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Arms races between avian brood parasites and their hosts often result in parasitic mimicry of host eggs, to evade rejection. Once egg mimicry has evolved, host defences could escalate in two ways: (i) hosts could improve their level of egg discrimination; and (ii) negative frequency-dependent selection could generate increased variation in egg appearance (polymorphism) among individuals. Proficiency in one defence might reduce selection on the other, while a combination of the two should enable successful rejection of parasitic eggs. We compared three highly variable host species of the Afrotropical cuckoo finch Anomalospiza imberbis, using egg rejection experiments and modelling of avian colour and pattern vision. We show that each differed in their level of polymorphism, in the visual cues they used to reject foreign eggs, and in their degree of discrimination. The most polymorphic host had the crudest discrimination, whereas the least polymorphic was most discriminating. The third species, not currently parasitized, was intermediate for both defences. A model simulating parasitic laying and host rejection behaviour based on the field experiments showed that the two host strategies result in approximately the same fitness advantage to hosts. Thus, neither strategy is superior, but rather they reflect alternative potential evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

《Trends in plant science》2023,28(8):876-879
Recent research demonstrates that undermining interactions between pathogen effectors and their host target proteins can reduce infection. As more effector–target pairs are identified, their structures and interaction surfaces exposed, and there is the possibility of making multiple edits to diverse plant genomes, the desire to convert crops to nonhosts could become reality.  相似文献   

The UNESCO Statements on Race of the early 1950s are understood to have marked a consensus amongst natural scientists and social scientists that ‘race’ is a social construct. Human biological diversity was shown to be predominantly clinal, or gradual, not discreet, and clustered, as racial naturalism implied. From the seventies social constructionists added that the vast majority of human genetic diversity resides within any given racialised group. While social constructionism about race became the majority consensus view on the topic, social constructionism has always had its critics. Sesardic (2010) has compiled these criticisms into one of the strongest defences of racial naturalism in recent times. In this paper I argue that Sesardic equivocates between two versions of racial naturalism: a weak version and a strong version. As I shall argue, the strong version is not supported by the relevant science. The weak version, on the other hand, does not contrast properly with what social constructionists think about ‘race’. By leaning on this weak view Sesardic’s racial naturalism intermittently gains an appearance of plausibility, but this view is too weak to revive racial naturalism. As Sesardic demonstrates, there are new arguments for racial naturalism post-Human Genome Diversity Project. The positive message behind my critique is how to be a social constructionist about race in the post-genomic era.  相似文献   

Females of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus avoid adding eggs to seeds that already bear eggs. Geographical variation in this behaviour has been thought to depend on differences in host size. In populations that attack small-seeded legumes, only one or two larvae can develop within a seed, and females are especially adept at detecting and rejecting occupied (egg-laden) seeds. We performed a mass-selection experiment in which replicate lines of a population associated with a small host (mung bean, Vigna radiata) were either maintained on this host or were transferred to a larger host (cowpea, Vigna unguiculata) that can support several larvae per seed. After more than 40 generations, we estimated the strength of host discrimination by presenting females a choice of egg-free and egg-laden seeds, and by quantifying how uniformly females spread their eggs among egg-free seeds. Compared to females maintained on mung bean, females from cowpea lines were more likely to accept occupied seeds in choice tests. They also distributed their eggs less uniformly, especially when cowpea served as the test host. Cowpea lines thus evolved to resemble populations that have long been associated with the larger host. A separate study showed that weaker host discrimination in the cowpea lines was accompanied by a decline in larval competitiveness, which may have further relaxed selection for avoidance of occupied hosts. Our results demonstrate that switching to a novel resource can produce rapid and predictable changes in a fitness-related insect behaviour. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Patch-leaving rules for parasitoids with imperfect host discrimination   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
  • 1 The solitary parasitoid Anagrus delicatus attacks hosts (plant-hopper eggs) that exist in distinct batches and that are readily detectable to the foraging parasitoid. However, Anagrus delicatus attacks only a small fraction of the available hosts within a batch of eggs and then disperses (Cronin & Strong, 1993a). Here we address the question: Why is A.delicatus abandoning seemingly high quality patches?
  • 2 A parasitoid with an imperfect ability to discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts that it has attacked earlier within the same patch experiences a risk of self-superparasitism when attacking multiple hosts within a single patch. Self-superparasitism can incur costs in the form of lost time and eggs. Early patch leaving can be favoured as a means of avoiding the costs of self-superparasitism.
  • 3 A simple static model demonstrates that patch leaving is favoured by low costs of travelling to a new patch, high error rates in discriminating previously self-parasitized hosts, and high levels of parasitism in the currently occupied patch.
  • 4 A more detailed dynamic state variable model, parameterized for A.delicatus, demonstrates that this parasitoid's seemingly enigmatic behaviour can be explained under our hypothesis. In order for this to be the case, we predicted that A.delicatus cannot recognize previously parasitized hosts. Subsequent to our prediction, Cronin & Strong (1993b) demonstrated that experienced A.delicatus do not avoid ovipositing in previously self-parasitized hosts.
  • 5 Optimal patch leaving rules can be highly sensitive to even very low host discrimination error rates, which may be widespread among parasitoids.

