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Hormonal control systems are complex in design and well integrated. Concern has been raised that these systems might act as evolutionary constraints when animals are subject to anthropogenic environmental change. Three systems are examined in vertebrates, especially birds, that are important for assessing this possibility: (i) the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, (ii) the activational effects of sex steroids on mating effort behaviour, and (iii) sexual differentiation. Consideration of how these systems actually work that takes adequate account of the brain's role and mechanisms suggests that the first two are unlikely to be impediments to evolution. The neural and molecular networks that regulate the HPG provide both phenotypic and evolutionary flexibility, and rapid evolutionary responses to selection have been documented in several species. The neuroendocrine and molecular cascades for behaviour provide many avenues for evolutionary change without requiring a change in peripheral hormone levels. Sexual differentiation has some potential to be a source of evolutionary inertia in birds and could contribute to the lack of diversity in certain reproductive (including life history) traits. It is unclear, however, whether that lack of diversity would impede adaptation to rapid environmental change given the role of behavioural flexibility in avian reproduction.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic studies using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system have overwhelmingly revealed many important molecular mechanisms underlying the control of various biological events, including floral induction in plants. The major genetic pathways of flowering have been characterized in-depth, and include the photoperiod, vernalization, autonomous and gibberellin pathways. In recent years, novel flowering pathways are increasingly being identified. These include age, thermosensory, sugar, stress and hormonal signals to control floral transition. Among them, hormonal control of flowering except the gibberellin pathway is not formally considered a major flowering pathway per se, due to relatively weak and often pleiotropic genetic effects, complex phenotypic variations, including some controversial ones. However, a number of recent studies have suggested that various stress signals may be mediated by hormonal regulation of flowering. In view of molecular diversity in plant kingdoms, this review begins with an assessment of photoperiodic flowering, not in A. thaliana, but in rice (Oryza sativa); rice is a staple crop for human consumption worldwide, and is a model system of short-day plants, cereals and breeding crops. The rice flowering pathway is then compared with that of A. thaliana. This review then aims to update our knowledge on hormonal control of flowering, and integrate it into the entire flowering gene network.  相似文献   

Data from different laboratories and theoretical considerations challenge our current view on anticancer immunity. Immune cells are capable of destroying cancer cells under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Therefore, cellular immunity is considered to control cancers through mechanisms that kill cancers. Yet, therapeutic anticancer immune responses rarely delete cancers. If efficient, they rather establish a life with stable disease. This raises the question of whether killing is the sole mechanism by which immune therapy attacks cancers. Here, we show that, besides cancer eradication by cytotoxic lymphocytes, other modes of action are operative and strictly required for cancer control. We show that T helper-1 cells arrest cancer growth by driving cancers into a state of stable or permanent growth arrest, called senescence. Such immune cells establish cytokine-producing walls around developing cancers. When producing interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor, this cytokine-induced tumor immune-surveillance keeps the cancer cells in a permanently non-proliferating state. Simultaneously, antiangiogenic chemokines cut their connections to the surrounding tissues. This strategy significantly reduces tumor burden and prolongs life of cancer-bearing animals. As human cancers also undergo senescence, the current data suggest tumor-immune surveillance through cytokine-induced senescence, instead of tumor eradication, as the more realistic and primary goal of cancer control.  相似文献   

Legume-Rhizobium nitrogen fixation is dramatically affected under drought and other environmental constraints. However, it has yet to be established as to whether such regulation of nitrogen fixation is only exerted at the whole-plant level (e.g. by a systemic nitrogen feedback mechanism) or can also occur at a local nodule level. To address this question, nodulated pea (Pisum sativum) plants were grown in a split-root system, which allowed for half of the root system to be irrigated at field capacity, while the other half was water deprived, thus provoking changes in the nodule water potential. Nitrogen fixation only declined in the water-deprived, half-root system and this result was correlated with modifications in the activities of key nodule's enzymes such as sucrose synthase and isocitrate dehydrogenase and in nodular malate content. Furthermore, the decline in nodule water potential resulted in a cell redox imbalance. The results also indicate that systemic nitrogen feedback signaling was not operating in these water-stressed plants, since nitrogen fixation activity was maintained at control values in the watered half of the split-root plants. Thus, the use of a partially droughted split-root system provides evidence that nitrogen fixation activity under drought stress is mainly controlled at the local level rather than by a systemic nitrogen signal.  相似文献   

Early in HIV infection, a million virions per milliliter appear in the blood; yet over the next few weeks, this number drops by two orders-of-magnitude. Symptoms resolve and a quasi-steady-state forms. What halts the viremic outburst? In 1996, Phillips proposed a simple explanation: HIV depletes its target cells. Here, we combine observations of primary disease with mathematical analysis to argue that target-cell scarcity cannot explain the virus's decline, indirectly shoring up the chief alternative theory: control by the immune system.  相似文献   

