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丁家波 《微生物学通报》2017,44(12):2771-2772
2017年4月,"第五届全国人畜共患病学术研讨会"在江苏省南京市召开。此次会议以"同一健康,共同行动"为主题,与会者围绕细菌性、病毒性和寄生虫性人畜共患病的研究现状,共同分享、交流和研讨了各自领域内取得的最新研究进展和成果。会议报道的部分研究成果处于国际前沿,充分展现了我国学者在兽医和医学微生物学研究领域的前沿水平和发展前景。此外,参会专家和学者共同探讨了我国兽医微生物学相关研究领域的重点、难点和热点问题,展现了科研人员对兽医微生物学相关研究的热诚,凸显了兽医病原微生物的控制对人类健康的重要性。《微生物学通报》针对此次研讨会内容,与兽医微生物学专业委员会首次合作,推出了本期"兽医微生物学主题刊",旨在展示我国兽医微生物学研究领域的新进展和新成果,推动我国兽医微生物学学科的发展和繁荣,践行"同一世界,同一健康"的理念。  相似文献   

第十二次全国环境微生物学术研讨会于2009年11月在武汉华中科技大学顺利召开,本次会议围绕"环境微生物与人类健康"的主题,在环境微生物学前沿、微生物与环境健康及人类健康、环境微生物资源挖掘与利用,以及环境微生物技术与环境污染防治、生态修复、废弃物资源化利用和再生能源等诸多领域展开深入研讨,充分反映了我国环境微生物学界取得的最新进展,为了展现国内环境微生物及相关交叉领域科研工作者取得的最新进展,《微生物学通报》针对"第十二次全国环境微生物学术研讨会"组织出版了这期"环境微生物专刊",期望该专刊的出版有助于促进我国环境微生物学相关领域的交流和发展。  相似文献   

马挺  蒋建东 《微生物学通报》2023,50(4):1371-1373
环境微生物学作为微生物学与环境科学相结合的交叉学科,已经在环境污染物质降解、废弃物资源化利用和元素生物地球化学循环等方面发挥着重要作用。《微生物学通报》本期推出的“环境微生物学主题刊”报道了研究报告11篇、专论与综述12篇,内容涵盖环境微生物与环境工程、环境微生物生理学及生物制剂、环境微生物资源的发掘与利用、环境微生物学方法学、环境微生物遗传与生理、环境污染修复与微生物多样性、环境微生物与环境健康、环境微生物学研究前沿等应用领域,期望该主题刊的出版有助于加强我国环境微生物学研究者间的交流与合作,推动环境微生物学学科的进一步发展。  相似文献   

微生物学领域刊出范围广泛的综合性学术期刊《微生物学通报》(月刊)1974年创刊,中国科学院主管,由中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会共同主办。本刊为中文核心期刊,主要以报道微生物学应用基础研究及技术创新与应用为主。刊登内容包括:工业微生物学、环境微生物学、基础微生物学、农业微生物学、食品微生物学、兽医微生物学、药物微生物学、医学微生物学、病毒学、微生物功能基因组学、酶工程、发酵工程、代谢工程等领域的最新研究成果,产业化新技术和新进展,以及微生物学教学改革研究等。  相似文献   

正主办/中国科学院微生物研究所中国微生物学会欢迎您投稿《微生物学通报》!微生物学领域刊出范围广泛的综合性学术期刊《微生物学通报》(月刊)1974年创刊,中国科学院主管,由中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会共同主办。本刊为中国自然科学核心期刊,主要以报道微生物学应用基础研究及技术创新与应用为主。刊登内容包括:工业微生物学、环境微生物学、基础微生物学、农业  相似文献   

1刊物简介与栏目设置《微生物学通报》是由中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会主办的,以微生物学应用基础研究及技术创新与应用为主的综合性学术期刊。刊登内容包括:工业微生物学、海洋微生物学、环境微生物学、基础微生物学、农业微生物学、食品微生物学、兽医微生物学、药物微生物学、医学微生物学、病毒学、酶工程、发酵工程、代谢工程等领域的  相似文献   

1刊物简介与栏目设置《微生物学通报》是由中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会主办的,以微生物学应用基础研究及技术创新与应用为主的综合性学术期刊。刊登内容包括:工业微生物学、海洋微生物学、环境微生物学、基础微生物学、农业微生物学、食品微生物学、兽医微生物学、药物微生物学、医学微生物学、病毒学、酶工程、发酵工程、代谢工程等领域的  相似文献   

