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Summary The classical areas for arginine-vasopressin (AVP) synthesis are the magnocellular supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular nuclei. More recently AVP was also demonstrated in neurons of the parvocellular suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the rat. This result was substantiated in the present study by means of immunoelectron microscopy, by subjecting sections to antivasopressin plasma. Conventional electron microscopy revealed dense-core vesicles in the SCN cell bodies and fibres (mean diameter 94.7±0.9 nm and 84.0±1.1 nm respectively). These vesicles were infrequent within the cell bodies and could not be accumulated by ethanol administration. Immunoelectron microscopy showed a positive reaction in the cell bodies and fibres within vesicles of 93.7±1.1 nm and 98.5±1.2 nm respectively. By comparison, the cell bodies and fibres of the SON showed immunoreactive granules of 143.0±1.8 and 147.3±1.8 nm respectively. The presence in the SCN of AVP in vesicles of different size than those in the SON suggests that synthesis of this substance is indeed occurring within the SCN cells.Supported by The Foundation for Medical Research FUNGOThe authors wish to thank Dr. L.A. Sternberger (Edgewood Arsenal, Md., U.S.A.) for the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase complex, Dr. J.G. Streefkerk (Free University, Amsterdam) and the members of our project group Neuroendocrinology for their suggestions, Mr. P.S. Wolters and Miss A. van der Veiden for their skilled assistance  相似文献   

Catecholaminergic fibers in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of adult rats were investigated by use of light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. The suprachiasmatic nucleus receives a modest density of tyrosine hydroxylase-containing axons, homogeneously distributed in the nucleus and forming varicosities throughout its entire rostro-caudal extension. Immunolabeling with antibodies against dopamine showed that this catecholamine input comprises a dopaminergic component. Many tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells were localized at the immediate periphery of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. With electron-microscopic examination, dendrites of these neurons were found within the limits of the nucleus as well as at a border zone between the suprachiasmatic nucleus proper and the optic tract where they received unlabeled synapses, providing a morphological support for a possible role of dopaminergic neurons in the integration and/or transfer of light-related signals. More than 91% of catecholaminergic axonal varicosities were found to establish morphologically defined synapses with dendrites. To investigate whether these synapses might be shared with neurons of one or both of the two main peptidergic populations of the nucleus, namely vasoactive intestinal peptide- and vasopressin-containing neurons, we carried out doublelabeling experments combining immunoperoxidase and immunogold-silver labeling. Results showed only a few cases of direct association of the catecholaminergic terminals with these peptidergic categories. In both types of dually stained sections, catecholaminergic synapses were preferentially made with unlabeled dendrites. The homogeneous distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers in the suprachiasmatic nucleus could therefore reflect a lack of significant catecholaminergic innervation of both vasoactive intestinal peptide- and vasopressin-synthesizing neurons.  相似文献   

