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Using a chemical cross-linker and gel electrophoresis or a dot blot overlay assay, we studied protein-protein interaction of STb toxin, a 48-residue amphiphilic polypeptide causing intestinal disorders. For the first time, we report on the oligomerization property of STb. This enterotoxin forms hexamers and heptamers in a temperature-independent fashion in presence or absence of its receptor (sulfatide) anchored in a 50-nm liposome or as a free molecule. Full STb structure integrity is necessary for its oligomerization as this process is not observed under reducing conditions in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol. STb treatment with tetramethylurea (TMU) and different detergents prevented oligomerization. Site-directed mutagenesis decreasing overall STb hydrophobicity in the hydrophobic alpha-helix resulted in the incapacity to form oligomers. Taken together, these data suggest that the C-terminal hydrophobic alpha-helix corresponds to the domain of STb-STb inter-binding where hydrophobic interaction is involved.  相似文献   

Like many other receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor β (PDGFR-β) is internalized and degraded in lysosomes in response to PDGF stimulation, which regulates many aspects of cell signalling. However, little is known about the regulation of PDGFR-β endocytosis. Given that ligand binding is essential for the rapid internalization of RTKs, the events induced by the ligand binding likely contribute to the regulation of ligand-induced RTK internalization. These events include receptor dimerization, activation of intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity and autophosphorylation. In this communication, we examined the role of PDGFR-β kinase activity, PDGFR-β dimerization and PDGFR-β C-terminal motifs in PDGF-induced PDGFR-β internalization. We showed that inhibition of PDGFR-β kinase activity by chemical inhibitor or mutation did not block PDGF-induced PDGFR-β endocytosis, suggesting that the kinase activity is not essential. We further showed that dimerization of PDGFR-β is essential and sufficient to drive PDGFR-β internalization independent of PDGFR-β kinase activation. Moreover, we showed that the previously reported 14 amino acid sequence 952-965 is required for PDGF-induced PDGFR-β internalization. Most importantly, we showed that this PDGFR-β internalization motif is exchangeable with the EGFR internalization motif (1005-1017) in mediating ligand-induced internalization of both PDGFR-β and EGFR. This indicates a common mechanism for the internalization of both PDGFR-β and EGFR.  相似文献   

Potential interactions between membrane components of rat brain synaptic vesicles were analyzed by detergent solubilization followed by size fractionation or immunoprecipitation. The behavior of six synaptic vesicle membrane proteins as well as a plasma membrane protein was monitored by Western blotting. Solubilization of synaptic vesicle membranes in CHAPS resulted in the recovery of a large protein complex that included SV2, p65, p38, vesicle-associated membrane protein, and the vacuolar proton pump. Solubilization in octylglucoside resulted in the preservation of interactions between SV2, p38, and rab3A, while solubilization of synaptic vesicles with Triton X-100 resulted in two predominant interactions, one involving p65 and SV2, and the other involving p38 and vesicle-associated membrane protein. The multicomponent complex preserved with CHAPS solubilization was partially reconstituted following octylglucoside solubilization and subsequent dialysis against CHAPS. Reduction of the CHAPS concentration by gel filtration chromatography resulted in increased recovery of the multicomponent complex. Examination of the large complex isolated from CHAPS-solubilized vesicles by negative stain EM revealed structures with multiple globular domains, some of which were specifically labeled with gold-conjugated antibodies directed against p65 and SV2. The protein interactions defined in this report are likely to underlie aspects of neurotransmitter secretion, membrane traffic, and the spatial organization of vesicles within the nerve terminal.  相似文献   

