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In 2001, envelopes loaded with Bacillus anthracis spores were mailed to Senators Daschle and Leahy as well as to the New York Post and NBC News buildings. Additional letters may have been mailed to other news agencies because there was confirmed anthrax infection of employees at these locations. These events heightened the awareness of the lack of understanding of the mechanism(s) by which objects contaminated with a biological agent might spread disease. This understanding is crucial for the estimation of the potential for exposure to ensure the appropriate response in the event of future attacks. In this study, equipment to simulate interactions between envelopes and procedures to analyze the spread of spores from a “payload” envelope (i.e., loaded internally with a powdered spore preparation) onto neighboring envelopes were developed. Another process to determine whether an aerosol could be generated by opening contaminated envelopes was developed. Subsequent generations of contaminated envelopes originating from a single payload envelope showed a consistent two-log decrease in the number of spores transferred from one generation to the next. Opening a tertiary contaminated envelope resulted in an aerosol containing 103 B. anthracis spores. We developed a procedure for sampling contaminated letters by a nondestructive method aimed at providing information useful for consequence management while preserving the integrity of objects contaminated during the incident and preserving evidence for law enforcement agencies.In September and October of 2001, letters containing Bacillus anthracis spores were distributed through the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), resulting in contamination of the mail processing and distribution center in Hamilton, NJ, as well as affiliated processing centers in Washington, DC, in New York City, NY, and in Wallingford, CT, as well as postal facilities along the path transited by letters mailed to a targeted media company in Florida. Subsequently, 22 individuals, including postal workers, persons who received or handled the contaminated letters, and persons exposed to environments contaminated by the letters, developed cases of anthrax, including both the inhalation and cutaneous forms of the disease (5, 18-20). Five of these cases of anthrax resulted in death (4, 7). There have been investigations into the relationships of infection and exposure in areas where known exposures occurred (1, 6, 8). However, for two of the individuals who developed inhalational anthrax, an elderly woman in Connecticut and a nurse in New York City, no B. anthracis spores were detected (based on environmental sampling) on their mail or in their homes (2, 17, 19, 20). A third individual, a bookkeeper from New Jersey, survived a cutaneous anthrax infection, and only a single positive environmental sample in her workplace was identified (19).For the three specific cases mentioned above, the authors of the corresponding studies hypothesized that infection may have resulted from exposure to mail cross contaminated by mail that went through the same sorting equipment around the time that the letters to Senators Leahy and Daschle were processed. Without evidence of B. anthracis spores in their homes and other areas they were known to have frequented and the lack of additional cases in these geographic areas, there is no way to confirm the route of their exposure. We hypothesize that these people may have been exposed by inhaling spores released from envelopes that they tore open and then discarded. The delay between exposure and disease would have been sufficient to permit the discarded items to enter into the solid waste or recycling stream, and any residual spores may have been removed by normal housekeeping activities. Alternatively, the true source of exposure may have been undetectable due to a low concentration of spores.Those cases of anthrax raise the question of what, if any, hazards may have been encountered in handling mail with secondary and tertiary contamination. These cases raise particular questions concerning the ability of disease-causing organisms to spread through cross contamination of second- and even third-generation fomites in sufficient numbers to cause infection and possible death.Following the attacks, numerous studies were conducted in the contaminated postal buildings to assess the degree of contamination and to better understand sampling methodologies. Subsequent laboratory studies have been performed to improve B. anthracis sample collection and detection (11, 16, 22, 24, 30). Programs have monitored aerosols within federal buildings, hospitals, and mail facilities (10, 15, 25, 27). Additionally, studies of mail sorting machinery and the potential of this machinery to cross contaminate mail have been done (3, 10). However, to date, no laboratory studies that examined the potential for cross contamination of mail through contact or mixing with contaminated letters have been published.Reaerosolization in general is a poorly studied phenomenon. Characterization of reaerosolization under a variety of circumstances was undertaken following the B. anthracis incidents in 2001 (21, 29). The concept of fomite-to-fomite transference of powdered pathogen residues has been even less well studied.The settling of a primary aerosol comprised of charged particles may be due at least in part to an increase in the mass of these charged particles that occurs when they interact with oppositely charged particles. Once deposited on a surface, several factors may act against reaerosolization. Charged particles that have interacted with oppositely charged particles and have effectively increased in mass may be substantially more difficult to entrain in an aerosol than the initial particles. For charged particles that have not interacted with other particles, there may be a direct electrostatic interaction between the charged particle and the surface on which it has landed which would tend to hold these particles onto the surface. Both of these effects should reduce the potential for reaerosolization.Particulate preparations have a variety of properties, such as hydrophobicity, zeta potential, particle shape, and other characteristics that may also affect the potential for reaerosolization. It would be interesting to characterize a large number of powders, to create a database of the characteristics and their potential for aerosol formation and reaerosolization of these powders, and to use this database of information for comparison of unknown powders. Knowing this information may assist in the public health and risk management decision making processes. Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive database for these characteristics, nor is there any well-accepted unifying theory for deriving the likelihood of reaerosolization from the characteristics of powders that are commonly measured. In addition, there may be unknown variables that have an impact on aerosolization or reaerosolization that become known over time with improvements in understanding the theory of aerosolization and technology for measurement of these variables. A further confounding factor would be the inability to collect this information from the actual material used in any incident. In the case of the 2001 attacks (and likely in future incidents), there was (and will likely be) little material available for such study. The material used in the attacks is inherently hazardous and must be handled in highly controlled settings. The material is therefore difficult and expensive to work with (23). Material used in an attack is also generally sequestered as evidentiary material, and information concerning preparation of a biological weapon used in an attack may be considered too sensitive for public release. This sensitivity may include unwillingness to provide access to information on the efficacy of a specific preparation method to malevolent individuals and the requirement to preserve information for use in successful identification and prosecution of the perpetrator of such an attack. However, it may be possible to collect fomites contaminated with trace amounts of the agent in the course of public health investigations. The current study details a method for dealing with these contaminated fomites to yield information useful for public health protection.A confounding factor in these cases may be the necessity to treat as much of the available bulk material as can be collected as evidence. As evidence, even small amounts of this material may not be available for scientific testing. There may also be restrictions on the handling and treatment of fomites contaminated with residual traces of biological threat agents. For instance, the owners of the fomites may value them highly and may not wish to see them destroyed in the hope that the object may be somehow decontaminated and returned or the owner may wish to prevent public disclosure of the nature or contents of a contaminated object, such as a letter. It is therefore incumbent upon researchers to develop methods that are as minimally invasive and destructive as possible to investigate the potential for fomite-to-fomite transmission.We constructed a device designed to expose uncontaminated fomites to envelopes bearing a powdered preparation of spores or to fomites that had been exposed to other fomites contaminated by the initial powder-bearing envelope. Specifically, fomites used in this study were envelopes containing a piece of paper. This device was designed to conduct the exposure in a consistent, reproducible manner and to allow investigation of the interaction and cross contamination that might be encountered between a “payload” letter (a letter that had been loaded internally with a powdered spore preparation) and other pieces of mail. Uncontaminated envelopes were tumbled with a single envelope containing a payload of milled Bacillus atrophaeus subsp. globigii spores. After tumbling three successive generations of envelopes, CFU counts from the outsides of the envelopes were taken. These estimates of spore loads on the outside of these envelopes may be compared to published human 50% lethal dose (LD50) estimates for aerosolized B. anthracis spores (12, 13). An additional series of envelopes was exposed to envelopes that had been contaminated during this first round of exposures, and those envelopes were found to be externally contaminated as well. We also studied opening an envelope that had been exposed to a payload envelope with either a finger or a letter opener to determine if these activities caused an aerosolization or reaerosolization of a sufficient number of spores to pose a risk of disease through inhalation.It is difficult to balance the concerns of making information public during a public health response and providing sufficient information for information risk management decision making while at the same time preserving the evidence for use by law enforcement agencies for eventual prosecution of individuals accused of committing crimes. We identified a nondestructive procedure by which contaminated mail can be analyzed and biological material collected while still preserving evidence for law enforcement agencies, allowing the payload envelope to be used as evidence while still permitting an assessment of its biological contaminant burden.  相似文献   

