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In consideration of the unique advantages of new non‐fullerene acceptors and the tandem‐junction structure, organic photovoltaics (OPVs) based on them are very promising. Studies related to this emerging area began in 2016 with achieved power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 8–10%, which have now been boosted to 17%. In this essay, the construction of high‐performance OPVs is discussed, with a focus on combining the advantages of new non‐fullerene acceptors and the tandem‐junction structure. In order to achieve higher PCEs, methods to enable high short‐circuit current density, open‐circuit voltage, and fill factor are discussed. In addition, the stability and reproducibility of high‐efficiency OPVs are also addressed. Herein, it is forecast that the new non‐fullerene acceptors‐based tandem‐junction OPVs will become the next big wave in the field and achieve high PCEs over 20% in the near future. Some promising research directions on this emerging hot topic are proposed which may further push the field into the 25% high efficiency era and considerably advance the technology beyond laboratory research.  相似文献   

We present the addition of an energy relay dye to fullerenes resulting in increased light harvesting and significantly improved power conversion efficiency for organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. Although exhibiting excellent properties as electron acceptors, visible light absorption of fullerenes is limited. Strongly light absorbing donor materials are needed for efficient light harvesting in the thin active layer of OPV devices. Therefore, photocurrent generation and thus power conversion efficiency of this type of solar cell is confined by the overlap of the relatively narrow absorption band of commonly used donor molecules with the solar spectrum. Herein the concept of fullerene dye sensitization is presented, which allows increased light harvesting on the electron acceptor side of the heterojunction. The concept is exemplarily shown for an UV absorbing small molecule and a near infrared absorbing polymer, namely hexa‐peri‐hexabenzocoronene (HBC) and Poly[2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole‐4,7‐diyl[4,4‐bis(2‐ethylhexyl)‐4H‐cyclopenta[2,1‐b:3,4‐b']dithiophene‐2,6‐diyl]] (PCPDTBT), respectively. In both systems remarkably higher power conversion efficiency is achieved via perylene sensitization of the fullerene acceptor. Steady state photoluminescence, transient absorption and transient photocurrent decay studies reveal pathways of the additionally generated excited states at the sensitizer molecule. The findings suggest fluorescence resonance energy transfer from the photo‐excited dye to the fullerene enabling decoupling of light absorption and charge transport. The presented sensitization method is proposed as a viable new concept for performance enhancement in organic photovoltaic devices.  相似文献   

Solid films of a water‐soluble dicationic perylene diimide salt, perylene bis(2‐ethyltrimethylammonium hydroxide imide), Petma+OH?, are strongly doped n‐type by dehydration and reversibly de‐doped by hydration. The hydrated films consist almost entirely of the neutral perylene diimide, PDI, while the dehydrated films contain ~50% PDI anions. The conductivity increases by five orders of magnitude upon dehydration, probably limited by film roughness, while the work function decreases by 0.74 V, consistent with an n‐type doping density increase of ~12 orders of magnitude. Remarkably, the PDI anions are stable in dry air up to 120 °C. The work function of the doped film, ? (3.96 V vs. vacuum), is unusually negative for an O2‐stable contact. Petma+OH? is also characterized as an interfacial layer, IFL, in two different types of organic photovoltaic cells. Results are comparable to state of the art cesium carbonate IFLs, but may improve if film morphology can be better controlled. The films are stable and reversible over many months in air and light. The mechanism of this unusual self‐doping process may involve the change in relative potentials of the ions in the film caused by their deshielding and compaction as water is removed, leading to charge transfer when dry.  相似文献   

Solar energy deployment can be augmented with the use of wavelength‐selective transparent photovoltaics (PVs). Moving forward, operating lifetime is arguably among the most important challenge that must be addressed to increase commercial viability of these emerging technologies. In this work, the lifetimes of PVs with organic near‐infrared selective small molecules and molecular salts are investigated. This is the first comprehensive lifetime study on devices featuring organic salts with varied counterions. Based on the tunability afforded by anion exchange, an extrapolated lifetime of 7 ± 2 years from continuous illumination measurements on organic salt devices held at the maximum power point is demonstrated. These lifetimes are compared with changes in external quantum efficiency, hydrophobicity, molecular orbital levels, and optical absorption to determine the limiting characteristics and failure mechanisms of PV devices utilizing each donor. A key correlation between the lifetime and the hydrophobicity of the donor layer is uncovered. This could provide a targeted parameter for designing organic molecules and salts with exceptional lifetime and enhanced commercial viability.  相似文献   

