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Reaction of ADP with hexamethylene diisocyanate in hexamethylphosphoramide followed by treatment in an acidic medium afforded three new adenine nucleotide analogues, N6-[N-(6-aminohexyl)carbamoyl]-ADP, N6-[N-(6-aminohexyl)carbamoyl]-ATP, and N6-[N-(6-aminohexyl)carbamoyl]-AMP in yields of 13%, 12% and 17%, respectively. The occurrence of the ATP analogue may be interpreted in terms of the equilibrium, 2ADP = ATP + AMP. Coenzymic activities of the ADP analogue against acetate kinase and pyruvate kinase were 82% and 20%, respectively, relative to ADP and those of the ATP analogue against hexokinase and glycerokinase were 63% and 87%, respectively, relative to ATP. These analogues were bound to CNBr-activated soluble dextran through their terminal amino group to give an immobilized ADP and an immobilized ATP, each of which was recycled in a system comprising acetate kinase and hexokinase, and when placed in a membrane reactor together with the enzymes, functioned as an immobilized coenzyme continuously yielding glucose 6-phosphate. A series of chemically defined affinity adsorbents were obtained by coupling these analogues to CNBr-activated Sepharose, and were used to separate the enzymes in a mixture of hexokinase, pyruvate kinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy can be used to measure DNA supertwisting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Incorporation of starch or casein into protoplast-regeneration medium facilitated shotgun cloning of -amylase and neutral protease genes from an unidentified Bacillus sp. in Bacillus subtilis by polyethylene glycol-induced protoplast transformation. This modification and the use of the plasmid vector pPL603b enabled us to simultaneously select for promoter-bearing recombinant plasmids that expressed amylase or protease activity. The inserts were found to be 4 and 4.6 kb, respectively. Although protease activity directed by the cloned gene was only 2- to 4-fold higher than for the donor strain, that of -amylase was 28-fold higher.  相似文献   

The response of bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase to N2-(p-n-butylphenyl)-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate (BuPdGTP), related nucleotides and non-nucleoside inhibitors was measured and compared to values obtained for the closely related DNA polymerase from bacteriophage T4. Both enzymes showed similar responses to inhibitors in terms of Ki values and the ability to utilize BuPdGTP as a substrate. These results provide the relevance of using the recent crystal structure of RB69 DNA polymerase for analysis of BuPdGTP/B family DNA polymerase interactions.  相似文献   

Complexity charts can be used to map functional domains in DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We measured local compositional complexity (LCC) of DNA sequences by calculating Shannon information content over mononucleotide frequencies. Eukaryotic DNA appeared to be "simpler" than bacterial DNA even at the level of short oligonucleotides. Moreover, different DNA functional domains displayed different compositional complexity in a systematic manner. In particular, the complexity of exon sequences was systematically higher than the complexity of corresponding introns. We therefore present examples of complexity charts (plots of complexity versus position in sequence) for pre-mRNA sequences from higher eukaryotes. By taking a window width of 100 nucleotides and a window step of 1 nucleotide, introns can be distinguished from exons in the majority of cases studied. Complexity charts of immunoglobulin variable regions allowed correct mapping of exons and introns in these sequences as well, a task that was impossible with commercial programs available to date.  相似文献   

A cytidinyl derivative, N(4)-(6-aminopyridin-2-yl)- 2'-deoxycytidine ((p)C), could interact with a CG base pair to support the triple-helix (triplex) formation of oligodeoxyribonucleotides. Characteristics of (p)C in the formation of both intramolecular triplex, i.e., a "paper clip type" triplex ((P)CT) and intermolecular triplex, i.e., a "linear type" triplex (LT) was monitored by optical methods and isothermal titration calorimetric measurements. Experimental results revealed that the LT with (p)C*CG internally was independent of the solution pH. Only single substitution of (p)C, situated internally but not terminally, facilitated the (P)CT formation by the UV thermal melting study at the neutral pH. However, the best stabilization of the PCT in acidic conditions occurred when (p)C at the end of the triplex rather than internally. In addition, an LT, but not a (P)CT, containing an alternating (p)CT(p)CT(p)C sequence, could be formed in the conditions of 20 mM MgCl(2) and/or 5 mM spermine. Thus, the presence of several nucleotides of (p)C in proximity along the Hoogsteen strand may lead to structural distortion such that the more flexible LT with multiple substitutions is formed in favor of the more rigid PCT.  相似文献   

