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Micromolar concentrations of AI3+ are shown to be strongly mitogenic for quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 and 3T6 cells. AI3+ caused a striking shift in the dose-response curve for the effect of fetal bovine serum on 3H-thymidine incorporation. In the absence of serum the mitogenic effect of aluminum was greatly potentiated by insulin or cholera toxin, but not epidermal growth factor or 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. The stimulation of DNA synthesis was maximal by 15-20 microM AI3+ X AI3+ at 100 microM had no inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis. AI3+ had no significant effect on cellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the presence or absence of insulin or an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.  相似文献   

The effect of Cd on prostaglandin E2 production in osteoblasts was studied using cloned osteoblast-like cells, MC3T3-E1, which were established from new-born mouse calvaria. Treatment of the cells with Cd caused a dose- (0-10 microM) and time- (0-24 h) dependent increase in the release of prostaglandin E2 from the cells into the culture medium. A lag time of 4 h was required for the onset of the phenomenon. The release of [14C]arachidonic acid from prelabeled cell membrane was little influenced by the Cd treatment, while conversion of [14C]arachidonic acid to prostaglandin E2 by the homogenate of the cells treated with Cd was enhanced as compared to that by untreated cells. The stimulatory effect of Cd on prostaglandin E2 production was abolished in the presence of cycloheximide (100 ng/ml). By Western blot analysis with polyclonal rabbit anti-cyclooxygenase antibody, it was revealed that Cd treatment augmented the amount of immunoreactive cyclooxygenase in the cells. These results strongly suggest that Cd stimulates prostaglandin E2 production through the induction of cyclooxygenase in MC3T3-E1 cells. This effect of Cd may be involved in the mechanisms of Cd-induced bone injury.  相似文献   

Abstract. Lysosomal inhibitors (amino acid methyl esters) and platelet-derived growth factor stimulate resting NIH 3T3 cells to enter the S period. Incubation of cells in medium containing lysosomal inhibitors causes an increase in protein accumulation and does not disrupt lysosomes. The results indicate that proliferative homeostasis depends partially on the metabolic status of the cell and that catabolic processes activated in resting cells negatively influence prereplicative reactions.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena sp. was found to graze extensively on Serratia liquefaciens MG1 swim cells (1.5–3 μm long rods) resulting in the rapid elimination of the bacterial strain. However, when S. liquefaciens cells are exposed to certain surfaces they differentiate into elongated, highly motile swarm cells and these cells were found to be grazing-resistant provided their length exceeded 15 μm.  相似文献   

Lysosomal inhibitors (amino acid methyl esters) and platelet-derived growth factor stimulate resting NIH 3T3 cells to enter the S period. Incubation of cells in medium containing lysosomal inhibitors causes an increase in protein accumulation and does not disrupt lysosomes. The results indicate that proliferative homeostasis depends partially on the metabolic status of the cell and that catabolic processes activated in resting cells negatively influence prereplicative reactions.  相似文献   

Indomethacin lowered the cellular content of adenosine 3 ′: 5 ′-monophosphate (cAMP) and stimulated growth of polyoma virus-transformed 3T3 fibroblasts. Exogenous prostaglandin E2, at concentrations produced in the absence of inhibitor, reversed the effects of indomethacin on cAMP levels and cell proliferation. Therefore, endogenously produced prostaglandin E2 decreases cell growth and raises the levels of cAMP in these cells.  相似文献   

Tunicamycin, an inhibitor of the asparagine-linked protein N-glycosylation, blocks the initiation of DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells stimulated by prostaglandin F2 alpha alone or with insulin. This effect is exerted only when tunicamycin is added from 0 to 8 h after stimulation and it decreases the rate of entry into S phase. Blocking of labeled sugar incorporation to proteins occurs regardless of the time of PGF2 alpha stimulation. In contrast tunicamycin does not inhibit protein synthesis. These results suggest that N-glycoprotein synthesis early during the prereplicative phase is an important event controlling the mitogenic action of PGF2 alpha.  相似文献   