Activity, abundance and localization of eukaryotic proteins can be regulated through covalent attachment of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like moieties. Ubiquitination is important in various aspects of immunity. Pathogens utilize host ubiquitination for the suppression of immune signalling and reprogramming host processes to promote microbial life. They deliver so-called effector molecules into host cells, which functionally or structurally resemble components of the host ubiquitination machinery utilizing this enzymatic process or they secrete molecules to inhibit ubiquitin-mediated degradation. Since prokaryotic pathogens lack a classical ubiquitination system, effector mimicry of components of the ubiquitin machinery could be achieved through gene flow. Horizontal gene transfer allows pathogenic bacteria to access ubiquitination enzymes from a potential host, while lateral gene transfer recruits components from another pathogen providing spread within the microbial community. Additionally, convergent evolution can shape bacterial proteins to acquire ubiquitination functions.  相似文献   

How to survive in the host: the Yersinia lesson   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Yop virulon allows Yersinia spp. to resist the immune response of the host by injecting harmful proteins into host cells. It is composed of four elements: (i) type III secretion machinery called Ysc; (ii) a set of proteins required to translocate the effector proteins inside the eukaryotic cells; (iii) a control system, and (iv) six Yop effector proteins.  相似文献   

Host acceptance decision in parasitic wasps strongly depends on the parasitism status of the encountered host. In solitary species, a host only allows the development of a single parasitic larva and then, any oviposition in an already parasitised host leads to larval competition and loss of offspring. Females of many parasitoid species are able to discriminate between parasitised hosts and healthy ones. However, the host discrimination process may require more time than oviposition, exposing the wasp to high risks when the host has efficient defences. Consequently, depending on the degree of success of the host defence, the cost of host inspection for discrimination can outweigh the benefit of superparasitism avoidance. In the present paper, a theoretical approach was developed for determining how host defences may affect optimal host acceptance behaviour in parasitoids. The present model compares the lifetime reproductive success over the strategy used, discrimination and no-discrimination: a discriminating wasp sets a relatively greater value in its current oviposition, while a non-discriminating female sets a greater value in its own survival and future reproduction. The model predicts that depending on physiological state variables and environmental state variables, the optimal policy is not discriminating. Our results suggest that the low discriminating ability observed in some parasitic wasps could probably be an evolutionary response to host defences pressure.  相似文献   