The discovery of a letter intentionally filled with dried Bacillus anthracis spores in the office of a United States senator prompted the collection and quarantine of all mail in congressional buildings. This mail was subsequently searched for additional intentionally contaminated letters. A microbiological sampling strategy was used to locate heavy contamination within the 642 separate plastic bags containing the mail. Swab sampling identified 20 bags for manual and visual examination. Air sampling within the 20 bags indicated that one bag was orders of magnitude more contaminated than all the others. This bag contained a letter addressed to Senator Patrick Leahy that had been loaded with dried B. anthracis spores. Microbiological sampling of compartmentalized batches of mail proved to be efficient and relatively safe. Efficiency was increased by inoculating culture media in the hot zone rather than transferring swab samples to a laboratory for inoculation. All mail sampling was complete within 4 days with minimal contamination of the sampling environment or personnel. However, physically handling the intentionally contaminated letter proved to be exceptionally hazardous, as did sorting of cross-contaminated mail, which resulted in generation of hazardous aerosol and extensive contamination of protective clothing. Nearly 8 × 106 CFU was removed from the most highly cross-contaminated piece of mail found. Tracking data indicated that this and other heavily contaminated envelopes had been processed through the same mail sorting equipment as, and within 1 s of, two intentionally contaminated letters.  相似文献   