Mouse osteoblastic cells MC3T3-E1 produced prostaglandin E(2) via the reaction of cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme induced by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha). Originally, the mRNA level for prostaglandin I(2) receptor (IP) was low in the cells. However, the addition of TNFalpha brought about a marked increase in the IP mRNA with a lag of about 3 h up to an about 8-fold higher level for 24 h. In addition, the induction of IP was supported by a binding experiment of [(3)H]iloprost (a stable analogue of prostaglandin I(2)). The amount of iloprost bound to the TNFalpha-stimulated cell membranes increased to a saturation level around 30 nM. Dexamethasone, cycloheximide and cyclooxygenase inhibitor suppressed the IP mRNA induction. The finding with the latter two compounds suggested a TNFalpha-dependent de novo synthesis of a protein, which is involved in the IP mRNA induction and may be attributed partially to the induced cyclooxygenase-2.  相似文献   

Bovine luteal cells express class I and II major histocompatibility complex molecules and stimulate T lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. Proliferation of T lymphocytes is greater in cocultures of luteal cells and T lymphocytes collected following administration of a luteolytic dose of prostaglandin (PG) F2alpha to the cow. Whether this results from changes in luteal cells that increase their ability to stimulate T lymphocyte proliferation or from changes in T lymphocytes that enhance their ability to respond to luteal cells is unclear. To determine which is the case, luteal cell-T lymphocyte cocultures were performed using luteal cells and T lymphocytes isolated from the same animals before and 8 h after administration of PGF2alpha. In the presence of T lymphocytes collected before PGF2alpha administration, luteal cells isolated after PGF2alpha were more potent stimulators of T lymphocyte proliferation than were luteal cells collected before PGF2alpha (P<0.05). The effect of progesterone on luteal cell-stimulated T lymphocyte proliferation was also evaluated. Proliferation of T lymphocytes was greater (P<0.05) in cultures containing the cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme-inhibitor aminoglutethimide. Exogenous progesterone caused a dose-dependent inhibition of luteal cell-stimulated T lymphocyte proliferation (P<0.05). Progesterone-receptor mRNA was undetectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells collected before and after PGF2alpha administration, indicating that the effect of progesterone was not mediated via progesterone receptors in lymphocytes. These results imply that specific changes in luteal cells in response to PGF2alpha enhance the ability of these cells to stimulate T lymphocyte proliferation. These results also demonstrate that progesterone can suppress luteal cell-stimulated T lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin biosynthesis and prostaglandin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation were studied in 3T3-L1 fibroblasts as they differentiated into adipocytes. Incubation of 3T3-L1 membranes with [1-14C]prostaglandin H2, and subsequent radio-TLC analysis, showed that prostacyclin (prostaglandin I2) is the principal enzymatically synthesized prostaglandin in this cell line. Confirmation of the radiochemical data was obtained by demonstrating the presence of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha, the stable hydrolysis product of prostaglandin I2, by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In support of previous work, indomethacin, the prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase (EC inhibitor, accelerated 3T3-L1 differentiation. More importantly, the incubation of 3T3-L1 cells with insulin and the prostaglandin I2 synthetase inhibitor 9,11-azoprosta-5,13-dienoic acid (azo analog I) also enhanced the rate of cellular differentiation, even though this compound does not inhibit the synthesis of other prostaglandins. The repeated addition of exogenous prostaglandin I2 to 3T3-L1 cells inhibited insulin- and indomethacin-mediated differentiation. When 3T3-L1 cells were exposed to various prostaglandins and the cyclic AMP levels were measured, prostaglandin I2 proved to be the most potent stimulator of cyclic AMP accumulation, followed by prostaglandin E1 greater than prostaglandin H2 much greater than prostaglandin E2, while prostaglandin D2 was inactive. As 3T3-L1 cells differentiate, the ability of prostaglandin I2 or prostaglandin H2 to stimulate cyclic AMP accumulation progressively diminishes. It is suggested that 3T3-L1 differentiation may be controlled by the rate of prostaglandin I2 synthesis and/or sensitivity of the adenylate cyclase to prostaglandin I2.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin analogues in which the alkyl chain attached to C-15 in the natural compounds is replaced by an alkyoxyalkyl group have been synthesised. Compounds of the 17-oxa series are particularly potent luteolytic agents and are selective in the sense that they are less effective than PGE-2alpha in causing isotonic contractions of isolated uterus muscle.  相似文献   