The function of host discrimination and superparasitization in parasitoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Host discrimination, i.e. the ability to distinguish unparasitized hosts from parasitized ones, and to reject the latter for egg laying is present in many parasitic wasp species. This property is classically considered as an example of contest competition, and is supposed to have a number of functions. However, different species do not react to each other's marks and lay eggs in hosts parasitized by the other species. Apparently the marks used for recognition are specific.Multiparasitization is the best strategy when hosts are scarce and the egg supplies of the parasitoids are not limited. Interspecific host discrimination is not an ESS.Superparasitization within one species would have selective advantage if the number of unparasitized hosts is small and the wasp has a reasonable chance to lay her egg in a host that is not parasitized by herself, and if the chance for her offspring to survive the competitive battle with the first parasitoid larva is not too small. This is shown to be the case.However, marks are not individual and wasps cannot distinguish hosts parasitized by themselves from those parasitized by others. The hypothesis is tested that the egg laying strategy (i.e. the decision to superparasitize) of wasps is dependent on the number of conspecifics that is searching simultaneously for hosts, since this determines the chance that a parasitized host encountered by a wasp is parasitized by herself.It is shown that host discrimination cannot be regarded as a case of contest competition. Other aspects of superparasitization, related to interference and population regulation, sex allocation and encapsulation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The robber fly Mallophora ruficauda is one of the principal pests of apiculture in the Pampas region of Argentina. As adults they prey on honey bees and other insects, while as larvae they are solitary ectoparasitoids of third instar scarab beetle larvae. Females of M. ruficauda lay eggs away from the host in tall grasses. After being dispersed by the wind, larvae drop to the ground, where they dig in search of their hosts. It is known that second instar larvae of M. ruficauda exhibit active host searching behaviour towards its preferred host, third instar larva of Cyclocephala signaticollis. Although the means by which host location occurs has been studied and since superparasitism is a frequent scenario in the field, no information about host discrimination and host acceptance is available. We carried out studies in the field and behavioural experiments in the laboratory to determine if M. ruficauda is capable of quality host discrimination. We also studied if this parasitoid is capable of conspecific detection in order to avoid superparasitism. Finally, we analyzed the conditions under which superparasitism occurs in the field. We report here that the second instar larva of M. ruficauda is able to discriminate the parasitism status of the host by means of chemical cues, but is not capable of detecting conspecifics prior to attacking a host. We also found that the host cannot detect the presence of the parasitoid by means of chemical cues, so that no counter-defense against parasitism occurs. Furthermore, we determined that superparasitism occurs on the heavier hosts, i.e. those with more abundant resources which could harbor several parasitoid individuals. Finally, we discuss the possible implications of larval host location and host discrimination decisions on the fitness of this parasitoid.  相似文献   

Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites and are some of the most rapidly evolving and diverse pathogens encountered by the host immune system. Large complicated viruses, such as poxviruses, have evolved a plethora of proteins to disrupt host immune signalling in their battle against immune surveillance. Recent X-ray crystallographic analysis of these viral immunomodulators has helped form an emerging picture of the molecular details of virus-host interactions. In this review we consider some of these immune evasion strategies as they apply to poxviruses, from a structural perspective, with specific examples from the European SPINE2-Complexes initiative. Structures of poxvirus immunomodulators reveal the capacity of viruses to mimic and compete against the host immune system, using a diverse range of structural folds that are unique or acquired from their hosts with both enhanced and unexpectedly divergent functions.  相似文献   

1. Hyssopus pallidus Askew (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) is a gregarious ectoparasitoid of the two tortricid moths species Cydia molesta Busck and C. pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). It paralyses and parasitizes different larval instars of both species inside the apple fruit, which leads to the death of the caterpillar. 2. We assessed the influence of host species characteristics and host food on the performance of the parasitoid female in terms of clutch size decisions and fitness of the F(1) generation. 3. A comparison of clutch size revealed that female parasitoids deposited similar numbers of eggs on the comparatively smaller C. molesta hosts as on the larger C. pomonella hosts. The number of parasitoid offspring produced per weight unit of host larva was significantly higher in C. molesta than in C. pomonella, which is contrary to the general prediction that smaller hosts yield less parasitoid offspring. However, the sex ratio was not influenced by host species that differed considerably in size. 4. Despite the fact that less host resources were available per parasitoid larva feeding on C. molesta caterpillars, the mean weight of emerging female wasps was higher in the parasitoids reared on C. molesta. Furthermore, longevity of these female wasps was neither influenced by host species nor by the food their host had consumed. In addition we did not find a positive relationship between adult female weight and longevity. 5. Parasitoid females proved to be able to assess accurately the nutritional quality of an encountered host and adjust clutch size accordingly. These findings indicate that host size is not equal to host quality. Thus host size is not the only parameter to explain the nutritional quality of a given host and to predict fitness gain in the subsequent generation.  相似文献   

