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AlphaImpute is a flexible and accurate genotype imputation tool that was originally designed for the imputation of genotypes on autosomal chromosomes. In some species, sex chromosomes comprise a large portion of the genome. For example, chromosome Z represents approximately 8% of the chicken genome and therefore is likely to be important in determining genetic variation in a population. When breeding programs make selection decisions based on genomic information, chromosomes that are not represented on the genotyping platform will not be subject to selection. Therefore imputation algorithms should be able to impute genotypes for all chromosomes. The objective of this research was to extend AlphaImpute so that it could impute genotypes on sex chromosomes. The accuracy of imputation was assessed using different genotyping strategies in a real commercial chicken population. The correlation between true and imputed genotypes was high in all the scenarios and was 0.96 for the most favourable scenario. Overall, the accuracy of imputation of the sex chromosome was slightly lower than that of autosomes for all scenarios considered.  相似文献   



Identifying recombination events and the chromosomal segments that constitute a gamete is useful for a number of applications in genomic analyses. In livestock, genotypic data are commonly available for half-sib families. We propose a straightforward but computationally efficient method to use single nucleotide polymorphism marker genotypes on half-sibs to reconstruct the recombination and segregation events that occurred during meiosis in a sire to form the haplotypes observed in its offspring. These meiosis events determine a block structure in paternal haplotypes of the progeny and this can be used to phase the genotypes of individuals in single half-sib families, to impute haplotypes of the sire if they are not genotyped or to impute the paternal strand of the offspring’s sequence based on sequence data of the sire.


The hsphase algorithm exploits information from opposing homozygotes among half-sibs to identify recombination events, and the chromosomal regions from the paternal and maternal strands of the sire (blocks) that were inherited by its progeny. This information is then used to impute the sire’s genotype, which, in turn, is used to phase the half-sib family. Accuracy (defined as R2) and performance of this approach were evaluated by using simulated and real datasets. Phasing results for the half-sibs were benchmarked to other commonly used phasing programs – AlphaPhase, BEAGLE and PedPhase 3.


Using a simulated dataset with 20 markers per cM, and for a half-sib family size of 4 and 40, the accuracy of block detection, was 0.58 and 0.96, respectively. The accuracy of inferring sire genotypes was 0.75 and 1.00 and the accuracy of phasing was around 0.97, respectively. hsphase was more robust to genotyping errors than PedPhase 3, AlphaPhase and BEAGLE. Computationally, hsphase was much faster than AlphaPhase and BEAGLE.


In half-sib families of size 8 and above, hsphase can accurately detect block structure of paternal haplotypes, impute genotypes of ungenotyped sires and reconstruct haplotypes in progeny. The method is much faster and more accurate than other widely used population-based phasing programs. A program implementing the method is freely available as an R package (hsphase).  相似文献   

Haplotype phasing is one of the most important problems in population genetics as haplotypes can be used to estimate the relatedness of individuals and to impute genotype information which is a commonly performed analysis when searching for variants involved in disease. The problem of haplotype phasing has been well studied. Methodologies for haplotype inference from sequencing data either combine a set of reference haplotypes and collected genotypes using a Hidden Markov Model or assemble haplotypes by overlapping sequencing reads. A recent algorithm Hap-seq considers using both sequencing data and reference haplotypes and it is a hybrid of a dynamic programming algorithm and a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), which is shown to be optimal. However, the algorithm requires extremely large amount of memory which is not practical for whole genome datasets. The current algorithm requires saving intermediate results to disk and reads these results back when needed, which significantly affects the practicality of the algorithm. In this work, we proposed the expedited version of the algorithm Hap-seqX, which addressed the memory issue by using a posterior probability to select the records that should be saved in memory. We show that Hap-seqX can save all the intermediate results in memory and improves the execution time of the algorithm dramatically. Utilizing the strategy, Hap-seqX is able to predict haplotypes from whole genome sequencing data.  相似文献   



The objective of the present study was to test the ability of the partial least squares regression technique to impute genotypes from low density single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) panels i.e. 3K or 7K to a high density panel with 50K SNP. No pedigree information was used.