L Zhang  H Niu  S Wang  X Zhu  C Luo  Y Li  X Zhao 《Ecology and evolution》2012,2(5):1065-1070
Stomatal characteristics are used as proxies of paleo-environment. Only a few model species have been used to study the mechanisms of genetic and environmental effects on stomatal initiation. Variation among species has not been quantified. In this paper, results from an in situ reciprocal transplant experiment along an elevation gradient in the northeast Tibetan Plateau are reported, in which the relative effects of genetics (original altitude) and environment (transplant altitude) on stomatal density (SD) and length (SL) were quantified. In Thalictrum alpinum, only the environment significantly influenced SD, with the variance component ([Formula: see text]) of the environment found to be much greater than that of genetics ([Formula: see text]) ([Formula: see text]). In Kobresia humillis, only genetics significantly influenced SD and SL, with the genetics variance component found to be greater than that of the environment ([Formula: see text], for SD). These results suggest that the extent to which genetics and the environment determine stomatal initiation and development is species-specific. This needs to be considered when studying genetic or environmental controls of stomatal initiation, as well as when SD and SL are used as proxies for ancient climate factors (e.g., CO(2) concentration).  相似文献   

The fidelity of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells requires a balanced dNTP supply in the S phase. During the cell cycle progression, the production of dTTP is highly regulated to coordinate with DNA replication. Intracellular thymidine is salvaged to dTTP by cytosolic thymidine kinase (TK1) and thymidylate kinase (TMPK), both of which expression increase in the G1/S transition and diminish in the mitotic phase via proteolytic destruction. Anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C)-mediated ubiquitination targets TK1 and TMPK to undergo proteasomal degradation in mitosis, by which dTTP pool is minimized in the early G1 phase of the next cell cycle. In this review, we will focus on regulation of TK1 in the post-S phase and the importance of mitotic proteolysis in controlling dNTP balance, replication stress and genomic stability. Finally, we discuss how thymidine pool and oligomeric forms of TK1 can affect mitotic control of dTTP. This article is for the special issue of IMB 20th anniversary.  相似文献   

The possible role of LH or dcAMP induced changes in polyphosphorylated phospholipid metabolism in the regulation of cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity has been studied in tumour Leydig cells. Mitochondria isolated from LH-stimulated Leydig cells were 400% more active in pregnenolone production than mitochondria from control cells. Steroid production in isolated mitochondria from control cells could be stimulated only 25% by cytosol fractions from stimulated cells and 100 microM phosphatidyl inositol-4'-phosphate (PtdIns4P). Other polyphosphorylated phospholipids were either inactive or showed aspecific effects. During a preincubation period tumour cells were labelled with [32P]phosphate and steady-state labelling was obtained for the pholyphosphorylated phospholipids after 40-60 min. [32P]Phosphate incorporation in Ptd Ins4P, phosphatidyl inositol (PtdIns), phosphatidyl choline (PtChl), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PtdEtn) and cardiolipin (CL) was not affected by treatment of the Leydig cells with LH which stimulated (6-fold), or with cycloheximide which suppressed (4-fold) steroid production. A 25% increase of phosphate incorporation by LH was observed only in phosphatidyl inositol-4',5'-biphosphate (PtdIns4,5P2). 32P Incorporation in PtdIns4,5P2, PtdIns,PtdEtn and CL was stimulated by quinacrine 50 microM. Under these conditions the LH-stimulated pregnenolone production but not the 25-hydroxycholesterol dependent pregnenolone production, was completely inhibited. The results obtained with isolated mitochondria and intact cells indicate that increased levels of polyphosphorylated phospholipids are not consistently correlated with increased mitochondrial pregnenolone production. This argues against an important role of polyphosphorylated phospholipids in the hormonal regulation of cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity in tumour Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Tick- and tsetse-borne diseases cost Africa approximately US$4-5 billion per year in livestock production-associated losses. The use of pyrethroid-treated cattle to control ticks and tsetse promises to be an increasingly important tool to counter this loss. However, uncontrolled use of this technology might lead to environmental damage, acaricide resistance in tick populations and a possible exacerbation of tick-borne diseases. Recent research to identify, quantify and to develop strategies to avoid these effects are highlighted.  相似文献   

Summary Malpighian tubules of a desert tenebrionid beetle,Onymacris plana, have been studied as isolated preparations. Under control conditions tubules of female beetles secreted fluid at an average rate of 3.3 nl/min, but this rate was increased 20–25 times by a diuretic hormone (DH).Homogenates of the brain, corpora cardiaca (CC) and prothoracic ganglion induced striking increases in tubule secretion rates, which sometimes exceeded 100 nl/min. The increased rates were sustained for 3 h without renewal of the medium. Diuretic activity was also present in the other thoracic ganglia. High K treatment caused release of DH from the CC only.Exogenous cyclic AMP (1 mM) stimulated the isolated tubules ofO. plana, but to a lesser extent than the DH. The cationic composition of the secreted fluid resembled that of most other insect tubules, with high K and low Na concentrations. Stimulation with DH doubled the Na concentration.The DH was not inactivated by the tubules themselves, but was destroyed by contact with the haemolymph. An inactivation mechanism is vital in the apparently contradictory situation of a desert beetle possessing a diuretic hormone. The role of the cryptonephric system during diuresis is unknown.Abbreviations DH diuretic hormone - cAMP adenosine 3:5-cyclic monophosphoric acid - CC corpora cardiaca  相似文献   

