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SYNOPSIS. The sporogonic stages of Leucocytozoon dubreuili in the midgut and salivary glands of the simuliid vectors was studied by electron microscopy. Young uninucleate oocysts have a pellicle that initially resembles that of the ookinetc. Numerous electron-dense bodies and microtubules in the peripheral cytoplasm may be involved in the formation of the cyst wall. The dense bodies appear to give rise to the amorphous material of the wall. The tubules which run circumferentially beneath the oocyst's boundary probably serve as a skeletal support for the cell surface during deposition of the wall material. A subcapsular “space” which provides area for expansion of the developing sporozoites is formed in early multinucleate oocysts. The subcapsular “space” appears to be formed through a condensation of the peripheral cytoplasm, resulting in an osmotic gradient across the oocyst's limiting membrane. Consequently water diffuses out, creating a fluid-filled space. Sporozoite formation begins with localized thickenings on the oocyst's limiting membrane. Subsequent extension of the thickened regions into the subcapsular “space” marks the onset of sporozoite budding. The process is highly synchronized, and culminates with the production of up to 150 sporozoites about the sporoblastoid body. The structure of sporozoites from mature oocysts and of the salivary glands of the vector is basically similar, although salivary gland sporozoites are more elongate and have numerous electron-dense micronemes. The paired rhoptries in the latter sporozoites are more elongate and uniformly electron-dense than in oocyst sporozoites.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. First-generation schizogony of Eimeria bovis in bovine cell culture was studied by electron microscopy. The intracellular sporozoite retained its structure for at least 6 days at which time it rounded up and lost its apical complex. Although the refractile body underwent certain morphologic changes, it was retained throughout the parasite's growth. The beginning of mitosis was marked by the formation of a cytoplasmic funnel which traversed the nucleus opening on each side toward a pair of centrioles. Subsequently, there developed an intranuclear spindle. Separation of the daughter nuclei was preceded by the formation of typical centrocones. Differentiation of merozoites was accomplished by exogenesis during the last mitotic division. A dense fiber, interpreted as a link connecting the merozoite anlage with its nucleus, extended from the developing apical complex to the nearest division pole. In the anlage, the inner membrane complex was at first composed of patches associated with pairs of subpellicular microtubules. Rhoptries appeared early in merogenesis, whereas micronemes formed at the time the merozoites detached from the residuum. The level of amylopectin, low in schizonts, rose at the beginning of merozoite formation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. First and second generation schizogony of Leucocytozoon caulleryi occurred in chickens infected with sporozoites. First generation schizogony was studied by light and electron microscopy. First-generation schizonts were first detected in capillary endothelial cells in the spleen, lung, liver, and bursa of Fabricius between 3 and 6 d post-sporozoite inoculation (DPI). The schizonts ranged from 15 to 65 μm in diameter and were surrounded by a thin pellicle. Early schizonts contained numerous round or oval nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. The schizonts reached maturity 5 DPI and produced first-generation merozoites which were released into the peripheral bloodstream. The merozoites. which were infective to chickens, measured 7.1 μm in length. They were slender and had a large nucleus, a mitochondrion, and an apical complex consisting of three polar rings, rhoptries, numerous micronemes. The morphology of first-generation merozoites was different from that of second-generation merozoites.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic vacuoles seen in methanol-fixed, Giemsa's-stained ookinetes of Leucocytozoon simondi, Parahaemoproteus fringillae and Plasmodium gallinaceum, when studied with the electron microscope, were found to correspond with crystalloid inclusions of similar structure, particle size, and arrangement. Cytochemical examination of these “crystalloids” revealed their lipid-protein nature. Morphologically similar inclusions were found also in ookinetes of Leucocytozoon ziemanni and Parahaemoproteus velans. In L. simondi, crystalloid is formed rapidly after fertilization, from amorphous electron dense material seen in mature macrogametocytes. The arrangement and distribution of crystalloids in the zygote, ookinete, oocyst, and sporozoite are described. On the basis of differences in structure and particle size, it is proposed that the crystalloid inclusions in Haemosporina be divided into 2 types. Type I—lipid-protein in nature, characterized by electron dense irregularly spherical particles, 25–40 nm in diameter, with individual particles not invested by membrane. Type II—probably virus, characterized by electron dense, irregularly spherical, membrane-bounded particles, with a diameter usually greater than 40 nm.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Leucocytozoon neavei and Leucocytozoon caulleryi were found in guinea fowl in Tanzania and Leucocytozoon schoutedeni in chickens. The minimum time required for sporogony of L. neavei at approximately 20 C was ∼7 days in Simulium adersi and Simulium nyasalandicum. Gametocytes of L. neavei , which appeared mature, were seen in the peripheral blood of guinea fowl chicks 14 days after experimenal inoculation with sporozoites from S. adersi or S. nyasalandicum. Sporogony of L. schoutedeni was followed in "Simulium impukane," S. adersi, Simulium vorax and S. nyasalandicum. Oocysts were ∼12 μm in diameter. Sporogony of some individuals was completed in 6–7 days at 20 C. Each oocyst produced ∼50–60 sporozoites. Gametocytes were detected in the peripheral blood of a chicken 10–14 days after experimental inoculation with sporozoites of L. schoutedeni from S. adersi and "S. impukane."  相似文献   