Sensitive, rapid, and quantitative methods have been devised for the assay of cellulases and dextranases through the synthesis of two chemically modified carboxymethyl cellulose substrates. One contains a trinitrophenyl group as chromophore. The other contains a fluorescent fluorescamine group. The soluble hydrolytic products in the filtrate released from the substrates by cellulase are thus monitored either spectrophotometrically (for trinitrophenyl group) or spectrofluorometrically (for fluorescamine). The same principle has been applied to the determination of dextranases by utilizing chemically modified Sephadex G-200 containing either group as deseribed above for carboxymethyl cellulose. The methods are sensitive to about 5 μg of enzyme for trinitrophenyl-containing substrates, while the use of fluorescamine-containing substrates is about tenfold more sensitive.  相似文献   

Seki M  Wood RD 《DNA Repair》2008,7(1):119-127
DNA polymerase theta (pol theta) is a nuclear A-family DNA polymerase encoded by the POLQ gene in vertebrate cells. The biochemical properties of pol theta and of Polq-defective mice have suggested that pol theta participates in DNA damage tolerance. For example, pol theta was previously found to be proficient not only in incorporation of a nucleotide opposite a thymine glycol or an abasic site, but also extends a polynucleotide chain efficiently from the base opposite the lesion. We carried out experiments to determine whether this ability to extend from non-standard termini is a more general property of the enzyme. Pol theta extended relatively efficiently from matched termini as well as termini with A:G, A:T and A:C mismatches, with less descrimination than a well-studied A-family DNA polymerase, exonuclease-free pol I from E. coli. Although pol theta was unable to, by itself, bypass a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer or a (6-4) photoproduct, it could perform some extension from primers with bases placed across from these lesions. When pol theta was combined with DNA polymerase iota, an enzyme that can insert a base opposite a UV-induced (6-4) photoproduct, complete bypass of a (6-4) photoproduct was possible. These data show that in addition to its ability to insert nucleotides opposite some DNA lesions, pol theta is proficient at extension of unpaired termini. These results show the potential of pol theta to act as an extender after incorporation of nucleotides by other DNA polymerases, and aid in understanding the role of pol theta in somatic mutagenesis and genome instability.  相似文献   

DNA (6-4) photoproducts are major constituents of ultraviolet-damaged DNAs. We prepared double-stranded (ds) (6-4) DNA photoproducts and analyzed formation of their complexes with anti-(6-4) photoproduct antibody Fabs. Elution profiles of the mixtures of ds-(6-4) DNAs and Fabs from anion-exchange and gel-filtration columns indicate that Fab 64M-2 deprives 14mer ds-(6-4) DNA of single-stranded (ss) (6-4) DNA and shows no interaction with 18 mer ds-(6-4) DNA (A18). Fab 64M-5 with an approximately 100-fold higher affinity than Fab 64M-2 forms a complex with the ds-(6-4) DNA (A18), but partly dissociates another 18 mer ds-(6-4) DNA (A18-3), with a lowered G-C content, into ss-DNAs. From these results, antibody 64M-5 possibly accommodates the T(6-4)T photolesion moiety of the ds-(6-4) DNA (A18) by flipping out the moiety from its neighboring segments.  相似文献   

The nucleotide 8-(6-aminohexyl)-amino adenosine 5′-monophosphate (8-AHA-AMP) has been investigated by 220-MHz proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The conformation and ionization state of the nucleotide have been determined. The anti-conformation about the glycosyl bond is the preferred form. The interaction between the hexyldiamino chain and the ribose moiety in this conformation gives rise to unusual ribosyl conformation results. The distribution of conformations about the glycosyl bond has little influence on the effectiveness of this nucleotide analog in the purification of dehydrogenases by affinity chromatography. The chemical shift dependence on pH has been carried out on 8-methylaminoadenosine 5′-monophosphate. The 8-aminoadenine ring is protonated at N1 (pKα 5.0) and at N7 (pKα 1.5) in acidic solutions. The protonation at N7 is apparently stabilized by a delocalization of charge onto the 8-amino group. The neutrality of the 8-aminoadenine ring at physiological pH is consistent with the effcient binding of the nucleotide by dehydrogenases. An improved method for the preparation of the 8-AHA-AMP is described.  相似文献   

