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《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(3):135-146
Banded patterns have been investigated in a Nothofagus betuloides primeval forest from Bahía del Buen Suceso, on the eastern edge of Tierra del Fuego island (Argentina). These forests grow on spodosols developed upon silicic shales, in a cold oceanic climate, with 5 °C mean annual temperature and 600 mm mean annual rainfall. Bands are oriented perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction, with older and dying trees in the windward edge and a seedling regrowth in the lee side of each band. Forest structure, species composition and relevant soil properties were sampled in a wind-affected forest and in an undisturbed stand. In the former, samples were obtained in transects across the banding and along a hill-slope gradient. Results show that wind causes about 50 % reduction of stand basal area and of size of overstorey trees. Stand growth processes, such as self-thinning, basal area and height growth, and specific composition of the understorey, occur in a windward direction, as well as changes in soil properties such as C/N ratio and redox potential increase. Based on field observations, we have developed an hypothesis of how wind is able to generate this pattern. Its core is that bands develop when vulnerability of trees to wind damage increases with age and with lack of protection from older windward trees. In such conditions, bands are the outcome of a tuning between tree growth rates and wind killing capacity. On the basis of this hypothesis, a simulation model, based on the cellular automata approach, was constructed. Simulated patterns that arise from heterogeneous forests with random age distributions match successfully with those observed in nature. Increasing tree growth rates lead to longer wavelengths and higher wave propagation rates, while increasing wind killing potential leads to shorter wavelengths and lower propagation rates. This interpretation of banded patterning involves a resonance between a directional disturbance and an oscillatory process, such as stand regeneration, growth and decay.  相似文献   

Two 17,000-yr-old peat bog records from low-elevation sites in Tierra del Fuego (Harberton, 54°54′S) and southern Patagonia (Río Rubens, 52°4′48″S) and one c. 14,000 cal yr BP record from the upper treeline in Tierra del Fuego (Paso Garibaldi, 54°43′S) were analyzed for pollen, charcoal, and plant macrofossils to reconstruct changes in regional and local vegetation, fire frequency, and bog hydrology, respectively. Past environmental changes in both lowland records and in the upper treeline record are interpreted in terms of variations in effective moisture. During the late-glacial period, effective moisture changes at both low and high-elevation sites were interpreted from comparable shifts between mesic herb-rich grasslands and arid Empetrum heath or shrub-grassland with abundant disturbance indicators. The late-glacial effective moisture changes were primarily driven by temperature changes. During the early Holocene, expansion of open Nothofagus woodlands in the lowlands in present-day areas of dense forest was related to a marked precipitation increase. However, precipitation must have remained highly variable with century-long periods of increased summer drought, as evidenced by repeated intervals when bogs dried out and fire frequency was high. Up-slope shifts of the Nothofagus forest — Andean tundra ecotone at 11,000 and 9000 cal yr BP also appear to reflect precipitation increases. Precipitation variability, however, must not have affected the upper treeline environments as no fires were recorded and the present-day Nothofagus forest had become established after 9000 cal yr BP. Upper treeline apparently was below present from 8000 to 7000 and 2500 to c. 400 cal yr BP. During those times low-elevation environments did not register change which suggests that the upper treeline may have been affected by lower temperatures. After c. 5000 cal yr BP fires became rare in the lowlands, suggesting a shift to an equable precipitation regime with only minor intervals of summer drought. No simultaneous change was recorded at the upper treeline. Thus, for the late-glacial and early Holocene the upper and lower treeline environments apparently responded similarly to primarily moisture changes. Only during the mid- and late Holocene environmental changes at high and low elevations differed, suggesting responses to different climate signals, precipitation in the lowlands and temperature at high elevation.  相似文献   