Summary LW13K2 cells, a clone of a spontaneously in vitro transformed derivative of embryonic Lewis rat fibroblastic cells, were studied by phase contrast cine-light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The ruffles found at the advancing edge of cells grown on glass substrates in vitro form and recede in a period of less than one min if they do not make an attachment of the substrate. If they fail to make an attachment they may form pinocytotic channels near the leading edge as described by Price (1972) and/or collapse, generally backwards, towards the cell body. The spines which appear to reinforce the membranous ruffles are the last structures to disappear, and accumulate in an irregular array behind the ruffling edge; this area is behind that in which pinocytosis occurs. In comparison with the sparse numbers of ribosomes found in the trailing edge, they are present in notable concentrations near the leading, ruffling edge of the cell. No membrane vesicles have been found in or near the ruffling edges at the ruffle-spine concentration zone.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of both undifferentiated (promastigote and paramastigote) and differentiated (opisthomastigote) forms of Herpetomonas megaseliae is described. There is a posterior migration of the kinetoplast at the end of the exponential growth phase. The posterior extension of the flagellar pocket precedes migration of the kinetoplast. Opisthomastigotes have an electron-translucent mitochondrial matrix in comparison with undifferentiated forms. The Golgi body changes from a stack of flattened sacs to an aggregation of vesicles. Several structures previously reported from Trypanosomatidae, e.g. subpellicular organelles, pellicular microtubules, membrane whorls, stored metabolic products, surface blebs, and an intraflagellar body are also present in H. megaseliae.  相似文献   

Living Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites were examined by phase-contrast microscopy. Intact critical point dried trophozoites were examined by transmission electron microscopy at an accelerating voltage of 1000 kV (HVEM) and by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Half and quarter m? thick sections of epoxy-embedded trophozoites were examined by HVEM. Many of the trophozoites of 2 strains examined had surface filopodia, 1 to over 100 pan in length. The cytoplasm of filopodia was continuous with the cytoplasm and bounded by surface plasmalemma bearing a glycocalyx. Structures called “surface-active lysosomes with trigger,”“dendritic plasmalemmal extensions,” and “extra-amebic vesicles” by previous investigators probably represent portions of filopodia demonstrated in the present study. Filopodia appear to be of frequent normal occurrence in E. histolytica and may function in: (a) endocytosis or pinocytosis; (b) exocytosis; (c) attachment to substratum; (d) penetration of tissue; (e) release of cytotoxic substances; or (f) contact cytolysis of host cells.  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜术和透射电镜术显示,纤毛虫念珠异列虫(Anteholosticha monilata)的射出胞器早期发生在细胞质深处,附近有不同类型的囊泡结构。成熟后射出胞器向表膜迁移,结构由不同电子密度片层的体部、结晶状的中心轴杆部和多层膜的帽部组成。受外界刺激时胞器冲破皮层射出,形态呈"蘑菇"状。据上述观察结果推测:该射出胞器具有防御作用,它可能起源于高尔基体活动产生的小泡;在亲缘关系较近的纤毛虫中,其射出胞器可能具有相似的分化特征。  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a parasitic nematode that needs to develop in different hosts in different larval stages. Freshwater snails, such as Pomacea canaliculata, are the intermediate host, and rats are the definitive host. Periodic shedding of the cuticle (moulting) is an important biological process for the survival and development of the parasite in the intermediate and definitive hosts. However, there are few studies on the cuticle alterations between different stages of this parasite. In this study, we observed the ultrastructural appearance and changes of the cuticle of the 2nd/3rd stage larvae (L2/L3) and the 3rd/4th stage larvae (L3/L4) using a scanning electron microscope. We also first divided L2/L3 into late L2 and early L3. The late L2 lacked alae, but possessed a pull-chain-like fissure. Irregular alignment of spherical particles on the cuticle were noted compared to the L3. Alae appeared in the early L3. The old cuticle turned into a thin film-like structure which adhered to the new cuticle, and spherical particles were seen regularly arranged on the surface of this structure. Regular rectangular cavities were found on the surface of L3/L4. The caudal structure of L3/L4 was much larger than that of L3, but caudal inflation, such as seen in L4, was not observed. These results are the first to reveal the ultrastructural changes of the cuticle of A. cantonensis before and after moulting of L2/L3 and L3/L4.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes occurring in the fully functional oviduct of Isa Brown laying hens were studied during various stages of the laying cycle. Hens were killed at different positions of the egg in the oviduct. The oviduct was lined by ciliated and non-ciliated cells (also referred to as granular cells). The granular cells in the infundibulum contributed to secretion during egg formation, whereas ciliated cells showed little evidence of secretion. Ultrastructural changes were recorded in the granular and glandular cells of the distal infundibulum. In the magnum, the surface ultrastructure revealed glandular openings associated with the ciliated and granular cells. Cyclic changes were recorded in the glandular cells of the magnum. With respect to the three observed types of glands, the structure of gland type A and C cells varied at different egg positions in the oviduct, whereas type B cells represented a different type of gland cell containing amorphous secretory granules. The surface epithelium of the isthmus was also lined by mitochondrial cells. Two types of glandular cell (types 1 and 2) were recorded in the isthmus during the laying cycle. Intracisternal granules were found in type 2 cells of the isthmus. A predominance of glycogen particles occurred in the tubular shell gland. The granular cells in the shell gland contain many vacuoles. During egg formation, these vacuoles regressed following the formation of extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum; the reverse also occurred. The disintegrated material found in the vacuoles may have been derived from the disintegrating granules. The Physiology Teaching Unit, University of New England, provided financial support to K. Chousalkar for this study.  相似文献   