While the demonstrated power conversion efficiency of organic photovoltaics (OPVs) now exceeds 10%, new design rules are required to tailor interfaces at the molecular level for optimal exciton dissociation and charge transport in higher efficiency devices. We show that molecular shape‐complementarity between donors and acceptors can drive performance in OPV devices. Using core hole clock (CHC) X‐ray spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT), we compare the electronic coupling, assembly, and charge transfer rates at the interface between C60 acceptors and flat‐ or contorted‐hexabenzocorone (HBC) donors. The HBC donors have similar optoelectronic properties but differ in molecular contortion and shape matching to the fullerene acceptors. We show that shape‐complementarity drives self‐assembly of an intermixed morphology with a donor/acceptor (D/A) ball‐and‐socket interface, which enables faster electron transfer from HBC to C60. The supramolecular assembly and faster electron transfer rates in the shape complementary heterojunction lead to a larger active volume and enhanced exciton dissociation rate. This work provides fundamental mechanistic insights on the improved efficiency of organic photovoltaic devices that incorporate these concave/convex D/A materials.  相似文献   

A lithography free approach to fabricating optically thin (~10 nm) noble metal electrodes with a dense array of sub‐wavelength apertures is reported. These nano‐structured electrodes support surface plasmon resonances which couple strongly with visible light concentrating it near to the electrode surface. They are also remarkably robust and can be fabricated on glass and plastic substrates with a sheet resistance of <15 Ω sq?1. As the window electrode in solution processed and vacuum deposited organic photovoltaics (OPV) the photocurrent is increased by as much as 28% as compared to identical devices without apertures, demonstrating that the apertures do not need to have a tight size and/or shape distribution to be effective. As a drop‐in replacement for the indium‐tin oxide electrode in flexible OPV these plasmon‐active electrodes offer superior performance; 5.1% vs. 4.6%, demonstrating that this class of electrode is a truly viable alternative to conducting oxide window electrodes for OPV.  相似文献   

Microfluidic technologies are highly adept at generating controllable compositional gradients in fluids, a feature that has accelerated the understanding of the importance of chemical gradients in biological processes. That said, the development of versatile methods to generate controllable compositional gradients in the solid‐state has been far more elusive. The ability to produce such gradients would provide access to extensive compositional libraries, thus enabling the high‐throughput exploration of the parametric landscape of functional solids and devices in a resource‐, time‐, and cost‐efficient manner. Herein, the synergic integration of microfluidic technologies is reported with blade coating to enable the controlled formation of compositional lateral gradients in solution. Subsequently, the transformation of liquid‐based compositional gradients into solid‐state thin films using this method is demonstrated. To demonstrate efficacy of the approach, microfluidic‐assisted blade coating is used to optimize blending ratios in organic solar cells. Importantly, this novel technology can be easily extended to other solution processable systems that require the formation of solid‐state compositional lateral gradients.  相似文献   

Silane nanolayers deposited from the vapor phase onto indium‐tin oxide (ITO) coated glass are shown to be an effective means of tuning the work function and stabilizing the surface of this complex ternary oxide. Using this approach a pair of model hole‐extracting electrodes have been developed to investigate how the performance of bi‐layer organic photovoltaics is impacted by built‐in positive space charge in the critical region close to the hole‐extracting electrode. The magnitude and spatial distribution of positive space charge resulting from ground‐state electron transfer from the donor layer to the ITO electrode upon contact formation, is derived from direct measurements of the interfacial energetics using the Kelvin probe technique. This judiciously designed experiment shows that it is unnecessary to engineer the work function of the hole‐extracting electrode to match the ionization potential of the donor layer, rather only to ensure that the former exceeds the latter, thus simplifying an important aspect of device design. In addition, it is shown that silane nanolayers at the ITO electrode surface are remarkably effective at retarding device degradation under continuous illumination.  相似文献   

