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1. Parasites may affect breeding success of their host since they compete for the same resources as their hosts. Reproduction may also increase the susceptibility of a host to parasite infections owing to lowered resistance to parasites during breeding.
2. We studied the association between breeding performance and haematozoan parasite infection in the Pied Flycatcher ( Ficedula hypoleuca ) by using both natural data on reproduction and data from clutch size manipulations.
3. The most frequent blood parasites of the Pied Flycatcher in central Finland were Haemoproteus pallidus , Haemoproteus balmorali and Trypanosoma avium complex.
4. We did not find evidence that these haematozoan parasites have any debilitating effects on either reproduction or survival. The variation in reproductive effort did not seem to influence susceptibility to new blood parasite infections.
5. The intensity of Haemoproteus balmorali tended to increase in infected males as the brood size was artificially enlarged. Also, in females intensity of H. pallidus infection tended to increase with the level of clutch size manipulation. Thus, increased reproductive effort seems to debilitate the ability of Pied Flycatcher to control chronic infections.
6. Individuals with enlarged clutches/broods increased their reproductive effort at the expense of defence towards parasites. The cost of current reproduction may then be at least partly mediated by haematozoan infections.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that industrial melanism in Lepidoptera is mainly caused by differential predation by birds. In polluted areas, melanic individuals are favoured by natural selection because they are better camouflaged than pale moths on lichen‐free and sooty tree trunks. In this article, we show that, in the black arches moth (Lymantria monacha), melanic morphs have a stronger encapsulation response than pale morphs against nylon monofilament implants. This indicates that the melanic and pale morphs differ in the strength of their immune defence. The same chemical precursors and their end product, melanin pigment, are involved in the encapsulation response and in the external coloration. Thus, it seems that there may be two possible, not mutually exclusive, explanations for the frequency changes observed in the industrial melanism of moths. The dominant gene causes an increase in the amount of melanin pigment and its precursors. This increase causes two changes: an intensified immune defence as a form of improved encapsulation ability of foreign objects, and the well‐known protective dark coloration (a case of relational pleiotropy). It seems possible that industrial melanism is a by‐product of selection on the strength of immunity. In the field, these pleiotropic aspects are exceedingly difficult to distinguish from each other, and the factors may even be compensatory. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 831–838.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Immune defence imposes fitness costs as well as benefits, so organisms are expected to optimise, not maximise, their immune responses. This should result in variation in immune responses under varying environmental conditions.
2. Males and females are expected to exhibit different immune responses because life-history differences between the sexes affect optimal immune response. These life-history differences should usually result in a greater female, than male, immune defence. In this study, intra- and inter-sexual variation in one component of immune defence, the encapsulation response, in cabbage white butterflies ( Pieris rapae L.), was examined.
3. Encapsulation decreased with increasing age and in response to reduced diet quality.
4. Contrary to predictions, males generally had greater immune responses than females, although this pattern varied with age.
5. These patterns of inter- and intra-sexual variation in encapsulation may result from resource-based trade-offs with components of reproductive effort and/or because of sexual dimorphism in melanin-based wing patterns.  相似文献   

Although studies on laboratory species and natural populations of vertebrates have shown reproduction to impair later performance, little is known of the age-specific associations between reproduction and survival, and how such findings apply to the ageing of large, long-lived species. Herein we develop a framework to examine population-level patterns of reproduction and survival across lifespan in long-lived organisms, and decompose those changes into individual-level effects, and the effects of age-specific trade-offs between fitness components. We apply this to an extensive longitudinal dataset on female semi-captive Asian timber elephants (Elephas maximus) and report the first evidence of age-specific fitness declines that are driven by age-specific associations between fitness components in a long-lived mammal. Associations between reproduction and survival are positive in early life, but negative in later life with up to 71% of later-life survival declines associated with investing in the production of offspring within this population of this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

