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Three enzymes, glycogen phosphorylase, glycogen synthase, and phosphoglucomutase were evaluated in subcellular fractions and in brain regions. Also the development of each of these enzymes was evaluated in whole brain homogenates. Each enzyme increased during the first three weeks of post partum in a manner that is similar to the development of glycolytic enzymes during this period. The specific activity of each enzyme in various subcellular fractions indicated that the enzymes were primarily soluble. Also unlike the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase, the glycogen metabolizing enzymes had a lower specific activity in synaptosomes than in particle free supernatant fractions of homogenates. Regarding regional distribution small (less than twofold) but significant differences were seen between different brain areas. An inverse relationship between the glycogen metabolizing enzymes and hexokinase was observed, that is, regions highest in glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase were lowest in hexokinase and regions highest in hexokinase were lowest in the glycogen metabolizing enzymes.  相似文献   

A glycogen synthase, designated GS II, which occurs in a protein/carbohydrate complex has been purified from Ascaris suum muscle. The purified GS-II complex which is eluted from concanavalin-A--Sepharose contains proteins with Mr 140,000 and 66,000 and a glycoprotein with a carbohydrate/protein mass ratio of 3:1. GS II activity was totally dependent on glucose 6-phosphate, but exogenous glycogen was not required for polysaccharide synthesis. The GS-II complex was not phosphorylated by cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase, and antibodies to the protein and carbohydrate components of GS II did not cross react with the purified cyclic-AMP-regulated glycogen synthase (GS I) from A. suum muscle. Polysaccharide which was synthesized de novo by the complex was added to the large-molecular-mass glycoprotein in GS II. The glycogen-like character of the newly synthesized polysaccharide was confirmed by the observation that glycogen phosphorylase utilized the polymer as substrate in both the synthesis and degradation reactions. A model is discussed in which a core glycoprotein serves as the substrate for a glycogen synthase which is distinctly different from GS I.  相似文献   

Van den Bossche H. and Borgers M. 1973. Subcellular distribution of digestive enzymes in Ascaris intestine. International Journal for Parasitology3: 59–65. The microvilli of the intestinal cells of Ascaris suum resemble the microvilli of the mammalian intestine in respect to their morphologic structure; their behaviour to homogenization in the presence of a chelating agent; the presence of the disaccharide hydrolases, maltase, sucrase and trehalase and the presence of an enzyme which hydrolyses 5′-AMP at neutral pH. The microvilli of the Ascaris intestinal cells differ completely from those present in mammalian intestine in respect to the presence of non-specific phosphatases. The brush border fraction contains the bulk of acid phosphatase present in the intestinal cells. Although some pinocytotic vesicles have been observed only low endocytotic activity was found. We therefore suggest that the acid hydrolases found on the brush border membrane may be functionally related to extracellular digestion of macromolecules.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented on the particulate nature of glyoxylate cycle enzymes in metazoa with the use of 15-day old larvae of the nematode Ascaris suum. Homogenization procedures were developed to disrupt the resistant nematode cuticle. Malate synthase and isocitrate lyase, key enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, consistently sedimented with mitochondrial enzymes in differential pellets while catalase, a major peroxisomal enzyme, was always soluble. Isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation of the differential pellet yielded two protein peaks: one at 1.18 g/cm3 (characteristic for mitochondria), and another at 1.23 g/cm3 (common for glyoxysomes and peroxisomes). Electron microscopy of these fractions revealed that the lighter peak consisted primarily of mitochondria, while the heavier band contained proteinaceous bodies termed "dense granules" morphologically resembling microbodies. SIgnificantly, both malate synthase and isocitrate lyase cosedimented with the mitochondrial marker enzymes in the lighter peak (1.18 g/cm3) and not with the dense granules. Further purification of mitochondria, accomplished by separating dense granules with a step gradient before isopycnic centrifugation, substantiated the evidence that microbodies (glyoxysomes) do not occur in these nematode larvae. Rough-surfaced membranes were alternatively considered as the subcellular site, but the evidence tends to favor localization of the glyoxylate bypass enzymes in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