There is a lack of data for how the viability of biological agents may degrade over time in different environments. In this study, experiments were conducted to determine the persistence of Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus subtilis spores on outdoor materials with and without exposure to simulated sunlight, using ultraviolet (UV)-A/B radiation. Spores were inoculated onto glass, wood, concrete, and topsoil and recovered after periods of 2, 14, 28, and 56 days. Recovery and inactivation kinetics for the two species were assessed for each surface material and UV exposure condition. Results suggest that with exposure to UV, decay of spore viability for both Bacillus species occurs in two phases, with an initial rapid decay, followed by a slower inactivation period. The exception was with topsoil, in which there was minimal loss of spore viability in soil over 56 days, with or without UV exposure. The greatest loss in viable spore recovery occurred on glass with UV exposure, with nearly a four log10 reduction after just two days. In most cases, B. subtilis had a slower rate of decay than B. anthracis, although less B. subtilis was recovered initially.  相似文献   

Recent bioterrorism concerns have prompted renewed efforts towards understanding the biology of bacterial spore resistance to radiation with a special emphasis on the spores of Bacillus anthracis. A review of the literature revealed that B. anthracis Sterne spores may be three to four times more resistant to 254-nm-wavelength UV than are spores of commonly used indicator strains of Bacillus subtilis. To test this notion, B. anthracis Sterne spores were purified and their UV inactivation kinetics were determined in parallel with those of the spores of two indicator strains of B. subtilis, strains WN624 and ATCC 6633. When prepared and assayed under identical conditions, the spores of all three strains exhibited essentially identical UV inactivation kinetics. The data indicate that standard UV treatments that are effective against B. subtilis spores are likely also sufficient to inactivate B. anthracis spores and that the spores of standard B. subtilis strains could reliably be used as a biodosimetry model for the UV inactivation of B. anthracis spores.  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected from around fresh and year-old bison carcasses and areas not associated with known carcasses in Wood Buffalo National Park during an active anthrax outbreak in the summer of 2001. Sample selection with a grid provided the most complete coverage of a site. Soil samples were screened for viable Bacillus anthracis spores via selective culture, phenotypic analysis, and PCR. Bacillus anthracis spores were isolated from 28.4% of the samples. The highest concentrations of B. anthracis spores were found directly adjacent to fresh carcasses and invariably corresponded to locations where the soil had been saturated with body fluids escaping the carcass through either natural body orifices or holes torn by scavengers. The majority of positive samples were found within 2 m of both year-old and fresh carcasses and probably originated from scavengers churning up and spreading the body fluid-saturated soil as they fed. Trails of lesser contamination radiating from the carcasses probably resulted from spore dissemination through adhesion to scavengers and through larger scavengers dragging away disarticulated limbs. Comparison of samples from minimally scavenged and fully necropsied carcass sites revealed no statistically significant difference in the level of B. anthracis spore contamination. Therefore, the immediate area around a suspected anthrax carcass should be considered substantially contaminated regardless of the condition of the carcass.  相似文献   

