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We examined the carbohydrate-binding potential of the C-type lectin-like receptor Dectin-2 (Clecf4n). The carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD) of Dectin-2 exhibited cation-dependent mannose/fucose-like lectin activity, with an IC(50) for mannose of approximately 20 mM compared to an IC(50) of 1.5 mM for the macrophage mannose receptor when assayed by similar methodology. The extracellular domain of Dectin-2 exhibited binding to live Candida albicans and the Saccharomyces-derived particle zymosan. This binding was completely abrogated by cation chelation and was competed by yeast mannans. We compared the lectin activity of Dectin-2 with that of two other C-type lectin receptors (mannose receptor and SIGNR1) known to bind fungal mannans. Both mannose receptor and SIGNR1 were able to bind bacterial capsular polysaccharides derived from Streptococcus pneumoniae, but interestingly they exhibited distinct binding profiles. The Dectin-2 CRD exhibited only weak interactions to some of these capsular polysaccharides, indicative of different structural or affinity requirements for binding, when compared with the other two lectins. Glycan array analysis of the carbohydrate recognition by Dectin-2 indicated specific recognition of high-mannose structures (Man(9)GlcNAc(2)). The differences in the specificity of these three mannose-specific lectins indicate that mannose recognition is mediated by distinct receptors, with unique specificity, that are expressed by discrete subpopulations of cells, and this further highlights the complex nature of carbohydrate recognition by immune cells.  相似文献   

The relationship between the cholesteryl ester content of normal human very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and its ability to bind to apolipoprotein E (apoE), heparin, and the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor have been compared. Plasma VLDL were separated by heparin affinity chromatography into two fractions: one with apoE and one without. Both fractions had the same cholesteryl ester content relative to apolipoprotein B (apoB). LDL, on the other hand, had a greater cholesteryl ester content. VLDL were modified by lipolysis to express the ability to bind apoE (Ishikawa, Y., Fielding, C. J., and Fielding, P. E. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 2744-2749). Lipolyzed VLDL with or without apoE were compared for their ability to bind to heparin or the up-regulated fibroblast LDL receptor. Lipolyzed VLDL bound with the same affinity to the receptor whether or not the particles contained apoE. ApoB, not apoE, appears then to be the important ligand for normal VLDL. On the other hand, modified VLDL without apoE, even though binding to the LDL receptor, did not bind to heparin. These data suggest that apoE mediates heparin binding in normal VLDL, that apoB mediates receptor binding, and that the cholesteryl ester content of VLDL is not a factor in the induction of the ability to bind apoE.  相似文献   

UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide alpha-N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferases (ppGalNAcTs), a family (EC of enzymes that initiate mucin-type O-glycosylation, are structurally composed of a catalytic domain and a lectin domain. Previous studies have suggested that the lectin domain modulates the glycosylation of glycopeptide substrates and may underlie the strict glycopeptide specificity of some isoforms (ppGalNAcT-7 and -10). Using a set of synthetic peptides and glycopeptides based upon the sequence of the mucin, MUC5AC, we have examined the activity and glycosylation site preference of lectin domain deletion and exchange constructs of the peptide/glycopeptide transferase ppGalNAcT-2 (hT2) and the glycopeptide transferase ppGalNAcT-10 (hT10). We demonstrate that the lectin domain of hT2 directs glycosylation site selection for glycopeptide substrates. Pre-steady-state kinetic measurements show that this effect is attributable to two mechanisms, either lectin domain-aided substrate binding or lectin domain-aided product release following glycosylation. We find that glycosylation of peptide substrates by hT10 requires binding of existing GalNAcs on the substrate to either its catalytic or lectin domain, thereby resulting in its apparent strict glycopeptide specificity. These results highlight the existence of two modes of site selection used by these ppGalNAcTs: local sequence recognition by the catalytic domain and the concerted recognition of distal sites of prior glycosylation together with local sequence binding mediated, respectively, by the lectin and catalytic domains. The latter mode may facilitate the glycosylation of serine or threonine residues, which occur in sequence contexts that would not be efficiently glycosylated by the catalytic domain alone. Local sequence recognition by the catalytic domain differs between hT2 and hT10 in that hT10 requires a pre-existing GalNAc residue while hT2 does not.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I is thought to undergo a conformational change during lipid association that results in the transition of random coil to alpha-helix. Using a series of deletion mutants lacking different regions along the molecule, we examined the contribution of alpha-helix formation in apoA-I to the binding to egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) small unilamellar vesicles (SUV). Binding isotherms determined by gel filtration showed that apoA-I binds to SUV with high affinity and deletions in the C-terminal region markedly decrease the affinity. Circular dichroism measurements demonstrated that binding to SUV led to an increase in alpha-helix content, but the helix content was somewhat less than in reconstituted discoidal PC.apoA-I complexes for all apoA-I variants, suggesting that the helical structure of apoA-I on SUV is different from that in discs. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that the binding of apoA-I to SUV is accompanied by a large exothermic heat and deletions in the C-terminal regions greatly decrease the heat. Analysis of the rate of release of heat on binding, as well as the kinetics of quenching of tryptophan fluorescence by brominated PC, indicated that the opening of the N-terminal helix bundle is a rate-limiting step in apoA-I binding to the SUV surface. Significantly, the correlation of thermodynamic parameters of binding with the increase in the number of helical residues revealed that the contribution of alpha-helix formation upon lipid binding to the enthalpy and the free energy of the binding of apoA-I is -1.1 and -0.04 kcal/mol per residue, respectively. These results indicate that alpha-helix formation, especially in the C-terminal regions, provides the energetic source for high affinity binding of apoA-I to lipids.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of mammalian cells to the bacterial toxin aerolysin is due to the presence at their surface of glycosylphosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-anchored proteins which act as receptors. Using a panel of mutants that are affected in the GPI biosynthetic pathway and Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoproteins, we show that addition of an ethanolamine phosphate residue on the first mannose of the glycan core does not affect binding. In contrast, the addition of a side chain of up to four galactose residues at position 3 of this same mannose leads to an increase in binding. However, protein free GPIs, which accumulate in mutant cells deficient in the transamidase that transfers the protein to the pre-formed GPI-anchor, were unable to bind the toxin indicating a requirement for the polypeptide moiety, the nature and size of which seem of little importance although two exceptions have been identified.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the association of apolipoprotein E (apoE) with human plasma very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) were investigated in experiments in which the lipid content of the lipoprotein was modified either by lipid transfer in the absence of lipolysis or through the action of lipoprotein lipase. In both cases, lipoprotein particles initially containing no apoE (VLDL-E), isolated by heparin affinity chromatography, were modified until they had the same lipid composition as native apoE-containing VLDL (VLDL+E) from the same plasma. Transfer-modified lipoproteins, unlike native VLDL+E, did not bind apoE or interact with heparin. In contrast, VLDL-E, whose lipid composition was modified to the same extent by lipase, bound apoE and bound to heparin under the same conditions as native VLDL+E. A structural protein (apolipoprotein B) epitope characteristic of VLDL+E was expressed during lipolysis prior to ApoE or heparin binding. The data suggest that the reaction of apoE with VLDL-E is a two-step reaction. The appearance of apoB is modified during lipolysis, with expression of a major heparin-binding site. The modified VLDL then becomes competent to bind apoE. The lipid composition of VLDL appears not to be a major factor in the ability of VLDL to bind apoE or to bind to heparin.  相似文献   

Nuclear export of IkappaBalpha is mediated by the CRM1 nuclear export receptor. However, the identity of the nuclear export sequences NES(s) in IkappaBalpha that are responsible for binding of IkappaBalpha to CRM1 is controversial. Both a N-terminal NES-like region (amino acids 45-54) and a C-terminal NES-like region (amino acids 265-280) have, in a number of reports from different laboratories, been implicated in CRM1-dependent nuclear export of IkappaBalpha. We now demonstrate that the N-terminal NES-like region, but not the C-terminal NES-like region, is required for RanGTP-dependent binding of IkappaBalpha to CRM1. IkappaBalpha is a relatively weak substrate for CRM1, with an affinity for CRM1 that is 100-fold less than the minute virus of mice NS2 protein, a high affinity cargo protein for CRM1. We also demonstrate that IkappaBalpha functions as a physical adaptor between CRM1 and NFkappaB/Rel proteins. Both free IkappaBalpha and Rel-associated IkappaBalpha have comparable affinities for CRM1, suggesting that CRM1 does not discriminate between free IkappaBalpha and Rel-associated IkappaBalpha. Nuclear export of c-Rel by IkappaBalpha requires the N-terminal NES-like sequence of IkappaBalpha but is not affected by alanine substitutions within the C-terminal NES-like sequence of IkappaBalpha. In contrast, nuclear export of the v-Rel oncoprotein by IkappaBalpha is disrupted by alanine substitutions within either the N-terminal or the C-terminal NES-like sequences. However, alanine substitutions within the C-terminal NES-like sequence significantly reduce the affinity of IkappaBalpha for v-Rel, suggesting that loss of export function for this mutant is secondary to reduced association between IkappaBalpha and v-Rel. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the N-terminal NES-like sequence in IkappaBalpha is required for RanGTP-dependent binding of both free IkappaBalpha and NFkappaB/Rel-associated IkappaBalpha proteins to CRM1.  相似文献   