Summary The identification of optic synapses in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus (Güldner, 1978) has made it possible to study them morphometrically. The measurements followed the check-list introduced by Palay and Chan-Palay (1976). There are several items which could usefully be added to this list. The structure of essential synaptic components varies considerably in what is apparently one synaptic population based on morphological criteria. The possible reasons for the variable sizes of the optic boutons containing different amounts of clear and dense core vesicles are discussed in terms of different activities or metabolic states of the individual boutons and/or different metabolic states of neuronal and glial elements in their vicinity. The active zones of optic synapses are also extremely variable. One optic bouton can form several active zones of very different sizes, or form Gray-type-I (asymmetric), Gray-type-II (symmetric) and intermediate contacts at the same time. The function and/or functional efficiency of a single optic bouton therefore could then be quite different with respect to its various postsynaptic elements. The different appearance of the active zones is discussed mainly in terms of possible regulative influences from neighboring synapses via the postsynaptic neuron.The author wishes to thank Mrs. Bassirat Pirouzmandi for her excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the rat the fine structure of the synapses and some features of their topological arrangement were studied. Five types of synapses could be distinguished with certainty: A. Two types of Gray-type-I (GTI) or asymmetrical synapses (approximately 33%). The presynaptic elements contain strikingly different types of mitochondria. Size of clear vesicles: approximately 450 A. Synapses with subjunctional bodies often occur, among these also "crest synapses". Localization: dendritic shafts and spines, rarely somata. B. Three types of Gray-type-2 (GTII) or symmetrical synapses (approximately 66%):1) Axo-dendritic and -somatic (=AD) synapses. Size of clear vesicles: approximately 500 A. 2) Invaginated axo-dendritic and -somatic (=IAD) synapses with club-like postsynaptic protrusions within the presynaptic elements (PreE1). Size of clear vesicles is very variable: approximately 400-1,000 A. 3) Dendro-dendritic, -somatic and somato-dendritic (=DD) synapses occurring at least partly in reciprocal arrangements. They represent an intrinsic system. Shape of clear vesicles: often oval; sucrose treatment partly produces flattening. Dense core-vesicles (dcv) are found in all GTII- and most of the GTI-synapses after three-dimensional reconstruction. All types of synapses (mostly GTII-synapses) can be enclosed by multilamellar astroglial formations. The synapses often occur in complex synaptic arrangements. Dendrites and somata of females show significantly more multivesiculated bodies than those of males. Further pecularities of presynaptic (PreELs) and postsynaptic elements (PostELs) within the SCN are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary CP-14, a tetradecapeptide from the predicted mutant vasopressin precursor in the homozygous Brattleboro rat was detected immunocytochemically in the supraoptic nucleus of homozygous Brattleboro but not normal rats. The staining was localized to the periphery of the perikarya. CP-14 immunoreactivity was not found in the neural lobes, paraventricular nuclei, accessory nuclei or suprachiasmatic nuclei of either homozygous Brattleboro or normal rats. Vasopressin immunoreactivity was found in the neural lobe and in the perinuclear region of neurons of the supraoptic, paraventricular, suprachiasmatic and accessory nuclei of normal rats. Vasopressin immunoreactivity was also found in homozygous Brattleboro rats, mainly in the ventral part of the supraoptic nucleus: densely stained solitary cells were found amongst other faintly stained perikarya. In both cell-types the staining was mainly in the periphery of the perikarya. No vasopressin immunoreactivity was detected in the paraventricular nuclei, suprachiasmatic nuclei, accessory nuclei or neural lobe of homozygous Brattleboro rats.CP-14 and vasopressin immunoreactivities were found to be co-localized; both were present in the periphery of the same perikarya of the supraoptic nuclei of homozygous Brattleboro rats. Differential staining was found with antioxytocin serum in both normal rats and homozygous Brattleboro rats: separate neurons were stained for either oxytocin or vasopressin and CP-14. Immunoreactive oxytocin was found mainly in the perinuclear region of the neurons from the supraoptic, paraventricular and accessory nuclei.  相似文献   

This study is the first to demonstrate organotypic culturing of adult suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). This approach was used to obtain organotypic SCN cultures from adult vole brain with a previously determined state of behavioral circadian rhythmicity. We examined vasopressin (AVP) immunoreactivity in these organotypic slice cultures. AVP is one of the major neuropeptides produced by the SCN, the main mammalian circadian pacemaker. AVP immunoreactivity in the SCN of adult common voles in vivo has been shown to correlate with the variability in expression of circadian wheel-running behavior. Here, cultures prepared from circadian rhythmic and nonrhythmic voles were processed immunocytochemically for AVP. Whereas in all cultures AVP could be observed, AVP immunoreactivity differed considerably between vole SCN cultures. SCN cultures from rhythmic voles contained significantly lower numbers of AVP immunoreactive (AVPir) cells per surface area than cultures from nonrhythmic voles. The correlation between timing of behavior and AVP immunoreactivity in vitro is similar to the correlation found earlier in vivo. Apparently, such correlation depends on intrinsic AVP regulation mechanisms of SCN tissue, and not on neural or hormonal input from the environment, as present in intact brain.  相似文献   