A double-cannulation apparatus was constructed for continuous perfusion of the pseudocoelom of adult Ascaris suum while maintaining the intact parasite in a controlled incubation chamber. Peristaltic pumps maintained a constant flow rate of artificial perienteric fluid through the incubation chamber (1 ml/min) and through the parasite (100 microliters/min). Based on protein determinations, perienteric fluid was removed from the pseudocoelom within 35 min of initiation of perfusion (3.5 ml). A nonabsorbable dye, Blue Dextran, was detected first in the perfusate 4 min (400 microliters) after initiation of infusion into the pseudocoelom, and was maintained at a constant concentration in the perfusate by 8 min after initiation of dye infusion. Removal of the dye from the pseudocoelom was accomplished within 8 min (800 microliters) after the cessation of dye infusion. Occlusion of the digestive tract had no effect (P less than 0.05) on the short-term (3 hr) absorption of 3H-labeled cholesterol, [14C]-3-o-methylglucose or [14C]glucose from the incubation medium into the perienteric cavity. Concentrations of isotopes in the pseudocoelom reached steady-state levels within 60 min of the initiation of incubation, but remained low (greater than 0.5%) when compared to medium concentration. Similarly, the time course of the accumulation of [14C]glucose into individual tissue components did not differ in intact worms with or without patent intestinal tracts. Thus, the cuticular/muscle tissue largely appears to be the primary route of absorption of cholesterol and glucose in adult A. suum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The optimal temperature for in vitro development of fertilized eggs of Ascaris suum was 24 degrees C. 2. Samples (2 X 10(7) eggs) were obtained from in vitro embryonating cultures every 3 days for 4 weeks; lipids were extracted, partially purified, fractionated with HPLC and analyzed for ecdysteroids by radioimmunoassay. 3. Free ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) were at low levels (less than 20 pg) in freshly excised eggs and rose to maximal values on day 6 of embryonation. 4. Conjugated ecdysone and conjugated 20-HE rose to maximal values on day 9. 5. Both free and conjugated ecdysteroids were undetectable from days 15 to 27 of cultivation. 6. These profiles indicate that ecdysteroids might have a selective role in nematode embryonation and/or tanning of the egg shell.  相似文献   

The morphology and behaviour of sex chromosomes was studied in A. suum during meiosis. It was found that the five sex chromosomes have their proper characteristic. The largest is submetacentric, of 2 microns mean length. The second largest is acrocentric, mean length of 1.4 mu. The third largest is metacentric, 1.2 mu mean length. The fourth and the fifth are metacentric, of mean length of 1 mu. In primary and secondary spermatocyte cells the sex chromosomes are close to each other, most often in the peripheral part of the cell. During anaphase I the pentad sex chromosomes lie freely between the two sister cells. It is assumed that in anaphase II the five sex chromosomes divide equally and are regularly distributed in the daughter cells. It was found that the chromosomes set of female Ascaris in metaphase I contains 24 bivalent chromosomes n = 24 and of male Ascaris 19 bivalents and 5 univalents. It is assumed that the univalent chromosomes, found in spermatocyte cells, determine sex.  相似文献   

Single-channel electrophysiology is an invaluable tool fo the study of ion channels. However, it is a technique that has failed to attract widespread use by parasitologists. Here, Diane Dixon and Richard Martin outline the principles undelrying single channel recording and highlight its uses in the discovery of a new and unusual chloride channel in the musculature of Ascaris suum.  相似文献   