Exposure of DNA to oxidative stress produces a variety of DNA lesions including the formamidopyrimidines, which are derived from the purines. These lesions may play important roles in carcinogenesis. We achieved the first chemical syntheses of a monomeric form of Fapy-dA (1) and oligonucleotides containing this lesion or Fapy-dG at a defined site. Monomeric Fapy-dA readily epimerized at 25 degrees C in phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). The beta-anomer was favored by a ratio of 1.33:1.0, and equilibration was achieved in less than 7 h. Deglycosylation of Fapy-dA in the monomer follows first-order kinetics from 37 to 90 degrees C. The rate constants for deglycosylation of Fapy-dA in the monomeric and oligonucleotide substrates were measured at a common temperature (55 degrees C) and found to be the same within experimental error (t(1/2) = 20.5 h). Implementation of the activation parameters measured for the deglycosylation of 1 indicates that the half-life for deglycosylation of Fapy-dA at 37 degrees C is approximately 103 h. Analysis of the rate constant for deglycosylation of Fapy-dG in an oligonucleotide, revealed that this lesion is approximately 25 times more resistant to hydrolysis than Fapy-dA at 55 degrees C. These results indicate that Fapy-dA and Fapy-dG will be sufficiently long-lived in DNA so as to warrant investigation of their genotoxicity, and both anomers will be present during this time.  相似文献   

Treatment with estrogen increases the risk of breast, ovary, and endometrial cancers in women. DNA damage induced by estrogen is thought to be involved in estrogen carcinogenesis. In fact, Y-family human DNA polymerases (pol) eta and kappa, which are highly expressed in the reproductive organs, miscode model estrogen-derived DNA adducts during DNA synthesis. Since the estrogen-DNA adducts are a mixture of 6alpha- and 6beta-diastereoisomers of dG-N(2)-6-estrogen or dA-N(6)-6-estrogen, the stereochemistry of each isomeric adduct on translesion synthesis catalyzed by DNA pols has not been investigated. We have recently established a phosphoramidite chemical procedure to insert 6alpha- or 6beta-isomeric N(2)-(estradiol-6-yl)-2'-deoxyguanosine (dG-N(2)-6-E(2)) into oligodeoxynucleotides. Using such site-specific modified oligomer as a template, the specificity and frequency of miscoding by dG-N(2)-6alpha-E(2) or dG-N(2)-6beta-E(2) were explored using pol eta and a truncated form of pol kappa (pol kappaDeltaC). Translesion synthesis catalyzed by pol eta bypassed both the 6alpha- and 6beta-isomers of dG-N(2)-6-E(2), with a weak blockage at the adduct site, while translesion synthesis catalyzed by pol kappaDeltaC readily bypassed both isomeric adducts. Quantitative analysis of base substitutions and deletions occurring at the adduct site showed that pol kappaDeltaC was more efficient than pol eta by incorporating dCMP opposite both 6alpha- and 6beta-isomeric dG-N(2)-6-E(2) adducts. The miscoding events occurred more frequently with pol eta, but not with pol kappaDeltaC. Pol eta promoted incorporation of dAMP and dTMP at both the 6alpha- and 6beta-isomeric adducts, generating G --> T transversions and G --> A transitions. One- and two-base deletions were also formed. The 6alpha-isomeric adduct promoted slightly lower frequency of dCMP incorporation and higher frequency of dTMP incorporation and one-base deletions, compared with the 6beta-isomeric adduct. These observations were supported by steady-state kinetic studies. Taken together, the miscoding property of the 6alpha-isomeric dG-N(2)-6-E(2) is likely to be similar to that of the 6beta-isomeric adduct.  相似文献   

N62-Isopentenyl)adenosine (IPAR) inhibited severely the incorporation of uridine and cytidine into S-180 cells in culture. When IPAR and the nucleosides were simultaneously present in the medium the inhibition was competitive (Ki 3.4 m̈M) and indicated inhibition of transport. However, the inhibition occurred even in the absence of extracellular IPAR if the cells had been preincubated with IPAR. Since 5′-IPAMP was the product which accumulated in large quantities in S-180 cells when incubated with IPAR, the effects of this AMP analog on the intracellular metabolism of uridine had to be considered. No direct correlation between the amount of intracellular IPAMP and the degree of inhibition of uridine utilization was observed and the relative distribution of uridine nucleotides in the acid soluble pool of the cells was unaltered in cells treated with IPAR. Also, IPAMP was not an inhibitor of uridine kinase in a cell free system nor was the activity of this enzyme affected by treatment of cells with IPAR. In addition, a profound inhibition of uridine utilization was also observed in a resistant subline of S-180 cells, which is unable to form IPAMP. These data suggest that IPAMP was not the inhibitory agent. Furthermore, the observation that the inhibition in both sensitive and resistant cells was caused even by a 15-second exposure to 100 m̈M IPAR, followed by rinsing, suggests that IPAR itself is the effective agent. It is concluded that IPAR exerts its inhibitory effect on uridine and cytidine utilization by becoming lodged in the cell membrane and thereby preventing the passage of these nucleosides into the cells. It is also shown that the inhibition of uridine and cytidine utilization by IPAR and by other potent nucleoside uptake inhibitors is unrelated to inhibition of growth or of RNA-synthesis when the cells do not depend on an extracellular source of a nucleoside for growth.  相似文献   