Data consisted of 2093 Holstein, 749 Brown Swiss and 479 Simmental bulls genotyped with the Illumina 50K Beadchip. First, a single-breed approach was applied by using only data from Holstein animals. Then, to enlarge the training population, data from the three breeds were combined and a multi-breed analysis was performed. Accuracies of genotypes imputed using the partial least squares regression method were compared with those obtained by using the Beagle software. The impact of genotype imputation on breeding value prediction was evaluated for milk yield, fat content and protein content.


In the single-breed approach, the accuracy of imputation using partial least squares regression was around 90 and 94% for the 3K and 7K platforms, respectively; corresponding accuracies obtained with Beagle were around 85% and 90%. Moreover, computing time required by the partial least squares regression method was on average around 10 times lower than computing time required by Beagle. Using the partial least squares regression method in the multi-breed resulted in lower imputation accuracies than using single-breed data. The impact of the SNP-genotype imputation on the accuracy of direct genomic breeding values was small. The correlation between estimates of genetic merit obtained by using imputed versus actual genotypes was around 0.96 for the 7K chip.


Results of the present work suggested that the partial least squares regression imputation method could be useful to impute SNP genotypes when pedigree information is not available.  相似文献   

Related individuals share potentially long chromosome segments that trace to a common ancestor. We describe a phasing algorithm (ChromoPhase) that utilizes this characteristic of finite populations to phase large sections of a chromosome. In addition to phasing, our method imputes missing genotypes in individuals genotyped at lower marker density when more densely genotyped relatives are available. ChromoPhase uses a pedigree to collect an individual's (the proband) surrogate parents and offspring and uses genotypic similarity to identify its genomic surrogates. The algorithm then cycles through the relatives and genomic surrogates one at a time to find shared chromosome segments. Once a segment has been identified, any missing information in the proband is filled in with information from the relative. We tested ChromoPhase in a simulated population consisting of 400 individuals at a marker density of 1500/M, which is approximately equivalent to a 50K bovine single nucleotide polymorphism chip. In simulated data, 99.9% loci were correctly phased and, when imputing from 100 to 1500 markers, more than 87% of missing genotypes were correctly imputed. Performance increased when the number of generations available in the pedigree increased, but was reduced when the sparse genotype contained fewer loci. However, in simulated data, ChromoPhase correctly imputed at least 12% more genotypes than fastPHASE, depending on sparse marker density. We also tested the algorithm in a real Holstein cattle data set to impute 50K genotypes in animals with a sparse 3K genotype. In these data 92% of genotypes were correctly imputed in animals with a genotyped sire. We evaluated the accuracy of genomic predictions with the dense, sparse, and imputed simulated data sets and show that the reduction in genomic evaluation accuracy is modest even with imperfectly imputed genotype data. Our results demonstrate that imputation of missing genotypes, and potentially full genome sequence, using long-range phasing is feasible.  相似文献   

The common approaches for haplotype inference from genotype data are targeted toward phasing short genomic regions. Longer regions are often tackled in a heuristic manner, due to the high computational cost. Here, we describe a novel approach for phasing genotypes over long regions, which is based on combining information from local predictions on short, overlapping regions. The phasing is done in a way, which maximizes a natural maximum likelihood criterion. Among other things, this criterion takes into account the physical length between neighboring single nucleotide polymorphisms. The approach is very efficient and is applied to several large scale datasets and is shown to be successful in two recent benchmarking studies (Zaitlen et al., in press; Marchini et al., in preparation). Our method is publicly available via a webserver at http://research.calit2.net/hap/.  相似文献   