Decimal reduction time (time to inactivate 90% of the population) (D) values of Bacillus anthracis spores in milk ranged from 3.4 to 16.7 h at 72°C and from 1.6 to 3.3 s at 112°C. The calculated increase of temperature needed to reduce the D value by 90% varied from 8.7 to 11.0°C, and the Arrhenius activation energies ranged from 227.4 to 291.3 kJ/mol. Six-log-unit viability reductions were achieved at 120°C for 16 s. These results suggest that a thermal process similar to commercial ultrahigh-temperature pasteurization could inactivate B. anthracis spores in milk.  相似文献   

Rapid (<=1.5-h) detection of anthrax spores in soil suspensions was accomplished by an immunomagnetic electrochemiluminescence method. Strain-dependent detection limits in the range of 10(sup2) to 10(sup5) spores were achieved in buffer. The rank order of sensitivity for the assay in buffer was Sterne > Ames > Vollum 1B. Detection was up to 3 orders of magnitude less sensitive in soil suspensions, and the rank order of sensitivity was altered.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis is one of the most dangerous potential biological weapons, and it is essential to develop a rapid and simple method to detect B. anthracis spores in environmental samples. The immunoassay is a rapid and easy-to-use method for the detection of B. anthracis by means of antibodies directed against surface spore antigens. With this objective in view, we have produced a panel of monoclonal antibodies against B. anthracis and developed colorimetric and electrochemiluminescence (ECL) immunoassays. Using Meso Scale Discovery ECL technology, which is based on electrochemiluminescence (ECL) detection utilizing a sulfo-Tag label that emits light upon electrochemical stimulation (using a dedicated ECL plate reader, an electrical current is placed across the microplate with electrodes integrated into the bottom of the plate, resulting in a series of electrically induced reactions leading to a luminescent signal), a detection limit ranging between 0.3 × 10(3) and 10(3) CFU/ml (i.e., 30 to 100 spores per test), depending on the B. anthracis strain assayed, was achieved. In complex matrices (5 mg/ml of soil or simulated powder), the detection level (without any sample purification or concentration) was never altered more than 3-fold compared with the results obtained in phosphate-buffered saline.  相似文献   

Currently available detectors for spores of Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, are inadequate for frontline use and general monitoring. There is a critical need for simple, rugged, and inexpensive detectors capable of accurate and direct identification of B. anthracis spores. Necessary components in such detectors are stable ligands that bind tightly and specifically to target spores. By screening a phage display peptide library, we identified a family of peptides, with the consensus sequence TYPXPXR, that bind selectively to B. anthracis spores. We extended this work by identifying a peptide variant, ATYPLPIR, with enhanced ability to bind to B. anthracis spores and an additional peptide, SLLPGLP, that preferentially binds to spores of species phylogenetically similar to, but distinct from, B. anthracis. These two peptides were used in tandem in simple assays to rapidly and unambiguously identify B. anthracis spores. We envision that these peptides can be used as sensors in economical and portable B. anthracis spore detectors that are essentially free of false-positive signals due to other environmental Bacillus spores.  相似文献   

