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Mitochondrial and nuclear genes have different inheritance, thus studies of fungal populations should use both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Using nuclear markers, the S238N strain of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor ((Maire) Orton) has been previously shown to persist for at least 10 yr after outplanting in a plantation of Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mir.) Franco) inoculated with this strain. In the present study, we have sampled 539 sporophores of Laccaria spp. from this plantation, some of which had the S238N nuclear genotype, to study mitochondrial DNA polymorphism and persistence of the inoculated S238N mitochondrial genome. Length polymorphism in fragments of the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosomal DNA (LrDNA) allowed distinction of the haplotypes present in the plantation at the species level. In addition, heteroduplex analysis and sequencing revealed intraspecific polymorphism of LrDNA among the L. bicolor sporophores and enabled specific identification of S238N LrDNA. This haplotype was only retained in sporophores carrying the S238N nuclear genome, confirming the survival of this introduced strain in a natural population.  相似文献   

Selected strains of ectomycorrhizal fungi, such as the basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor , are currently being used as inoculants in nurseries to improve growth of forest trees after outplanting. Information is needed on the survival of these introduced strains in forests and their impact on indigenous biodiversity. Dissemination and persistence of an American strain, L. bicolor S238N, were studied 10 years after outplanting in a Douglas fir plantation located at Saint-Brisson (Morvan, France). About 430 Laccaria spp. sporophores were collected over 3 years. Inheritance of nuclear ribosomal DNA, as well as RAPD markers, was characterized in L. bicolor S238N, using a haploid progeny set of 91 monokaryons. More than 50 markers were identified (19 heterozygous and 33 homozygous or cytoplasmic markers), which unambiguously confirmed that the introduced strain was still present in the inoculated plots. Neither selfing ( P < 0.0008) nor introgression with indigenous strains was detected although in vitro interfertility between the American strain and indigenous L. bicolor was identified. No ingress of the introduced genet into adjacent uninoculated plots colonized by various local Laccaria genets was detected. It is proposed that the spatial distributions identified have developed through mycelial propagation of the introduced strain and intraspecific competition with native genets. Although longer-term data is still lacking, the stability of the inoculant strain and the limited disturbance to indigenous populations described support large-scale nursery production of this host-fungal combination.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】建立厌氧真菌多样性分析方法,并研究厌氧真菌与产甲烷菌共培养液在传代过程中厌氧真菌的区系变化及共培养液中去除产甲烷菌条件下厌氧真菌多样性的变化。【方法】根据厌氧真菌ITS1序列长度多态性,设计厌氧真菌特异性引物,然后PCR扩增样品中厌氧真菌ITS1序列,在基因分析仪中分析PCR产物序列长度多态性,分析共培养液在传代过程中及共培养液中去除产甲烷菌后厌氧真菌多样性的变化。【结果】对瘤胃厌氧真菌Caecomyces属YC301菌株、Neocallimastix属菌株(YC501与YC502)的ARI  相似文献   

Some Clostridium butyricum strains have been used as probiotics for both humans and animals. Strain-specific identification is necessary for the manufacturing process of probiotics. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are sufficient genetic variations in 16S-23S intergenic spacer regions (ISRs) to discriminate C. butyricum at the biovar level. We amplified ISRs from five reference strains, a probiotic strain (MIYAIRI 588) and 22 isolates, and we classified them into four groups on the basis of amplification patterns (type A through D). However, amplification of ISRs is not sufficient for discriminating strains. Moreover, we compared genetic structures of these ISRs. Sequence analysis revealed that the size variations of ISRs were generated by the insertion of tRNA genes and unique sequences into the internal portion, while the external portions were highly conserved. On the basis of the highly conserved nucleotide sequences within the ISRs, we developed a PCR primer set specific to C. butyricum. In addition, the PCR primer designed from the unique inserted sequence in type B strain was useful to differentiate probiotic strains at the biovar level.  相似文献   

