties. Survival data for X-irradiation and bleomycin were similar among the 3 cell lines. When X-rays or bleomycin were used to induce strand breakage, no difference was detectable in either the rate or extent of DNA repair using the techniques of alkaline unwinding and alkaline elution for total strand breaks, and neutral elution for double strand breaks. DNA repair fidelity was measured using the PMH16 plasmid. A Kpn I restriction site was used to introduce a break within the gpt gene of the plasmid, prior to transfection. We found that ~ 100% and ~ 65% of the highly metastatic ML8 and BL6 clones, respectively, religated the gene with the required fidelity, compared with only ~ 25% of the low metastasis F1 clones. In summary, the metastatic variants show similar sensitivities to X-irradiation and bleomycin, but a differential response to EMS. This difference is not reflected in any subsequent DNA strand break religation, but the variants do differ in their fidelity of repair. However, although the fidelity of DNA religation is related to metastatic potential, it is not consistent with the mutation frequency data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Duan T  Yang QL  Wang L  Shi QH  Yu DX 《遗传》2011,33(7):725-730
减数分裂遗传重组对同源染色体的正确分离和单倍体的正确形成起至关重要的作用,但人们对人精母细胞减数分裂遗传重组机制了解的还很少。通过免疫荧光染色技术标记减数分裂I联会复合体上的MLH1(DNA错配修复蛋白)位点可以检测人精母细胞的重组。文章对10例可育男性进行分析,发现每个细胞中重组位点数平均为49.4士4.4,范围为33~63,具有显著的个体差异,只有0.4%(1/220)的常染色体SC上缺少MLH1位点。进一步通过Spearman相关性分析,分析了年龄因素与个体间重组位点差异的相关性,结果提示年龄因素对常染色体及性染色体的重组均无影响。  相似文献   


Contact between telomeres and the fission yeast spindle pole body during meiotic prophase is crucial for subsequent spindle assembly, but the feature of telomeres that confers their ability to promote spindle formation remains mysterious. Here we show that while strains harbouring circular chromosomes devoid of telomere repeat tracts undergo aberrant meiosis with defective spindles, the insertion of a single internal telomere repeat stretch rescues the spindle defects. Moreover, the telomeric overhang‐binding protein Pot1 is dispensable for rescue of spindle formation. Hence, an inherent feature of the double‐strand telomeric region endows telomeres with the capacity to promote spindle formation.  相似文献   

This study attempted to investigate the time course of meiotic progression after transferring primary spermatocyte (PS) into ooplasm at different maturing stages. In present experiments, PSs were introduced into maturing ooplasts or oocytes by electrofusion. Higher fusion rate was obtained by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) agglutination than by perivitelline space (PVS) insertion. When the ooplasms prepared at 0, 2, 5, and 8.5 hr of in vitro maturation (IVM) were used as recipients and PSs were used as donors, the reconstructed cells extruded the first polar body (PB1) approximately 8.5, 7, 5.5, and 3 hr after electrofusion, respectively. Especially, when ooplasm cultured for 8.5 hr in vitro after GV removal was fused with PS, the PB1 was emitted 7-11 hr after electrofusion. Additionally, the PB1 extrusions of GV and pro-MI oocytes fertilized with PSs were 2.5 hr earlier than control oocytes. The results suggest that (1) PSs undergo the first meiosis in different time courses when introduced into ooplasm at different maturing stages; (2) GV material plays an important role in determining the timing of PB1 extrusion; and (3) first meiotic division of GV and pro-MI oocytes can be accelerated by introducing PS.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated histone H2AX (γ-H2AX) functions in the recruitment of DNA damage response proteins to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and facilitates DSB repair. ATM also co-localizes with γ-H2AX at DSB sites following its auto-phosphorylation. However, it is unclear whether γ-H2AX has a role in activation of ATM-dependent cell cycle checkpoints. Here, we show that ATM as well as NBS1 is recruited to damaged-chromatin in a γ-H2AX-dependent manner. Foci formation of phosphorylated ATM and ATM-dependent phosphorylation is repressed in H2AX-knockdown cells. Furthermore, anti-γ-H2AX antibody co-immunoprecipitates an ATM-like protein kinase activity in vitro and recombinant H2AX increases in vitro kinase activity of ATM from un-irradiated cells. Moreover, H2AX-deficient cells exhibited a defect in ATM-dependent cell cycle checkpoints. Taken together, γ-H2AX has important role for effective DSB-dependent activation of ATM-related damage responses via NBS1.  相似文献   

Protein calorie malnutrition (PCM) occurs when insufficient nutrients are consumed to satisfy the biological needs of an organism. The literature supports the relationship between malnutrition and DNA damage, and among the injuries to genetic material, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most dangerous. This study aimed to determine whether the ability of splenic and peripheral blood T and B lymphocytes from nursing rats to recognize DSB-induced DNA damage is affected by PCM. Wistar strain rats were used, and experimental malnutrition was induced by creating food competition during lactation by increasing the number of offspring per wet nurse. Due to its high specificity, the phosphorylated H2AX variant histone assay associated with pATM (Ser1981) combined with flow cytometry was herein used to demonstrate the impact of malnutrition on the DNA damage response. Flow cytometry data indicated that splenic T and B lymphocytes from rats with severe PCM have the capacity to detect genetic material damage, as shown by an increased number of pATM + cells and altered signaling pathway continuity. Collectively, these data suggest that severe malnutrition compromises the continuity of the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

The breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility protein BRCA1 is evolutionarily conserved and functions in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair through homologous recombination, but its role in meiosis is poorly understood. By using genetic analysis, we investigated the role of the Caenorhabditis elegans BRCA1 orthologue (brc-1) during meiotic prophase. The null mutant in the brc-1 gene is viable, fertile and shows the wild-type complement of six bivalents in most diakinetic nuclei, which is indicative of successful crossover recombination. However, brc-1 mutants show an abnormal increase in apoptosis and RAD-51 foci at pachytene that are abolished by loss of spo-11 function, suggesting a defect in meiosis rather than during premeiotic DNA replication. In genetic backgrounds in which chiasma formation is abrogated, such as him-14/MSH4 and syp-2, loss of brc-1 leads to chromosome fragmentation suggesting that brc-1 is dispensable for crossing over but essential for DSB repair through inter-sister recombination.  相似文献   

Genetic defects in DNA repair mechanisms and cell cycle checkpoint (CCC) genes result in increased genomic instability and cancer predisposition. Discovery of mammalian homologs of yeast CCC genes suggests conservation of checkpoint mechanisms between yeast and mammals. However, the role of many CCC genes in higher eukaryotes remains elusive. Here, we report that targeted deletion of an N-terminal part of mRad17, the mouse homolog of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad17 checkpoint clamp-loader component, resulted in embryonic lethality during early/mid-gestation. In contrast to mouse embryos, embryonic stem (ES) cells, isolated from mRad17(5'Delta/5'Delta) embryos, produced truncated mRad17 and were viable. These cells displayed hypersensitivity to various DNA-damaging agents. Surprisingly, mRad17(5'Delta/5'Delta) ES cells were able to arrest cell cycle progression upon induction of DNA damage. However, they displayed impaired homologous recombination as evidenced by a strongly reduced gene targeting efficiency. In addition to a possible role in DNA damage-induced CCC, based on sequence homology, our results indicate that mRad17 has a function in DNA damage-dependent recombination that may be responsible for the sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   



Significant data supports the health benefits of selenium although supplementation trials have yielded mixed results. GPx-1, whose levels are responsive to selenium availability, is implicated in cancer etiology by human genetic data. Selenium's ability to alter the phosphorylation of the H2AX, a histone protein that functions in the reduction of DNA damage by recruiting repair proteins to the damage site, following exposure to ionizing radiation and bleomycin was investigated.


Human cell lines that were either exposed to selenium or were transfected with a GPx-1 expression construct were exposed to ionizing radiation or bleomycin. Phosphorylation of histone H2AX was quantified by flow cytometry and survival by the MTT assay. Phosphorylation of the Chk1 and Chk2 checkpoint proteins was quantified by western blotting.


In colon-derived cells, selenium increases GPx-1 and attenuated H2AX phosphorylation following genotoxic exposures while the viability of these cells was unaffected. MCF-7 cells and transfectants that express high GPx-1 levels were exposed to ionizing radiation and bleomycin, and H2AX phosphorylation and cell viability were assessed. GPx-1 increased H2AX phosphorylation and viability following the induction of DNA damage while enhancing the levels of activated Chk1 and Chk2.


Exposure of mammalian cells to selenium can alter the DNA damage response and do so by mechanisms that are dependent and independent of its effect on GPx-1.

General significance

Selenium and GPx-1 may stimulate the repair of genotoxic DNA damage and this may account for some of the benefits attributed to selenium intake and elevated GPx-1 activity.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide monophosphates (rNMPs) are among the most frequent form of DNA aberration, as high ratios of ribonucleotide triphosphate:deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate pools result in approximately two misincorporated rNMPs/kb of DNA. The main pathway for the removal of rNMPs is by RNase H2. However, in a RNase H2 knock-out yeast strain, a topoisomerase I (Top1)-dependent mutator effect develops with accumulation of short deletions within tandem repeats. Proposed models for these deletions implicated processing of Top1-generated nicks at rNMP sites and/or sequential Top1 binding, but experimental support has been lacking thus far. Here, we investigated the biochemical mechanism of the Top1-induced short deletions at the rNMP sites by generating nicked DNA substrates bearing 2′,3′-cyclic phosphates at the nick sites, mimicking the Top1-induced nicks. We demonstrate that a second Top1 cleavage complex adjacent to the nick and subsequent faulty Top1 religation led to the short deletions. Moreover, when acting on the nicked DNA substrates containing 2′,3′-cyclic phosphates, Top1 generated not only the short deletion, but also a full-length religated DNA product. A catalytically inactive Top1 mutant (Top1-Y723F) also induced the full-length products, indicating that Top1 binding independent of its enzymatic activity promotes the sealing of DNA backbones via nucleophilic attacks by the 5′-hydroxyl on the 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate. The resealed DNA would allow renewed attempt for repair by the error-free RNase H2-dependent pathway in vivo. Our results provide direct evidence for the generation of short deletions by sequential Top1 cleavage events and for the promotion of nick religation at rNMP sites by Top1.  相似文献   

Focus on histone variant H2AX: To be or not to be   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jingsong Yuan 《FEBS letters》2010,584(17):3717-3879
Phosphorylation of histone variant H2AX at serine 139, named γH2AX, has been widely used as a sensitive marker for DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). γH2AX is required for the accumulation of many DNA damage response (DDR) proteins at DSBs. Thus it is believed to be the principal signaling protein involved in DDR and to play an important role in DNA repair. However, only mild defects in DNA damage signaling and DNA repair were observed in H2AX-deficient cells and animals. Such findings prompted us and others to explore H2AX-independent mechanisms in DNA damage response. Here, we will review recent advances in our understanding of H2AX-dependent and independent DNA damage signaling and repair pathways in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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