The biotic resistance theory relates invader success to species richness, and predicts that, as species richness increases, invasibility decreases. The relationship between invader success and richness, however, seems to be positive at large scales of analysis, determined by abiotic constraints, and it is to be expected that it is negative at small scales, because of biotic interactions. Moreover, the negative relationship at small scales would be stronger within species of the same functional group, because of having similar resource exploitation mechanisms. We studied the relationship between the cover of a worldwide invader of grasslands, Hieracium pilosella L., and species richness, species diversity and the cover of different growth forms at two different levels of analysis in 128 sites during the initial invasion process in the Fuegian steppe, Southern Patagonia, Argentina. At regional level, the invader was positively correlated to total (r = 0.28, P = 0.003), exotic (r = 0.273, P = 0.004), and native species richness (r = 0.210, P = 0.026), and to species diversity (r = 0.193, P = 0.041). At community level, we found only a weak negative correlation between H. pilosella and total richness (r = ?0.426, P = 0.079) and diversity (r = ?0.658, P = 0.063). The relationship between the invader and other species of the same growth form was positive both at regional (r = 0.484, P < 0.001) and community (r = 0.593, P = 0.012) levels. Consequently, in the period of establishment and initial expansion of this exotic species, our results support the idea that invader success is related to abiotic factors at large scales of analysis. Also, we observed a possible sign of biotic constraint at community level, although this was not related to the abundance of species of the same growth form.  相似文献   

The reproductive history of 182 women in postreproductive life or near menopause from the Chilean part of Tierra del Fuego was traced back by means of familial interviews. These postmenopausal women represent the population since almost the beginning of the settlement, and their reproductive years were spent on the island. Path analysis was applied to analyze fertility determinants of these women and to propose a complex model of interconnections among factors. The reproductive history of these women is characterized by a long fertile span, a short childbearing period, and low fertility. Age at menarche is relatively late, and the age of the women at first birth is mainly determined by their late age at marriage. The use of contraception is related to both spacing and stopping behaviors. The late age of women at marriage, the rhythm of conception, and practices of contraception are proposed as the main determinants of fertility in Tierra del Fuego.  相似文献   

Northern Tierra del Fuego is the insular extreme of the Magellanic steppe, a unique example of a cold-temperate oceanic grassland in South America. We surveyed this poorly known region with a landscape-based procedure to classify plant communities and investigate environmental gradients. Sampling sites were selected with the aid of aerial photos, and floristic composition, soil, topography and landform type were recorded in each site. Classification was achieved with Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis and gradients were analyzed with Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Two broad groups of communities were separated by the presence of typical acidophilous dwarf shrubs: acidophilous/mesotrophic and neutrophilous vegetation. Along the main floristic gradient, ericoid dwarf shrubs were replaced by forbs and grasses as soil acidity decreased. The acidic habitats were on Pleistocene glacial and alluvial deposits, and had coarse texture, poorly decomposed organic matter, and low base status. The eutrophic habitats were on Tertiary rocks of medium to fine texture and had well-decomposed organic matter and high base status. A second axis of variation was associated to latitudinal position and slope aspect, revealing a precipitation/evaporation gradient. Scrubs dominated by midheight shrubs, with species from the southern forests, were at the humid extreme (higher latitudes/south aspects); and short grass steppes, with taxa commonly found further North in the continent, at the xeric end (lower latitudes/north aspects). Although fertility and moisture seem to control the overall floristic gradient, the extreme vegetation types of the fertility gradient, both having a very simple structure, could be attributed to grazing disturbance. Floristics and ecology of the Fuegian steppe resemble to a certain degree some boreal oceanic systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Festuca gracillima tussock steppe of northern Tierra del Fuego there is a physiognomic pattern at the community scale composed of a matrix of tussocks, scrub patches of Chiliotrichum diffusum and lawn patches. In this paper we compared floristic composition, soils, microclimate and sheep use of these three types. Species composition greatly differed among physiognomic types. Lawn patches showed the highest diversity and maximum cover of exotics, grazing escape growth forms and species of high‐fertility habitats. Soil profiles of tussock steppe and lawn were similar but the A‐horizon of the latter contained more clay and cations. Radiation and temperature during daylight at the soil surface in summer were highest in the lawn patches. Soil impedance, a good indicator of trampling, was highest on the lawn patches. According to dung pellet density, lawn patches received much heavier use than the tussock matrix. Our results suggest that lawn patches supported the highest grazing impact and undergo a eutrophication process favoured by high mineral inputs, high mineralization rates in the soil during the warm season and restricted leaching through the profile. They also support the idea that a feedback mechanism between vegetation heterogeneity and sheep grazing behaviour maintains the patches. Although grazing behaviour suggests that the lawn patches favour animal production, their expansion would result in a system less protected against the impact of water deficits and temperature variations and more vulnerable to erosion and to the loss of important species.  相似文献   