A high frequency of parthenogenetic activation occurs when ovulated mouse oocytes are briefly exposed to a dilute solution of ethanol in vitro. Cytogenetic analyses of parthenogenones at metaphase of the first cleavage division have confirmed that parthenogenetic activation, per se, does not increase the incidence of chromosome segregation errors during the completion of the second meiotic division. Ethanol-induced activation, however, significantly increases the incidence of aneuploidy. The ultrastructural changes that occur in the morphology and organization of the second meiotic spindle apparatus in ethanol- and hyaluronidase-activated oocytes is reported here. Abnormalities in the arrangement of microtubule arrays and chromosome position were principally observed in ethanol-activated oocytes at anaphase and telophase of the second meiotic division, but were only rarely observed in hyaluronidase-activated oocytes. It is proposed that the abnormalities in spindle morphology and chromosome displacement observed in ethanol-activated oocytes represent the initial events that lead to chromosome segregation errors following exposure to this agent.  相似文献   

Summary The two hearts in Arenicola are capable of great dilation and contraction. The heart wall consists of myoepithelial cells resting on a basal lamina. On the luminal side of the basal lamina is a layer of collagen fibrils. No true endothelium was observed but occasional haemocytes were observed, subjacent to the collagenous layer. A few chloragogen cells are also found peripherally.The myofibrils are of a non-striated type consisting of thick and thin filaments and scattered Z-bodies. The sarcoplasmic reticulum forms a three-dimensional network. Only peripheral couplings were observed. The myofibrils are in contact with the sarcolemma on the luminal side of the cells, constituting a kind of hemidesmosome. The myoepithelial heart muscle is compared with other muscle types described in invertebrates. Supercontraction is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The feeding tentacles of Choanophrya contain a central canal lined by microtubules. Only one tentacle develops during metamorphosis of the embryo into the adult, but others develop at intervals throughout adult life. Each tentacle forms adjacent to a solitary, subcortical kinetosome which lies parallel to the body surface, lacks accessory elements and never develops a cilium. Small condensations of electron-dense material and short bundles of microtubules form adjacent to the cartwheel region of the kinetosome. Initially these bundles are orientated randomly but later they become radially arranged and curved into prolamellae around a disc-shaped condensation centre, to form a paddlewheel-like tentacle primordium 0.8–1.1 m in diameter. The condensation centre consists of alternating concentric electron-dense and electron-transparent zones, and lies with its axis perpendicular to both the kinetosome and the cortex. The microtubules in each prolamella increase in number and pairs of short tip microtubules develop between adjacent prolamellae. Subsequently the developing lamellae become enclosed by a cylinder of ring microtubules. Once all the microtubule components of the tentacle primordium are established it increases in length by addition of material to the basal ends of the microtubules to form a short microtubule canal. As the canal elongates the epiplasm above it disappears and the pellicle membranes become uplifted around the protruding tentacle. An epiplasmic collar differentiates around the growing tentacle whilst spheroid vesicles and solenocysts begin to accumulate in the surrounding cytoplasm.This investigation was supported by the J.S. Dunkerley Fellowship in Protozoology, awarded by the University of Manchester.  相似文献   