The nifD—K intergenic spacer (IGS) of ArI3 and ACoN24d were found to have a length 265 and 199 nucleotides, respectively. They are markedly less conserved than the two neighbouring genes and have, in some instances, a repeated structure reminiscent of an insertion event The repeated sequence and the IGSs have no detectable homology with sequences in DNA databanks. The IGS has a stem-loop structure with a low folding energy, lower than that between nifH and nifD. No convincing alignment of IGS sequences could be obtained among Frankia strains. Only between ACoN24d and ArI3, which belong to the same genomic species, was the alignment good enough to permit detection of a doubly repeated structure. No promoter could be detected in the IGSs. The putative nifK open reading frame (ORF) in Frankia strain ArI3 has a length of 1587 nucleotides, starting with a GTG codon, preceded by a ribosome binding site of a structure similar to that of nifH (GGAGGN7). The codon usage was similar to that of previously sequenced Frankia genes with a strong bias toward G- and C-ending codons except in the case of glycine where GGT is frequent. Alignment of the three Frankia nifK sequences (EUN1f; ArI3 and ACoN24d) with those of other nitrogen-fixing bacteria permitted detection of a sequence conserved among the three Frankia strains but absent in the other sequences. A primer targeted to that region in combination with FGPD807-85 amplified the nifD—K IGS sequences of all Frankia strains (except the non-nitrogen-fixing Frankia strains CN3 and AgB1-9) and yet failed to amplify DNA of all other nitrogen–fixing bacteria. Conversely, the failure of primer FGPK700′-92 to amplify Alnus-infective strains could be explained by point mutations in the 3′ part of the primer.  相似文献   

The survival, development and mycorrhizal efficiency of a selected strain of Laccaria bicolor along with naturally occurring ectomycorrhizal fungi in a young plantation of Douglas fir was examined. Symbionts were identified and their respective colonization abilities were determined. Eight species of symbiotic fungi, which may have originated in adjacent coniferous forests, were observed on the root systems. Mycorrhizal diversity differed between inoculated (5 taxa) and control (8 taxa) seedlings. Ectomycorrhizal fungi which occurred naturally in the nursery on control seedlings (Thelephora terrestris and Suillus sp.) did not survive after outplanting. Both inoculated and naturally occurring Laccaria species, as well as Cenococcum geophilum, survived on the old roots and colonized the newly formed roots, limiting the colonization by other naturally occurring fungi. Other fungi, such as Paxillus involutus, Scleroderma citrinum and Hebeloma sp. preferentially colonized the old roots near the seedling's collar. Russulaceae were found mainly in the middle section of the root system. Mycorrhizal colonization by Laccaria species on inoculated seedlings (54%) was significantly greater than on controls (13%) which were consequently dominated by the native fungi. Significant differences (up to 239%) were found in the growth of inoculated seedlings, especially in root and shoot weight, which developed mainly during the second year after outplanting. Seedling growth varied with the species of mycorrhizae and with the degree of root colonization. Competitiveness and effectiveness of the introduced strain on improving growth performances of seedlings are discussed.  相似文献   

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) seedlings in two bare-root forest nurseries were inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria laccata, together or not with one of five mycorrhization helper bacteria isolated from L. laccata sporocarps or mycorrhizas and previously selected by in vitro and glasshouse screenings. With the most efficient MHB isolates, when compared to the control with no bacteria, the percent of mycorrhizal short roots was increased from 60 to 90 or from 80 to 100, depending on the nursery, with inoculation doses as low as 106 living cells per m2. A dual inoculum made of calcium alginate beads containing the two microorganisms appears to be a valuable technique for increasing the efficiency of ectomycorrhizal inoculation of planting stocks in forest nurseries.  相似文献   

The method for DNA fingerprinting of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region was modified to increase resolution of bacterial strains by thermal gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) analysis. By utilizing the high melting temperature region of the tRNA gene located in the middle of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region as an internal clamp for TGGE, multiple melting domain problems were solved. PCR primers lacking a stretch of GC-rich sequences (GC-clamp) amplified the intergenic spacer region more efficiently than GC-clamped primers. Therefore, PCR artifacts were avoided by using low, 17-cycle, PCR. The method was successfully applied to diverse bacterial species for strain differentiation by TGGE without requiring a special PCR primer set.  相似文献   