Several substituted phenols with antioxidant properties were potent reversible inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis in 3T3 cell cultures. The ID50's for prostaglandin (PG) E2 synthesis in these cells were 0.1 muM for 2,6-xylenol, 5 muM for tricresol, 6 muM for p-cresol, 7 muM for o-cresol, 15 muM for 3,5-xylenol, 30 muM for m-cresol and 100 muM for phenol. The corresponding values for aspirin and indomethacin were 4 muM and 0.02 muM, respectively. The substituted phenols also inhibited serotinin release, aggregation and prostaglandin synthesis in human platelets induced by arachidonic acid but not by PGG2.  相似文献   

The effects of interleukin 1 (IL-1) on MC3T3-E1 cells (clonal osteoblast-like cells established from mouse calvaria) were studied to elucidate the mechanism of IL-1-induced bone resorption. Recombinant human interleukin 1 alpha (rhIL-1 alpha) and beta (rhIL-1 beta) stimulated PGE2 production in MC3T3-E1 cells in a dose dependent manner. rhIL-1 alpha and 1 beta also stimulated MC3T3-E1 cells to produce macrophage-colony stimulating activity (M-CSA) in a dose-dependent manner. Indomethacin completely abolished PGE2 production but did not affect CSA. These results suggest that bone resorption induced by IL-1s is at least in part mediated by PGE2 produced by osteoblasts, and that M-CSA produced by osteoblasts may synergistically potentiate bone resorption by recruiting osteoclast precursors.  相似文献   

The phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate induces tumour promotion, inflammation, cell proliferation and prostaglandin release. Recent reports suggest that the prostaglandins released by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) initiate a cascade of events leading to polyamine synthesis and cell proliferation. In experiments designed to test this contention, it was found that addition of TPA (1 microM to 1 nM) to confluent mouse 3T3 fibroblasts successively caused the release of prostaglandins E2 and I2, induction of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (EC, stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, and cell proliferation. Pretreatment of the cells with the anti-inflammatory steroid dexamethasone (1 microM) or the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin (1 microM) inhibited TPA-induced prostaglandin release. However, dexamethasone enhanced the other effects of TPA, whereas indomethacin was ineffective. Addition of prostaglandin E2 to the cultures did not induce ornithine decarboxylase activity and cell proliferation. Pretreatment of the cells with 1,3-diaminopropane (1 mM) or alpha-methylornithine (5 mM), inhibitors of polyamine synthesis, decreased TPA-induced ornithine decarboxylase activity without affecting DNA synthesis. TPA stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, even when the ornithine decarboxylase activity was completely blocked. These data suggest that the proliferative effect of TPA on 3T3 cells is independent of prostaglandin release and polyamine synthesis.  相似文献   



Many drug development and toxicology studies are performed using cells grown in monolayers in well-plates and flasks, despite the fact that these are widely held to be different to cells found in the native environment. 3D, tissue engineered, organotypical tissue culture systems have been developed to be more representative of the native tissue environment than standard monolayer cultures. Whilst the biochemical differences between cells grown in 2D and 3D culture have been explored, the changes on the electrophysiological properties of the cells have not.


We compared the electrophysiological properties of primary normal oral keratinocytes (nOK) and cancerous abnormal oral keratinocytes (aOK), cultured in standard monolayer and reconstituted 3D organotypical tissue cultures. The electrophysiological properties of populations of the cells were analysed using dielectrophoresis. The intracellular conductivity of aOK was significantly increased when grown in organotypical cultures compared to counterpart cells grown in monolayer cultures.