Yu Z  Schaid DJ 《Human genetics》2007,122(5):495-504
For large-scale genotyping studies, it is common for most subjects to have some missing genetic markers, even if the missing rate per marker is low. This compromises association analyses, with varying numbers of subjects contributing to analyses when performing single-marker or multi-marker analyses. In this paper, we consider eight methods to infer missing genotypes, including two haplotype reconstruction methods (local expectation maximization-EM, and fastPHASE), two k-nearest neighbor methods (original k-nearest neighbor, KNN, and a weighted k-nearest neighbor, wtKNN), three linear regression methods (backward variable selection, LM.back, least angle regression, LM.lars, and singular value decomposition, LM.svd), and a regression tree, Rtree. We evaluate the accuracy of them using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data from the HapMap project, under a variety of conditions and parameters. We find that fastPHASE has the lowest error rates across different analysis panels and marker densities. LM.lars gives slightly less accurate estimate of missing genotypes than fastPHASE, but has better performance than the other methods.  相似文献   

Browning SR 《Human genetics》2008,124(5):439-450
Imputation of missing data and the use of haplotype-based association tests can improve the power of genome-wide association studies (GWAS). In this article, I review methods for haplotype inference and missing data imputation, and discuss their application to GWAS. I discuss common features of the best algorithms for haplotype phase inference and missing data imputation in large-scale data sets, as well as some important differences between classes of methods, and highlight the methods that provide the highest accuracy and fastest computational performance.  相似文献   



Efficient, robust, and accurate genotype imputation algorithms make large-scale application of genomic selection cost effective. An algorithm that imputes alleles or allele probabilities for all animals in the pedigree and for all genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) provides a framework to combine all pedigree, genomic, and phenotypic information into a single-stage genomic evaluation.


An algorithm was developed for imputation of genotypes in pedigreed populations that allows imputation for completely ungenotyped animals and for low-density genotyped animals, accommodates a wide variety of pedigree structures for genotyped animals, imputes unmapped SNP, and works for large datasets. The method involves simple phasing rules, long-range phasing and haplotype library imputation and segregation analysis.


Imputation accuracy was high and computational cost was feasible for datasets with pedigrees of up to 25 000 animals. The resulting single-stage genomic evaluation increased the accuracy of estimated genomic breeding values compared to a scenario in which phenotypes on relatives that were not genotyped were ignored.


The developed imputation algorithm and software and the resulting single-stage genomic evaluation method provide powerful new ways to exploit imputation and to obtain more accurate genetic evaluations.  相似文献   

Emerging microarray technologies allow affordable typing of very long genome sequences. A key challenge in analyzing of such huge amount of data is scalable and accurate computational inferring of haplotypes (i.e., splitting of each genotype into a pair of corresponding haplotypes). In this paper, we first phase genotypes consisting only of two SNPs using genotypes frequencies adjusted to the random mating model and then extend phasing of two-SNP genotypes to phasing of complete genotypes using maximum spanning trees. Runtime of the proposed 2SNP algorithm is O(nm (n + log m), where n and m are the numbers of genotypes and SNPs, respectively, and it can handle genotypes spanning entire chromosomes in a matter of hours.On datasets across 23 chromosomal regions from HapMap[11], 2SNP is several orders of magnitude faster than GERBIL and PHASE while matching them in quality measured by the number of correctly phased genotypes, single-site and switching errors. For example the 2SNP software phases entire chromosome (10(5) SNPs from HapMap) for 30 individuals in 2 hours with average switching error 7.7%.We have also enhanced 2SNP algorithm to phase family trio data and compared it with four other well-known phasing methods on simulated data from [15]. 2SNP is much faster than all of them while loosing in quality only to PHASE. 2SNP software is publicly available at http://alla.cs.gsu.edu/~software/2SNP.  相似文献   



