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Control of senescence in rumex leaf discs by gibberellic Acid   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The kinetics of chlorophyll and protein decomposition and the effect of gibberellic acid (GA) were examined in senescing leaf discs of Rumex crispus and R. obtusifolius. Loss of Rumex total chlorophyll proceeds at a slow rate for about 2 days followed by a period of rapid logarithmic decline. Chlorophyll b is lost at a slightly faster rate than chlorophyll a during senescence in discs as well as in situ. GA causes a complete cessation of net chlorophyll and protein degradation for several days in Rumex, in contrast to the incomplete senescence inhibition generally observed with cytokinins. GA is fully effective even when added at the middle of the logarithmic phase of chlorophyll loss. Senescence inhibition by GA is apparently gradually reversed upon GA removal. The cytokinins, kinetin and 6-benzylaminopurine, were also effective in Rumex leaf discs, indicating that the senescence retarding effect was not restricted to the gibberellins.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid, zeatin, and gibberellic acid on the development of somatic embryos from cultured cells of caraway (Carum carvi L.) were observed.  相似文献   

Summary After a 6 day incubation period, abscisic acid (ABA) at 10-4 M retarded the decline in pigment levels and promoted the decline in protein levels of radish leaf discs. ABA treatment also retarded the rise in the specific activity of the RNA fraction (calculated by counts per minute incorporated of 14C-8-adenine as a fraction of optical density at 260 nm) observed in water-treated control discs. The results indicated that ABA was primarily effective in enhancing senescence in the early stages following leaf excision. Thus the increase in RNA specific activity during an initial 24 h incubation period was especially pronounced with ABA treatment although there was no effect of the hormone on RNA level. Moreover, in contrast to control discs, the pigment levels declined markedly in ABA-treated discs in this period. When the discs had been incubated in water (preaged) for 3 or 5 days prior to ABA treatment, however, the hormone then had little effect on RNA metabolism and protein and pigment levels relative to the water control.Data are collated from different experiments to show the changes in RNA, pigment and protein with ABA treatment during a 6 day senescence period.It is considered that ABA is speeding up the natural changes in RNA metabolism possibly by affecting both RNA synthesis and degradation.  相似文献   

When fully filled pods of bean plants were deseeded, the rate of axillary bud growth and the chlorophyll content of leaves were increased. Application of 0.1% indoleacetic acid (IAA) in lanolin on the deseeded pods caused abscission of axillary buds, inhibited growth of the remaining buds, and decreased leaf chlorophyll content. The response of bud development to fruit-applied IAA was concentration dependent between 0.001 and 0.1% IAA (representing from 2 to 200 micrograms IAA per fruit) resulting in greater growth inhibition at higher IAA concentrations.  相似文献   

Debladed midribs of citrus leaves showed the typical delay of abscission in response to indoleacetic acid (IAA), and the typical acceleration of abscission in response to gibberellic acid (GA). Interaction experiments with these 2 hormones indicated that the balance of the 2 hormones may be more important in regulating abscission than the quantity of either. The often reported acceleration of abscission with low quantities of IAA did not seem to exist in citrus. IAA did accelerate abscission in this tissue when its application was delayed for at least 24 hours after deblading, which suggests the 2-stage effect is also present in citrus.

When abscission was first delayed with IAA and then allowed to continue, the rate of abscission proceeded at a slower rate than was typical for this tissue. This slower rate was also typical of the effect observed when GA overcame the abscission retarding effect of IAA. The phenylurethane, Barban, blocked the GA acceleration of abscission, but it did not affect the rate of abscission of control or IAA treated midribs.


Pourtau N  Marès M  Purdy S  Quentin N  Ruël A  Wingler A 《Planta》2004,219(5):765-772
Leaf senescence can be triggered by a high availability of carbon relative to nitrogen or by external application of abscisic acid (ABA). Most Arabidopsis mutants with decreased sugar sensitivity during early plant development are either ABA insensitive (abi mutants) or ABA deficient (aba mutants). To analyse the interactions of carbon, nitrogen and ABA in the regulation of senescence, wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and aba and abi mutants were grown on medium with varied glucose and nitrogen supply. On medium containing glucose in combination with low, but not in combination with high nitrogen supply, senescence was accelerated and sucrose, glucose and fructose accumulated strongly. In abi mutants that are not affected in sugar responses during early development (abi1-1 and abi2-1), we observed no difference in the sugar-dependent regulation of senescence compared to wild-type plants. Similarly, senescence was not affected in the sugar-insensitive abi4-1 mutant. In contrast, the abi5-1 mutant did exhibit a delay in senescence compared to its wild type. As ABA has been reported to induce senescence and ABA deficiency results in sugar insensitivity during early development, we expected senescence to be delayed in aba mutants. However, the aba1-1 and aba2-1 mutants showed accelerated senescence compared to their wild types on glucose-containing medium. Our results show that, in contrast to sugar signalling in seedlings, ABA is not required for the sugar-dependent induction of leaf senescence. Instead, increased sensitivity to osmotic stress could have triggered early senescence in the aba mutants.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - aba Abscisic acid deficient - abi Abscisic acid insensitive - Fv/Fm Maximum efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry  相似文献   