Ternary organic solar cells (OSCs) have progressed significantly in recent years due to the sufficient photon harvesting of the blend photoactive layer including three absorption‐complementary materials. With the rapid development of highly efficient ternary OSCs in photovoltaics, the precise energy‐level alignment of the three active components within ternary OSC devices should be taken into account. The machine‐learning technique is a computational method that can effectively learn from previous historical data to build predictive models. In this study, a dataset of 124 fullerene derivatives‐based ternary OSCs is manually constructed from a diverse range of literature along with their frontier molecular orbital theory levels, and device structures. Different machine‐learning algorithms are trained based on these electronic parameters to predict photovoltaic efficiency. Thus, the best predictive capability is provided by using the Random Forest approach beyond other machine‐learning algorithms in the dataset. Furthermore, the Random Forest algorithm yields valuable insights into the crucial role of lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy levels of organic donors in the performance of ternary OSCs. The outcome of this study demonstrates a smart strategy for extracting underlying complex correlations in fullerene derivatives‐based ternary OSCs, thereby accelerating the development of ternary OSCs and related research fields.  相似文献   

The synthesis and optimization of new photovoltaic donor polymers is a time‐consuming process. Computer‐based molecular simulations can narrow the scope of materials choice to the most promising ones, by identifying materials with desirable energy levels and absorption energies. In this paper, such a retrospective analysis is presented of a series of fused aromatic push–pull copolymers. It is demonstrated that molecular calculations do indeed provide good estimates of the absorption energies measured by UV–vis spectroscopy and of the ionization potentials measured by photoelectron spectroscopy in air. Comparing measured photovoltaic performance of the polymer series to the trend in efficiencies predicted by computation confirms the validity of this approach.  相似文献   

Electron‐filtering compound buffer layers (EF‐CBLs) improve charge extraction in organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) by blending an electron‐conducting fullerene with a wide energy gap exciton‐blocking molecule. It is found that devices with EF‐CBLs with high glass transition temperatures and a low crystallization rate produce highly stable morphologies and devices. The most stable OPVs employ 1:1 2,2′,2″‐(1,3,5‐benzenetriyl tris‐[1‐phenyl‐1H‐benzimidazole] TPBi:C70 buffers that lose <20% of their initial power conversion efficiency of 6.6 ± 0.6% after 2700 h under continuous simulated AM1.5G illumination, and show no significant degradation after 100 days of outdoor aging. When exposed to 100‐sun (100 kW m?2) concentrated solar illumination for 5 h, their power conversion efficiencies decrease by <8%. Moreover, it is found that the reliability of the devices employing stable EF‐CBLs has either reduced or no dependence on operating temperature up to 130 °C compared with BPhen:C60 devices whose fill factors show thermally activated degradation. The robustness of TPBi:C70 devices under extreme aging conditions including outdoor exposure, high temperature, and concentrated illumination is promising for the future of OPV as a stable solar cell technology.  相似文献   

For ideal flexible transparent electrodes, the features of good electrical/optical properties, low surface roughness, efficient charge transportation, robust electrical stability under simultaneously continuous operation bias, and mechanical bending are critical. Herein, a flexible transparent electrode fulfilling all these features is demonstrated by silver (Ag) nanonetwork composites semi‐embedded in low‐temperature‐processed colorless polyimide (cPI), which shows a figure of merit over 1000 (5.4 Ω sq?1 sheet resistance and >94% diffused transmission at 550 nm wavelength), extremely smooth topography (<1 nm root‐mean‐square roughness and <3 nm peak‐to‐valley roughness), remarkable bending stability under continuous operation bias, and increased work function favoring the band alignment with typical charge transport layers for efficient devices. These characteristics are attributed to one‐step multifunctional chemical treatment on the composite of Ag nanowires and an example polymer of poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS). The strategic one‐step process simultaneously offers selective welding at nanowires cross junctions to form an Ag nanonetwork, and removing polyvinylpyrrolidone surfactant from Ag nanowires and PSS from PEDOT:PSS. The flexible electrode also favors the residue‐free cPI transfer for applications. Flexible organic solar cells (OSCs) made from the electrode achieve an averaged power conversion efficiency of 14.46% (best, 15.12%), which is the best flexible OSCs reported so far.  相似文献   

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