Beneficial actions of nitric oxide (NO) in failing myocardium have frequently been overshadowed by poorly documented negative inotropic effects mainly derived from in vitro cardiac preparations. NO's beneficial actions include control of myocardial energetics and improvement of left ventricular (LV) diastolic distensibility. In isolated cardiomyocytes, administration of NO increases their diastolic cell length consistent with a rightward shift of the passive length-tension relation. This shift is explained by cGMP-induced phosphorylation of troponin I, which prevents calcium-independent diastolic cross-bridge cycling and concomitant diastolic stiffening of the myocardium. Similar improvements in diastolic stiffness have been observed in isolated guinea pig hearts, in pacing-induced heart failure dogs, and in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or aortic stenosis and have been shown to result in higher LV preload reserve and stroke work. NO also controls myocardial energetics through its effects on mitochondrial respiration, oxygen consumption, and substrate utilization. The effects of NO on diastolic LV performance appear to be synergistic with its effects on myocardial energetics through prevention of myocardial energy wastage induced by LV contraction against late-systolic reflected arterial pressure waves and through prevention of diastolic LV stiffening, which is essential for the maintenance of adequate subendocardial coronary perfusion. A drop in these concerted actions of NO on diastolic LV distensibility and on myocardial energetics could well be instrumental for the relentless deterioration of failing myocardium.  相似文献   

Biological control is a valuable and effective strategy for controlling arthropod pests and has been used extensively against invasive arthropods. As one approach for control of invasives, exotic natural enemies  from the native range of a pest are introduced to areas where control is needed. Classical biological control began to be used in the late 1800s and its use increased until, beginning in 1983, scientists began raising significant concerns and questions about nontarget and indirect effects that can be caused by these introductions. In recent years, similar issues have been raised about augmentative use of exotic natural enemies. Subsequently, international guidelines, national regulations and scientific methods being used for exotic natural enemies in biological control have changed to require appropriate specificity testing, risk assessment and regulatory oversight before exotic natural enemies can be released. National and international standards aimed at minimizing risk have increased awareness and promoted more careful consideration of the costs and benefits associated with biological control. The barriers to the implementation of classical and augmentative biological control with exotic natural enemies now are sometimes difficult and, as a consequence, the numbers of classical biological control programs and releases have decreased significantly. Based in part on this new, more careful approach, classical biological control programs more recently undertaken are increasingly aimed at controlling especially damaging invasive arthropod pests that otherwise cannot be controlled. We examine evidence for these revised procedures and regulations aimed at increasing success and minimizing risk. We also discuss limitations linked to the apparent paucity of post-introduction monitoring and inherent unpredictability of indirect effects.  相似文献   



The division of reproductive labor among group members in insect societies is regulated by "queen pheromones". However, it remains controversial whether these are manipulative, i.e., actively suppress worker reproduction, or honestly signal the fertility status of the queen to which workers react in their own interest by refraining from laying eggs. Manipulative queen control is thought to lead to an evolutionary arms race between queens and workers, resulting in complex queen bouquets that diverge strongly among different populations and species. In contrast, honest signals would evolve more slowly and might therefore differ less strongly within and among species.  相似文献   

In spite of the current research emphasis on the use of transgenic mosquitoes, insecticides are still the main method for controlling malarial mosquitoes. Although pyrethroids are the compounds of choice, insecticide resistance is now threatening the effective life of these invaluable compounds. Two recent studies have re-focused interest on entomopathogenic fungi as useful alternatives to conventional insecticides, suggesting that these fungi could be used as alternative control methods, which would thus also prolong the effective lifetime of pyrethroids.  相似文献   

Bacteria rely on a range of extracellular metabolites to suppress competitors, gain access to resources, and exploit plant or animal hosts. The GacS/GacA two-component regulatory system positively controls the expression of many of these beneficial external products in pseudomonad bacteria. Natural populations often contain variants with defective Gac systems that do not produce most external products. These mutants benefit from a decreased metabolic load but do not appear to displace the wild type in nature. How could natural selection maintain the wild type in the presence of a mutant with enhanced growth? One hypothesis is that Gac mutants are "cheaters" that do not contribute to the public good, favored within groups but selected against between groups, as groups containing more mutants lose access to ecologically important external products. An alternative hypothesis is that Gac mutants have a mutualistic interaction with the wild type, so that each variant benefits by the presence of the other. In the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain 30-84, Gac mutants do not produce phenazines, which suppress competitor growth and are critical for biofilm formation. Here, we test the predictions of these alternative hypotheses by quantifying interactions between the wild type and the phenazine- and biofilm-deficient Gac mutant within growing biofilms. We find evidence that the wild type and Gac mutants interact mutualistically in the biofilm context, whereas a phenazine-defective structural mutant does not. Our results suggest that the persistence of alternative Gac phenotypes may be due to the stabilizing role of local mutualistic interactions.  相似文献   

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