The intergenic spacer (IGS) region, which is located between the 3′ end of 26S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the 5′ end of 5S rDNA, of sixArmillaria species from Hokkaido was investigated using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP). Restriction with onlyAlu I could distinguishA. mellea subsp.nipponica from the other species. WithAlu I andDde I,A. ostoyae andA. gallica could be distinguished from the other species. Digestion withAlu I resulted in two patterns (types A and B) ofA. singula and three patterns (types A, B, and C) ofA. jezoensis. One pattern (type B) of the former species and two patterns (types B and C) of the latter species were each different from those of the other species.Armillaria sinapina gave only oneAlu I digestion pattern, which was identical to that ofA. jezoensis (type A) andA. singula (type A). However, by digestion withDde I,A. singula (type A) could be distinguished fromA. jezoensis (type A) andA. sinapina.  相似文献   

Abstract Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the important human pathogens in clinical microbiology. A polymerase chain reaction assay was designed to detect and identify S. pneumoniae through amplification of the ribosomal DNA spacer regions between the pneumococcal 16S-23S ribosomal RNA genes. Thirty-two Streptococcus and non- Streptococcus strains were tested to verify the specificity of the assay, and only S. pneumoniae strains gave a positive reaction. This method is a powerful technique for the rapid identification of S. pneumoniae .  相似文献   

Five genomic clones containing ribosomal DNA repeats from the gymnosperm white spruce (Picea glauca) have been isolated and characterized by restriction enzyme analysis. No nucleotide variation or length variation was detected within the region encoding the ribosomal RNAs. Four clones which contained the intergenic spacer (IGS) region from different rDNA repeats were further characterized to reveal the sub-repeat structure within the IGS. The sub-repeats were unusually long, ranging from 540 to 990 bp but in all other respects the structure of the IGS was very similar to the organization of the IGS from wheat, Drosophila and Xenopus.  相似文献   

The use of biofuels has been proposed as one possible substitute for fossil fuels, which contribute substantially to the increase in [CO2] in the atmosphere. However, increased harvesting of forest residues for biofuel might affect the availability of base cations, P and N, as well as the development, community dynamics and function of ectomycorrhizas. This in turn might influence nutrient uptake and tree growth. In this study we investigated the effects of repeated forest residue harvesting on ectomycorrhizal species colonizing spruce roots in the humus layer of a 35-yr-old forest. Harvesting significantly decreased the thickness of the humus layer as well as decreasing the numbers of ectomycorrhizal root tips both per metre root length and per unit humus volume. Changes in mycorrhizal community structure were studied by ITS typing with the use of PCR–RFLP analysis. In total, 19 different ITS types were found on two different sampling occasions (autumn and spring); 11 of these were common to both samplings. Nine of the ITS types were identified to at least the genus level by comparison with RFLP patterns of identified fruiting bodies or axenic cultures. Five species, Cortinarius sp. 2, Thelephora terrestris (Ehrenb.) Fr., Lactarius theiogalus (Bull.:Fr.) S. F. Gray s.st. Neuhoff, Tylospora fibrillosa Donk and Tö-96-12, occurred on over 5% of the total sampled root tips. Together these five types colonized 63% of the mycorrhizas screened. A similarity index assessment showed no shift in mycorrhizal community structure as a result of harvesting. Our findings suggest that the repeated removal of forest residues might have a strong effect on the quantity and development of ectomycorrhizal roots in the organic horizon, but little effect on the species composition of the community.  相似文献   

The key role of telluric microorganisms in pesticide degradation is well recognized but the possible relationships between the biodiversity of soil microbial communities and their functions still remain poorly documented. If microorganisms influence the fate of pesticides, pesticide application may reciprocally affect soil microorganisms. The objective of our work was to estimate the impact of 2,4-D application on the genetic structure of bacterial communities and the 2,4-D-degrading genetic potential in relation to 2,4-D mineralization. Experiments combined isotope measurements with molecular analyses. The impact of 2,4-D on soil bacterial populations was followed with ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis. The 2,4-D degrading genetic potential was estimated by real-time PCR targeted on tfdA sequences coding an enzyme specifically involved in 2,4-D mineralization. The genetic structure of bacterial communities was significantly modified in response to 2,4-D application, but only during the intense phase of 2,4-D biodegradation. This effect disappeared 7 days after the treatment. The 2,4-D degrading genetic potential increased rapidly following 2,4-D application. There was a concomitant increase between the tfdA copy number and the 14C microbial biomass. The maximum of tfdA sequences corresponded to the maximum rate of 2,4-D mineralization. In this soil, 2,4-D degrading microbial communities seem preferentially to use the tfd pathway to degrade 2,4-D.  相似文献   

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