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Immature green tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruits undergo a period of transient starch accumulation characterized by developmental changes in the activities of key enzymes in the sucrose (Suc)-to-starch metabolic pathway. Activities of Suc synthase, fructokinase, ADP-glucose (Glc) pyrophosphorylase, and soluble and insoluble starch synthases decline dramatically in parallel to the decrease in starch levels in the developing fruit. Comparison of "maximal" in vitro activities of the enzymes in the Suc-to-starch pathway suggests that these same enzymes are limiting to the rate of starch accumulation. In contrast, activities of invertase, UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase, nucleoside diphosphate kinase, phosphoglucoisomerase, and phosphoglucomutase do not exhibit dramatic decreases in activity and appear to be in excess of starch accumulation rates. Starch accumulation is spatially localized in the inner and radial pericarp and columella, whereas the outer pericarp and seed locule contain little starch. The seed locule is characterized by lower activities of Suc synthase, UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase, phosphoglucomutase, ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase, and soluble and insoluble starch synthases. The outer pericarp exhibits comparatively lower activities of ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase and insoluble starch synthase only. These data are discussed in terms of the developmental and tissue-specific coordinated control of Suc-to-starch metabolism.  相似文献   

Sucrose Synthase,Starch Accumulation,and Tomato Fruit Sink Strength   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
Wang F  Sanz A  Brenner ML  Smith A 《Plant physiology》1993,101(1):321-327
Contrasting evidence has accumulated regarding the role of acid invertase and sucrose synthase in tomato fruit sink establishment and maintenance. In this work the relationships among the activities of sucrose synthase and acid invertase, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv UC-82B fruit growth, and starch accumulation were analyzed in fruit at 0 to 39 d after anthesis. Sucrose synthase, but not acid invertase, was found to be positively correlated with tomato fruit relative growth rate and with starch content in the pericarp tissue. A similar association between sucrose synthase activity and starch accumulation was also evident in the basal portion of the stem. Heat-shock treatments, which inhibited the increase in sucrose synthase activity at the beginning of the light period and had no effect on acid invertase activity, were used to examine the importance of sucrose synthase in relation to sucrose metabolism and starch synthesis. After the heat-shock treatment, concomitantly with the suppressed sucrose synthase activity relative to the controls, there was a reduction in sucrose cleavage and starch accumulation. These data substantiate the conclusion that, during the early phases of tomato fruit development, sucrose synthase rather than acid invertase is the dominant enzyme in metabolizing imported sucrose, which in turn plays a part in regulating the import of sucrose into the fruit.  相似文献   

Analysis of [3H]-(fructosyl)-sucrose translocation in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) indicates that phloem unloading in the fruit occurs, at least in part, to the apoplast followed by extracellular hydrolysis. Apoplastic sucrose, glucose, and fructose concentrations were estimated as 1 to 7, 12 to 49, and 8 to 63 millimolar, respectively in the tomato fruit pericarp tissue. Hexose concentrations were at least four-fold greater than sucrose at all developmental stages. Short-term uptake of [14C]sucrose, -glucose, and -fructose in tomato pericarp disks showed first order kinetics over the physiologically relevant concentration range. The uptake rate of [14C]-(glucosyl)-1′-fluorosucrose was identical to the rate of [14C]sucrose uptake, suggesting sucrose may be taken up directly without prior extracellular hydrolysis. Short-term uptake of all three sugars was insensitive to 10 micromolar carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and to 10 micromolar p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid. However, long-term accumulation of glucose was sensitive to carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Together these results suggest that although sucrose is at least partially hydrolyzed in the apoplast, sucrose may enter the metabolic carbohydrate pool directly. In addition, sugar uptake across the plasma membrane does not appear to be energy dependent, suggesting that sugar accumulation in the tomato fruit is driven by subsequent intracellular metabolism and/or active uptake at the tonoplast.  相似文献   

果实发育过程中糖的积累   总被引:66,自引:4,他引:66  
从以下几个方面对果实发育过程中糖的积累进行了综合评述:(1)各种果实内糖的种类、代谢和区域分布:(2)糖进入果裨路径;(3)糖在果实内积累的机制(关键酶调节、跨质膜和液色膜的载体调节、激系调节和渗透调节)。  相似文献   