Sarma  S.S.S.  Nandini  S.  Gulati  R.D. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,481(1-3):89-99
Reproduction is an energetically costly biological process. Among the freshwater zooplankton, rotifers and cladocerans reproduce parthenogenetically and the cost of reproduction can be estimated using the life table data from demographic studies. Reduced probability of future survival or future reproduction as a result of current investment in offspring production (trade-off) is the central theme of the cost hypothesis. Correlations using present reproduction vs. future reproduction (called the reproductive costs) or future survival (called the survival costs) can be used to evaluate the cost hypothesis. In this work sets of correlations were made: (1) between present reproduction (m x) vs. future survival (l x+1, l x+2, l x+3 etc. for the entire lifespan) (survival costs), and (2) present reproduction (m x) vs. future reproduction (m x+1, m x+2, m x+3 etc. for the entire reproductive span) (reproductive costs). These correlations were plotted against the cohort age-classes in order to quantify survival and reproductive costs in rotifers (Asplanchna girodi, Brachionus macracanthus, B. variabilis and Platyias quadricornis) and cladocerans (Ceriodaphnia cornuta – one strain maintained on Chlorella and another strain adapted to Microcystis), Daphnia carinata, D. laevis, Moina macrocopa, Pleuroxus aduncus, Scapholeberis kingi and Simocephalus vetulus). All the tested rotifer species showed negative tendency in correlation coefficients (when the data of current reproduction vs. future reproduction and future survival were plotted) for both reproductive and survival costs. However, from the total survival and reproductive costs derived, 84% of the former and 42% of the latter were statistically significant. In cladocerans about 80% of the costs (correlations between current reproduction vs. future survival or future reproduction) were negative suggesting that present reproduction had negatively affected both the further survival and reproduction of test populations. In terms of statistically significant survival costs, the cladocerans showed a trend slightly lower (72%) but comparable to rotifers. The reproductive costs were significant in 45% cases. In our study, the simple statistical correlations detected the trade-offs between reproduction and survival. Thus, in more than 60% cases of both survival and reproductive costs in zooplankton were negative, and our data supported the cost hypothesis, in the majority of cases where reproduction by zooplankton of a given age class caused reduced survival and reproduction of the next age class.  相似文献   

Many studies have used the avian hemosporidians (Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium, and Hemoproteus) to test hypotheses of host–parasite co‐evolution, yet documented health and survival consequences of these blood parasites vary among studies and generalizations about their pathogenicity are debatable. In general, the negative effects of the hemosporidians are likely to be greatest during acute infections of young birds, yet most previous studies in wild passerines have examined chronic effects in adults. Here, we evaluated responses of nestling American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) to acute infection (prevalence and burden), as well as its short‐ and long‐term survival consequences. We used panel of nine hematological and biochemical parameters that are regularly used to evaluate the health of domestic animals, including leukocyte profiles, hematocrit, and plasma proteins. We assessed the effects of infection on survival in a mark‐recapture framework. Overall, 56% of crows (= 321 samples) were infected by at least one of the three genera. Infections by all genera were associated with elevated plasma proteins and globulins, which could indicate an adaptive immune response. However, only Plasmodium infections were associated with low hematocrit (anemia) and lower fledging success, possibly mediated by the negative effect of low hematocrit values on body condition. Moreover, early Plasmodium infection (<40 days of age) had long‐term survival implications: it was associated with lower apparent survival probability within 3 years after fledging. These results suggest that young crows mounted an adaptive immune response to all three genera. Short‐ and long‐term pathological effects, however, were only apparent with Plasmodium infections.  相似文献   