A key genomic characteristic that helps define Hantavirus as a genus of the family Bunyaviridae is the presence of distinctive terminal complementary nucleotides that promote the folding of the viral genomic segments into "panhandle" hairpin structures. The hantavirus nucleocapsid protein (N protein), which is encoded by the smallest of the three negative-sense genomic RNA segments, undergoes in vivo and in vitro trimerization. Trimeric hantavirus N protein specifically recognizes the panhandle structure formed by complementary base sequence of 5' and 3' ends of viral genomic RNA. N protein trimers from the Andes, Puumala, Prospect Hill, Seoul, and Sin Nombre viruses recognize their individual homologous panhandles as well as other hantavirus panhandles with high affinity. In contrast, these hantavirus N proteins bind with markedly reduced affinity to the panhandles from the genera Bunyavirus, Tospovirus, and Phlebovirus or Nairovirus. Interactions between most hantavirus N and heterologous hantavirus viral RNA panhandles are mediated by the nine terminal conserved nucleotides of the panhandle, whereas Sin Nombre virus N requires the first 23 nucleotides for high-affinity binding. Trimeric hantavirus N complexes undergo a prominent conformational change while interacting with panhandles from members of the genus Hantavirus but not while interacting with panhandles from viruses of other genera of the family Bunyaviridae. These data indicate that high-affinity interactions between trimeric N and hantavirus panhandles are conserved within the genus Hantavirus.  相似文献   

A number of alpha-helix forming peptides have been reported which appear to promote membrane fusion and other biological events related to the disruption of a hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface, due to the presence of a hydrophobicity gradient along the helical long axis. When alpha-helices from this class were analysed according to hydrophobic moment plot methodology a linear association was found to exist between the mean hydrophobic moment, , and the corresponding mean hydrophobicity, . This association was described by the least squares regression line: =0.508-0.422 and, here, a methodology to aid the prediction of oblique orientated alpha-helices is presented, based on a 99% prediction band around this regression line. This methodology is intended to provide an initial identification of candidates for further investigation by other techniques such as the molecular hydrophobic potential and laboratory based experimentation, not to assign function.  相似文献   

Oligomerization of human Gadd45a protein   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Gadd45a is an 18-kDa acidic protein that is induced by genotoxic and certain other cellular stresses. The exact function of this protein is not known. However, there is evidence for its involvement in growth control, maintenance of genomic stability, DNA repair, cell cycle control, and apoptosis. Consistently, Gadd45a has previously been shown to interact in vitro and/or in vivo with a number of proteins playing central roles in these cellular processes: proliferating cell nuclear antigen, p21(Cip1/Waf1), Cdc2-CyclinB complex, MTK1, and histones. Adding to this complexity, we have found that Gadd45a self-associates in solution, both in vitro and when expressed in the cell. Moreover, Gadd45a can complex with the two other members of the Gadd45 family of stress-induced proteins, human Gadd45b (MyD118) and Gadd45g (CR6). Gel-exclusion chromatography, native gel electrophoretic analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and chemical cross-linking showed that recombinant Gadd45a forms dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric species in vitro, the dimers being the predominant form. Deletion mutant and peptide scanning analyses suggest that Gadd45a has two self-association sites: within N-terminal amino acids 33-61 and within 40 C-terminal amino acids. Despite the low abundance of Gadd45a in the cell, oligomer-forming concentrations can probably be achieved in the foci-like nuclear structures formed by the protein upon overexpression. Evidence for a potential role of Gadd45a self-association in altering DNA accessibility on damaged nucleosomes is presented.  相似文献   

PS2 is the S-layer protein of Corynebacterium glutamicum . The S-layer may be detached from the cell as organized sheets by detergents at room temperature. The solubilization of PS2 in the form of monomers requires detergent treatment at high temperature (70°C), conditions under which the protein is denatured. Treatment of the cells with proteinase K or trypsin results in the detachment of the organized S-layer, which remains organized. Because we show that trypsin cleaves the C-terminal part of the protein, we conclude that this domain is involved in the association of the S-layer to the cell but is not essential in the interaction between individual PS2 proteins within the S-layer. A modified form of PS2, deleted of its C-terminal hydrophobic sequence, was constructed. The protein is almost unable to form an organized S-layer and is mainly released into the medium. We suggest that PS2 is anchored via its C-terminal hydrophobic sequence to a hydrophobic layer of the wall of the bacterium located some distance above the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