Genotyping accounts for a substantial part of the cost of genomic selection (GS). Using both dense and sparse SNP chips, together with imputation of missing genotypes, can reduce these costs. The aim of this study was to identify the set of candidates that are most important for dense genotyping, when they are used to impute the genotypes of sparsely genotyped animals. In a real pig pedigree, the 2500 most recently born pigs of the last generation, i.e. the target animals, were used for sparse genotyping. Their missing genotypes were imputed using either Beagle or LDMIP from T densely genotyped candidates chosen from the whole pedigree. A new optimization method was derived to identify the best animals for dense genotyping, which minimized the conditional genetic variance of the target animals, using either the pedigree-based relationship matrix (MCA), or a genotypic relationship matrix based on sparse marker genotypes (MCG). These, and five other methods for selecting the T animals were compared, using T = 100 or 200 animals, SNP genotypes were obtained assuming Ne =100 or 200, and MAF thresholds set to D = 0.01, 0.05 or 0.10. The performances of the methods were compared using the following criteria: call rate of true genotypes, accuracy of genotype prediction, and accuracy of genomic evaluations using the imputed genotypes.


For all criteria, MCA and MCG performed better than other selection methods, significantly so for all methods other than selection of sires with the largest numbers of offspring. Methods that choose animals that have the closest average relationship or contribution to the target population gave the lowest accuracy of imputation, in some cases worse than random selection, and should be avoided in practice.


Minimization of the conditional variance of the genotypes in target animals provided an effective optimization procedure for prioritizing animals for genotyping or sequencing.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1297-9686-46-46) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Whole-genome association studies present many new statistical and computational challenges due to the large quantity of data obtained. One of these challenges is haplotype inference; methods for haplotype inference designed for small data sets from candidate-gene studies do not scale well to the large number of individuals genotyped in whole-genome association studies. We present a new method and software for inference of haplotype phase and missing data that can accurately phase data from whole-genome association studies, and we present the first comparison of haplotype-inference methods for real and simulated data sets with thousands of genotyped individuals. We find that our method outperforms existing methods in terms of both speed and accuracy for large data sets with thousands of individuals and densely spaced genetic markers, and we use our method to phase a real data set of 3,002 individuals genotyped for 490,032 markers in 3.1 days of computing time, with 99% of masked alleles imputed correctly. Our method is implemented in the Beagle software package, which is freely available.  相似文献   



Cellular organelles with genomes of their own (e.g. plastids and mitochondria) can pass genetic sequences to other organellar genomes within the cell in many species across the eukaryote phylogeny. The extent of the occurrence of these organellar-derived inserted sequences (odins) is still unknown, but if not accounted for in genomic and phylogenetic studies, they can be a source of error. However, if correctly identified, these inserted sequences can be used for evolutionary and comparative genomic studies. Although such insertions can be detected using various laboratory and bioinformatic strategies, there is currently no straightforward way to apply them as a standard organellar genome assembly on next-generation sequencing data. Furthermore, most current methods for identification of such insertions are unsuitable for use on non-model organisms or ancient DNA datasets.


We present a bioinformatic method that uses phasing algorithms to reconstruct both source and inserted organelle sequences. The method was tested in different shotgun and organellar-enriched DNA high-throughput sequencing (HTS) datasets from ancient and modern samples. Specifically, we used datasets from lions (Panthera leo ssp. and Panthera leo leo) to characterize insertions from mitochondrial origin, and from common grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and bugle (Ajuga reptans) to characterize insertions derived from plastid genomes. Comparison of the results against other available organelle genome assembly methods demonstrated that our new method provides an improvement in the sequence assembly.


Using datasets from a wide range of species and different levels of complexity we showed that our novel bioinformatic method based on phasing algorithms can be used to achieve the next two goals: i) reference-guided assembly of chloroplast/mitochondrial genomes from HTS data and ii) identification and simultaneous assembly of odins. This method represents the first application of haplotype phasing for automatic detection of odins and reference-based organellar genome assembly.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0682-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Human-disease etiology can be better understood with phase information about diploid sequences. We present a method for estimating haplotypes, using genotype data from unrelated samples or small nuclear families, that leads to improved accuracy and speed compared to several widely used methods. The method, segmented haplotype estimation and imputation tool (SHAPEIT), scales linearly with the number of haplotypes used in each iteration and can be run efficiently on whole chromosomes.  相似文献   

