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Isolation and characterization of a fragment of rat thyroglobulin gene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A rat genomic library was screened for thyroglobulin gene clones with recombinant plasmids containing rat thyroglobulin complementary DNA inserts. Two identical recombinant phages were found. A map of the inserted genomic sequence established by restriction and blotting experiments, and electronic microscopy revealed that this fraction of the gene was extensively split. Exons were ≤ 200 base pair long while the introns represented 93% of the insert. A fragment subcloned in plasmid pBR 322 was shown to contain repetitive sequences when used in Southern blot experiments with rat total genomic DNA.  相似文献   

We have isolated heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) from cloned rat microvascular endothelial cells using a combination of ion-exchange chromatography, affinity fractionation with antithrombin III (AT III), and gel filtration in denaturing solvents. The anticoagulantly active heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGact) which bind tightly to AT III bear mainly anticoagulantly active heparan sulfate (HSact) whereas the anticoagulantly inactive heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGinact) possess mainly anticoagulantly inactive heparan sulfate (HSinact). HSact and HSinact were also isolated by a combination of ion-exchange chromatography, treatment with protease and chondroitin ABC lyase, and affinity fractionation with AT III. HSact and HSinact have molecular sizes of about 25-30 kDa with the same overall composition of monosaccharides except that HSact exhibits about nine glucuronsyl 3-O-sulfated glucosamines/chain whereas HSinact possesses about three glucuronsyl 3-O-sulfated glucosamines/chain. Direct isolation of the AT III-binding site of HSact by exposing carbohydrate chains to Flavobacterium heparitinase in the presence of protease inhibitor revealed only a single interaction site which contained two to three glucuronsyl 3-O-sulfated glucosamine residues. The core proteins of HSPGact and HSPGinact were isolated by treatment with Flavobacterium heparitinase and purification by ion-exchange chromatography. The molecular sizes of the core proteins were established by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and their primary structures were examined by cleavage with trypsin or endopeptidase Glu-C as well as separation of peptides by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that both sets of core proteins exhibited three major components with molecular sizes of 50, 30, and 25 kDa, respectively. The 25-kDa species appears to be a proteolytic degradation product of the 30-kDa species. The peptide mapping revealed that HSPGact and HSPGinact possess extremely similar core proteins.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of cloned human fetal globin genes.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Three clones containing both the human G gamma and A gamma globlin genes have been isolated and characterized from a library of DNA fragments generated by partial Eco RI digestion of cellular DNA using charon 4A phage as vector. Two of the clones (NY 2 and 3) are identical and have an insert of 14.0 kb. The third clone (NY 1) has a 15.4 kb insert by virtue of an extra 1.4 kb Eco RI fragment at its 5' most end. This clone also has a Kpn I site not present in the other two suggesting it is the product of the gamma gene on the opposite chromosome. Restriction analysis of the three clones indicates that the G gamma and A gamma genes are linked on a single continuous piece of DNA and are separated by 3.5 kb and each contains at least one large intervening sequence of 0.85 kg between the Bam HI and Eco RI sites. These findings in cloned DNA provide direct evidence for linkage and organization of the gamma genes in man.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of the rat catalase-encoding gene   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
H Nakashima  M Yamamoto  K Goto  T Osumi  T Hashimoto  H Endo 《Gene》1989,79(2):279-288

Isolation and characterization of the rat proenkephalin gene   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The rat proenkephalin gene has been isolated by molecular cloning and characterized by DNA-sequence analysis. The gene exhibits a structural organization similar to that of the human gene. The nucleotide sequence encoding the biologically active opioid peptides which are generated from the proenkephalin precursor as well as the 3' untranslated region of the mRNA are found on a large exon at the 3' end of the gene (Exon III). The nucleotide sequence encoding the N terminus of the mature protein and its signal peptide are located on Exon II while Exon I encodes the 5' untranslated region of the mRNA. The nucleotide sequence of these exons and their flanking regions has been determined and compared to the human proenkephalin gene. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence homology between the human and rat proenkephalin gene reveals the presence of highly conserved regions within both the coding and noncoding portions of the genes. Enkephalin-coding sequences as well as 5' flanking sequences appear to be the most highly conserved. The importance and possible function of these sequences are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to directly compare the structural characteristics of renal glomerular and tubular insulin receptors, the purified isolated nephron subunits were extracted with 1% Triton X-102, fractionated by DEAE-Sephacel ion exchange column chromatography and the fractions containing insulin binding proteins were identified by the precipitation of 125I-insulin-protein complexes with polyethylene glycol (PEG). The fractions containing insulin binding proteins were pooled, incubated with 125I-insulin and covalently cross-linked with disuccinimidyl suberate, followed by chromatography of the cross-linked samples on Sepharose CL-6B. From both glomeruli and tubules, three 125I-insulin-binding complexes with molecular weights of 560 KDa, 220 KDa and 95 KDa were found. SDS-PAGE of these complexes from glomeruli and tubules under both reducing and nonreducing conditions gave similar patterns of 125I-insulin-crosslinked components, with the exception of the polypeptide pattern from the 560 KDa peak fraction which was markedly different between glomeruli and tubules with the former giving major labeled components at 170 and 68 KDa while the latter showed labeled components of 125 KDa and greater than 250 KDa. Glomerular and tubular insulin receptors, therefore, display similar subunit composition under reducing conditions, but differ in the non-reduced state, suggesting that these complexes may differ in the extent and/or nature of disulfide bonding.  相似文献   