An alpha-helix terminates when the virtual extension of its most hydrophobic, longitudinal strip containing Leu, Ile, Val, Phe, and Met lacks those residues. In each of 247 helices a template was fitted to maximize the mean hydrophobicity of positions forming a longitudinal strip-of-helix. The template was then extended into sequences beyond the ends of the helices. Leu, Ile, Val, Phe, and Met occurred in positions in the longitudinal strip-of-helix at an increased frequency (p less than 0.001), but in the first and second positions beyond either end of each true helix, they occurred at the same frequency as for their empirical distribution over all the proteins. Excesses of Asp and Glu were found in the N-terminal loop, and of Arg, His, and Lys in specific positions about the C terminus of helices. The longitudinal hydrophobic strip, the smallest amino acid in that strip, and charged amino acids in that strip, related to rotational and longitudinal orientation of alpha-helices in 15 proteins. Adjacent helices generally crossed through their longitudinal hydrophobic strips. They usually crossed through the smallest residue in the strip. Charged residues, when they occurred in the strips, were excluded from the crossing regions.  相似文献   

Alpha-helices stand out as common and relatively invariant secondary structural elements of proteins. However, alpha-helices are not rigid bodies and their deformations can be significant in protein function (e.g. coiled coils). To quantify the flexibility of alpha-helices we have performed a structural principal-component analysis of helices of different lengths from a representative set of protein folds in the Protein Data Bank. We find three dominant modes of flexibility: two degenerate bend modes and one twist mode. The data are consistent with independent Gaussian distributions for each mode. The mode eigenvalues, which measure flexibility, follow simple scaling forms as a function of helix length. The dominant bend and twist modes and their harmonics are reproduced by a simple spring model, which incorporates hydrogen-bonding and excluded volume. As an application, we examine the amount of bend and twist in helices making up all coiled-coil proteins in SCOP. Incorporation of alpha-helix flexibility into structure refinement and design is discussed.  相似文献   

A method is described for producing fragments of a protein suitable for studies of protein folding. The codon for a single methionine residue is introduced into the cloned gene of barnase, and the gene product cleaved with cyanogen bromide. The site of mutation was chosen to be at the surface of the protein in a region connecting segments of secondary structure in the native enzyme. The alpha + beta protein was mutated from Val36----Met, and split into two fragments, B(1-36) containing the alpha-helical regions and B(37-110), the beta-sheet. The fragments were purified by ion exchange chromatography. Neither retains catalytic activity. Fluorescence, circular dichroism, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance data indicate that their structures are each close to that of random-coil peptides. The two fragments associate to form a tight complex (Kd = 0.2 to 0.6 microM), which displays spectroscopic properties similar to those of the uncleaved protein. The catalytic activity is restored in the complex with a value for Km similar to that for native enzyme but with kcat reduced about three- to fourfold. The second-order rate constant for association on mixing fragments in the concentration range 2.5 to 7.5 microM is 1 x 10(5) s-1 M-1.  相似文献   

Isolated uncoupling protein (UCP) can be cross-linked, by various disulfide-forming reagents, to dimers. The best cross-linking is achieved with Cu2+-phenanthroline oxidation. Because cross-linking is independent of UCP concentration and prevented by SDS addition, a disulfide bridge must be formed between the two subunits of the native dimer. Cross-linking is prevented by SH reagent and reversed by SH-reducing reagents. In mitochondria, cross-linking of UCP with disulfide-forming agents is even more efficient than in isolated state. It proves that UCP is a dimer in mitochondria, before isolation. Disulfide-bridge formation does not inhibit GTP-binding to UCP. Cross-linked UCP re-incorporated in proteoliposomes either before or after cross-linking fully retains the H1-transport function. Rapid cross-linking by membrane impermeant reagents indicates a surface localization of the C-terminus in soluble UCP and projection to the outer surface in mitochondria. Intermolecular disulfide-bridge formation in a dimer requires juxtaposition of identical cysteines at the twofold symmetry axis. A rigid juxtaposition of cysteines is unlikely, unless intended for a native disulfide bridge. The absence of such a bridge in UCP suggests that juxtaposition of cysteines is generated by high mobility. In order to localize the cysteine involved, cross-linked UCP was cleaved by BrCN. The CB-7 C-terminal peptide, which contains cysteines at positions 287 and 304, disappears. Limited trypsinolytic cleavage, previously shown to occur at Lys-292, removed cross-linking in UCP both in the solubilized and mitochondrially bound state. The cleaved C-terminal peptide of 11 residues contains only cystein-304 which, thus, should be the only one (out of 7 cysteines in UCP) involved in the S-S bridge formation. Obviously, the C-terminal location of the cysteine, because of its high mobility, permits juxtapositioning for cross-linking. This agrees with predictions from hydrophobicity analysis that the last 14 residues in UCP protrude from the membrane.  相似文献   