Circadian changes of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus have been studied using rats maintained under 12-h light/ 12-h dark cycles as well as constant dark conditions. We found that tyrosine phosphorylation of BIT (brain immunoglobulin-like molecule with tyrosine-based activation motifs), a transmembrane glycoprotein of 90-95 kDa, was higher in the light period than in the dark period and was increased after light exposure in the dark period. Similar changes in tyrosine phosphorylation were observed under constant dark conditions, but its amplitude was weaker than that in 12-h light/12-h dark cycles. As the tyrosine-phosphorylated form of BIT is able to bind to the Src homology 2 domain of a protein tyrosine phosphatase, SHP-2, we examined association of these proteins in suprachiasmatic nucleus extracts and found that SHP-2 was coprecipitated with BIT in parallel with its tyrosine phosphorylation. These results suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation of BIT might be involved in light-induced entrainment of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Summary Whereas in thirsting animals the perikarya of the nucleus supraopticus are nearly empty of neurosecretory granules as evidenced by electron microscopic observation, the perikarya are heavily stained by light microscopic immunohistochemical staining. In an attempt to discover the substrate responsible for the positive immunohistochemical staining in thirsting rats, the neurons of the supraoptic nucleus of normal and long-term thirsting animals were compared by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry (indirect PAP-method). In controls all parts of the vasopressin-synthesizing neuron are filled with elementary granules which render a positive and uniform reaction after immunostaining with the indirect PAP-method. The positively reacting fibers in the external zone of the median eminence contain smaller granules than those of the tractus supraoptico-hypophyseus. Within the nucleus suprachiasmaticus, no positive reaction after immunostaining was found. In long-term thirsting animals PAP-complexes as markers of vasopressin are located over the ergastoplasm and over the few small elementary granules. The processes within the nucleus supraopticus and the ballooned axons in the internal zone of the median eminence exhibit free, i.e. non granule-bound, PAP-complexes. Findings in the nucleus suprachiasmaticus and the median eminence of thirsting animals correspond to those in controls. The neurohypophysis is almost completely devoid of PAP-labeled elementary granules.From these results it can be concluded that during thirst vasopressin synthesis is increased in the ergastoplasm and that the hormone is transported partly in a non granule-bound form. Direct contacts between neurosecretory cells and the basal lamina are found more often in thirst-stressed animals and are typical of neurohemal regions. It is discussed whether these neurohemal regions may develop transitionally under stress.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/1) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk. This work was presented in part at the 72nd meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, Aachen 1977  相似文献   

Summary The present ultrastructural results indicate that, in the rat, the vasopressin-synthesizing perikarya of the supraoptic nucleus (NSO) attain a certain degree of maturity earlier than those of the paraventricular nucleus (NPV). In the neonate rat, the stainability of the nuclear areas is very weak; in the perikarya of the NSO a few labeled granules can be found, whereas the perikarya of the NPV often display only a labeled Golgi area, the cytoplasm being devoid of granules. At the end of the first (NSO) and the second (NPV) postnatal weeks, the filling of the neurosecretory granules with vasopressin is inhomogeneous with irregular spots of reaction product distributed on the granules. This feature is less obvious during the following week and has nearly disappeared after the third and fourth postnatal weeks. Already in the neonate two types of vasopressin-positive fibers are observed in the median eminence, characterized by the different diameters of their granules and by their typical location in the internal and the external pericapillary contact zone. Especially in one and two week-old animals, in the internal zone of the median eminence and, to a lesser degree in the neural lobe, the immunocytochemical reaction product is deposited on an axonal tubular network. Judging from the presence of very few vasopressin-negative fibers in the neural lobe of the neonate, the development of the oxytocin system appears to be delayed. A characteristic relationship between pituicytes and the neurosecretory fibers can be observed during the first two postnatal weeks. After the third postnatal week the immunocytochemical features of the vasopressin system correspond approximately to that in adult rats.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/3) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   