Uptake and Utilization of Sugars in Cultured Rice Cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Suspension cultured cells of rice (Oryza sativa) were grownin a medium containing sucrose. Sucrose was rapidly hydrolyzedextracellularly in the early stage of subculture with a concomitantdecrease in the medium pH. The hydrolysis may be due to cellwall associated acid invertase and may be promoted by acidificationof the medium. The resulting glucose and fructose seemed tobe utilized equally. The cells grown on either sucrose, glucoseor fructose contained each of these sugars and possessed cellwall associated invertase activity. Protoplasts prepared bycell wall degrading enzymes utilized preferentially glucoseor fructose rather than sucrose. These results suggest thatexogenous sucrose is hydrolyzed by the cell wall associatedinvertase to hexoses, which are then taken up and metabolized. (Received November 25, 1987; Accepted February 8, 1988)  相似文献   

Fruit of domesticated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) accumulate primarily glucose and fructose, whereas some wild tomato species, including Lycopersicon chmielewskii, accumulate sucrose. Genetic analysis of progeny resulting from a cross between L. chmielewskii and L. esculentum indicated that the sucrose-accumulating trait could be stably transferred and that the trait was controlled by the action of one or two recessive genes. Biochemical analysis of progeny resulting from this cross indicated that the sucrose-accumulating trait was associated with greatly reduced levels of acid invertase, but normal levels of sucrose synthase. Invertase from hexose-accumulating fruit was purified and could be resolved into three isoforms by chromatofocusing, each with isoelectric points between 5.1 and 5.5. The invertase isoforms showed identical polypeptide profiles on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, consisting of a primary 52 kilodalton polypeptide and two lower molecular mass polypeptides that appear to be degradation products of the 52 kilodalton polypeptide. The three invertase isoforms were indistinguishable based on pH, temperature, and substrate concentration dependence. Immunological detection of invertase indicated that the low level of invertase in sucrose-accumulating fruit was due to low levels of invertase protein rather than the presence of an invertase inhibitor. Based on comparison of genetic and biochemical data we speculate that a gene either encoding tomato fruit acid invertase or one required for its expression, plays an important role in determining sucrose accumulation.  相似文献   

D-Glucose and several other sugars are taken up by slices of callus tissue ofNicotiana tabacum and are both oxidized to CO2 and incorporated into tissue components. The uptake as well as the subsequent metabolism are slow, the transport process being characterized by lack of specificity, no hyperbolic saturation, no influence of metabolic or transport inhibitors and hardly any dependence on pH. The apparent activation energy of the process was about 42 kJ mol-1. It appears that the transport proceeds by simple diffusion through narrow intercellular spaces and possibly hydrophilic pores and that only about 10% of the tissue volume is accessible to the sugars in question.  相似文献   

The influx of several monosaccharides into Chara corallina wasstudied under varying conditions of temperature, in the presenceof inhibitors, and by the use of competition experiments. Itwas found that the mechanism of transport was stereospecific,and the complex interactions between the sugars were characteristicof a carrier-mediated system. There is reason to believe thatthe carrier involved in this system has a narrower range ofaffinities than is usually attributed to a sugar carrier, forglucose and fructose appear to have different sites of entry,though each can influence the uptake of the other. In additionthe carrier system is situated in the plasmalemma and maintainedby metabolic energy.  相似文献   

Accumulation and Transformation of Sugars in Sugar Cane Stalks   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

葡萄果实中的糖分积累和调控   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章介绍葡萄果实不同发育期糖分积累的特点.糖分积累的细胞学途径、共质体到质外体的转变过程和这两种途径的调控机制,以及根域限制栽培措施对葡萄果实糖分积累的影响和机制的研究进展.  相似文献   

Polygalacturonase (PG) is the major enzyme responsible for pectin disassembly in ripening fruit. Despite extensive research on the factors regulating PG gene expression in fruit, there is conflicting evidence regarding the role of ethylene in mediating its expression. Transgenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruits in which endogenous ethylene production was suppressed by the expression of an antisense 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase gene were used to re-examine the role of ethylene in regulating the accumulation of PG mRNA, enzyme activity, and protein during fruit ripening. Treatment of transgenic antisense ACC synthase mature green fruit with ethylene at concentrations as low as 0.1 to 1 μL/L for 24 h induced PG mRNA accumulation, and this accumulation was higher at concentrations of ethylene up to 100 μL/L. Neither PG enzyme activity nor PG protein accumulated during this 24-h period of ethylene treatment, indicating that translation lags at least 24 h behind the accumulation of PG mRNA, even at high ethylene concentrations. When examined at concentrations of 10 μL/L, PG mRNA accumulated within 6 h of ethylene treatment, indicating that the PG gene responds rapidly to ethylene. Treatment of transgenic tomato fruit with a low level of ethylene (0.1 μL/L) for up to 6 d induced levels of PG mRNA, enzyme activity, and protein after 6 d, which were comparable to levels observed in ripening wild-type fruit. A similar level of internal ethylene (0.15 μL/L) was measured in transgenic antisense ACC synthase fruit that were held for 28 d after harvest. In these fruit PG mRNA, enzyme activity, and protein were detected. Collectively, these results suggest that PG mRNA accumulation is ethylene regulated, and that the low threshold levels of ethylene required to promote PG mRNA accumulation may be exceeded, even in transgenic antisense ACC synthase tomato fruit.  相似文献   