The process of fusion at the nerve terminal is mediated via a specialized set of proteins in the synaptic vesicles and the presynaptic membrane. Three soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF)-attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) have been implicated in membrane fusion. The structure and arrangement of these SNAREs associated with lipid bilayers were examined using atomic force microscopy. A bilayer electrophysiological setup allowed for measurements of membrane conductance and capacitance. Here we demonstrate that the interaction of these proteins to form a fusion pore is dependent on the presence of t-SNAREs and v-SNARE in opposing bilayers. Addition of purified recombinant v-SNARE to a t-SNARE-reconstituted lipid membrane increased only the size of the globular t-SNARE oligomer without influencing the electrical properties of the membrane. However when t-SNARE vesicles were added to a v-SNARE membrane, SNAREs assembles in a ring pattern and a stepwise increase in capacitance, and increase in conductance were observed. Thus, t- and v-SNAREs are required to reside in opposing bilayers to allow appropriate t-/v-SNARE interactions leading to membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Ptak D 《Biophysical chemistry》1998,73(1-2):121-127
A quasi-continuity model protein consisting of two alpha-helices undergoing rigid-body torsional oscillations demonstrates that factors stabilizing the model protein, such as increased helix rigidity and hydrophobicity, are the same factors that stabilize thermophilic proteins relative to their mesophilic analogs. The model predicts oscillatory motions with frequencies in the microwave (10(10) Hz) range. These oscillations decrease in frequency with increasing helix rigidity because of compensating increases in the force constant and moment of inertia, thus explaining the retention of activity in the more rigid thermophilic enzymes. Implications for protein design, based on the predictions of the model, are discussed.  相似文献   

Interactions between transmembrane helices play a key role in almost all cellular processes involving membrane proteins. We have investigated helix-helix interactions in lipid bilayers with synthetic tryptophan-flanked peptides that mimic the membrane spanning parts of membrane proteins. The peptides were functionalized with pyrene to allow the self-association of the helices to be monitored by pyrene fluorescence and Trp-pyrene fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Specific labeling of peptides at either their N or C terminus has shown that helix-helix association occurs almost exclusively between antiparallel helices. Furthermore, computer modeling suggested that antiparallel association arises primarily from the electrostatic interactions between alpha-helix backbone atoms. We propose that such interactions may provide a force for the preferentially antiparallel association of helices in polytopic membrane proteins. Helix-helix association was also found to depend on the lipid environment. In bilayers of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, in which the hydrophobic length of the peptides approximately matched the bilayer thickness, association between the helices was found to require peptide/lipid ratios exceeding 1/25. Self-association of the helices was promoted by either increasing or decreasing the bilayer thickness, and by adding cholesterol. These results indicate that helix-helix association in membrane proteins can be promoted by unfavorable protein-lipid interactions.  相似文献   

Amphipathic alpha-helices play a crucial role in mediating the interaction of peptides and proteins with membranes. We have analyzed protein structures for the occurrence of 18-residue amphipathic helices. We find several of these alpha-helices having average hydrophobic moments and average hydrophobicities that would favor their interaction with membranes. We have analyzed the distribution of net charge, helix length, normalized frequency of occurrence, and propensities of the 20 amino acids in the delineated 18-residue helices. We have observed distinct differences in the frequencies of occurrence of polar and hydrophobic amino acids at positions 1-18 in amphipathic and nonamphipathic helices. There are also differences in propensities of the 20 amino acids to occur at positions 1-18 of amphipathic and nonamphipathic helices. Synthetic peptides corresponding to some of these surface-seeking helices do possess antibacterial and/or hemolytic activities. Knowledge of the distribution of charges in 18-residue surface-seeking amphipathic alpha-helices, as well as propensity of occurrence of amino acids at various positions, would be useful inputs in the de novo design of amphipathic peptides.  相似文献   