Although many algorithms exist for estimating haplotypes from genotype data, none of them take full account of both the decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD) with distance and the order and spacing of genotyped markers. Here, we describe an algorithm that does take these factors into account, using a flexible model for the decay of LD with distance that can handle both "blocklike" and "nonblocklike" patterns of LD. We compare the accuracy of this approach with a range of other available algorithms in three ways: for reconstruction of randomly paired, molecularly determined male X chromosome haplotypes; for reconstruction of haplotypes obtained from trios in an autosomal region; and for estimation of missing genotypes in 50 autosomal genes that have been completely resequenced in 24 African Americans and 23 individuals of European descent. For the autosomal data sets, our new approach clearly outperforms the best available methods, whereas its accuracy in inferring the X chromosome haplotypes is only slightly superior. For estimation of missing genotypes, our method performed slightly better when the two subsamples were combined than when they were analyzed separately, which illustrates its robustness to population stratification. Our method is implemented in the software package PHASE (v2.1.1), available from the Stephens Lab Web site.  相似文献   



DNA microarray experiments are conducted in logical sets, such as time course profiling after a treatment is applied to the samples, or comparisons of the samples under two or more conditions. Due to cost and design constraints of spotted cDNA microarray experiments, each logical set commonly includes only a small number of replicates per condition. Despite the vast improvement of the microarray technology in recent years, missing values are prevalent. Intuitively, imputation of missing values is best done using many replicates within the same logical set. In practice, there are few replicates and thus reliable imputation within logical sets is difficult. However, it is in the case of few replicates that the presence of missing values, and how they are imputed, can have the most profound impact on the outcome of downstream analyses (e.g. significance analysis and clustering). This study explores the feasibility of imputation across logical sets, using the vast amount of publicly available microarray data to improve imputation reliability in the small sample size setting.  相似文献   

Studying genetic variations in the human genome is important for understanding phenotypes and complex traits, including rare personal variations and their associations with disease. The interpretation of polymorphisms requires reliable methods to isolate natural genetic variations, including combinations of variations, in a format suitable for downstream analysis. Here, we describe a strategy for targeted isolation of large regions (~35?kb) from human genomes that is also applicable to any genome of interest. The method relies on recombineering to fish out target fosmid clones from pools and thereby circumvents the laborious need to plate and screen thousands of individual clones. To optimize the method, a new highly recombineering-efficient bacterial host, including inducible TrfA for fosmid copy number amplification, was developed. Various regions were isolated from human embryonic stem cell lines and a personal genome, including highly repetitive and duplicated ones. The maternal and paternal alleles at the MECP2/IRAK 1 loci were distinguished based on identification of novel allele-specific single-nucleotide polymorphisms in regulatory regions. Additionally, we applied further recombineering to construct isogenic targeting vectors for patient-specific applications. These methods will facilitate work to understand the linkage between personal variations and disease propensity, as well as possibilities for personal genome surgery.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Haplotype information has become increasingly important in analyzing fine-scale molecular genetics data, such as disease genes mapping and drug design. Parsimony haplotyping is one of haplotyping problems belonging to NP-hard class. RESULTS: In this paper, we aim to develop a novel algorithm for the haplotype inference problem with the parsimony criterion, based on a parsimonious tree-grow method (PTG). PTG is a heuristic algorithm that can find the minimum number of distinct haplotypes based on the criterion of keeping all genotypes resolved during tree-grow process. In addition, a block-partitioning method is also proposed to improve the computational efficiency. We show that the proposed approach is not only effective with a high accuracy, but also very efficient with the computational complexity in the order of O(m2n) time for n single nucleotide polymorphism sites in m individual genotypes. AVAILABILITY: The software is available upon request from the authors, or from http://zhangroup.aporc.org/bioinfo/ptg/ CONTACT: chen@elec.osaka-sandai.ac.jp SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supporting materials is available from http://zhangroup.aporc.org/bioinfo/ptg/bti572supplementary.pdf  相似文献   

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