Competition binding and UV melting studies of a DNA model system consisting of three, four or five mutually complementary oligonucleotides demonstrate that unpaired bases at the branch point stabilize three- and five-way junction loops but destabilize four-way junctions. The inclusion of unpaired nucleotides permits the assembly of five-way DNA junction complexes (5WJ) having as few as seven basepairs per arm from five mutually complementary oligonucleotides. Previous work showed that 5WJ, having eight basepairs per arm but lacking unpaired bases, could not be assembled [Wang, Y.L., Mueller, J.E., Kemper, B. and Seeman, N.C. (1991) Biochemistry, 30, 5667-5674]. Competition binding experiments demonstrate that four-way junctions (4WJ) are more stable than three-way junctions (3WJ), when no unpaired bases are included at the branch point, but less stable when unpaired bases are present at the junction. 5WJ complexes are in all cases less stable than 4WJ or 3WJ complexes. UV melting curves confirm the relative stabilities of these junctions. These results provide qualitative guidelines for improving the way in which multi-helix junction loops are handled in secondary structure prediction programs, especially for single-stranded nucleic acids having primary sequences that can form alternative structures comprising different types of junctions.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were developed for determination of N 6-benzyladenosine, N 6-(meta-hydroxybenzyl)adenosine, and structurally related cytokinins. The use of the ELISAs allowed detection over the range of 0.05–70 pmol for N 6-benzyladenine and 0.01–20 pmol for the N 6-(meta-hydroxybenzyl)adenine cytokinins. Polyclonal antibodies used in the assays were specific for N 6-benzyladenine and N 6-(meta-hydroxybenzyl)adenine and their corresponding N 9-substituted derivatives. By the use of internal standardization, dilution assays, authentic [2-3H]cytokinin recovery markers, and immunohistograms, the ELISAs have been shown to be applicable for the estimation of N 6-benzyladenine and N 6-(meta-hydroxybenzyl)adenine-type cytokinins in plant tissues. For the analysis of cytokinins in the tissues of young poplar leaves and Solarium teratoma shoot culture, the extracts were fractionated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the fractions analyzed by ELISAs. Immunohistogram ELISA analysis of fractions from different HPLC systems indicated major peaks of immunoreactivity co-chromatographing with the labeled and unlabeled standards of N 6-benzyladenine, N 6-meta-hydroxybenzyl)adenine, and their N 9-glycosides in these tissues.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FW fresh weight - (mOH)[9R]BAP N 6-(meta-hydroxybenzyl)adenosine - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - TBS Tris-buffered saline - TEAA triethylammonium acetate - [9R]BAP N 6-benzyladenosine  相似文献   

Summary This report describes the enzyme-catalyzed synthesis, characterization, and chromatographic separation of N6-(carboxymethyl)-L-lysine and N5-(carboxymethyl)-L-ornithine. The two N -(carboxyalkyl)amino acids are formed via a reductive condensation between glyoxylate and the- or-amino groups of lysine and ornithine, respectively. Both reactions are catalyzed by the NADPH-dependent enzyme, N5-(carboxyethyl)ornithine synthase [EC], found in some strains of the lactic acid bacteriumLactococcus lactis subsp.lactis.  相似文献   

Humans are exposed to both endogenous and exogenous N-nitroso compounds (NOCs), and many NOCs can be metabolically activated to generate a highly reactive species, diazoacetate, which is capable of inducing carboxymethylation of nucleobases in DNA. Here we report, for the first time, the chemical syntheses of authentic N6-carboxymethyl-2′-deoxyadenosine (N6-CMdA) and N4-carboxymethyl-2′-deoxycytidine (N4-CMdC), liquid chromatography–ESI tandem MS confirmation of their formation in calf thymus DNA upon diazoacetate exposure, and the preparation of oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing a site-specifically incorporated N6-CMdA or N4-CMdC. Additionally, thermodynamic studies showed that the substitutions of a dA with N6-CMdA and dC with N4-CMdC in a 12-mer duplex increased Gibbs free energy for duplex formation at 25°C by 5.3 and 6.8 kcal/mol, respectively. Moreover, primer extension assay revealed that N4-CMdC was a stronger blockade to Klenow fragment-mediated primer extension than N6-CMdA. The polymerase displayed substantial frequency of misincorporation of dAMP opposite N6-CMdA and, to a lesser extent, misinsertion of dAMP and dTMP opposite N4-CMdC. The formation and the mutagenic potential of N6-CMdA and N4-CMdC suggest that these lesions may bear important implications in the etiology of NOC-induced tumor development.  相似文献   

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