Summary The effects of coitus on the ultrastructure of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rabbit were studied. Changes first became apparent 1/2 h after coitum in neurons located near capillaries. More pronounced ultrastructural changes were observed in large neurons removed at 1 h post-coitus. These changes, characterized by well developed Golgi systems and rough endoplasmic reticulum, the presence of large dense-core vesicles and a significant increase in both neuronal and nuclear size, were also evident in neurons observed at 2 to 10 h post coitum. Similar ultrastructural features were not observed in the neurons of the control animals. The post-coital ultrastructural changes observed within these neurons suggest high synthetic activity which may concern the production sites of the neurohormone LH-RF. Two populations of dense-core vesicles were observed: a) those with a mean diameter of 849 Å, and b) those with a mean diameter of 1542 Å. The small dense-core vesicle is probably monoamine in nature; the larger vesicle may contain the neurohormone LH-RF. A third vesicle type with a mean diameter of 1836 Å and characterized by a granular content of low electron density was also observed. That this vesicle represents the immature form of the large (1542 Å) dense-core vesicle is suggested; however, morphological evidence supporting this hypothesis is inconclusive. There is also no evidence for the storage of secreted materials within the soma of these neurons. Immediate transport toward the median eminence is suggested.This investigation was supported by grants to the two senior authors from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Pieces of fetal midbrain raphe tissue were transplanted into the third ventricle or the ventral hypothalamic region near the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of adult host rats that had previously been denervated by treatment with 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine. The ability of grafted serotonin neurons to reinnervate the SCN in the host rats was studied by means of immunohistochemistry 1 and 3 months after transplantation. In both the intraventricular and intraparenchymal transplant experiments, reinnervation by outgrowing serotonin fibers was observed in the hypothalamus of host rats at 1 and 3 months after surgery. At both survival periods, there was no abundant arborization of serotonin fibers in the SCN, while the preoptic and periventricular areas of the host rats displayed a pattern of serotonergic innervation resembling that in normal (untreated) rats. It is suggested that within the SCN the regenerating serotonin fibers may be exposed to an inhibitory environment.  相似文献   

Summary Messenger RNAs (mRNA) coding for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI), somatostatin and vasopressin were localized in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the rat hypothalamus using in situ hybridization histochemistry. Specific mRNA coding for each of these peptides was distributed in areas coextensive with the immunohistochemical localization of the appropriate peptide. The autoradiographic signal produced with probes to VIP and PHI created dense concentrations of silver grains over neuronal perikarya in the ventrolateral SCN, and the coextensive distribution of both VIP-and PHI-mRNAs suggests that both peptides are synthesized within the same neurons. The distribution of somatostatin-mRNA was distinct from that of VIP and PHI. Labeled neurons are observed at the interface of the two SCN subdivisions and the distribution of these neurons is identical to those shown to contain somatostatin immunoreactivity. Vasopressin-mRNA is also differentially concentrated within neurons in the dorsomedial subdivision of the SCN in an area that is coextensive with vasopressin-immunoreactive perikarya. The discrete pattern of hybridization for each of these mRNAs indicates that each of these peptides are synthesized in SCN neurons and reaffirms the differential distribution of each of these chemically defined cell populations within cytoarchitecturally distinct subdivisions of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Using indirect immunofluorescence technique, avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP) immunoreactive cell bodies and fibres have been observed in the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Fibres were also seen in the ventral horns, in low numbers at the cervical and thoracic levels and in high numbers at the lower lumbar and upper sacral levels. Neither total cord transection, nor dorsal rhizotomy, nor capsaicin treatment seemed to affect the APP systems described above. The present findings suggest that an APP-like peptide may be involved in processing of sensory information at the level of the first relay station.  相似文献   

Summary In electron micrographs fibers containing vasopressin-immunoreactive elementary granules 100–120 nm in diameter are observed within the basal lamina of the adenohypophyseal pars tuberalis adjacent to the rostral portion of the median eminence. The concept of a neuroglandular transmitter function of vasopressin is discussed.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and the Stiftung VolkswagenwerkThe excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Helga Prien is thankfully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary Following immobilization stress the supraoptic nucleus exhibits an increased number of coarse, heavily immunostained fibers in the basal glia labyrinth. Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry demonstrates a labeling of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in the neurosecretory perikarya and granule-free, immunoreactive material in the axons adjacent to the basal glia labyrinth. Furthermore, a labeling of the intercellular clefts of the neuropil is demonstrable in the supraoptic nucleus. These results lead to the hypothesis that 1) vasopressin is synthesized and released in two forms, in a granule-bound form and in a granule-free, probably more soluble form, and that 2) the latter might be released already in the nuclear area into the intercellular clefts from where it may reach its target cells via the cerebrospinal fluid of the subarachnoid space.The excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Helga Prien is thankfully acknowledgedSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/2) and the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   