Parasites present a threat for free‐living species and affect several ecological and evolutionary processes. Immune defence is the main physiological barrier against infections, and understanding its evolution is central for predicting disease dynamics. I review theoretical predictions and empirical data on natural selection on quantitative immune defence traits in the wild. Evolutionary theory predicts immune traits to be under stabilizing selection owing to trade‐offs between immune function and life‐history traits. Empirical data, however, support mainly positive directional selection, but also show variation in the form of selection among study systems, immune traits and fitness components. I argue that the differences between theory and empirical data may at least partly arise from methodological difficulties in testing stabilizing selection as well as measuring fitness. I also argue that the commonness of positive directional selection and the variation in selection may be caused by several biological factors. First, selection on immune function may show spatial and temporal variation as epidemics are often local/seasonal. Second, factors affecting the range of phenotypic variation in immune traits could alter potential for selection. Third, different parasites may impose different selective pressures depending on their characteristics. Fourth, condition dependence of immune defence can obscure trade‐offs related to it, thus possibly modifying observed selection gradients. Fifth, nonimmunological defences could affect the form of selection by reducing the benefits of strong immune function. To comprehensively understand the evolution of immune defence, the role of above factors should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

Host immune defence and migration in birds   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Migratory birds are exposed to at least two different parasite faunas during their annual cycle, while resident birds only experience a single parasite fauna. Migratory birds should therefore have evolved mechanisms to control or reduce the negative impact of infections from a more diverse parasite fauna. In a comparison of pairs of closely related species of birds that differ with respect to whether they are migratory or residents, the size of two immune defence organs (the bursa of Fabricius and the spleen) was consistently larger in the migratory species. Since the bursa is only found in juvenile, sexually immature birds, we conclude that immune defence adaptations to the impact of a more diverse parasite fauna in migrants already exist before the start of the first migration. Interspecific differences in investment in immune defence between migratory and resident birds have implications for our understanding of complex host–parasite interactions, the acquisition of new hosts by parasites, and the susceptibility of migratory birds to environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Individual variability in the mating success of male Atlantic cod Gadus morhua was quantified within an aggregation ( n = 59) breeding undisturbed in a large (684 m3) mesocosm tank. Observational and morphometric data were examined to assess the degree to which this mating variation could be explained by aspects of morphology, condition and spawning behaviour. The number of ventral mounts initiated ( i.e. mating success) was highly variable; most mounts were initiated by a very small percentage of available males. The significant correlate of male mating success was mass of the sound producing musculature, i.e. drumming muscles. Neither body size, condition, pelvic and median fin morphology nor aggression influenced the number of ventral mounts initiated by a male. The present study suggests a possible link between sound production and mating success in Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolutionary cost of an immune response, we selected six lines of the mosquito Aedes aegypti for earlier or later pupation and measured the extent to which this selection procedure changed the mosquito's ability to encapsulate and melanize a negatively charged Sephadex bead. After 10 generations of selection, the age at pupation in the two selection regimes differed by about 0.7 days, accompanied by an increase of wing length of the mosquitoes selected for late pupation. Among the mosquitoes that had been selected for early pupation, only 6% had strongly or completely melanized the bead, while among the individuals that had been selected for late pupation, 32% had melanized the bead. Thus, our results suggest a genetic correlation between age at pupation and immunocompetence. As a consequence, mosquitoes that respond to increased intense parasite pressure with more effective immunity are predicted to pay for the increased defense with slower development.  相似文献   

Patients with autism spectrum disorders(ASD) present deficits in social interactions and communication, they also show limited and stereotypical patterns of behaviors and interests. The pathophysiological bases of ASD have not been defined yet. Many factors seem to be involved in the onset of this disorder. These include genetic and environmental factors, but autism is not linked to a single origin, only. Autism onset can be connected with various factors such as metabolic disorders: including carnitine deficiency. Carnitine is a derivative of two amino acid lysine and methionine. Carnitine is a cofactor for a large family of enzymes: the carnitine acyltransferases. Through their action these enzymes(and L-carnitine) are involved in energy production and metabolic homeostasis. Some people with autism(less than 20%) seem to have L-carnitine metabolism disorders and for these patients, a dietary supplementation with Lcarnitine is beneficial. This review summarizes the available information on this topic.  相似文献   