A new species of Penicillium is described and illustrated. It is represented by two isolates recovered from sandy soils on the shores of Lake Sarmiento, in the Chilean Tierra del Fuego. The new species clearly differs from all species of the genus described so far among the monoverticillate ones, especially by the unique wall ornamentation pattern as viewed with the SEM. It is therefore, described and proposed as a new taxon: Penicillium lacussarmientei sp. nov.  相似文献   

In late Jan and early Feb 2005 samples for isolation of dictyostelid cellular slime molds (dictyostelids) were collected in five different provinces and from six national parks (all located 39-55°S) in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Southern beech (Nothofagus) forests represented the primary vegetation type investigated, but some samples were obtained from Patagonian steppe, alpine meadows, Valdivian temperate rainforests and coniferous forests dominated by Araucaria, Austrocedrus and Fitzroya. Among the dictyostelids isolated from the samples we collected were seven species new to science. These species (Dictyostelium austroandinum, D. chordatum, D. fasciculoideum, D. gargantuum, D. leptosomopsis, D. valdivianum and Polysphondylium patagonicum) are described herein on the basis of both morphology and molecular (SSU rDNA) data. One of the new species, D. gargantuum, is one of the largest representatives of the group reported to date. Another unusual species, D. chordatum, produces long interwoven sorocarps that do not appear to respond to a spacing gas similar to the condition first noted in D. implicatum.  相似文献   

The alpine zone is examined at meso‐ and microscales in southern Tierra del Fuego (54°49′S), where the full zone is expressed. Mesoscale patterns were studied on opposing aspects, and microscale patterns were studied on a series of solifluction terraces, in a hanging valley overlooking the Beagle Channel. Plant cover and life form data were collected within 50‐m altitudinal bands on north and south aspects and comprehensive plant lists were compiled for each band. Topography and associated surface cover were recorded on the terraces. Six alpine plant communities, in lower and upper floristic zones, were differentiated with multivariate analyses and significantly related to five ecological factors. Equivalent communities were separated by approximately 185 m altitude on opposing aspects, which related to a soil temperature difference of approximately 3.0°C. The richness (and range) of 80 local vascular taxa (18.6% of the regional flora), decreased with increasing altitude (6.6 per 100 m); however, richness differed significantly with aspect (north: 5.6, south: 7.5). Upper altitudinal limits (approximately 1250 m a.s.l.), were associated with a midsummer isotherm of approximately 1.7°C. Chamaephytes and hemicryptophytes dominated throughout but the tall tussock form was conspicuously absent. Reasons for this are discussed in the context of the Nothofagus treeline, which conformed to a midsummer isotherm of only approximately 6.0°C. Such patterns are at variance with those found in the oceanic subantarctic islands, other oceanic perhumid temperate mountain regions and tropical high mountains. However, the microscale pattern of fines, pebbles, stones and rock across the active solifluction terraces, with dense vegetation on their steep risers, had a clear affinity with that of other subantarctic regions. Inferences that alpine systems of the Southern Hemisphere are necessarily equivalent to those at similar northern latitudes are cautioned against. Likewise, such comparisons within the Southern Hemisphere may also be invalid.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed vegetation dynamics in Tierra del Fuego steppes using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data provided by advanced very high‐resolution radiometer (AVHRR) on board the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar satellite. Our objective, at a regional scale, was to analyse the spatial variability of NDVI dynamics in relation to parent material and geographic location, representing the fertility and climate gradients respectively; at a local scale, it was to analyse the inter‐annual variability associated with climate and its relation with sheep production indices. The general pattern of NDVI dynamics was analysed with Principal Component Analysis. We found that the geographic location was more important than landscape type in explaining NDVI dynamics despite the fact that the variation in landscape type reflects a fertility gradient strongly associated with floristic composition and secondary productivity. Discriminant Analysis was performed to identify the variables that better distinguish geographic units. The Northern region (with the lowest precipitation and the highest temperatures) had lower NDVI values over the year. In the Central region, NDVI reached the highest value of the season, surpassing both other regions. The Southern region (the coldest and moistest) had its growth pattern displaced towards the summer. For the Central region we analysed 10 years of monthly NDVI data with PCA. We found that precipitation from August to December and winter temperature are the most important determinants of overall NDVI values. Lamb production was correlated with spring and early summer NDVI values. Sheep mortality is affected by low NDVI values in late summer and high annual amplitude. Satellite information allowed us to characterize the vegetation dynamics of three ecological areas across the Fuegian steppe.  相似文献   