Aim Biological invasions pose one of the most severe threats to global biodiversity. Still, invasions can create positive ecological relationships and services, which can sometimes result in challenges for conservation efforts. A case in point is the invasion of alien plants that form mutualisms with native frugivorous birds. Here, we examined the correlation between honeysuckles (Lonicera spp.) and the bird communities in a landscape of central Pennsylvania during the fall months. Location State College area in central Pennsylvania, USA. Methods We conducted point counts to quantify the abundance of birds and fleshy‐fruited plant species within a 187.5 km2 landscape that included forested, urban and agricultural lands. We also compared fruit‐removal rates for a native fruiting plant under low and high Lonicera densities. Results The abundance of birds showed a strong positive association with Lonicera fruits, with the abundance of Turdus migratorius and Dumetella carolinensis showing the strongest correlations. We also found that fruit‐removal rates were 30% larger for a native plant species in areas of high Lonicera density compared to a site with low density of Lonicera. Main conclusions Our results suggest that Lonicera may currently serve as a main axis for the organization of bird communities and the networks of frugivore–plant interactions in central Pennsylvania. Since populations of key bird frugivores may be currently depending on Lonicera resources, we argue that control measures should account for the negative effects that the loss of this fruit resource could have on populations of native consumers in highly invaded regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. An important aspect of the biology of Naegleria sp. is the differentiation processes that occur during encystation and excystation. We studied these using both fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy techniques. In the initial stages of encystation, the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum became densely filled with a fibrillar material. Vesicles with a similar content that appeared to be derived from the cisternae were also observed in close contact with the plasma membrane. As encystation progressed, the fibrillar material became localized on the surface of the amoeba. An irregular compaction was observed in some areas of the cyst wall, which contained thin extensions of the cyst wall fibrillar material. Completely formed cysts had two to three ostioles, each sealed by an operculum. The operculum contained two areas in which a differential compaction of the fibrillar structure was observed. When excystation was induced, small dense granules (DGs), which were in close contact with fibrillar material were observed in the cyst cytoplasm and in the peritrophic space. During excystation, the more compact component of the operculum moves to enable the pseudopod of the emerging trophozoite to penetrate the ostiole. Vacuoles containing a fibrillar material, probably derived from the cyst wall, were observed in the cytoplasm of the pseudopodia. Our results provide a platform for further studies using biochemical markers to investigate the origin of the cyst wall as well as the role of DGs during excystation in Naegleria .  相似文献   

Detection of nucleic acid sequence at the ultrastructural level has allowed us to better understand the expression of genes in some fields of application in cell biology. In situ hybridization at the ultrastructural level can be carried out using three different methods: on vibratome sections before embedding in epoxy resin, on ultrathin frozen section, or on ultrathin section of tissue embedded in hydrophilic resin such as Lowicryl. Before starting the detection of nucleic acid sequences at the electron microscope level, the experimenter has to choose various parameters: the type of tissue fixation, the probe and its label, and the in situ hybridization method, depending on the sensitivity, the resolution and the ultrastructural preservation required. This review of technical aspects, by describing the different methods of ultrastructural in situ hybridization, will help the experimenter to optimize each step of the hybridization procedure.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. An intracellular protozoon was discovered in the epithelium of young rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) exposed for as short a time as 1 hr to water known to contain infective stages of Myxosoma cerebralis. Light- and electron-microscopic examination of this tissue revealed what appeared to be a proliferative stage (presumptive schizont) of a sporozoon; other possible stages in the life cycle were also observed. The relationship of this unidentified protozoon to M. cerebralis remains unresolved.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The structure and cytochemistry of spores of Myxobolus sp. from plasmodia which occur in the gill filaments of the common shiner Notropis cornutus were studied by light microscopy and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The thin-walled valves of the pyriform spores are thickened in the lateral sutural and apical regions. Mucous material is associated predominantly with the posterior end of many spores. The plasmodium is surrounded by a syncytial wall bounded by 2 membranes. Pinocytotic channels are formed by the inner membrane and numerous dense vesicles are pinched off at the distal ends of the channels. Sporogenesis is initiated by the envelopment of one vegetative cell by another. The larger, enveloped cell divides to form a disporous pansporoblast, which contains 2 pairs of capsulogenic and valvogenic cells and 2 binucleate sporoplasm cells. Each capsular primordium and connecting external tubule gives rise to a polar capsule which houses a helically coiled polar tubule. The apical end of each polar capsule is plugged by a stopper. The valvogenic cells surround the capsulogenic and posteriorly situated sporoplasm cells to form the spore valves. Iodinophilic (glycogen) inclusions were not seen in spores stained with iodine or Best's carmine. A darkly stained band was observed around the posterior region of most spores stained with Best's carmine. In the electron microscope large aggregates of β glycogen particles were seen in the cytoplasm of sporoplasm cells in mature spores.  相似文献   

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