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Two hepatic enzymes, cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS), play important regulatory roles in the response of cysteine metabolism to changes in dietary sulfur amino acid or protein levels. To examine the time-course of changes in CDO and GCS activities, CDO and GCS-catalytic or heavy subunit protein and mRNA levels, and cysteine and glutathione levels, we adapted rats to either a low protein (LP) or high protein (HP) diet, switched them to the opposite diet, and followed these parameters over 6 days. Hepatic CDO activity and amount, but not mRNA level, increased in response to higher protein intake; the t(1/2) of change for CDO activity or protein level was 22 h for rats switched from a LP to a HP diet and 8 h for rats switched from a HP to a LP diet, suggesting that the HP diet decreased turnover of CDO. Hepatic GCS activity, catalytic subunit amount and mRNA level decreased in response to a higher protein intake. GCS catalytic subunit level changed with a similar t(1/2) for both groups, but the change in GCS activity in rats switched from a LP diet to a HP diet was faster (approximately 16h) than for rats switched from a HP to a LP diet (approximately 74h). Hepatic cysteine and glutathione levels reached new steady states within 12 h (LP to HP) or 24 h (HP to LP). CDO activity appeared to be regulated at the level of protein, probably by diminished turnover of CDO in response to higher protein intake or cysteine level, whereas GCS activity appeared to be regulated both at the level of mRNA and activity state in response to the change in cysteine or protein availability. These findings support a role of cysteine concentration as a mediator of its own metabolism, favoring catabolism when cysteine is high and glutathione synthesis when cysteine is low.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that glutathione is an essential metabolite in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae because a mutant deleted for GSH1, encoding the first enzyme in gamma-l-glutamyl-l-cysteinylglycine (GSH) biosynthesis, cannot grow in its absence. In contrast, strains deleted for GSH2, encoding the second step in GSH synthesis, grow poorly as the dipeptide intermediate, gamma-glutamylcysteine, can partially substitute for GSH. In this present study, we identify two high copy suppressors that rescue the poor growth of the gsh2 mutant in the absence of GSH. The first contains GSH1, indicating that gamma-glutamylcysteine can functionally replace GSH if it is present in sufficiently high quantities. The second contains CDC34, encoding a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, indicating a link between the ubiquitin and GSH stress protective systems. We show that CDC34 rescues the growth of the gsh2 mutant by inducing the Met4-dependent expression of GSH1 and elevating the cellular levels of gamma-glutamylcysteine. Furthermore, this mechanism normally operates to regulate GSH biosynthesis in the cell, as GSH1 promoter activity is induced in a Met4-dependent manner in a gsh1 mutant which is devoid of GSH, and the addition of exogenous GSH represses GSH1 expression. Analysis of a cis2 mutant, which cannot breakdown GSH, confirmed that GSH and not a metabolic product, serves as the regulatory molecule. However, this is not a general mechanism affecting all Met4-regulated genes, as MET16 expression is unaffected in a gsh1 mutant, and GSH acts as a poor repressor of MET16 expression compared with methionine. In summary, GSH biosynthesis is regulated in parallel with sulphate assimilation by activity of the Met4 protein, but GSH1-specific mechanisms exist that respond to GSH availability.  相似文献   

Analysis of the uptake and metabolism of [14C]cysteine in rat liver was undertaken using freshly isolated hepatocytes and hepatocytes maintained in primary culture. The uptake of [14C]cysteine by freshly isolated hepatocytes was by means of both saturable and non-saturable transport systems and the former system was thought to involve facilitated diffusion. The uptake of [14C]cysteine by hepatocytes maintained in primary culture for 24 h also consisted of non-saturated and saturated transport mechanisms. The magnitude of the saturable transport system in cultured hepatocytes was, however, much greater than that found in freshly isolated hepatocytes, and was considered to be operated by active transport. Both freshly isolated and primary cultured hepatocytes had cysteine sulphinic acid decarboxylase activity, but this enzyme activity in the latter cells was noticeably reduced in comparison with that found in freshly isolated hepatocytes. Hepatocytes maintained in primary culture produced not only radiolabelled taurine, but also radiolabelled cysteine sulphinic acid, hypotaurine and alanine when incubated with [14C]cysteine. The present results indicate that cultured hepatocytes actively transport cysteine as well as metabolizing cysteine to taurine via cysteine sulphinic acid and hypotaurine.  相似文献   