Isolation of yeast tRNALeu genes. DNA sequence of a cloned tRNALeu3 gene.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A library of cloned yeast DNA fragments generated by digestion of yeast DNA with the restriction endonuclease Bam HI has been screened by colony hybridization to total yeast [32P]tRNA. Four hundred colonies carrying yeast tRNA genes were isolated. By hybridization to 125I-tRNALeu3, we have isolated from this collection 14 colonies carrying fragments containing yeast tRNALeu genes. The size of the yeast Bam HI inserts ranged from 2.45 x 10(6) to 14 x 10(6) daltons. One of these fragments was mapped in detail by restriction endonuclease digestion and hybridization to 125I-tRNALeu3. The presence of a tRNALeu3 gene was confirmed by DNA sequence. The results indicate that the tRNALeu3 coding region is not co-linear with the tRNALeu3. An intervening tract of 33 base pairs interrupts the coding sequences 1 base pair past the anticodon coding region. The putative structure of a tRNALeu3 precursor is deduced in which the anticodon base pairs with residues from the intervening sequence.  相似文献   

The construction of a cosmid library from the biomass produced in an enriched Sequencing Fed-Batch Reactor allowed the isolation of a new lipase by functional screening. The open reading frame of 928 bp encoded a polypeptide of 308 amino acids with a molecular mass of 32.6 kDa. The amino acid sequence analysis revealed the presence of the conserved pentapeptide GXSXG essential for lipase activity. Alignment with known sequences of proteins showed no more than 52% identity with different lipases, confirming the discovery of a novel gene sequence. The lipase was cloned and expressed in Streptomyces lividans and further purified by a combination of hydrophobic interaction and size-exclusion chromatography. Spectrophotometric assays with different p-nitrophenyl esters demonstrated a preference for long-length acyl chains, especially p-nitrophenylmyristate (C14). Moreover, the enzyme presented an optimal activity at 60°C and at alkaline pH of 10.5.  相似文献   

Fragments of rDNA3 from Drosophila melanogaster produced by the restriction endonuclease EcoRI were cloned in the form of recombinant plasmids in Escheriehia coli. Maps were prepared showing the location of the coding regions and of several restriction endonuclease sites. Most rDNA repeats have a single EcoRI site in the 18 S gene region. Thus, 19 of 24 recombinant clones contained a full repeat of rDNA. Ten repeats with continuous 28 S genes and repeats containing insertions in the 28 S gene of 0.5, 1 and 5 kb were isolated. The 0.5 and 1 kb insertion sequences are homologous to segments of the 5 kb insertions; because of this homology they are grouped together and identified as type 1 insertions. Four recombinant clones contain an rDNA fragment that corresponds to only a portion of a repeating unit. In these fragments the 28 S gene is interrupted by a sequence which had been cleaved by EcoRI. The interrupting sequences in these clones are not homologous to any portion of type 1 insertions and are therefore classified as type 2. In one of the above clones the 28 S gene is interrupted at an unusual position; such a structure is rare or absent in genomic rDNA from the fly. Another unusual rDNA fragment was isolated as a recombinant molecule. In this fragment the entire 18 S gene and portions of the spacer regions surrounding it are missing from one repeat. A molecule with the same structure has been found in uncloned genomic rDNA by electron microscopic examination of RNA/DNA hybrids.  相似文献   

The brain of adult rats were analyzed for the presence of 35-SO4-containing glycolipids following intraventricular injection of Na2-35SO4. Radiochromatographic analyses revealed the presence of two minor 35-SO4-containing glycolipids, in addition to sulfogalactosylceramide. One of these two minor sulfolipids was isolated and tentatively identified as a 1-O--alkyl-2-0-acyl-3-(3'-sulfogalactosyl)-glycerol, a compound recently demonstrated to be the major glycolipid of mammalian testis. The alkyl and acyl compositions of the compound from rat brain are more heterogeneous than those from rat testis. The non-sulfated form of the galactoglycerolipid was also detected in rat brain. The amount of the sulfogalactoglycerolipid in rat brain is 0.19 mumol per gram wet weight, approximately one-third of the amount in rat testis (per gram wet weight), and is approximately one-fifteenth that of sulfogalactosylceramide in rat brain. The possible significance of the common occurrence in brain and testis of sulfated and non-sulfated galactolipids is discussed.  相似文献   

The proteinase previously found in chromatin prepared from a total rat liver homogenate was purified from the rat liver mitochondrial fraction. The membrane-bound enzyme is solubilized in either 0.6% digitonin or 0.5 m phosphate buffer. After a 1330-fold purification, the enzyme appears homogeneous by acrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation indicated a molecular weight of 22,500, a molecular weight of 23,500 ± 10% has been estimated by acrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The enzyme showed a high substrate specificity. Among several proteins tested, only glucagon, nonhistone chromosomal proteins, and histones are good substrates. A limited proteolysis was found for the very-lysine-rich histone H1, which was split into a high molecular weight fragment (Mr 13,000). The highly phosphorylated histone H1 isolated from regenerating rat liver 24 h after partial hepatectomy exhibited the same susceptibility to the proteinase as H1 from normal liver. Large polypeptides of a nonhistone chromosomal protein fraction were degraded more rapidly than the small ones. N-Acetyl-l-tyrosine ethyl ester was used with alcohol dehydrogenase and NAD in a coupled enzyme assay for the proteinase. The apparent Michaelis constant for the hydrolysis of N-acetyl-l-tyrosine ethyl ester is 5.0 × 10?3m. The proteinase has catalytic properties simlar to trypsin and chymotrypsin. The pH optimum was around 8, soybean trypsin inhibitor depressed the enzymatic activity, and the serine modifying reagents diisopropyl phosphofluoridate and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride inactivated the enzyme. The affinity reagent for chymotrypsin-like active sites, l-1-tosylamido-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone, inactivated the proteinase.  相似文献   

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