Recently, we identified desmoglein 2 (DSG2) as the main receptor for a group of species B adenoviruses (Ads), including Ad3, a serotype that is widely distributed in the human population (H. Wang et al., Nat. Med. 17:96-104, 2011). In this study, we have attempted to delineate structural details of the Ad3 interaction with DSG2. For CAR- and CD46-interacting Ad serotypes, attachment to cells can be completely blocked by an excess of recombinant fiber knob protein, while soluble Ad3 fiber knob only inefficiently blocks Ad3 infection. We found that the DSG2-interacting domain(s) within Ad3 is formed by several fiber knob domains that have to be in the spatial constellation that is present in viral particles. Based on this finding, we generated a small recombinant, self-dimerizing protein containing the Ad3 fiber knob (Ad3-K/S/Kn). Ad3-K/S/Kn bound to DSG2 with high affinity and blocked Ad3 infection. We demonstrated by confocal immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy analyses that Ad3-K/S/Kn, through its binding to DSG2, triggered the transient opening of intercellular junctions in epithelial cells. The pretreatment of epithelial cells with Ad3-K/S/Kn resulted in increased access to receptors that are localized in or masked by epithelial junctions, e.g., CAR or Her2/neu. Ad3-K/S/Kn treatment released CAR from tight junctions and thus increased the transduction of epithelial cells by a serotype Ad5-based vector. Furthermore, the pretreatment of Her2/neu-positive breast cancer cells with Ad3-K/S/Kn increased the killing of cancer cells by the Her2/neu-targeting monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin). This study widens our understanding of how Ads achieve high avidity to their receptors and the infection of epithelial tissue. The small recombinant protein Ad3-K/S/Kn has practical implications for the therapy of epithelial cancer and gene/drug delivery to normal epithelial tissues.  相似文献   

We have produced and characterized the binding properties of three structural analogs of human insulin-like growth factor I (hIGF-I). These analogs are [1-62]hIGF-I, an analog lacking the carboxyl-terminal 8-amino acid D region of hIGF-I; [1-27, Gly4, 38-70]hIGF-I, an analog in which residues 28-37 of the C region of hIGF-I are replaced by a 4-reside glycine bridge; and [1-27,Gly4,38-62]hIGF-I, an analog with the C region glycine replacement and a D region deletion. The removal of the D region of hIGF-I has little effect on binding to the type 1 and type 2 insulin-like growth factor (IGF) receptors. [1-62]hIGF-I has 2-fold higher affinity for the insulin receptor and 4-fold higher affinity for IGF serum-binding proteins. The replacement of the C region of hIGF-I with a four-glycine span results in a 30-fold loss of affinity for the type 1 IGF receptor. However this analog has near normal affinity for the type 2 IGF receptor, the insulin receptor, and IGF serum-binding proteins. Incorporating the C region glycine replacement and the D region deletion into one analog does not affect binding to either the type 2 receptor or to IGF serum-binding proteins. As predicted from the single deletion analogs [1-27,Gly4,38-62]hIGF-I has reduced affinity for the type 1 IGF receptor (approximately 40-fold) and increased affinity for the insulin receptor (5-fold). These data indicate that determinants in the C region of hIGF-I are involved in maintaining high affinity binding to the type 1 IGF receptor and that neither the C region nor the D region are required for high affinity binding to the type 2 IGF receptor or to IGF serum-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Calcineurin (CN) is an important regulator of developmental processes and in adults controls the immune response through its regulation of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT). The physical interaction between CN and NFATs is an essential step in the activation of NFAT-dependent genes by calcium signals. Using deletional and substitutional analyses, we have identified a 13-amino acid region within CN that is essential for the interaction with NFAT and with two other CN-binding proteins, AKAP79 and Cabin-1. The interaction of CN with these proteins is selectively disrupted by substitution of specific amino acid residues within this region, indicating that NFAT and other CN-interacting proteins bind differentially to CN. This selectivity suggests that the region identified in CN could be a potential molecular target for immunosuppressive and other therapeutic interventions in diseases involving the CN/NFAT pathway.  相似文献   

Sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQR) is a monotopic membrane flavoprotein present in all domains of life, with multiple roles including sulfide detoxification, homeostasis and energy generation by providing electrons to respiratory or photosynthetic electron transport chains. A type III SQR from the hyperthermophilic archeon Caldivirga maquilingensis has been previously characterized, and its C-terminal amphipathic helices were demonstrated to be responsible for membrane binding. Here, the oligomeric state of this protein was experimentally evaluated by size exclusion chromatography, native gels and crosslinking, and found to be a monomer-dimer-trimer equilibrium. Remarkably, mutant and truncated variants unable to bind to the membrane are able to maintain their oligomeric association. Thus, unlike other related monotopic membrane proteins, the region involved in membrane binding does not influence oligomerization. Furthermore, by studying heterodimers between the WT and mutants, it was concluded that membrane binding requires an oligomer with at least two copies of the protein with intact C-terminal amphipathic helices. A structural homology model of the C. maquilingensis SQR was used to define the flavin- and quinone-binding sites. CmGly12, CmGly16, CmAla77 and CmPro44 were determined to be important for flavin binding. Unexpectedly, CmGly299 is only important for quinone reduction despite its proximity to bound FAD. CmPhe337 and CmPhe362 are also important for quinone binding apparently by direct interaction with the quinone ring, whereas CmLys359, postulated to hydrogen bond to the quinone, seems to have a more structural role. The results presented differentiate the Type III CmSQR from some of its counterparts classified as Type I, II and V.  相似文献   

The coupling factor, F1-ATPase of Escherichia coli (ECF1) contains five different subunits, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. Properties of delta-deficient ECF1 have previously been described. F1-ATPase containing only the alpha, beta, and gamma subunits was prepared from E. coli by passage of delta-deficient ECF1 through an affinity column containing immobilized antibodies to the epsilon subunit. The delta, epsilon-deficient enzyme has normal ATPase activity but cannot bind to ECF1-depleted membrane vesicles. Both the delta and epsilon subunits are required for the binding of delta, epsilon-deficient ECF1 to membranes and the restoration of oxidative phosphorylation. Either delta or epsilon will bind to the deficient enzyme to form a four-subunit complex. Neither four-subunit enzyme binds to depleted membranes. The epsilon subunit, does, however, slightly improve the binding affinity between delta and delta-deficient enzyme suggesting a possible interaction between the two subunits. Neither subunit binds to trypsin-treated ECF1, which contains only the alpha and beta subunits. A role for gamma in the binding of epsilon to F1 is suggested. epsilon does not bind to ECF1-depleted membranes. Therefore, the in vitro reconstitution of depleted membranes requires an initial complex formation between epsilon and the rest of ECF1 prior to membrane attachment. Reconstitution experiments indicate that only one epsilon is required per functional ECF1 molecule.  相似文献   

The major surface protein of malaria sporozoites, the circumsporozoite protein, binds to heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the surface of hepatocytes. It has been proposed that this binding event is responsible for the rapid and specific localization of sporozoites to the liver after their injection into the skin by an infected anopheline mosquito. Previous in vitro studies performed under static conditions have failed to demonstrate a significant role for heparan sulfate proteoglycans during sporozoite invasion of cells. We performed sporozoite attachment and invasion assays under more dynamic conditions and found a dramatic decrease in sporozoite attachment to cells in the presence of heparin. In contrast to its effect on attachment, heparin does not appear to have an effect on sporozoite invasion of cells. When substituted heparins were used as competitive inhibitors of sporozoite attachment, we found that sulfation of the glycosaminoglycan chains at both the N- and O-positions was important for sporozoite adhesion to cells. We conclude that the binding of the circumsporozoite protein to hepatic heparan sulfate proteoglycans is likely to function during sporozoite attachment in the liver and that this adhesion event depends on the sulfated glycosaminoglycan chains of the proteoglycans.  相似文献   

The 2-amino group of guanine is believed to be a critical determinant of potential DNA binding sites for echinomycin and related quinoxaline antibiotics. In order to probe its importance directly we have studied the interaction between echinomycin and DNA species in which guanine N(2) is deleted by virtue of substitution of inosine for guanosine residues. The polymerase chain reaction was used to prepare inosine-substituted DNA. Binding of echinomycin, assessed by DNAse I footprinting, was practically abolished by incorporation of inosine into one or both strands of DNA. We conclude that both the purines in the preferred CpG binding site need to bear a 2-amino group to interact with echinomycin.  相似文献   