In the solitary ectoparasitoid, Dinarmus basalis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), the occurrence of superparasitism according to the unparasitised host density, and the nature of the host(s) provided was investigated in laboratory studies. In this species superparasitism was observed whatever the experimental conditions used, but the degree of superparasitism depended on the density of its host, Bruchidius atrolineatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Superparasitism was due to successive egg-laying phases on the same host. However, females were able to discriminate between unparasitised hosts and hosts parasitised from 8 h to 72 h beforehand by themselves or by conspecifics. There was no conclusive evidence that superparasitism in the presence of a host parasitised 30 min before was linked to an absence of host discrimination. Host discrimination in this species is achieved by host-quality markers. These are individual-specific markers since conspecific superparasitism rates were often higher than self superparasitism rates. One deterrent substance is emitted by the females during oviposition onto the egg or released by the 16 to 24 h-old egg itself. Another host-quality marker is associated with the presence of a larva on its host. On the other hand, host discrimination ability did not always imply avoidance of superparasitism. In D. basalis there exists a positive relationship between the survival probability of the second egg and the tendency to superparasitise, and superparasitism could therefore result in a significant fitness gain. Under our experimental conditions, D. basalis females exhibited a wide range of oviposition behavioural plasticity in relation to the parasitoid developmental stage, the type of superparasitism, and the encounter rate with unparasitised hosts.  相似文献   

Summary Behavioral observations, preference tests, and physiological studies show thatProctolaelaps nauphoetae, an ectoparasitic mite, bases its choice of host on chemical information. Behavioral observations characterized searching patterns used to detect chemical cues. Preference tests showed that mites are attracted by three kinds of chemical cues: general cues — feces and detritus, apposite cues — cockroach expectorants, and a host-specific cue. This last cue, nauphoetamine, was isolated by gel filtration and high voltage paper electrophoresis. Preliminary analysis shows that it is a macromolecular amine (mw = 1,500–6,500) and may be a glycosaminoglycan. Electrophysiological experiments showed that nauphoetamine is detected by contact chemoreceptors located on the tarsi of the first pair of legs; these records are the first reported for a mite. The process of host discrimination is discussed in terms of a general model first proposed for hymenopteran parasites.This research effort profitted from the several contributions of Abby Shapiro, Robert Barth, Frank Hanson, G. Barrie Kitto, Rudy Morales, Ted Hollingsworth, E.E. Lindquist, K.P. Bland, Bill Clavert, A. Gelperin, USPHS Grant No. GM 00386-07, and the faculty and staff of the Zoology Department at the University of Texas. All are greatfully acknowledged. Figures 10 and 13 are used with the permission ofNature.  相似文献   

1. Interspecific competition among hymenopteran parasitoids may shape their behavioural strategies for host resource exploitation. In order to reduce or prevent competition, many parasitoid species have evolved the ability to discriminate between unparasitised hosts and hosts parasitised by another parasitoid species (i.e. heterospecific host discrimination). However, discriminatory ability might be affected by host instar. 2. This study reports the first results on whether host instar can influence the use of heterospecific‐parasitised hosts by sympatric parasitoids of the genus Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). 3. Aphytis melinus and Aphytis chrysomphali discriminated between unparasitised and heterospecific‐parasitised hosts when they found a third‐instar host (high quality), with a tendency to multi‐parasitise. However, this discrimination was not observed in the second instar (lower size). 4. The behavioural strategies adopted towards multi‐parasitise third‐instar hosts varied between both species. Aphytis chrysomphali reduced its clutch size in heterospecific‐parasitised hosts, whereas A. melinus tended to probe them for longer than healthy hosts. 5. Overall, our results highlight the importance of host instar in the study of intrinsic competition between parasitoids.  相似文献   

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