Effective killing of Bacillus anthracis spores is of paramount importance to antibioterrorism, food safety, environmental protection, and the medical device industry. Thus, a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of spore resistance and inactivation is highly desired for developing new strategies or improving the known methods for spore destruction. Previous studies have shown that spore inactivation mechanisms differ considerably depending upon the killing agents, such as heat (wet heat, dry heat), UV, ionizing radiation, and chemicals. It is believed that wet heat kills spores by inactivating critical enzymes, while dry heat kills spores by damaging their DNA. Many studies have focused on the biochemical aspects of spore inactivation by dry heat; few have investigated structural damages and changes in spore mechanical properties. In this study, we have inactivated Bacillus anthracis spores with rapid dry heating and performed nanoscale topographical and mechanical analysis of inactivated spores using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our results revealed significant changes in spore morphology and nanomechanical properties after heat inactivation. In addition, we also found that these changes were different under different heating conditions that produced similar inactivation probabilities (high temperature for short exposure time versus low temperature for long exposure time). We attributed the differences to the differential thermal and mechanical stresses in the spore. The buildup of internal thermal and mechanical stresses may become prominent only in ultrafast, high-temperature heat inactivation when the experimental timescale is too short for heat-generated vapor to efficiently escape from the spore. Our results thus provide direct, visual evidences of the importance of thermal stresses and heat and mass transfer to spore inactivation by very rapid dry heating.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores remain dormant and highly resistant to environmental stress until they germinate. Completion of germination requires the degradation of spore cortex peptidoglycan by germination-specific lytic enzymes (GSLEs). Bacillus anthracis has four GSLEs: CwlJ1, CwlJ2, SleB, and SleL. In this study, the cooperative action of all four GSLEs in vivo was investigated by combining in-frame deletion mutations to generate all possible double, triple, and quadruple GSLE mutant strains. Analyses of mutant strains during spore germination and outgrowth combined observations of optical density loss, colony-producing ability, and quantitative identification of spore cortex fragments. The lytic transglycosylase SleB alone can facilitate enough digestion to allow full spore viability and generates a variety of small and large cortex fragments. CwlJ1 is also sufficient to allow completion of nutrient-triggered germination independently and is a major factor in Ca2+-dipicolinic acid (DPA)-triggered germination, but its enzymatic activity remains unidentified because its products are large and not readily released from the spore''s integuments. CwlJ2 contributes the least to overall cortex digestion but plays a subsidiary role in Ca2+-DPA-induced germination. SleL is an N-acetylglucosaminidase that plays the major role in hydrolyzing the large products of other GSLEs into small, rapidly released muropeptides. As the roles of these enzymes in cortex degradation become clearer, they will be targets for methods to stimulate premature germination of B. anthracis spores, greatly simplifying decontamination measures.The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus anthracis is the etiologic agent of cutaneous, gastrointestinal, and inhalational anthrax (24). An anthrax infection begins when the host is infected with highly resistant, quiescent B. anthracis spores (1, 24). Within the host, the spore''s sensory mechanism recognizes chemical signals, known as germinants, and triggers germination, which leads to the resumption of metabolism (36). Spores that have differentiated into vegetative cells produce a protective capsule and deadly toxins. These virulence factors allow the bacteria to evade the host''s immune system and establish an infection resulting in septicemia, toxemia, and frequently death (24). Although vegetative cells produce virulence factors that are potentially fatal, these cells cannot initiate infections and are much more susceptible to antimicrobial treatments than spores (24). Therefore, efficient triggering of spore germination may enhance current decontamination methods.Spores are highly resistant to many environmental insults because the spore core (cytoplasm) is dehydrated, dormant, and surrounded by multiple protective layers, including a modified layer of peptidoglycan (PG) known as the cortex (36). The cortex functions to maintain dormancy and heat resistance by preventing core rehydration (9). It is composed of alternating N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) sugars (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Peptide side chains on the NAM residues are either involved in interstrand cross-linking, cleaved to single l-alanine side chains, or fully removed with accompanying formation of muramic-δ-lactam (2, 31, 38). After germination is initiated by either nutrient or nonnutrient germinants, the cortex is depolymerized, resulting in complete core rehydration, resumption of metabolic activity, and outgrowth (33, 36).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Spore PG structure and hydrolysis. The central structure shows a representative spore PG strand with alternating NAG and NAM or muramic-δ-lactam (MδL) residues and with tetrapeptide or l-Ala side chains on the NAM residues. Forked arrows originate at sites of hydrolysis by the indicated enzymes and point to muropeptide products. The indicated “aG” muropeptide names are as previously published (7, 11). SleB lytic transglycosylase activity produces muropeptides terminating in anhydro-NAM. Cleavage at adjacent NAM residues produces the tetrasaccharide aG7a or aG7b, while cleavage further apart can produce octasaccharides or larger fragments. These can be further cleaved by muramidase treatment, resulting in the production of tetrasaccharide N, which terminates in NAM. The N-acetylglucosaminidase activity of SleL produces tetrasaccharides terminating in NAG, which can be further cleaved by muramidase to trisaccharides terminating in NAM.Cortex hydrolysis is driven by autolysins called germination-specific cortex lytic enzymes (GSLEs) that recognize the cortex-specific muramic-δ-lactam residues (2, 4, 21, 32). GSLEs fall into two classes: spore cortex lytic enzymes (SCLEs), which are thought to depolymerize intact cortical PG, and cortical fragment lytic enzymes (CFLEs), which further degrade partially hydrolyzed cortex (21). Both SCLEs and CFLEs have been identified in a variety of spore-forming species, including B. anthracis (11, 18, 19), Bacillus cereus (4, 20, 26), Bacillus megaterium (8, 34), Bacillus subtilis (13, 16, 25), Bacillus thuringiensis (12), and Clostridium perfringens (5, 23). Of the four GSLEs identified in B. anthracis, CwlJ1, CwlJ2, and SleB are predicted to be SCLEs (11), whereas SleL is thought to be a CFLE (18).Recently, independent studies showed that CwlJ1 and the lytic transglycosylase SleB (Fig. (Fig.1)1) play partially redundant roles and that either is sufficient for spore germination and outgrowth (10, 11). However, these same studies report conflicting results concerning the role of CwlJ2 during germination. Heffron et al. found no effect of CwlJ2 on the biochemistry of cortex hydrolysis or on colony-forming efficiency of spores (11). Giebel et al. reported that loss of CwlJ2 caused a minor defect in germination kinetics and that in the absence of SleB and CwlJ1, further loss of CwlJ2 had a major effect on colony forming efficiency (10). SleL in Bacillus anthracis is proposed to be an N-acetylglucosaminidase (Fig. (Fig.1)1) whose role is to further degrade cortex fragments resulting from SCLE hydrolysis (18). SleL is not essential for the completion of germination but does promote the release of small muropeptides to the spore''s surrounding environment (18).This study reports the effects of multiple deletion mutations affecting GSLEs on spore germination efficiency and kinetics of cortex hydrolysis. The data confirm the dominant roles played by CwlJ1 and SleB in the initiation of cortex hydrolysis and the major role of SleL in release of small cortex fragments. A minor role of CwlJ2 in nutrient-triggered germination and the contributions of CwlJ1 and CwlJ2 to Ca2+-dipicolinic acid (DPA)-triggered germination were revealed.  相似文献   