1刊物简介与栏目设置《微生物学通报》是由中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会主办的,以微生物学应用基础研究及技术创新与应用为主的综合性学术期刊。刊登内容包括:工业微生物学、海洋微生物学、环境微生物学、基础微生物学、农业微生物学、食品微生物学、兽医微生物学、药物微生物学、医学微生物学、病毒学、酶工程、发酵工程、代谢工程等领域  相似文献   

正1刊物简介与栏目设置《微生物学通报》是由中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会主办的,以微生物学应用基础研究及技术创新与应用为主的综合性学术期刊。刊登内容包括:工业微生物学、海洋微生物学、环境微生物学、基础微生物学、农业微生物学、食品微生物学、兽医微生物学、药物微生物学、医学微生物学、病毒学、酶工程、发酵工程、代谢工程等领域的  相似文献   

正1刊物简介与栏目设置《微生物学通报》是由中国科学院微生物研究所和中国微生物学会主办的,以微生物学应用基础研究及技术创新与应用为主的综合性学术期刊。刊登内容包括:工业微生物学、海洋微生物学、环境微生物学、基础微生物学、农业微生物学、食品微生物学、兽医微生物学、药物微生物学、医学微生物学、病毒学、酶工程、发酵工程、代谢工程等领域的  相似文献   

梳理及归纳了我国在转变基层医疗卫生机构运行机制和服务模式,改善社区卫生、农村卫生的结构与功能,完善投入机制,加强基层卫生人才队伍建设,努力构建城乡一体化的基层医疗卫生服务体系等方面的探讨与实践,为建立健全基层医疗卫生服务体系,使城乡居民享受到安全、有效、方便、价廉的基本医疗服务提供参考。  相似文献   

Geriatric dentistry or gerodontics is the delivery of dental care to older adults involving the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of problems associated with normal ageing and age-related diseases as part of an inter-disciplinary team with other health care professionals. Geriatric health is an ignored and under-explored area worldwide. Oral health reflects overall well being for the elderly population. Conversely, elderly patients are more predisposed to oral conditions due to age-related systemic diseases and functional changes. The major barriers to practising geriatric dentistry are the lack of trained faculty members, a crowded curriculum and monetary concerns. For successful treatment, the practitioner must adopt a humanitarian approach and develop a better understanding of the feelings and attitudes of the elderly. Prevention and early intervention strategies must be formulated to reduce the risk of oral diseases in this population. In future, dental professionals must have a proper understanding of the magnitude of the services to be provided to the elderly. This could only be realised through an education programme in geriatric dentistry, which should be started without further delay. This article hence sets out the objectives, needs, present scenario, strategies and types of dental treatment required by the elderly population.  相似文献   

Health economics is a relatively new discipline, though its antecedents can be traced back to William Petty FRS (1623–1687). In high-income countries, the academic discipline and scientific literature have grown rapidly since the 1960s. In low- and middle-income countries, the growth of health economics has been strongly influenced by trends in health policy, especially among the international and bilateral agencies involved in supporting health sector development. Valuable and influential research has been done in areas such as cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, financing of healthcare, healthcare provision, and health systems analysis, but there has been insufficient questioning of the relevance of theories and policy recommendations in the rich world literature to the circumstances of poorer countries. Characteristics such as a country''s economic structure, strength of political and social institutions, management capacity, and dependence on external agencies, mean that theories and models cannot necessarily be transferred between settings. Recent innovations in the health economics literature on low- and middle-income countries indicate how health economics can be shaped to provide more relevant advice for policy. For this to be taken further, it is critical that such countries develop stronger capacity for health economics within their universities and research institutes, with greater local commitment of funding.  相似文献   

景观健康概念、特征及其评价   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
景观健康是近年来出现景观生态学与新兴的生态系统健康学领域的一个新的生态学概念,旨在探讨人类强烈活动干扰下遭受严重污染与退化,甚至会逐渐消失的景观生态系统的健康问题。本文针对目前所存在的有关景观健康的基本概念,景观健康的特征与标准进行了详细介绍,并就景观健康评价指标的确立,评价时空尺度与等级以及评价方法分别进行了探讨。最后,还强调了在进行景观健康评价时应运用比较的,综合的以及发展的观点开展研究。  相似文献   

Single mothers are a vulnerable population at risk for poor mental and physical health. This paper discusses the mental and physical health of single mothers, as well as the psychosocial and socio-economic risk factors placing single mothers at risk for poor health outcomes. Some of these include, gender, income level, educational status, social support, stress and certain personality characteristics. Theoretical models with the potential to explore ways to promote health in depressed single mothers will also be presented. The paper concludes with the application of these models to primary prevention and the promotion of health for single mothers along with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