In Ascaris suum chitin is formed in the zygote immediately after oocyte fertilization, and its synthesis is completed in the eggs from the distal half of the uterus. Incorporation of radiocarbon [14C] glucose into chitin of the eggshell was 40-fold higher than incorporation of [14C] glucosamine. The same rank order also holds for the incorporation of label from these isotopes into the glycogen of the ovaries. A large part of the radiolabel was incorporated first into oocyte glycogen and only after fertilization was it incorporated into eggshell chitin. Actinomycin D inhibited chitin synthesis in the eggs from the distal half of the uterus and it significantly reduced incorporation of radiocarbon from glucose into chitin.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis of homogenates prepared from adult Ascaris suum revealed polymorphism for the number, staining intensity, and electrophoretic mobility of the cytoplasmic isozymes of malate dehydrogenase (MDH). Five different variant isozymic patterns were found among the 2160 worms surveyed. The most acceptable formulation for the molecular basis of the variant patterns supports the hypothesis that the synthesis of supernatant MDH in Ascaris suum is under the control of two separate genetic loci, MDH A and MDH B.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant HD-00994.  相似文献   

Chromatin diminution in the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum represents an interesting case of developmentally programmed DNA rearrangement in higher eukaryotes. At the molecular level, it is a rather complex event including chromosome breakage, new telomere formation and DNA degradation. Analysis of a cloned somatic telomere (pTel1) revealed that it has been newly created during the process of chromatin diminution by the addition of telomeric repeats (TTAGGC)n to a chromosomal breakage site (Müller et al., 1991). However, telomere addition does not occur at a single chromosomal locus, but at many different sites within a short chromosomal region, termed CBR1 (chromosomal breakage region 1). Here we present the cloning and the analysis of 83 different PCR amplified telomere addition sites from the region of CBR1. The lack of any obvious sequence homology shared among them argues for a telomerase-mediated healing process, rather than for a recombinational event. This hypothesis is strongly supported by the existence of 1-6 nucleotides corresponding to and being in frame with the newly added telomeric repeats at almost all of the telomere addition sites. Furthermore, we show that telomeres are not only added to the ends of the retained chromosomal portions, but also to the eliminated part of the chromosomes, which later on become degraded in the cytoplasm. This result suggests that de novo telomere formation during the process of chromatin diminution represents a non-specific process which can heal any broken DNA end.  相似文献   

During the past ten years, studies on the respiratory chain of mitochondria in parasites have progressed to provide new insight into the structural organization and physiological significance of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. In this review, Kiyoshi Kita focuses on studies on the respiratory chain of Ascaris mitochondria in which major advances have recently been made. These include the identification of the unique features of anaerobic respiration, the elucidation of the molecular structures of the components involved and an understanding of the evolution of the energy transducing system and of the developmental changes that occur during the life cycle of this nematode.  相似文献   

A new perfusion system has been developed in which muscle-cuticle sections of Ascaris suum were perfused, enabling study of enzymes in vitro. Using this technique the activity of the regulatory enzymes glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase was determined, and the level of glycogen in the muscle was assessed. During starvation, 98% of glycogen synthase was in the inactive D-form, and 80% of the glycogen phosphorylase activity was in the active a-form. When the ascarid muscle section was perfused with 27 mM glucose, 13.1% of the glycogen synthase was in the active I-form, whereas phosphorylase a-levels dropped to 46% and glycogen was synthesized at a linear rate of 12 mg/g/hr or 1.23 mumoles/min/g muscle-cuticle. ATP levels (3.71 +/- 0.32 mM) remained unchanged over a 4-hr perfusion period with an adenylate energy charge of 0.82. Fructose supported glycogen synthesis, though not as well as glucose. Galactose, mannose, and trehalose did not support glycogen synthesis. The new perfusion system should be useful in future, similar studies on Ascaris.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to examine the function of ecdysteroids in the development of parasitic nematodes. Ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone were extracted, separated chromatographically, and measured in the reproductive tracts of adult female Ascaris suum. Perienteric fluid and the body wall did not contain measurable levels of these steroids. Levels of 20-hydroxyecdysone were correlated with the third and fourth molts of larvae grown in vitro from the third stage. In a bioassay, addition of ecdysteroid extracted from the female reproductive tract or synthetic ecdysteroid increased the proportion of third-stage larvae that molted after 4 days in culture. This evidence supports the role of ecdysteroids in molting in A. suum, as well as suggesting a function in gametogenesis and embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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