Liu J  Wei Y  Guo T  Xie X  Jiang J  Sui SF 《IUBMB life》2007,59(2):84-89
Complexin is a cytoplasmic protein that plays an important role in the neurotransmitters release triggered by action potential. Previous studies suggested that complexin performs its functions through interaction with the SNARE complex. The crystal structure of complexin/SNARE complex revealed that complexin binds to SNARE core complex in an anti-parallel conformation with its residues 48 - 70. However, the functions of the flanking sequences are unclear. In this paper, we demonstrate that the fragment 71 - 77 of complexin is indispensable for its binding to the SNARE complex. Moreover, this interaction can be impaired by abolishing the positive charges in the fragment 71 - 77, which suggests that the positive charges in the fragment 71 - 77 are important for the interaction between complexin II and the SNARE complex.  相似文献   

Bovine estrogen receptor (ER) was purified to near homogeneity by estrogen response element (ERE) affinity chromatography, and its ERE binding ability was measured in vitro. Highly purified ER bound EREs with reduced affinity compared to partially purified ER. Partially purified ER contained hsp70, but highly purified ER did not. We examined whether addition of purified recombinant human hsp70 or purified bovine hsp70 would restore the higher ERE binding affinity, stoichiometry, and ligand retention detected with partially purified receptor and how hsp70 affected the rate of ER-ERE association and dissociation. ER-ERE binding was not affected by antibodies to either constitutive or induced forms of hsp70, regardless of ER purity. Addition of purified hsp70, with or without ATP and Mg2+, did not affect the association or dissociation rates of highly purified liganded ER binding to ERE. hsp70 Did not alter the total amount of ER-ERE complex formed. Similarly, hsp70 did not affect the rate of [3H]estradiol (E2) or [3H]4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) ligand dissociation from ER in the presence or absence of EREs. These data contrast with a report showing that maximal ERE binding by highly purified recombinant human ER required hsp70. We conclude that ER, purified from a physiological source, i.e., calf uterus, does not require hsp70 for maximal ER-ERE binding in vitro. Additionally, once ER is activated and bound by ligand, the receptor assumes its proper tertiary structure, and hsp70 does not impact ER ligand binding domain conformation.  相似文献   

Proteins from Sendai virus particles and from infected cells were analyzed in a protein-blotting protein-overlay assay for their interaction with in vitro-synthesized, [35S]methionine-labeled viral proteins NP, P, and M. After separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, transfer onto polyvinylidene difluoride membranes, and renaturation, the immobilized proteins were found to interact specifically with radiolabeled proteins. NP proteins from virus particles and from infected cells retained 35S-P protein equally well. Conversely, P protein from virus particles and from infected cells retained 35S-NP protein. 35S-M protein was retained mainly by NP protein but also by several cellular proteins. To determine the domains on NP protein required for binding to immobilized P protein, a series of truncated and internally deleted 35S-NP proteins was constructed. The only deletion that did not affect binding resides between residues 426 and 497. The carboxyl-terminal 27 residues (positions 498 to 524) contribute significantly to the binding affinity. Removal of 20 residues (positions 225 to 244) in the hydrophobic middle part of NP protein completely abolished its binding to P protein.  相似文献   

A variant form of Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L7/L12 that lacked residues 42 to 52 (L7/L12 Δ42–52) in the hinge region was shown previously to be completely inactive in supporting polyphenylalanine synthesis although it bound to L7/L12 deficient core particles with the normal stoichiometry of four copies per particle (Oleinikov AV, Perroud B, Wang B, Traut RR (1993) J Biol Chem, 268, 917–922). The result suggested that the hinge confers flexibility that is required for activity because the resulting bent conformation allows the distal C-terminal domain to occupy a location on the body of the large ribosomal subunit proximal to the base of the L7/L12 stalk where elongation factors bind. Factor binding to the hinge-truncated variant was tested. As an alternative strategy to deleting residues from the hinge, seven amino acid residues within the putative hinge region were replaced by seven consecutive proline residues in an attempt to confer increased rigidity that might reduce or eliminate the bending of the molecule inferred to be functionally important. This variant, L7/L12: (Pro)7, remained fully active in protein synthesis. Whereas the binding of both factors in ribosomes containing L7/L12:Δ42–52 was decreased by about 50%, there was no loss of factor binding in ribosomes containing L7/L12:(Pro)7, as predicted from the retention of protein synthesis activity. The factor:ribosome complexes that contained L7/L12:Δ42–52 had the same low level of GTP hydrolysis as the core particles completely lacking L7/L12 and EF-G did not support translocation measured by the reaction of phe-tRNA bounds in hr Asite with puromycin. It is concluded that the hinge region is required for the functionally productive binding of elongation factors, and the defect in protein synthesis reported previously is due to this defect. The variant produced by the introduction of the putative rigid Pro7 sequence retains sufficient flexibility for full activity.  相似文献   

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