Human disconnection from nature is thought to have contributed to the environmental crises we currently face, and increasing connection with nature has been proposed as one way of promoting pro-environmental behavior, nature conservation, and social-ecological sustainability. Some efforts to increase connection with nature (“nature relatedness”) have centered on exploring the social-ecological importance of soundscapes, but there is a paucity of empirical evidence supporting the theoretical linkage between soundscape perception and nature relatedness. Using prerecorded and in situ soundscape prompts, we conducted a street intercept survey in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina to assess: 1) the relative importance of senses in experiences of nature, 2) the relationship between nature relatedness and soundscape perception, 3) differences in soundscape perception between various soundscapes, and 4) possible sociodemographic influences on sense importance, nature relatedness, and soundscape perception. Participants reported that hearing was of secondary importance to vision in experiences of nature. We also found that nature relatedness was positively correlated with the valuation of soundscapes—particularly more natural ones—but not with the discernment of soundscapes or identification of where soundscapes were recorded. Valuation of more natural soundscapes was higher than valuation of more technophonically dominated soundscapes, while soundscape discernment and location identification were higher for soundscapes that were likely more familiar to listeners. Sociodemographic influences on these variables were minor, but women reported higher sense importance, and having a nature-based occupation was associated with higher nature relatedness and valuation of a soundscape from a penguin colony. Our study highlighted a number of potential research areas concerning soundscape perception, including differences between prerecorded and in situ soundscape prompts, defining various aspects of soundscape perception, and the relative influences of sound sources and quantitative acoustic parameters on soundscape perception. Further research is certainly needed to account for global diversity in cultures and soundscapes, but we found some promising empirical support for the use of natural-soundscape-focused educational programs in efforts to promote nature relatedness.  相似文献   

Understanding the amount of impact and distribution of invasive species is important for both basic ecological research and making management decisions. Because of their extensive impacts in southern Patagonia, invasive North American beavers (Castor canadensis) are considered both a scientific and conservation priority. However, little is known about the landscape-scale effects of these exotic ecosystem engineers. Using satellite imagery, we estimated the impact of beavers in the Argentine portion of Tierra del Fuego Island and determined the habitat factors (vegetation cover, forest type, stream presence and topography) related to their presence using both non-parametric statistical and information-theoretic approaches. Results indicated that more than 31,000 ha (1.6 % of the study area) were impacted by beavers and that the presence, but not the amount, of beaver impacts were spatially clustered. Impacts were greater in the Mountain ecoregion (2.8 % of the ecoregion) and lower in the Steppe (0.1 %). The best model for predicting beaver presence included variables related to water availability (presence of peatlands and streams), forage availability (forest type cover), and topography (slope and elevation). These findings support previous assertions that this invasion is the largest alteration to the sub-Antarctic forests in the Holocene. They also serve as a foundation for the development of maps based on habitat- and landscape-scale conditions to assist with the orientation of control, eradication, and restoration efforts currently being planned.  相似文献   