The infectious agent of the disease anthrax is the spore of Bacillus anthracis. Bacterial spores are extremely resistant to environmental stresses, which greatly hinders spore decontamination efforts. The spore cortex, a thick layer of modified peptidoglycan, contributes to spore dormancy and resistance by maintaining the low water content of the spore core. The cortex is degraded by germination-specific lytic enzymes (GSLEs) during spore germination, rendering the cells vulnerable to common disinfection techniques. This study investigates the relationship between SleB, a GSLE in B. anthracis, and YpeB, a protein necessary for SleB stability and function. The results indicate that ΔsleB and ΔypeB spores exhibit similar germination phenotypes and that the two proteins have a strict codependency for their incorporation into the dormant spore. In the absence of its partner protein, SleB or YpeB is proteolytically degraded soon after expression during sporulation, rather than escaping the developing spore. The three PepSY domains of YpeB were examined for their roles in the interaction with SleB. YpeB truncation mutants illustrate the necessity of a region beyond the first PepSY domain for SleB stability. Furthermore, site-directed mutagenesis of highly conserved residues within the PepSY domains resulted in germination defects corresponding to reduced levels of both SleB and YpeB in the mutant spores. These results identify residues involved in the stability of both proteins and reiterate their codependent relationship. It is hoped that the study of GSLEs and interacting proteins will lead to the use of GSLEs as targets for efficient activation of spore germination and facilitation of spore cleanup.  相似文献   

Bacterial endospores can remain dormant for decades yet can respond to nutrients, germinate, and resume growth within minutes. An essential step in the germination process is degradation of the spore cortex peptidoglycan wall, and the SleB protein in Bacillus species plays a key role in this process. Stable incorporation of SleB into the spore requires the YpeB protein, and some evidence suggests that the two proteins interact within the dormant spore. Early during germination, YpeB is proteolytically processed to a stable fragment. In this work, the primary sites of YpeB cleavage were identified in Bacillus anthracis, and it was shown that the stable products are comprised of the C-terminal domain of YpeB. Modification of the predominant YpeB cleavage sites reduced proteolysis, but cleavage at other sites still resulted in loss of full-length YpeB. A B. anthracis strain lacking the HtrC protease did not generate the same stable YpeB products. In B. anthracis and Bacillus subtilis htrC mutants, YpeB was partially stabilized during germination but was still degraded at a reduced rate by other, unidentified proteases. Purified HtrC cleaved YpeB to a fragment similar to that observed in vivo, and this cleavage was stimulated by Mn2+ or Ca2+ ions. A lack of HtrC did not stabilize YpeB or SleB during spore formation in the absence of the partner protein, indicating other proteases are involved in their degradation during sporulation.  相似文献   