Summary Generally, the CRF-like activity of vasopressin is studied in experiments involving adrenalectomy and corticosteroid replacement. In order to avoid this complex type of stress, male and female (diestrus, estrus) rats were exposed for 5min to immobilization stress and sacrificed 5, 15, and 30 min thereafter. After a survival period of 5 min the vasopressin-synthesizing part of the paraventricular nucleus exhibited an increased activity. Vasopressin-reactive axons in the pericapillary layer of the median eminence and among the solid cell clusters of the pars tuberalis became more conspicuous and increased in number. In this group of experimentally treated animals the prechiasmatic division of the supraoptic nucleus did not show any changes in immunoreactivity. The same holds true for the neurohypophyses in all experimental groups. In animals with increased survival times the supraoptic nucleus exhibited a slightly increased activity, whereas the staining intensity of the paraventricular nucleus decreases gradually. From these results it can be concluded that the paraventricular nucleus is involved in the first phase of the stress response. The problem of vasopressin or a very similar peptide synthesized in this nucleus and exerting a CRF-releasing function is discussed.The author wishes to express her sincere gratitude to Dr. A. Weindl, Munich, for supplying the antivasopressin and to Dr. L.A. Sternberger, Edgewood Arsenal for generously supplying the PAP-complex. The skillful technical assistance of Mrs. Helga Prien is thankfully acknowledgedDedicated to Prof. Dr. Helmut Leonhardt on the occasion of his 60th birthdaySupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr569/1) and Stiftung Volkswagen-werk  相似文献   

Although spontaneous neural firing in the mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus is accepted to peak once during mid-subjective day, dual activity peaks have been reported in horizontal brain slices taken from hamsters. These two peaks were interpreted as new evidence for the theory of dual circadian oscillators and raised the expectation that such activity would be found in other circadian model systems. We examined hamster, mouse, and rat slices in both coronal and horizontal planes and found a second peak of activity only in hamster horizontal preparations. This raises interesting questions about the relative circadian physiology of these important experimental animals.Abbreviations CT circadian time - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus P.W. Burgoon and P.T. Lindberg contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary Retino-hypothalamic connections have been studied autoradiographically in the rat, guinea pig, rabbit, cat and monkey following the intravitreal injection of 3H-leucine or 3H-proline, and electron microscopically following unilateral eye removal in the guinea pig and monkey. In each of the species examined evidence has been found for a direct projection from the retina to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, but to no other region of the hypothalamus. The projection to the suprachiasmatic nucleus is always bilateral (even in the albino guinea pig, in which all other components of the retinal projection are crossed) but from grain counts in our autoradiographs it appears that the input to the contralateral nucleus is about twice as heavy as that on the ipsilateral side. Most of the retinal fibers appear to terminate within the ventral part of the nucleus where they form asymmetric synapses either upon small dendritic branches or dendritic spines. The possible role of this retinal projection to the suprachiasmatic nucleus in mediating a variety of light-induced neuroendocrine responses is discussed.This work was supported in part by Grants 5 PO1 EY-00491 and 5 RO1 EY-00599 from the National Eye Institute, by U.S.P.H.S. Grant HD 02274, and by Regional Primate Center Grant RR 00166.We should like to thank Mrs. Lue-Vurn Bell, Mrs. Bente Noble, Mrs. Gay Anderson and Mrs. Ludelle Moe for their excellent technical assistance, and Miss Lynn Rogers for her help with the illustrations.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of (125I) alpha bungarotoxin (-BTX) binding sites in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the adult female rat was examined by electron-microscopic autoradiography. The ultrastructural distribution of silver grains was analysed by line source, direct point count, and 50% probability circle methods. Real grain distribution was significantly different from that of randomly generated hypothetical grains. Line source analysis demonstrated two populations of sources: one associated with membranes, and one inside neuronal structures. Probability circle analysis of shared grains indicated that membrane-bound-radioactive sources were mainly asssociated with axo-dendritic appositions. Only a small proportion of labeled neuronal interfaces exhibited synaptic differentiations in the plane of section. However, the compartment containing synaptic terminals was the most enriched when comparing real to hypothetical grains. Probability circle analysis of exclusive grains demonstrated that sources that were not associated with neuronal plasma membranes were likely to be within nerve cell bodies and dendrites. It is concluded that the majority of specifically labeled -BTX binding sites in the SCN is membrane bound, and may be associated with axodendritic synaptic transmission. The presence of a significant proportion of the label in the soma and dendrites of suprachiasmatic neurons 24 h after ventricular infusion suggests that some of the labeled binding sites (junctional or nonjunctional) may be internalized within these two compartments.  相似文献   

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