A simple, economical, and rapid method for the purification of plant extracts prior to abscisic acid (ABA) analysis is described. The method makes use of silica Sep-pak prepacked cartridges. The ABA extracts are loaded on to the Sep-pak cartridges which are then washed with a series of solvents resulting in the removal of pigments and other unwanted compounds. The ABA is then eluted from the cartridge and the levels of this hormone are estimated by gas chromatography. The whole technique (from maceration of the tissue to measurement of ABA levels) takes only 2 to 3 hours per sample.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in gibberellin-treated lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds has been studied during the lag phase between the beginning of imbibition and the first signs of radicle protrusion. When compared to the water-imbibed controls, both polyribosome populations and radioactive leucine incorporation into protein increase in the embryos of GA3- induced seeds early in the imbibition period. Since these results are contradictory to previously published studies, the reasons for the differences are outlined and various alternative possibilities eliminated. The protocol for protein extraction, particularly the speed at which the supernatant from the seed homogenate is cleared, is important for demonstrating the GA3-mediated changes. Embryos maintained in the dormant state by abscisic acid still conduct considerable amounts of protein synthesis, and this is enhanced by concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine which also promote germination. Therefore, the actions of GA3, abscisic acid, and cytokinin on lettuce seed germination are mediated, directly or indirectly, via protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - The metabolism of zeatin and that of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) have been compared in oat leaf segments in relation to the markedly differing ability of these...  相似文献   

The inbred maize lines Poljl7 and F-2 have previously been shown to differ by up to three-fold in leaf abscisic acid (ABA) concentration in the field. Lines from the cross Poljl7 × F-2 differing in leaf ABA concentrations, and the parents, were studied in the field to characterize the differences amongst the lines in ABA concentrations during the season, during the day and in different parts of the plants. The water status of the plants was measured and leaves were heat girdled to get information on possible causes for the genetic variation amongst the lines in ABA concentration. Leaf ABA concentrations of the high-AB A lines increased markedly and consistently from flowering time onwards, whereas leaf ABA concentrations of the low-ABA lines gradually fell after flowering. Leaf water potentials of high-ABA and low-ABA lines were similar during this time. Leaf ABA concentrations varied little during the day, and heat girdling caused a rise in ABA concentrations, which was similar in both high-ABA and low-ABA lines, only after girdling for at least 4 h. ABA concentrations were highest in the leaves and it was only in the leaves and developing kernels that substantial differences in ABA concentrations were found between the high-ABA and low-ABA classes. Although aerial brace roots also had high ABA concentrations, other roots and stem internodes had ABA concentrations which were consistently low and the same for both ABA classes. Differences between the ABA classes were unlikely to be due to differences in leaf water status or in ABA export from the leaves. Other possible explanations for the genotypic differences in leaf ABA concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

Senescence of rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Jaya) leaves was regulated with kinetin and abscisic acid (ABA) sprays at the reproductive stage. The effect of such sprays on grain-filling and yield was analyzed. Spraying 100-day-old plants with kinetin solution (100 μg ml-1) significantly delayed senescence as indicated by higher total chlorophyll and protein levels in the three uppermost leaves compared with the controls. In contrast, spraying with ABA (15 μg ml-1) significantly promoted foliar senescence. The number of spikelets per panicle, number of panicles, percentage filled grains, panicle weight and grain yield per plant and the mobilization and harvest indices were significantly increased by kinetin treatment, while ABA decreased most of them. The possibility of increased grain-filling and thus, yield due to delayed foliar senescence by kinetin treatment and decreased grain-filling due to hastening of senescence by ABA is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of abscisic acid and ethylene in the senescence of rose petals cv. Golden-Wave was examined. A rise in ethylene evolution, followed by an increase in the level of abscisic acid was observed. The presence of abscisic acid in rose petals was established, using different chromatography systems, several bioassays, and immunoassay. External application of ethylene accelerated senescence and induced a rise in endogenous abscisic acid-like activity. Application of abscisic acid promoted senescence, but suppressed ethylene production. The data suggest that the participation of these two hormones in the control of senescence is via the same pathway. The possibility of interrelationship between abscisic acid and ethylene was tested and experimental evidence in favor of this hypothesis is presented. It was suggested that ethylene affects senescence in rose petals by inducing an increase in abscisic acid activity, which in turn may control ethylene evolution, via a feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