Costs of sexual traits are of central importance to the theory of sexual selection. To qualify as a cost in line with theoretical models, empirical studies must demonstrate that sexual traits cause negative effects on one component of fitness of the trait bearer. Moreover, it must be demonstrated that the costs are differential such that negative effects on fitness are more severe for individuals in poor condition than for individuals in good condition. However, in the current literature, there is confusion over what qualifies as a cost, and costs are often anticipated based on findings of increased expenditure. Consequently, it seems that the generally accepted notion that sexual traits are costly is in fact based almost exclusively on indirect evidence and that direct empirical evidence is very scarce.  相似文献   

That trade-offs result from the allocation of limited resources is a central concept of life history evolution. We quantified trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction in the aquatic plant, Butomus umbellatus, by experimentally manipulating sexual investment in two distinct nutrient environments. Increasing seed production caused a significant but nonlinear trade-off. Pollinating half of all flowers strongly reduced clonal bulbil production, but pollinating the remaining flowers did not cause any further trade-off. Trade-offs were not stronger under low nutrient conditions that clearly limited plant growth. Experimentally induced trade-offs were not reflected in negative phenotypic correlations between sexual and clonal allocation among plants within eight populations grown in a uniform greenhouse environment. Diminishing effects of increased sexual allocation plus a lack of accord between experimental manipulations and phenotypic correlations suggest that trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction are unlikely to constrain the evolution of reproductive strategy in this species.  相似文献   

This paper examines a field-based insect system in which a signal trait and an immune effector system responsible for parasite resistance rely on the same melanin-producing enzyme cascade (phenoloxidase, PO). Observations and experiments on males of the calopterygid damselfly Calopteryx splendens xanthostoma revealed that resistance to the prevalent parasite in the study system (a eugregarine protozoan infecting the mid-gut) was correlated with quantitative aspects of the sexually dimorphic melanized wingspot of males, a trait that is produced and fixed before the host comes into contact with the sporozsoites of the parasite. Regulation of PO during experimental immune challenge showed that males with dark, homogenous melanin distribution in their wings showed no change in PO levels 24 h after challenge. By contrast males with lighter and/or more heterogenous melanin distribution in their wings tended to show higher PO levels 2-h after immune challenge. The changes in PO levels occur despite the lack of a relationship between wing-pigment distribution and the cellular encapsulation response. These results suggest a shared, limiting resource may form the mechanistic basis of the trade-off between a condition-dependent signal trait and immune function in this system.  相似文献   

Expressed as percentages of total fresh body weight, lipids of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis declined between October and April: reproductive males from 2·89 to 1·22%, reproductive females from 3·19 to 1·84%, and non-reproductive males and females from 2·75 to 2·08%. The absolute and proportional overwinter reduction in lipids among reproductive trout was more than twice that of non-reproductive trout, with reproductive males losing significantly more lipids than reproductive females. Larger reproductive individuals lost more lipids during winter, relative to body size, than smaller individuals, although such an effect was not evident among non-reproductive trout. The average overwinter reduction in lipids for reproductive males (58%), females (42%), and non-reproductive trout (24%) was negatively associated with mark-recapture estimates of overwinter survival probabilities of 0·27, 0·36, and 0·58, respectively, providing support for the hypothesis that energy is allocated to reproduction to the detriment of post-reproductive survival. Our emergent hypothesis that reproductive costs differ between sexes, and the life history consequences thereof, merit further study.  相似文献   

Identifying host traits associated with the number of different parasite species or strains harboured by a particular host species can have important implications for understanding the impact of parasitism on hosts. We investigated associations between host ecology and life history, and parasite richness and prevalence of the four major avian blood parasite genera. We used an extensive data on blood parasite infections and host ecology in 263 bird species from the Western Palearctic, combining species-specific data with a comparative approach to control for similarity in phenotype among host species due to the effects of common phylogenetic descent. Adult survival rate negatively correlated with the number of parasite species infecting a host species when controlling for similarity due to common descent and body mass. In addition, the prevalence of Haemoproteus, Plasmodium and Leucocytozoon was higher in species harbouring a richer parasite assemblage. These results suggest that the impact on host fitness caused by avian haematozoa may be underestimated in natural populations if the exacerbated virulence associated with exposure to multiple parasites is not taken into account.  相似文献   

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