Genotype is generally determined by the co-expression of diverse genes and multiple regulatory pathways in plants. Gene co-expression analysis combining with physiological trait data provides very important information about the gene function and regulatory mechanism. L-Ascorbic acid (AsA), which is an essential nutrient component for human health and plant metabolism, plays key roles in diverse biological processes such as cell cycle, cell expansion, stress resistance, hormone synthesis, and signaling. Here, we applied a weighted gene correlation network analysis approach based on gene expression values and AsA content data in ripening tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit with different AsA content levels, which leads to identification of AsA relevant modules and vital genes in AsA regulatory pathways. Twenty- four modules were compartmentalized according to gene expression profiling. Among these modules, one negatively related module containing genes involved in redox processes and one positively related module enriched with genes involved in AsA biosynthetic and recycling pathways were further analyzed. The present work herein indicates that redox pathways as well as hormone-signal pathways are closely correlated with AsA accumulation in ripening tomato fruit, and allowed us to prioritize candidate genes for follow-up studies to dissect this interplay at the biochemical and molecular level.  相似文献   

HO  LIM C. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(2):281-288
Diurnal uptake and distribution of 45Ca in young fruiting tomatoplants were assessed 12 or 24 h after 45Ca was applied to thenutrient solution at the beginning of either the light (12 h)or the dark (12 h) period. During the experiment, the salinityof the nutrient solution (measured as electrical conductivity,EC) was either 2·5 or 17 mS cm–1 and the relativehumidity (measured as vapour pressure deficit, VPD) was either0·2 or 0·6 kPa The uptake of 45Ca by a tomato plant over 12 h was higher inthe light than in the dark but the difference was less at lowhumidity. More 45Ca was transported from the roots to the shootin the light than in the dark. More than half of the 45Ca inthe shoot was accumulated by the stem; the proportion of 45Cain the stem was greater in the dark and was further enhancedby high humidity to more than 80% of the 45Ca in the shoot.The accumulation of 45Ca by the fruit truss in the dark wasgreater than in the light in all experimental conditions. Underlow humidity the accumulation of 45Ca by young leaves was similarin both light and dark. In high humidity there was considerablyless accumulation of 45Ca by the young leaves in the dark The uptake of 45Ca continued over 24 h but the transport of45Ca to individual organs in the second 12 h period was affectedby both light and humidity. Some of the 45Ca accumulated byyoung leaves and fruit in the second period appears to havebeen derived from 45Ca released from the xylem wall along thetransport pathway in the stem The roles of root pressure and transpiration in the diurnalaccumulation of calcium in young fruit and leaves are discussed Calcium, diurnal translocation, tomato, young fruit and leaves  相似文献   

p. 186, right column line 11 ‘27.2 KBq’ change to‘37.2 MBq’ p. 187, left column line 8 ‘27.2 KBq’ change to‘37.2 MBq’ line 10 ‘13.6 KBq’ change to ‘18.6 MBq’ line 11 ‘13.6 KBq’ change to ‘18.6 MBq’ line 21 ‘89%’ change to ‘80%’ right column line 24 ‘CLC-NH4’ change to ‘CLC-NH2’ P. 189, Table 1 appeared incorrectly: it should appear as indicated.  相似文献   

The uptake and metabolism of sugars by suspension-cultured Catharanthusroseus cells were investigated. Substantially all the sucrosein the culture medium was hydrolyzed to glucose and fructosebefore being taken up by the cells. The activity of invertasebound to cell walls, determined in situ, was high at the earlystage of culture. Glucose was more easily taken up by the cellsthan was fructose. Tracer experiments using [U-14C]glucose and[U-14C]fructose indicated that glucose is a better precursorfor respiration than fructose, while fructose is preferentiallyutilized for the synthesis of sucrose, especially in the earlyphase of cell growth. Possible metabolic routes of sugar insuspension-cultured Catharanthus roseus cells are discussedin the context of these results. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, sucrose, glucose, fructose, metabolism, glycolysis  相似文献   

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