The identity of abscisic acid glucose ester, indole acetic acid, zeatin, and its riboside in pear receptacles was revealed by use of chromatographic, ultraviolet and mass spectral analysis.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,28(1):89-96
A two-hormone system regulating leaf development in the heterophyllous amphibious angiosperm Proserpinaca palustris L. is described. Aerial shoots develop expanded, lanceolate, serrate leaves under long-day photoperiods (LD, 16 h light: 8 h dark), whereas growth under short days (SD, 10 h light: 14 h dark) induces dissected leaf formation. The photoperiodic effect on leaf development of aerial shoots involves changes in endogenous gibberellins (GAs) since plants grown under SD in the presence of GA3 develop expanded lanceolate serrate leaves. However, when submerged, shoots develop highly dissectedaquatic leaves regardless of photoperiod or GA3 treatment. In the present study, submerged plants exposed to 1.0 or 5.0 μM abscisic acid (ABA) developed aerial-type leaves typical of the photoperiod under which they were cultured. Both exogenous ABA (5.0 μM) and GA3 (10 μM) treatments were required for laminar expansion to occur on submerged shoots under SD. It is suggested that (1) leaf development in Proserpinaca is regulated by both endogenous GAs and ABA, and (2) the endogenous status of these phytohormones is modulated by different environmental stimuli of photoperiod and water stress, respectively. The adaptive significance of this mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to cytokinin, gibberellic acid has no effect on the growth of the isolated cucumber cotyledon in darkness. Like cytokinins in light, gibberellic acid causes increases in fresh weight and area of the cotyledon at concentrations from 10–7 to 10–3 M. Radiant energies in the blue, red, and far-red regions of the spectrum all induce the growth responses to gibberellic acid. The effect of the far red is greater than that of the red, which is greater than that of the blue. Gibberellic acid is ineffective in the promotion of chlorophyll development, whereas cytokinins are very effective. Although zeatin and gibberellic acid both cause an increase in fresh weight and area of the cotyledons in light, they appear to have entirely separate actions in the growth responses.  相似文献   

Opposing effects of abscisic acid on senescence of rose flowers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abscisic acid induced stomatal closure and reduced water lossof cut rose flower shoots bearing leaves. Its effect was verypronounced when these flowers were exposed to atmospheric stressconditions. Even short-term treatments (24 hr) with ABA extendedthe longevity of the flowers. However, in a stomata-less system(leafless flower shoots), or in leafy shoots held in darknesswhen all stomata were closed, ABA enhanced aging of the flowersand some biochemical processes associated with it (RNase activityand reduction in protein content). 1Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center. 2Present address: Dept. of Environmental Horticulture, Universityof California, Davis, Calif. (Received May 2, 1974; )  相似文献   

Both gibberellic acid (GA3) and fluridone, a non-specific inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis, promoted embryo production in anther cultures of Brussels sprouts cv. Hal, but not in cv. Gower. Abscisic acid (ABA) and the gibberellin-biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol inhibited embryo production in both cultivars.  相似文献   

The functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus during leaf senescence was investigated in alstroemeria cut flowers by a combination of gas-exchange measurements and analysis of in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence. Chlorophyll loss in leaves of alstroemeria cut flowers is delayed by light and by a treatment of the cut flowers with gibberellic acid (GA3). The maximal photosynthesis of the leaves was approximately 6 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 at I 350 μmol m−2 s−1 (PAR) which is relatively low for intact C3 leaves. Qualitatively the gas-exchange rates followed the decline in chlorophyll content for the various treatments, i.e. light and GA3-treatment delayed the decline in photosynthetic rates. However, when chlorophyll loss could not yet be observed in the leaves, photosynthetic rates were already strongly decreased. In vivo fluorescence measurements revealed that the decrease in CO2 uptake is (partly) due to a decreased electron flow through photosystem II. Furthermore, analysis of the fluorescence data showed a high nonphotochemical quenching under all experimental conditions, indicating that the consumption of reducing power in the Calvin cycle is very low. The chlorophyll, remaining after 9 days incubation of leaves with GA3 in the dark should be considered as a 'cosmetic' pigment without any function in the supply of assimilates to the flowers.  相似文献   

Zeatin indole-3-acetate, 6-[4-(indole-3-acetoxy)-3-methyl-trans-2-butenylamino]purine, is at least as effective as zeatin on a molar basis in satisfying the cytokinin requirement for growth and bud formation in tobacco bioassays. It is less effective than indole-3-acetic acid and is needed as a variable function of the cytokinin concentration for satisfying the optimal requirement of an auxin. Comparisons of the types of growth and yield of tissue obtained with serial concentration of the ester and with equimolar mixtures of its free base and acid indicate that the relative requirement for auxin changes with the concentration of cytokinin and is related to the types of callus growth and differentiation which occur. The results also suggest that the ester serves as a source of auxin only after modification, presumably by hydrolysis to indoleacetic acid.  相似文献   

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