Synthesis of GSH occurs via two enzymatic steps, the first is catalyzed by gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS) and the second is catalyzed by GSH synthetase (GS). A heavy (HS) and light subunit (LS) make up GCS; regulation of both subunits have been well characterized, whereas regulation of GS is largely unknown. In this study, we examined the effects of treatments known to influence the gene expression of GCS subunits on GS expression. Insulin and hydrocortisone treatment of rat hepatocytes or ethanol-feeding of rats for 9 weeks, which increased the expression of GCS-HS only, had no influence on GS expression. However, two-thirds partial hepatectomy in rats which increased the expression of GCS-HS only, also increased GS expression. Treatment of hepatocytes or rats with diethyl maleate, buthionine sulfoximine, tert-butylhydroquinone, or thioacetamide, which increased the expression of both GCS subunits, increased the expression of GS. The GSH synthesis capacity increased 50-100% by treatments that increased only the GCS-HS expression, whereas it increased 161-200% by treatments that increased both GCS-HS and GS expression. Thioacetamide treatment of Chang cells increased cell GSH and GS expression by 50%, but had minimal influence on GCS subunits. Thus, GS induction can further increase the cell's GSH synthetic capacity and in some cells may be as important as GCS in determining the rate of GSH synthesis.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase (CDO, EC catalyzes the oxidation of cysteine to cysteine sulfinic acid, which is the first major step in cysteine catabolism in mammalian tissues. Rat liver CDO was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli as a 26.8-kDa N-terminal fusion protein bearing a polyhistidine tag. Purification by immobilized metal affinity chromatography yielded homogeneous protein, which was catalytically active even in the absence of the secondary protein-A, which has been reported to be essential for activity in partially purified native preparations. As compared with those existing purification protocols for native CDO, the milder conditions used in the isolation of the recombinant CDO allowed a more controlled study of the properties and activity of CDO, clarifying conflicting findings in the literature. Apo-protein was inactive in catalysis and was only activated by iron. Metal analysis of purified recombinant protein indicated that only 10% of the protein contained iron and that the iron was loosely bound to the protein. Kinetic studies showed that the recombinant enzyme displayed a K(m) value of 2.5 +/- 0.4 mm at pH 7.5 and 37 degrees C. The enzyme was shown to be specific for l-cysteine oxidation, whereas homocysteine inhibited CDO activity.  相似文献   