Our goal was to gain a better understanding of the contribution of hydrophobic interactions to protein stability. We measured the change in conformational stability, Δ(ΔG), for hydrophobic mutants of four proteins: villin headpiece subdomain (VHP) with 36 residues, a surface protein from Borrelia burgdorferi (VlsE) with 341 residues, and two proteins previously studied in our laboratory, ribonucleases Sa and T1. We compared our results with those of previous studies and reached the following conclusions: (1) Hydrophobic interactions contribute less to the stability of a small protein, VHP (0.6 ± 0.3 kcal/mol per -CH2- group), than to the stability of a large protein, VlsE (1.6 ± 0.3 kcal/mol per -CH2- group). (2) Hydrophobic interactions make the major contribution to the stability of VHP (40 kcal/mol) and the major contributors are (in kilocalories per mole) Phe18 (3.9), Met13 (3.1), Phe7 (2.9), Phe11 (2.7), and Leu21 (2.7). (3) Based on the Δ(ΔG) values for 148 hydrophobic mutants in 13 proteins, burying a -CH2- group on folding contributes, on average, 1.1 ± 0.5 kcal/mol to protein stability. (4) The experimental Δ(ΔG) values for aliphatic side chains (Ala, Val, Ile, and Leu) are in good agreement with their ΔGtr values from water to cyclohexane. (5) For 22 proteins with 36 to 534 residues, hydrophobic interactions contribute 60 ± 4% and hydrogen bonds contribute 40 ± 4% to protein stability. (6) Conformational entropy contributes about 2.4 kcal/mol per residue to protein instability. The globular conformation of proteins is stabilized predominantly by hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

We have examined the structure and fusion potential of the duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) envelope proteins by treating subviral particles with deforming agents known to release envelope proteins of viruses from a metastable to a fusion-active state. Exposure of DHBV particles to low pH triggered a major structural change in the large envelope protein (L), resulting in exposure of trypsin sites within its S domain but without affecting the same region in the small surface protein (S) subunits. This conformational change was associated with increased hydrophobicity of the particle surface, most likely arising from surface exposure of the hydrophobic first transmembrane domain (TM1). In the hydrophobic conformation, DHBV particles were able to bind to liposomes and intact cells, while in their absence these particles aggregated, resulting in viral inactivation. These results suggests that some L molecules are in a spring-loaded metastable state which, when released, exposes a previously hidden hydrophobic domain, a transition potentially representing the fusion-active state of the envelope.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) interaction with the membranous receptor CD-47 involves the peptide RFYVVMWK (4N-1) located in its C-terminal domain. However, the available X-ray structure of TSP-1 describes this peptide as completely buried into a hydrophobic pocket, preventing any interaction. Where classical standard methods failed, an appropriate approach combining normal mode analysis and an adapted protocol of energy minimization identified the large amplitude motions responsible of the partial solvent exposure of 4N-1. In agreement, the obtained model of the open TSP-1 was further used for protein-protein docking experiments against a homology model generated for CD-47. Considering the multiple applications of the CD-47 receptor as a target, our results open new pharmacological perspectives for the design of TSP-1:CD-47 inhibitors and CD-47 antagonists. We also suggest a common opening mechanism for proteins sharing the same fold as TSP-1. This work also suggests the usefulness of our approach in other topics in which predictions of protein-protein interactions are of importance.  相似文献   

Sdh3/Shh3, a subunit of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase, contains transmembrane domains with a hydrophobicity comparable to that of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins. Here, we show that a C-terminal reporter fusion to Sdh3/Shh3 results in partial mis-targeting of the protein to the ER. This mis-targeting is mediated by the signal recognition particle (SRP) and depends on the length of the C-terminal tail. These results imply that if nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins contain strongly hydrophobic transmembrane domains and a long C-terminal tail, they have the potential to be recognized by SRP and mis-targeted to the ER.  相似文献   

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