State of environment indicators of 'river health': exploring the metaphor   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1. Indicators are crucial to many socio-political schemes for portraying environmental influences of society. For example, the OECD model for State of the Environment Reporting uses three different sorts of indicators (pressure, condition, response) to differentiate the present condition of the environment from the anthropogenic pressures upon it and from any societal responses made to alleviate those pressures (thereby improving aspects of the overall condition). 2. These sorts of indicators have a fundamental technical basis in the science supporting their exposition and usage. However, the criteria used in interpreting the indicator values are likely to be set by considerations that go beyond scientific grounds. That is, indicators are socially determined in the end. However, many scientists find it difficult to involve the public in such reporting. 3. Scientists who are uncomfortable with this non-technical use of their indicator constructs should recognize that it is merely another manifestation of the overall broadening of environmental concern termed ‘ecosystem health’. The emerging field of ecosystem health seeks to take our technical understanding of how the environment functions and combine it with socio-economic goals, using a human health metaphor and an ethical underpinning. 4. River health might be better served by adopting a veterinary approach rather than the model of human health. This is because, like animals, riverine environments come in many different forms and cannot complain of ill health. Desirable interventions will vary with the uses to which we wish to put a river and our reasons for being concerned about a river’s health. A framework for this diagnostic approach is presented. 5. An enormous challenge lies ahead in integrating the various measurements of riverine attributes that might together constitute ‘river health’. We need ways to cater for the pluralism of modern societies, and we need more dynamic assessments of river condition, possibly founded on studies of key ecological processes.  相似文献   

Robbie Ali 《EcoHealth》2006,3(3):195-203
This article describes a practicum experience developed between a conservation organization (The Nature Conservancy) and a medical school (The Faculty of Medicine at Mulawarman University in East Kalimantan). Through this practicum, groups of medical students from Mulawarman have assisted with baseline and follow-up community evaluations in remote villages along the Kelay River, Berau District. These evaluations were done in conjunction with the Kelay Conservation Health Program, a program designed to improve health and healthcare for local people, mostly former hunter–gatherers, in an area of rainforest that the conservation organization seeks to protect. Besides gaining experience in community health assessment, through this practicum medical students also gained field experience and knowledge in rural and remote area health and healthcare in Indonesia and had an opportunity to explore linkages between conservation and health. At the conclusion of their time with the program, participating students also presented individual problem-based reports on relevant topics to students and faculty at the Medical School and to the District Health Department. This partnership between a conservation agency and a medical school in a developing country is unusual, but has been very well received by all stakeholders involved. Because of this, Mulawarman is now planning to make Kelay into a formal training site for its students. This experience may serve as a model for other groups interested in promoting ecosystem health education to future health professionals in the developing world.  相似文献   

The concept of “global health” that led to the establishment of the World Health Organization in the 1940s is still promoting a global health movement 70 years later. Today’s global health acts first as a guiding principle for our effort to improve people’s health across the globe. Furthermore, global health has become a branch of science, “global health science,” supporting institutionalized education. Lastly, as a discipline, global health should focus on medical and health issues that: 1) are determined primarily by factors with a cross-cultural, cross-national, cross-regional, or global scope; 2) are local but have global significance if not appropriately managed; and 3) can only be efficiently managed through international or global efforts. Therefore, effective global health education must train students 1) to understand global health status; 2) to investigate both global and local health issues with a global perspective; and 3) to devise interventions to deal with these issues.  相似文献   

在卫生信息化日快速发展的背景下, 电子健康档案日益被重视并开始逐步推广,但是其中存在的法律问题也同时显现。在分析我国电子健康档案信息安全的基础上,对电子健康档案的法律地位、患者的隐私权、医师注意义务以及政府的公共行政权利等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The health of ecology refers to ecosystem health—an extension of the concept of health to the ecosystem level. Health is reflected in the absence of distress syndrome, and by productivity, organization and resilience that characterize sustainability in the Earth's ecosystems. Transformation of ecosystems under stress from healthy to pathological conditions is often irreversible, even when the initial stress factors are removed. The ecology of health refers to the fact that human health is influenced by ecological conditions. The breakdown of ecosystems under stress are often conducive to an increase in human pathogens, recycling toxic substances, reduced yields and compromised food supplies, scarcity of potable water, and air pollution, all of which increases human health vulnerability. Addressing human health issues from an ecological perspective takes account of the social, ecological, and biophysical determinants. This opens the door to potential interventions “upstream”, in order to prevent illness, in addition to treating the disease once the malady has occurred.  相似文献   

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