Germination of Bacillus anthracis spores occurs when nutrients such as amino acids or purine nucleosides stimulate specific germinant receptors located in the spore inner membrane. The gerPABCDEF operon has been suggested to play a role in facilitating the interaction between germinants and their receptors in spores of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus. B. anthracis mutants containing deletions in each of the six genes belonging to the orthologue of the gerPABCDEF operon, or deletion of the entire operon, were tested for their ability to germinate. Deletion of the entire gerP operon resulted in a significant delay in germination in response to nutrient germinants. These spores eventually germinated to levels equivalent to wild-type, suggesting that an additional entry point for nutrient germinants may exist. Deletions of each individual gene resulted in a similar phenotype, with the exception of ΔgerPF, which showed no obvious defect. The removal of two additional gerPF-like orthologues was necessary to achieve the germination defect observed for the other mutants. Upon physical removal of the spore coat, the mutant lacking the full gerP operon no longer exhibited a germination defect, suggesting that the GerP proteins play a role in spore coat permeability. Additionally, each of the gerP mutants exhibited a severe defect in calcium-dipicolinic acid (Ca-DPA)–dependent germination, suggesting a role for the GerP proteins in this process. Collectively, these data implicate all GerP proteins in the early stages of spore germination.  相似文献   

Three species of Bacillus were evaluated as potential surrogates for Bacillus anthracis for determining the sporicidal activity of chlorination as commonly used in drinking water treatment. Spores of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis were found to be an appropriate surrogate for spores of B. anthracis for use in chlorine inactivation studies.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus anthracis are known to be extremely resistant to heat treatment, irradiation, desiccation, and disinfectants. To determine inactivation kinetics of spores by high pressure, B. anthracis spores of a Sterne strain-derived mutant deficient in the production of the toxin components (strain RP42) were exposed to pressures ranging from 280 to 500 MPa for 10 min to 6 h, combined with temperatures ranging from 20 to 75°C. The combination of heat and pressure resulted in complete destruction of B. anthracis spores, with a D value (exposure time for 90% inactivation of the spore population) of approximately 4 min after pressurization at 500 MPa and 75°C, compared to 160 min at 500 MPa and 20°C and 348 min at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa) and 75°C. The use of high pressure for spore inactivation represents a considerable improvement over other available methods of spore inactivation and could be of interest for antigenic spore preparation.  相似文献   

Biocide inactivation of Bacillus anthracis spores in the presence of food residues after a 10-min treatment time was investigated. Spores of nonvirulent Bacillus anthracis strains 7702, ANR-1, and 9131 were mixed with water, flour paste, whole milk, or egg yolk emulsion and dried onto stainless-steel carriers. The carriers were exposed to various concentrations of peroxyacetic acid, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 10 min at 10, 20, or 30°C, after which time the survivors were quantified. The relationship between peroxyacetic acid concentration, H2O2 concentration, and spore inactivation followed a sigmoid curve that was accurately described using a four-parameter logistic model. At 20°C, the minimum concentrations of peroxyacetic acid, H2O2, and NaOCl (as total available chlorine) predicted to inactivate 6 log10 CFU of B. anthracis spores with no food residue present were 1.05, 23.0, and 0.78%, respectively. At 10°C, sodium hypochlorite at 5% total available chlorine did not inactivate more than 4 log10 CFU. The presence of the food residues had only a minimal effect on peroxyacetic acid and H2O2 sporicidal efficacy, but the efficacy of sodium hypochlorite was markedly inhibited by whole-milk and egg yolk residues. Sodium hypochlorite at 5% total available chlorine provided no greater than a 2-log10 CFU reduction when spores were in the presence of egg yolk residue. This research provides new information regarding the usefulness of peroxygen biocides for B. anthracis spore inactivation when food residue is present. This work also provides guidance for adjusting decontamination procedures for food-soiled and cold surfaces.  相似文献   

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