This article presents an agent-based model designed to explore the development of cooperation in hunter-fisher-gatherer societies that face a dilemma of sharing an unpredictable resource that is randomly distributed in space. The model is a stylised abstraction of the Yamana society, which inhabited the channels and islands of the southernmost part of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina-Chile). According to ethnographic sources, the Yamana developed cooperative behaviour supported by an indirect reciprocity mechanism: whenever someone found an extraordinary confluence of resources, such as a beached whale, they would use smoke signals to announce their find, bringing people together to share food and exchange different types of social capital. The model provides insight on how the spatial concentration of beachings and agents’ movements in the space can influence cooperation. We conclude that the emergence of informal and dynamic communities that operate as a vigilance network preserves cooperation and makes defection very costly.  相似文献   

Abstract. Tree size and age structure, tree-fall and gap characteristics, and regeneration in gaps were studied in Nothofagus-dominated old-growth forests in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Gap-phase regeneration has resulted in all-aged populations for N. pumilio, N. betuloides, and Drimys winteri, and regeneration in gaps appears to be maintaining coexistence between species in mixed stands. N. betuloides fills many gaps via advance regeneration and some individuals persist for > 150 yr in the understory. Multiple periods of release and suppression indicate that N. betuloides may take advantage of several gap events to reach the main canopy. Likewise, Drimys grows well under closed canopy and can rapidly respond to gap formation, sometimes impeding the regeneration of N. betuloides. In contrast, N. pumilio regenerates in gaps mainly from seed or from advance regeneration of small, ephemeral seedlings. Gap turnover times in Fuegian forests were estimated at 300 - 500 yr, although gap formation was highly episodic and possibly associated with regionally extensive windstorms, earthquakes, and stand-level dieback. 92 % of gaps involved multiple tree-falls, and at least 53 % involved secondary expansion. Gap and tree-fall characteristics in Tierra del Fuego were similar to results from northern Patagonia, Chile, and New Zealand; however, we emphasize that regeneration of Nothofagus spp. and Drimys winteri in gaps depends on associated vegetation and varies along both local and regional environmental gradients.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to accurately determine the annual growth rate of two key lichen species for lichenometric studies in Tierra del Fuego and to provide more information on recent glacial evolution in the southernmost mountain range of South America. The study site was located on recent moraines deposited in front of a terminus of Pia Glacier in the East Arm of Pia Bay, a fjord of the Beagle Channel. Lichenometric measurements were made of the maximum and minimum axes on the five largest thalli of Rhizocarpon geographicum and Placopsis perrugosa at selected localities in the recently deglaciated area. Average growth rates were estimated from dated surfaces to be 0.63 mm year−1 for R. geographicum and of 9.0 mm year−1 for P. perrugosa. However, maximum growth rate of individual thalli of P. perrugosa could be as high as about 20 mm year−1 increase in diameter directly measured from comparison between pictures taken over a 2-year interval. Both species had an almost linear increase in diameter size with the age of the rock surfaces and the distance from the glacier. The rapid colonization and growth of the lichens is mirrored by the higher plants with ecesis for Nothofagus trees being estimated at 4 years and height growth elongation at 30 cm year−1.  相似文献   

Peat bogs are regarded as extreme environments due to their low pH and low nutrient concentration, and thus hold a unique biota adapted to these particular conditions. The island of Tierra del Fuego encompasses the southernmost extensive peat bog area in the world, and is therefore particularly interesting from a biogeographical viewpoint. Within the same peat bog, different environment types can be identified: clear ponds, vegetated ponds and Sphagnum patches. In this study we compare the abundance, richness and species diversity of microinvertebrates (Copepoda, Cladocera and Rotifera) in these three types of environments from two peat bogs (Andorra and Rancho Hambre). Out of the 29 taxa recorded, 19 were common to both peat bogs, including four cladocerans endemic to Southern Patagonia and three rotifers endemic to Fuegian peat bogs. The rotifers were the dominant group in all environment types from Rancho Hambre, while in Andorra the Sphagnum moss was dominated by copepods, particularly harpacticoids. The results revealed that the environment type rather than peat bog was the key factor at explaining differences in species richness and diversity among microinvertebrate communities. This study highlights the importance of Sphagnum moss as a low diversity extreme environment which supports highly endemic species.  相似文献   

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