3D cultured aOK showed almost identical intracellular conductivity to nOK also grown in organotypical cultures, but significantly different to aOK grown in monolayers. The effective membrane capacitance of aOK grown in 3D was found to be significantly higher than nOK, but there was no significant difference between the electrophysiological properties of nOK grown in 2D and 3D cultures.

General significance

This work suggests that factors such as cell shape and cytoplasmic trafficking between cells play an important role in their electrophysiology, and highlights the need to use in vitro models more representative of native tissue when studying cell electrophysiological properties.  相似文献   

Transformation of NIH 3T3 cells by enhanced PAR expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prostate androgen regulated (PAR) is a 1038bp novel gene located on chromosome 1 in epidermal differentiation complex. The gene is ubiquitously expressed in normal tissues and is overexpressed in most of their malignant counterparts. PAR cellular function is unknown. Here we report the effect of increased PAR expression induced by transfection of PAR cDNA on NIH3T3 cell phenotype. PAR-NIH3T3 transfectants expressing 3- to 4-fold higher PAR levels compared to controls grew faster in tissue cultures, formed colonies in soft agar, and exhibited a shortening of G1 and S phases of cell cycle and formed tumors in SCID mice. Transfection of NIH3T3 cells with increased ectopic PAR expression with a 22 mer oligonucleotide in antisense orientation with PAR mRNA abrogated their ability to form colonies in soft agar. The data presented here along with our previously reported results on DU145 cells transfected with antisense PAR cDNA suggest that PAR gene behaves like a proto-oncogene.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of NAD has been examined in 3T3 cells. The net synthesis of pyridine nucleotides does not occur when cells are cultured in the absence of performed pyridine ring compounds; however, growth continues normally for up to four cell doublings resulting in cells with a total pyridine nucleotide content that is reduced by as much as 12-fold. The mechanism that adjust the relative amounts of NADP and NAD are also altered such that the amount of NADP relative to NAD increases 5-fold. Both nicotinate and nicotinamide can be used as a precursor for NAD biosynthesis, however nicotinate is utilized less efficiently than nicotinamide. The presence of functional pathways for the biosynthesis of NAD from nicotinate via nicotinate mononucleotide and nicotinate adenine dinucleotide and from nicotinamide via nicotinamide mononucleotide has been demonstrated by identification of biosynthetic intermediates following short term exposure of cells to radiolabelled precursors. When cells are grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium which contains 33 μM nicotinamide the biosynthesis of NAD proceeds by a single pathway with nicotinamide mononucleotide as the only intermediate. Nicotinamide ribonucleoside which previously has been postulated to be an intermediate in the conversion of nicotinamide to NAD is not an intermediate in NAD biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) E2, known as a bone-resorption factor, was released as a predominant arachidonate metabolite in the culture medium of an osteoblastic cell line cloned from mouse calvaria (MC3T3-E1). Epidermal growth factor (EGF) (10 ng/ml) prominently enhanced endogenous PGE2 synthesis, requiring the simultaneous presence of unidentified factor(s) contained in bovine serum. PGE2 synthesis increased after a lag phase for 1-2 h and reached a maximum level at about 3 h after EGF addition. EGF-stimulated PGE2 synthesis was almost completely blocked by 10 microM cycloheximide or 1 microM actinomycin D. Furthermore, when the cells were pretreated with EGF, the microsomes exhibited an increased activity of fatty acid cyclooxygenase (arachidonic acid----PGH2), whereas the activity of PGE synthase (PGH2----PGE2) remained unchanged. These results suggested an EGF-mediated induction of cyclooxygenase. Following increased PGE2 synthesis, DNA synthesis increased and alkaline phosphatase activity decreased in a slower response to EGF. PGE2 (above 0.1 microM) added to the cells could replace EGF. However, such effects of EGF on the osteoblasts could not be attributed totally to an autocrine function of PGE2 produced by stimulation with EGF because these effects of EGF were not abolished by indomethacin, which blocked the PGE2 synthesis.  相似文献   

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