Cysteine catabolism in mammals is dependent upon cysteine dioxygenase (CDO), an enzyme that adds molecular oxygen to the sulfur of cysteine, converting the thiol to a sulfinic acid known as cysteinesulfinic acid (3-sulfinoalanine). CDO is one of the most highly regulated metabolic enzymes responding to diet that is known. It undergoes up to 45-fold changes in concentration and up to 10-fold changes in catalytic efficiency. This provides a remarkable responsiveness of the cell to changes in sulfur amino acid availability: the ability to decrease CDO activity and conserve cysteine when cysteine is scarce and to rapidly increase CDO activity and catabolize cysteine to prevent cytotoxicity when cysteine supply is abundant. CDO in both liver and adipose tissues responds to changes in dietary intakes of protein and/or sulfur amino acids over a range that encompasses the requirement level, suggesting that cysteine homeostasis is very important to the living organism.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of rat kidney gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
gamma-Glutamylcysteine synthetase catalyzes the first step in the synthesis of glutathione. The enzyme isolated from rat kidney has two subunits (heavy, Mr 73,000; and light, Mr 27,700) which may be dissociated by treatment with dithiothreitol. The heavy subunit exhibits all of the catalytic activity of the isolated enzyme and also feedback inhibition by glutathione. The light subunit has no known function and may not be an integral part of the enzyme. cDNA clones encoding rat kidney gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase were isolated from a lambda gt11 cDNA library by immunoscreening with antibody against the isolated enzyme and further screening with oligonucleotide probes derived from several peptides whose sequences were determined by the Edman method. The nucleotide sequence of the mRNA for the heavy subunit was deduced from the sequences of the cDNA of three such clones. The sequence, which codes for 637 residues (Mr 72,614), contains all four of the independently determined peptide sequences (approximately 100 residues). This amino acid sequence shows extremely low overall similarity to that of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase isolated from Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Although glutathione (GSH) concentration has been reported to diminish with age, the mechanism underlying such age-associated decline in the GSH content is not well understood. In this study, we compared the gene expression of both subunits of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS), the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo GSH synthesis, in young, adult, and old Fisher 344 rats. It was found that GCS activity was significantly decreased with increased age in liver, kidney, lung, and red blood cells (RBC). Parallel with the decreased enzyme activity, the protein and mRNA contents of both GCS subunits also changed inversely with age in liver, kidney, and lung, implying a decreased GCS gene expression during aging. Such a reduced GCS gene expression was accompanied by a decline in total GSH content without any change in cysteine concentration. Furthermore, the decreased GCS gene expression in old rats was not associated with a decline in the plasma insulin or cortisol level. This study showed, for the first time, that the expression of both GCS subunit genes was decreased in some organs of old rats, which would result in a reduced rate of GSH biosynthesis. Such decline in GSH synthetic capacity may underlie the observed decrease in GSH content during aging.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase is a non-heme mononuclear iron enzyme with unique structural features, namely an intramolecular thioether cross-link between cysteine 93 and tyrosine 157, and a disulfide bond between substrate l-cysteine and cysteine 164 in the entrance channel to the active site. We investigated how these posttranslational modifications affect catalysis through a kinetic, crystallographic and computational study. The enzyme kinetics of a C164S variant are identical to WT, indicating that disulfide formation at C164 does not significantly impair access to the active site at physiological pH. However, at high pH, the cysteine–tyrosine cross-link formation is enhanced in C164S. This supports the view that disulfide formation at position 164 can limit access to the active site. The C164S variant yielded crystal structures of unusual clarity in both resting state and with cysteine bound. Both show that the iron in the cysteine-bound complex is a mixture of penta- and hexa-coordinate with a water molecule taking up the final site (60 % occupancy), which is where dioxygen is believed to coordinate during turnover. The serine also displays stronger hydrogen bond interactions to a water bound to the amine of the substrate cysteine. However, the interactions between cysteine and iron appear unchanged. DFT calculations support this and show that WT and C164S have similar binding energies for the water molecule in the final site. This variant therefore provides evidence that WT also exists in an equilibrium between penta- and hexa-coordinate forms and the presence of the sixth ligand does not strongly affect dioxygen binding.  相似文献   

A detailed kinetic investigation was made of the binding mechanism of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase purified from rat kidney. The results of initial rate and inhibition studies are consistent with a partially random mechanism in which ATP is the obligatory first substrate and both amino acids bind in a random order to the enzyme-ATP complex. Formation of the enzyme-substrate quaternary complex is necessary prior to release of products. This mechanism is consistent with previous binding studies with the enzyme and while it does not rule out participation of enzyme-bound gamma-glutamyl phosphate as an intermediate in catalysis, such an intermediate cannot be a discrete covalent complex.  相似文献   

Gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS) catalyses the first step of glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis and is considered to be the rate-limiting step of this pathway. In several experimental systems, GCS overexpression has been associated with GSH pool expansion and drug resistance. In this report, we describe a mutant line of Chinese hamster fibroblasts that overexpress this activity by 4-5 times, due to the amplification of the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of GCS. These mutant cells contained a wild-type steady-state level of GSH and, after depletion, synthesized GSH at the same rate as wild-type cells because their rate of endogenous production of cysteine was limiting. An exogenous supply of cysteine expanded the pool of GSH in mutant cells by 80% but did not increase that of wild-type cells, and, in GSH-depleted cells, increased the rate of GSH biosynthesis by eight and 35-times in wild-type and mutant cells, respectively. These experiments indicated that GCS overexpression had no consequence on the metabolism of GSH, unless a supply of cysteine was provided. Mutant cells were not resistant to cisplatin or nitrogen mustard.  相似文献   

Drug-induced hepatotoxicity is mainly caused by hepatic glutathione (GSH) depletion. In general, the activity of rodent glutathione S-transferase is 10 to 20 times higher than that of humans, which could make the prediction of drug-induced hepatotoxicity in human more difficult. Gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (gamma-GCS) mainly regulates de novo synthesis of GSH in mammalian cells and plays a central role in the antioxidant capacity of cells. In this study, we constructed a GSH-depletion experimental rat model for the prediction of human hepatotoxicity. An adenovirus vector with short hairpin RNA against rat gamma-GCS heavy chain subunit (GCSh) (AdGCSh-shRNA) was constructed and used to knock down the GCSh. In in vitro study in H4IIE cells, a rat hepatoma cell line, GCSh mRNA and protein were significantly decreased by 80% and GSH was significantly decreased by 50% 3 days after AdGCSh-shRNA infection. In the in vivo study in rat, the hepatic GSH level was decreased by 80% 14 days after a single dose of AdGCSh-shRNA (2 x 10(11) pfu/ml/body), and this depletion continued for at least 2 weeks. Using this GSH knockdown rat model, acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity was shown to be significantly potentiated compared with normal rats. This is the first report of a GSH knockdown rat model, which could be useful for highly sensitive tests of acute and subacute toxicity for drug candidates in preclinical drug development.  相似文献   

An assay of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (gamma-GCS) and glutathione synthetase (GS) in crude extracts of cultured cells and tissues is described. It represents a novel combination of known methods, and is based on the formation of glutathione (GSH) from cysteine, glutamate and glycine in the presence of rat kidney GS for the assay of gamma-GCS, or from gamma-glutamylcysteine and glycine for the assay of GS. GSH is then quantified by the Tietze recycling method. Assay mixtures contain the gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) inhibitor acivicin in order to prevent the degradation of gamma-glutamylcysteine and of the accumulating GSH, and dithiothreitol in order to prevent the oxidation of cysteine and gamma-glutamylcysteine. gamma-GCS and GS levels determined by this method are comparable to those determined by others. The method is suitable for the rapid determination of gamma-GCS GS in GGT-containing tissues and for the studies of induction of gamma-GCS and GS in tissue cultures.  相似文献   

Cysteine oxidase (cysteine dioxygenase, EC was purified approximately 1000-fold from rat liver. The purified enzyme (protein-B) was obtained as an inactive form, which was activated by anaerobic preincubation with L-cysteine. The active form of protein-B was inactivated during aerobic incubation to produce cysteine sulfinate. This inactivation of protein-B was protected by a distinct protein in rat liver cytoplasm, namely stabilizing protein (protein-A). The Ka and Km values for L-cysteine were 0.8-10(-3) M and 1.3-10(-3) M respectively. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by Cu+ and/or Fe2+ chelating agents but not by Cu2+ chelating agent. The optimum pH of enzyme reaction was 8.5-9.5 while that of enzyme activation was 6.8-9.5, with a broad peak.  相似文献   

The amount and activity of the multi-drug transport P-glycoprotein (Pgp) have been measured in cultured hepatocytes derived from different rat strains. A marked increase in Pgp, as revealed by Western blotting, occurred 48 h after seeding in hepatocytes from Sprague-Dawley, Wistar and Fischer 344 rats, the last showing the highest value. The addition of dexamethasone (DEX) to culture medium delayed Pgp overexpression in all the strains, proportionally to the protein amount in the absence of hormone. The R-123 functional test for Pgp showed that Fischer 344 hepatocytes had the lowest ability to extrude the fluorescent dye as compared with Sprague-Dawley or Wistar rats. These results suggest that the Fischer 344 rat is more prone than other strains to culture stressing conditions, leading to an overexpression of Pgp that is not necessarily functional.Abbreviations DEX dexamethasone - FCS fetal calf serum - HRP horseradish peroxide - Pgp P-glycoprotein  相似文献   

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